Palin Under-Estimation, a lesser form of Palin Derangement Syndrome

A lot of people presume to offer advice to Sarah Palin, some well-meaning but most not so well-meaning.  Unsolicited ill-intended advise… what’s not to chuckle at? lol

Sarah has shown time and time again, she is not prone to people-pleasing her critics. Whether she chooses to talk in a folksy Americana Dialect, or not, is her strategic decision.

The majority of voters who identify with Sarah have been talked down to their entire lives by condescending elitist ‘know-it-alls’ and elitist wannabes who look down their noses at voters who do most of the living and dying and tax paying in this country. Sarah does not seem to give a rat’s ass what snutty-nosed elitists think she should or should not do, and a majority of Americans share that sentiment with her.

Sarah has truthfully and boldly branded herself as ‘Not a Part of the Washington Elitist Business As Usual’ and her folksy way of communicating with voters works to strengthen that branding… albeit, at an understood and accepted price of attacks on her by those who fall into a trap of judging her intellect citing the dialect with which she chooses to communicate; on the basis of her not attending an ivy league school: a Progressive-Elitist Factory.

This type of elitist judgmental arrogance  is clearly displayed for all to see in the statement made by Harry Reid (D-NV) when he said of Barack Obama in 2008: He would benefit from his “light-skinned” appearance and speaking patterns “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

In elitist snobbishly-biased mindsets,  Sarah Palin’s gender status as a Female National Politician is no less a liability that the darkness of the skin of an African American National Politician.

Sarah’s choice of speaking in a Mainstream Americana Dialect is no less a target of elitist snobbishly-biased mindsets than is an African American National Politician choosing to communicate in a ‘Harry Reid Described’ “Negro dialect.” What? people who speak in a so-called negro dialect are lacking in intellect? Who made that rule?

Those who are judgmental of Sarah Palin, of which there are many, underestimate Sarah Palin constantly… it is one of her strengths she uses against them; it is one of their profound weaknesses.

Sarah Palin knows full well what she is doing. A capable powerful underestimated enemy is the most dangerous of them all. Critics Beware… she creates the bear traps into which your aggression leads you; your arrogance blinds you to their existence.

She was nicknamed Sarah-Barracuda for a damn good reason
She also has many millions of
vote-empowered, motivated, thus powerful friends
Friends who are Voting-Barracudas


Wink! Wink!

You Betcha!


Additional Blogposts from VotingFemale:


Additional reading…

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Think Progress Targets Scott Brown Over IRS Plane Attack and Israeli Embassy Tweets About “Hit On #Dubai Target” and Progressive Bloggers In The Wizard of Oz

HOT AiR:Frank Lautenberg diagnosed with stomach cancer and CPAC Interview: Mike Lee, AFP’s Tim Phillips and CPAC interview: Doug Hoffman, NY-23 and CPAC Day 2 live show thread and Freedom Works honors Hot Air and Video: The Tea Party’s diversity and Quotes of the day and Report: Poisoning plot at Fort Jackson?


Heritage Foundry: Morning Bell: A No-Cost Stimulus That Can Create Real Jobs for the American People and PolitiFact Declares Century-Long Economics Debate Over

BigGovernment: Project Vote In Ohio: It Ain’t The Voting, It’s The Counting and Friday Free-For-All: Shame Edition and Mount Vernon Statement: Conservatives Revive The Movement and Hacking the Minimum Wage and Is White House Attorney Involved in Media Cover-up? and Dramatic Olbermann vs. Dramatic Chipmunk or, Premature Obit for the Capt. Queeg of cable news

HillBuzz: The 2010 Obama, the best Government Motors can do and and Friday Open Thread: February 19th, 2010 and Illinois Senate Race Mystery: Who is Sean Conlon and what connection does he have to Alexi Giannoulias? and Question: Has the Democrats’ Civil War already begun? and Democrats are dead wrong about the next large-scale terrorist attack on US soil

Gateway Pundit:
Brrrr… Snow Observed in ALL 50 States at the Same Time and GATEWAY PUNDIT Global Warming Photo Contest – Prize Money Increased! and Team Obama Will Give “Operation Iraqi Freedom” a New Name… But It Won’t Be “Victory” and WaPo Intentionally Omits Commie Plane Crasher’s Marxist Rant to Paint Him as Tea Party Protester and Bill O’Reilly Supports Gun Confiscation During Weather Emergencies (Video)

Sister Toldjah: Rude or right on? Las Vegas mayor rejects invitation to meet with Obama and Surprise, surprise: Vengeful plane crasher being compared to “Tea Partiers” (UPDATE: TIME MAGAZINE JOINS IN ON THE ACTION) and Two more senior Taliban leaders nabbed in Pakistan and Sarah Palin to Tea Party crowd: Time to pick between the two parties

Nice Deb: On Eve Of CPAC, Conservative Leaders Unite Around Principles And Objectives: The Mount Vernon Statement and Catholic Bishops Jump On Global Warming Bandwagon Just As Wheels Are Falling Off the Hoax

Frugal Café: Quote of the Week… From Mitt Romney and Obama in Las Vegas… Will POTUS Actually Be Snubbed by Mayor When He Arrives Tonight in the City of Lights? and Insanity: Suicide Plane Crash in Austin, Texas — Pilot Raged Against IRS — Update: News Videos Added and IPCC’s False Global Warming Data & Protocol Breeches: Virginia AG Cuccinelli Has Filed for Extension on Climate Change Ruling, Wants EPA’s CO2 Findings to Be Reviewed and IPCC’s False Global Warming Data & Protocol Breeches: Virginia AG Cuccinelli Has Filed for Extension on Climate Change Ruling, Wants EPA’s CO2 Findings to Be Reviewed

Michelle Malkin: Reconciliation, the public option, and Demcare revival and NYT: Brooklyn accent = RAAAAACIST! and It’s all the Tea Party’s fault and Report: Who are the “Fort Jackson Five?”

