Sarah Palin: Taxidermy man is gonna have a heart attack… (updated)

H/T to commenter Orca for photoshop concept. Free use of this photoshop art is granted for reuse on condition the patriot heart logo is retained.

Poor old RINOs. Their cover blown as liberal socialists in GOP clothing, the mid-term Palin-backed candidates have taken their toll on the GOP Establishment’s RINO herd.

Taken down by Palin-Backed candidate:

Newt Gingrich Backed Dede Scozzafava – Losing in the polls, dropped out of House NY District race, refused to endorse her GOP opponent who was running as Independent, instead endorsed the Democrat candidate

Taken down by Palin-Backed candidate:

Newt Gingrich & NRSC Backed Charlie Crist –  incumbent governor running for Senate; losing in the polls, dropped out of GOP Senate Primary, refused to endorse his GOP opponent, switched to Independent to run against him, refused to return GOP campaign funds gathered as a GOP primary candidate; now significantly trails GOP opponent in the polls

Taken down by Palin-Backed candidate:

Karl Rove & NRSC Backed Lisa Murkowski – incumbent Senator; lost the GOP Senate primary, refuses to endorse her GOP opponent, tried to switch to Independent and was refused by the Independent Party, runs anyway as a write-in

Taken down by Palin-Backed candidate:

Karl Rove and NRSC Backed Mike Castle – incumbent lame duck US Representative ran for Senate instead of reelection to the House; lost the GOP Senate primary race, refuses to endorse his GOP opponent, may or may not run as an Independent or write-in, now actively attacking his former GOP opponent

So much for “tea leaves” reading by the ‘Establishment’ on the mood of the 2010 mid-term electorate. They backed the wrong candidates and got their RINOs shoved under the Tea Party bus.

What did the Establishment do? Attack the primary winners either directly or indirectly. Make a note of it for when these Establishment guys come up for reelection. Though Karl Rove is not an office holder, he fancies himself as an ‘architect’ of campaigns. Well Mr Architect got his butt handed to him in his Castle designed campaign run for the Senate and he didn’t take it like a man rather like a spoiled whiny party splitting little weasel.

Update 09-20-2010: It was incorrectly stated Murkowski was rejected by the [Alaskan] Independent Party and should have stated the Alaskan Libertarian Party. Vice Chairman Harley Brown told Roll Call “We’ve unanimously decided not to allow Murkowski to run on the Alaska Libertarian Party line in November.”


Recent VF blogposts…

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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77 Responses to Sarah Palin: Taxidermy man is gonna have a heart attack… (updated)

  1. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Foxwood!

    So you had a good Bon Ton time, huh?

  2. Foxwood says:

    It was optional, you could wear cowboy boots or Hackberry Reeboks.

  3. Foxwood says:

    Good morning VF!
    Good morning Sami!

  4. Foxwood says:

    Ar ye scurvy dogs! It’s talk like a pirate day, me mates!

  5. Foxwood says:

  6. Foxwood says:

    What’s the bag limit on RINOs?

  7. VotingFemale says:

    Open season on RINOS no bag limit applies… they are considered invading pests.

  8. Foxwood says:

    It’ll be another 6 years before we can bag the big one. The RINO called McCain!

  9. Foxwood says:

    Lisa Murkowski: “I listened to Alaskans.”

    No you didn’t! They voted you out! Someone get the plunger! The turds crawling out!

  10. VotingFemale says:

    Murkowski’s last gasps as a politician… how embarrassing… fade away gracefully Lisa, you Daddy’s Girl Senator no more!

  11. Foxwood says:

    I wished O’Donnell would have been on TV today, but she probably did the right thing. Sarah was not that savvy a speaker to begin with. She’s a flower now!

  12. Foxwood says:

    I think I heard Lisa Murkowski say something on live TV just now…

    I think it went, “WHA WAH WAH!”

  13. samiam60 says:

    Ahahahaha Love the Picture and blog. Great work, were a huntin we are.

  14. samiam60 says:

    I asked VF to help me set up this blog for the very purpose of bringing out the Big Guns and going to war with this Communist Movement in America. My war will be a War of Words and not weapons however, I will be posting and saying things on here that I would not want to say or do on VF’s Blog for fear of bringing retribution on her and her blog.

    I have every intention of becoming the First and Last line of defense against this Communist move to take away Our Freedoms.

    Make no mistake about it, I am taking this fight to the enemy!

  15. Foxwood says:

    Can anyone say Waco? (or is that pronounced wacko?)

    Authorities: 13 Members of Palmdale “Cult-Like” Group Are Missing
    Police say the members are awaiting the Rapture
    Updated 11:15 PM PDT, Sat, Sep 18, 2010

    Members of a “cult-like” group in Southern California—five adults and eight children—were reported missing by their families late yesterday, and left behind letters indicating they were waiting for the Rapture, The Associated Press reported.

    Read more:

  16. Foxwood says:

    “They call Alabama the Crimson Tide, they call me Deacon Blues”

  17. samiam60 says:

    Time to go to the Obama mine fields and earn them Detroit Stash money taxes.
    Catch ya all laters………………….. 😦

  18. Foxwood says:

    It’s time for the crazy wave of sound from the stax of wax. It’s time for K-FOX!

    We’ll start out with a dedication to a listener for WACO!

  19. Foxwood says:

    Must of been a Freudian slip… 🙂

  20. Foxwood says:

    Here is our first K-FOX twin spin!

  21. Orca says:

    samiam60 you said
    . My war will be a War of Words and not weapons however
    I say to you
    the pen is mighter than the sword
    more lives have been changed and strongholds have been brought down by the pen than all the swords ever made.
    The sword has always been the result of when the words fail, it is politics by another means. Now we together have embarked on a quest to get back what was stolen from us using words, we shall not flag we shall not faint till the day is won and we have been returned what already we own
    The season will soon open on the elephants and rino’s, our job is to do what we can to thin out those parasites on the body politic
    let the season begin

  22. Foxwood says:

    And here comes another dedication from the request line!

