Obama-Pelosi-Reid Secret ObamaCare Hail Mary Pass; hinges on 23 House Cons. DEM votes; GO ACTIVE ON THIS

The arrogant dishonest nose-thumbing Socialist Triumvirate, Obama-Reid-Pelosi, have been working in secret to concoct their last ditch Hail Mary Play to ram Socialized Medicine through the Congress in spite of their American Voter Denial of their now defunct Senate Super Majority of sixty votes.

The Socialist Triumvirate does not give a flying tinker’s damn what you think or want. They will leave no stone unturned to Socialize Health Care and the Opposing Majority of American Voters can go take a flying leap.

Ahhh… but there is a wrench in the gears… a fly in the ointment.

The Majority of American Voters still have a defensive play to deny the Arrogant Socialist Elitist Triumvirate their goal and teach them once and for all…


Dick Morris blew the lid off this scheme of the The Socialist Triumvirate last evening on FOXNews Sean Hannity Show and on his blog, Dickmorris.com and at Newsmax.com.

The key to dealing the killing blow to The Socialist Triumvirate’s last ditch Hail Mary play hinges on a specific core group of 23  Democratic Congressman in the House of Representatives.

From Dick Morris:

So what is the counter-move? How do opponents of Obamacare stop this?

Opponents cannot rely on liberal Democrats in the House who might balk at passing the Senate bill with just a “pledge” from 52 senators. I have no doubt House liberals, despite their skepticism, will fade under pressure from Pelosi and Obama. They will do their duty and pass the Senate bill, whatever their current posturing.

Instead, the key to stopping the Pelosi-Reid plan lies with conservative or “moderate” Democrats who voted for the healthcare bill the first time.

There are 23 of these conservative-leaning Democratic House members who voted for Pelosi’s Obamacare back in November, which passed by just five votes, with 39 Democrats defecting to vote against the bill.

read the rest of Dick Morris’ article… here

read the Newsmax article… here

This issue has been picked up by RedState and other blogs. We need to get the word out!

Massive Public Pressure at the local level MUST be brought to bear on these 23 Conservative House Democrats…

You now know the mission….


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Additional Blogposts from VotingFemale:


Additional reading…

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Heritage Foundry: Green Jobs or Green Gyms? and Video: Charles Krauthammer Speaks at Heritage on “The Age of Obama” and Is Congress Exempting Itself From Health Insurance Tax? and “Mostly Free” Means Fewer Jobs, Less Money for Millions in U.S.
BigGovernment: Tuesday Open Thread: Teleprompter Edition and Lech Walesa Endorses Republican for Illinois Governor and Missing The Mass Point and Stimulus Wasted and Most Americans Know It
Hillbuzz: Is Sarah Palin really coming to Washington, Illinois on April 17th? and Tuesday Open Thread: January 26th, 2010 and Question: Who runs the site Stupidpumas.com and is he the one behind the attacks on us? and The Cleveland Plain Dailer finds more examples of “Ellie Light” in dozens of new papers
Gateway Pundit: Joe Lieberman Says “It’s Possible” That He Could Run as Moderate Republican in 2012 (Video) and Obama: “I’d Rather Be a Really Good One-Term President Than a Mediocre Two-Term President” (Video) …Update: Krauthammer Offers 3rd Option and Lech Walesa Will Campaign with Republican Adam Andrzejewski This Week and Houston Area Muslim Goes On Killing Spree – Kills 5, Beheads 2 Year-Old With Machete
Sister Toldjah: 24 – 8pm til 9pm open thread and Ch-ch-ch-ch-change you can believe in! and Quote of the Day: President O’Arrogance Edition – PLUS: Beau Biden won’t run for DE Senate seat and Astroturfing campaign underway by Team Obama?
Nice DebVideo: Michelle Malkin Discusses Astroturf On Hannity : and Narcissus Meets Squirrel and Nevermind the Classroom Teleprompters…Where’s “Safe School Czar”, Kevin Jennings? and Is Recent Astroturf Campaign Part of Dept of Justice Propaganda Unit?
Frugal Café: Saddam’s Mass-Murdering Cousin, Chemical Ali, Hanged in Iraq… Suicide Bombers Retaliate & Kill 37, Injure 104 and Ouch… Jay Leno Zings Obama Following Scott Brown’s Win in Massachusetts and Hello, Train Wreck: Obama’s Agenda Is Crashing… Calling Bill Clinton on Advice to Get Out of His Mess? and Glaciergate: Global Warming Is Bogus, Just a Money Scam… IPCC Admits Himalayan Glaciers AREN’T Melting Away
Talk Wisdom: Inspiring The ‘Precious Ones’ And Us All! and Ten Most Corrupt Politicians andChe – The Evil Murderer and Americans Still Question Obama’s Legitimacy to be POTUS
Michelle Malkin: Wisconsin newspaper chain apologizes for running Ellie Light’s Astroturf letter andStupid education fad of the day: “Mayan Math” andTARP/multiple bailout-supporting McCain to vote against Bernanke and David Plouffe: Spam czar; Gibbs downplays Plouffe role and Another broken promise: “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all”

Boudica WPI: Howard Dean: GOP Won in MA Because Obama Not Liberal Enough. and What a moron, but still ahead of Obungle and company. and Minnesota man faces fines for anti-muslim images and Obama talks to a 1st grade audiance. (correction 6th grade + video)) and Obama talks to a 1st grade audiance. (correction 6th grade + video))
GoodTimePolitics: Obama Falls into a BIG SINK HOLE (still campaigning) and Missouri’s race for the U.S. Senate and Barack Hussein Obama Wants To Retreat From His Attack On Our Health Care and  SC Senate affirms state’s rights, says ‘no’ to Obama health care
Some News on Israel: Interesting point of Views regarding Zion and Progressives: MLK was a RADICAL SOCIALIST?? OMG? and Should Presidental interpretation “supersede” judical court rulings?
Diary of a Mad Conservative:
America Rising with no sympathy for Obama and Global warming crooks and scammers
Moonbat Patrol:
Plouffe Hiring Signals Obamas Focus On Populism, (video)
OhioBelle: DEMOCRATS NEW DEAL TO PASS OBAMACARE and Scott Brown Was Only The Beginning
M2: The Democrat-Socialist “Solution” to Healthcare Can be Summarized with 2 Words
SamHenry’s Blog:
A Vengful Return to Obama the Enforcer and Obama Unleashed
Obama to grant TPS (Temporary Protected Status) to undocumented Haitian immigrants-(Temporary?) Another Lie and Apostle Claver tells the world how the real party of racism is the Democrats and Progressives: MLK was a RADICAL SOCIALIST?? The Left IS Dillusional!
Temple of Mut: There ought to be one day — just one — where there is open season on senators. and Live by the Alinsky Rules, Die by the Alinsky Rules
Dancing Czars:
Why I’m Not Going to Watch Obama’s State of The Union Address and An Unbeatable Quote for 2010? and Dick Morris: Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid Trick to Pass Health Care

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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350 Responses to Obama-Pelosi-Reid Secret ObamaCare Hail Mary Pass; hinges on 23 House Cons. DEM votes; GO ACTIVE ON THIS

  1. VotingFemale says:

    I have to be out most if not all of the morning… real life calls!

    hold down the fort, guys!

    see you all when I get back! 😉

  2. samiam60 says:

    Thank you for the heads up on the backroom crap from Obama. We need the big guns out today:

  3. Foxwood says:

    Very good blogpost, VF!

  4. samiam60 says:

    First Salvo: FIRE…..

    Obama Gets ‘F’ on Stopping Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    Bipartisan, independent commission warns that unless nations acted decisively and urgently, it is “more likely than not that a WMD will be used in a terrorist attack” by the end of 2013.

  5. samiam60 says:

    A bipartisan, independent commission on stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction says that the Obama administration has failed in its first year in office to do enough to prevent a germ weapons attack on America or to respond quickly and effectively should such an attack occur.

    In a 19-page “report card” being published today, the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Proliferation and Terrorism, chaired by former Senators Bob Graham, a Democrat from Florida, and Jim Talent, a Missouri Republican, gives the new administration the grade of “F” for failing to take key steps the commission outlined just over a year ago in its initial report.

    Specifically, the commission concludes that the Obama administration, like the three administrations before it, has failed to pay “consistent and urgent attention” to increasing the nation’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to a germ attack that would inflict massive casualties on the nation.

    The commission repeated its warning that unless nations acted decisively and urgently, it was “more likely than not that a WMD will be used in a terrorist attack somewhere in the world by the end of 2013,” and that the terrorists’ weapon of choice would be biological, rather than nuclear.

    The administration’s delayed response to the H1N1 virus, the report concludes, demonstrated that the United States was “woefully behind in its ability to rapidly produce rapidly vaccines and therapeutics, essential steps for adequately responding to a biological threat, whether natural or man-made.”

    Even with time to prepare, the report noted, the epidemic peaked “before most Americans had access to vaccine.”

    And a bioattack, it warned, would have “no such warning.”

    The administration’s lack of urgency was also reflected in its lack of priority on producing and distributing enough vaccines and other medical countermeasures for Americans, its reluctance to insist that hospitals have enough surge capacity to treat people who would be infected in a bio-terror attack, and the lack of a national plan to coordinate federal, state and local efforts following a bioterror strike, the document asserts.

    Ultimately, the commission chairman and vice chairman say, the “lack of preparedness” and “consistent lack of action” reflects “a failure of the U.S. government to grasp the threat of biological weapons.”

    Unlike its effort to prevent a nuclear attack, the Obama administration has shown “no equal sense of urgency” about preventing or responding germ warfare that might cause comparable death and suffering, the commission concludes.

    The report assigns 17 grades that it says highlight the issues of greatest priority in protecting Americans from WMD. The commission gave the administration a “D+” for its efforts to tighten oversight of high-containment labs in which experiments involving the deadliest pathogens are conducted. There were still far too many Federal, state, and local agencies regulating germs in sometimes conflicting ways, it states.

    The commission also gave Congress a failing grade for failing to consolidate the estimated 82 to 108 committees and subcommittees that oversee some part of the Department of Homeland Security.

    “Virtually no progress has been made since consolidation was first recommended by the 9/11 Commission in 2004,” the report asserts.

    The Graham/Talent WMD Commission, as it is known, is a legacy of the 9/11 Commission, which recommended its creation to examine WMD proliferation threats in its own report. In December, 2008, the WMD commission concluded in its final report that American national security faced ever growing threats from unconventional weapons, and from biological weapons in particular.

    Its report, “World at Risk,” unanimously concluded that bioterrorism was the most likely WMD threat the nation confronted given the exponential growth of biological technology and the stated desire of Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups to acquire such weapons. It called upon the administration to take 13 steps to reduce America’s vulnerability to such an attack. The new report card assesses the progress that the Obama administration has made in implementing its recommendations.

    The report is not uniformly negative. It gives the Administration high marks – an “A” – for the reviews it has conducted into how best to store and secure dangerous pathogens, and two “A-“ grades for appointing a WMD coordinator and restructuring how the White House oversees homeland security issues.

    But it warns that such steps are not commensurate with the threat the nation faces from terrorist groups searching for unconventional weapons in asymmetrical warfare.

    Robert Kadlec, President Bush’s former special advisor on bio-defense policy, declined to comment on the commission’s failing grade in the area in which he worked, saying there was still “ample opportunity to provide more focus and resources” for bio-preparedness in the administration’s remaining three years. “This is a hard problem which deserves high priority,” he said.

    Two defenders of the administration’s policies, both of whom asked not to be identified by name because they were speaking without authorization, said that the Obama White House gave biodefense and countering nuclear proliferation high priority.

    One official said that Obama’s second presidential security directive – the first being the reorganization of the White House national security apparatus – mapped out a national strategy to defend the nation against biological attacks. He also predicted that the administration would seek increases in its new budget for bio-defense and global surveillance programs.

    He predicted that the administration would seek budget increases in its new budget for nuclear non-proliferation and bio-defense programs.

    Having been extended for one more year of work in 2009, the 9-member WMD Commission is disbanding after issuing this final report card. But staff members said that its chairman and vice-chairman intend to form a non-profit organization to continue pressing the government to do more to counter WMD threats.


  6. rosehips says:

    morning peeps!