Boudica BPI: Just some more of the same from the cult of Islam

SamHenry’s Blog: Palin’s Excellent Tea Party Adventure Reaches It’s Destination and Sorry, Hot Air, It WILL be DIFFERENT – NOT WORSE – Just Different

Dancing Czars:
Obama Writing Health Bill to Skirt GOP Filibuster and Important tax reminder and WARNING FROM AFGHANISTAN and So What’s Up with Red State and Erick Erickson ? and White House Trespassers: And That’s Just the Way it is! LOL and This Is Your Country on Progressivism

Conservatives4Palin: Michael Knox Beran: Palin Populism and Friday Open Thread and Mike Potemra: Conservative “A List” Takes on Palin

Recovering Liberal: George Will’s Ridiculous Goldwater/Palin Comparison and Palin Is Now The New McCarthy-Next Up Will Be The AntiChrist (Or The Beast) and Four Simple Steps To Make Sarah Palin President Next Week

Texas For Palin: Sarah Palin: “Global Warming” Is More Like a Snow Job and Why Kathleen Parker is so obsessively anti-Palin and Quote of the Day (February 18, 2010) and Tyler Paper: Sarah Palin to East Texas in June

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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259 Responses to Palin Under-Estimation, a lesser form of Palin Derangement Syndrome

  1. rosehips says:

    VF, excellent post!!!!

    love the Heart song. But I thought Sarah was named Sarah Barracuda because of her “leave no victims” style on the basketball court. Granted the same characteristics that made her a force on the floor makes her an admired politician. But I did hear that her basketball skills have been exagerated. My challenge to her is still open. C’mon, Sarah…you and me, one on one gurl!

  2. Foxwood says:

    She’d kick you in the knee and take the ball away from you!

  3. rosehips says:

    and I love this line….

    VF said: Critics Beware… she creates the bear traps into which your aggression leads you; your arrogance blinds you to it’s existence.

  4. rosehips says:

    that would be polar bear traps, right? 😉

  5. rosehips says:

    foxy, are you saying Sarah plays dirty? haha

  6. rosehips says:

    truth is, if I were to play against Sarah today, she would probably win. But give me two weeks to practice and train, and I’ll wipe the court with Sarah Barracuda. ahh, my arrogance almost embarrasses me. 😐

  7. Foxwood says:

    They have grizz up north…

  8. VotingFemale says:

    Thank You, Rose!

    and now a bit of Obama Worship!

  9. Foxwood says:

    “two weeks to practice and train,”

    The train’s to run her over with?

  10. VotingFemale says:

    they are too arrogant to heed the warning… I have warned them before 😉

    rosehips says

    and I love this line….

    VF said: Critics Beware… she creates the bear traps into which your aggression leads you; your arrogance blinds you to it’s existence.

  11. samiam60 says:


    You have summed up Sarah Palin in a most awesome way. Tread lightly libs. This is Sarah Country.

  12. rosehips says:

    loved the country ditty VF!

  13. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Foxwood!

    Know how to skin Grizz? lol

  14. rosehips says:

    foxy, Governor Palin will be a train wreck when I am finished with her. 😉

  15. samiam60 says:

    Regarding Polar Bears. It is now known that they are not disappearing because of Global Warming but rather because they are eating each other.
    So there!

  16. Foxwood says:

    Sarah! Sarah! SARAH!

    She didn’t mean it. She knows you could whip her. No Sarah! Basket ball! Not Baseball! Put down that bat!

  17. Foxwood says:

    I heard they found polar bears at the south pole. Wouldn’t they be bi-polar bears?

  18. rosehips says:

    foxy, loved the griz vid! Someday I might tell you about the mountain man I once knew. It may be my best story of all time! heehee

  19. rosehips says:

    lol @ bi-polar bears.

  20. Foxwood says:

    I wonder who would win in a fight. Mountain man or Swamp man…

    Let’s put them in the desert and find out…

  21. Foxwood says:

    Got to get the funk of of my body. BRB!

  22. rosehips says:

    only wish my mountain man looked like Robert Redford….

  23. samiam60 says:

    Ok, I have to go put a starter in a car. The Sun is shining so it shouldn’t be too bad.

    Catch ya’ll laters……………… 😉

  24. samiam60 says:

    Have to go but wanted to post this first:

  25. samhenry says:

    I’m honored – a post of mine – and a comment is the basis of a CAT blog post. WOW. I’ve made it.

    But hey, turn on your TVs everyone. The Gay men skaters have gone to bed and now the overly testosterone riddled Tiger Woods is about to apologize to all of us.

  26. Foxwood says:

    I turn off the Olympics because it worries me when the mens double luge comes on.

    The impression it leaves stay with you for a while.

  27. samhenry says:

    Hey Rose, I’m a condescending liberal headed to a bear trap. Won’t you save me?

    Geesh, constructive criticism of Sarah is as unacceptable as that for Barack. And me in the middle of it all. LOL I love a good blog brawl.

  28. Foxwood says:

    A woman has a sign that says, “let me be #16!”

  29. VotingFemale says:

    I updated the post above with a pic showing Sarah with a Bear Skin rug, lol

  30. VotingFemale says:

    ahhhh… you are a blogging motivator! You gave me le key… TY, dear!

    Was your advice well intended? or no?
    I assumed it was the former… thus not a target of my barracuda smite; which is correctly reserved for the ill-intended bears.


    samhenry says

    Hey Rose, I’m a condescending liberal headed to a bear trap. Won’t you save me?

    Geesh, constructive criticism of Sarah is as unacceptable as that for Barack. And me in the middle of it all. LOL I love a good blog brawl.

  31. rosehips says:

    nice touch with the bear skin rug VF!

    I was moved by Tiger’s talk. I don’t care what he did. I believe he is sincere.

    I loved the Buddist bit…

  32. rosehips says:

    rosehips throws SH a stick. works like a charm!

  33. samhenry says:

    A lot of people presume to offer advice to Sarah Palin, some well-meaning but most not so well-meaning. Unsolicited ill-intended advise… what’s not to chuckle at? lol

    I confess that I am the first generator of chuckles. But in all seriousness I would like to send my post to her handlers or managers or whatever you call people helping her. They have really let her down.
    I’m just picking up their mess and adding my small voice to those who support her. I will edit my post to let them know this.

  34. rosehips says:

    never got turned on by Tiger, but now I feel like embracing him to my bosom and patting the little bird’s nest on his bobbly little head. hehe

  35. Foxwood says:

    It sounded sincere, but now he has to prove it.

  36. samhenry says:

    I think it was sincere FOX but it was evident that he still has a long way to go. He sounded not so grounded.

    I personally think he doesn’t deserve to go back to golf except for the fact that there are so many people who have benefited from him in the game.

  37. Foxwood says:

    You can’t speak sincerity. You have to act it out.

  38. samhenry says:

    I’m working on a swell cold so I need to get back to bed rest. I want to go off and do just what I want to do – just like Tiger. Then you get to apologize for it all – just you way you want to.

    I do wish him luck. He has precious cargo in Eilen and those children. I hope with all my heart he can keep them on board.

  39. samhenry says:

    You can’t speak sincerity. You have to act it out. -FOX

    What you have said here FOX is what Eilen has said to him.

  40. rosehips says:

    SH, Tiger has done more for golf than any other athlete has done for any single sport, or so some say. I don’t think he should be banished from the sport because of his infidelity. Gosh, what if every filanderer was forced to quit their job?