  23. Foxwood says:

    Written by Sonny Bono…

  24. Foxwood says:

    This portion of the K-FOX program has been brought to you by:

  25. Foxwood says:

    One more for the evening!

  26. Foxwood says:

    Please visit our sponsors…

  27. tellitlikeitis says:

    Hello Everyone. I was just sent this by e-mail and I want to share it with all of you.


    By Lou Pritchett, Procter & Gamble



    Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America’s true living legends- an acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world’s highest rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize him as the foremost leader in change management.

    Lou changed the way America does business by creating an audacious concept that came to be known as “partnering.” Pritchett rose from soap salesman to Vice-President, Sales and Customer Development for Procter and Gamble and over the course of 36 years, made corporate history.


    Dear President Obama:

    You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike
    any of the others, you truly scare me.

    You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.

    You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive
    Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no
    visible signs of support.

    You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth
    growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.

    You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.

    You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus
    don’t understand it at its core.

    You scare me because you lack humility and ‘class’, always blaming others.

    You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned
    yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to
    publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail..

    You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the ‘blame America ‘
    crowd and deliver this message abroad.

    You scare me because you want to change America to a European style
    country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.

    You scare me because you want to replace our health care system
    with a government controlled one.

    You scare me because you prefer ‘wind mills’ to responsibly
    capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.

    You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose

    that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of
    living in the world.

    You scare me because you have begun to use ‘extortion’ tactics
    against certain banks and corporations.

    You scare me because your own political party shrinks from
    challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.

    You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider
    opposing points of view from intelligent people.

    You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both
    omnipotent and omniscient.

    You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything
    you do.

    You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the
    Limbaugh’s, Hannity’s, O’Reillys and Becks who offer opposing,
    conservative points of view.

    You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.

    Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will
    probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.

    Lou Pritchett
    This letter was sent to the NY Times but they never acknowledged it.
    Big surprise. Since it hit the internet, however, it has had over
    500,000 hits. Keep it going. All that is necessary for evil to succeed
    is that good men do nothing. It’s happening right now.*

    What scares me is that he told us he wanted to transform this country and nobody heard him or did not know what he was saying. I heard him nobody listened to me.

  28. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good evening everyone!!!


    By Lou Pritchett, Procter & Gamble



    Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America’s true living legends- an acclaimed author, dynamic teacher and one of the world’s highest rated speakers. Successful corporate executives everywhere recognize him as the foremost leader in change management.

    Lou changed the way America does business by creating an audacious concept that came to be known as “partnering.” Pritchett rose from soap salesman to Vice-President, Sales and Customer Development for Procter and Gamble and over the course of 36 years, made corporate history.


    Dear President Obama:

    You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike
    any of the others, you truly scare me.

    You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.

    You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive
    Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no
    visible signs of support.

    You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth
    growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.

    You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.

    You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus
    don’t understand it at its core.

    You scare me because you lack humility and ‘class’, always blaming others.

    You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned
    yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to
    publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail..

    You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the ‘blame America ‘
    crowd and deliver this message abroad.

    You scare me because you want to change America to a European style
    country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.

    You scare me because you want to replace our health care system
    with a government controlled one.

    You scare me because you prefer ‘wind mills’ to responsibly
    capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.

    You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose

    that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of
    living in the world.

    You scare me because you have begun to use ‘extortion’ tactics
    against certain banks and corporations.

    You scare me because your own political party shrinks from
    challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.

    You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider
    opposing points of view from intelligent people.

    You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both
    omnipotent and omniscient.

    You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything
    you do.

    You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the
    Limbaugh’s, Hannity’s, O’Reillys and Becks who offer opposing,
    conservative points of view.

    You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.

    Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will
    probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.

    Lou Pritchett
    This letter was sent to the NY Times but they never acknowledged it.
    Big surprise. Since it hit the internet, however, it has had over
    500,000 hits. Keep it going. All that is necessary for evil to succeed
    is that good men do nothing. It’s happening right now.*

    What scares me is that he told us he wanted to transform this country and nobody heard him or did not know what he was saying. I heard him nobody listened to me.

  29. samiam60 says:

    VF, your blog post was featured over at Texas4 Palin website:

    Congratulations on a knock out post VF 😀

  30. arlenearmy says:

    It would be a great thing if Rhino Powell was dealt with

  31. Orca says:

    As we retake the party from the RINO’s I’m Sure Powell will realize he could not get appointed dog walker and move over to the party he supports, the Dem’s
    See what happen’s then you begin to believe that your own press.
    I never thought he was that bright since he left the Iraq army intact when he had defeated it the first time.
    How many thousands of people paid with their lives because he could not remember history. The guy was an idiot then and has not changed.

  32. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF, Foxwood, Arlene and Orca 🙂

  33. Foxwood says:

    You made your choice last night sam.

  34. VotingFemale says:

    True words, Orca.

    This is why I write blogposts that true Americans alone have commenting privs to rather than allow an infestation of Liberal trolls and do not allow the concern trolls within our midst to distract the message and disrupt cohesion of the group. One on one verbal battles with individual trolls and concern trolls is a waste of time and works to their benefit. And, while it may be gratifying to a degree to “put a troll” in their “place,” the ever growing time and energy expended doing that distracts from the job at hand.

    This is why I do not allow trolls and concern trolls to operate at this blog.

    To do so is to empower them. Ignoring them and denying them a voice is the most powerful weapon there is against them, for without attention, trolls and concern trolls dry up and blow away. They have the right of free speech… but they do not have the right to access of this blog. They can go free speech themselves elsewhere.

    They know I am on to their game… and hate me for that. Good! I love their hate that I deny them a voice here. They can kiss my ass.

    Let them infest elsewhere… not here, not ever.

