Hey GOP? Make Mass Senate Race a National Referendum on ObamaCare

I think this is a GREAT IDEA!

Brown for US Senate.com


During our debate, Martha Coakley referred to higher taxes as “investments.” I call them what they are — job killers that will make it harder for us to create jobs and bring prosperity back to our country. The differences in the election couldn’t be clearer. I want to go to Washington to be a check and balance against the spending abuses of Congress.

H/T to SamHenry for a heads up on this article:

An Intriguing Long Shot: Could Massachusetts Save Us From Obamacare?

A TWS reader e-mails:

“Hey Mr. Kristol, is there some supersecret plot to ignore the Massachusetts Senatorial election scheduled for JANUARY 19, where an actual REPUBLICAN has a chance to become the 41ST member of the Republican caucus, which might find it in its interest to…persuade a certain Senatorial election committee to pay attention to the race or send money or have actual prominent Republican types come to the state to campaign for the very telegenic State Sen. Scott Brown, who’s running against an undistinguished mouse of a Dem Party apparatchick who’s so pro-abortion she’s almost promising to do the procedure herself and doesn’t carry the last name of Kennedy?

Just askin’!”

He signs himself, “Perhaps Inordinately Hopefully Yours.”

He is perhaps inordinately hopeful. But he’s right: the health care bill wouldn’t come back to the Senate from the House (if a new version passes the House—which as I argued earlier, isn’t a laydown) until after January 19th. So a 41st Republican senator could stop Obamacare.

Now, of course the Democrat Martha Coakley is the overwhelming favorite. But someone might want to commission a poll in Massachusetts to see what might happen if the Senate race could be made a referendum on Obamacare. Brown and Coakley debated last night, and they clashed on the health care bill. But so far as I can tell, Brown didn’t emphasize that by electing him, the voters of Massachusetts have a chance to save the country from Obamacare. What if there were a massive independent expenditure that made that point? I bet Obamacare isn’t popular even in Massachusetts. And it would be novelistically satisfying if the Democrats lost Ted Kennedy’s seat on the issue of government-run health care, thereby dooming…government-run health care.

Posted by William Kristol on December 22, 2009 10:54 PM


Additional reading…

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:Representative Democracy Thrown Away In Senate Bill
HOTAiR: Palin: I told you so! and WH putting health-care off until … February?
Heritage Foundation:Morning Bell: Obamacare’s Constitutional Problems Proliferating and Reid Roils the Abortion Debate and Nothing Voluntary About Obamacare’s Mandate
Gateway Pundit:Nebraska Governor to Senator Nelson: Give Your Bribe Back to Harry Reid (Video) and Dems Refuse GOP Efforts to Strip Bribes From Health Care Bill and Small Business Bankruptcies Up 81% in California
Sister Toldjah:Senate Democrats continue to show blatant disregard for the Constitution and Alabama Blue Dog switches to the GOP
American Power:Jane Hamsher, Netroots’ Most Despised Hypocrite, Called Out Again! and Schwarzenegger Seeks $8 Billion Federal Bailout
Nice Deb:Lawmakers Only Now Finding Out ACORN Eligible For Funding In Senate HealthCare Bill and Democrats Wish Americans A Merry Christmas In Their Very Special Way
Frugal Café:America’s Very Statist Christmas Tree… White House Makes Political Statements, Again Ignoring Majority of Voters and Rep. Parker Griffith Throws Democrat Party into Yuletide Tailspin… Defection to GOP and Barack Obama’s Approval Lowest Ever Today… Merry Christmas, Mr. President and Olbermann Watch: Keith Olbermann Said Joe Lieberman Should Kill Himself Because of His Health Care Stance, and Other Scary Left-Wing Hate (audio/video) and ClimateGate’s Signs of the Times… Anti-Global Warming Signs from Around the World, Copenhagen Summit Crumbles
Talk Wisdom:Liberal Media is Greatest Threat to Our Security
Michelle Malkin:Beltway Christmas: Cash for corruptocrats and Sign of the times: Nebraskans Jokerize Ben Nelson and Rallying against Gitmo North
Texas For Palin:Sarah Palin: “This is about politics, not health care”
Conservatives For Palin:Sarah Palin: Midnight Votes, Backroom Deals, and a Death Panel and Media Continues to Spin ‘Death Panel’ and Alan Reynolds: Death Panels? Sarah Palin Was Right
Recovering Liberal: Rick Moran fails the Palin Purity Blog Test and should be boycotted
Animal Farm: Healthcare, your Christmas present…
Boudica WPI: Have a very Mao Christmas, thanks Obama’s. WTF?
LisainTX’s Blog:
Code of Cloture in, Code of Ethics out
Diary of a Mad Conservative:MSNBC’s Matthews: Republicans Have Become ‘Party of the Confederacy’
Moonbat Patrol:Cold Day In Hell? and Americas Leadership Void And It’s Dangerous Fragmentation
SamHenry’s Blog:Exquisite Demagoguery – Senator Whitehouse’s Inciteful Senate Floor Speech
WarrantOneGirl:Merry Christmas
VotingFemale Speaks!:Merry Christmas Obama; hope you like your new record low of MINUS 21 Approval Index, so says Rasmussen and Rep Griffith flips Obama and Pelosi ‘the bird’; will announce his switch from DEM to Republican today
Temple of Mut:Praise the Lord, And Pass the Ammunition….
Dancing Czars:Just Another Outrage Hidden in the Health Care Bill and The “Science” Mantra and Change Nobody Believes In