    SH said: I personally think he doesn’t deserve to go back to golf except for the fact that there are so many people who have benefited from him in the game.

  41. rosehips says:

    but with that said, I think all our golf courses should be de-contaminated and turned into public gardens. 🙂

  42. samhenry says:

    RH – there are degrees in everything. Kids who look up to him will be reading about this threesomes off the links!

    And he was kind of self-congratulatory in mentioned the foundation that helps kids and how its work would go on. I hoped he would say he would devote more time to it.

    As I said, I do realize others in the sport depend on him. Perhaps banning is too strong but so is constructive criticism of Sarah Palin, LOL

    Yes, yes, Rose public gardens. All those private clubs would have to tolerate tourists. LOL

    I have always said: Golf courses were the Scotsman’s reaction to the call for preservation venues.

  43. rosehips says:

    yes yes SH, the greens are very well preserved. All those chemicals will do that. haha

    SH said: I have always said: Golf courses were the Scotsman’s reaction to the call for preservation venues.

  44. rosehips says:

    SH, I don’t think we should really distinguish who should be judged by standards above the norm. Yes, those in the public eye have a moral obligation to be upstanding but I don’t think that simply because you are looked up to that you should be punished differently than any other person in the sport or on the stage or on Capitol Hill. Let the people decide if they want to watch, listen, or vote.

  45. Foxwood says:

    Tiger’s got to make a living. I wouldn’t ban him. He just needs to make this a role model thing.

  46. AFVET says:

    As far as Tiger goes, we’ll see.
    Words, just words. Obama said that during the campaign.
    See what we have now?

    As far as Sarah goes, she possesses the same charisma that Reagan did.
    The ability to speak on the level of the common person, and communicate the fact that they are not elitists, although they could be if they wanted to be.
    Reagan was obviously a patriot.
    Palin is obviously a patriot.
    Both could live off books for the rest of their lives, but they chose not to.
    Instead, they are willing to spend time and effort to put this country back on track, back to the Constitutional guidelines set up by our Founding Fathers.

    Wresting the American People from the trenches of socialism is the desire they have in common.
    God Bless America, and true Patriots.

  47. Foxwood says:

    Sarah is a patriot.

  48. samiam60 says:


    Well spoken words spoken there my friend.
    So good to have you here with us for sure.

  49. samhenry says:

    Soooooo I am the loose cabose? LOL

  50. Foxwood says:


    Swiss prostitutes trained to use defibrillators in brothels to prevent clients dying
    Swiss prostitutes are being trained to use defibrillators to prevent clients with heart problems from dying on them, it has emerged.

    Published: 6:30AM GMT 18 Feb 2010

    Brothel owners in the Lugano area say electric shock treatment to restart customer’s hearts is needed because so many elderly customers are using their services.

    The most recent victim was a pensioner, thought to be having fun with the help of anti-impotence medication.

    His death followed a series of other incidents, some fatal, in which heart attacks have claimed brothel customers in the area.

    The owner of one sex club said: “Having customers die on us isn’t exactly good publicity”.

    There are now 38 sex clubs and brothel in the Lugano area. And more are planned, according to Italian daily, Corriere della Sera, in order to accommodate the thousands of customers who pour over the border from Italy, where brothels are illegal. Around 80 per cent of the men who pay for sex in the area are thought to be Italian.

    The sex trade in the pretty, lakeside Swiss town is also being fuelled by prostitutes from South America and Eastern Europe who enter the country via Italy.

    Local health experts are said to have backed the plans to stock defibrillators in sex clubs and brothels.

    Defibrillators work by delivering a controlled electric shock to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat, after it has stopped.

    According to the British Heart Foundation: “Modern defibrillators are becoming increasingly quick and easy for the lay person to use, which can mean the difference between life and death”.

    They don’t want their clients coming and going.

    The defibrillator are made so the average “lay” person can use them.

    The golf term would be called “dead in the hole”

  51. samiam60 says:

    Ok, the starter has been installed. Now we are friends again and I don’t have to worry about forgetting to pick her up from the Doctors or anywhere else. Cheeeeeze. Oh and by the way, the thanks I got was:

    Well I waited long enough for you to do this.
    &itch 😦

  52. samhenry says:

    THE DOG is less talented than Rose at having independent views. Just last night I deleted a post I had done because of a defamatory reference to Palin and then about me for damming Obama. I am in a vice, guys.

  53. samiam60 says:



  54. Foxwood says:

    Set them strait, like I do, SamH. And I feel better after I do it to. It’s cathartic.

  55. samiam60 says:


    Dear SamH forget about what other people say or do. Whenever anyone posts anything on the web there are going to be people who agree and those who disagree. So what! Everything you have to say is important and vital to all that we stand for.

    Just let it Rip SamH and know that you are making a difference in someone’s life.

  56. Pingback: Tiger’s Interview 18 February – No More Threesomes off the Links! « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  57. samiam60 says:

    I am only on here for one reason SamH and that is to piss off Rose.

  58. samhenry says:

    Thank you FOX and Sami

    Sami – I envy Rose being the focus of your attention on the blog LOL

    I was a remarkably funny comeback. ROFL or is that RALPH – I get so confused!

  59. Foxwood says:

    “I am only on here for one reason SamH and that is to piss off Rose.”

    I’m here for the redundancy…

  60. samhenry says:

    Man oh Man – the two of you are bookends in the war on terrifying Rose. I insist both of you wash your mouths out with soap before boarding a plane the next time you fly. You both have explosive statements this AM LOL

  61. samiam60 says:

    SamH says
    Sami – I envy Rose being the focus of your attention on the blog LOL


    I would be more than happy to abuse you here as I do Rose. Do you really want that? Think about it. lol

  62. Foxwood says:

    I wash my mouth out every morning with a shot of bourbon… That may be the explosive part of my breath.

  63. samhenry says:

    Rose have you left me all alone in these shark infested waters? Have you left to watch Obama make nice with Harry Reid in Vegas? I wish that saying were true: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. To the Mayor of Vegas – pleas detain Obama and Reid on charges of misrepresenting the truth.

  64. samhenry says:

    Oh Sami, Wolf abuse would be OK – any kind of attention would be OK. I am just starved for abusive attention. LOL

  65. rosehips says:

    sami, haha, you poor guy. can’t get no respect?

    I always show gratitude when a man gets me rolling again. It is never wise to bite the hand that turns a girl’s engine over. 😉

    Well I waited long enough for you to do this.

  66. samiam60 says:

    If Obama has made any Mafia enemies Vegas is not a good place for him to be.

