More people believe Elvis is alive than believe Obama’s $787 billion stimulus created jobs

It is remarkable that Obama relies on speeches, writers, the Lame Stream Media, and Leftist organizations to attempt to convince Americans that his Stimulus Package of $787 billion Chinese-borrowed dollars,  AKA the Recovery Act, worked.

It did not work, has not worked, and will not work because it is based on the application of Socialist Ideology and not in the application of principles of private sector capitalism.

So Obama & Co uses propaganda and ‘gangsta tactics’ to attempt a rewrite of reality… and that effort is as big a failure as the Stimulus package.

Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) is not one of the 6% of Americans who believe Obama & Co created jobs in the private sector.

Will the Obama Attack Dogs, AKA the members of the DEM Congressional Caucus, the Lame Stream Media, leftist organizations, and the Leftist Bloggers now attack Senator Bayh for telling the truth?

Don’t make me laugh! OF COURSE they will! It’s what they do! lol

Will the Majority of American believe them? Of COURSE NOT! lol

Obama and his cronies are secheuled for a profound reset in the elections in 2010 and 2012… and all the attacks on Sarah Palin and her baby Trig will not stop it… nor will any of their mass Media propaganda.

There will be a lot of job opportunities starting November in Washington DC for newly elected Conservative Congressmen staff this year and again in 2012 for newly elected Conservative Congressmen staffs and a Conservative Administration.

Those jobs will be created as a result of Obama’s failures and his marching of America off a Socialist cliff into economic ruin and reduced capacity as the leader of the free world.


Additional Blogposts from VotingFemale:


Additional reading…

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Wanna Bet? and Assault on Mitt Romney Was Funny? and Tamyra d’Ippolito Dem Nominee In Indiana? UPDATE: Not So and Jean le Carré In Dubai

HOT AiR: Las Vegas mayor snubs Obama and Open thread: Hot Air acquisition and Did Nature misreport fraud issue with Jones? and Obamateurism of the Day and Quotes of the day and Video: Palin responds to “Family Guy” on the Factor and New lefty idea: Hey, let’s run John Mellencamp for Indiana Senate


Heritage Foundry: Taliban Leader Capture Suggests Pakistan Strategy Shift and Hispanics Losing Hope for Obama and Morning Bell: Washington Subsidies Can’t Save Nuclear Power and “If You Think You Will Tax my Benefits and Give the Money to Ben Nelson in Nebraska, You’re Crazy” and Obama’s Nuclear Push Good but Not Enough and Biomass Gets Tax Break, Oil & Gas Get Tax Hike and The Obamas and Food in America: Another Flip-Flop?

BigGovernment: Are High Health Care Costs Tied To Evidence-Based Medicine? and Toyota and the Union-Backed Government-Led Witch Hunt and Wednesday Open Thread: Obama Edition and Bayh: Congress Has Created No Jobs and Jamaica Kincaid’s Anti-Christian, Nonsensical Remarks About Haiti and Capitalism and Health Care Summit Conflicts with Constitution and A New Idea: Don’t Bailout Greece, or Anyone Else for That Matter.

HillBuzz: Two Year Anniversary Open Thread: February 17th, 2010 and Great Merciful Zeus: Scott and Ayla Brown challenge Obama to charity basketball game for Haiti relief and The collapse of the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming could take the entire Democrat Party and American Media down with it and Tamyra d’Ippolito Watch Thread

Gateway Pundit:
Barack Obama Mocked at This Year’s Mardi Gras Parade and Salem Communications Buys HotAir Blog and Republican Ed Martin Holds Online Money Bomb Today and Crow Nation Members Holds First Tea Party Rally in Montana and BIG FAIL. One Year Ago Today Stimulus Signed into Law- Since Then US Lost 2.74 Million Jobs and 2009- Global Warming Causes Foggy Days in San Francisco… 2010- Global Warming Causes Fog-less Days in San Francisco and Michael Steele Meets With Tea Party Leaders (Video) and Evan Bayh: “If I Could Create One Job in the Private Sector, That’s More Than Congress Has Created in the Last 6 Months” (Video) and Donald Trump Wants Nobel Committee to Take Back Prize From Al Gore (Audio)

Sister Toldjah: Obama admin not talking on the details of Baradar capture, detention, and interrogation. Why? and Moonbat of the Week: “Jimbo” and Tuesday open thread and Taliban’s second in command in Afghanistan is captured

