No place for whack-job 911 truther Debra Medina in the Tea Party

Debra Medina - Fringe Radical 911 Truther whack-job

While the Progressives/Socialists would love to discredit the totality of the many many millions of voters in The Tea Party grass roots coalition with the likes of the whack-job 911 Truthers, it is not happening and it is not going to happen.

Debra Medina, candidate in the Texas Governor’s race is a fringe whack job who stated on the Glenn Beck Show that there were “some very good arguments” that the U.S. was involved in bringing down the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

These tinfoil hatters are dismissed outright, as they pop up, by rational reasonable common sense voters in groups like the Tea Party grass roots coalition.

Lets see what is being reported in the Texas press, shall we?

[Governor] Perry said Medina’s remarks “were an insult to the thousands of Americans who lost loved ones.” He countered that anyone “should be ashamed” for suggesting involvement by former President George W. Bush’s administration. Bush was Perry’s predecessor as Texas governor.

Hutchison stressed that it was “al-Qaida terrorists who declared war on America. To suggest otherwise is an affront to the men and women who are sacrificing their lives to root out the terrorists in Afghanistan and around the globe.”

Beck, who is influential among the Libertarian-leaning voters that Medina has attracted, said he had been flooded with mail since he announced she would be on the show. Medina said in the interview that she has not been questioning the attacks publicly.

“There was a theme that ran against you, and that is, you are a ‘9/11 Truther,’” Beck said, referring to the term given to people who doubt the official account of Sept. 11.

“While I don’t endorse anyone … I think I can write her off the list,” Beck said. “Let me take another look at Kay Bailey Hutchison if I have to. Rick, I think you and I could French kiss right now.”

Click here to see the rest of this article.


Additional Blogposts from VotingFemale:


Additional reading…

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HOT AiR: King to Paterson: How does it feel getting blindsided? and Camelot finally creaks to an end and Fumble! Reid pulls jobs bill White House had already endorsed and Obamateurism of the Day and Quote of the Day and Video: Frozen Wasteland and Obama, Biden and Iraq: Profiles In Perseverence and Obama approval at 46%, says … CBS


Heritage Foundry: Morning Bell: The President Must Stop Voting “Present” on Iran and Severe Weather Warning for Commercial Real Estate: New TARP Not the Answer and Iran’s Natanz Nuclear Facility Suffers Growing Pains

BigGovernment: Why Obama’s Going to Have to Raise Taxes on the Middle Class and Google ISP Initiative Raises Eyebrows, Privacy Concerns and The Official Unraveling of the Obama Presidency and Friday Free-for-All: Lincoln Edition

Hillbuzz: Another “Unprecedented” New Low for The Lightbringer and Another “Unprecedented” New Low for The Lightbringer and Our Mission in 2010: To Thank George W. and Laura Bush In Person

Gateway Pundit: 2 Days Left: Gateway Pundit “Cold Reality” Photo Contest– Up to $10,000 in Prize Money and Governor Perry & Kay Baily Hutchison Respond to Debra Medina Truther Statements and George Lopez Says Sarah Palin Is Special Needs; Calls Her a B*tch (Video) and Figures. Obama “Misrepresents” Republican 2009 Filibuster Record and US Successfully Shoots Down Missile Using High-Powered Laser

Sister Toldjah: McCain takes a dig at Obama and Robert Fibbs and McCain takes a dig at Obama and Robert Fibbs

Nice Deb: Perfect Storm Will Mean Snow On Ground In All 50 States and “O America”: A Video Tribute To Sarah Palin and Biden: Iraq “One of the Great Achievements of this Administration” and Democrat Slush Fund Pays For Anti-Tea-Party Campaign

