MSNBC’s take on Scott Brown? Vote 10 times to keep ‘those bastards out’; Ed? you gonna do a shooting spree next?

And now… MSNBC’s solution for dealing with ‘those [Republican]  bastards’ in “Massachusettes,” lol.

Let ‘er Rip, Ed  Schultz, you rabid moonbat trollie!

H/T to Nice Deb. This is a scream, girlfriend!

I don’t know about anyone else but MSNBC should prove an amusing watch on election night, seeing as how the current absentee ballot count shows Scott Brown in the lead by 10+ points.

BTW, Scott Brown just formally gave notice of intent to file criminal charges against the Massachusetts Democratic Party regarding a disgusting slanderous e-mail attack ad… United Parcel Service served a cease and desist demand to the Coakley Campaign regarding a different attack campaign ad as well.

That’s what Coakley gets for allowing MediaMatters type wonkers running loose authoring slime ball ads for her ‘Massachusettes’ campaign ads… strictly bottom of the barrel, old girl.

Have a Nice Day, Martha!

Oh… one more thing, dear:  SEIU Massachusetts Order of the Purple Rogues are looking to stop you at the polls, as well!

Isn’t Politics fun?? hahahaha


related blogposts from VotingFemale Speaks!:


Additional reading…

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HOTAiR: Can Paul Kirk cast the 60th vote for ObamaCare? and Polls settling: Brown still edges Coakley in the final hours; Update: Another look at turnout models and VIDEO: Scott Brown’s Speech at Saturday Rally in Middleboro, Mass. and Coakley flier: Scott Brown opposes medical treatment for rape victims or something and Ed Schultz on Brown: “I’d cheat to keep these bastards out” and Video: “It’s the end of change as we know it” if Brown wins MA and Coakley on immigration: We didn’t pay attention to immigrant status and Not a shocker: Police department that “acted stupidly” endorses Brown and The “Kennedy seat” attitude isn’t helping and Report: Dems fear disaster as Coakley’s internal poll shows lead down to two and Video: Obama phones it in for Coakley and Brown tells Obama to stay out of Massachusetts; Update: Rothenberg moves race to “toss-up”
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Gateway Pundit: Just Like Old Times– Obama Attends Church Today & Pastor Bashes Bush and GOP (Video) and Pathetic. Coakley Says She Was Joking About Curt Schilling Being a Yankee Fan and Report: Scott Brown Runs Out of Yard Signs & Pins …Update: Hundreds Rally for Scott Brown in Quincy (Video) and Breaking: Joe Lieberman May Endorse Scott Brown and VIDEO: Scott Brown Camp Files Criminal Complaint Against Mass Dem Party and Honest Dem Ed Schultz Says “I’d Cheat” to Keep Scott Brown Out of the Senate (Audio) and Massachusetts Miracle– The Shot Heard Round the World and Brown Leads Coakley 58-42 in Absentee Ballots– Coakley Losing 1 in 5 Dems to Brown and WOW! SEIU Purple People Beaters Rally For Scott Brown andCurt Schilling to Martha Coakley: “I’ve Been Called a Lot of Things But Never a Yankee’s Fan.” Update: Yankee Video and Dem Strategist: “Bottom Has Fallen Out of Coakley’s Poll Numbers; She is Destined to Lose” Herald Reporter: “It Becomes Increasingly Clear Brown is Winning With Voters Who Work For a Living” Scott Brown Calls On Martha Coakley to Make a Stand Against Paul Kirk’s Scandalous Admission (Video) Scott Brown Surges Ahead of Martha Coakley In Latest Poll Martha Coakley on Afghanistan: Mission Accomplished MASSACHUSETTS SENATE RACE MOVED FROM “LEAN DEM” TO “TOSS-UP” Coakley Scrambling For O bama Visit to Boost Campaign 2010 Expected to Be Record Year For Foreclusures as Obama Unemployment Rate Continues to Climb
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ArleneArmy’s Blog: Reid Has A Negro Problem; Blacks in America – The Democrat’s Political Commodity on the Cheap – Blaxploitation
Boudica WPI: The government and the power of the badge.
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MoonBat Patrol:
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OhioBelle’s Blog: Return of the Dixiecrats
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About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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83 Responses to MSNBC’s take on Scott Brown? Vote 10 times to keep ‘those bastards out’; Ed? you gonna do a shooting spree next?