Nice Deb: Catholic Bishops Jump On Global Warming Bandwagon Just As Wheels Are Falling Off the Hoax and Pamela May Be On To Something… and Check My Updates

Frugal Café: Olympics’ Problems in Vancouver Escalate: Luger’s Death, Malfunctions, Melting Snow, Shaun White Fans Turned Away, Olympic Flame Wire Fence, Power Outtage, Biathalon Errors and B-Ball Court Challenge… Scott Brown to Obama: How About Some Basketball to Raise Money to Help Out Haiti’s Earthquake Victims? and E-Waste First: Olympic Medals Made from Gold, Silver, & Copper Recovered from Electronic Waste and How Much Are Americans Willing to Pay to Insure Everyone on ObamaCare? Most Popular Poll Response: “ZERO” and Sen. Barbara “Ma’am” Boxer Not Getting Much Love from California Voters… No Tears Here and Obama T-Shirts Worn by Thugs, Criminals, Haitian Looters… Man Arrested in 2008 BECAUSE He Wore a McCain/Palin Shirt to Obama Victory Gathering (video) and Bye-Bye, Bayh… Indiana Democrat Senator Says He Won’t Run for Third Term in Congress

Talk Wisdom: Playing Freedom Cheap

Michelle Malkin: Pay-go, no-go and The White House Islamic envoy and a smelly whitewash and National security nightmare: John Brennan and the notorious flying imam and Where in the world

Arlene Army:MSNBC Maddow Attacked Les Phillip: Because He’s a Conservative Republican Who is Black

Boudica BPI: Obama trying to destroy America by bankruptcy.

Good Time Politics: Indiana Democrat Sen. Evan Bayh will not seek re-election in November

Mad Conservative:
An invitation from the less elite Las Vegas R-J

Ohiobelle: TOYOTA (TOYODA) RECALLS 8 MILLION CARS and Barack Obama statue removed from Jakarta park and We Are The World Then & Now…

SamHenry’s Blog: Not Just Polls but Pressure on Select Dems Not to Run 2010 and Obama Reviews Executive Powers to Bypass or Leverage Congress to Legislate his Agenda

Temple of MUT: The more you tighten your grip, Obama, the more citizens will slip through your fingers

Dancing Czars:
Three Major Firms Pull Out of Climate Change Alliance and Michelle Bachmann: Congress Will Implement “Trick” to Pass Health Care Reform and Nation’s Top Conservatives Will Sign Philosophical Declaration of War against Big Government and IPCC Corruption Included Ignoring Facts and Science

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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100 Responses to More people believe Elvis is alive than believe Obama’s $787 billion stimulus created jobs

  1. VotingFemale says:

    ***** Breaking NEWS *****

    Michelle Malkin has sold

    She has been doing reduced blogging on her personal blog lately… the volume of blogposts has been almost cut in half.

    The sale of HOTAiR has not been announced officially and the announcement is planned to coincide her arrival at CPAC 2010 which starts tomorrow and runs from February 18th through the 20th, 2010.

    The list of speakers at CPAC 2010 is a who’s who of the Conservative World.

    I am going to hazard a guess that the act of delaying her announcement of the sale of HOTAiR until CPAC 2010 starts tomorrow may indicate an announcement by her that she will seek office, perhaps in Congress.

    I hope so…

  2. Foxwood says:

    I’m home. Going to bed now…

  3. Pingback: DON’T MAKE ME USE THE “R” WORD! (Business Bails on Climate Pact) « Temple of Mut

  4. roxannadanna says:

    I know Elvis is alive. He’s on every corner of the Las Vegas Strip!

  5. rosehips says:

    VF, interesting about Malkin. I dunno. I can’t see her running. She stands to gain too much by opposing the dems from the sidelines. She does fit some of the criteria for a candidate but I think she would be shredded alive if she ran. I admit that I haven’t seen her much but of what I have seen? I DO realize she is an intellectual force to be reckoned with. Sharp as the tip of an H1N1 syringe.
    I thought this was a pretty good blogpost about her keynote at the NYU Republicans event. I got a laugh out of this statement toward the end of the article:

    “Sadly, I’m afraid the College Republicans–who are mostly very nice in person, you have to understand–wouldn’t have invited her if they weren’t looking for the same thing. They say they want an open exchange of ideas, and I am all for that; but they have to understand that with their choice of speakers so far, all they’re getting is something more akin to an ideological handjob.”