    I sometimes will mirror a moderated drive-by comment from a troll and hold it up for ridicule but not give them the priv to commenting access. They hate that… (smile)


    Orca | September 19, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    samiam60 you said
    . My war will be a War of Words and not weapons however
    I say to you
    the pen is mighter than the sword
    more lives have been changed and strongholds have been brought down by the pen than all the swords ever made.
    The sword has always been the result of when the words fail, it is politics by another means. Now we together have embarked on a quest to get back what was stolen from us using words, we shall not flag we shall not faint till the day is won and we have been returned what already we own
    The season will soon open on the elephants and rino’s, our job is to do what we can to thin out those parasites on the body politic
    let the season begin

  35. VotingFemale says:

    Powell thinks with the color of his skin and showed that when he broke ranks from the Republican Party to endorse and support Obama in 2008. The General made his bed and I will never trust a man who bases his politics on the color of his own skin, regardless of what color that may be.

    What is the skin color of a true American?

  36. Foxwood says:

    Good morning VF… I thought someone would open their eyes last night. I was wrong and it was fruitless. All a person can do, and what I will do to the best of my ability, is let them take the rope.

  37. VotingFemale says:

    The following is a comment I just made at samiam60’s blog where there is a verbal war going on with concern trolls…

    VotingFemale | September 20, 2010 at 8:40 am |

    Sam says

    I am not going to tolerate Baiting, Name calling, nor personal attacks, be it insinuated or implied.

    My response:

    This mid-term battle is focused on winning dem controlled seats in the House and Senate… not arguing with distracters and trolls on a one on one basis. Their minds are made up and nothing is going to change that.

    I submit the following… what you say in your blogposts themselves are the cannon balls… not what is battled in the comments [with trolls and concern trolls].

    I enjoy having and seeing [commenter’s] postings of heads-up articles from the web and a show of [commenting] strength of like minded individuals who agree and mutually support each other. For that is a show of power.

    Engaging in debate with trolls and concern trolls on one’s blog is to play into their hand.

    I will not allow it on my blog… not now, not ever. iReport was a cesspool of socialist rat packs… who’s hate drove them to rove like packs of rats from iReport to iReport to spread their disease. They hated my guts because of my iReports themselves… not what I commented in comment threads.

    They hated the visibility of my iReports evidenced in the statistics that I was the most read iReporter in iReport history. They wanted to shut me down and they spewed their hate in comments. hooo hummm it did nothing to stop my publishing iReports at all.

    That I was booted from iReports was for one single reason: The election was over and I showed I was not about to give Obama one iota of support and would continue, instead, to shed light on his true nature and his attack plan on America. CNN forced iReport to shut me down after I received an email from the iReport head man in charge advising me the election was over and I was expected to support “Our President.” Yeah… right, like the left showed support for President Bush… uh-huh

    My reply was to double down on Obutthole… and I forced them to delete my ability on their own home grounds. They did the same thing I do to trolls and concern trolls on my blog. That was their Socialist turf and they had a right to do it… and so do I. 🙂

    Leaving iReport’s socialist cesspool was the single Best Thing that ever happened. My blogposts became even more visible to the world as a result.

    You will notice, the most widely read conservative blogs are read because of the impact of their blogposts on the political world. They operate at a visibility level far above the noise level of the socialists trolls and concern trolls.


  38. VotingFemale says:

    it’s a pw moment for sure.

  39. Foxwood says:

    I don’t think they will get it.

  40. VotingFemale says:

    well this is cool… this blog just got visibility from

    they now follow my tweets.

  41. VotingFemale says:

    does it matter?

    I didn’t say it for their benefit, I said it for ours.

    doesn’t matter to me what they get or don’t get. I wont play that game of distraction.

    Foxwood says

    I don’t think they will get it.

  42. VotingFemale says:

    now… on to bigger fish: Obama declares War on Tea Party; A Socialist Extremist calling the majority of everyday voters “Extremist”


    His Socialist Agenda is the most extreme example of extremism in our lifetimes… and to oppose him and his agenda is “extremism”

    he and the lamestream media will isolate some sentiments from some political congressional candidates as evidence “The Tea Party” is populated with Extremists.

    Let us do political battle with Obama at a high level… forget his comment trolls and his concern trolls… for they are but a flea’s fart in the wind. no power… unless you let them distract you into playing their game of diverting your time, energy away from Obama and to them.

    It’s a very old game…

  43. VotingFemale says:

    I have to recalibrate the focus of blogposting away from the GOP and towards America’s greatest enemy… Obama and his high-powered socialist politicians running for re-election.

    This is done at several levels… Reminding folks who and what Obama is and why they wage a war using extremism to distract attention from their extremist law making and presidential governance. Also to evidence their application of Alinski’s rules for radicals in this election period.

    They have all but given up trying to force Americans to bow down using the Islamophobe Whip and the Racist Whip… it backfired.

    So now, it is on to the Tea Party to paint us all as “EXTRRREMISTS”

  44. VotingFemale says:

    This is where Obama’s lamestream media’s battle ground is located:
    These high level trolls are the ones to do battle with… not little squeaky little mice trolls who infest blog comment logs…

    1. CBS Dishonestly Touts ‘Non-Partisan Watchdog’ Group’s Quest for a ‘Criminal Investigation’ of Christine O’Donnell
    “There are calls for a criminal investigation of another rising GOP star,” Katie Couric teased at the top of the CBS Evening News, after citing Sarah Palin’s speaking appearance in Iowa, as she elevated a publicity gimmick from a left-wing organization staffed by veterans of Democratic congressional offices. Though O’Donnell “took the spotlight today at a conservative summit in Washington,” Couric warned: “There may be trouble ahead for her. A watchdog group intends to call Monday for a criminal investigation of what it says is her chronic abuse of campaign funds.” Reporter Nancy Cordes painted O’Donnell as a hypocrite, charging that “even as she preached a return to fiscal conservatism, O’Donnell’s own unorthodox spending habits were starting to come under heavy scrutiny,” asserting “the unemployed O’Donnell used campaign funds to pay for meals, gas, bowling trips, and personal rent, even long after the campaign had ended.” CBS then gave a platform to veteran Democratic activist Melanie Sloan, who is now advancing her liberal agenda as Executive Director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). She alleged O’Donnell “just stole” campaign donations.