Frugal Café: Escalating Tyranny: Iranian Government Silencing Opposition of Citizens, Censorship & Access Blocking of Google’s Email Service Gmail (video) and Operation Golden: UK Police Will Pretend to Be Burglars & Attempt Breaking into Homes… What Could Go Wrong? and Iranian Revolution Day Celebrated with Burning Effigies of Obama, Burning US Flags — And Protesting Iranian Government, But Barely Being Covered by Media (video) and Iranian Revolution Day Celebrated with Burning Effigies of Obama, Burning US Flags — And Protesting Iranian Government, But Barely Being Covered by Media (video) and Celtic Woman, “O America” — Patriotic Music Video Tribute to Sarah Palin… Happy Birthday, Governor! (video) and Unhealthy Week for Democrat Leaders… Bill Clinton Rushed to Hospital with Chest Pains, Undergoes Heart Surgery and Wind Power Doesn’t Create Jobs, but Is Great for Lawyers… Another Green Job Failure and Wind Power Doesn’t Create Jobs, but Is Great for Lawyers… Another Green Job Failure

Talk Wisdom: Why Is ObamaFRAUD Admin Clueless About Jobs? and Willfully Blind to the Jihad and Two Inspiring American Lives and Palin Speech Sets Off Lib Cranial Detonations

Michelle Malkin: Porkulus Two follies: Harry Reid’s irony-filled snit fit and John Murtha: Requiem for a corruptocrat and Thursday night delight: Patrick Kennedy not seeking re-election; Update: Farewell video added

Good Time Politics: End of an era of Kennedy politics in America and American voters are able to see what the left really has in mind

SamHenry’s Blog:
“Retard” Incident Brings Out the Best in ABC News and, er, ah Roland Martin at CNN and Moscow Moving to Solve Similar Key Problems and Second Muslim State Goes Nuclear – ‘Demise’ of ‘Capitalist System’ ?

Temple of MUT:
You think they have any idea what’s about to happen to them?

Dancing Czars: Pelosi aide says Democratic congressional leaders have settled on legislative “trick” to pass Obamacare; So why have a summit? and Has the Iranian Midget Overstated Iran’s Nuclear Capability? and Tax Hikes for the Middle Class? and Earth to Obama we are getting sick and tired of you blaming President Bush for your Economic Problems

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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136 Responses to No place for whack-job 911 truther Debra Medina in the Tea Party

  1. rosehips says:

    VF, I heard this interview last night when I was perusing the news. goes to show you there are whack jobs on both sides of the political spectrum. But who ever denied that?

  2. rosehips says:

    truthers birthers deniers liars voyuerers sighers firerers inciters criers deceivers believers pleasers teasers sleazers greasers transgenders er, er, er

    damn ther ers are endless!

  3. Foxwood says:

    Thank God there are bathers!!!

  4. Foxwood says:

    My comment earlier:

    I have found few, if any, liberal policies that are helpful to the citizens of the United States.

    The reason Regressives hate the Constitution is because it is a Conservative document.

    Sami said:
    Is there an excuse for every short coming a person has? If you are a liberal, yes there is!

    Which is the crux of the Constitution. Bear your own responsibility. Everyone has equall opportunity, not equal outcome.

  5. VotingFemale says:

    there are whack job elements on the left and right and everyone knows it…

    rosehips says

    VF, I heard this interview last night when I was perusing the news. goes to show you there are whack jobs on both sides of the political spectrum. But who ever denied that?

  6. Foxwood says:

    I had a problem with Glenn saying he would french kill Rick…

  7. VotingFemale says:

    you left out Code Pinkers and Global Warmers lol

  8. Foxwood says:

    “there are whack job elements on the left and right and everyone knows it…”

    I deny it! I deny every bit of it!

  9. VotingFemale says:

    french what??? whom?

    Foxwood says

    I had a problem with Glenn saying he would french kill Rick…

  10. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    sami, big dif between not seeking re-election and quitting in the middle of your term.

    Rose, Rose, Rose, my dear Rose,

    The difference is he is going to quit politics at the end of his term. Therefore you are right, he is not a mid term quitter but rather a end term quitter. Thank you for clearing that up for me.