  6. rosehips says:

    lol roxy! in the future, some predict, 67% of the population will make their living as Elvis impersonators.


  7. rosehips says:

    I feel a Rasputin Report coming on…..hehehe

  8. ohiobelle says:

    UGH!!!! I woke up this morning and my kitchen ceiling is leaking!! I cut a 24″ x 24″ hole out to see where the leak was coming from. I shut the water off and tested the copper lines and the pvc drain lines… I see water is coming in from the outside of the house. The outside is covered with ice!! If I use a hammer to break the ice will it hurt the house?? I’ll be back after I get a few more buckets.

  9. samiam60 says:

    Poor Ohiobelle, between unruly dogs and a leaking house she must be fit to be tied.

    Take a deep breath Ohio and remember these words of wisdom:

    If anything can go wrong it certainly will.

    Seriously, I feel for you. You are a real trooper, anyone else would have gone postal by now and shot the dog and lit up the house.

    That has been the case for me my whole life.

  10. ohiobelle says:

    UPDATE: screw the house I am getting new siding this spring. Does anybody know if ice dams cause this kind of damage?

  11. VotingFemale says:

    you mean a Roseputin Report lol

    rosehips says

    I feel a Rasputin Report coming on…..hehehe

  12. VotingFemale says:

    If it is the roof leaking at the end of the eves, yes it does.

    sorry to hear of your troubles… you will need to get the house updated to withstand the global warming ice damns…

    ohiobelle says

    UPDATE: screw the house I am getting new siding this spring. Does anybody know if ice dams cause this kind of damage?

  13. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: Poor Ohiobelle, between unruly dogs and a leaking house she must be fit to be tied.

    The dogs are no longer an issue. The owners and I sat down and talked it over… their dogs now wear muzzles. I wish the ceiling would be that easy.

  14. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: It it is the roof leaking, yes it does.

    I expected the upstairs roof to leak not the downstairs. The ceiling is no longer a problem because I cut more of it out. lol

    I can’t believe ice damns cause this much damage!!!! I’m going back out to break up as much as I can.

  15. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: sorry to hear of your troubles… you will need to get the house updated to withstand the global warming ice damns…

    hahaha!! I am sending Al Gore my bill!

    My house isn’t that old. I’ve never ever heard of an ice damn until this year.

  16. samiam60 says:

    Ohiobelle says
    My house isn’t that old. I’ve never ever heard of an ice damn until this year.


    Ice damns is a relatively new word.

    Old Timers like me always just called it:

    Damn Ice @#%#&!

  17. VotingFemale says:

    Ice dams are long and very well known in New England…

    attic insulation and roof ridge venting and roof soffit venting is part of the prevention of ice dams… the roof must remain at the same temperature as outside and the house is insulated at the ceiling.

    A warm attic with snow on the roof makes ice dams.

    You can see houses with a lot of icicles and ice dams and other houses with little or none of that each sitting side by side. The ones with little or no icicles and ice dams are set up to prevent ice dams. IT is not an accident or luck.

    Getting out and knocking the ice off the gutters and the edges of the roof if they form has to be done to prevent the backing up of ice melt water behind them that seeps under the roof shingles and invades the house.

  18. ohiobelle says:

    Okay Mr Belle is taking over the ice breaking… I am just so surprised by the amount of water. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of an ice dam until now. I still have water pouring in from the hole I cut out of the ceiling. I am 100% sure it’s from the ice dam and not a copper line break.

  19. VotingFemale says:

    Belle, if you cut a hole in the second floor ceiling you are heating the attic and that makes the ice dam situation even worse, dear.

  20. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Getting out and knocking the ice off the gutters and the edges of the roof if they form has to be done to prevent the backing up of ice melt water behind them that seeps under the roof shingles and invades the house.

    We are having a hard time reaching the gutters even with a ladder. I’ll make sure we find a way to get them cleared.

    I see alot of houses around me that have the same amount of ice on them. I wonder if they are having the same issue??

  21. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Belle, if you cut a hole in the second floor ceiling you are heating the attic and that makes the ice dam situation even worse, dear.

    I cut a hole in the first floor ceiling (kitchen). I had to get into the subfloor to check my copper lines. Do you agree?