    Big desert out there.

  67. rosehips says:

    and I think that whores with defibrilators is an exciting additon to the brothel scene!

  68. Foxwood says:

    Was it a misinterpretation of the dialect?

  69. samhenry says:

    All of Sicily is a desert. The Mafia are in home territory. “let me be clear” in say, in memory of ole blue eyes – take Reid and Obama for a ride in the desert – don’t bother to pack a lunch.

  70. samiam60 says:

    Thanks Rose, I guess as I reflect on everything that she has a right to be a little upset with me.
    I mean no one likes to be forgotten at the Doctors Office. lololololololololololol 🙂 🙂 🙂

  71. samhenry says:

    I meant to say suggesting a ride in the desert for Obama and Reid was being said in jest. Good grief.

  72. Foxwood says:

    “and I think that whores with defibrilators is an exciting additon to the brothel scene!”

    Just think of what could be stimulated!

  73. rosehips says:

    SH, I’m not terrified although I might pretend to be sometimes just to indulge the guys. 😉

    whoops sorry bout the icon, I know you detest them. 😉

  74. samhenry says:

    Hey, Sami, if at our age a significant other had medical problems, I’d leave him/her at the doctors LOL.

    The indians leave their sick and elderly under a tree and go on to other hunting grounds.

  75. samhenry says:

    Rose – now you’ve done it. A smiley face from you is like a hit in the head from an icle – hard and cold and cruel and pointed! LOL

  76. rosehips says:

    SH, you are as bad as the woman who wants to hang my Senator Patty Murray.

    Would you even at least give them a bottled of purified water???

    SH said: All of Sicily is a desert. The Mafia are in home territory. “let me be clear” in say, in memory of ole blue eyes – take Reid and Obama for a ride in the desert – don’t bother to pack a lunch.

  77. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    and I think that whores with defibrilators is an exciting additon to the brothel scene!


    I knew you couldn’t leave that one alone! I KNEW IT! Can’t believe the Fox posted that. I however don’t consider them “Whores”. To be politically correct I like to refer to them as

    ” Paid Professionals”

    Now, aren’t you proud of me for being Politically Correct?

  78. samhenry says:

    No Rose – putrefied water only. And no air conditioned car. And as I said, no lunch. Instructions: come back alone LOL

  79. Foxwood says:

    WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY! Bailout slush funds are being used in Nevada to help Reid get re-elected! BULLSH!T!

  80. samhenry says:

    All this time I was misreading your comments. I thought you were talking about sex enhancement devices. What do I know. It’s winter. I never go out. I don’t get the paper. I only know what you tell me. OL

    Of course by the time Sami and FOX have run these articles and ideas through so much filtering that they are hardly recognizable coming out the other end! LOL

  81. samiam60 says:


    Don’t know if you saw the movie Casino or not but the way Joe Pecsi got it in the end is etched in my mind.

  82. rosehips says:

    sami, I am very proud of you. I should not have called them whores. Those women are doing the best they can. I envy them. I would love to bring an old man back to life. Especially if he is rich and appreciates my skills with a defibulator. hahaha

  83. samhenry says:

    Now calm down FOX. You know Obama has just one job to do: legislate bankrupting legislation.

  84. Foxwood says:

    All of this money in Washington, all of it, is a slush fund. Social Security, Medicare, TARP, Stimulus, all of it. There is no lock box. People need to realize this.

  85. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    I would love to bring an old man back to life.


    You seem to bring this old man back to “life” every other comment. lol

  86. Foxwood says:

    “Can’t believe the Fox posted that.”

    Someone has to post the hard hitting news!

  87. rosehips says:

    SH, Obama’s epitaph will read: born in Kenya, dead in Nevada…

  88. samiam60 says:

    How cool is this, the Mayor of Vegas tells the most powerful man in the Free World to F— Off.

  89. Foxwood says:

    “How cool is this, the Mayor of Vegas tells the most powerful man in the Free World to F— Off.”

    Now if we only had Conservative leaders in Congress with b@lls to say that.

  90. Foxwood says:

    If more Conservative leaders would do that, I bet it would rally the cause.

  91. Foxwood says:

    Damn! Look at Harry Reid! The “Paid Professionals” need to get those deliberators out. Harry looks like he needs one.

  92. Foxwood says:


    Plane strikes IRS building in Austin
    by rogue robot
    Digg this! Share this on Twitter – Plane strikes IRS building in AustinTweet this submit to reddit
    Thu Feb 18, 2010 at 10:33:19 AM PST

    [Headline redacted – MB]

    After months of threats on the United States government, and government institutions, the Anti-Government forces known as the teabaggers have struck with their first 911 inspired terrorist attack.

    AUSTIN, Texas – A low-flying small plane crashed into an office building that houses the Internal Revenue Service in Texas on Thursday, and officials said they were investigating whether it was an intentional act by the pilot.

    * rogue robot’s diary :: ::

    I don’t believe that I am alone in demanding the President use all means necessary to stop these radical terrorists.

    Tags: teabag, 911 (all tags) :: Previous Tag Versions

  93. Foxwood says:

    Rose, This is why I’m the way I am. I heard all of this CRAP about Bush for 8 years. I made a vow (childish as you may see it) to make them eat their own crap.

  94. Foxwood says:

    Funny, this guy blames Bush for his woes, but the Regressive Liberals make the man to be a teabagger?

    I think I made mention that it would be called that way.

  95. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood says
    Damn! Look at Harry Reid! The “Paid Professionals” need to get those deliberators out. Harry looks like he needs one.

    I don’t think Harry Reid needs a defibulator at all.
    He merely looks over at Nancy Pelosi and is scared back to life.

  96. Foxwood says:

    That would do it for me, Sami!

  97. dancingczars says:

    Ah Ha! Through the magic of communication you have again taught me. I personally think Sarah Rocks, whether she is ready for 2012 who knows. I agree and saw a posting yesterday denigrating her folksy touch. I love it, people, as in real people love it, it’s part of her charm and appeal. She should speak as an elitist? We already have a total fraud in the White House, Let Sarah Do it her way. Jim

  98. Foxwood says:

    Frank “The Lout” Lautenberg has stomach cancer. Will there be another special election?

  99. Foxwood says:

    As soon as the “blue ribbon commission” tells Obutthole he needs to raise taxes on the middle class, Obutthole can do it “for the good of the nation”.

    Looks like those that make less than $250,000 and the 95% of Americans that won’t get taxed are going to get screwed and won’t get any Vaseline to make things easier.

  100. Foxwood says:

    Why must we go into debt for healthcare and other social services? If people would do some homework and look at the cost of Iraq and Afghanistan and compare them to the cost of the BULLSH!T that is NOT in the Constitution. You would see the REAL reason we are in debt.