  1. LisaInTX says:

    TSA tactics from a couple of years ago….

  2. VotingFemale says:

    Hi Lisa! Foxwood!

    TSA – morons, the lot

  3. Foxwood says:

    I liked them better when they were known as the Federal Aviation Transportation And Security Services, otherwise known as F.A.T.A.S.S.

  4. Pingback: Paws on the Ground for Brown: VotingFemale in Massacusetts « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  5. Pingback: Breaking: OFA Letter Sends Troops After Talk Radio « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  6. LisaInTX says:

    Wow—this is interesting???

  7. VotingFemale says:


    Foxwood says

    I liked them better when they were known as the Federal Aviation Transportation And Security Services, otherwise known as F.A.T.A.S.S.

  8. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  9. VF, great post and TRUE and So STINKING FUNNY! Ahahah

    Self destructing, o yes!

    That is the Osama/Obama way…Ahahaha

  10. LisaInTX says:

    Poll: Brown Leads Coakley By 3 Points
    Saturday, 16 Jan 2010 07:45 PM
    Article Font Size

    Republican Scott Brown leads Democrat Martha Coakley 48 percent to 45 percent in the special Massachusetts U.S. Senate race to replace Sen. Ted Kennedy in a telephone survey conducted Jan. 12-14 among 600 likely voters in Massachusetts saying they will definitely vote in the special election on Jan. 19.

    Brown leads Coakley 94 percent to 1 percent among registered Republicans and he leads 58 percent to 37 percent among unenrolled voters. Coakley leads Brown 71 percent to 20 percent among registered Democrats. A total of 8 percent of Democrats and 5 percent of Republicans remain undecided.

    Brown leads 54 percent to 39 percent among men while Coakley leads 50 percent to 44 percent among women.

    Brown leads 52 percent to 42 percent among likely voters age 18 to 49 and Coakley leads 47 percent to 46 percent among voters 50 and older.

    A total of 9 percent of likely voters say they have already voted by absentee ballot, with Brown leading Coakley 58 percent to 42 percent.

    The interviews for this survey were conducted Jan. 12-14, 2010, among a statewide random sample of 600 likely voters in Massachusetts.

  11. arlenearmy says:

    I would not put nothing past Shultz. Look at what happened to that guy who got roughed up on the sidewalk the other day.

    These liberals are gonna play hard ball. And if they dont get their way, they will go nuclear.

  12. arlenearmy says:

    The Haitian are dead folks walking. Hate to say it. But somebody got to have the guts to say it.

    A doctor on the news said that someone has to make the difficult choices by disposing of the dead bodies. Already cholera, dysentery & other terrible diseases is kicking in. She said that mass burial, preferably burning is necessary & past due because epidemic was breaking out.

  13. LisaInTX says:

    *A little history about Haiti*
    Seems the native people overthrow the dictators and their corruption, while our government goes in and re-installs them…..WTF???

    In December 1990, the former priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide won the election by more than two thirds of the vote. His mandate began on 7 February 1991. In August 1991, Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s government faced a non-confidence vote within the Haitian Chamber of Deputies and Senate. Eighty three voted against him, while only 11 members voted in support of Aristide’s government. Following a coup d’ état in September 1991, President Aristide was flown into exile. In accordance with Article 149 of Haiti’s Constitution of 1987, Supreme Court Justice Joseph Nerette was named Provisional President and elections were called for December 1991– elections which were blocked by the international community[citation needed] – and the resulting chaos extended into 1994.