  22. VotingFemale says:

    the house across from where I live has not been set up to prevent heat escape into the attic… a three story antique it is.

    Last year it had an icicle that was over 20 feet long… and ice dams really bad. it rots the walls from the inside… and mildew grows inside the walls as well.

  23. VotingFemale says:

    I agree

    the only reason I know about this stuff is that we have been home owners in new england for many years… ugh

    ohiobelle says

    vf wrote: Belle, if you cut a hole in the second floor ceiling you are heating the attic and that makes the ice dam situation even worse, dear.

    I cut a hole in the first floor ceiling (kitchen). I had to get into the subfloor to check my copper lines. Do you agree?

  24. ohiobelle says:

    I honestly don’t care about the damage. My main concern is finding the source.

  25. ohiobelle says:

    Thanks for the words of wisdom.

    There is so much water coming down the siding now that we started to break up the ice.

    Life is one big ass learning lesson! This will be the first and last year I am unprepared for this.

    I’ll be back a little later. I’ve got one hell of a mess to clean up. THANKS AGAIN!!!

  26. rosehips says:

    As Shakespere might say if he were alive in this age of ice and fire:

    Out damn ice, out I say!

    belle, sorry to hear about your damn ice dams. Dammit all, effing global climate change anyway.

  27. rosehips says:

    belle, when I was a girl growing up in a Victorian home, we had a leak in our kitchen ceiling. It was coming from the bathroom upstairs. One evening we had a guest eating over and she sat at the head of the table. Suddenly the ceiling collapsed over the sink and countertops. Some pieces grazed our guest of honor, but luckily noone was hurt. It could have been much worse, but damn what a job to fix.

  28. rosehips says:

    VF, very good advice and knowledge on the ice dams and how to prevent them. We are well aware of how to prevent ice dams out here as well. But in the old days, not so much. There are homes around here, including my own rental that have little or no insulation in the roofs and the icicles are a wonder, not of nature but of how ignorant we can be to not insulate our homes.

  29. SamHenry says:

    Hello, VF. It is I using the new e-mail. SH

  30. samiam60 says:

    Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, a Rose by any other name is just a Rose. You are Rosehips and your kitchen ceiling story is a funny one. Ah, childhood memories eh.

  31. rosehips says:

    sami, a deficit panel? Is that where they figure out where each of us is deficient?

  32. samiam60 says:

    I feel bad for OhioBelle and those Ice problems. She sure seems to be taking it all in stride and I give her credit for that. I would be like a mad man by now. I have owned several homes in my time and I think I have seen it all when it comes to home ownership. It was great when you could buy a house and turn around and sell it for a huge profit within 3 to 5 years. I made some good money doing that over the years but that is not the case anymore. I never ever thought I would see the day when real estate would devalue. Like the old saying goes: Never say Never.

  33. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    sami, a deficit panel? Is that where they figure out where each of us is deficient?


    No, that is not what that is for. They determine our worthiness to live based on our Tax Returns.

  34. rosehips says:

    our tax returns? so if we make more than a set amount, they take most of our money and leave us just a little less than can keep us alive?

  35. samiam60 says:

    The Federal Income tax was originally intended to be a Temporary Tax. Who knew?

  36. ohiobelle says:

    Ahhhh… ice dams are all gone. There is so much water running down the house. I am surprised by the amounts of ice we couldn’t see… there was just as much under the siding as there was exposed.

    Anybody know how to fix a hole in the ceiling. lol I am going to have it fixed the right way as soon as it all dries out. I think I am looking at June. hahah0a

  37. Pingback: Just Say No to the Health-Care Summit « Dancing Czars

  38. Pingback: For Cryin’ Out Loud… Democrats in Congress Pass Pay-As-You-Go Law, Then Work Like the Dickens to Work Around & Bypass It « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  39. Pingback: Link: Obama Now Up to 1,100 Lies, Flip-Flops, and Broken Promises « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  40. Pingback: Obama’s 2007 Fibs Exposed: Claimed JFK Brought His Father to US as Part of 1959 Kenyan Airlift… Not Remotely Possible « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  41. ohiobelle says:

    Rose wrote: belle, when I was a girl growing up in a Victorian home, we had a leak in our kitchen ceiling. It was coming from the bathroom upstairs. One evening we had a guest eating over and she sat at the head of the table. Suddenly the ceiling collapsed over the sink and countertops. Some pieces grazed our guest of honor, but luckily noone was hurt. It could have been much worse, but damn what a job to fix.