    You have to use a brain people.

  101. Foxwood says:

    New Jersey does not have a special election! Chris Christi can appoint someone if something happens to “The Lout”.

  102. samhenry says:

    Hi Jim

    I agree and saw a posting yesterday denigrating her folksy touch.

    She was not being denigrated; she was being respectfully assessed with an eye to helping her to tune up to win. Want to see the overly irrational and downright nasty emotions she elicits in people, let me send you a comment on my post now deleted. That was denigration. I will not allow it on my blog

  103. Foxwood says:

    Tiger Woods and Toyota need to team up.

    The slogan would be:

    “I swear I can stop.”

  104. samhenry says:


    According to Morrissey on HotAir, according to his views, I’m in good company in my theory of the blog:

    If readers are unsettled, you can imagine how Allahpundit and I felt when we heard about the potential sale. After all, we provide almost all of the content for the site, and it’s not exactly a secret that we occasionally criticize the Right as well as the Left, and sometimes the center, too.

  105. Pingback: Listen Closely It’s the Sound of Your World Changing Forever « Dancing Czars

  106. Pingback: Obama Administration Denies Public Access to Fannie and Freddie Documents « Dancing Czars

  107. Pingback: Obama Writing Health Bill to Skirt GOP Filibuster « Dancing Czars

  108. Foxwood says:

    Afghanistan is turning into Vietnam. This administration is a bunch of weenies. The rules of engagement suck. The rules of engagement should be SHOOT TO KILL!

  109. Pingback: Class Warfare’s Next Target: 401(k) Savings « Dancing Czars

  110. Foxwood says:

    From Dr. Demento!

  111. Pingback: I AM the TEA PARTY Leader! « Temple of Mut

  112. Foxwood says:

    Looks like I’m all by myself…

    Looks like I’ll drink alone…

  113. samhenry says:

    Don’t be too sure.

  114. samhenry says:

    all alone by the telephone

  115. samhenry says:

    This jazz band is Swedish, FOX

  116. samhenry says:

    Pass the gummy bears and Swedish fish, will ya FOX?

  117. samhenry says:

    Well, just dropped in like the angels of old to let you know that you aren’t alone, FOX – you’re being guarded by electronic forces beyond your ken and your control.

    Deal with it!



  118. Foxwood says:

    I got your Swedish right here!

  119. Foxwood says:

    I bet Tiger got his Swedish also.

    No more meat balls…

  120. Foxwood says:

    Did you catch the Star Trekin’ video above, SamH?

  121. samhenry says:

    Thanks for the Swedish, FOX

  122. Foxwood says:

    A Swedish jazz band?

    Kinda like Mariachi Opra…

  123. Foxwood says:

    OUCH! I hurt my badfinger!

  124. samhenry says:

    Here’s a piece from the past. From the kid’s show H.R. Puffin Stuff, Witchiepoo and her friend (the one in the fruit bath). The one in the bath is Cass Eliot

  125. samhenry says:

    Love the badfinger and now for some Bofinger. 40 or more years ago when I was a student in Paris here is where I ate. I don’t know who I thought I was. It is unchanged!

  126. samhenry says:

    Have to go to be, FOX. Good to hook up with you tonight and say prayers! LOL

  127. Foxwood says:

    Wow! That is Mama Cass!

    I believe she said, “don’t call me Mama anymore”.

    One of the all time best voices.

  128. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning my Fellow Patriots 🙂

  129. samiam60 says:

    Here is a solution to all the controversy over full-body scanners at the airports. Have a booth that you will step into that will not x-ray you but instead will detonate any explosive device you may have on you. It will be a win-win. None of the nonsense about racial profiling and this method would eliminate an expensive trial. Justice would be swift and effective.

  130. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Sammy!

  131. rosehips says:

    morning peeps!

    where is everyone on this fine day? sami, are you still there?

    I have been a little intrigued by this Dr. Amy Bishop, the woman who killed her colleagues in Alabama. Her defense attorney is now regretting that he called her “whacko” Good. It’s high time that the mentally ill get the same respect as the mentally disabled. There are a lot of whackos out there that get absolutely no respect.

    I was reading a little bit about the whacked out doc. Here’s an interesting excerpt from the boston

    “A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children – the youngest a third-grade boy – was a far-left political extremist who was “obsessed” with President Obama to the point of being off-putting.”

  132. VotingFemale says:

    That is an interesting solution!

    how about a bomb sniffing dog that if he find a bomg he gets to eat the bomber, on live TV?

  133. rosehips says:

    morning VF!
    morning sami!

  134. rosehips says:

    sami, think of all the innocent peeps though who might have a little tnt on their clothing. Are you advocating the elimination of the hard-working miners in this great country? What ever will we do if the miners are all gone?

  135. rosehips says:

    coincidently, re: amy bishop, I came across a book in the library a couple weeks ago about the murder of Dr. Andrew Bagby by his deranged med school girl friend, Shirley Turner. I was struck by the story because I recall commenting on ireports with a filmmaker who did a documentary of the murder case, “Dear Zachary”. I just started the book this morning and it has a lot of similarities to the Bagby case. Anyhoo, it sort of stirred an interest in this Amy Bishop. She is one interesting psychological read.

  136. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VotingFemale and Rosehips 🙂

    Rosie, Rosie, Rosie,

    What ever are we going to do with you?

    Never mind, I just thought of something.

  137. rosehips says:

    sami, did you make up with your gal last night?

  138. rosehips says:

    sami, what do you make of that amy bishop? have your seen her mug? would she scare you if she was pursuing you? haha

  139. rosehips says:

    I would not be surprised if amy bishop is also a sex addict. I think she needs rehab. She and Tiger could counsel and console each other. 🙂

  140. rosehips says:

    foxy, time to get up! get yer lazy bones out of bed.

  141. rosehips says:

    well, I can sure take a hint. see you in a bit!

  142. samiam60 says:

    Sorry had a phone call.

    Rose says:
    sami, did you make up with your gal last night?


    Yes she paid off the Starter in full last night.

  143. samiam60 says:

    Former Secretary of State and Presidential Adviser Alexander Haig Dies at 85

  144. rosehips says:

    RIP Alex Haig

    Mr. “I’m in charge” Secretary of State.

  145. rosehips says:

    don’t mean to disparage the dead. that would be so teddy kennedy of me. hehehe

  146. rosehips says:

    sami, don’t abandon me again. on you on the phone with “she” again?