    2. NBC’s Gregory: Obama to Claim ‘Warlord-ism’ in GOP, O’Donnell’s ‘Extremist’ Views a ‘Real Problem’ ‘Almost Anywhere’
    It’s one thing to acknowledge that most voters in a liberal-leaning state like Delaware may be reluctant to vote for a solid conservative, but, as he appeared on Sunday’s Today show on NBC, Meet the Press host David Gregory claimed that Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell’s “extremist statements and some views” would not only be a “real problem” in Delaware, but “it would be the case almost anywhere.” And, rather than noting the liberal lean of Delaware, which has not voted Republican in a presidential election since 1988, Gregory described the state as “more moderate.” Gregory: “Christine O’Donnell also represents a real problem for the Republican party. I mean, her track record of statements, extremist statements and some views on issues are going to be a real problem – not just in a state like Delaware that’s more moderate, but it would be the case almost anywhere.”

    3. Tea Parties Will Lead to 1964-Like Goldwater Debacle…No, Make that a 1972-Like McGovern Drubbing
    On Wednesday, CBS’s Bob Schieffer contended the rise of Tea Party candidates “is very much like 1964” when the Republican Party nominated Barry Goldwater who “was far to the right of most of the people in his party, and they lost in a landslide.” On Sunday morning, another liberal media thinker moved ahead eight years to forward George McGovern’s 1972 Democratic debacle as the proper analogy: “Sarah Palin is really the Republicans’ George McGovern.” On ABC’s This Week, when host Christiane Amanpour wondered if the Tea Party is “a fad” or “something much deeper?”, Peter Beinart, former top editor of The New Republic and now a senior political writer for The Daily Beast, as well as an associate professor of journalism and political science at City University of New York, asserted: “The Tea Party is now the Republican Party. I mean I think what we’re seeing in the Republican Party is something akin to what happened to the Democratic Party between 1968 and 1972 in which the forces of George McGovern took over the Democratic Party, overthrew the Democratic Party establishment and moved it substantially to the left.”

    4. Book Review: NYT Reporter Kate Zernike, Tea Party Book Author, Still Finding Racism
    In “Boiling Mad,” her new book on the Tea Party, New York Times reporter Kate Zernike proves she still has a sharp eye for Tea Party racism, no matter how unsubstantiated, blaming the movement for any racial slurs that may have taken place during the Obama-care protest on Capitol Hill: “It was difficult, if not disingenuous, for the Tea Party groups to try to disown the behavior….after saying for months that anybody could be a Tea Party leader, they could not suddenly dismiss as faux Tea Partiers those protesters who made them look bad.”

    5. Fmr MSNBC Analyst Crawford: Media ‘Playing into Dem Message’ That Tea Party Candidates Are ‘Insane’
    Appearing as a guest on Sunday’s Reliable Sources on CNN, Craig Crawford of the Congressional Quarterly – formerly an MSNBC political analyst – admitted that the mainstream media have been too quick to “listen too much to the Democratic message” that the Tea Party movement will harm Republicans rather than Democrats in this year’s congressional elections. He further charged that the media are “playing into that Democratic message that these candidates are insane.”

    6. CBS’s Smith: Tea Party and Palin Could Bring GOP to ‘Edge of the Abyss’
    Appearing on Friday’s CBS Early Show, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer continued to compare the rise of the tea party and possible candidacy of Sarah Palin in 2012 to the 1964 campaign of Barry Goldwater. In response, co-host Harry Smith remarked that Palin could take Republicans “to the edge of the abyss, as it were.” Prior to the discussion between Smith and Schieffer, correspondent Dean Reynolds reported on Palin taking a fundraising trip to Iowa and supporting “tea party insurgents…to the chagrin of GOP regulars, who worry they are too extreme, unelectable, or both.”

    7. Evan Thomas on Ending Bush Tax Rates: ‘God Knows the Federal Government Desperately Needs that Revenue’
    Newsweek veteran Evan Thomas, who announced a few weeks ago his intention to leave the financially-failing magazine and teach journalism at Princeton, issued a ringing call – in defense of federal spending – for why he hopes Congress and President Obama cannot agree on extending any of the Bush tax cuts, so income tax rates rise next year: “God knows the federal government desperately needs that revenue, so this is one case where I think gridlock is a good thing.”

    8. CBS Begins Media’s Rehabilitation of ‘Fantastic’ Jimmy Carter, ‘Cursed’ Presidency Actually More Successful Than Reagan’s
    CBS broke into summer re-runs of 60 Minutes to let Lesley Stahl promote Jimmy Carter’s new book, White House Diary, which he maintained delivers “absolute unadulterated frankness” and which she described as an “often harsh critique” of his presidential term. She, however, was far from harsh toward him. Noting an “image of ‘a failed President’ haunts the Carters,” Stahl trumpeted: “Carter argues that despite the image of failure, he actually had a long list of successes, starting with bringing all the hostages home alive,” as if that wasn’t because of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration. Stahl proceeded to tout as a success his installation of “solar panels on the roof of the White House.” Absolving Carter of responsibility, Stahl contended he “was cursed by a dismal economy, poor relations with Congress, and a nightmarish standoff over 52 Americans held hostage by Iran.” Yet, “when all is said and done, and many will be surprised to hear this,” Stahl insisted, “Jimmy Carter got more of his programs passed than Reagan and Nixon, Ford, Bush 1, Clinton or Bush 2.”

  45. VotingFemale says:

    Rather than use what trolls say in comments on a blog, I use squeaky little mice trolls’ behavior who operate in real life face-to-face confrontations as examples of extremism such as their spitting on and calling Andrew Brietbart a “homo”

    It was caught on tape as was the Peloisi clan who carried NAZI signs to protest conservatives just a few days ago. Remember Pelosi publicly attacking some conservative folks who carried NAZI signs as extremists and dangerous and then give a wink and nod to her people doing it?


  46. VotingFemale says:

    Below is the comment log from Gateway Pundit’s above blogpost.