Cato At Liberty: Death Panels? Sarah Palin Was Right

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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94 Responses to Hey GOP? Make Mass Senate Race a National Referendum on ObamaCare

  1. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning M2!

    WB Foxwood!

    ya’ll please crosspost your previous comments to here!

  2. m2 says:

    I have to refute the assumption the WND is “akin” to Media Matters in any shape and form… actually Media Matters exists SOLELY to cover the tracks of details exposed by the media. All they do is DEFENSE. And because of that, you can effectively say it is all propaganda, especially being controlled by Soros and started by Hillary Clinton.

    Without the True independent, private and public Media, Media Matters would have no reason to exist.

    They exist solely to defame and criticize anyone who uncovers details about their left wing political class.

  3. m2 says:

    Furthermore, they could not be carried at all in the same context.

    Media Matters is an outfit of Left Wing politicians and Billionaire Investors in Democrat Party/Politicians.

    It is funded by taxes as a non-profit.

    WND is an independent media, existing on ad revenue, and Capitalism. As intended for ALL media in this country.

  4. Pingback: Healthcare, your Christmas present… » Animal Farm

  5. samhenry says:

    WB = Where’s the blog?

  6. samhenry says:

    VF – happy to give T of the H. That and a fat mouse are my Christmas presents to you!

    I need to get to the grocery store.

    Later friends.

  7. samhenry says:

    M2 thank you for all of your info.

  8. samhenry says:

    Rose – I had interruptions here and could not get back to our discussion about cost control/services control.

    If you cap the cost of services you are not denying them. The Government could deny services to me under Medicare change. I am terrified.

    They are doing cost control in other areas re the insurance industry.

  9. m2 says:

    Yup SH. I’d say WND is akin to Huffington Post…

    Here’s also how Media Matters works for example. 5 Pm, Eastern, Glenn Beck runs video of Van Jones saying “Give them back the wealth! Give them back the wealth”… referring to Reparations, as a speaker at a “Green” movement conference. Glenn runs text recorded in a print interview with Van Jones about his decision to become a Communist following his imprisonment.

    Media Matters starts running counter coverage that is pushed to Google’s top seeds immediately. They really are people sitting in a room spinning secrets that are revealed by the REAL Media, so their counter-coverage, naturally consists of heavy out of context, and off topic smears against the television talk show host Glenn Beck.

    They have maybe a 20 minute delay from when a Media or Journalist says something damaging to “one of theirs”, to when they refute or smear the evidence thereby muggling and propagandizing the news that is uncovered.

