Washington Post Caught Red Handed selling Obama Admin Access to Lobbyists, re: Obama Health Care Business Opportunities

Ohhh what webs we weave when first we practice quid pro quo

The Washington Post got caught red handed by Politico selling lobbyists access to key officials of the Obama administration for bird dog fees ranging from $25,000 to $250,000.

Excerpt from the Washington Post letter of offering:

“Underwrite and participate in this intimate and exclusive Washington Post Salon, an off-the-record dinner and discussion at the home of CEO and Publisher Katharine Weymouth. … Bring your organization’s CEO or executive director literally to the table. Interact with key Obama administration and congressional leaders.”

Here is a sample of the letter of offer provided by a whistle blowing Lobbyist:

washington post lobbyist pay for play flier


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About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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250 Responses to Washington Post Caught Red Handed selling Obama Admin Access to Lobbyists, re: Obama Health Care Business Opportunities

  1. rosehips says:

    very interesting vf. what opportunists and sneaks. This is the kind of event we need to stage some guerilla theater around. Imagine if there was an impromtu demonstration/performance at the entrance of Katherine Weymouths property on the evening of the “Salon”? Hahahahha, would love to see their reactions…..

  2. SamHenry says:

    Bird dog fees, VF? What a coup of a post. Hi rose, news bird et al.

  3. SamHenry says:

    While we were focused on the TV media obviously Obama’s storm troopers were visiting the diva of the Post.

  4. SamHenry says:

    Where is everyone?

  5. SamHenry says:

    Newsbird has said: WOW cover a lot of topics here in comments!! But I have not seen any liberals dear to comment here….

    Actually newsbird, Rose is and I, to a lesser extent are liberals. I am more or less on the track back to conservatism but still hold many liberal views.

  6. SamHenry says:

    Newsbird – I also think that when you consider yourself intelligent, you want to debate with others than those who talk and think as you do. This is how we grow.

  7. m2 says:

    This article is SO GOOD:

    and this comment is the absolute bomb:
    “If this article is implying that Obama has an inferiority complex I don’t buy it. A grandiosity complex vis-a-vis the despised Americans and humble gratitude for any crumbs of appreciation from the despotic rulers of the turd world is what I see in him. But that grows out of his hard-left ideology, not his psyche. Does he hunger for the approval of the Brit or German leaders? Of course not, because they represent the white West. As a pure ideologue his reactions to every political conflict in the world are totally predictable. Israel: bad and must be destroyed. Arabs: good and must be deferred to. Honduran thug leftist ex-president must be supported. Honduran people and constitution must be opposed and brought to their knees. Etcetera, etcetera. He is an ideological robot. As to what his psyche is composed of?..the devil only knows.”

  8. m2 says:

    ‘nother great read regarding Obama and his declaration on Honduras:

    Obama has sided with a thug, a man who — for completely self-serving reasons — sought to subvert his nation’s constitution. Obama has sided with a man who — like Pancho Villa on a cross-border raid — lead a mob in an effort to execute this illegal scheme. And Obama does this while paying lip service to democracy, even as he imperils it; he claims to stand for freedom, even while supporting those who would extinguish it. It is un-American. It is ugly. It is, in a word, evil.

    Yet it doesn’t surprise me. Some may think the issue is simply that, although Obama despises Zelaya’s tactics, he is driven to support a fellow traveler. Others may think that Obama wants to support a fellow traveler and is indifferent about the tactics. Neither is entirely correct. In point of fact, Zelaya has certain tactics. Obama has certain tactics.

    And they are largely the same.

    In fact, they are shared by virtually all leftists.

    Ignoring the rule of law, manipulating the Constitution, acting as if the end justifies the means . . . . Sound familiar? This is standard left doctrine.

    Examining this further, let’s look at two comments Obama and H. Clinton made about Honduras. Obama said that the U.S. would “stand on the side of democracy” and Clinton said, “we have a lot of work to do to try to help the Hondurans get back on the democratic path . . . .” These comments reflect a common theme. There is gratuitous emphasis on democracy, but what of the rule of law? What of recognition that, technically, Honduras and the U.S. are not democracies but constitutional republics? We don’t hear much talk about these things from liberals, and I have a theory as to why.

    Of course, such comments are often simply rhetoric, but there can be a deeper reason as well. Democracy, in the strict sense of the word, refers to direct rule by the people. Another way to put it is that it’s rule based on the people’s whims. Now, liberals are relativists, which means they don’t believe in Truth, in natural law, in anything beyond man that determines morality. Instead, relativism involves the idea that what people once called morals are merely values, which, in turn, are just a function of a people’s consensus opinion. It then follows that the impositions of values known as civil laws cannot be based on anything outside of man, either; they also are simply a function of opinion, be it the consensus variety or that of those with clout. In other words, liberals believe as the ancient Greek philosopher Protagoras did, that “Man is the measure of all things.”

    Now let’s say you accept this. When constitutional mandates, or laws, then contradict that “measure of all things,” that democratic body, with which will you likely side? This explains why liberals find it unfathomable that anyone would let “a piece of paper” stand in the way of a popular — or politically correct — social change. “Why, you have to be a simpleton to let a law forestall progress!” is the idea. And from their simplistic, shallow perspective it makes sense. If laws originate with opinion, anyway, why would you let them stand in the way of the dominant opinion when the latter changes?

    Yet, at the end of the day, liberals aren’t any more beholden to popular will than to laws, as they scoff at it when it contradicts politically-correct will. And there is a good reason for this. Liberals don’t view democracy as an absolute because there is no such thing in a relativistic world, but they at least view it. That is to say, they know popular will is real but believe God’s will (Truth) is imaginary. And what exists takes precedence over what doesn’t.

    But in a world without absolutes, what takes precedence over all? Well, without any unchanging yardstick for making moral decisions — without Truth to provide answers — liberals have only one thing to refer to: Their mercurial master, feelings. But whose feelings shall hold sway? They may sometimes be those of the majority of people (expressed as “values”), especially insofar as their feelings influence liberals’ feelings. But, then again, the feelings might also be those of most liberals’ favorite people — and the ones they fancy the smartest — themselves. This is what engenders the elitism that justifies trumping popular will; after all, liberals’ own feelings always feel more “right” to them than other people’s.

    Put simply, it’s a question of whose will shall prevail, the popular, politically correct or personal? When man is the measure of all things, the man in the mirror usually trumps your fellow man.

    Speaking of feelings, one that could be instrumental here is fear. What I mean is, we all understand the power of precedent. And along with Chavez, Obama seems to dislike the idea of a military upholding its nation’s constitution and ousting a would-be tyrant. I wonder why?