    Gateway Pundit is a member of the highest visible conservative blogs on the planet. Someday, God Willing, I will join that club. Not to be self-serving, rather to be heard at the highest levels. I do what I do for love of country, just as Gateway Pundit and many others do.

    Tell me if you see him allowing any Obama trolls or concern trolls to comment there? Gateway Pundit “gets it” just as I and other conservative bloggers “get it:’ the power comes from a united front against Extremist Socialist Power, not against comment trolls who bait and start arguments to the sake of distraction. He won’t allow them a platform just as I won’t allow them a platform on my blog:

    Newer Comments »

    down with demsNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:06 pm | #1

    Suppression and oppression, American ideals since 1776.

    Oh, wait…
    sliderblazeNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:08 pm | #2

    OFA? Obama Fantasy Assoc.
    MrgoodwenchNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:08 pm | #3

    Attacking American people comes so naturally to marxists and muslims .
    And Obama is a patriotic Christian American….yeah right
    Kenny SolomonNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:13 pm | #4

    …..and when the left takes it to the next level – which they are going to do……meaning when they get physical……. what are tea party people gonna do ?

    (I know what I’d do…… that’s a given.)

    The instant ONE tea party person DEFENDS THEMSELVES against the left’s aggression and coming violence, it’ll be blamed on every tea party nationwide.

    Then guess what happens from our humble but lovable Dictator In Training Pants™ and Holder / Napolitano / Sunstein ?
    Jeff BrodheadNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:19 pm | #5

    Obama suffers perpetual anal ring around the collar!
    Conservative KenNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:23 pm | #6

    The POTUS really is losing it! He can’t run the country because he is still a ACORN organizer.
    He really is trying to get himself impeached with union/communist tactics.

    A dictator at heart
    lyleNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:23 pm | #7

    Ads attacking the Tea Parties?

    It seems like such a bad idea that I’d hate to even make fun of it. They would probably use Media Matters footage of democrats pretending to be tea partiers. The aim would be, what, to incite the least-literate dem stooges into a state of demented Get-Out-the-Vote fury?

    This must be the same brain trust that decided to vilify John Boehner.
    BruceNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:26 pm | #8

    If that Drudge headline is accurate, we now have the biggest disgrace to ever set foot in the Oval Office trying to figure out how best to attack and smear the American people in order to maintain his party’s power in Congress to continue pushing legislation that the American people do not want.


    Real nice.
    MariaNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:37 pm | #9

    Did George Bush – who now has a higher approval rating than Obama – EVER stoop to attacking his detractors? I can’t remember even one time he said anything in return. Obama’s sicking his dogs on the Tea Party. Even the guy who threw his shoes at him? (You have to admit – “W” has great reflexes!) Why is he doing this? Why aren’t the OFA people out there in the neighborhoods doing good deeds and helping people by restoring neighborhoods and stuff like that? Where has attacking the Tea Party gotten them so far?
    ScottNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:38 pm | #10

    Is it me or are references to “Tea baggers” disappearing…It seems that Tea Partiers are commanding more respect daily as recent high profile profile primaries go their way. Of course, “Tea bagger” is such a filthy profane reference that I can’t believe our President, Congress persons and news anchors were using it with glee…Truly a bizarre world when democrats choose to castigate patriotic Americans. Democrats need to be banished from the American landscape permanently along with their accomplices in the media…
    ScottNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:41 pm | #11


    Obama is the only President in my memory who makes it his job to divide American and support only his voter base…He acts like a union boss for democrats, not a President of the United States…
    MultitudeNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:55 pm | #12

    When soccer moms, mom & pop businesses, regular middle class people are labelled as extremist radicals, while Jew-hating Shariah law demanding Islamists are considered mainstream by the President and his administration, you know we’re in for an interesting class war.

    Poland’s working class threw out the corrupt Communists and unaccountable, fat-cat political elites in the late ’80s. It’s now our turn for the American working people to do the same.
    Tweets that mention Gateway Pundit —
    September 19th, 2010 | 8:56 pm | #13

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by mikepfs, longhawl, conservatweet, Vince Humphreys, Michelle Dryjanski and others. Michelle Dryjanski said: RT @BreakingNewz: Gateway Pundit- Bring It!… Obama Plans More Attacks on Tea Party Like the One Last Night in Chicago: Despite their… […]
    OcarlNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 9:05 pm | #14

    damn it is the NAZI machine all over again. ‘O’Adolf and company talking gas chambers for the jews and re education camps for the teapartiers!
    myohmyNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 9:13 pm | #15

    Union thugs on dems kleptocrat dole? Who knew?
    newtonNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 9:17 pm | #16

    “Is it me or are references to “Tea baggers” disappearing…”

    First, they ignore you; then, they mock you; then THEY FIGHT YOU…
    mark l.No Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 9:21 pm | #17

    might I suggest a rebranding of the “tea party” to something less flashy but more reality specific?

    just go with the “fiscal conservative party”.

    1. can’t see the gop fighting to hard for the label, as they are STILL in the belief that the tp-ers will be subordinate to them.

    2. everybody, who is conservative, openly says, “I’m a fiscal conservative”.

    3. the libs will have a much harder time saying/mocking fiscal conservatives.

    4. the tea party does invoke a sense of the initial act, but we are past that point.