    In 1994, Haitian General Raoul Cédras asked former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to help avoid a U.S. military invasion of Haiti. [37] President Carter relayed this information to President Clinton, who asked Carter, in his role as founder of The Carter Center, to undertake a mission to Haiti with Senator Sam Nunn, D-GA, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin Powell. [37] The team successfully negotiated the departure of Haiti’s military leaders and the peaceful entry of U.S. forces under Operation Uphold Democracy, thereby paving the way for the restoration of Jean-Bertrand Aristide as president. [37] Aristide left the presidency in 1995.
    See also: 2004 Haitian rebellion, Ottawa Initiative, and United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti

    Aristide was re-elected in 2000. His second term was marked by accusations of corruption. In 2004 a paramilitary coup ousted Aristide a second time. (See 2004 Haitian rebellion) Aristide was removed by U.S. Marines from his home in what he described as a “kidnapping”, and briefly held by the government of the Central African Republic to which the U.S. had decided to fly him. Aristide obtained his release and went into exile in South Africa.

    Boniface Alexandre assumed interim authority. In February 2006, following elections marked by uncertainties and popular demonstrations, René Préval (close to the still-popular Aristide and former president of the Republic of Haiti between 1995 and 2000) was elected president.

    The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (also known as MINUSTAH) has been in the country since the 2004 Haiti Rebellion.
    Operation Uphold Democracy (September 19, 1994 – March 31, 1995) was a response to the overthrow and expulsion of the duly elected government of Haiti by a military coup.

    The operation began with the alert of United States and Allied forces for a forced entry into the island nation of Haiti. U.S. Navy and Air Force elements staged to Puerto Rico and southern Florida to prepare to support the airborne invasion, spearheaded by elements of U.S. SOCOM and the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division. As these forces prepared to invade, including elements of the 82nd Airborne already in the air, a diplomatic element led by retired U.S. General Colin Powell persuaded the leaders of Haiti to step down and allow the elected officials to return to power.

  14. arlenearmy says:

    Let’s go down memory lane. Remember the “acted stupidly” incident. Cambridge police supporting Brown.

    Here’s the video of Kelly King telling Obama that she will not make mistake of supporting him again.

  15. Pingback: B. Hussein O. and his Radical Agenda to kill off America, not hard to figure out at all « Obama says…

  16. LisaInTX says:

    In 1925, Haiti was lush, with 60% of its original forest covering the lands and mountainous regions. Since then, the population has cut down an estimated 98% of its original forest cover for use as fuel for cookstoves, and in the process has destroyed fertile farmland soils, contributing to desertification.[47]
    Foreign aid makes up approximately 30–40% of the national government’s budget. The largest donor is the United States – followed by Canada, and the European Union also contributes aid.[67] From 1990 to 2003, Haiti received more than $4 billion in aid. The United States alone had provided Haiti with 1.5 billion in aid. [68] Venezuela and Cuba also make various contributions to Haiti’s economy, especially after alliances were renewed in 2006 and 2007. In January 2010, China promised $4.2 million for the quake-hit island,[69] and President Obama pledged $100 million in US assistance.[70]

    U.S. aid to the Haitian government was completely cut off in 2001–2004 after the 2000 election was disputed and President Aristide was accused of various misdeeds.[71] After Aristide’s departure in 2004, aid was restored, and the Brazilian army led the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti peacekeeping operation. Following almost 4 years of recession ending in 2004, the economy grew by 1.5% in 2005.[72]

    In 2005 Haiti’s total external debt reached an estimated US$1.3 billion, which corresponds to a debt per capita of US$169, in contrast to the debt per capita of the United States which is US$40,000. [73] In September 2009, Haiti met the conditions set out by the IMF and World Bank’s Heavily Indebted Poor Countries program to qualify for cancellation of its external debt. [74]

  17. LisaInTX says:

    Hmmm…cancel the debt to the IMF, but at what cost?…….Something smells bad in Denmark I tell ya…..!!!
    Tesla……research this genius works…..