  9. ohiobelle says:

    Hello everybody!! What’s happening?

    I invited somebody to the conversation but I am not sure if they are going to take me up on it. This person would fit right in.

  10. m2 says:

    Good blog post, anyway VF. Just shows you how the Democrat party is the party of Corporatism now. Look at them, getting CEO’s on board with universal care so they can stick the gov’t with their employee healthcare obligation.

    Democrat party, party of hedge funds, wall street cronies, CEO bonuses, lobbyists, opaqueness, elite “rich” deals, lies, subversion… etc etc etc.

  11. m2 says:

    Good evening Belle!

  12. rosehips says:

    hey belle, hi m2, yo sh!

    belle, where did you meet this person and do you think I’ll like them? lol

  13. m2 says:

    hello again rosehips!

  14. m2 says:

    lol I forget…

    Democrat party is also the party of Walmart now. Hilarious.

  15. m2 says:

    well, I’m out. Good night!

  16. ohiobelle says:

    Hello M2 & Rosehips.

    Rosehips wrote: hey belle, hi m2, yo sh!

    belle, where did you meet this person and do you think I’ll like them? lol

    hahahha… ahhh you might not like this person.. lol

    I follow this person on twitter.

  17. ohiobelle says:

    Good night M2.

    Did anybody hear that North Korea launched 4 missiles today???? It’s true.

  18. rosehips says:

    well, m2, as a liberal, of course I take umbrage with the writer’s characterization of “liberals”. I guess you feel that way when I generalize about conservatives, as I do when you speak of liberals as if we all think alike.
    The writer is certainly proficient with words and sharp as a tack, but I found it a bit acerbic. I guess it was meant to be.

    anyhoo, how was the movie last night? what’d you see?

  19. rosehips says:

    yes, belle. they are launching more missiles. they are twying hard to scare us. boo!

  20. ohiobelle says:

    An old man that looks like a old hag does not scare me. lol

  21. rosehips says:

    belle, that site looks pretty good. I agree with all the leaders in the OAS that a coup is not the appropriate way to oust a leader. I think the guy should be gone when his term is over in January. I don’t think what he was trying to do was right. But if they were acting within the law of Honduras, I think that needs to be respected as well. It’s a tough call.

    I think what happened in the State Senate in New York was rather incredible. What are the dems thinking???

  22. rosehips says:

    hows the job going belle?

  23. rosehips says:

    I will say that sometimes it’s ok to oust a leader by means of a coup. I’d say if I approve of it, it’s ok. lol

  24. rosehips says:

    where is karma?

  25. ohiobelle says:

    I think you’d like that blogger. I just sent starvngbloggist an email asking him/her to join us. We’ll see.

    I LOVE MY JOB! I just have to get used to these crazy hours. lol Thank you for asking.

  26. ohiobelle says:

    Oh my god! This is great! Helen Thomas called out Robert Gibbs… hahaha

    This is what she said..

    “Nixon didn’t try to do that,” Thomas said. “They couldn’t control (the media). They didn’t try. “What the hell do they think we are, puppets?” Thomas said. “They’re supposed to stay out of our business. They are our public servants. We pay them.”

    Thomas said she was especially concerned about the arrangement between the Obama Administration and a writer from the liberal Huffington Post Web site. The writer was invited by the White House to President Obama’s press conference last week on the understanding that he would ask Obama a question about Iran from among questions that had been sent to him by people in Iran.

    “When you call the reporter the night before you know damn well what they are going to ask to control you,” Thomas said. “I’m not saying there has never been managed news before, but this is carried to fare-thee-well–for the town halls, for the press conferences,” she said. “It’s blatant. They don’t give a damn if you know it or not. They ought to be hanging their heads in shame.”

  27. rosehips says:

    yeah belle, it sure looks like they are trying to stage their press conferences.

  28. rosehips says:

    belle, are you doing 4 tens?

  29. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: are you doing 4 tens?

    No we just work long hours.. I have tomorrow off for the fourth.

    I be back in a few. I am on the phone with my mom.

  30. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips, you should be watching Hannity tonight… lol I want you to see where your money is being spent..

  31. rosehips says:

    belle, I guess I must have missed Hannity. shucks.
    I was outside picking daisies and then just had some dinner.

  32. rosehips says:

    well, I’m catching the end of it. learning where all the omnibus bill money is being spent.

  33. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips, haha…

    Have a good night. I am logging off for the night. Talk to you tomorrow.

  34. rosehips says:

    manana belle. have a good one.

  35. arlenearmy says:

    Looks like Obama lost his head over his Huff Puff boyfriend.

  36. arlenearmy says:

    Helen Thomas can be an omen.

    1. Remember when Helen did a bashing article on Nixon? Nixon didn’t last long.

    2. Remember when Helen wrote some bad stuff about Carter? She got upset w/him. Carter left the presidency in shame.

    3. Remember, yesterday when Helen got upset on how Obama is handling the press. She’s very upset. Anyone care to fill in the blank on what will happen ….

    NOTICE TO OBAMA: Don’t get on Helen’s bad side.

  37. karmahd says:

    Helen is a bit older now but still full of piss and vinegar, she does not have any agenda other than reporting the news, she is from the left, but when you piss off a reporter from the left, I agree it is a omen!!

    Howdy, tonight was my Friday, went to the Crab Shack on the Cotee River, cool place and it is more of a Tiki building all open to the water, and the breeze was good, as was the Coconut Rum and Cranberry!! I need a good nights sleep but will touch base in the morn. Hello all and good night, Rose I am here, Karma is all around you LOL

  38. rosehips says:

    phew karma, was worried for a few. can’t go without my karma fix. lol.

    for anyone who supports the Iranian people, this is a powerful video. bellydancer just did an ireport with it. I was moved.

  39. rosehips says:

    the group is from Tehran. They are called Hypernova.

  40. rosehips says:

    and hi and bye arlene. I am jumping on my bike for a power ride.

  41. LisaInTX says:

    Helen Thomas did GREAT!!! It was refreshing to see someone from the left stand up and say, What the HELL is going on here??? Finally, the light is dawning on at least some of those lib’s!!!
    A VERY good sign indeed. :-]

  42. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Everyone!

  43. rosehips says:

    hey, happy friday vf!

    is everybody busy preparing for the holiday?

  44. VotingFemale says:

    Hi Rose… I do not know where everyone got off to…

  45. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF and Rose. The two most beautiful ladies on the World Wide Web 🙂

  46. VotingFemale says:

    samiam! our he-man blogger!