    5. It largely is the uniting idea of the movment, and hopefully, it is all it ever will be…
    befuddledNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 9:22 pm | #18

    thug in cowboys regalia, oh bring it on. i’ll show that old bastard a thing about compassionate conservatism. bunch of obama stormtroopers don’t scare me.
    ValerieNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 9:34 pm | #19

    ….and they got ratted out by their own people. Selection of foul tactics will turn your own people off.
    shibumiNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 9:35 pm | #20

    You know, every time Obama/ the Media, tells me to do something, I pretty much respond by doing the opposite. So when Obama puts law abiding decent Americans on his enemies list… that’s just not going to work out well.
    BunniNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 9:57 pm | #21

    Yeah, Bammy, poke that bear in the eye with a sharp stick a few hundred more times, he won’t bite you! What a freaking imbecile. BRING. IT. ON.
    SM-IllinoisNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:01 pm | #22

    This is going to be so much fun!!!! Jim, Breitbart, Glenn and all the other patriots are ready for them!!!!! There will be so much recorded material put out that the rest of my backward WI in-laws will wise up about what they’ve voted for. Already, so many of them—-life long Dems—have big time buyer’s remorse……don’t want to vote……..maybe this new onslaught will move them to the big R side. Whoopee! Never thought I’d see the day when so many of the Dems are changing!
    neverendsNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:12 pm | #23

    One would think that the loonies – including Odummer – would learn that every time they start bad-mouthing the tea party groups, all it does is make them more determined.

    The left only knows Alinsky tactics that is to, basically, double-down — that’s “community organizers” at work.

    It is going to get worse because the left knows that they are teetering on the edge because Americans have had a first-hand look at what they are and represent – and refuse to tolerate it any longer.
    Ready for Some Class Warfare? : The Other McCain
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:24 pm | #24

    […] for Some Class Warfare?Posted on | September 20, 2010 | No CommentsInstapundit links to Jim Hoft talking about this New York Times story:President Obama’s political advisers, looking for ways to […]
    JAJNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:28 pm | #25

    Design For Chaos. No other agenda.

    The best Tyrannies are built from the best Rubble.

    They then will trust in the Fear/Education/Entitlement/Privilege/Class structure they’ve set up to let them create whatever horror they choose.
    jetstreamNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:39 pm | #26

    #17 mark l.

    might I suggest a rebranding of the “tea party” to something less flashy but more reality specific?

    just go with the “fiscal conservative party”.

    Descriptive, but a little long. It’s really a movement, not a party. How about T-cons? (short for TEA party conservatives or TEA party constitutionalists)
    Doug WrightNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:42 pm | #27

    So, does everyone still believe Obama will allow the elections scheduled for November 2nd to be held? Will his fragile ego allow for that crushing blow to be dealt?

    Somehow, I doubt that he will allow them to go forward, his ideology demands that he impose his views on us mere mortals.

    Hillbilly717No Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:45 pm | #28

    Hmm…. I gotta wonder about protesters anymore. SEIU pays $11.00/hr. for protesters in California, just carry a sign & wear the t-shirt, you’ll get a check. I have come to the conclusion the money came from some of the “Stimulus” plundered from the citizens.

    Keep your cameras at the ready folks! You may get to document your own self-defence when they employ the ol’ unruly mob scene and find popeye opens a can o’ whoopass!
    T.S.No Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:46 pm | #29

    Pretty funny: the Chicago Tribune had an article on the rally and they featured the “grass roots protesters” prominently (at least as prominently as the conservatives, if not more so). All protesters profiled by the ChiTrib were Hispanics concerned with the “racism” of Glen Beck and the conservatives.

    The article never gave any hint that they were bussed in, or that they were unruly. It made Beck and the conservatives look “scary,” “crazy” and “racist.” It made the “grassroots protesters” look like Civil Rights marchers in the ’60′s, and thousands-strong.

    Gotta love the mainstream media.
    SM-IllinoisNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 10:59 pm | #30

    The Chicago Trib isn’t good for much else then lining bird cages…..years ago used to get the Sunday edition but just a waste of trees and ink. Thank God for Jim, Breitbart, Glenn and the rest of the patriots so we get the truth and not the state run media spin!
    SM-IllinoisNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 11:01 pm | #31

    Here’s the link……NY times of course!
    IT Corner » Blog Archive » Bring It!… –
    September 19th, 2010 | 11:02 pm | #32

    […] here to read the rest: Bring It!… – « Home Higher Education Computer Science Computer Organization And … Dan Goleman: […]
    Kevin W.No Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 11:16 pm | #33

    Obama’s enemies list,

    Banking Industry
    Insurance Industry
    Pharmaceutical Industry
    Health Care Industry
    Wall St.
    The State of Arizona
    Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    And now the Tea Party

    As you can clearly see, the above list is a much great threat to the United States than the Muslim Terrorist.
    Kevin W.No Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 11:19 pm | #34

    Oh, and I forgot about the other group that’s a greater threat to the country than the Muslim Terrorist, those of us that oppose the Ground Zero Victory Mosque.

    Now the list is complete.
    Kevin W.No Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 11:27 pm | #35

    Oh, and a few more group that’s a greater threat to the country than the Muslim Terrorist,

    Those of us that appose the Global Warming hoax
    Sarah Palin fans
    Fox News viewers
    Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and Sean Hannity listeners

    And last and certainly not least,

    Those that, “cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

    Now………. the list is complete.
    M. SimonNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 11:52 pm | #36

    Molon Labe
    M. SimonNo Gravatar
    September 19th, 2010 | 11:54 pm | #37

    BTW I don’t want government deciding who I can trade with. Well maybe excepting N. Korea and Iran.
    President Barack Obama » Bring It!… Obama Plans More Attacks on Tea – gatewaypundit …
    September 20th, 2010 | 12:04 am | #38

    […] more: Bring It!… Obama Plans More Attacks on Tea – gatewaypundit … This entry was written by marlonbaintery & filed under Obama and tagged a-homo–, […]
    daveinbocaNo Gravatar
    September 20th, 2010 | 12:25 am | #39

    The NYT ponders whether to suck the scum at the top of the Democrat Slough of Despond or feed off the bottom of that Swamp! Commissars Pelosi/Plouffe/Axelrod & other Dem Goebbels-wannabes are now debating how to frame their latest big smear and big lie.