    Did you know that you can take a dog onto an airplane with you for free? I don’t recall ever seeing a dog on a plane, but my son is flying up from Tucson today with his pooch.

    VF, sorry I missed you this morning! The Socialist Triumvirate? I love it! Do you know who the original Great Triumvirate were? I read about them in my book about wild rose…

    from wiki:
    The Great Triumvirate is a term that refers to the three statesmen who dominated the United States Senate in the 1830s and 1840s: Henry Clay of Kentucky, Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina.[1] All three were extremely active in politics, had been appointed United States Secretary of State[2], and had served in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each was a distinguished orator and debater.

  7. rosehips says:

    I hope Buckley (the dog) isn’t subjected to any intrusive cavity searches. That could be the next terror fad, exploding canines. I will not be surprised if they deny Buckley access although they better be careful not to discriminate against my hearing-challenged son. He only can hear what he wants to hear. hahaha

  8. Foxwood says:


    WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2010
    Congress Went to Denmark, You Got the Bill
    Exclusive: CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson Follows the Money from Copenhagen to the U.S. Taxpayer

    By Sharyl Attkisson

    Sharyl Attkisson has more on her report of how more than 100 members of Congress and their spouses went to the Copenhagen climate conference — on the U.S. taxpayers tab. How much did it all cost?

    U.S. Congress members wracked up a sizeable bill at the Copenhagen Climate Summit. Sharyl Attkisson reports that U.S. tax dollars may have been put to better use.

    (CBS) Thanks to a recently filed Congressional expense reports there’s new light shed on the Copenhagen Climate Summit in Denmark and how much it cost taxpayers.

    CBS News Investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports official filings and our own investigation show at least 106 people from the House and Senate attended – spouses, a doctor, a protocol expert and even a photographer.

    Read the Congressional Expense Report

    For 15 Democratic and 6 Republican Congressmen, food and rooms for two nights cost $4,406 tax dollars each. That’s $2,200 a day – more than most Americans spend on their monthly mortgage payment.

    CBS News asked members of Congress and staff about whether they’re mindful that it’s public tax dollars they’re spending. Many said they had never even seen the bills or the expense reports.

    Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., is a key climate change player. He went to Copenhagen last year. Last week, we asked him about the $2,200-a-day bill for room and food.

    “I can’t believe that,” Rep. Waxman said. “I can’t believe it, but I don’t know.”

    But his name is in black and white in the expense reports. The group expense report was filed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. She wouldn’t talk about it when our producer tried to ask.

    Pelosi’s office did offer an explanation for the high room charges. Those who stayed just two nights were charged a six-night minimum at the five-star Marriott. One staffer said, they strongly objected to no avail. You may ask how they’ll negotiate a climate treaty, if they can’t get a better deal on hotel rooms.

    Total hotel, meeting rooms and “a couple” of $1,000-a-night hospitality suites topped $400,000.

    Flights weren’t cheap, either. Fifty-nine House and Senate staff flew commercial during the Copenhagen rush. They paid government rates — $5-10,000 each — totaling $408,064. Add three military jets — $168,351 just for flight time — and the bill tops $1.1 million dollars — not including all the Obama administration officials who attended: well over 60.

    In fairness, many attendees told us they did a lot of hard work, and the laid groundwork for a future global treaty.

    “I was there because I thought it was important for me to be there,” Rep. Waxman said. “I didn’t look at it as a pleasure trip.”

    But considering the size of the deficit, and the fact that that no global deal would be reached — critics question the super-sized U.S. delegation — more than 165 — leaving the impression there’s dollars to burn. In this case, more than a million.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi
    Pelosi’s husband
    Majority Leader Steny Hoyer
    Rep. George Miller
    Rep. Henry Waxman
    Rep. Ed Markey
    Markey’s wife
    Rep. Charles Rangel
    Rep. Bart Gordon
    Rep. James Sensenbrenner
    Sensenbrenner’s wife
    Rep. Sander Levin
    Rep. Joe Barton
    Barton daughter
    Rep. Fred Upton
    Rep. Earl Blumenauer
    Rep. Diana DeGette
    Rep. Jay Inslee
    Inslee’s wife
    Rep. Shelley Moore Capito
    Rep. Moore Capito husband
    Rep. John Sullivan
    Rep. Tim Ryan
    Rep. GK Butterfield
    Rep. Emanuel Cleaver
    Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
    Gifford’s husband
    Rep. Marsha Blackburn
    President Obama
    Sen. James Inhofe
    Sen. John Kerry
    Stacee Bako
    Don Kellaher
    Wilson Livingood
    Brian Monahan
    John Lawrence
    Karen Wayland
    Drew Hammill
    Kate Knudson
    Bridget Fallon
    Bina Surgeon
    Mary Frences Repko
    Nona Darrell
    Tony Jackson
    Josh Mathis
    Phil Barnett
    David Cavicke
    Lisa Miller
    Peter Spencer
    Andrea Spring
    Lorie Schmitt
    Greg Dotson
    Alex Barron
    Christopher King
    Shimere Williams
    Tara Rothschild
    Margaret Caravelli
    Gerry Waldron
    Ana Unruh-Cohen
    Jeff Duncan
    Eben Burnham-Snyder
    Joel Beauvais
    Michael Goo
    Tom Schreibel
    Harlan Watson
    Bart Forsyth
    Ed Rice
    Steve Rusnak
    Carey Lane
    Matt Dempsey
    Dempsey wife
    George Sugyama
    Tom Hassenbohler
    31 additional unnamed Senate staff

    State Dept:
    Special Envoy Todd Stern
    Secretary Hillary Clinton
    Pershing Deputy U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change
    Maria Otero, Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs
    Ambassador Alejandro Wolff, Deputy Permanent Rep. United States Mission to the U.N.
    Daniel Reifsnyder, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment
    Lilburn Trigg Talley, Director of the office of Global Change
    Sue Biniaz, Deputy Legal Adviser
    William Breed, Director of Climate Change Programs USAID.
    Energy Dept:
    Steven Chu, Energy Secretary
    Jean Chu, Spouse of the Energy Secretary
    Rod O’Connor, Chief of Staff
    Amy Bodette, Special Assistant to the Secretary
    David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs
    Rick Duke, Dep. Assistant Sec. for Policy and International Affairs
    Holmes Hummel, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Policy and
    International Affairs
    Elmer Holt, Economist in the Office of Policy and International Affairs
    Matt Kallman, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Policy
    and International Affairs
    Dan Leistikow, Director of Public Affairs
    Devin Hampton, Lead Advance Representative
    Interior Dept:
    Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
    Deputy Secretary David Hayes
    Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Tom Strickland
    Science Advisor Kit Batten
    Senior Advisor of Global Change at USGS Tom Armstrong
    USGS Director Marcia McNutt
    Deputy Communications Director Matt Lee-Ashley
    Jack Lynch (Security)
    Dave Graham (Security)
    Mike Downs (Security)
    Director of Advance Tim Hartz

    Security Officer # 1 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
    Marcus McClendon Director of Advance, Office of the Administrator
    Security Officer # 2 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
    Jennifer Jenkins Physical Scientist, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP 15 Negotiator
    Shalini Vajjhala Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of International Affairs COP-15 Negotiator
    Maurice LeFranc Senior Advisor, International Climate Change, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator
    Kimberly Todd Klunich Technical Expert, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator
    Leif Hockstad Environmental Engineer, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator
    Seth Oster Associate Administrator, Office of Public Affairs
    David McIntosh Associate Administrator, Office of Rep.ressional and Intergovernmental Relations
    Michelle DePass Assistant Administrator, Office of International Affairs
    Security Officer # 3 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
    Lisa Jackson Administrator, EPA
    Gina McCarthy Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation

    White House Executive Office staff:
    From the Office of Energy and Climate Change:
    Heather Zichal
    Tony Russell
    Jake Levine
    Joe Aldy

    From the Office of Science and Technology Policy:
    John Holdren
    Steve Fetter
    Shere Abbott

    From the Council on Environmental Quality:
    Nancy Sutley
    Amy Salzman
    Jess Maher

    National Security Council:
    Mike Froman
    Ed Fendley

    Ben LaBolt
    “Can we feed the public this Global Warming bullsh!t and use it to take a vacation

    YES WE CAN!”
    “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president,” — Obutthole

    Brian Killmead made a great point. If your a really good one-term president, you’ll get re-elected.

  9. samiam60 says:

    Thanks for re-posting this Foxwood.
    Round two of our Cannon Fire there Bro!

  10. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning Rosehips 🙂

    Rosie says:
    careful not to discriminate against my hearing-challenged son. He only can hear what he wants to hear. hahaha


    Must be a heredity thing! gotcha (giggles)

  11. samiam60 says:

    Funny Obama quote Foxwood. The man just don’t think before he speaks. We thought Biden was dumb.
    Foxwood says

    “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president,” — Obutthole

    Brian Killmead made a great point. If your a really good one-term president, you’ll get re-elected.

  12. Foxwood says:

    Good Morning Rosey!

    Good Morning again Sami!

  13. Foxwood says:

    We got to make sure the Commies in the Whitehouse hear us, Sami.

    I’d aim it at the WH, but the men in black suits might make a visit.

  14. samiam60 says:

    Senators Urge Administration to Transfer Alleged Bomber to Military Custody


    Two top senators urged the Obama administration on Monday to transfer the suspect in the failed Christmas Day airline bombing to the Pentagon, blasting the Justice Department for reading him his Miranda rights and treating him like a common criminal.

  15. samiam60 says:

    Two top senators urged the Obama administration on Monday to transfer the suspect in the failed Christmas Day airline bombing to the Pentagon, blasting the Justice Department for reading him his Miranda rights and treating him like a common criminal.

    Citing reports that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was “speaking openly about the attack” and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s involvement in it before he was read his Miranda rights, Sens. Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins said that reading the suspect his rights shortly after his arrest was an opportunity lost.

    Lieberman, I-Conn., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Collins, R-Maine, the committee’s ranking Republican, said officials would be able to continue interrogating Abdulmutallab and try him before a military commission if they treat him as an enemy combatant.

    “The decision to treat Abdulmutallab as a criminal rather than (an unprivileged enemy belligerent) almost certainly prevented the military and the intelligence community from obtaining information that would have been critical to learning more about how our enemy operates and to preventing future attacks,” the senators wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and counterterrorism adviser John Brennan.

    “Though the president has said repeatedly that we are at war, it does not appear to us that the president’s words are reflected in the actions of some in the executive branch, including some at the Department of Justice,” they wrote.

    Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., also released a written statement Monday urging Obama to revoke Abdulmutallab’s “civilian status,” saying the administration “squandered an invaluable opportunity to gather intelligence from a captured terrorist fresh from Al Qaeda’s operation in Yemen.”

    Though Abdulmutallab has already been indicted in anticipation of a civilian trial, attorney Edward MacMahon said there is precedent for treating suspects as enemy combatants before trying them in civilian court.

    MacMahon, former attorney for Al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, said the administration would be in its right to treat Abdulmutallab as an enemy combatant and interrogate him, despite the case that is already underway. He said the administration would not have to worry about jeopardizing his confession, since there’s enough physical evidence and witness testimony to convict him.

    The calls for the Justice Department to do an about-face on Abdulmutallab’s civilian trial come after new questions were raised during congressional hearings last week about the way the suspect was handled after the attempted bombing.

    In one hearing, Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair said Abdulmutallab should have been questioned by the recently created High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group, or HIG. But he later released a statement noting that the HIG is not yet “fully operational.”

    Still, key officials — among them FBI Director Robert Mueller — have said they were not consulted on the decision to treat Abdulmutallab as a civilian.

    Fox News has confirmed that local FBI agents interviewed the suspect for about 50 minutes after he was taken to the University of Michigan Medical Center. One official said he spoke freely during this period and claimed to be a trained recruit for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

    After that, he went into surgery. He was then advised of his right to remain silent, and he subsequently obtained a lawyer.

    Lieberman and Collins wrote Monday that the “unilateral decision” by the Justice Department to treat the suspect as a criminal “and to forego information that may have been extremely helpful to winning this war demonstrates” that some in the department are not acting as if the country is at war.