    Morning dear!

  47. SamHenry says:

    Sami, Rose VF – I’m here until the dogs nudge me again for food.

  48. VotingFemale says:

    did everyone catch the June unemployment numbers and Obama’s excuse?


    that dude is in so much trouble!

    His Socialist Fix isn’t a fix… it is just government growing BS.

  49. VotingFemale says:

    Morning SamH!

    hope the doggie fart business you were dealing with yesterday is done with dear…


  50. rosehips says:

    hey, my two favorite sams. good morning sams!

  51. SamHenry says:

    Thank you for you fart back, I’m glad you got my link. Well, whenever it happens, I think of the old saw “this too shall pass.” Perhaps that is why there was a burning bush in the Bible – passing dog, passing fire spark.

  52. rosehips says:

    yes I saw that about june unemployment. I never thought they would be able to fast track hiring like they hoped to. Shovel-ready my @ss!

  53. SamHenry says:

    I’m glad we are your favorite Sams.

  54. rosehips says:

    that ok though. I am hoping there are still more jobs around when I am done with school in Dec.

  55. SamHenry says:

    No jobs here for an ole dawg. I’ll have to scavenge for for food in neighboring gardens and garbage.

  56. rosehips says:

    tomorrow is another big teaparty day, eh? Is there going to be a strong showing, or will people be too busy at their backyard bbq’s to attend?

  57. samiam60 says:

    And SamHenry enters as just one more beautiful lady in the World Wide Web.

  58. ohiobelle says:

    ahhhhh good morning my bitches… hahah

    Unemployment 9.5! Soon Obama will be just like Carter.

  59. rosehips says:

    sh, have you given up on finding a job? Your prospects were looking so good for a while there.

  60. m2 says:

    Hi guys, there are no “shovel ready jobs” because all the stimulus was, was waste-spending… on like mushrooms and stuff… meant to deplete this nation of wealth, and enslave state gov’ts under federal power.

    I bet by 2011 there still won’t be jobs, save for the 15% of Unionized construction workers digging dirt on the side of Chicago’s Hwy.

  61. rosehips says:

    hey hey, it’s belle….in fine form this morning, I must say..lol

  62. rosehips says:

    hey m2….wow. We could form a team. A formidable one at that!

  63. m2 says:

    Did you happen to see there was like a couple hundred grand going to the signs for that Chicago Hwy that say “Paid for by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” ? Saw that on Hannity last night… heh.

  64. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: hey hey, it’s belle….in fine form this morning, I must say..lol

    F*** off!! lolololo hahahahhaha

  65. samiam60 says:

    M2 enters the web this morning just looking ravishing as usual.

  66. SamHenry says:

    Sami – you’re a hot dog on the fourth of July!

    Rose – I’ll do something to make it better. The trick is to get me off the blog, out of bed and doing something. Thanks for your concern bf.

    Bell – the Big Bitch to whom we lesser bitches bow, good morning. We need your acerbic humor.

  67. m2 says:

    I have to build a website today…

    actually VF, I made a WordPress blog for my friend, and not from the wordpress site, but actually set up a MySQL database and installed it myself!

  68. rosehips says:

    sami must be in heaven surrounded by all these women. sami, don’t run off…..you don’t get this opportunity every day.

  69. m2 says:

    I think Karma will be on today if he said today is his day off…

  70. ohiobelle says:

    M2 wrote: Did you happen to see there was like a couple hundred grand going to the signs for that Chicago Hwy that say “Paid for by American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” ? Saw that on Hannity last night… heh.

    Yes but they should only need 1 or 2 signs in the year 2010.. lol

  71. SamHenry says:

    M2 I envy you and VF’s tech skills. Bravo! My little blog is one page because I’m able to do that, period. But that is OK. It is just a banner blog.

  72. VotingFemale says:

    phone call… back now

  73. rosehips says:

    lol belle, yes indeed….fine effin’ form!

  74. ohiobelle says:

    There is really no such thing as shovel ready.

  75. SamHenry says:

    Rose – I edited my Michael Jackson blog. It is my final word. It has to do with the fact that we and he have been spared the final tour.


  76. rosehips says:

    always love to see the construction workers on the roads.
    Usually you see one guy working and 5 or 6 standing around watching him and giving him advice….sheesh.

  77. VotingFemale says:

    Thats cool! I have been considering going to the next step of a WordPress Blog hosted by another site… that allows a lot more power and features.

    m2 says

    I have to build a website today…

    actually VF, I made a WordPress blog for my friend, and not from the wordpress site, but actually set up a MySQL database and installed it myself!

  78. ohiobelle says:

    Good morning Sam & VF.

    Sam, you blog about anything you want. I’ll be sure to check it out.

  79. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Belle!

  80. SamHenry says:

    As one other old lady said to him: I really can’t life a shovel or drive a bulldozer. What’s in it for me?

  81. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: always love to see the construction workers on the roads.

    Then don’t come to Ohio! lol NO construction going on here and the 25 police officers have lost their jobs. THANKS OBAMA!!

  82. m2 says:

    Thanks Sam. I look macho-ravishing right?

  83. VotingFemale says:

    Conservative Bitches United – CBU

    ohiobelle says

    ahhhhh good morning my bitches… hahah

    Unemployment 9.5! Soon Obama will be just like Carter.

  84. SamHenry says:

    Belle – thank you for you kind words about a buzz of my blog.

  85. rosehips says:

    sh, I love that tree in your ireport. I didn’t realize it was a special tree for mj. I can see him perched there and writing songs. What an inspirational place to do that.

  86. m2 says:

    I’d rather see All construction workers on the roads and not Obama’s marxist-lovin’ Union workers which comprise 15% of the industry workers. What a waste of our money.

  87. SamHenry says:

    M2 you are macho and marvelous. The avatar inspired you. You are our genius M2 and I mean that sincerely. You have a mind like a steel trap. It is an honor to blog with you and fun for me to see good writing and thinking coming along in the next generation – ok in the generation 10 times removed!

  88. m2 says:

    I wonder if Obama will run around in the dirges of the world long after his “idol light” fades, and he is disgraced like Jimmy too…

    belle says: Unemployment 9.5! Soon Obama will be just like Carter.

  89. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Conservative Bitches United – CBU

    YES!!!! lol that is funny as hell.

  90. m2 says:

    SH, I had to change my gravatar because all the mens were to into the scary-hot of Bellatrix Lestrange… LOL

    I find this one more ironic.