    At the same time, Rove & Krauthammer can’t keep their control-freak mouths shut about Delaware because Rove thinks he engineered a GWB victory in 2000. He also engineered the most spendthrift Administration ever until 2008. We need a GOP without a Rove or a Grover Nordquist trying to be Wizard of Oz to our Dorothy. Or a Tea Party by itself that can restore constitutional government.
    Bring It!… – – it
    September 20th, 2010 | 1:31 am | #40

    […] Bring It!… – Tags: a-bad-idea, a-state-, bad-idea, dem-stooges, even-make, incite-the, incite-the-least, […]
    GayPatriot » Why MSM can’t let go of Christine O’Donnell
    September 20th, 2010 | 2:12 am | #41

    […] I wasn’t the only one to come up with that notion. Via Meryl Yourish (via Gateway Pundit), I found this insight from Marc Ambinder: The media is going to help the Democratic Party’s […]
    Bring it. « The Radio Patriot
    September 20th, 2010 | 3:27 am | #42

    […] Bring it. […]
    egoistNo Gravatar
    September 20th, 2010 | 3:47 am | #43

    Probably good news, ever impulse that human has seems to be at war with reality. It’s bound to be more frustration for him & his ilk and more energizing for…the rest of the nation (world).
    FBNo Gravatar
    September 20th, 2010 | 4:41 am | #44

    Note the handwritten signs, instead of the usual preprinted signs these groups use. You can almost hear the OFA and SEIU organizers yelling. “Handwritten signs only, people! Paper, sticks, tape, and magic makers are on the table. Look on the board for ideas on what to write. Remember, anybody without a handwritten sign will not be paid!”
    RetroNo Gravatar
    September 20th, 2010 | 4:44 am | #45

    It’ll backfire in the idiot’s face, the Tea Partys to big to fail
    ViatorNo Gravatar
    September 20th, 2010 | 5:51 am | #46

    Barack Obama’s planned assault on the Tea Party smacks of desperation

    “Poll after poll shows that the Tea Party’s anger over the rise of Big Government, the mounting budget deficit, excessive government spending, and spiraling entitlement programs are now shared by a clear majority of the American people. If the Obama team believes it will make political capital out of slandering the views of the Tea Party it is hugely misreading the general mood of the country. The grassroots organisation’s stunning success is symbolic of a deep-seated rejection across the United States of a “transformational” president who is making America poorer, weaker, more indebted and significantly less free.

    The White House’s planned assault is yet another example of an elitist presidency that is spectacularly out of touch with the American electorate, and increasingly digging its own political grave. Unfortunately for President Obama, it is his own policies, rather than the ideals of the Tea Party, which the American public increasingly view as extreme.”
    klNo Gravatar
    September 20th, 2010 | 7:15 am | #47

    M Simon, I agree bring it on, but I don’t intend to lose like the Greeks @ the Battle of Thermopylase. The Tea Party WILL WIN battle after battle until the government of, for and bu the people is RETURNED TO THE PEOPLE!!!
    klNo Gravatar
    September 20th, 2010 | 7:25 am | #48

    I do realize we have lost battles. In Indiana we lost the battle for a constitutionalist candidate for senator and we wound up with RINO lobbyist Dan Coats. But even if we happen to lose the battle, just as happened with the Greeks and some battles in the fight for our freedom @ our founding, WE WILL WIN THE WAR as the Greeks did the next year and as America did during the 1st American Revolution

  47. VotingFemale says:

    I need to get back to the business of writing blogposts…

    folks, I have said what I believe needs to be said. It is up to you how you chose to spend time…. chose wisely, patriots.

  48. Orca says:

    The most important thing to remember is that this war will not be over in November.
    This war of ideas will never end.
    For too long conservatives have been asleep
    The anger from our opposition is not about what we believe so much as we are coming together with a voice.
    The opposition has always know what we believe, the anger is that we are now doing something about it. We are pushing back when attacked.
    As for those weasle lame stream media outlets, hurt them by ignoring them
    Deny them a quote do not react to them. To quote them is to give them power.
    Funny thing about Weasles they are more interested in drinking the blood of their prey than eating it’s flesh. The talking heads are the same way, they want to sap the strength of their victim by bleeding it, using claims from years before that have little bearing on the now.
    It is proper to rebut claims but take a page from their playbook do not state the source.
    In this way they get no face in print this drives them nuts

  49. VotingFemale says:

    Orca, you understand. Once again your stock goes up in my eyes.

  50. VotingFemale says:

    Monday, September 20, 2010
    Debunking The Islamophobia Card
    Fouad Ajami reports on an opinion survey taken by a leading Arab electronic daily newspaper, regarding the Cordoba mosque and Islamic center to be located at or near (depending on your perspective) Ground Zero.

    Keep in mind that domestic public opinion against the location is widely denigrated in the mainstream media, left-wing blogosphere, and academia, as necessarily reflecting Islamophobia.

    But the survey of Arab opinion cited by Ajami shows that many, if not most, people in the Arab world agree that the location selection was unwise. As reported in The Wall Street Journal (h/t HotAir)(emphasis mine):

    The truth is that the trajectory of Islam in America (and Europe for that matter) is at variance with the play of things in Islam’s main habitat. A survey by Elaph, the most respected electronic daily in the Arab world, gave a decided edge to those who objected to the building of this mosque—58% saw it as a project of folly.

    Elaph was at it again in the aftermath of Pastor Terry Jones’s threat to burn copies of the Quran: It queried its readers as to whether America was a “tolerant” or a “bigoted” society. The split was 63% to 37% in favor of those who accepted the good faith and pluralism of this country.

    So does that make 58% of the Arab world “Islamophobic”?

    Something is going on here which was obvious even before this survey. The constant agitation over Islamophobia, like the constant use of the race card, is just another political tool to demonize people who happen to disagree.

    There certainly are some people opposed to the mosque who hate Islam, just like there undoubtedly are some people in favor of it who hate Jews and Christians, but in each instance that is a minority opinion.

    So the next time someone screams “Islamophobia” once the topic of the Corboda mosque comes up, tell them to tell it to the Arab world.

  51. VotingFemale says:

    From the Wall Street Journal:

    Islam’s Encounters With America
    A survey by Elaph, the most respected electronic daily in the Arab world, saw 58% object to the building of the WTC mosque.