    Prob. is… Van Jones is on video. Liberals are just cheating themselves if they want to believe what Media Matters churns out….

  10. m2 says:

    I’ll give them this though, they have been Accurate one time. And that was when they said “Hillary Clinton gets more FAIR news coverage on Fox News than any other media outlet.”

    And that’s true.

  11. m2 says:

    Now They Tell Us: CBO Double Counted Medicare Savings

  12. m2 says:

    VF, dang- with all this news today of the Democraps plans nosediving, you have a wealth of blog topics to choose from!

  13. m2 says:

    Brown for US SENATE!!!


  14. Foxwood says:

    WB = Warner Brothers?

  15. m2 says:

    “In a head-to-head matchup with Democratic frontrunner Tarryl Clark, Bachmann gets 55 percent to Clark’s 37 percent, with 8 percent undecided. The numbers are roughly the same when Bachmann is paired with Democrat Maureen Reed.

    It’s hardly a surprise that an incumbent would have a wide lead at this point in the campaign. What’s more interesting, however, are the perceptions of Bachmann’s views.

    When asked whether the lightning rod Bachmann’s political views are “extremist,” 37 percent said yes and 54 percent said no. And when queried about whether the two-term congresswoman “is too liberal, too conservative, or about right,” 36 percent said “too conservative” while 56 percent said “about right.”


  16. VotingFemale says:

    M2, I will agree that WND is not the same as MM.org…

    The only negative I see with WND is them hurting their credibility sometimes going on on a limb with some stuff. That gives outfits like MM.org ammunition to characterize them in a bad light.

    I also see Rev Manning going too far at times… and giving the enemy ammunition to characterize him in a bad light.

    Some say I go too far… some say not far enough.

  17. VotingFemale says:

    I refrain from going down the Bill O’Reilly road of appeasing the left enough to get an invitation to the White House Christmas Party and for getting Leftists on my program.

    I have a much higher level of respect for Hannity and Beck who take me or leave me truth tellers.

  18. m2 says:

    Yeah, I agree with you VF…

    But to put them in the same genre isn’t right to me. I mean whats the diff. between WND and NewsWithViews? Media Matters attacks WND more because they are popular.

    WND is an independent Media.

    Media Matters is just an attack dog for Leftist politicians and the political class.

    That’s my only point.
    Not necessarily comparing content.

  19. m2 says:

    Were you throwing crap at the TV screen when he said that! I was sick.

    He’s a sell out, for some “acknowledgment” and attention.

    He’s not a journalist.

  20. samhenry says:

    I keep delaying my departure and there are no weather reasons only computer separation syndrome.

    Here is an update of the weather in the midwest near southern Illinois from my brother:

    As for the weather here, we have already lost power over eight times this morning. I have restarted my computer each time. After I send this email, I am turning the computer off for the day. We are in a serious ice storm. I plowed yesterday, but not to bare ground, because of the pending ice storm. I will plow the ice away, if it doesn’t eat away all the snow that I left during periods of rain. We could get up to a half an inch of ice on trees and wires. The real problem is the wind, which is blowing from 20 – 30 MPH. That wind will bring wires and trees down.

    NOW ME – if the power goes out and he can’t get out to the family dinner, he has a standing rib roast laid in. I will crawl there!

  21. VotingFemale says:

    and I never said that WND is the same as MM.org.

    read what I said…

    VotingFemale says

    WND would be a “bit more fare comparison” to MM.ORG [than FOX News] which is clearly an Obama “Truth Squad Soros Funded” Communist effort to try to change fact into fiction…

    are there ever any conservative misinformations? of course! but that isn’t the real point… their goal is making Liberal Misinformations trump truth.

  22. m2 says:

    Ok, ha ha ha…

    Yeah it would be more fair to compare MM with Fox News.


  23. m2 says:

    crap… I mean WND.

    Well you know what I mean.

    And Fox rules.

  24. m2 says:

    OH my SH! Lost power 8 times! Ice storms are terrible.