    “The administration can reverse this error, at least to some degree, by immediately transferring Abdulmutallab to the Department of Defense,” they wrote.


  16. rosehips says:

    morning guys.

    very funny sami 😉

    sami said: Must be a heredity thing! gotcha (giggles)

  17. samiam60 says:

    Destroying America one day at a time.

    The Obama Plan

  18. samiam60 says:

    We are Two Wild and Crazy Guys 🙂

  19. rosehips says:

    I wonder if they’d let me take a wolf on an airplane?
    Funny, when I made the rez for my son, they didn’t ask about the size of the dog, although I offered that he was a medium sized dog. What if my son had a freakin’ Great Dane for a pet? That would be quite funny to see them both squeeze into a seat. Luckily I reserved a bulk head seat for him.

  20. samiam60 says:

    Rosie says:
    I wonder if they’d let me take a wolf on an airplane?


    Where we going?

  21. samiam60 says:

    Be back shortly.

    Have things to do that won’t wait.

    Cheers 🙂

  22. rosehips says:

    lol sami. well we better stay out of the west. They shoot wolves around here. haha

    sami said: Rose

    Where we going?

  23. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good Morning Everyone!

  24. rosehips says:

    morning tellit.

    I just came up with an idea for a sitcom. it will star a dyslexic deaf guy with a service dog. haha
    nobody better steal my idea. lol

  25. rosehips says:

    the stock mkt is up a tinge this morning but metals are taking a dive. Might be a good day to buy, or might be a good idea to wait to see if it drops somemore. tuff call. I read that gold might be dropping way down to correct itself, down to $500/oz. All them open pit gold mines they are opening will bring the price down. But people have such a lack of faith in the dollar, for good reason, that gold is an alternative that more and more people are investing in. hmmm….food for thought.

  26. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good Morning Rose!

  27. rosehips says:

    I don’t know why I’ve been gravatating to country music lately but this is a funny song!

  28. tellitlikeitis says:

  29. rosehips says:

    Jerry Reed-She Got The Goldmine (I Got The Shaft)

    Well, I guess it was back in ’63
    When eatin’ my cookin’ got the better of me,
    So I asked this little girl I was goin’ with to be my wife.
    Well, she said she would, so I said “I do”.
    But I’da said I wouldn’t if I’da just knew
    How sayin’ “I do” was gonna screw up all of my life!
    Well, the first few years weren’t all that bad –
    I’ll never forget the good times we had
    ‘Cause I’m reminded every month when I send her the child support.
    Well, it wasn’t too long till the lust all died,
    And I’ll admit I wasn’t too surprised
    The day I come home and found my suitcase sittin’ out on the porch.
    Well, I tried to get in – she changed the locks!
    Then I found this note taped on the mailbox
    That said, “Goodbye, turkey! My attorney will be in touch!” Mm-hmm…
    So I decided right then and there
    I’s gonna do what’s right – give her her fair share.
    But brother – I didn’t know her share’s gon’ be THAT much!
    She got the gold mine! She got the gold mine!
    I got the shaft. I got the shaft.
    They split it right down the middle,
    And then they give her the better half.
    Well, it all sounds sorta funny,
    But it hurts too much to laugh.
    She got the gold mine – I got the sha-a-aft.

    Now, listen – you ain’t heard nothin’ yet:
    Why, they give her the color television set,
    Then they give her the house, the kids, and both of the cars! See?
    Well, then they start talkin’ ‘bout child support,
    Alimony, and the cost of the court –
    Didn’t take me long to figure out how far in the toilet I was!
    I’m tellin’ ya, they have made a mistake
    ‘Cause it adds up to more than this cowboy makes!
    Besides; everything I ever had worth takin’, they’ve already took!
    While she’s livin’ like a queen on alimony,
    I’m workin’ two shifts eatin’ baloney,
    Askin’ myself, “Why didn’t you just learn how to cook?!?!”
    They give her the gold mine! She got the gold mine!
    They give me the shaft. I got the shaft.
    They said they’re splittin’ it all down the middle,
    But she got the better half.
    Well, it all sounds mighty funny,
    But it hurts too much to laugh.
    She got the gold mine – I got the sha-a-aft.

    Well, she got the gold mine! She got the gold mine!
    I got the shaft. I got the shaft.
    They split it all down the middle,
    And then they give her the better half.
    Well, I guess it all sounds funny, Hoo, hoo, hoo, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
    But it hurts too much to laugh.
    She got the gold mine – I got the sha-a-aft.
    (They ain’t kiddin’ me – I got the shaft.)

    Well, I don’t have to worry ‘bout totin’ a billfold n’more.
    I let my wife tote it; I’mon’ be carryin’ food stamps –
    You get it, judge? I’mon’ be… Just… Hahahaha…
    Ah, it’s not funny, huh? Huh? Huh?
    Contempt of court? Whaddaya mean?
    Listen, judge: I’s just kiddin’!

  30. tellitlikeitis says:

    Funny song Rose!

  31. votingfemale says:

    hi rose tellit
    i’m on the cell phone.

    very good articles, guys.

    my typing will be abbreviated.

  32. rosehips says:

    hmmm, how’s the gov’t gonna reduce no2 emissions along the highway? I think we will be seeing stricter emissions regs for our autos. The jig is up. we need to clean up our act. Lisa Jackson plays hardball. whether you like it or not!

    EPA cracks down on pollution spikes near roads

    The Associated Press
    Monday, January 25, 2010; 3:05 PM

    WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency announced Monday that it would control – for the first time – short-lived spikes of an air pollutant common along major roads and linked to respiratory problems.

    The new national standard sets a one-hour limit for nitrogen dioxide, a gas created by emissions from automobiles, factories and coal-fired power plants that peaks along highways and near cities.

    Along with the new limit, the EPA is also requiring at least 40 new monitors in cities and along roads to pinpoint which areas would violate the new standard.

    Research has shown that breathing nitrogen dioxide for short periods of time, 30 minutes to 24 hours, can worsen asthma, increase respiratory illness and impair lung function. But since 1971, the EPA has limited only long-term concentrations of nitrogen oxide, which are measured over the course of a year.

  33. rosehips says:

    hey vf! are you in the waiting room?

  34. rosehips says:

    vf, are you checking the metals prices this morning? what do you think is gonna happen?

  35. rosehips says:

    vf, don’t worry about abbreves. we understand. Do you have a full keyboard or do you have to use the reg cell keys? I hate them. I like using a blackberry, but I don’t have one.

  36. votingfemale says:

    rose, they have msnbc going in thr waitin room. ugh

    l,m in the car listenin 2 talk radio lol

  37. tellitlikeitis says:

    good morning VF!

  38. samiam60 says:


  39. votingfemale says:

    I have a touch scrn kb

    what is the gold and oil price now?

  40. votingfemale says:

    I’m prked,,sammy lol

  41. samiam60 says:

    If Gold bottoms and the Dollar drops it gonna be a bad day.

  42. tellitlikeitis says:

  43. tellitlikeitis says:

    Sorry about the nudity. This is an art song. One of my favorites.

  44. samiam60 says:

    Tellit says
    Sorry about the nudity. This is an art song. One of my favorites.


    It’s OK, I don’t have a problem with it.

  45. tellitlikeitis says:

    Oil is 74.18 gold is 1095.2

  46. votingfemale says:


  47. samiam60 says:

    Do you have more?

  48. tellitlikeitis says:

    Sam , I don’t either but the girls might.

  49. Foxwood says:

    Nothing Wrong with country music. Most of us Confederate Nazis listen to it.

  50. tellitlikeitis says:

    For updates go to http://www.cnbc.com/

  51. votingfemale says:

    I can’t see vids… part of wp’s moble interface I am using here.

  52. tellitlikeitis says:

    I am not a country fan but I like some of it. I love souther rock!

  53. tellitlikeitis says:

    VF, Are you at the hospital? Is everything ok?

  54. votingfemale says:

    fox is a CW HED! lol

  55. votingfemale says:

    tellit, all ok. waitin bring hubs home frm procedure… no biggie

  56. tellitlikeitis says:

    glad all is ok , VF

  57. votingfemale says:

    his 1st proctiscopage lol they use copious demorol. he will be flyin hi

  58. Foxwood says:

    “waitin bring hubs home frm procedure”

    oh no.. not that. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

  59. samhenry says:

    Hi tellit, VF and FOX and the nudie-loving sami –

    In a few hours it’s goodbye to good food and good sun and in that order. I avoided Ringling Museum and other indoor haunts. I have come to the point in my life that I visit museums on-line or not at all. I’ve hung in galleries from Greece to here and that’s it. I’m now for hanging out.

  60. Foxwood says:

    Whew! I thought it was more drastic…

  61. tellitlikeitis says:

    demerol is a powerful drug.

  62. samhenry says:


    If Pelosi wants to lose her majority to exist – pull something like this little stunt. The American people will riot. It is a ploy to go to the great speech for the Middle Class this evening with another win. If I were poor or very rich I would feel very left out tonight. He is really a charlatain (spelling).

  63. rosehips says:

    vf, gold is down $13 to $1089 and silver is down 81 cents to $16.43. I haven’t seen silver this low in some time, although its dropped close. I’m not exactly sure what is triggering the drop but it has been fluctuating between 16.50 and 19. for a few months. A person could have made a little speculative cash if they played it right. But it’s always a risk.

  64. samiam60 says:

    Good to see you SamH. Hope you enjoy the flight home. Let us know if you get scanned. lol

  65. samiam60 says:

    My EX got to keep the Gold mines but I did get the Coal Mine which has been more profitable.

    Hope all went well for your Hubby VF.

    I am sure he will have a greater appreciation for woman now. I did.

  66. rosehips says:

    I”m wondering if they will scan Buckley today. I hope that he will be treated with the dignity that all dogs deserve. I bet he will be a very popular passenger on his flight from Tucson today.

    did y’all see the comment I posted recently about the bill in the House that would allow you to write off up to $3500 for pet care on your taxes? geesh. what will they think of next?

  67. tellitlikeitis says:

  68. samiam60 says:

    Here is an update on my experience with Government Run Healthcare.

    I was in an Emergency Room on 10/04/2009 with a serious condition. I was told to follow up with the Primary Care Doctor at the VA Hospital.

    My appointment is set for 2/22/2010.

    Ain’t that just wonderful?

  69. rosehips says:

    my ex got the gold mine and I got my freedom. haha

    actually, I think we divided things fairly. he of course disagrees. did I mention we disagreed a lot? hahahaha

  70. rosehips says:

    sami, that is rather ridiculous, I agree. My congresswoman has been talking up her support of improving vet health care. I will talk to her about you the next time I see her.

    sami said: My appointment is set for 2/22/2010.

  71. samiam60 says:

    Now that is a funny video Tellit.

  72. samiam60 says:

    I can’t even imagine you being unagreeable Rose.

    As for my healthcare needs I have been using herbal remedies to stabilize till my appointment.

    On a side note the VA Hospital Doctor did not want the Test results from the local emergency room I attended. Said he would run his own tests in February.

    Hope I am considered productive and not just an eater. Could be a end of life conversation when I get there. That’s if I can make it that long with out medical care.

  73. rosehips says:

    you funny guy sami my man-ee
    sami said: I can’t even imagine you being unagreeable Rose.

  74. samiam60 says:

    I guess I should just call it what it is. Rationing

  75. samiam60 says:


    Maybe you could fly up and nurse me back to health???? 🙂

  76. Foxwood says:

    “that is rather ridiculous, I agree. My congresswoman has been talking up her support of improving vet health care.”

    That’s what single payer will turn into.

  77. samiam60 says:

    I have found from past experiences and so has Arlene that when you make wave’s at the VA Hospital by using an Advocate to help you that you will find your medical chart gets flagged.

  78. rosehips says:

    haha sami, I will nurse you in your dreams. teehee
    My brother actually asked me to stay at their place in Milwaukee for the month of Feb. He and his wife just went down to Ashville NC for a couple of months. Since his daughter just had a baby, they thought I could help out. But I really can’t leave here. I’m not as loose-footed as I used to be.

  79. samiam60 says:

    I have resorted to Garlic as a cure all and have to admit I am strung out on Garlic now. Its all I think about and I am always looking to see where my next score will be.

    Bad thing is the cops can smell it on me and so I have to be careful on the streets and eat a lot of mints.