    On the subject of Alcoholism, I have never heard of a NON Drinker getting the decease.
    How exactly does that work? I am just curious. Perhaps Patrick got it through heredity from his father or by association from his Grandfather, you know, the Rum Runner.

    Is smoking a decease caused by heredity?
    Is overweightedness a deceased caused by food?

    Is there an excuse for every short coming a person has? If you are a liberal, yes there is!


  11. samiam60 says:

    Being that most employers now require drug and alcohol testing before hiring and during employment it would seem to me that our Elected Officials should be subjected to random drug and alcohol testing. After all they are making policy and passing laws on our behalf. Should they not be Sober????

  12. Foxwood says:

    Ok… 🙂 LOL

    It was a lisp…

  13. Foxwood says:

    Please, let’s not go around french killing each other… 😀

  14. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood are you saying Glenn Beck is taking a walk on the wild side? Or should I say is he sashsaying over that way.

  15. rosehips says:

    lol @ french killing. would that be death by chocolate? or a filleting?

  16. rosehips says:

    sami sami sami yes liberals have lots of excuses and conservatives never do. thank you for pointing this out to me. I live in a conservative area with lots of overweight peeps.

    sami said: Is smoking a decease caused by heredity?
    Is overweightedness a deceased caused by food?

  17. Foxwood says:

    Could be asphyxiation by a french hooker?

  18. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood says
    Could be asphyxiation by a french hooker?


    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no, you didn’t just say that did you?

  19. Foxwood says:

    “I’m a bad boy” — Lou Costello

  20. samiam60 says:

    Rose, Rose,Rose,Rose,Rose, Rose,

    You didn’t really answer my question about, you know Kennedy being a quitter and all. Is that a liberal evasive tactic you are using? You know, ignore the tuff questions.

  21. rosehips says:

    alas, I must leave. I have a funny story to share but it will have to wait. see you laters!

  22. rosehips says:

    sami, kennedy was smart to “quit”. he would have lost. sarah on the other hand had other motives. gotta go!

  23. samiam60 says:

    By Rose. I agree, Kennedy was smart to quit. That is the key word, QUIT. I just wanted to hear you say it.

  24. Foxwood says:

    “kennedy was smart to “quit”. he would have lost. sarah on the other hand had other motives.”

    I thought you said you know Sarah… Maybe you don’t…

  25. Foxwood says:

    Let me clarify for you Rose. Sarah quit because she could no longer do her job effectively after the race and with all the publicity. But you knew that, right?

  26. samiam60 says:

    First, Gore claims credit for creating the internet. Now, Biden claims credit for the success we’ve had in Iraq. Some things never change…:)

  27. ohiobelle says:

    Hello everybody!

    Beck gave Medina 3 chances to take back what she said and she did not take him up on it. Later she said that she didn’t understand the question. Well for not understanding the question her answer was pretty clear.

  28. Foxwood says:

    She’s gone bye bye now, Belle! I think she’s out of the race.

  29. Foxwood says:

    “First, Gore claims credit for creating the internet. Now, Biden claims credit for the success we’ve had in Iraq. Some things never change”

    Gibbs claims credit to success in Iran…

  30. ohiobelle says:

    Fox wrote: She’s gone bye bye now, Belle! I think she’s out of the race.

    Fox, did you hear about the DC train that derailed? Now I know DC has always had their problems with trains but this one just doesn’t seem right. Do you think the train “just slipped off the track” or do you think it could be an act of terrorism? It’s probably not an act of terrorism because nobody was hurt. Maybe someone wanted to send a warning?