    Take care, and Merry Christmas!

  25. VotingFemale says:

    Here is an example of a news article from WND
    that goes too far in my opinion for a News Outlet. Though it is, in my view, ok for a regular blogger to use:

    Court endorses ‘kidnapping’ of 7-year-old

    a kidnapping is a criminal act… and the police did not perform a criminal act…

    I do not agree with the police action, but it was not an actual crime.

  26. AFVET says:

    To the readers.
    A great book to read prior to the 2010 election is:
    How Capitalism Saved America. by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
    Published in 2004, it exposes the difference between socialism and capitalism.
    This is a great book, full of facts to arm yourself with info to confront your representatives at the impending political rallies that we will be confronted with.
    That is, if the parasites don’t walk out on you.

    Thanks VF !!!

  27. VotingFemale says:

    SamH, you confuse me… where are you going?

  28. m2 says:

    Yeah, I think WND is about the same as HuffPo… it has an audience…

    Remember when HuffPo said that Mary Jo Kopechne would have wanted to die for the shear reason that it propelled Teddy’s career?


  29. m2 says:

    Yeah SH… you’re going to Illinois?

  30. Foxwood says:

    Yeah! I rule!


  31. VotingFemale says:

    That is a good book AFVET

    And I have yet to meet a Socialist I have not been able to shut down in a duel of facts and truths of history of Socialism vs Capitalism

    One I love to pull is… explain the collapse of the Soviet Union and their switch from communism to Capitalism…

    AFVET says

    To the readers.
    A great book to read prior to the 2010 election is:
    How Capitalism Saved America. by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.
    Published in 2004, it exposes the difference between socialism and capitalism.
    This is a great book, full of facts to arm yourself with info to confront your representatives at the impending political rallies that we will be confronted with.
    That is, if the parasites don’t walk out on you.

    Thanks VF !!!

  32. m2 says:

    Affvet, thanks for the suggestion. The problem is, everyone in their heart is a capitalist, because it is simply Freedom.

    The Left have Alinskyied the word, but now they are doing a great job of showing us the merits of Socialism/Marxism/tyranny.

  33. VotingFemale says:

    YES U DO!

    GO FOX GO!

    tee hee

    Foxwood says

    Yeah! I rule!


  34. m2 says:

    They run from facts! Or they insult you personally!


    VF says: And I have yet to meet a Socialist I have not been able to shut down in a duel of facts and truths of history of Socialism vs Capitalism

  35. m2 says:

    FOXwood rules!

  36. VotingFemale says:

    Socialism is the bastard child of Communism… the failure of all failures

  37. samhenry says:

    CAT – I am going nowhere. I should have put LOL after I said I’s crawl to my brothers for a standing rib roast. It is a lot like the case of the missing coma.

    You know I talk shorthand! Happy to clarify.

    I am still at my computer and not in the grocery store. They will be out of eggnog; they will have sold my turkey.

    I have to drag myself away! Later friends/family

  38. m2 says:

    You got to get that eggnog… get out there, girl!

  39. VotingFemale says:

    M2 said: “They run from facts! Or they insult you personally! lol…”

    VF replies: They tried that personal attack strategy on me at iReport and I simply took their attempts and used them to Spin they little socialist HEDS lol

    There are still plenty of them little iCryers who suffer from VF Derangement Syndrome, right NERanger? hahahahaha

  40. m2 says:

    am trying to finish the last few presents to be wrapped… such a procrastinator. Always leaving 10% unfinished.


  41. m2 says:

    They had their own little Media Matters gang at ireport… where 10 minutes after your JOURNALIST based report, they’d try and smear and correct their slimy government leaders records with personal attacks and distortions.

  42. VotingFemale says:

    and NERanger? I stand by what I have always said…

    Colin Powell aka ‘The General’ is a racist who voted for Obama for racial reasons to get back at Whitey! F POWELL ALL TO HELL and his little racist black friends, the New Black Panthers

  43. VotingFemale says:

    yes they did!

    and many got flat lined going postal on my posts! heeeeeeeeee!!!

    and NERanger can go procreate himself! hahahaha

    m2 says

    They had their own little Media Matters gang at ireport… where 10 minutes after your JOURNALIST based report, they’d try and smear and correct their slimy government leaders records with personal attacks and distortions.