  80. m2 says:

    Hi buddies!!

    why’s VF in a waiting room? Did she go to the doctor?

    They play MSNBC there. HA!


    Even Qdoba.

  81. rosehips says:

    foxy, that’s what you’ve been led to believe. It doesn’t have to be that way. Yes, you won’t get treated as fast as you do today. But waits like that won’t be acceptable. I am glad that sami has found an herbal remedy. We need to look to nature more and perhaps we will reduce our reliance on medicine as the fix all, end all.

    foxy said: That’s what single payer will turn into.

  82. m2 says:

    Even Moes Southwest Grill who employs primarily Spanish speaking maybe illegals!


  83. rosehips says:

    hey m2! vf took her hubby to the proctologist! hahahaha

  84. Foxwood says:

    Single payer is Commie Crap!

  85. m2 says:

    ah sounds… sucky for him…

  86. samiam60 says:


    As Ronald Reagan once said:

    There you go again.


  87. rosehips says:

    remember sami, garlic is as good as ten mothers.

  88. m2 says:

    Even Books A Million plays Fox News – Eat one Progressives 15% of the pop!

  89. samiam60 says:

    Hi there M2. Good to see you this morning.

  90. Foxwood says:

    “Medicine is the keystone to socialism.” — Lenin

  91. rosehips says:

    yeah m2, but ya know, some guys really like that kind of thing. haha i’m bad.

    m2 said: ah sounds… sucky for him…

  92. samiam60 says:

    Rosie says:
    remember sami, garlic is as good as ten mothers.


    Your right!!!!! 🙂

    Those Mothers at the VA have pissed me off.

  93. Foxwood says:

    Yhe goal of socialism is communism.” — Lenin

  94. rosehips says:

    lol sami, mother-lovin’ good fer nothings…

    sami said: Those Mothers at the VA have pissed me off.

  95. samiam60 says:

    OK, I have to go out into the Frozen Tundra and take care of some things in town. Be back later ya’ll

  96. m2 says:

    We should go on and bankrupt this country (pay unions with healthcare taxes) and degrade it into the crapper.

    Then the Euros will -god forbid, have to take care of themselves.


  97. m2 says:

    CNN Poll: For First Time, More Say Dem Control Is Bad For Country

    The headline on the new CNN poll is this: “Most Americans applaud Democrats’ loss of supermajority.”

  98. samiam60 says:

    ******Side note**********

    Everyone is so negative about Obama being a failure. Well I refuse to fall into that trap.
    I will take the high road and say that at least he has been consistent.

  99. rosehips says:

    see ya sami,

    I don’t really wait around too often to notice what is on tv. my dentist has disney movies generally. I’ll have to keep my eye on the pulse of America. I’ll go to Walmart and see what they have on back at the tire shop. or in the electronics section.

  100. VotingFemale says:

    I am back home for a few hours… hubs is delayed by two hrs… guy before him was way late to arrive. grrrr

  101. samhenry says:

    Bye all – see you tomorrow. Have to catch the plane.

  102. Pingback: Some News on Israel: Interesting point of Views regarding Zion « LisaInTX's Blog

  103. VotingFemale says:

    Thank you dear!

    samhenry says


    If Pelosi wants to lose her majority to exist – pull something like this little stunt. The American people will riot. It is a ploy to go to the great speech for the Middle Class this evening with another win. If I were poor or very rich I would feel very left out tonight. He is really a charlatan.

  104. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Lisa!

    you have been quite a productive bloggette lately!

  105. VotingFemale says:

    have a good trip Samh!

  106. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning M2!!!

    Good to see you up and about, GF!

  107. tellitlikeitis says:

    Have a good trip SH.

  108. VotingFemale says:

    hubs got his company to switch the lunch room TV from CNN to FOXNews…

    Conservatism – Feel the RUSH!

    m2 says

    Hi buddies!!

    why’s VF in a waiting room? Did she go to the doctor?

    They play MSNBC there. HA!


    Even Qdoba.

  109. rosehips says:

    have a great flight SH!

    for those of you who missed the news this morning, my oldest son is flying today from Tucson AZ with his dog. He is allowed to bring it on the flight for free because it is a service animal. Funny thing is, his pooch doesn’t really provide any service besides companionship and protection. My son just went into the Oakland police dept and registered his dog as a service animal. They never asked what service Buckley provides. So now he gets to accompany my son just about everywhere. Somehow I don’t think that will last forever. Dogs on flights? It will give a whole new meaning to a blue tick heeler…tick, tick, tick.

  110. VotingFemale says:

    Obama is a radical Progressive/Socialist/Marxst

    That he is failing is a great thing!

    samiam60 says

    ******Side note**********

    Everyone is so negative about Obama being a failure. Well I refuse to fall into that trap.
    I will take the high road and say that at least he has been consistent.

  111. m2 says:

    Yeah Fox News – it’s a kentucky thang.

    And hey y’all. We’re the first state to go RED for NOBAMA during election night.

    Seems like a badge of honor, now.


  112. m2 says:

    Rose, Tuscon sounds lovely compared to this weather here.
    I hope his dog does okay….

    SamHenry, you have to leave so soon!? For shame!

  113. VotingFemale says:


    Fox News Finishes Week #1 in All of Primetime Cable
    By Kevin Allocca on Jan 26, 2010 10:23 AM

    Fox News was the top cable network in primetime last week, averaging the most total viewers between January 18th-24th. The last time FNC topped USA and came in first was during the week of the 2008 presidential election.

    In a week dominated by coverage of the earthquake in Haiti and the U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts, FNC drew an average of 3.2 million total viewers in primetime (Mon-Sun).

    Fox was ranked 3rd in total day. CNN was 22nd in primetime and 19th in total day, and MSNBC was 25th in primetime and 31st in total day.

    Here’s are the primetime cable rankings for the week of January 18th:

    see: http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/fnc/fox_news_finishes_week_1_in_all_of_primetime_cable_150010.asp

  114. rosehips says:

    okay, I’m gonna go out on a limb right now and say that I think Obama’s EPA is making significant gains in doing what it was meant to do: protect our precious earth. okay, it’s not perfect but lisa jackson is probably the first head of the EPA who actually cares about the environment. Still they are under almost insurmountable pressures from all corners to serve special interests. Unfortunately, it will probably be impossible to put into effect what is necessary to really clean up our mess. We just don’t have the money.

  115. m2 says:

    Hey VF, I happened to flip on Oprah yesterday and caught a bit of Rosie O’Donnell saying that “it’s ridiculous that CNN thinks her new girl friend is news over the tough times we’re in” and Oprah got a pained look on her face and threw to commercial…

    Ya know why!? Cause Oprah knows ol’ Ted Turner and her want CNN to de-focus on the massive failure of Barack Hussein Obama.

    Also, I think she has Palin on just to get people to think she (Oprah) is not just the tool that handed us a marxist jerkoff.

  116. rosehips says:

    m2, it’s currently 42 degrees in tucson. They were just blasted with a winter storm out there. I wish my son would stay down there and work. But instead he is going north to snowboard for the next month.
    I think if they let Buckley on the flight, he’ll be fine. He will most likely be a big hit as he is an awesome dog. He won’t be a problem at all. My son takes him everywhere…he even rides the rails with him.

  117. rosehips says:

    speaking of Palin…..I just saw a clip of her and Bristol on Oprah but it wasn’t good for the Palins. Bristol came off horribly and Sarah could just look on helplessly. Oprah really called her on her “chastity pledge”. You could tell Bristol hasn’t really thought it through. It’s dumb to pledge that. Remember when Britney Spears was a virgin???? hahahaha

  118. m2 says:

    Well if he’s a Blue Heeler he’s probably a great dog… they tell me my dog is an Australian Shepherd mix… he looks somewhat Blue Heeler, but more Aussie… so I think he’s an Aussie. People think he’s part Blue Heeler because he has that merle coat.

  119. tellitlikeitis says:

    This is exactly what I want him to acomplish! Nothing!

  120. rosehips says:

    It really would be in Obama’s best interest to just ban tv altogether. It could be part of the health care bill. The “get off your ass and go out and play” clause. hahaha

    re: Fox News Finishes Week #1 in All of Primetime Cable

  121. tellitlikeitis says:

    A mandated exercise program for all the couch potatoes. lol

  122. rosehips says:

    yeah m2, Buckley is a blue heeler, although I’m not sure if he is full bred. My son adopted him from the ex hubby of his ex girlfriend.

  123. rosehips says:

    yeah and Obama should also ban blogging! lol

  124. m2 says:

    I got to say… I dislike my cat. AND LURRRRVE my dog.

    I’ll never have another kitty! He’s torn up every nice piece of furniture in this house.

  125. tellitlikeitis says:

    You haven’t heard much about health care lately. I wonder why? Can anyone say Massachuttsets?

  126. tellitlikeitis says:

    Rose said, “yeah and Obama should also ban blogging! lol”

    Don’t give him any ideas. lol

  127. Pingback: San Diego TEA PARTY 2010: One Year and Still Brewing « Temple of Mut

  128. tellitlikeitis says:

    Rose , I have a question for you. Why did you stay away from VF’s blog all those weeks. If it’s personal and you don’t want to sayI understand. Just curious that’s all.

  129. Foxwood says:

    EPA, another unConstitutional regulatory agency.

  130. rosehips says:

    tellit, I have an addictive personality. I just had to stop cold turkey and put my energy more into real life. or something somewhat similar to that. i dunno.

  131. Foxwood says:

    VF, Check your spam que…

  132. Foxwood says:

    Another unConstitutional regulatory agency… the EPA.

  133. Foxwood says:

    It does that to me alot, VF…

  134. LisaInTX says:

    Good Morning my friends~ 😛
    LOL—sometimes a person just gotta rant and get it out of their system before they implode—LMAO
    My latest RANT has turned into a shocking awaking and …..emphasis on the revelation part.

    VotingFemale // January 26, 2010 at 10:51 am

    Good Morning Lisa!

    you have been quite a productive bloggette lately!

  135. rosehips says:

    foxy, you are forbidden to go there. you have been reprimanded to vf’s filter internment camp where your words will founder, faulter, and ferment. Then we will be treated with the resulting brew. can’t wait.

  136. rosehips says:

    lisa, you go girl. You are on a tear. The tear heard around the world.

  137. Foxwood says:

    But my fermented words are like wine…

  138. rosehips says:

    did everyone see this vid I posted the other day? It’s a riot! and will only take a few short seconds of your time.

  139. rosehips says:

    do i hear a song coming on???

    foxy said: But my fermented words are like wine

  140. rosehips says:

    this is for you foxy:

  141. LisaInTX says:

    Foxwood—did you see the video of Huey Long I found? I hit a whole vault of old political videos last night—watching them spew commie then, give new understanding of how they are tapping us into the stream now.

  142. Foxwood says:

    🙂 I just couldn’t get to it fast enough…

  143. Foxwood says:

    Lisa, it’s been in the states since Marx wrote his book.

  144. LisaInTX says:

    My “warrior hackles” were raised and now I feel totally ignorant of what is really going on in our country….my latest post explains this revelation and I’m still trying to sort it all out in my mind.

    As to your son getting to travel with his dog—that is hard to figure out why they didn’t even ask about what service the dog provided? Hope your son doesn’t get into trouble over THEIR incompetence.

  145. tellitlikeitis says:

    Rose , I understand. I understand how musch time you can put into these blogs. In my case it’s just making comments.

  146. LisaInTX says:

    I have a question.
    Has anyone else heard that Rahman ‘sp’ Emmanuel and Bill Crystal are the guys that SELECTED Sarah Palin for McCain’s running mate?
    Or that the Name Rah Emmanuel translates to mean “HIGH GOD”?????
    Or that Rahman Emmanuel served as an adviser to Bill Clinton and that Clinton was AFRAID of him?

  147. Foxwood says:

    Wow… I wonder if Obutthole knew him, Lisa?

  148. rosehips says:

    well, I had to fudge a little when they asked about what type of service dog Buckley was. There was only three options and “deaf with service dog” was the closest. After all, my oldest can have a hard time hearing sometimes. lol they may challenge his hearing impairment but it may just get too exasperating trying to communicate with a dyslexic deaf mute. hahaha

    lisa said: As to your son getting to travel with his dog—that is hard to figure out why they didn’t even ask about what service the dog provided? Hope your son doesn’t get into trouble over THEIR incompetence.