  18. LisaInTX says:

    The Spaniards first took charge of this island they name Hispaniola….because of the GOLD found there, they enslaved the locals to dig for them and when disease killed most of them off, they began importing slaves to do their dirty work……..

  19. dancingczars says:

    Those of us in the know only refer to MSNBC as MSLSD, Jim

  20. LisaInTX says:

    Nikola Tesla is primarily thought of as an electrical genius, but he also was responsible for a number of mechanical devices. One of the most notorious of these was his “Earthquake Machine” otherwise known as the Tesla Oscillator. The machine which Tesla tested was small, around seven inches long, and weighing only one or two pounds; something “you could put in your overcoat pocket”. In 1898, Tesla’s New York lab was nearly shaken to pieces with this ittle device, operated by only five pounds of air pressure acting against a special pneumatic piston device. The whole assembly was designed to be powered by steam pressure.

    Tesla was experimenting with ways to transmit motive power through the Earth! Large versions of these oscillators, weighing perhaps 200 pounds, and being about three feet high could transmit usable motive power anywhere on te entire planet. As fantastic as it sounds, this device can also locate ships, submarines and buildings anywhere on a global scale. Tesla’s device was purely mechnical, and is outlined below:

  21. arlenearmy says:

    Folks need to be educated on the history that you posted.

    I was in Haiti yrs. ago when Baby Doc was in control & apparently nothing has changed since then (except for the earthquake). The revolutionary, insolent, machete welding & creole cussing must be in their blood. Vast of Haitians (in country) are professional beggars & raised to be such. This is not a put down.. its the non-politically correct gospel truth.

    You can help them until you are flat broke. Give them every thing you got.. and when you dont nothing else to give them, they will curse you in creole. They did it to me & some other American friends in Port au Prince. We came back home to US broke & had to call a friend to pick us up at the airport in US, as we did not have cab fare. & Because we donated it all to the Haitians. We had a soft & kind heart. But I guess our compassion didn’t really matter.

    When we could no longer donate further to the Haitians, they said: “You stupid fucking Americans”. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

  22. arlenearmy says:

    I do know that the Dominicans (spanish speaking) do not like the Haitians. They will shoot them down if they catch them trying to sneak in their country; & if they catch Haitian chopping down trees near the border. Dominican Republic (DR) is lush green & has better tasting food & its cleaner.

    DR has a very tight border patrol & they mean serious business. The hatians who do manage to sneak in wind up working in sugar cane fields. DR are really instinctive in spotting Haitian illegals, as DR do ask for ID if they see a Haitian looking person w/dark skin. They do not put Haitian illegal in detention. They immediately send them back across the border – WALKING.

  23. LisaInTX says:

    Tesla controlled earthquake?? Hmmmmm…..interesting…..

  24. LisaInTX says:

    Hey Arlene
    Good to see ya honey. Wow—you understand what is happening there on a personal level.
    I have been questioning the WHY of it all…trying to figure out WHAT that island has that “our government” would want…..
    GOLD being number one, sugarcane #2…..
    Then I came across the IMF stuff and the UN stuff—-the IMF want their money back, thus depopulating the island makes it easier to attain IMO…

  25. LisaInTX says:

    Hmmm—this be allot of people for such a small island……..this just confirms my idea more so to see it written out as stated….

    “Although Haiti averages approximately 360 people per square kilometer (940 per sq mi.), its population is concentrated most heavily in urban areas, coastal plains, and valleys. Haiti’s population was about 9.8 million according to UN 2008 estimates,[77] with half of the population being under 20 years.[78] The first formal census, taken in 1950, showed that the population was 3.1 million.[79] Haiti has the highest fertility rate in the Western Hemisphere.[80]

  26. LisaInTX says:

    Okay—-here is the KICKER I’ve been looking for!!!!….Thousands of the survivors to be shipped OFF the island—-Our Commie In Chief is gonna review OUR immigration policy….
    Instant Democraps in the making, add this to the number of Illegal Aliens getting “amnesty”= Presto, a cool million or so new dems to vote for the commies in charge!!!