    That’s horrible. I cut such a big section out of the ceiling because I was afraid of something like that. It’s starting to dry little by little. I went and got a temp patch just so I don’t have a big ugly hole for 2 months.

  42. Foxwood says:

    I knew he was still alive. I found his 2009 concert!

  43. Pingback: Abomination of Desolation: Phallus Idol worship? « LisaInTX's Blog

  44. samiam60 says:

    The MAJORITY of Tea Party people are everyday Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. They are “We the People” . They love America and our Constitution. They are fed up with Corrupt Government by the Democrats and the Republicans. These people have come together for one purpose only.

    To Restore the Republic according to Our Constitution and remove the Corruption from Washington DC.

    Demonize them if you will, but remember they are standing up for the Constitutional Rights of ALL AMERICAN’S.

  45. Pingback: YOU DON’T KNOW NUTH’N, GET IT? The Obama Lie Detector « Dancing Czars

  46. m2 says:

    Hey I read that the Clintons are firing up their Vast Leftwing Lunacy to target the Tea Party… that’s one of the meetings Billy was in before he suffered his heart attack last week. They put Carville on it. Attack dog. See the Tea Party – Less Government’ers are no good for Hillary either, you know.

    Well anyway, we all know the gov’t and their media have been trying to malign and disenfranchise this amazing grass roots (i.e. not Soros funded like the Left’s ‘grass roots’) movement since it started.

    They want it to become a “joke” like they believe they’ve done with Palin, Beck, Obama’s records.

    It’s all very shallow.
    It won’t work. And when the inflation hits and the dollar collapses, they’ll have more to worry about than some “little government” promoters.


  47. dancingczars says:

    Obama brings new meaning to stuffing 10 pounds of crap into a five pound bag. Wow he was caught again. LOL check it out.

  48. samiam60 says:

    Great information you just posted here M2. Good to see you 🙂

    Things are going to get ugly and the rabid Libs are looking for a fight big time. They should be careful what they wish for!

  49. samhenry says:

    SamHenry says goodnight to all and see you tomorrow.

  50. Pingback: Glenn Beck: Truther Fetish going Neo-Con on Debra Medina, candidate for Texas Governor « LisaInTX's Blog

  51. LisaInTX says:

    I’m not sure about the credibility of this video, but It seems to be worth passing on JUST in CASE!

  52. SamHenry says:

    Just checking to see if my avatar has changed back to “me” from a purple paper bag! How did the software know I was an old bag?

  53. VotingFemale says:

    see your e-mail, SamH, I sent you an explanation about your avatar.

  54. VotingFemale says:

    Looks like it is true, M2.
    The Democrat Party suddenly woke up and heard of Tea Party folks.

    Now they will wage war on a grass roots organization of voters who have no real leaders.

    Good luck with that! hahaha These progressives never get it… attacking a majority of voters backfires.

    Also WaPo constructed a poll to garner a result they wanted… it is utter BS and is 180 out from a poll Rasmussen did on the same subject.

    The Supreme court allowing businesses to buy political advertising for or against candidates.

    Business, are still restricted as before, on contributions to campaigns.

    Foreign entities are still prohibited, as before, from contributing to campaigns.

    And the DEM party is going nuts that the playing field has been leveled.

    m2 // February 17, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    Hey I read that the Clintons are firing up their Vast Leftwing Lunacy to target the Tea Party… that’s one of the meetings Billy was in before he suffered his heart attack last week. They put Carville on it. Attack dog. See the Tea Party – Less Government’ers are no good for Hillary either, you know.

    Well anyway, we all know the gov’t and their media have been trying to malign and disenfranchise this amazing grass roots (i.e. not Soros funded like the Left’s ‘grass roots’) movement since it started.

    They want it to become a “joke” like they believe they’ve done with Palin, Beck, Obama’s records.

    It’s all very shallow.
    It won’t work. And when the inflation hits and the dollar collapses, they’ll have more to worry about than some “little government” promoters.


  55. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  56. Foxwood says:

    Good morning SamH!

    Good morning VF!

  57. samhenry says:

    Hi VF and FOX

    VF – re progressives attacking tea partiers, etx. Barack has almost put the Democratic party out of business. His people were on the ground winning the election.