  149. LisaInTX says:

    Also that Emmanuel welded a butcher knife at a meeting about the enemies of Bill Clinton and that every time a name was mentioned that Emmanuel would stab the table and say “He’s a dead man”?—-and that many named were indeed killed—seems suicide was the preferred cause of death used by those investigating the scene of the departed. :-/

  150. rosehips says:

    lisa, I remember that friend of clintons killed himself….who else?

  151. LisaInTX says:

    When I found these it gave me great insight to what my dad must have understood and thought and WHY he passed some of those ideals onto me….amazing stuff in those videos huh? LOL

  152. LisaInTX says:

    Rose according to a video I listened to last night, there were at least 100 people that died..
    Some of the same happened in Obama’s election….like his “Passport” that went missing and a guy killed that had knowledge of it…

  153. samiam60 says:

    Back from town and ready to roll

  154. LisaInTX says:

    Oh and Obama’s grand mother….are two that I know of at this moment

  155. Foxwood says:

    Fox News Radio NEWS FLASH!

    Ozone hole stops global warming!

    Quick girls get out your hairspray cans!

  156. samiam60 says:

    Spent time at the Army Navy store in town.

    Always find those hard to find things there for when you know, the President is a Socialist.

  157. LisaInTX says:

    LOL—well I can SURE understand that aspect!! Hopefully someday our children will find a ‘cure” for their hardheadness—and hard of hearingness—-
    rosehips // January 26, 2010 at 11:59 am

    well, I had to fudge a little when they asked about what type of service dog Buckley was. There was only three options and “deaf with service dog” was the closest. After all, my oldest can have a hard time hearing sometimes. lol they may challenge his hearing impairment but it may just get too exasperating trying to communicate with a dyslexic deaf mute. hahaha

  158. Foxwood says:

    I’m going back to spay on deodorant!

  159. LisaInTX says:

    Hi Sami….You are such a good Boy Scout, Always Prepared!! 😛

  160. samiam60 says:

    THIS JUST IN**********************

    Man Arrested After Weapons, Map of U.S. Military Facility Seized From N.J. Motel Room

  161. samiam60 says:

    Authorities in central New Jersey seized a cache of weapons and ammunition including rifles, a grenade launcher and a night vision scope from the motel room of a Virginia man arrested early Monday by officers responding to a report of a suspicious person, MyFoxDC.com reported.

    Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne Forrest said Lloyd R. Woodson, 43, of Reston, Va., also had maps of a U.S. military facility and a town in another state.

    Forrest said Woodson was wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a semiautomatic Bushmaster rifle concealed under his green, military-style jacket when officers encountered him at a Quick Chek store in Branchburg shortly before 4 a.m. Monday.

    As officers started to question him, Woodson fled on foot toward a nearby trailer park, Forrest said. Officers found him hiding in some bushes and tackled him when he tried to run away again. The officers used pepper spray to subdue him.

    Forrest said the .223-caliber assault rifle that Woodson was carrying had a defaced serial number and had been altered to fire .50-caliber ammunition.

    Detectives later searched the room where Woodson had been staying at the Red Mill Inn in Branchburg. Forrest said they seized another Bushmaster .308-caliber semiautomatic rifle with a defaced serial number, a 37 mm Cobray grenade launcher, a second bulletproof vest, a Russian-made night vision scope, a police scanner, a map of a U.S. military installation and a map of an out-of-state civilian community, a Middle Eastern red and white colored traditional headdress and hundreds of rounds of .50-caliber and .308-caliber ammunition.

    Woodson is being held at the Somerset County Jail on numerous charges, including unlawful possession of weapons, possession of prohibited weapons, obstruction of justice and resisting arrest.

    Bail has not yet been set. Woodson was tentatively scheduled for an initial court appearance at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

    Spokesman Jack Bennett said the prosecutor’s office did not know whether Woodson had retained a lawyer.

    Forrest said investigators from the FBI and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have joined the investigation.

    The FBI issued a statement: “Presently, there does not appear to be a link to terrorism; Woodson does not appear to have a link to any known terrorist groups, nor a specific terrorist plot. However, the matter is still under investigation and these should only be considered preliminary findings. It is possible that Mr. Woodson could face federal gun charges, but that has yet to be determined. At this time, the matter is being worked as a state case out of the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office.”

    Authorities in New Jersey say Woodson’s last known address is on Generation Drive in Reston. On Monday night, Fox 5 went to that neighborhood, but residents we spoke with did not recognize Woodson’s photograph.

    Woodson was being held at the Somerset County Jail on charges including unlawful possession of weapons.

    The prosecutor’s office did not know whether Woodson had a lawyer.


  162. LisaInTX says:

    Sorry, but I use a pump, not aerialsol–you know how us conservatives are trying to save the planet and all from mankind’s excess…hahah

  163. ohiobelle says:

    Hello everybody!

    I just love how these assholes are trying to shove healthcare down our throat. They obviously know they won’t be there much longer.

  164. samiam60 says:

    Lisa says
    Hi Sami….You are such a good Boy Scout, Always Prepared!!


    Can hurt to be prepared when you see the American People on the verge of all out revolt.

  165. LisaInTX says:

    Sami or Belle—-repeating this from above….I have a question.
    Has anyone else heard that Rahman ’sp’ Emmanuel and Bill Crystal are the guys that SELECTED Sarah Palin for McCain’s running mate?
    Or that the Name Rah Emmanuel translates to mean “HIGH GOD”?????
    Or that Rahman Emmanuel served as an adviser to Bill Clinton and that Clinton was AFRAID of him?

  166. Foxwood says:


    The Ozone Hole Is Mending. Now for the ‘But.’

    Published: January 25, 2010

    That the hole in Earth’s ozone layer is slowly mending is considered a big victory for environmental policy makers. But in a new report, scientists say there is a downside: its repair may contribute to global warming.

    It turns out that the hole led to the formation of moist, brighter-than-usual clouds that shielded the Antarctic region from the warming induced by greenhouse gas emissions over the last two decades, scientists write in Wednesday’s issue of Geophysical Research Letters.

    “The recovery of the hole will reverse that,” said Ken Carslaw, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Leeds and a co-author of the paper. “Essentially, it will accelerate warming in certain parts of the Southern Hemisphere.”

    The hole in the layer, discovered above Antarctica in the mid-1980s, caused wide alarm because ozone plays a crucial role in protecting life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

    The hole was largely attributed to the human use of chlorofluorocarbons, chemical compounds found in refrigerants and aerosol cans that dissipate ozone. Under an international protocol adopted in 1987, many countries phased out the compounds, helping the ozone to start reconstituting itself over the Antarctic.

    For their research, the authors of the new study relied on meteorological data recorded between 1980 and 2000, including global wind speeds recorded by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

    The data show that the hole in the ozone layer generated high-speed winds that caused sea salt to be swept up into the atmosphere to form moist clouds. The clouds reflect more of the sun’s powerful rays and help fend off warming in the Antarctic atmosphere, the scientists write.

    The sea spray influx resulted in an increase in cloud droplet concentration of about 46 percent in some regions of the Southern Hemisphere, Dr. Carslaw said.

    But Judith Perlwitz, a University of Colorado professor and a research scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said that although the paper’s data were sound, she questioned the conclusions.

    Even as the ozone layer recovers, greenhouse gas emissions are expected to expand, she said. She predicted that the rise in temperatures would cause wind speeds to increase over time and have the same cloud-forming effect that the ozone hole now has.

    “The question is whether the wind is really going to slow down, and that I doubt,” she said.

    “The future is not just determined by the recovery of the ozone hole,” she said. “We’re also increasing our use of greenhouse gases, which increases the speed of the winds all year long.”

    Dr. Perlwitz also pointed out that the ozone hole was not expected to fully recover to pre-1980 levels until at least 2060, according to the World Meteorological Organization’s most recent report on the issue.

  167. samiam60 says:

    Progressive Democrats are on the endangered species list now I think. lol

  168. Foxwood says:

    “History shows again and again
    how nature points out the folly of man.”

    Blue Oyster Cult

  169. samiam60 says:

    Lisa says
    Sami or Belle—-repeating this from above….I have a question.
    Has anyone else heard that Rahman ’sp’ Emmanuel and Bill Crystal are the guys that SELECTED Sarah Palin for McCain’s running mate?
    Or that the Name Rah Emmanuel translates to mean “HIGH GOD”?????
    Or that Rahman Emmanuel served as an adviser to Bill Clinton and that Clinton was AFRAID of him?


    This is the first I am hearing of this so I cannot really comment. Rosehips might have the inside scoop on what the Commies are up to though. lol

  170. samiam60 says:

    I have not had one nibble over at CNN since I posted this disclaimer:

    “I refuse to debate with Mental Midgets on here so if you find yourself being ignored you now know why.”

  171. LisaInTX says:

    I first heard it on a video last night that I was listening too….
    I remember talk that guys had gone up to Alaska to interview her BEFORE being chosen, but I don’t recall WHO they were.

  172. rosehips says:

    re: The Ozone Hole Is Mending. Now for the ‘But.’

    oh goodie, can I go buy a supersize coffee in a styro cup now?

  173. ohiobelle says:

    Hello Lisa Sam and Fox!

    Lisa, I have to agree with Sam. This is the first I am hearing of that.

  174. LisaInTX says:

    I’m afraid that Sarah might be in the grips of evil and NOT even know it…..

  175. Foxwood says:

    I wonder where I can get some of that good coolant for my air conditioner?

  176. ohiobelle says:

    I think everybody will love this!

  177. rosehips says:

    has Sarah been on Fox lately? I don’t think she came off as good as they hoped, did she?

    hey there belle!

  178. LisaInTX says:

    Dick Morris was quoted as saying that Bill Clinton was afraid of Emmanuel….
    I also heard that Emmanuel’s father was a terrorist and that instead of fighting for the USA, that Emmanuel joined the Israel Defense….
    Just some things to chew on and wonder at…IMO

  179. Foxwood says:

    Morning Belle,

    Thinke I forgot Lisa,
    Morning Lisa!

  180. LisaInTX says:

    Y’all are the only ones I can talk to about these things—sorry if I’m coming off as a downer, just trying to fit these new puzzle pieces together….

  181. Foxwood says:

    “has Sarah been on Fox lately? I don’t think she came off as good as they hoped, did she?”

    She did a phone call in on a show yesterday… I think she’s doing great.

  182. rosehips says:

    belle, that was an excellent vid. very well done and scary. Radicals, leftists and libs, oh my!

  183. ohiobelle says:

    Hello Rose.

    Rose wrote: belle, that was an excellent vid. very well done and scary. Radicals, leftists and libs, oh my!

    Yea it really gets the heart pumping… lol

  184. rosehips says:

    foxy, that’s the attitude! the power of popular persuasion.

    You folks really need to start looking for a serious contender for President. I don’t think Sarah is going to be the one. I don’t even think she’ll run honestly.

    Now of course, the dems need to find someone too. hmmmm…I think it should be a woman. Well, how bout Hillary? It would be tough to do her job and campaign too. But she doesn’t want to be a quitter. tuff call.

    how bout Oprah? hahaha

    foxy said: She did a phone call in on a show yesterday… I think she’s doing great.

  185. rosehips says:

    belle, how is Woody?

  186. Foxwood says:

    It’s still downloading for me, Belle… aircard…

  187. Foxwood says:

    I’ll vote the Republican every time over a Democrap.

    That is unless the Democrap is hard core Conservative…

  188. samiam60 says:

    I agree Lisa Sarah is in constant danger with all the rabid libs out there who hate her for being a wholesome, conservative, Patriotic American.

    The libs hate that stuff.

  189. ohiobelle says:

    Rose wrote: belle, how is Woody?

    Woody is doing much better. I am in the process of building a very high fence so I will never have to deal with them again. Thank you for asking.

  190. ohiobelle says:

    Fox wrote: It’s still downloading for me, Belle… aircard…

    Ahhh… it might take a while.

  191. samiam60 says:

    Sarah Palin/Scott Brown could be a possible ticket but of course it is too soon to tell.