    n the United States alone there are an estimated 600,000 Haitians,[84] plus 100,000 in Canada[85] and an estimated 800,000 in the Dominican Republic.[86] The Haitian community in France numbers about 80,000,[87] and up to 80,000 Haitians now live in the Bahamas.[88] A U.N. envoy in October 2007 found racism against blacks in general, and Haitians in particular, to be rampant in every segment of Dominican society.[89] The Obama administration has made Haiti a priority in the hemisphere, reviewing immigration policy.[90]

    “In January 2010, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that Canada will consider fast-tracking immigration to help Haitian earthquake refugees.[91] U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that the estimated 100,000 to 200,000 Haitians “not legally in the United States” as of Jan. 12, 2010, would be granted a form of asylum called Temporary protected status (TPS).[92] Thousands of Haiti earthquake survivors, including Haitian children left orphaned in the aftermath of earthquake, could be relocated to the United States.[93]”

  27. arlenearmy says:

    When I was there the Marines occupied it & protected the US embassy. There’s no gold & No sugar cane either. NO NATURAL RESOURCES. The Haitians have literally stripped their country of trees so that they could cook. Tree chopping damn near capital offense. That’s why they steal gas out your car as fast as you pump it in.

    They have NOTHING but themselves. When I say nothing, I mean it literally. No industry nor trade outside their borders.

    Well, let me clarify. Haiti has the following that may be of interest of others:
    1. a place where one may become a humanitarian to help the poor or
    2. Entertainment by prostitutes for soldiers who are on R&R from GITMO; & place of work for DR prostitutes (DR hookers get paid more in Haiti because they are light skinned). AIDS is a huge problem in Haitian women;
    3. an outlet for curosity seekers to see the poorest country in western hemisphere
    4. an outlet for curiosity seekers into black magic to see the voodoo ceremonies & to see if its fake or real
    5. Rum factory – which is really nice, that’s owned & operated by a nice German gentleman who drives a Mercedes.

    Its considered a hardship tour. You gotta buy bottle water & DO NOT eat seafood. The bacteria WILL KILL an non-Haitian. I lived off croissants & bottled peria water the whole time I was there. Lost 20 lbs.

    Hardly tourist leaves Haiti w/out experiencing severe culture shock. Its like the whole place is God forsaken & cursed.. for real!

  28. arlenearmy says:

    What I am about to say is NO secret to US & other nations.

    Haitians make babies in the streets or where ever. Poor circulation in cement houses so its better to sleep outdoors. Most Haitians go to Port Au Prince (capital) because its the largest city where tourist are at & its a place for them to TRY to make money in service industry or panhandling. There is a market (outdoors) in Port Au Prince where the hatians go to sell their live chickens, grain & so forth. Flies & insects are all over the food. They walk several miles bare foot to sell that stuff in Port Au Prince.

    They set up these houses in shanty-towns & live on top of each other (worst than NY). No birth control & NO socialized medicine. NO MONEY.. no medical service. That’s where the witchdoctor comes in to render medicine, but they aint free either. Not ever a laundrymat, so they wash clothes in a creek – rubbing it on some kind of rock. And ONE out houses as restroom for the whole neighborhood is common & somebody has to take turns to disposed of the waste.

    About birth rates & census.. well, how the heck the government know, because I know that many births were not registered. Girls have babies in the house & lives goes on. Most have never been to a doctor in their lives. Never been to school because they MUST PAY to go to school. I had to pay $600 (as a sponsor) for a young boy to go to school, where they taught him REAL french, english & basics.

  29. arlenearmy says:

    I wonder what about Senegal. The Senegal Prez has offered to take the Haitians & give them free land. Its sort of like the Back to Africa Movement. I think that would be a great deal like a blessing in disguise for the Haitians because Senegal, an African nation, wants the Haitians.