    Question and I will leave it for you and go back to bed:

    Would Sarah Palin be wiser NOT to engage the tea party movement with the republican party?

  58. Foxwood says:

    Just my opinion. I don’t like that Sarah is promoting McCain, but he is the one who put her in the spotlight. I understand why she is doing it.

  59. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning Foxwood and SamH.

  60. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Samiam! Foxwood! SamHenry!

    I have been busy on a blogpost for today and haven’t yet checked this morning’s comment log.

  61. VotingFemale says:

    I feel the same way… and yet she stands with the Tea Party who stands against GOP progressives.

    mixed message.. but I know where Sarah really stands.

    Foxwood says

    Just my opinion. I don’t like that Sarah is promoting McCain, but he is the one who put her in the spotlight. I understand why she is doing it.

  62. Foxwood says:

    Good morning Sami!

    You’re still going to be commenting with the new job?

  63. VotingFemale says:

    the Progressives are waging war on the Tea Party and the media is awash with propaganda against the tea party… the pundits have never witnessed anything like the Tea Party and they are trying to stick a square peg into a round hole… they still try to do that with Sarah Palin. They have no book to go to to explain it to them with a game plan to use.

    the Tea Party is simply a cross section of the majority of american voters who are against Socialism and against being ill-represented by either party.

    it is as simple as as it gets… and we have the pundits running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

    It is like the pundits trying to figure out why Sarah resigned early. And it reveals their political natures.

    samhenry says

    Hi VF and FOX

    VF – re progressives attacking tea partiers, etx. Barack has almost put the Democratic party out of business. His people were on the ground winning the election.

    Question and I will leave it for you and go back to bed:

    Would Sarah Palin be wiser NOT to engage the tea party movement with the republican party?

  64. VotingFemale says:

    The GOP politicians for the first time are being lead by the hand by Voters instead of Voters being lead by the hand by the GOP. That! has GOP pundit party hacks in a tail spin.

    The DEM are scared out of their pants.

    Voters are actually taking control of the process.

    Power to The People!

  65. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF.


    I will continue on commenting here till we win back our Country or Hell Freezes over, you betcha. Only difference is I will be limited as I don’t know yet if I can comment from work. Where there is a will there is a way and you can bet I will find that way, you betcha 🙂

  66. samiam60 says:

    This discussion groups are just now coming alive with the reality of the Tea Party and many are somewhat taken back by the size and influence of the movement. Of course they respond to this truth with personal attacks and name calling which is all they have left in their arsenal. Obama’s multiple on going failures has disarmed the Left.

  67. VotingFemale says:

    Their personal attack mode is a glaring testament to their glaring fear.

    I laugh at their frenzy! like so many rats trapped in a sinking Marxist Ship… they go insane.

    Remember the Obama-trolls at iCry? They hated my ever loving guts… because they knew the truth of which I spoke… and it is why they tried to silence me.

    My voice has been multiplied many times since blogging at wordpress and I prevent their trolling here.

    They monitor this blog every day like vultures… rotting from internalized anger at their total inability to silence me or us.

    basically for them, life sucks really badly. And it continues to get worse with each passing day.

    It sucks to be them 😉

  68. Foxwood says:

    “This discussion groups are just now coming alive with the reality of the Tea Party and many are somewhat taken back by the size and influence of the movement. Of course they respond to this truth with personal attacks and name calling which is all they have left in their arsenal. Obama’s multiple on going failures has disarmed the Left.”

    This is true. You have “Nosey ol’ Butthole” and Jennene Godawfulhole a couple of days ago talking about teabagging; the writers of the Family Guy commenting on Sarah; the CNN koolaid drinkers; then there’s Bill Maher.

    You never hear any debate, just name calling. That’s all they have. Cranial void.

  69. samiam60 says:

    VF says:
    Remember the Obama-trolls at iCry? They hated my ever loving guts… because they knew the truth of which I spoke… and it is why they tried to silence me.

    What must really make them furious is knowing that all you told them over there has come true and Obama has not only Failed but Seriously Hurt this Country. You warned them and they know it! Those posts still exist over at Icry as a testament to your keen insights. Woe is them, the willfully ignorant.