  147. rosehips says:

    Navy agrees to fund toxic water study at NC base

    The Associated Press
    Friday, February 19, 2010; 12:45 PM

    WILMINGTON, N.C. — The Navy has agreed after months of fighting to fund a study into the health effects of past water pollution at Camp Lejeune on Marines.

    The Department of the Navy said in a letter Thursday to the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry that it will pay more than $1.5 million for the work. The study will look at whether there are higher mortality rates for Marines who served at the base during the years the water was contaminated.

  148. rosehips says:

    Another reason we should be wary of developing more nukes. Do we really trust these corporate bozos to not be dishonest?

    Groups call for criminal probe

    BRATTLEBORO — Two of the state’s leading environmental groups have asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to launch a criminal investigation into Entergy Nuclear’s admission that it gave false information under oath to state and federal officials.

    “We implore you to take all actions necessary to gather information and enforce applicable legal requirements,” stated a letter sent to Holder and U.S. Attorney Tristram Coffin of Vermont from the Conservation Law Foundation and the Vermont Public Interest Research Group.

    The two groups said Entergy Nuclear had willfully violated federal law and had “carelessly disregarded obligations to maintain and provide accurate information on critical power plant systems.”

    That carelessness, the two environmental groups said, had led Entergy to operate Vermont Yankee “with careless disregard that has led to contamination of ground and surface waters with radiological substances.”

  149. rosehips says:

    alright, I’m getting really tired of talking to myself. I am going to watch a movie now.

    call me when you can come out to play.

  150. samiam60 says:

    Rose I would never abandon you. I was on the phone with a buddy of mine. We have been best friends since 4th grade. Imagine that?

    My relationship with the neighbor is non committal. We decided that a while.

    I should have gotten it in writing though.

  151. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    sami, what do you make of that amy bishop? have your seen her mug? would she scare you if she was pursuing you? haha


    She reminds me of the movie “Misery”

    My second wife looked like Demi Moore but acted like Kathleen Baits in Misery.
    I have a Lifetime Protection Order from the courts to protect me from her!

  152. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  153. Foxwood says:

    Still recovering from on call.

    Thirsty… anyone have any sparkling toxic water?

  154. Foxwood says:

    I meant tonic water…

  155. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning Foxwood. Rose went to watch a movie. Most likely she is watching the Candidate with Robert Redford.

    He becomes President and the movie ends with him saying after elected: What do I do now?

    Sound Familar?

  156. Foxwood says:

    Maybe Redford needs to make a movie called “All the Candidates Men”, then he could investigate himself.

  157. samhenry says:

    While Rose is watching a movie, I’m watching you two gentlemen.

  158. samhenry says:

    There you go FOX – the next thought after that would be that he’d pass a self-stimulation bill.

  159. Foxwood says:

    I think most in Congress already do that. No need for a bill to do it.

  160. samhenry says:

    Here is my reaction to how to handle airport security. It appeared in a post of mine yesterday:

    many Muslims are threatening not to take the full body scans – it is against their religion. Also against their religion, associating with the non-believers. Well NEWSFLASH: it is against my religion to fly with the un-scanned.,

  161. rosehips says:


    I am actually watching the movie I was talking about earlier when everyone was ignoring me. It’s called “Dear Zachary” I am watching it on-demand through netflix. It streams to my tv.
    I love on demand!

    The movie is moving and disturbing. The murderess is a psychopath. She killed her lover when he broke up with her and then the Canadian gov’t would not extradite her. She was pregnant with her victim’s child. She ended up commiting suicide and killing the child as well. It’s a tragic story especially since the doctor was so well loved and had exceptional parents. I am only a third of the way through but I’m shedding big tears for this great guy. His best buddy, the filmmaker, filmed his friend all through his truncated life. very sad. also, the doctor was an only child and the baby was his only offspring. The grandparents were left without any offspring. sigh

  162. rosehips says:

    well back to the movie.

    what happened to the cat?

  163. Foxwood says:

    I’ve resolved my problem with scanning. I don’t fly anymore.

  164. Foxwood says:

    “earlier when everyone was ignoring me.”

    Someone say something?

  165. samhenry says:

    Morning RH. I’m into drowning PC out here.

    FOX – you still fly – just in a distillery.

  166. Foxwood says:

    Take a trip and never leave the farm!

  167. Foxwood says:

    Good morning SamH!

    Good morning Rosey!

    Good morning Sami!

    Good morning VF!

  168. Foxwood says:

    “I’m into drowning PC out here.”

    Those poor computers…

  169. samhenry says:

    I had the first IBM PC.

  170. Foxwood says:

    I had a Commodore PET.

  171. samhenry says:

    I guess Rose has gone to see the rest of the sad but wonderful movie.

    FOX, I have to go clean up the place. Daisy the “loud mouth” Basset is coming for a week this afternoon and i don’t want the place to look like I couldn’t care for another flea here. BBL

  172. Foxwood says:

    Everybody’s gone… (sniff sniff) Maybe I should take a bath…

  173. samiam60 says:

    Bishop is a very liberal professor, who murdered her co-workers. She is an ardent supporter of liberal policies.

    Wouldn’t Bishop also be considered a “domestic terrorist,” for her actions?

    The assumption that Stack was a right-wing terrorists is disgusting and disturbing. He quoted both the far-right creed, (communism) as well as the far-left. (capitalism)

    No one on the right has accused Bishop of belonging to a group such as “” Which we all know is based on socialism/marxism. Yet, there are reasons to believe she was a far left loon.

  174. Foxwood says:

    Did anyone read what the Daily Kos had to say about Stack?

    It’s like they get made up news from Revisionist Propagandists.

  175. rosehips says:

    where did everyone go? 😦

    Here’s something positive happening in my state:

    The Sensible Washington Campaign
    Support I-1068, the ballot initiative to repeal criminal penalties for adult marijuana use and cultivation in our state.

    1. Stop wasting tens of millions of tax dollars a year punishing decent people for choosing a substance less addictive than coffee and less harmful than alcohol and tobacco
    2. Show medical marijuana patients the compassion they deserve by letting them focus on their health — not property seizures and court dates
    3. Let Washington farmers increase the value of their land by growing industrial hemp

    For more info, visit

    I-1068, Now Endorsed By Chief Norm Stamper
    Written by Philip Dawdy on February 15, 2010 — 6 Comments
    We’re thrilled to announce that earlier today we received the following email from former Seattle Chief of Police Norm Stamper:

    I thought I would reach out to you, let you know of my strong support for I-1068, and authorize use of my name (and, no doubt, that of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) if you think it would be helpful to the campaign.

    Wishing you every success,
    Norm Stamper
    Seattle Chief of Police (Ret.)

