

I allow third-party websites to send trackbacks to my posts, but I may, in my absolute discretion, disable this option for particular posts or discontinue my general policy of allowing trackbacks at any time.

I reserve the right to delete trackbacks for any reason. As with comments, I usually won’t delete a trackback merely because I disagree with the post it comes from. I will, however, usually delete trackbacks from posts that are, in my opinion, (a) off-topic; (b) libelous, defamatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, profane, pornographic, offensive, false, misleading, or which otherwise violate or encourage others to violate these terms of use or any law, including intellectual property laws; (c) “spam,” i.e., attempts to advertise, solicit, or otherwise promote goods and services. I will also usually delete trackbacks from posts that do not reference the post on that they are tracking back to.