    Heaven forbid Obama or the US to stand in the way of those people going to Senegal. All Obama has to do is to help them w/the transportation to get to Senegal. Perhaps 20 large ships.

    Considering the US swine flu epidemic & Besides, famine & disease has already kicked in in Haiti, we don’t need more problems here.

  30. LisaInTX says:

    More good insight and experience.
    The island does indeed sound cursed! Perhaps relocating would be a better option for the majority of the residents. I fear they will be treated terrible no matter where they go or worse yet, they may turn out to be their neighbors worst nightmare.

    I remember years ago how a large group of Vietnamese moved into a lower end neighborhood in Amarillo (Had been mainly US Army during the late 60’s)—-murder, animal thefts, breaking and entry, assaults, every crime you can think of, went sky HIGH! Residents started selling out to get away from the violence…

  31. LisaInTX says:

    Okay–heading to bed….tired of researching…
    Night Arlene…

  32. LisaInTX says:

    Democrats ‘plan to steal the vote’
    If you thought health-care bill was scary, check out universal-registration scheme

  33. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning my Fellow Patriots. It’s Sunday 🙂

  34. samiam60 says:










    1 – A JOB,
    4 – WELFARE,
    5 – FOOD STAMPS,


  35. samiam60 says:

    Is this the current blog post VF?

  36. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Sammy!

    This blogpost is top of the list post time wise… the newest one, top of the list on the home page.

    But… OMG!!!! the previous one about the SEIU Legion of the Purple Rogues has gone viral… yesterday was an all time record view stat for the blog at close to 4000 view hits and the SEIU blogpost topped the list yesterday and still going today.

    Over a thousand people linked into it just from

    They are flooding in from all over the internet.
    It’s not over… it and this one and the other recent blogposts on Scott Brown/Marthat Coakley are through the roof.

    What is pertinent about the view stats is that Saturdays and Sundays are the two days always yield lower view stats, relative to week days… most outside views happen while folks are at work.

    So that makes yesterday’s stats even more important.

    A Fire had been ignited under people with this special election.

    Yesterday evening, I added material to the end of the SEIU blog post which is having an additional affect.

    There is something primal and stirring hearing the Pipes and Drums…

    SEIU flips Obama the Purple Finger of Fate; campaigns for Scott Brown (no, I’m not kidding)

    samiam60 says

    Is this the current blog post VF?

  37. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  38. rosehips says:

    morning peeps!

    VF, good post. That Schultz guy is a zero.

    Congrats on all the hits! I will try to keep my comments pg. I wouldn’t want to ruin your rep. heehee

    Are we not down to the wire on this election race? whoohee I am going to go out on a limb and predict a Franken-finish with Coakley squeaking by with a win, after multiple recounts. Let the counting begin!

  39. rosehips says:

    morning sami, VF and foxy!

  40. rosehips says:

    foxy, maybe you should put a disclaimer on your cannon fire. We wouldn’t want people getting the wrong idea, would we? hahaha

  41. Foxwood says:

    Good morning, VF!

    Good morning, Sami!

    Looks like you got it right on illegal imigration, Sami!

  42. Foxwood says:

    “a Franken-finish with Coakley squeaking by with a win, after multiple recounts.”

    Another cheating win?

  43. Foxwood says:

    You know uncle Teddy is going to vote.

  44. Foxwood says:

    Since we know Micky Mouse and Donald Duck are registered, I was thinking of coming to Mass. to vote as Donald.

  45. Foxwood says:

    Saw that on Fox this morning, VF. The best thing Coakley can do is shut up.

  46. rosehips says:

    hahaha foxy. you may be right. I don’t know how widespread the news was about our wash state gov’s race a few years back (2004)but it was a photo finish with a 42 vote lead by the republican challenger Dino Rossi after the second count. Christine Gregoire, our current gov, ending up winning but it was a nail biter. There was an uproar over felons and dead people voting. There may have been some people who voted more than once, but I can’t remember what else was challenged.

    foxy said: You know uncle Teddy is going to vote.

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