  31. ohiobelle says:

    Fox wrote: “First, Gore claims credit for creating the internet. Now, Biden claims credit for the success we’ve had in Iraq. Some things never change”

    Fox, This would be a wonderful time for the Obama administration TO BLAME BUSH!! If I recall, Obama voted AGAINST THE SURGE… lol

  32. Foxwood says:


    Blizzard of Lies: Debunking The Warm-Air-Holds-More-Moisture Defense

    By Mark Finkelstein (Bio | Archive)
    Fri, 02/12/2010 – 07:21 ET

    By now, we’re all familiar with the global warmists’ attempt to explain away the record-breaking mid-Atlantic blizzards. Take this, for example, from the New York Times [emphasis added]:

    “government and academic studies had consistently predicted an increasing frequency of just these kinds of record-setting storms, because warmer air carries more moisture.”

    So more snow fell from Philly to DC because the temperatures were warmer than normal during the blizzards? That got me wondering: just what were the temperatures in DC on the snow days, and how do they compare to the norm? And guess what?

    DC has been hit by three major snowstorms this winter: 16.4 inches on December 18–19, 18.0 inches on February 5–6, and about 12 inches on February 10.

    Let’s compare DC’s actual temps with normal temps for those days.

    Date Normal Avg. DC Temp. Actual Average DC Temp

    Dec. 18 39 30.8
    Dec. 19 39 26.3
    Feb. 5 36 34.8
    Feb. 6 36 27.4
    Feb. 10 37 25.9

    Normal average temp: 37.40
    Actual average temp: 29.04

    Bottom line: the temperature was colder than average on every one of the snow days. On average the snow days were about eight degrees colder than average.

    To spin these facts as proof that the blizzards are evidence of global warming because “warm air holds more moisture” is bunk.

    Will the MSM note this little analysis?

  33. Foxwood says:

    “First, Gore claims credit for creating the internet. Now, Biden claims credit for the success we’ve had in Iraq. Some things never change”

    I give that credit to Sami…

  34. Foxwood says:

    That train might have derailed due to global warming…

  35. Foxwood says:

    Has anyone noticed Becks been cranky on his radio show since he’s been in California?

    You’d think he was used to the libs. Maybe they act differently in California…

    I’ve been to NYC and San Fransisco… I’ve never noticed.

  36. AFVET says:

    I’m a little off thread here, but VF you have a large audience.
    Over on frugal-cafe rests a patriotic video that will bring a tear to any veteran’s eye.
    Sarah Palin should use this vid if she ever runs for the presidency.
    Go check it out bloggers; Sarah’s Anthem, Celtic Woman, “O American”.
    Spread it around, will make the libs’ heads explode.

  37. ohiobelle says:

    Okay I’ve been searching everywhere for a song I heard yesterday on the Sean Hannity radio show. It was Endless Love about Chris Matthews love affair with Obama. I couldn’t find it but I did find this.

  38. ohiobelle says:

    If anybody finds the Endless Love song please send it my way. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!

  39. samhenry says:

    here are chris and Ellen

  40. ohiobelle says:

    Hello AFVET. Is this the video you are talking about?

  41. ohiobelle says:

    Hello SamH.

    I love the Ellen video! lol

  42. ohiobelle says:

    AFVET wrote: I’m a little off thread here, but VF you have a large audience.
    Over on frugal-cafe rests a patriotic video that will bring a tear to any veteran’s eye.
    Sarah Palin should use this vid if she ever runs for the presidency.
    Go check it out bloggers; Sarah’s Anthem, Celtic Woman, “O American”.
    Spread it around, will make the libs’ heads explode.

    HAHAHA!! They are still picking up the pieces from the “hopey and changey” comment. hahaha

  43. ohiobelle says:

    We should post that video on all of our blogs. It would keep the moonbats away! lol

  44. samhenry says:

    That’s a good Iea, Belle.

    I am sick to death of the beating she takes from men who don’t need to do that.

  45. samhenry says:

    CNN did such a dippy drippy piece on how Congress will be without a Kennedy. I call that house cleaning!

  46. Pingback: Klavan: It doesn’t get too much better than this! « Diary of a Mad Conservative

  47. ohiobelle says:

    I just read this..