    I don’t think Hilary would be a quitter to run for President. Right now she needs to get more focused on finding a beauty salon.

  192. Foxwood says:

    I wonder why Rose hates her?

  193. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood says
    I wonder why Rose hates her?


    Its in the Progressive DNA to hate all things that are God Given and Wholesome. I call it jealousy.

  194. samiam60 says:

    Oprah would make an excellent running mate for Obama. It would be a win/loser ticket.

  195. Foxwood says:

    I have such a hard time finding a candidate…

    since I’m to the right of Pat Bucanan…

  196. ohiobelle says:

    I kind of agree with the scary skeleton guy on that video. It’s still creepy.

  197. LisaInTX says:

    I don’t think Rose has ever said she hates Sarah Palin….

    I agree about the danger from those that hate her, but I’m talking about a spiritual danger.

  198. samiam60 says:

    I don’t think Rosie hates Sarah at all. She has complimented her on here before. It is hard to not lump all libs together though.

  199. Foxwood says:

    I was kidding, Lisa…

  200. ohiobelle says:

    Foxwood wrote: I have such a hard time finding a candidate…

    since I’m to the right of Pat Bucanan…

    I would like to see Mitt Romney & John Boehner on the same ticket.

  201. Foxwood says:

    I was trying to get her hackles up… 🙂

    I’m a bad boy.

  202. ohiobelle says:

    Check out what I’ve been doing all morning. I’ve been reading all the past State of the Union Addresses. I want to compare Obamas State of the Union Address to others. I am thinking he will a 1983 Ronald Reagan.


  203. rosehips says:

    oh c’mon sami. you can’t be serious. we need to find qualified candidates, not celebrities who strike a chord within the populous but really don’t have a clue what they would do if they got elected. Scott Brown is the new kid in town, just like Obama was in 2004. Do you really think you want to elevate him to the oval office (or wherever the vp sits) before he even gets his feet wet?
    Ron Paul would be way better than SP or any other newbie who happens to come along. Just because Brown pulled off the upset of the decade, doesn’t make him a candidate for the White House.

    and again, I don’t hate Sarah. jealous? nah, I wouldn’t want to swap jobs with her, unless Todd goes along with the position. lol

    sami: Sarah Palin/Scott Brown could be a possible ticket but of course it is too soon to tell.

  204. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    oh c’mon sami. you can’t be serious.


    I am rarely serious.

    It will be a stretch to find someone more qualified than Obama to run against him.
    What will we do?

  205. rosehips says:

    belle, I am impressed that you are reading all those addresses. holy cow!
    I am reading about civil war spy, Rose Greenhow. I think you would love her spunk. She reminds me a little of some of us on this blog and a lot of others. She was not only a militant radical but she was fun loving and playful. Really she would fit right in with our crowd!

  206. Foxwood says:

    Considering experience… Sarah and Scott have as much as Obutthole had before he took office…


  207. samiam60 says:

    If only the Republicans could come up with a light skinned non negro accent speaking candidate.

    Hmmmm, what to do.

  208. rosehips says:

    yes but they have much less than Obama and Biden.
    Why would you want inexperience when that is what Obama has been criticized for?

    foxy said: Considering experience… Sarah and Scott have as much as Obutthole had before he took office…

  209. ohiobelle says:

    This is a better site to check out State of the Union Addresses.


  210. Foxwood says:


    The gaff machine???


  211. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood says
    Considering experience… Sarah and Scott have as much as Obutthole had before he took office…


    The only experience Obama has gained in one year of being a so called President has been a bad experience.

  212. rosehips says:

    maybe the repubs should come up with a cross-dressing white guy who likes to darken up his face with shoe polish and adopts an urban hip hop dialect. That would get a few heads rolling.

    oh god, are we skirting the edge here? haha

  213. LisaInTX says:

    Below are a couple of comments from a video about Emanuel…..
    As I have determined from the Orthodox Jews, some of their people broke with the Torah and established the Zionist Movement, …what we now know as Israel appears to be against the Traditional Jews Torah.

    Rahm’s father, Benjamin, was a member of the Irgun, the Zionist terrorist organization. Rahm was an Israeli citizen until he was 18 years old. In 1991, he reportedly joined the Israeli Army to defend Zion from Saddam’s Scuds.
    Today, the sons and daughters of Irgun run Israel.

    oparfen (1 month ago) Show Hide

    Who runs USA today?
    the same scumbag zionists.
    Patriot Act, Internet Surveillance, Gun Control, Civilian Army, Fema CampsRahm is following a Nazis terror manual. He was, before his appointment, the HEAD OF MOSSAD inside the USA. Mossad is the CIA of Israel. Americans are waking up. We shall deport Rahm Emanuel back to Israel very soon.

  214. Foxwood says:

    “The only experience Obama has gained in one year of being a so called President has been a bad experience.”

    Palin had more exec experience than Obutthole and Biden together…

  215. samiam60 says:

    To bad we can’t get Condalisasrice to run.

  216. Foxwood says:

    Executive experience should be all that matters…

  217. rosehips says:

    lisa, I never liked USA Today and it is well known that I don’t like zionism. I commend you for digging up the truth.

  218. samiam60 says:

    Yes we are Rosie yes we are:

    Skirting the edge for sure.

    I will stop now.

  219. Foxwood says:

    “I never liked USA Today”


  220. ohiobelle says:

    This is the best website to read all the addresses. I love reading anything that has to do with history.


  221. samiam60 says:

    There is one thing we can all agree on for sure and that is that we desperately need LEADERSHIP!

  222. rosehips says:

    well foxy, I have friends in Alaska who will not give Palin any marks for what she did up there. And of course she quit. I think as the employer of the largest government in the world, we taxpayers should look carefully at the candidates records. You just don’t quit because you have resigned yourself to lame duck status. That was a thinly veiled lie imo. and a bad one too.

  223. Foxwood says:

    So where should the Jews Live?

    There home since God gave it to them has been Israel. It was the Palestinians who migrated there after the Israelites where driven out.

  224. rosehips says:

    haha foxy. perhaps in the next admin you can be the next joe mccarthy. wouldn’t you just love to dig into my past and find evidence of my wicked associations????

  225. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood/Rose, could you guys hold off a minute so I can make some popcorn. I do love to watch these battle scenes and popcorn just makes it all the better.

  226. rosehips says:

    foxy, the jews should live in Israel and leave Gaza to the Palestinians.

  227. Foxwood says:

    I know people who said shes great. What’s your point?

  228. rosehips says:

    foxy, hitler was great. what’s your point?

  229. Foxwood says:

    I wont argue with you on this one.. I know what they will do and I agree with the Jews…

  230. samiam60 says:

    Here come the Nukes:

  231. Foxwood says:

    I’m great.. what’s your point?

  232. LisaInTX says:

    As they have done since being exiled from the Holy Land….

    Below is according to Orthodox Jews.

    The Holy Torah

    * The Holy Land was given to the Jewish people on the condition that they observe the Torah and its commandments. When they failed to do this, their sovereignty over the land was taken from them, and they went into exile. From that time, we are prohibited by the Torah with a very grave prohibition to establish a Jewish independent sovereignty in the Holy Land or anywhere throughout the world. Rather, we are obligated to be loyal to the nations under whose protection we dwell.
    * This situation has existed for close to 2000 years when the Jewish people were dispersed throughout all corners of the world. During this time, the Jews always remained faithful to the country in which they lived.
    * The Jewish people are grateful to all those merciful nations which have allowed them to observe Torah and the commandments undisturbed.
    * From ancient times, the relations between the Jewish and Islamic peoples have always been those of peace and brotherhood, and friendship always reigned between them. The proof of this is the fact that for centuries, in all the Arab lands, hundreds of thousands of Jews lived in honor and amidst mutual esteem.
    * Jews throughout all generations yearned to grace the sacred soil of the Holy Land and to live there. However, their sole purpose was to fulfill the commandments dependent upon the land and to absorb Its holiness. Never, G-d forbid, did they have any nationalist or sovereign intent whatsoever which, as mentioned above, is forbidden to us. Indeed, also here in the Holy Land, our fathers lived in neighborly harmony with the Palestinian residents of the land, helping one another, to mutual benefit.
    * Until about two hundred years ago, the vast majority of Jews observed the Torah and the commandments in entirety. Jewry’s leaders were Torah scholars, who directed the people according to the Torah. They were loyal citizens in the host nations where they dwelled and to the local laws. They prayed for the welfare of their respective governments. To our sorrow, at that time a small number of Jews slowly left their observance of Torah and commandments. Together with this, they began to deride the spiritual leadership of their people. This assimilation was the basis upon which, one hundred years ago, the ideology of Zionism was born. Its founders were assimilated Jews who had abandoned the Torah.
    * Immediately at the founding of the Zionist movement, masses of Jews under the leadership of their Rabbis, launched a heavy battle against Zionism. Their attack was directed not only at the non-religious Zionist idea, but rather, primarily at its opposition to the Torah-ordained path that Jewry must follow while in exile. As such, the Zionists incited the nations of the world, demanding political sovereignty over the Holy Land while remaining oblivious to the resentment this would arouse In the Palestinian Arabs, the land’s veteran inhabitants. As stated, the leaders of Orthodox Jewry vehemently opposed the movement with all force.
    * The Zionists refused to heed the voice of the Rabbis and Torah authority. They persisted in their ways until they succeeded in influencing the British government to issue the Balfour Declaration concerning the “establishment of a national home for the Jews in the land of Israel.” To our great sorrow, from that point on began the deterioration of the good relations between the Jews and the Arab inhabitants of the land. This occurred because the Arab people understood that the Zionists wished to seize ruler ship from them. In addition, the Arab people had suspicions as if the Jewish people wished to seize control of the Temple Mount and other similar sites. Matters worsened as a result.
    * The Jewish leadership of that time saw it as proper to clarify before the Arab leaders that the Torah-true Jews had no desire whatsoever for sovereignty, and that our desire was to continue to live in peace with the Arabs, as we had always done.

  233. ohiobelle says:

    I keep posting this comment but it doesn’t appear. One more time, this link is the best to view past State of the Unions.


    I’ve got to workout now. I’ll check back when finished.

  234. LisaInTX says:

    Here is the link—Not trying to upset anyone, just trying to get to the TRUTH….


  235. Foxwood says:

    I wont argue…I have my opinion…

  236. samiam60 says:

    The Bible Prophecies tell us that the Generation that sees Israel restored to their land shall not pass away until the Second Coming of Christ happens.

    Israel restored to the Promised Land:

    May 1948

    Do the math.

    This is not about Israel vs Palistine.

    It is much bigger than that.

  237. Foxwood says:

    And I still agree with the Jews and their truth…

  238. samiam60 says:

    God gives a warning:

    I will Bless them that Bless My People Israel and I will Curse them that Curse My People Israel.

    I’m with Israel no matter what.

  239. Foxwood says:

    That’s me Sami…

  240. samiam60 says:

    I do not mean to preach here and so I will remove myself from further comments.

  241. Foxwood says:

    The Jews are Gods people. I have studied the history on this also…

  242. Pingback: Public’s Priorities for 2010: Economy, Jobs, Terrorism, Global Warming Ranks Dead Last « Dancing Czars

  243. LisaInTX says:

    I had an opinion on this too and it was the SAME as yours. Had been since I was a child—told that the USA MUST support Israel, etc…they were God’s chosen people…etc….
    However that changed a couple of nights ago when a guy called me an Anti-Semite…..
    Amazing how someone that is outraged and insulted, can go back and research and find truth that puts many things in order.

    Okay All—I’m done for now–got chores to do
    Sorry I even brought any of this up. I’d hoped to find understanding and debate of some of the things I have discovered, but closed minds avail me not…
    We agree on this and will add—something is NOT KOSHER about the goings on in Israel and the genocide being committed upon the Muslim people!

  244. Foxwood says:

    Just depends one who’s truth is the truth I guess…

  245. Pingback: Democrats strategy: Divide and conquer « Diary of a Mad Conservative

  246. LisaInTX says:

    The Old testament is NOT Jesus teachings….

    Revelation 2:9
    “I know thy works, and the tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” –Jesus Christ

  247. dancingczars says:

    RE: Hail Mary Pass: Start humming the theme song from mash, you know, suicide is painless, LOL

  248. Foxwood says:

    “closed minds”?