  44. m2 says:

    Biggest Lie of 2009, NERanger: “I used to be a conservative.”

    yuh- huh. Sho’.

  45. VotingFemale says:

    I think NERanger is about the dumbest koolaider I have ever run across… it was like taking candy from a baby

  46. m2 says:

    Oh how those little stinkers utilize Saul “Lucifer” Alinsky’s method…. it’s comes natural to them.

    In fact, most of them were “I used to be a Republican”… and now I’m an Islamo-Fascist, Big Money Special Interest -supporting, Marxist loving “world citizen”…

    HA HA HA HA …

  47. ohiobelle says:

    Orrin Hatch is making some great points today. I just don’t think it will be enough to stop this bill. I will never understand how anybody could allow this bill to pass.

  48. m2 says:

    In addition to playing the I’m a former Republican Conservative card, he loved to play the I’m a Christian card – to ‘debate’ issues.. I love it.

    Alinsky Alinsky Alinsky – weakness of mind.

  49. ohiobelle says:

    VF wrote: I think NERanger is about the dumbest koolaider I have ever run across… it was like taking candy from a baby

    There is a name I could’ve done without… lol I certainly don’t miss that idiot!

  50. VotingFemale says:

    Only trumped by the biggest lie of the 2008 election process:

    “NERanger: I am a conservative”

    m2 says

    Biggest Lie of 2009, NERanger: “I used to be a conservative.”

    yuh- huh. Sho’.

  51. ohiobelle says:

    VF wrote: Colin Powell aka ‘The General’ is a racist who voted for Obama for racial reasons to get back at Whitey! F POWELL ALL TO HELL and his little racist black friends, the New Black Panthers

    I agree 100%! I think there are alot of people that voted for Obama because of his color. I do think Colin Powell is having second thoughts about his vote.

  52. VotingFemale says:

    Belle… you would be amazed at who and how many from iCry still monitor this blog… waiting for something to run to Obama with and report!


    ohiobelle says

    VF wrote: I think NERanger is about the dumbest koolaider I have ever run across… it was like taking candy from a baby

    There is a name I could’ve done without… lol I certainly don’t miss that idiot!

  53. ohiobelle says:

    Hello VF!

    “NERanger: I am a conservative”

    hahahah… yea and I am a liberal!

  54. m2 says:

    Right, I wasn’t on ireport in 2008.

    I guess in addition to knowing, the Democrat-minded have hardly the ability to discuss/debate logically and rationally, without reverting to personal smears (in his case, I USED to be a republican)… (What does that have to do with Obama taking over the car and financial sector with Fascist actions?) beats me.

    It’s never ‘on topic’ or relevant. Just based in hate… I guess they know they can’t debate.

  55. ohiobelle says:

    iCry bitches have nothing else to do with their time. They have so much anger because their prez SUCKS!

  56. m2 says:

    Hi Belle!

  57. VotingFemale says:

    The General has made his bed… he sleeps with a communist… there is no going back.

    ohiobelle says

    VF wrote: Colin Powell aka ‘The General’ is a racist who voted for Obama for racial reasons to get back at Whitey! F POWELL ALL TO HELL and his little racist black friends, the New Black Panthers

    I agree 100%! I think there are alot of people that voted for Obama because of his color. I do think Colin Powell is having second thoughts about his vote.

  58. m2 says:

    I really got to finish this present stuff… bbs!

  59. VotingFemale says:

    they have chitty lives and made their beds… and Obama could give two shits less about them… and their fatherless kids and their unmarried mothers.

    ohiobelle says

    iCry bitches have nothing else to do with their time. They have so much anger because their prez SUCKS!