  91. SamHenry says:

    Have to say, Bell – your buzzy bitchspeak is so much of a lift and we talk about it in back channels.

  92. samiam60 says:

    As bad as our Economy is right now I will go on record to say that Obama’s economic programs will lead us to the edge of a Depression.

  93. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: Have to say, Bell – your buzzy bitchspeak is so much of a lift and we talk about it in back channels.

    Ahhh… thanks Sam.. lol

  94. samiam60 says:

    m2 The avatar droves us guy nuts. However, this is not what we had in mind.

  95. m2 says:

    I was thinking of using this for a gravatar… it has a certain je ne sais quoi…

  96. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: As bad as our Economy is right now I will go on record to say that Obama’s economic programs will lead us to the edge of a Depression..

    Is that the cliff I’ve been looking for?

  97. VotingFemale says:

    SamH, your MJ iReport is the best thing I have seen written on him …period.

    well done…

  98. m2 says:

    Meanwhile NPR will still tell everyone “things are looking up. All things considered.”

    Sam wrote: As bad as our Economy is right now I will go on record to say that Obama’s economic programs will lead us to the edge of a Depression..

  99. samiam60 says:

    Belle he (Obama) dug a hole we can never get out of. I fear a Depression is looming.

  100. ohiobelle says:

    M2, I love the avatar but I miss the little lady that did the peek a boo.. lol

  101. m2 says:

    Wow, I should check that out SH…

  102. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: Belle he (Obama) dug a hole we can never get out of. I fear a Depression is looming.

    Looming?? I think it is safe to say that we are already there.

  103. VotingFemale says:

    Samiam… I fear many are thinking the same thing you are thinking… and that is exactly what Obama wants you to think.

    Going to just give up?

    We got past the previous “Obama” and flourished.

    That asshat was named Franklin D. Roosevelt.

  104. ohiobelle says:

    I have to get my dogs out of bed. I’ll be right back.

  105. SamHenry says:

    VF because of our macho men who keep us on our toes, should it be the CBU – CMAW (Conservative Men As Well)? That puts us in the ranks of national note such as AFL-CIO (is that right?)

  106. m2 says:

    VF, one of my bestfriend’s named her dog after FDR.

  107. VotingFemale says:

    Obama is counting on you giving up and surrendering to him.

    Screw That!

  108. SamHenry says:

    VF – OMG thank you for your comments on my MJ piece. Thank You!

  109. m2 says:

    lol, I guess that could be fitting though…

    but I’m sure she did it out of tribute.

  110. samiam60 says:

    I do not believe I have ever seen so much Communist talk about any newly elected President as I am seeing with Obama. I do believe there is alot to this for so many Americans to be commenting on the subject.

  111. VotingFemale says:

    I will NEVER GIVE UP

    N E V E R

  112. samiam60 says:

    VF Obama only motivates me to fight harder. I wonder on his visit to Moscow if he will do an Air Force one Photo shoot? Imagine Air Force One buzzing Moscow? lol

  113. m2 says:

    well he was also counting on resident Socialist Helen Thomas to follow his lemmings…

    Ha ha ha…

    vf wrote: Obama is counting on you giving up and surrendering to him.

    Screw That!

  114. VotingFemale says:

    We Got Past FDR and Carter

    We Will Get Past this Asshat Obama

  115. samiam60 says:

    The Obama video I posted yesterday is not too far from reality at all.

  116. m2 says:

    Where’s Foxwood?

    I didn’t read any comments from Thursday to Tuesday… is he out of town?

  117. m2 says:

    what video? Can you post it again?

  118. VotingFemale says:

    That’s the SPIRIT Samiam!

    Obama is like the Titantic, the unsinkable ship

    Know the difference between Obama and the Titanic?


    Obama is destined to fail… and he is failing.

    The Titantic did not sink in 5 minutes and neither will Obama… but sinking he is.

  119. samiam60 says:

    To be sure VF. I see Obama as a village organizer after he is deported back to Kenya.

  120. samiam60 says:

    VF I have a request to repost that video. Is that ok with you.?

  121. m2 says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if the single thing that cemented his downfall is the Birth Certificate.

    I flimsy sheet of paper, took down the greatest paid Marxist puppet of the world.

  122. VotingFemale says:

    I just left Foxwood a comment on his blog… to see where he is.

  123. SamHenry says:

    M2 – your je ne sais quoi laden alternative avatar seems to be Obama yelling “Allah Ackbar (sp?)” to us until we get it. We’ve got the message, OB but not the intended one. He is inspiring us to make another trip to the Middle East in Quest of the Grail hauling our nuclear impedimenta.

  124. m2 says:

    Was something wrong with his mom?

    SH, that right there is Rev. Wright’s Obama. AKA, The man behind the teleprompter…

  125. samiam60 says:

  126. VotingFemale says:

    go for it

    samiam60 says
    VF I have a request to repost that video. Is that ok with you.?

  127. SamHenry says:

    Sami – a choice line. I can’t stop LOLing.

    To be sure VF. I see Obama as a village organizer after he is deported back to Kenya.

  128. ohiobelle says:

    M2 wrote: VF, one of my bestfriend’s named her dog after FDR.

    hahah I feel for the dog!

    VF, did you say asshat?? lol

  129. ohiobelle says:

    I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it again… there is a good chance Obama is a terrorist. I swear I am not kidding.

  130. m2 says:

    That video was funny. I like Keith Olbermann there up in the beginning. Too bad Obama really did sell his campaign on that kind of “imagery”.

  131. samiam60 says:

    M2 the video is not that far fetched is it. There are many more depicting him as a Messiah.

  132. m2 says:

    When I say “too bad he really did use that imagery” I mean, too bad the public ate it up b/c they don’t have a shred of historical reference in their education… I guess.

  133. samiam60 says:

    Ohio belle said:

    I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it again… there is a good chance Obama is a terrorist. I swear I am not kidding.

    You are right there girl and deep in the heart of Americans we all know it.

  134. m2 says:

    sam, —Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: “I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.”

  135. samiam60 says:

    M2 I must admit that his campaign speeches were very lofty and inspiring. I can see how young people would fall for that. My years of living and knowledge of History is what showed me the truth of what this man was and is all about. I cannot find one Young Person other than you that really even cares to hear about what is happening to America.

  136. SamHenry says:

    Well, all, the big Alpha and Omega (Asshat and Obama) has been trying to recast America in his image. We can see clearly now as the song says.

  137. VotingFemale says:

    ohiobelle says

    I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it again… there is a good chance Obama is a terrorist. I swear I am not kidding.