    I would say Right minded… Just me. 🙂

  249. Pingback: Dancing Czars

  250. samiam60 says:

    Obama’s version of financial responsibility? Cut $15 billion then spend $1.4 trillion we don’t have. We think somebody at the White House should spend $3 and buy him a calculator.

  251. Foxwood says:

    Rather Conference Room…

  252. samiam60 says:

    There are comments in the Conference Room for anyone who might be interested.

  253. ohiobelle says:

    I think I know what Obama will say tomorrow:

    We are going to tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

    FDR said the same thing.

  254. ohiobelle says:

    Okay I will check back a little later.

  255. LisaInTX says:

    I left a comment in the conference room.

  256. Foxwood says:

    The New Testament also says there will be a new temple in Jerusalem. Who will build it. the Palestinians?

  257. m2 says:

    I know one truth everyone on this thread can agree on, Rahm Emanuel is a Piece of Shit example of a human being.

    And his knife slinging to scare pols and dead fish sending, makes him a candidate for the funny farm- yet he’s somehow ‘one’ of the Obama puppet’s string pullers.

    No foreigner should be controlling this nation. Not Rahm, not George Soros, and not Barack Obama.

    The Democrat Party is to blame for allowing such abominations, and they will pay with the annhilation of their party. Hopefully we can save the Republic after these foreigners and Progressive Totalitarians eat the Democrats alive.

  258. Me_The WG says:

    VF, great post I can just stay right here on your blog and know exactly what those goofballs are doing.

    Tellit, I know you love posting that vid because of the top pic, you wistful guy you.

    Rose, I know you love posting that kitty kitty vid! girl, it is hysterical! hahahaah

    Husband, husband, where for art thou? O, there you are warming my feet, aw you are so sweet!
    sniff sniff 😦

  259. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good evening everyone! Thanks WG. I am glad you like it! I have another friend on Word Press. This is her link below. I hope you will visit the site and make comments. She is a patriot and on our side.


  260. VotingFemale says:

    Rahm Emanuel is an F’ing criminal bastard… not a Jewish criminal or a Zionist criminal.

    Any! Who crap on Israel or Jews on my blog will be met with my ire and fire.

    We are all free to have our opinions… I have mine, you just heard it. 🙂

    Mining for reactions and flame baiting on Israel and Jews will be moderated when it gets out of hand.

  261. Foxwood says:

    VF, Important comment in the Conference Room.

  262. tellitlikeitis says:

    VF , I agree. I am not Jewish but I am pro Israel and always will be.

  263. Foxwood says:

    Forgot to update. Didn’t see your comments, VF.

  264. tellitlikeitis says:

    VF, Are you Jewish? No problem. Just curious.

  265. VotingFemale says:

    I am not Jewish, Tellit.

    I am an Anglo-Saxon/Germanic/Native American mix and a Christian.

  266. VotingFemale says:

    cool! newbird has commented here before.

    tellitlikeitis says

    Good evening everyone! Thanks WG. I am glad you like it! I have another friend on Word Press. This is her link below. I hope you will visit the site and make comments. She is a patriot and on our side.


  267. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good evening VF! Anyone going to be watching the “poor state of the union speech” starring teleprompter man? I can’t watch this pathetic liar. I will have to wait for the talking points.

  268. tellitlikeitis says:

    Two Radical
    > Arab Terrorists
    > boarded a
    > flight out of London .
    > One took a
    > window seat
    > and the other
    > sat next to him in the middle seat.
    > Just before takeoff, a U.S. Marine sat down in
    > the aisle seat.
    > After takeoff, the Marine
    > kicked his shoes off,
    > wiggled his
    > toes and was settling in when the Arab in the window seat
    > said, ‘I need to get up and get a coke.’
    > ‘Don’t get up,’ said the
    > Marine,
    > ‘I’m
    > in the aisle seat, ‘I’ll get it for you.’
    > As soon as he left, one of the
    > Arabs picked up
    > the Marines
    > shoe and spat in it. When the Marine
    > returned,
    > the other Arab
    > said,
    > ‘That
    > looks good, I’d really like one,
    > to.’
    > Again, the
    > Marine went to fetch it.
    > While he was
    > gone the other Arab
    > picked up
    > the Marines
    > other shoe and spat in it. When the Marine
    > returned,
    > they all sat
    > back and enjoyed the flight.
    > As the plane was landing, the Marine slipped his feet into
    > his shoes &
    > knew
    > immediately what had happened.
    > He leaned
    > over & asked his Arab
    > neighbors,
    > ‘Why does
    > it have to be this way?’
    > ‘How long must this go on?
    > This fighting
    > between our nations?
    > This hatred?
    > This animosity?
    > This spitting
    > in shoes
    > and pissing in
    > cokes?’

  269. samhenry says:

    The Labrador has Landed.

    It’s good to be home even if it is a bit crisp up here. Florida is nice for a week. I’m a bit jealous of my friends and their life of luxury with golf a given. They were miffed that I did not want to go to the Ringling Museum. I think I told all of you that I have retired from visiting museums. Enough! A chair, a good book or computer out under a tree – perfection.

    You have all been up late. THE DOG has come back to say prayers and tuck you all in. Nite VF, Tellit, FOX and whoever else is lingering. It is good to be home where I don’t have to share a cmputer!

  270. Hey yes tellit said Good evening everyone! Thanks WG. I am glad you like it! I have another friend on Word Press. This is her link below. I hope you will visit the site and make comments. She is a patriot and on our side.


    I know a while back I wrote a novel on her site. It to me like 4 posts to post it all, it was funny, she enjoyed it and did I. It was about the book, What Men Live By, by Tolstoy.

    anyway, I dropped by her site the other day and she had the post about Michelle Obama and the plastic surgery she’s had, before and after pics and it was great.

    I came back here and posted the link but it lost in translation…I guess.

    But newsbird is very nice, interesting story too.

    But, yes you little voyuer you! hahahaah (on that vid) hahah

    Hey everyone that is up! SH!!!!

  271. arlenearmy says:

    Obama’s been caught lying too many times. I don’t think Reid & Pelosi trust him.

    The sheets have been pulled off this mack daddy & folks are mad as hell.

    1. His party has been fractured, when he got slapped down in NJ, VA & MA

    2. Democrats thru out the nation are retiring cause Obama hurt their chances of winning

    3. Even overseas folks see handwriting on the wall & kicking him when he’s going down;
    Iranian politician call Obama the N word

    And then the Indonesians are mulling over tearing down Obama statue


  272. arlenearmy says:

    I think Gillibrand is trying to watching herown back, as Ford is slapping her left & right. And Obama & company probably told her that she’s on her own cuz they got their own troubles.

    I think O’s chickens are coming home to roost.

  273. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning my fellow Friends and American Patriots 🙂 It’s a new day in America and Tonight the Liar in Chief will seal his own fate.

  274. samhenry says:

    Good morning Sami. I’m off to the emerald city for some allergy shots.

    My one word to describe Obama’s schtick (CAT help with spelling here) is: Classism. So he has singled out the middle class for comfort. Swell, the poor are waiting for trickle down attention and the wealthy can go hang.

    He is just a dunce. His socialism comes in second.

    Later mates.

    DOG drifts off in hot air balloon – too cold and icy for overboard.

  275. samiam60 says:

    Welcome back SamH and so good to see your wagging tail this morning.

    Obama’s reference to middle class is not what it appears to be.

  276. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Sammy! SamH!

    Glad you are home safe and sound!

    and beware… jealousy is one of the seven deadly sins… 😉

  277. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  278. Foxwood says:

    Good morning VF!

    Good morning Sami!

    And a VERY good morning SamH, glad you had a good time on your trip!

  279. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF and Foxwood. Thanks for the Cannon Fire this morning.

    Tonight the Liar in Chief will give a inspirational speech.

    Can’t wait to see how many of our Congressmen yell out ” YOU LIE “

  280. samiam60 says:

    I for one would like to see our Commander in chief
    ( I use the term loosely) would do on the TV show:

    Are you smarter than a 5th Grader. I got the idea from the picture VF posted of Obama in front of a 6th grade class surrounded by Teleprompters.

  281. samiam60 says:

    A can of Bondo was spotted in Nancy Pelosi’s dressing room.

  282. Foxwood says:

    I was going to watch… I don’t know, just depends on how tired I am. I’m pretty tired right now and that generally means going to bed early.

  283. Foxwood says:

    She might even be palatable if she used “Silly Putty”.

  284. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good Morning fellow patriots!

  285. Foxwood says:

    Good morning Tellit!

  286. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good morning foxwood!

  287. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Foxwood! Tellit!

    gads what a day this is stacking up to be…

    Obama’s propaganda speech tonight is so rife with mumbo jumbo slight of hand Socialist bullsh!t, I can smell it from here.

    This arrogant SOB must think he is God… no one getting a 3 out of 4 independent massachusetts smackdown such as the one we delivered to his doorstep would carry on as if he can bamboozle the Majority of American Taxpaying Voters with what he is going to read from the teleprompter video screen.

    I predicted this asshat would flame out… but the is exceeds my wildest optimistic dreams of Obama self-destruction.

    I saw this coming during the first debate with McCain when he flashed his RA Eyes and demanded HE would meet with anyone at anytime with no preconditions… in spite of being drop kicked for being clueless about how international protocols work at the presidential level… a level of self-arrogance that has shot the careers to hell of better men than him. This is what happens when Radical Communist Agitators start believing their own BS.


  288. VotingFemale says:

    old saying: Pride goes before the fall

    Obama even arrogantly defies this old time tested axiom lol

    Obama has been free falling from his lofty ‘Messiah’ -cough- pedestal for months… yet he pretends the world loves him more than Jesus

    In Obama’s case, His False Pride will follow him allllll theeeee waaaaay to the bottom where the “dead-cat” thud/bounce will be heard world wide.

    “Obama would rather be a one-term total failure than bend to the will of We the People.” -VotingFemale

    All I can say is “Welcome to the Party, PAL”

  289. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning Tellit. As always we are on the cusps of a Great Speech by the soon to be

    ” Un Chosen One ”

    He has made so many speeches this past year that I cannot see where the State of the Union will yield any real surprises for any of us.

    The man is in denial and that goes hand in hand with the Bi Polar effects of Progressive- ism’s.

  290. samiam60 says:

    Boy, would I love to be able to hack into that Teleprompter tonight at just the right moments.

    Could you just imagine how much fun that would be?

  291. samiam60 says:

    Obama Speech.

    Thank you, thank you, (applause) thank you, ok, thank you, Shut up and sit down already!

  292. samiam60 says:

    Obama to change stance on swatting that fly!

  293. Foxwood says:

    Hey Obutthole! How does the a$$ feel after last week! Bend over and expect more!

  294. VotingFemale says:

    it would be delightful, Sammy… I would do the following modification…

    Dear President, I have deleted your speech in all places including the computer memory which is driving your teleprompter.

    Now deliver your “heart felt” speech in your own words exterporanously.

    Yours Truly,

    samiam60 says

    Boy, would I love to be able to hack into that Teleprompter tonight at just the right moments.

    Could you just imagine how much fun that would be?

  295. tellitlikeitis says:

  296. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good morning sam, VF, and anyone else I missed.

  297. tellitlikeitis says:

    Pols: Tri-Staters Not In Love With ‘New’ Obama
    President In Deep Trouble With Middle Class; Many Think His Attempt To ‘Reconnect’ Shows Serious Desperation
    Commander-In-Chief To Present New Ideas At State Of The Union Address Reporting
    Marcia Kramer NEW YORK (CBS) ― Click to enlarge1 of 1
    President Barack Obama makes a statement following a meeting of the Middle Class Task Force at the White House Jan. 25, 2010 in Washington.
    Martin H. Simon-Pool/Getty Images

    President Barack Obama plans to use his state of the union address to “reconnect” with the middle class.

    Some say it’s an open admission to many here in the tri-state area that he has failed to feel our pain and our needs.

    From his war on the banks — the lifeblood of the metropolitan area economy — to his health care reform which could cost taxpayers here over $1 billion, President Obama’s policies have sent a strong message to the tri-state area that Washington doesn’t care about the middle class.