    Obama’s Stimulus Creating Green Jobs Overseas
    Thursday, 11 Feb 2010 10:22 PM Article Font Size
    By: John Rossomando

    Although Barack Obama and other Democrats touted the $787 billion stimulus package as a way to create green jobs that would put Americans back to work, new reports show the spending package has mostly created green jobs for foreign workers.

    U.S. Department of Energy statistics show 79 percent of the $2.1 billion in stimulus money allocated for wind energy has been paid to foreign manufacturers.

    The Spanish company Iberdrola has received $443 million; the Portuguese company EDP has received $229 million; and the British company Terra Firma, which bought a large wind farm in western Pennsylvania, received $42 million.

    Analysts worry the stimulus funds will also help create manufacturing jobs in China, and a Texas consortium’s plans to build a wind farm that primarily will rely on Chinese-made turbines using $450 million in stimulus money underscores this fear

    A report from the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University found 80 percent of the stimulus money had created 6,000 jobs, and only a small percentage of those jobs went to American workers.
    Only two American companies ̶ General Electric Energy and Clipper Wind ̶ are major wind turbine manufacturers, and the American Wind Energy Associations has said the United States saw a drop in the number of wind turbine manufacturing jobs last year.

    © Newsmax. All rights reserved.

  48. ohiobelle says:

    Another one that just ticks me off.

    The Truth About the “Jobs” Bill

    RUSH: Okay, the “jobs bill.” The Democrats have unveiled their “jobs bill.” “Jobs bill.” Reuters reports this breathlessly. (panting) “Senate Democrats released a long-awaited jobs bill on Thursday [panting] that relies on business tax breaks [panting] and construction projects to bring down the unemployment rate [panting]. The bill also extends a number of other programs from unemployment insurance to Medicaid payment rates that have either expired or will expire soon.” Just as we foretold, ladies and gentlemen, much of the money (that we don’t have) will go to unemployment insurance. Now, leaving aside the merits of extending unemployment benefits or Medicare payments, what do either of these have to do with creating jobs? Not a damn thing. But it sounds better to call it a “jobs bill” rather than “an unemployment compensation extension bill.”

    The rest of the transcript can be read at:

  49. rosehips says:

    foxy, this is what I believe. If she had come out and said this was the reason why, I’d cut her slack. I agree she should have quit because her notariety was impacting her ability to do the job effectively. But she said she quit because she was a lame duck. A lame duck in the middle of your first term? sorry, to me that is a cop out and if a governor can’t be effective halfway through their term because they don’t plan to run again, there is something wrong with that picture, imo.

    foxy said: Let me clarify for you Rose. Sarah quit because she could no longer do her job effectively after the race and with all the publicity. But you knew that, right?

  50. rosehips says:

    and sami, I put quotation marks around “quit” because that is what you consider it. I contend that serving your term fully and not running for re-election is very, very different from not finishing the term that your constituents elected you for. No, I do not think he quit. He is finishing out his term to the end.

    If you retire from a job, is it quitting? Iguess you’d say it is.

  51. ohiobelle says:

    Hello Rose.

    I was just getting ready to log off for a little while. I’ll check back after happy hour. lol

  52. rosehips says:

    and hello belle! I loved that Ellen vid too. very funny.

  53. rosehips says:

    be careful out there belle. I hear you got some new snow.

  54. Foxwood says:

    “But she said she quit because she was a lame duck.”

    Find this for me please. I’ll believe it when I see it.

  55. Foxwood says:

    Maybe she says it in her book. I don’t see her saying that anywhere on the Internet. Maybe you can help me here.

  56. Foxwood says:

    I see where others say she quit because she’s a lame duck. I don’t see where she said it.

  57. samiam60 says:

    Seems like Sami struck a nerve.

    So he will finish his term and Quit Politics.

    How’s that?

  58. VotingFemale says:

    Sarah Palin resigned in order to get her ducks in line for a run for President in 2012.