  60. m2 says:

    Notice how we don’t hear much about what “Colin Powell” thinks anymore… that used to be a constant for at least 4 or 5 months. Because the state-run media knew he was just a Socialist toe-kisser feigning to be a Republican.

    My guess is, he’s a shrunken violet now. Embarrassed and in hiding.

    VF says: The General has made his bed… he sleeps with a communist… there is no going back.

  61. ohiobelle says:

    I am trying to think of the 1 person I hated the most on iCry… hmmm…. who was it? I think Harvey50 and nobama (I think that was his name) win the idiot of the year prize.

  62. ohiobelle says:

    No wait… was there somebody named Margot? That hag wins overall!

  63. ohiobelle says:

    Those people on iCry meant nothing to me. I can’t even remember their names… lol

    It’s funny that they still follow the leader. They love you vf.

  64. VotingFemale says:

    from: http://www.therealitycheck.org/?p=9682

    Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama will live… in infamy

    Has anyone heard from Colin Powell lately? Since Barack Obama became president, there has been complete silence from Colin Powell about a man he described as having “great insight into the challenges we’re facing of a military and political and economic nature.” When can we expect Powell to show the courage to admit his mistake, his blunder, his betrayal?

    Just weeks before the 2008 presidential election, Powell went on television to attack John McCain and the Republican Party. He then, in his wisdom, endorsed Barack Obama:

    “I watched Mr. Obama during this seven-week period. And he displayed a steadiness, an intellectual curiosity, a depth of knowledge and an approach to looking at problems like this and picking a vice president that, I think, is ready to be president on day one. And also, in not just jumping in and changing every day, but showing intellectual vigor. I think that he has a definitive way of doing business that would serve us well.

    Mr. Obama has given us a more inclusive, broader reach into the needs and aspirations of our people. He’s crossing lines–ethnic lines, racial lines, generational lines. He’s thinking about all villages have values, all towns have values, not just small towns have values.

    I come to the conclusion that because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities–and we have to take that into account–as well as his substance–he has both style and substance–he has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president. I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation coming into the world–onto the world stage, onto the American stage, and for that reason I’ll be voting for Senator Barack Obama.

    And I have watched him over the last two years as he has educated himself, as he has become very familiar with these issues. He speaks authoritatively. He speaks with great insight into the challenges we’re facing of a military and political and economic nature. And he is surrounding himself, I’m confident, with people who’ll be able to give him the expertise that he, at the moment, does not have. And so I have watched an individual who has intellectual vigor and who dives deeply into issues and approaches issues with a very, very steady hand. And so I’m confident that he will be ready to take on these challenges on January 21st.”

    Are you still confident, General Powell? If not, the nation deserves an apology from you. General Powell, Douglas MacArthur’s words from 1962 speak to you today: ”the very obsession of your public service must be Duty, Honor, Country.”

    Michael Zak is a popular speaker to Republican organizations around the nation, showing office-holders and candidates and activists how they would benefit tremendously from appreciating the heritage of our Grand Old Party. Back to Basics for the Republican Party is his acclaimed history of the GOP cited by Clarence Thomas in a Supreme Court decision. His Grand Old Partisan blog celebrates more than fifteen decades of Republican heroes and heroics. See http://www.RepublicanBasics.com for more information.

  65. ohiobelle says:

    I have a confession… I taped that Christmas at the White House last night. Mr Belle said he would leave me if I watched it around him. lol I erased before the first commercial.

  66. ohiobelle says:

    Colin Powell made a huge mistake. I can’t believe he risked his reputation on Obama.
    What in the hell was he thinking? Condoleezza Rice made the same mistake. They voted based on color.

  67. VotingFemale says:

    Obama is the most polarizing , divisive and derisive, most insulting of American’s DUTY, HONOR, and COUNTRY of any other ASSHAT Socialist who is not a Dictator of an ENEMY Country of the USA.

    I give you Colin Powell’s Black Presidential Hero, Barack Hussein Obama

  68. VotingFemale says:

    I refused to watch it… awaiting instead the youtube moments… hahahaha

    And Hubs would have blown a fuse if I had tied up the tube with it. tee hee

    ohiobelle says

    I have a confession… I taped that Christmas at the White House last night. Mr Belle said he would leave me if I watched it around him. lol I erased before the first commercial.