    From his recent travels to the Persian Gulf—sponsored and paid for by the State Department—Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf returned with a none-too-subtle threat. His project, the Ground Zero Mosque, would have to go on. Its cancellation would risk putting “our soldiers, our troops, our embassies and citizens under attack in the Muslim world.”

    Leave aside the attempt to make this project a matter of national security. The self-appointed bridge between America and the Arab-Islamic world is a false witness to the sentiments in Islamic lands.

    The truth is that the trajectory of Islam in America (and Europe for that matter) is at variance with the play of things in Islam’s main habitat. A survey by Elaph, the most respected electronic daily in the Arab world, gave a decided edge to those who objected to the building of this mosque—58% saw it as a project of folly.

    Elaph was at it again in the aftermath of Pastor Terry Jones’s threat to burn copies of the Quran: It queried its readers as to whether America was a “tolerant” or a “bigoted” society. The split was 63% to 37% in favor of those who accepted the good faith and pluralism of this country.

    This is remarkable. The ground burned in the Arab-Islamic world over the last three decades. Sly preachers and their foot soldiers “weaponized” the faith and all but devoured what modernists had tried to build in the face of difficult odds. The fury has not burned out. Self-styled imams continue to issue fatwas that have made it all but impossible for Arabs and Muslims to partake of the modern world. But from this ruinous history, there has settled upon countless Muslims and Arabs the recognition that the wells are poisoned in their midst, that the faith has to be reined in or that the faith will kill, and that the economic and cultural prospects of modern Islam hang in the balance.

    To this kind of sobriety, Muslim activists and preachers in the diaspora—in Patterson, N.J., and Minneapolis, in Copenhagen and Amsterdam—appear to be largely indifferent. They are forever on the look-out for the smallest slight.

    Islam in America is of recent vintage. This country can’t be “Islamic.” Its foundations are deep in the Puritan religious tradition. The waves of immigrants who came to these shores understood the need for discretion, and for patience.

    It wasn’t belligerence that carried the Catholics and the Jews into the great American mainstream. It was the swarm of daily life—the grocery store, the assembly line, the garment industry, the public schools, and the big wars that knit the American communities together—and tore down the religious and ethnic barriers.

    There is no gain to be had, no hearts and minds to be won, in Imam Rauf insisting that Ground Zero can’t be hallowed ground because there is a strip joint and an off-track betting office nearby. This may be true, but it is irrelevant.

    A terrible deed took place on that ground nine years ago. Nineteen young Arabs brought death and ruin onto American soil, and discretion has a place of pride in the way the aftermath is handled. “Islam” didn’t commit these crimes, but young Arabs and Muslims did.

    There is no use for the incantation that Islam is a religion of peace. The incantation is false; Islam, like other religions, is theologically a religion of war and a religion of peace. In our time, it is a religion in distress, fought over, hijacked at times, by a militant breed at war with the modern world.

    Again, from Elaph, here are the thoughts of an Arab writer, Ahmed Abu Mattar, who sees through the militancy of the religious radicals. He dismisses outright the anger over the “foolish and deranged” Pastor Terry Jones who threatened to burn copies of the Quran. “Where is the anger in the face of dictatorships which dominate the lives of Arabs from the cradle to the grave? Would the Prophet Muhammad look with favor on the prisons in our midst which outnumber the universities and hospitals? Would he take comfort in the rate of illiteracy among the Arabs which exceeds 60%? Would he be satisfied with the backwardness that renders us a burden on other nations?”

    The first Arabs who came to America arrived during the time of the Great Migration (1880-1920). Their story is told by Gregory Orfalea in his book, “The Arab Americans: A History” (2006). The pioneers were mostly Christians on the run from the hunger and the privations of a dying Ottoman empire. One such pioneer who fled Lebanon for America said he wanted to leave his homeland and “go to the land of justice.” Ellis Island was fondly named bayt al-hurriya (the house of freedom). It was New York, in the larger neighborhood of Wall Street, that was the first home of the immigrants.

    Restrictive quotas and the Great Depression reduced the migration to a trickle. This would change drastically in the 1950s and ’60s. The time of Islam in America had begun.

    It was in 1965, Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf tells us, that he made his way to America as a young man. He and a vast migration would be here as American identity would undergo a drastic metamorphosis.

    The prudence of days past was now a distant memory. These activists who came in the 1990s—the time of multiculturalism and of what the late Arthur Schlesinger Jr. called the “disuniting of America”—would insist on a full-scale revision of the American creed. American liberalism had broken with American patriotism, and the self-styled activists would give themselves over to a militancy that would have shocked their forerunners. It is out of that larger history that this project at Ground Zero is born.

    There is a great Arab and Islamic tale. It happened in the early years of Islam, but it speaks to this controversy. It took place in A.D. 638, the time of Islam’s triumphs.

    The second successor to the Prophet, the Caliph Omar—to orthodox Muslims the most revered of the four Guided Caliphs for the great conquests that took place during his reign—had come to Jerusalem to accept the city’s surrender. Patriarch Sophronius, the city’s chief magistrate, is by his side for the ceremony of surrender. Prayer time comes for Omar while the patriarch is showing him the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

    The conqueror asks where he could spread out his prayer rug. Sophronius tells him that he could stay where he was. Omar refuses, because his followers, he said, might then claim for Islam the holy shrine of the Christians. Omar stepped outside for his prayer.

    We don’t always assert all the “rights” that we can get away with. The faith is honored when the faith bends to necessity and discretion.

    Mr. Ajami is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.


  52. MariaS says:

    Great photoshopped pic VF …. I laughed aloud.

  53. Pingback: Obama’s Desperation Meme: They’re ALL EXTREEEMISTS! | VotingFemale

  54. Pingback: commenter’s post: Ten examples of Conservative “extremism” | VotingFemale

  55. Pingback: Obama’s Organizing For America sends Organized Hater Spewing Extremist Lib Astro-Turfers to Harrass Conservative Event (AMAZING VIDEO) | VotingFemale

  56. Pingback: Obama Supporter Slams Obama Face To Face Today! (video) | VotingFemale

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