    She was tied down like Gulliver (of Gulliver’s Travels) by the Alaskan progressive troll munchkins who kept filing frivolous suits for misconduct on a daily basis.

    She was effectively boxed in.

    IF anyone fails to understand the above… they need more than an explanation… they need remedial therapy.

  59. samiam60 says:


    What is remedial therapy?

  60. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good afternoon everyone!!! Are you getting the snow yet Foxwood? Since our president is such a snowjob it seems like we are being cursed by historic snow.

  61. samiam60 says:

    Hey Tellit. I am thinking the weather has become Racist. It shut down DC.

  62. Foxwood says:

    Snowdi Gras is coming up Tuesday, Tellit.

  63. tellitlikeitis says:

    Where is Al Gore? The global warming whore. F__K global warming it seems like we are headed for another ice age.

  64. tellitlikeitis says:

    Snow is racist Sam. God made snow white. What a shame. lol

  65. rosehips says:

    who you calling a retard?

    vf said: IF anyone fails to understand the above… they need more than an explanation… they need remedial therapy.

  66. rosehips says:

    foxy are we on the same internet? I did a search for “Sarah Palin resignation speech” and found it easily. So she is not following “politics as usual” which would mean she’d finish her term.

  67. AFVET says:

    Well said VF.
    Sarah possesses more common sense than most of our elected officials.

  68. rosehips says:

    and vf I believe you are right about why she resigned. That’s just not what she said.

  69. tellitlikeitis says:

    Bell said, “The Truth About the “Jobs” Bill”

    The truth is congress is doing a job on the American people as usual. Just a catchy phrase for a bill filled with BS and pork that will do nothing but add to the national debt.

  70. Foxwood says:

    I never heard her say she quit because she said she was a lame duck. Did you? I heard her say lame duck. I just didn’t hear her quit because she was a lame duck. Is your hearing ok?

  71. Foxwood says:

    Same Internet…

  72. tellitlikeitis says:

    Foxwood, Did you buy your snow shovel yet? Don’t wait till they are all sold out. lol

  73. Foxwood says:

    I got sh!t shovels, they don’t carry snow shovels around here. The snow’s already melted tho.

  74. tellitlikeitis says:

    Foxwood, Sh!t shovels are really needed in DC especially at the white house. lol

  75. Foxwood says:

    I replayed it again, Rose. I guess your hearing is better than mine. I don’t think so, tho.

  76. Foxwood says:

    I’ve got 3, Tellit. I can volunteer 2.

  77. rosehips says:

    okay foxy. you win. She never said “I quit because I am a lame duck” You just need to put on your thinking cap to surmise that.

  78. tellitlikeitis says:

    Foxwood, Sh!t shovels won’t be enought at the white house. They need a convoy of back hoe’s and front end loaders to remove all that sh!t.

  79. Foxwood says:

    “You just need to put on your thinking cap to surmise that.”

    You’ve got to take a lot of drugs to surmise that, Rosey…

  80. Foxwood says:

    It’s definitely filled the Capital building, Tellit.

  81. Foxwood says:

    I really don’t think you listened to that clip, Rose. Or you’d could have surmise correctly.

  82. Foxwood says:

    I think that is the liberal problem is they hear what they want to hear.

  83. Foxwood says:

    Maybe they “surmise” too much.

  84. Foxwood says:

    Too much “surmise” and not enough brain power.

  85. Foxwood says:

    It’s so much easier to feel than it is to think.

  86. Foxwood says:

    I would bet that with retracting the terrorist trial from NYC and the good possibility of Military Tribunal, we will also see waterboarding retracted as torture.

    Libs are reading the “tealeaves”.

  87. Foxwood says:

    Let’s go surfin’ now
    everybody’s learning how
    do some waterboardin’ with me!

  88. samhenry says:

    Hi Rose and FOX and Tellit

    Sara’s resignation has been the one thing that I have been mulling over for months. I really think she was hounded out of office and was trying in her inimitable way to put a good face on it. How many governors are hit with law suits from their constituents to the level and degree she was.