    VotingFemale replies: Watch this…

  138. rosehips says:

    You two are both crazy. Have you no fear? If you think he is a terrorist, the last thing you should do is state it publicly. geeesh. It was nice knowing you. lol

    sami said:
    Ohio belle said:

    I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it again… there is a good chance Obama is a terrorist. I swear I am not kidding.

    You are right there girl and deep in the heart of Americans we all know it.

  139. SamHenry says:

    I’m at the computer I moved – sound not hooked up will watch and enjoy later.

    Did you all read the commentary on CNN today about his Russian junket and what it will mean for him. How he has little regard for our current allies and cares only for the Muslim world?

  140. VotingFemale says:

    But… Obama is so deeply flawed, it is his destiny to fail.

    I know this to be true.

    And, his failure will be as big as his ego.

  141. m2 says:

    Man what’s the diff between saying Bush IS Hitler and Obama IS a Terrorist.

    Liberals loved to use the Bush is Hitler line. It’s practically all they said. But I mean Obama is a Statist, whereas Bush loves Americans, and was a President, so maybe Obama will come after civilians.

  142. samiam60 says:

    Rose the Price of Freedom is not cheap. I found that out first hand in Viet Nam. I did not appreciate Jane Fonda over there either.

  143. m2 says:

    SH, here’s a good article on the Obama – Russia doctrine…


  144. m2 says:

    I’m going to work on my website…

  145. samiam60 says:

    I will pay any price to stay free and keep my children and grandchildren FREE!

  146. samiam60 says:

    Rose said:

    You two are both crazy. Have you no fear? If you think he is a terrorist, the last thing you should do is state it publicly. geeesh. It was nice knowing you. lol

    sami said:
    Ohio belle said:

    I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it again… there is a good chance Obama is a terrorist. I swear I am not kidding.

    You are right there girl and deep in the heart of Americans we all know it.

    Are you saying Rose we should fear Obama and give up our Freedom of Speech? Do you fear him?

  147. SamHenry says:

    They buried the commentary to which I referred:


    By Paul Starobin
    Special to CNN

    Editor’s note: Paul Starobin is author of “After America: Narratives for the Next Global Age,” recently published by Viking, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. He served as Moscow bureau chief for Business Week from 1999-2003.
    Paul Starobin says Obama’s global “charm offensive” may not go over well in Russia.

    Paul Starobin says Obama’s global “charm offensive” may not go over well in Russia.

    (CNN) — Barack Obama often seems to have much of the planet at his feet in rapt attention to his every word.

    But the president as global oracle is about to meet his stony match — in the vast and barren place that proved a graveyard for Napoleon and that has an ingrained suspicion of foreigners as an abiding quality of its cultural DNA.

    That place, of course, is Russia, which Obama plans to visit this month. The president will find a Kremlin amenable to doing business with him on traditional diplomatic matters like reducing nuclear weapons stockpiles, so long as Moscow is convinced the deal is an even one.

    But if Obama, more ambitiously, hopes to win over the hearts of the Russian people — along the lines of his recent Cairo address, pitched over the heads of the governments of the Islamic world and straight at their citizenry — he can expect to leave disappointed.

    The Russians, to start with, have never been all that enthralled with the Obama phenomenon. On the eve of his inauguration, a 17-nation poll conducted by the BBC World Service found that in every country except two, a majority of the people believed his presidency would lead to an improvement in relations between the United States and the rest of the world.

    The two nations feeling otherwise were Russia and Japan. And a poll just released by the Levada Center in Moscow found that only 23 percent of Russians feel confident that Obama will “do the right thing in world affairs.”

    One reason for this attitude is that the Russians do not quite share Obama’s sense of global priorities. For Obama, as for so much of the planet, global climate change is a serious and even urgent concern. But as the BBC poll found, this is not a priority for Russians, and neither is making peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, another big agenda item for Obama and his allies.
    Don’t Miss

    * How Michael Jackson thrilled Russia
    * NATO, Russia to resume military relationship
    * In Depth: Commentaries

    A deeper reason for Russian skepticism of Obama, and of the Obama craze in general, goes to a core difference of temperament. Obama is prototypically American in his penchant for singing his political song in the key of optimism. For Russians, life tends to be lived in the bittersweet key of tragedy.

    While the Russians are not gloomy pessimists — they have a sardonic genius for finding a way to laugh through their tears — they are skeptics on the distinctively American idea that history is all about progress. Experience, painful experience, has taught them otherwise.

    Where Obama has a chance of making some headway is on the ripe question of America’s intentions for operating in Russia’s neighborhood — in the territories of the former Soviet (and Tsarist) empire.

    Many Russians believe, in a message reinforced by state media propaganda, that America has a strategic plan to keep Russia weak by propping up former Soviet republics and maintaining a permanent military presence along Russia’s soft southern underbelly in Central Asia and the Caucasus, extending to Ukraine in the Black Sea area.

    George W. Bush tried to persuade Western European countries to have NATO invite as new members a pair of ex-Soviet republics, Georgia and Ukraine. If Obama halts this dubious quest — he hasn’t revealed his hand — he will mitigate a major source of Russian resentment.

    For Russia, NATO spells USA. The alliance, in their mind, is a branch of the American global military empire. As they showed last summer, when they invaded Georgia, they are prepared to spill blood to keep Georgia, at least, from becoming a full-fledged member of any U.S.-led military grouping.

    A similarly thorny issue awaits Obama on another matter left unresolved by his predecessor: the question of America’s plan, hotly opposed by Russia, to construct a radar installation in the Czech Republic and deploy missile interceptors in Russia.

    President Bush tried to persuade the Russians that this missile-defense shield was needed to protect Europe from a future Iranian nuclear threat. But as the Russians see it, not surprisingly, a shield also could be used to deny them their strategic nuclear deterrent — and thus could leave them vulnerable to attack by a power like America.

    The Obama administration is now sending signals that it is prepared to bargain with the Russians on a missile-defense plan — one idea is to have the U.S. and the Russians collaborate on a joint system — but so far, the Russians aren’t going for this.

    The two sides also appear to be at loggerheads on the hot new question of cyberspace security — with Washington balking at Moscow’s push for an international treaty to ban certain offensive measures that nations may take in fighting a cyber-war.

    What the Russians, from the Kremlin on down, would really like to hear is that Washington is prepared to relinquish designs on any territory close to their borders and is indeed prepared to give Russia a free hand to police its regional neighborhood. Russia’s dream is to be a great power in a multipolar world, not to be a second-tier nation in a world still run by the Americans.