  69. ohiobelle says:

    VF wrote: Obama is the most polarizing , divisive and derisive, most insulting of American’s DUTY, HONOR, and COUNTRY of any other ASSHAT Socialist who is not a Dictator of an ENEMY Country of the USA.

    Oh you must do a post with that title! ASSHAT.. hahahaha

  70. VotingFemale says:

    that is what happens when folks sell out their core principles for a Race Candidate…

    they saw a black man…

    I saw a Socialist…

  71. ohiobelle says:

    I just got this from Newsmax:

    We MUST keep the pressure up on Congress, we can NEVER surrender.

    Even though it’s Christmas, Obama and his allies are plotting to ram through their socialistic health plan.

    In the dark of the night, Harry Reid and Senate Democrats rammed through Congress a health care BILL that will radically change our health care system.

    Because hanging in the balance is the future of America – freedom or socialism. The League of American Voters needs your help to fight Obama Care every single step of the way.

    As you know, Dick Morris, our chief strategist, crafted our powerful campaign that caused the Democrats to modify their plans, especially in the Senate. In the Senate plan, they did away with the “Public Option” which would have bankrupted private insurers, they did away with giving Medicare for everyone over 55 which would HAVE enormously increased the public debt, they did away with a 5% “rich” income tax to fund Obamacare.

    But this does not mean the Democrats won’t plan to sneak through these terrible proposals when the final bill comes out of the House and Senate conference.

    We know that liberal Democrats are scheming to “revisit” the Public Option.

    “It will be revisited,” boasts leftist Democrat Senator Tom Harkin. “This is just the beginning. … What we’re building is a starter home, not a mansion. And guess what? We have room for expansions and additions later on.”

    Former DNC Chair Howard Dean: “I would let this thing go to conference committee, and let’s see if we can fix it some more.”

    “We now have to fight for the changes in the conference committee,” added SEIU union boss Andy Stern.

    But let there be no doubt. Even without the “Public Option,” Harry Reid’s bill creates a government-run plan where non-elected bureaucrats are empowered to stand between patients and doctors.

    It is still a disaster for healthcare in America. It must be defeated!

    Medicare is slashed by $470 billion, including cuts to Medicare home health care services. These are cuts the Congressional Budget Office says will “reduce access to care or diminish the quality of care” for seniors
    Medicare Advantage is cut $120 billion for seniors
    Raises taxes by $518 billion, including new taxes on the middle class, new taxes on wheelchairs, pacemakers, heart valves, and other medical devices, and new taxes on individuals and employers who do not retain the type of health care plans that Washington dictates
    Senate Democrats’ bill creates an Independent Medicare Advisory Board (IMAB) of non-elected government bureaucrats, empowered to cut Medicare providers limited access to care for seniors
    The bill forces a huge unfunded federal mandate on states to expand Medicaid, with the exception of those states where Democrat senators cut “sweetheart deals” with Obama and Reid for their vote
    If you live in any of the following states, you MUST call your Senator NOW. If you don’t live in one of these states, call anyway!

    Tell them you are a member of the League of American Voters and that you oppose both the Reid and Pelosi Obamacare plans.

    Call the U.S. Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected.

    Tell the Senate you OPPOSE the Obamacare Plan and that they must vote AGAINST it!

  72. m2 says:

    tiny break from wrapping….

    they saw a black man, but Colin also partook in the fever of Hope and Change. To qualify you have to throw out all irrationality of “qualifications and economics” relating to the business of Presidential office. You also have to desire the attention of multitudes of people slapping you on the back and treating you like a god. It really is American Idol, president edition.

    Forget the talented and experienced… just accept what the masses are blindly accepting for superficial reasons and attention.