  176. Foxwood says:

    “Here’s something positive happening in my state:”

    Global Warming is allowing for a longer growing season?

  177. rosehips says:

    That’s right foxy, that way we can grow ten foot ganja up here. 🙂

    I noticed this group on my son’s zen so it made me think of how global warming could be very beneficial for some things.

    btw, if my son ever gets on here and is offensive, please let me apologize in advanced. He is visiting me and this morning he read through this thread and said he came very close to making a comment. I asked if he would be insulting and he said he wouldn’t “flame” anyone, but would say how embarrassed he is that his mom shares her life with total strangers. lol
    my son does have a good point haha

    but he said after about 20 mins he really couldn’t think of what to say, so he didn’t. good boy!

  178. Pingback: March on Washington to tell president to quit « Dancing Czars

  179. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Sarah’s choice of speaking in a Mainstream Americana Dialect is no less a target of elitist snobbishly-biased mindsets than is an African American National Politician choosing to communicate in a ‘Harry Reid Described’ “Negro dialect.” What? people who speak in a so-called negro dialect are lacking in intellect? Who made that rule?

    VF, The Dixicrats made that rule!

    Speaking of Dixicrats, Harry Reid must be desperate to ask Barry to campaign for him. What happened to the last person Barry campaigned for?

  180. ohiobelle says:

    Obama will lose because he stands in front of people that have lost their jobs and their homes, telling them that the economy is growing and getting better. HE EITHER DOESN’T KNOW OR HE DOESN’T CARE.

    I’ll check back later.

  181. Pingback: The TRUE GRIT of Women in and Near Politics « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  182. samhenry says:

    vf wrote: Sarah’s choice of speaking in a Mainstream Americana Dialect is no less a target of elitist snobbishly-biased mindsets than is an African American National Politician choosing to communicate in a ‘Harry Reid Described’ “Negro dialect.” What? people who speak in a so-called negro dialect are lacking in intellect? Who made that rule?

  183. samhenry says:

    RE the above – what I wrote was lost. I was not speaking of her dialect but of her “way” of speaking – the word choices. If she wants to be President then you can’t go into a meeting with Putin or Madevev (spelling) and say “I kinda sorta would like to get an agreement over fishing rights….” I think she tends to get “cutsey” when she is trying to say something hard hitting and wants to soften the blow.

    I like dialects – I thrive on differences and I hope they never go away,

  184. samiam60 says:


    Should your son ever come on here and “Flame” us be assured we would show him the utmost respect.
    Seriously, we would. Just make sure he identifies himself as your son. lol and by the way, if your son is reading this blog perhaps you should be careful about sexing me up so much.

  185. samiam60 says:

    Hello Ohiobelle and SamH. Slow day in the blogosphere it seems eh

  186. samhenry says:

    Perhaps a lot of people are watching the Olympics. Another snowstorm is barreling down on us so they may be at the grocery store.

    I’m on my way there now. Later

  187. samiam60 says:

    Glenn Beck Rips Progressivism at CPAC

    Fox News host Glenn Beck, armed with a chalkboard, blamed “progressivism ” for America’s problems Saturday in his keynote speech that brought the annual Conservative Political Action Conference to a close

    Fox News host Glenn Beck, armed with his trademark chalkboard, blamed “progressivism ” for America’s problems Saturday in his keynote speech that brought the annual Conservative Political Action Conference to a close.

    The chalkboard, a prop that he uses frequently on his top-rated show, brought the audience to its feet. Beck wrote “Progressivism” on it to underscore his belief in what America is suffering from.

    When Beck asked what America is suffering from, someone shouted “President Obama,” though Beck, an outspoken critic of the president, said it’s “not that simple.”

    Beck rejected the notion that the Republican Party should expand its tent to include progressives.

    “What is this? A circus?” he said, drawing laughter. “America is not a clown show. America is an idea that sets people free.”

    Opening up about his troubled past, Beck told the crowd, “People need to understand that life is not fair. The bad guy sometimes wins.”

    The speech capped three days of panel discussions and high-profile speakers, including numerous politicians mentioned as contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. But for a lot of the CPAC attendees, Beck was the reason they came, as he is seen as a leader in the new conservative movement.

    The speech comes after a year in which Beck’s growing popularity as a Fox News host coincided with the rise of the Tea Party Movement and populist rage directed at Washington. Beck also launched the 9/12 Project, which sets forth nine values and 12 principles that he believes the country was founded upon. The project inspired a major march in Washington in September.

    “This is how is America should be,” said Cynthia Burgiss, 22, a student at the University of Dayton in Ohio who attended the 9/12 march in D.C. this year. “People of every race, political affiliation, religion came together for different reasons.”

    She was at CPAC to see Beck and called him a “relatable … everyday guy.”

    “None of this would have happened without Glenn,” she said.

  188. samiam60 says:

    Glenn Beck’s keynote speech tonight moved me like I have not been moved since the days of Ronald Reagan.

    This man is an incredible PATRIOT!

  189. Foxwood says:

    I was getting ready to turn the channel when Glenn came on. It was a great speech. \

    I got my kids to listen to it. They didn’t seem impressed, but I’m guessing they don’t think he’s the racist they thought he was.

    My daughter is a Rush baby. I don’t know what happened to her.

  190. Foxwood says:

    It’s that Barrow boy! Too much Clyde Barrow rubbed off on him.

  191. Foxwood says:

    One step closer to my petition website! I’ll need help with it!

  192. Foxwood says:

    Conference Room!


  193. Foxwood says:

    A K-FOX twin spin!

  194. Foxwood says:

    I hear the fix is in… Why even bother, Obutthole, with the televised scamfest with Republicans on Obuttf*ckCare?

    You have a way to ram it though with unConstitutional Reconciliation. I will fight your sorry @ss with every tooth and nail, every bone, every neuron, in my body.

    I don’t say unConstitutional for now reason. If even one of you Regressive Liberals read the Constitution and see the BULLSH!T your party is pulling and see the light, there is hope for the United States and the Constitution.

    Look throughout history and find a country that has succeeded through Socialism or Communism. Learn some real history. Learn some real facts.

    You want me to show you? What’s the point? Will you believe me, or believe the truth you find on your own?

  195. Foxwood says:

    “History show again and again
    how nature points out the folly of man”

    — Blue Oyster Cult

  196. Foxwood says:

    Played on a violin, Iron Man sounds like an oriental tune.

  197. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning my Fellow Patriots

  198. samiam60 says:

    The president reportedly is working on health care legislation intended to reconcile differences between House and Senate Democrats that could be attached to a budget bill and pass with only 51 Senate votes.