    But surely Obama will not say anything publicly that suggests acquiescence to Russia’s ambition for a regional sphere of interest, 19th century style. For one thing, this message would smack of cynicism. Russia, under Vladimir Putin, has returned to its authoritarian ways.

    Obama cannot call for democracy in Islamic societies while altogether ignoring its retreat in Russia. More generally, Americans, and American presidents, like to steer clear of the vocabulary of realpolitik, a language redolent of the Old Europe against which America decisively rebelled centuries ago.

    The likelihood, then, is for stalemate in the contest between Obama’s campaign for the hearts of the Russians and their demand to be free of American meddling in their old imperial stomping grounds.

    The Russian people are probably not going to come away with a pronounced negative view of Obama — he is acutely sensitive to cultural protocol wherever he goes and has yet to make a wrong step. But as for his global charm offensive — this is where it comes to a halt.

    The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Paul Starobin.
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  148. VotingFemale says:

    Rose… where do you get off saying something like that?

    Obama has been governing through the use of fear tactics for political purposes.

    One definition of terrorist:

    One who governs by terrorism or intimidation; originally applied to an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror .

  149. rosehips says:

    m2, I must have gone to different liberal parties than you. lol. and it’s one thing to say it at a party, but where is it written by any liberals that “Bush is Hitler” other than by extreme radical? And the way y’all talk about Obama, he will be locking up anyone who slanders him. And he of course gets to determine if what you say is slander.

    Liberals loved to use the Bush is Hitler line. It’s practically all they said

  150. rosehips says:

    Sami, freedom of speech and slander are different. But luckily we do get to slander our public figures I believe.

    one thing I’m wondering. Will the fairness doctrine carry over to the blogosphere? Will public blogs have to show both sides? That will be interesting.

    What’s the status of the Fairness Doctrine anyhow?

    sami said: Are you saying Rose we should fear Obama and give up our Freedom of Speech? Do you fear him?

  151. SamHenry says:

    M2 thanks for the citation to the American Thinker article – a good one. Loved the line:

    You could call it ego porn.

  152. SamHenry says:

    Rose: I don’t see that calling Obama a terrorist is slander. It is an attack on his politics, not his person.

  153. rosehips says:

    ok vf. I personally am not intimidated by Obama, but I see your defense. You have a case and I’m sure you can get that crazy Russian dentist to represent you. I will be there at the trial supporting y’all. I don’t want your voices suppressed. Power to the People!

    vf said: One who governs by terrorism or intimidation; originally applied to an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror .

  154. samiam60 says:

    This says it all if you love America.

  155. m2 says:

    Rosehips, my friends on facebook said Bush is Hitler, just like they joke about Palin birthing “retards”…

    really? If I looked at HuffPo at any time between 2004 and 2007 I would see people saying Bush IS Hitler.

    As I did usually look at traditional liberal hangouts to get their perspective.

    Daily Kos.
    I’m pretty sure Olbermann alluded to it.

  156. VotingFemale says:

    Rose… Obamatards have been trying to suppress opposition with intimidation such as you just tried to pull with that asshat statement of yours…

    And I, for one, do not appreciate that kind of intimidation.

    I advise you to rethink your use of it here.

    rosehips // July 3, 2009 at 9:44 am

    You two are both crazy. Have you no fear? If you think he is a terrorist, the last thing you should do is state it publicly. geeesh. It was nice knowing you. lol

  157. m2 says:

    Honestly, saying that we shouldn’t say something b/c Obama’ll get You! is like some of those old ireporters who dislike free speech so much it was their only defense.

  158. SamHenry says:

    The definition you have given Rose is one based on the etymology (sp) it is not based on current usage. You would have to go to a dictionary of current usage or to the OED.

  159. m2 says:

    As to the Fairness Doctrine, which the free-speech hating liberals love to hoist as intimidation, yes, it is being sponsored for the internet by Senator Rockefeller. Another power elitist who’s great friends with George Soros. Something for the liberal “hate the man” crowd to be proud of…

  160. rosehips says:

    correction: if it’s written it is considered “libel”; slander is for oral statements.

    sh, I think there is an excellent case for calling Obama a terrorist and being within your constitutional rights. You can argue semantics and interpret the word very differently than what most people consider a terrorist.

    And there is the public figure pass that we get. We can say things about the prez that we can’t say about each other. So nobody better try calling me a terrorist, or prepare to pay. lol

  161. m2 says:

    off to gymboree!

  162. samiam60 says:

    If some of you my dear friends had ever seen what these eyes have seen you would forever be changed in a most profound way. All my attempts to re-enlist in the early 90’s were shot down because of my age. Let me tell you all this, I would give anything to be able to go and serve again this great country. I’d go right now.

  163. rosehips says:

    and I am sorry if it appears that I am trying to suppress anyone.

    I believe you should say whatever you believe and not fear the government. I know from experience that you can’t trust the government and they will always be watching to see who wants to undermine their power. It happens on all sides.

    I’m not paranoid, but believe me they are watching. I’ve personally never really worried about it because I am not a terrorist or an outlaw. I have nothing to fear. But who wants your conversations recorded or your emails intercepted? It’s an intrusion.

  164. VotingFemale says:

    Rose… I heard Bush say, after 911, we will not let them change our way of life… then he signed into law the most privacy invasive legislation ever written… and all of America was deprived of privacy as a result.

    So… no, I have no reason to “trust” that a government will not misuse power. That is why government power limitations is a primary goal of people who understand what we give up as a democracy when government expands it’s powers.

  165. samiam60 says:

    Rose as long as I have breath I will speak out against my freedoms being deminished. I will not fear my government and in the day that I should it is no longer America!

  166. VotingFemale says:

    Samiam, your devotion to country is obvious.

    And, I believe you would again enlist if they would let you.

    War is a young man’s job… but once a warrior always a warrior.

  167. rosehips says:

    and I thought the guy in that video about Obama’s bible references was extremely condescending. He acted exactly as he accuses Obama.
    I agree with Obama about the Bible.

    I do think Jesus would turn the other cheek even today. I believe he was a pacifist. sami, I am sorry you saw such horror as you imply. I am sorry you want to go back to war. I feel deeply that our Creator would not condone war. I know you will bring up abortion so I will say that I am not sure about the Creator’s view on abortion. I’m not even sure who the Creator is. I don’t remember what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount. can anyone enlighten me?

  168. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: Ohio belle said:

    I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it again… there is a good chance Obama is a terrorist. I swear I am not kidding.

    You are right there girl and deep in the heart of Americans we all know it.