    That’s what I think anyway…

  73. VotingFemale says:

    Asshat – One whose head is so far up their ass it could pass for a hat

  74. ohiobelle says:

    VF wrote:

    that is what happens when folks sell out their core principles for a Race Candidate…

    they saw a black man…

    I saw a Socialist…

    And to think they called us racist!!

    I’ll be back shortly, I have to call the switchboard!

  75. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Asshat – One whose head is so far up their ass it could pass for a hat

    hahahahahahahahahaha…. that’s great.

  76. ohiobelle says:

    Remember to keep this news updated:

    Tell them you are a member of the League of American Voters and that you oppose both the Reid and Pelosi Obamacare plans.

    Call the U.S. Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected.

    Tell the Senate you OPPOSE the Obamacare Plan and that they must vote AGAINST it!

  77. VotingFemale says:

    that was an excuse for their racism… and that is what they get for settling for a commie black man who was the first to come along with a real chance to win

    they made their bed… now they are commie lovers and sell-outs

    m2 says

    they saw a black man, but Colin also partook in the fever of Hope and Change.

  78. ohiobelle says:

    Call the U.S. Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected.


    Senator Blanche Lincoln

    Senator David Pryor


    Senator Olympia Snowe

    Senator Susan Collins


    Senator Ben Nelson


    Senator Mary Landrieu


    Senator Joe Lieberman


    Senator Evan Bayh

    North Dakota

    Senator Kent Conrad

    Senator Byron Dorgan


    Senator Jim Webb

    Senator Mark Warner


    Senator Claire McCaskill


    Senator Bill Nelson

    Please Note: Tell your Senator you OPPOSE both the Reid and Pelosi Obamacare plans and you want them to vote “NO.” Don’t forget to mention you a member of the League of American Voters.

  79. VotingFemale says:

    let that be a lesson to idiots who vote for a black man simply because he is a black man…

    that is racism, straight up… and it bit off their asses… and makes them look like the racists they are… I hope they weep on the tree of woe they hung themselves on… and that goes for any white hating asshats be they any race, including whites like NERanger

  80. ohiobelle says:

    “All circuits are busy”

    They are voting now to see if the bill in unconstitutional.

  81. ohiobelle says:

    I meant is unconstitutional

  82. m2 says:

    I just got this email from Beck and it said this:

    “Things kicked into high gear when Glenn started his new show on The Fox News Channel, January 19, 2009 at 5pm. There were the usual ups and downs that go along with starting something new. The ups included having Sarah Palin as the featured guest on the very first show, a tremendous way to start things off. The downs included Glenn’s eyes doing an entire segment, which caused the comedy shows to have a field day. Everyone had high expectations for Glenn, but no one could have predicted that this little 5pm cable news show would obliterate the competition and rise to the #2 show in all of cable news.”

    The “eyes” thing is soooooo funny….

    ha ha ha

  83. AFVET says:

    It’s not the outside, it’s the inside.
    I don’t care what your skin color is, or your gender.

    You are living in the greatest society this world has ever produced.
    If you want to live here, fine.

    The Constitution of the United States of America is our rule.

    Take it or leave it.

    Don’t like it ? LEAVE .

  84. m2 says:

    Ahh but Afvet, they know that too- however it’s more politically expedient for Statists to build up hate for one’s country and systematically generate accusations of racism to achieve their agenda….


  85. VotingFemale says:

    Very Well Said, Sir

    AFVET says

    It’s not the outside, it’s the inside.
    I don’t care what your skin color is, or your gender.

    You are living in the greatest society this world has ever produced.
    If you want to live here, fine.

    The Constitution of the United States of America is our rule.

    Take it or leave it.

    Don’t like it ? LEAVE .

  86. m2 says:

    This video is funny… the late nighters ripping into Obummer…

    It’s not the outside, it’s the inside.
    I don’t care what your skin color is, or your gender.

    You are living in the greatest society this world has ever produced.
    If you want to live here, fine.

    The Constitution of the United States of America is our rule.


  87. m2 says:

    Sorry My copy paste was screwed up…

  88. ohiobelle says:

    I think Ensign’s challenge might win

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