  70. Foxwood says:


    U.N. climate chief Yvo de Boer to step down in July
    Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:44am EST

    6:44am EST

    LONDON (Reuters) – The U.N. climate chief Yvo de Boer has resigned to join a consultancy group as an adviser, the U.N. climate secretariat said on Thursday, two months after a disappointing Copenhagen summit.

    De Boer will step down on July 1 to join KPMG, the U.N. framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) said in a statement. He has led the agency since 2006.

    “It was a difficult decision to make, but I believe the time is ripe for me to take on a new challenge, working on climate and sustainability with the private sector and academia,” de Boer said in the statement.

    “Copenhagen did not provide us with a clear agreement in legal terms, but the political commitment and sense of direction toward a low-emissions world are overwhelming. This calls for new partnerships with the business sector and I now have the chance to help make this happen,” he added.

    (Reporting by Michael Szabo and Gerard Wynn, Editing by Alison Williams)

  71. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood says
    You have “Nosey ol’ Butthole” and Jennene Godawfulhole


    I like your name translations. lol. Very fitting!

  72. Foxwood says:

    Now that the scientist that gave AlGore his “facts” can’t find them, admits to errors in his data, and admits to global cooling in the last 15 years, it looks like the rats are going to start jumping the Climate Crap ship.

    It’s all over but the fat lady singing…

  73. Foxwood says:


    I guess it’s all over.

  74. samiam60 says:


    You are seeing something of Historical Proportions in the Tea Party Movement.

    The Re-Birth of the United States of America.

    A Re-Birth that will restore the Original Intent of the Founding Fathers.


    This movement is calling to all great American Patriots to come and become a part of the greatest event of our day. Not since the Patriots of old has America seen so much Patriotism burst out onto the scene of what has become a Corrupted and Disgraced Government.

    You can make a difference in the land you love and I for one can only hope that you may one day move slightly to the right side of History.

  75. samiam60 says:

    I know you feel the tug on your heart strings Rose.

  76. Foxwood says:

    Looks like waterboarding works! More top insurgents have been taken.

    Can you say “gargle gargle gargle”?

  77. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Rosehips!

    see you on the new blogpost!

  78. Pingback: When DEMs go to Minority in Congress; They will defend Filibuster « VotingFemale

  79. Pingback: Obama stimulated a single week loss of 31,000 more voter’s jobs; continues to spend like a mad man « VotingFemale

  80. Pingback: WARNING FROM AFGHANISTAN « Dancing Czars

  81. Pingback: Palin Under-Estimation, a lesser form of Palin Derangement Syndrome « VotingFemale

  82. dancingczars says:

    Elvis is dead? Hell I just saw him in MN

  83. Pingback: Listen Closely It’s the Sound of Your World Changing Forever « Dancing Czars

  84. Pingback: Obama Administration Denies Public Access to Fannie and Freddie Documents « Dancing Czars

  85. Pingback: Obama Writing Health Bill to Skirt GOP Filibuster « Dancing Czars

  86. Pingback: Class Warfare’s Next Target: 401(k) Savings « Dancing Czars

  87. Pingback: March on Washington to tell president to quit « Dancing Czars

  88. Pingback: The ill-fated strategy of Obama’s Feb 25th ‘Bipartisan’ Dog and Pony Show… « VotingFemale

  89. Pingback: Texas files lawsuit against the EPA « Dancing Czars

  90. Pingback: ACORN’s alias con game for money and power « VotingFemale

  91. Pingback: Obama Economy Management sets new US Record! « VotingFemale

  92. Pingback: House Republicans Gave Obama Their Health Care Proposals Weeks Ahead of Thursday’s Summit « Dancing Czars

  93. Pingback: Obama vows 2010 campaign war to win back so-called ‘misinformed voters’ after ObamaCare Ram Down is complete « VotingFemale

  94. Pingback: Obama, the Nose-Picker-In-Chief on Live TV « VotingFemale

  95. Pingback: Progressives pass extension of BUSH Patriot Act, shhh… it’s supposed to be a secret hahaha « VotingFemale

  96. Pingback: Pelosi’s Cultist Suicide Pact Recruitment Underway « VotingFemale

  97. Pingback: Rahm (via proxies) throws Obama, Gibbs, Jarrett and Axelrod under the Rahmbo Bus « VotingFemale

  98. Pingback: Palin attacker Tom Tancredo, A Tea Party Loose Canon; dump this idiot now « VotingFemale

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