    Thank you to Sam and VF!!

    What’s up Rosehips?

  169. SamHenry says:

    Rose – I don’t like to use the concise or compact OED which is online but here is a definition that comes closer. Remember, usage also entails instances when a word is used to create hyperbole which is the way Belle etc are using it.

    • noun a person who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

    — DERIVATIVES terrorism noun.

  170. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: I’m not paranoid, but believe me they are watching. I’ve personally never really worried about it because I am not a terrorist or an outlaw. I have nothing to fear. But who wants your conversations recorded or your emails intercepted? It’s an intrusion.


  171. rosehips says:

    lol belle… just trying to stay afloat. how you?

  172. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: lol belle… just trying to stay afloat. how you?

    I am enjoying my day off. It’s nice to have nothing to do but lay around.. lol No work or honey do list.

  173. rosehips says:

    sh, yes I can see how Obama can be called intimidating. So if being intimidating is being a terrorist, wow. There are a lot of terrorists in America. Rush is a terrorist. lol

  174. samiam60 says:

    Rose I am not gonna bring up abortion again.
    As far as war goes America has always defended the weak and downtrodden. We are not aggressors anymore as in early America. We are defenders of the freedoms that God talks about in the Bible and if it were not for America we could all very well be speaking German today.

  175. SamHenry says:

    RE fighting for country:

    I must share with you that I am on an anti-depressant and I went to the doc for more and I said: “what the heck would I do if there were civil disruption and I couldn’t get these pills”? She leveled her sights at me and said: “Jean, you would be too busy out there leading the troops”? Yes I would or my name isn’t Jean’Darc! Oh and I can ride very well, thanks, with or without armor.

  176. VotingFemale says:

    Worth Watching…

  177. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: Rush is a terrorist. lol

    hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha!!!!!!!! Nice try.

  178. SamHenry says:

    President Obama is a terrorist I bark loudly and proudly!

    Dog Overboard…swimming against the current of consensus to get to shore. MAAAAAADE IT!

  179. samiam60 says:

    VF said:

    Samiam, your devotion to country is obvious.

    And, I believe you would again enlist if they would let you.

    War is a young man’s job… but once a warrior always a warrior.

    VF, I am convinced that if this government sent us old folks to Aftganistan we could talk the Taliban into surrender or they would all just commit suicide because we just would not shut up. lol

  180. m2 says:

    Really? Because Rush took over industry’s and bypassed law? Because Rush fires people independent of law and institutes his cronies? Because Rush depleted the national wealth and shrunk the global economy by 5%?

    Obama is an economic terrorist…

    back to getting ready.

  181. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: President Obama is a terrorist I bark loudly and proudly!

    Dog Overboard…swimming against the current of consensus to get to shore. MAAAAAADE IT!

    hahahahaha!! You are AWESOME!!!

  182. rosehips says:

    sh, love your doc! she funny and so right.

  183. VotingFemale says:

    Deliberate acts of intimidation is what he is doing.

    and subverting DHS to cast all conservatives as terrorists is a deliberate act of intimidation.

    And to that attempt I say… bite me.

    rosehips says

    sh, yes I can see how Obama can be called intimidating. So if being intimidating is being a terrorist, wow. There are a lot of terrorists in America. Rush is a terrorist. lol

  184. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips, don’t you ever just want to give in and join us…

  185. rosehips says:

    shucks m2, I thought you had left. heehee

    I was only kidding and I meant to put a disclaimer on there. just a little ribbing, all in good fun. no hard feelings?

    m2 said: Really? Because Rush took over industry’s and bypassed law? Because Rush fires people independent of law and institutes his cronies? Because Rush depleted the national wealth and shrunk the global economy by 5%?

  186. m2 says:

    No hard feelings, I know Rush is a terrorist to liberals. Liberals are terrorized by truth-tellers.


  187. samiam60 says:

    Great great video VF.

  188. ohiobelle says:

    VF wrote: Deliberate acts of intimidation is what he is doing.

    and subverting DHS to cast all conservatives as terrorists is a deliberate act of intimidation.

    And to that attempt I say… bite me.

    That is twice now you’ve made me fall out of my chair laughing!!! lol

  189. rosehips says:

    belle, sure I’d love to swim upstream with all of you sometimes. But then I end up getting caught in a whirlpool or the rapids suck me back downstream. I’m get so exhausted sometimes.

  190. ohiobelle says:

    I’ll be back in a few. I am going to make the kids pancakes. hmmmmmm…. pancakes and orange juice.. yummy.

  191. rosehips says:

    and sh, did I tell you today that you are a scream!

    sh said:
    President Obama is a terrorist I bark loudly and proudly!

    Dog Overboard…swimming against the current of consensus to get to shore. MAAAAAADE IT!

  192. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: belle, sure I’d love to swim upstream with all of you sometimes. But then I end up getting caught in a whirlpool or the rapids suck me back downstream. I’m get so exhausted sometimes.

    Rosehips, it’s a chance you take.. I’ll protect you if you join us. lol

  193. rosehips says:

    yum belle. pancakes.

    vf, that image is precious! lol

  194. rosehips says:

    belle, I would feel very confident if you were my protector. I think. lol

  195. samiam60 says:

    Rose although I don’t see you leaving your beliefs for us I do see where we can meet you halfway.

  196. rosehips says:

    vf, I’d say that’s a bit of an exageration. I think there will always be profiling. For national security reasons they profile certain types who may be vulnerable to domestic terrorist influence. That is hardly what you are saying here.

    vf said: and subverting DHS to cast all conservatives as terrorists is a deliberate act of intimidation.

  197. rosehips says:

    sami, I believe we are already meeting halfway. It’s a start. I don’t know where the end will be.

  198. samiam60 says:

    Rose lets hug a tree togehter

  199. samiam60 says:


  200. rosehips says:

    sami, I would love to hug a tree with you. 😉

  201. rosehips says:

    well, I am going to an estate sale just up the street from me. The ad says 60+ years of accumulation. Could be good. I must go get ready. see you all later!

  202. samiam60 says:

    In the late 60’s I was a die hard greaser but then came the Hippies and halter tops and hip huggers and I found myself degreasing my hair and buying a whole lot of hippie clothes. I was still a greaser but the free love was just too much to pass on. So in a sense I guess I am guilty of loving the liberals too.

  203. samiam60 says:

    When I came home from the war I was walking down the ramp from the plane in uniform and looking for my parents. Young beautiful hippie girl walked up and I thought I was gonna get a hug but instead was spit on. I went back to being a greaser.