  89. arlenearmy says:

    I heard about the Medina flap last nite on twitter. It seems like some folks are blaming Beck. All he did was asked the question. She should had known better than to dance around the truther question.

  90. Foxwood says:

    I could not find the song during a march. This is traditional Mardi Gras parade music.

  91. arlenearmy says:

    Also I had been seeing a lot of Medina’s supporters on twitter. Since I did not know much about her, I did not retweet the support.
    I guess its that I am more favorable towards Perry.

    Her twitter supporters were saying that she won a debate, but that the networks would not re-invite her to debate because her #s were too low. When that happened, they went rabid. And now that the truther stuff has been revealed, they will blame Beck if she don’t win.

  92. arlenearmy says:

    Another thing about Medina that I found troubling is that she said that she would NOT vote for Hutchinson or Perry in the general election. When she made that statement, I immediately thought of Dede in NY23.

    My folks in Houston told me that they did not know much about Medina, but that they thought she was a 3rd party candidate; & that they thought the only 2 republican candidates in Governor’s race were Hutchinson & Perry.

  93. Foxwood says:

    I’m not a real big Perry supporter, but he is the lesser of all the evils…

  94. Foxwood says:

    Ok… I found a parade version…

  95. Foxwood says:

    Oops! I didn’t realize it showed that.

  96. Foxwood says:

    The traditional Mardi Gras parades they have in the small towns don’t have the nudity. That is what they do in New Orleans.

  97. Foxwood says:

    I have to admit, I did get (.)(.)ed once in Lake Charles, but that’s not normal.

    My mom was sure surprised.

  98. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning my Fellow Patriots 🙂

  99. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Sammy!

  100. samiam60 says:

    Happy Valentines Day to all the Ladies on this Blog.

    You are all so very special 🙂

  101. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  102. Foxwood says:

    Uh oh! I guess that was a weapon…

  103. Foxwood says:

    The best Mardi Gras parade happens in my back yard today at 9:30. Horse or tractor drawn floats, wagons and portapotties. The first time I saw it, it lasted 5 minutes. Now it lasts about an hour. My neck gets heavy with beads. The big prizes are the dubloons or the more fancier beads. You do’t want to know what I got to do to get them.

  104. Foxwood says:

    Good morning VF!

    Good morning Sami!

  105. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Foxwood!

    I am working on the next blogpost… be back soon… happy Mardi Gras!

  106. Foxwood says:

    This is just down the road.

  107. Foxwood says:

    Valentines day, Presidents day, and Mardi Gras.

    Wam bam bam!

  108. VotingFemale says:

    Thank you dear!

    And a Happy Valentine’s Day Wish to you and all the other sweet guys here!!


  109. Pingback: Does Obama see NASA as Racist? Takes $3.6 billion from NASA; Gives $4 billion to ACORN « VotingFemale

  110. AFVET says:

    I like Arlenearmy’s comments above. She is right on point.
    I heard Beck’s interview with Medina.
    When asked the simple question, do you think the US Government was involved in taking down the World Trade Centers, she didn’t say yes, she didn’t say no, she said she DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION !
    No way should this individual ever be elected governor.
    That statement alone should prove her incompetence.

    Well said Army !

  111. arlenearmy says:

    My brother who lives in Texas said that the Bush’s are endorsing Hutchinson. I’ve not yet verified that. But Palin is backing Perry.

    We all know that both Perry & Hutchinson are republicans. But Medina indicates that if she don’t win in the primaries, she would not endorse the republicans. I guess she forgot she’s running on the republican ticket. It sounds like she’s gonna pull a Dede NY23 on us.

  112. AFVET says:

    Who knows Army.
    Seems like everything is upside down nowadays.


  114. Pingback: Get a life, Professors’ Ogletree and Obama; a person’s race imparts immunity? lol « VotingFemale

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