    Suddenly, he claims he wants to change that.

    “The middle class feels beleaguered, and I think the message of Massachusetts, which I believe the president is now heeding, was pay attention to our plight. We’re not as worried about changing the health care system as we are about getting by week to week,” Sen. Charles Schumer said.

    So at the urging of area Democrats like Sen. Schumer, President Obama will use his State of the Union address to tack to the middle — with child-care tax breaks and student loan deferments.

    “I think he’s pivoting, pivoting into dealing with middle class woes with jobs and the economy,” Schumer said.

    But not everyone thinks the president’s new found concentration on the middle class will help us here in the tri-state area — because there is still the war on banks and insistence on health care reforms that don’t help many of us.

    “No, I don’t see any real relief coming from Barack Obama to the middle class. I think he is still on a very liberal agenda. He’s mouthing some words which maybe will play in some states but his policies are devastating to New York,” Rep. Peter King said.

    Congressman King said one thing that would help taxpayers in our area is a cost of living adjustment on federal taxes that takes into account how expensive it is to live here.

    “If he’s serious about the middle class there should be an allocation or adjustment made for people living in a high-income area, high-expense area, high cost of living area,” the Republican from Long Island said.

    New Yorkers seem to agree.

    “Who wouldn’t like to have some extra help in a place that’s really expensive?” asked Tom Falcone of Queens.

    “Everybody needs a little more money in their pocket. It would stimulate the economy,” added John Forst of Brooklyn.

    Schumer said the Massachusetts election was a wake-up call for Democrats in Washington, but only time will tell whether voters will buy the “new” Obama.

    The president will get a referendum on his policies during the November mid-term elections.

  298. rosehips says:

    morning peeps!

    If only I could tap into that teleprompter. Here’s what the Prez would say.

    “This is the winter of our discontent. I hear that. You all claim I am a liar and that I have not followed through on my promises. Well okay. The buck is gonna get up and walk out into the American landscape, which I am commited to protecting. So from this day forth, all environmental regulations will be doubled. Fuel economy minimums will be immediately mandated. And today we declare war on Israel.
    Now I know what you’re gonna say. well, go ahead and say it. But I vehemently deny it….
    there will be no more little Obamas running around the White House. And Michelle did not have cosmetic surgery on her face.”


  299. VotingFemale says:

    The gratification of watching The Arrogant One self-destruct is a joy beyond description…

    A Majority of taxpaying voters now seehim for what he is… an arrogant elitist blowhard who could give a flying leep less what American Taxpaying voters think…

    This, His Waterloo has occured… it happened on January 19, 2010 and I was one of the Massachusetts Voters who knock him off his pedestal.

    And he had it coming in Spades…

    Hey Obama? Welcome to the Party, PAAAAL

  300. Pingback: Jack Murtha, God’s Gift to The Republican Party « Dancing Czars

  301. rosehips says:

    morning vf. hope you are having a grand morning on this the day the president will tell us how he’s doing. should be interesting…

  302. VotingFemale says:

    Obama Defeated at the Voter Battle of Massachusetts, January the 19th in the year of our Lord, 2010

    The Electricity in Massachusetts that day was a quadtrillion quadtrillion quadtrillion volts as we marched to the voting booth:

  303. rosehips says:

    VF, the bagpipe vid is becoming sort of a calling card for you. If you ever come out to visit me ( 😉 ) I will take you just north of here into British Columbia where there is a bagpipe group. They come to all of the parades around here. They sound just like those guys in Campbell River.

  304. samiam60 says:

    New Home sales drop 7.6%

    Put that you your speech Barry.

  305. samiam60 says:

    Stock Market on the verge of dropping below 10,000.

    Put that in your Speech Barry.

  306. VotingFemale says:

    The pipes and drums have always had a profound emotional effect on me, Rose.

  307. Pingback: D.C. State of mind – Obama style « Obama says…

  308. Foxwood says:

    Comments in the Conference Room, Rose.

  309. samiam60 says:

    Obama to shut the door on future space shuttles.

  310. samiam60 says:

    Just like the F22 Raptor, he gave the plans to the Russians. Hmmmm?

  311. samiam60 says:

    I sure hope I get my Little Orphan Annie secret Obama bullshit decoder ring in the mail today.

    I will need it for his speech tonight.

  312. samhenry says:

    Good afternoon Sami, FOX Rose and W.

    The longer I live the more I think the Obama is not so much a socialist as an Odumbo.

    I read Newsweek cover to cover this week and the entire issue was a apologia for the man. What is going on here? Isn’t that the place of the WH home page?

    I keep forgetting who owns Newsweek.

  313. tellitlikeitis says:

    You know what would be a great way to mess up the teleprompters tonight. Change the language setting from the source and have the words display in Chinese. Now wouldn’t that be embarrasing for the TOTUS but humorous for everyone else. I help someone yells out “LIAR” again. We need good honest heckling from the audience. lol

  314. m2 says:

    I got an advance copy of the speech…

    Blame Bush.

    Well I guess none of us have to watch it now huh?

  315. tellitlikeitis says:

    SH, Many of the Obama supporters have gone into hiding because of disgrace , shame and sheer dissapointment. I love to confront them these says with my “I told you so’s” just the see the looks of embarrassment and sometimes apologies and the “I shouldn’t have been so niave” admissions. It’s great but I sure do miss the fights and arguments from back in the Spring. lol Being right is too easy. lol

  316. Foxwood says:

    This is interesting if your into the Climate Crap Scam…


    Climate Change, How IPCC 2007 Made The Real Danger Worse
    Jan 25, 2010

    By: Andrew_Butter

    The danger of Climate Change is not a 59cm rise in sea levels over the next 100 year (perhaps) or a 0.12% drop in World GDP growth per year (perhaps) that is predicted worst case in the IPCC 2007 Report, the danger is something that may never happen, but if it does it will be cataclysmic.

    The issue, like any possible, but unlikely event, for example like getting struck by lightning, is should you buy insurance?

    I was at the Abu Dhabi World Future Energy Summit for three days last week, educating myself on “The Global War on Warming”.

    I’m not a “climate-change” aficionado and I don’t stay up at night agonising over whales either, I went because it was down the road and I got given a Press Pass, so I thought, “why not”?

    First reaction; I was disappointed that nothing was scheduled to address the “inconvenient” fact that there seem to be a lot of people who think the whole business of Save-The-World-From-Global-Warming is an expensive farce concocted by politicians looking for votes, scientists looking for grants, and crooks looking for ways to make a quick buck…on less evidence than there was to support the notion that there were WMD in Iraq.

    I’d been rather looking forward to watching a bun-fight with eminent scientists scratching each other’s eyes out. After-all it was supposed to be a “summit” not a public relations jamboree; but sadly that was not to be, “media-speak” ruled.

    In that regard it was unfortunate that they had Tony Blair deliver the closing speech, he said “the scientific consensus is “reasonably clear except for the wilfully blind””.

    I don’t want to sound picky, but that’s what he said about the WMD. Personally I’d have been more convinced if he’d said that Climate Change wasn’t a problem.

    I started off sitting in on a presentation by the chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Rajendra Pachauri, who I learned later had accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 on behalf of IPCC along with Al Gore. I’ve noticed he’s been in the news recently, although just to illustrate my level of ignorance I’d like to mention that I’d never heard of him before I sat down to listen to his presentation.

    Maybe I heard it wrong, but I distinctly remember someone implying at one point that he (personally) had won a Nobel Prize, in my innocence I had assumed it was for something scientific. I thought to myself, “if anyone is going to convince me to trade in my Land-Cruiser for a Toyota Yaris and stop me eating steak so I can do my bit to “Save-The-World”, this is the guy”.

    I wasn’t exactly bowled over.

    In fact he said some pretty dumb things, for example he said that Global Warming would affect Abu Dhabi too and what that would mean would be more heat-waves, and it would also have catastrophic effects on the water supply. Well I may not know anything about the Grand Plan to save the world, but I do know how to count.

    If you look at the timeline of temperature in UAE going back thirty years (I did), the summer time averages have hardly budged; it’s the winter temperature that’s going up; that’s GOOD for UAE, since it is a winter-sun tourism destination, anyway in the summer if it’s 45 Degrees or 55 Degrees outside, who cares, you have the AC on.

    With regard to water, well the UAE desalinates practically all it’s water, so how Global Warming is going to interrupt that process which requires inputs of sea-water and natural gas, I have no idea.

    OK I’m nitpicking, those are small points, but half truths and improperly researched statements start those little alarm bells ringing in my head, I’ve found out from bitter experience that when people bullshit you on the small things, they are likely to bullshit you on the big things too. And on that score, I also recollect that he never made it clear that it was not him (personally) who won the Noble Prize.

    Later on in a press conference he was getting grilled about someone’s prediction that Indian glaciers on the Himalayas would disappear by 2035, which he had apparently endorsed; he said (quote), “I never used that example in any of my presentations”, and that regardless the “science is sound”.

    Thanks to the marvels of modern science I looked him up on Google, SHOCK AND HORROR…he’s an ECONOMIST!!!

    As if economists can tell the difference between “sound science” and “spin”? The evidence from recent credit crunch debacle is they can’t even do that for economics, witness the delegation from the LSE who wrote to the Queen of England apologizing for their inability to anticipate economic cause and effect one year in advance, forget about twenty years in advance.

    Anyway, Pachauri’s line was that IPCC relied on 1,600 scientists to come up with their latest doomsday report, so that’s got to be OK.
    Well Allan Greenspan had 2,200 PhD economists helping him to do “inflation targeting” and look what happened there. On the subject of “experts”, I don’t know how many intelligence-rocket-scientists they had “discovering” WMD in Iraq (that’s classified, it’s National Security), but I’m sure it was a lot, and I’m sure that they were all “experts”.

    There was no mention either at any point of the pro-climate change scientists that got caught sending e-mails about fudging their results and suppressing publication of opinions that contradicted theirs at East Anglia University. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/..

    That was possibly because everyone was on their best behaviour, the Government of Abu Dhabi was trying to do their best and to do the “right thing”, they always do, they are like the Australians and the Norwegians in that regard; the event was superbly organised with no expenses spared, and they should be complimented and commended for that.

    But one got the impression that all the experts were getting paid top dollar with First Class air-tickets thrown in, and that’s why they were on their best behaviour.

    Perhaps next time perhaps they will fly in some long-haired-hippies to stand outside with banners throwing eggs at people…(First Class of course). Somehow these things don’t really work unless you got those guys on the ticket, this time all they got was me, and I’m a bit too old to throw eggs at people.

    The truth is that the fun and games by the jerks at the University of East Anglia might count as “sound science” to an economist, and the story put out by the IPCC is, “well they were just horsing around”. But to any serious scientist that sort of talk is the equivalent of a choirmaster getting caught downloading child-porn….and saying “don’t be alarmed, I was just horsing around”.

    My general impression of the “salesmen” of the Save-Us-From-Global-Warming-The World-Is-Coming-To-an-End Movement was that if there really is a problem, then they need to consider using people to front up their campaign who (a) know the difference between “sound science” and “spin”, and (b) are not known to be pathological liars, like Tony Blair; (pay him $500,000 and he’ll say anything).

    Otherwise they are going to get nowhere fast, which is about how far they got since the Kyoto Protocol was signed in December 1997.

    And I’m not talking about “raising awareness”; sure, every six year-old knows that CO2 causes global warming and that is BAD, so to be GOOD we have to cut back on CO2 emissions or the cuddly polar bears won’t like it. But is that a “result”? Frankly if I see another picture of a polar bear gazing wistfully into the sunset advertising some Green-wash product, I’m going to vomit.

    What I’m talking about is doing something practical about the problem insofar as the people who believe in that perceive it.
    On that score, since the Kyoto Treaty was signed in December 1997, the rate of carbon emissions worldwide has gone up by 40%, even though the idea was a drop of 5.2% by 2012. In 2008 they went up 1.94%.

    Sure, a lot of people have made a lot of money, for example Chinese manufactures made a fortune out of the subsidies the German government put up for people to put solar panels on their roofs, and the “industry” is creating thousands of jobs, particularly for “believers” working on government (taxpayer) payrolls, but is that the point?

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