  199. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Sammy!

    sorry I was away so much yesterday 😦

  200. samhenry says:

    Good morning Sami and CAT. Good to see you backy your felineness.

    Will you be doing a new blogpost today? If so I will wait to link.

  201. samhenry says:

    DOG standing at the blog’s back door – whine, whine, whine. Where are you, VF?

  202. samhenry says:

    FOX – I had one of those fish wall things where the fish moved and sang “take me to the river.” Some kids broke it and I was so sad. I loved the kooky thing.

  203. samiam60 says:

    Good morning SamH and VF. It is Sunday and Glenn Beck gave what I believe a very defining speech last night at CPAC. I have not felt that inspired since the Reagan Years.

    I agree with him that we are in for one really tough road ahead.

  204. samhenry says:

    We have only a rough road with Obama and company in charge or should I say leading the charge in government reform – that is what it is – not health care reform.

  205. samhenry says:

    Back to the rack for a time. See you all later. DOG walks head down to the Kennel.

  206. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning SamHenry!

  207. VotingFemale says:

    I missed seeing his speech but will watch the video now.

    samiam60 says

    Good morning SamH and VF. It is Sunday and Glenn Beck gave what I believe a very defining speech last night at CPAC. I have not felt that inspired since the Reagan Years.

    I agree with him that we are in for one really tough road ahead.

  208. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF, There are 6 parts to the speech.
    He spoke for one full hour and with out a Teleprompter. Here that Barry?

  209. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  210. Foxwood says:

    I heard about the reconciliation vote coming up, Sami. So why is it than he has to have the televised meeting with Republicans again?

  211. VotingFemale says:

    Guten Morgan, Floxvood!

  212. VotingFemale says:

    Fox, they are likely using the “bipartisan” dog and pony show to help swing DEM Representatives towards voting for the Senate version… by trying to make them think they can fool voters into believing the GOP are the bad guys.

    I don’t think it will work… another dirty trick to redefine reality… voters reject the ObamaCare Bill by a huge margin and it is not because of the GOP minority in congress.

  213. samiam60 says:

    The more Obama pushes his deceptions on the American People the more American People get involved. He brings about his own demise. imo

  214. samiam60 says:


  215. samiam60 says:

    Anyone see Michelle Obama on Huckabee yesterday. No one can accuse Fox News of anything now. She was treated with the utmost respect.

  216. samiam60 says:

    Americans have awakened! We can see that government has been ineffective at resolving our problems. What they have been effective at is spending taxpayer money, our money to make promises they can’t keep and we can’t afford, granting entitlements they don’t have constitutional authority to grant!

    They have traded the future of our children and grandchildren to enrich themselves in the present and though BOTH political parties have been guilty of this the democrats are the worst offenders and this administration is the worst of the worst! Obama criticises the Bush administration for his spending doubling the nations debt over his 8 years, but then turns around and doubles the nations debt in his first year!

    Obama is a liar and a hypocrite. He and his democrat brethren are socialists, no better then Castro, Chavez, or Mao! They need to be sent packing and they will be in the coming elections, as will any republican that doesn’t honor their oath of office to protect and uphold the constitution!

  217. Foxwood says:

    Good Morning VF!

    Good Morning Sami!

  218. Foxwood says:

    Grandkids are over… Got to make my favorite, bacon and egg burritos. Need to make some coffee also.

  219. samiam60 says:

    I am feeling somewhat ” Homesick” for the blog this morning. Tomorrow I begin something that will keep me away at least 60 hours a week.

    You can bet I will be on here to contribute every single chance I get.

    This has become my home in the Matrix.

  220. Foxwood says:

    Sami said:
    “Americans have awakened! We can see that government has been ineffective at resolving our problems. What they have been effective at is spending taxpayer money, our money to make promises they can’t keep and we can’t afford, granting entitlements they don’t have constitutional authority to grant!”

    Our school children have been dumbed down and don’t know what is and is not Constitutional. This has been done on purpose to get things like Healthcare and Crap & Trade through.

    These kids laugh at us saying we are kooks and see Communist at every corner, when they have been brought up by the school system to look blindly beyond the Communism that they already live in, but don’t see.

    These “leaders” in office are all about controlling the population, and when they can get the kids to laugh at us, later when they need the real history dead, it will be easier to kill.

    We are the real history. We are the ones that have to die as per Marx theory if they get their way.

  221. Foxwood says:

    This man, Obutthole, thinks if he can get his crap rammed down our throats, that that will be the end of it. He let Congress write the crappy bill so that his fingerprints aren’t on it, but this is a complete Regressive Liberal agenda shared by all of them.

    This is the closest they’ve ever been to complete control of humanity. This has been the dream since Marx. Marxists couldn’t do it in Amerika through revolution, so they called themselves Progressives, because they “progress”, and progress toward Socialism/Communism slowly, imperceivable.

    But their so close now. So now it’s full speed ahead. They can taste the power.

    I can’t wait to kick them in the nuts, because they don’t see the real revolution coming.

  222. Pingback: The ill-fated strategy of Obama’s Feb 25th ‘Bipartisan’ Dog and Pony Show… « VotingFemale

  223. Pingback: Texas files lawsuit against the EPA « Dancing Czars

  224. Pingback: ACORN’s alias con game for money and power « VotingFemale

  225. Pingback: Obama Economy Management sets new US Record! « VotingFemale

  226. Pingback: Breitbart victim of ambush “journalist” Tommy Christorpher at CPAC; gives it back even better « Diary of a Mad Conservative

  227. Pingback: House Republicans Gave Obama Their Health Care Proposals Weeks Ahead of Thursday’s Summit « Dancing Czars

  228. Pingback: Obama vows 2010 campaign war to win back so-called ‘misinformed voters’ after ObamaCare Ram Down is complete « VotingFemale

  229. Pingback: Obama, the Nose-Picker-In-Chief on Live TV « VotingFemale

  230. Pingback: Progressives pass extension of BUSH Patriot Act, shhh… it’s supposed to be a secret hahaha « VotingFemale

  231. Pingback: Pelosi’s Cultist Suicide Pact Recruitment Underway « VotingFemale

  232. Pingback: Rahm (via proxies) throws Obama, Gibbs, Jarrett and Axelrod under the Rahmbo Bus « VotingFemale

  233. Pingback: Palin attacker Tom Tancredo, A Tea Party Loose Canon; dump this idiot now « VotingFemale

  234. Pingback: Obama’s Socialist ‘Coffee’ Party??? hahaha!!! give it your best shot, ding-dong! « VotingFemale

  235. Pingback: CNN, the most trusted name in useful idiots « VotingFemale

  236. Pingback: Breaking: Rangel suspends Ways and Means post « VotingFemale

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