  204. samiam60 says:

    So I pour my heart out and there is no one here to listen. Why do the women always just get up and walk out on me?

  205. VotingFemale says:

    we’re a fickle lot! lol

  206. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: Rose lets hug a tree togehter

    hahaha!! Everybody is so funny this morning! lol

    Okay it’s hard to talk about Obama and Socialism when I have SpongeBob SquarePants on….. sigh!

  207. samiam60 says:

    There you are VF. By the way the stock market is continuing its downward spiral.

  208. samiam60 says:

    Ohio is wearing square pants. I don’t get it.

  209. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: Ohio is wearing square pants. I don’t get it.

    hahah cute….

  210. ohiobelle says:

    Yes I have to wait until the kids are done eating before I can turn on Fox News… until then I am forced to watch SpongeBob SquarePants. I swear I will never get that stupid song out of my head now!! lol

  211. samiam60 says:

    That is actually a good show.

  212. ohiobelle says:

    Sam, shhhh lol I agree… it will be our secret… lol

  213. samiam60 says:

    Ohio, what I don’t get is how they can talk under water?

  214. rosehips says:

    ok, just having some bear mush before I go out. sami, I personally want to apologize for all the hippie girls who did disgusting things during the vietnam war to our soldiers. I am ashamed that you got spit on. Although I was too young to be an actual hippie back then, they were grooming us with our beads, peace signs and moccasins on our feet. Flash the “V” was all the rage.

    I not only want to officially apologize but I will offer reparations. what do you think would be appropriate? lol

    sami said: When I came home from the war I was walking down the ramp from the plane in uniform and looking for my parents. Young beautiful hippie girl walked up and I thought I was gonna get a hug but instead was spit on. I went back to being a greaser.

  215. rosehips says:

    lol…love spongebob!

  216. ohiobelle says:

    I don’t get how they all of jobs under water… Why aren’t they in a recession?? lol

  217. ohiobelle says:

    I don’t get how they all have jobs under water… Why aren’t they in a recession?? lol

  218. samiam60 says:

    Rose says:

    ok, just having some bear mush before I go out. sami, I personally want to apologize for all the hippie girls who did disgusting things during the vietnam war to our soldiers. I am ashamed that you got spit on. Although I was too young to be an actual hippie back then, they were grooming us with our beads, peace signs and moccasins on our feet. Flash the “V” was all the rage.

    I not only want to officially apologize but I will offer reparations. what do you think would be appropriate? lol

    roflmao,, Rose your a card. However, I have carried that scar a long, long, time and so it may take me awhile to heal from it. lol,
    Sad thing is the girl was just so darned cute I could not get mad at her. I gave Her the peace sign and walked off. I am such a wimp for women.

  219. rosehips says:

    Soooo…should the gov’t pay employees for a day off today?

    I think during a recession or depression, people should have to work today. Maybe we should celebrate all our holidays on the weekends and save tax dollars.

    I bet gov’t workers would all love that. heehee

  220. rosehips says:

    sami, that is probably the very best the you could have done. She is probably feeling eternally guilty until this day…

    sami said: I gave Her the peace sign and walked off. I am such a wimp for women.

  221. rosehips says:

    I think that our youth learned that our soldiers are not the enemy. It is unfortunate that soldiers were treated so hostily during vietnam.

    I don’t think that is the case today. I think almost everyone supports the troops.

  222. rosehips says:

    ok, really need to go. laters.

  223. samiam60 says:

    Thanks for that Rose. Actually I hope she is not feeling guilty. She was young and I was coming home to an America that was different then the one I left. Life goes on.

  224. samiam60 says:

    Rose says:

    I think that our youth learned that our soldiers are not the enemy. It is unfortunate that soldiers were treated so hostily during vietnam.

    It was a war none of us really wanted Rose. Orders are orders.

  225. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips, that’s a great idea!!

    Rosehips wrote: Soooo…should the gov’t pay employees for a day off today?

  226. ohiobelle says:

    whoops here is the rest.

    I think during a recession or depression, people should have to work today. Maybe we should celebrate all our holidays on the weekends and save tax dollars.

    I agree with Rose!!

  227. ohiobelle says:

    It looks like everybody had things to do.

    I’ll check back later today. bye bye

  228. rosehips says:

    belle, today I am determined to start attacking all my personal waste. hahaha

    I have tons of e-waste that I have yet to take to Goodwill. We ran a referendum a few years ago in wash state and now we can take drop our e-waste off for free. The manufacturers are responsible for disposing of them properly. It is no longer legal to take them to the dump and I have resisted taking them all the way to Spokane and pay for disposal. They used to charge $15 for each monitor! yowza.

    that is just one thing on my to-do list. I will check in to see if anyone else is on. It is a slow news day I think, although I have not turned on the t.v.

    Is Michael’s funeral today? I’m sure that will be the news all day long.

  229. rosehips says:

    almost two days with no foxy? I hope everything is ok fox….

  230. rosehips says:

    I didn’t see this story the first time around. This soldier just came home and it’s a slow news day. Here’s the original story on youtube. I got a little choked up watching it.

  231. rosehips says:

    can’t wait for this movie!

  232. rosehips says:

    a great explanation of the Mayan calendars and funny Sarah Palin reference at the end.

  233. karmahd says:

    Rose that girl makes me wish I was young!! Wooooohoooo!!!

  234. arlenearmy says:

    I now await words from Sarah Palin.

  235. arlenearmy says:

    Is palin stepping down. what the hell is going on ?

  236. arlenearmy says:

    I hear there bursts of breaking news, but no word from palin yet. i went to palin tweets, but nothing even hints that she’s stepping down. Oh lord.

  237. arlenearmy says:

    now they say she is RESIGNING.

  238. ohiobelle says:

    Holy Crap!! Why is Palin stepping down from being Gov of Alaska?? I bet all the moonbats are celebrating!

  239. arlenearmy says:

    Something is going on. I wish she would make a statement to we the people.

  240. ohiobelle says:

    I was driving down the road when I heard it on the radio!!! I almost drove in the ditch!

  241. ohiobelle says:

    I agree with you Arlene. She’s making a statement now on Fox.

  242. ohiobelle says:

    It looks like vf might have a new post on this story.

  243. arlenearmy says:

    Girl, stay on the road. I’m praying that this is nothing bad. I don’t understand why she is resigning at end of the month. In any case, my VOTE FOR PRESIDENT IS SARAH PALIN !!!

  244. arlenearmy says:

    Gret said that she signed a letter (earlier in week) for a Sarah Pac.

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