Palin poised to Lead the Tea Party; A Focusing of the Leaderless Grass Roots Uprising

The Sarah Palin game plan I clearly see is to gather together the millions upon millions upon millions of independent thinking grass roots voters from across party lines and from across the country and focus them on key issues and on electing the candidates who will do the job the Independent Thinking American Majority Demands that they do.

Obama woke them up with a bucket of Cold Water in their Faces… over $2 Trillion Deficit Dollars worth of Cold Water. Then he follows with full intentions of Taxing the Cap & Trade out of them while ruining the American Health Care System. He is bent on replacing it with a Government Owned and Operated Health Scare System that will bankrupt the country while destroying the existing quality and timeliness of health care today.

Now that they are awake, Sarah will show the way to defeating the Socialists who would dare to destroy our Country and Society.

Bow Down To Obama?
Bow Down To Socialism?


I Don’t Think So!


palin liberal ankle biters

After Sarah’s last day as Governor she will create a new Twitter Account for coming “Less Than Politically Correct Tweets” and it will be one of many tools used as part of her unfolding plan to Shut Down the Socialists and their Enchanted One.

Let’s see what Philip Klein over at The American Spectator reports:

I just got off a conference call led by Amy Kremer of the National Tea Party Patriots, who said that health care was becoming the focal point of the tea parties. So far, most of the activism on the health care issue has been on the left, led by the group Health Care for Americans Now (a coalition of liberal activist groups and unions). Critics of the tea party movement have argued that there doesn’t seem to be any unifying purpose behind the tea parties beyond general disgruntlement with our Demcratic-run government. So, the health care debate will be a good test as to whether the tea party movement can mobilize its grassroots energy around a specific purpose and actually present a counterweight to the well-financed and organized liberal movement.

Right now, it’s pretty clear from the health care bills we have already seen that the Democratic leadership wants to push through very liberal legislation, and is willing to ram it through without any Republican support. That means moderate Democrats in both the House and Senate will hold the keys to whether President Obama gets what he wants, and if there is any hopes of stopping a government takeover of health care, lawmakers in conservative states and districts will have to feel the heat from their constituents.


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About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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387 Responses to Palin poised to Lead the Tea Party; A Focusing of the Leaderless Grass Roots Uprising

  1. Pingback: No Laughing Matter: Bureau of Public Debt Tries to Hire Cartoonist to Make Americans Forget Financial Crisis « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  2. ohiobelle says:

    Good Morning vf!!

  3. ohiobelle says:

    hello Karma!!!

    yoo hoo….

  4. Foxwood says:

    You know, Sarah could probably hold a good tea party and get some coverage. I haven’t thought out what the Commie media would say about it. Or Letterman (d!ck). I would have FOX or a radio talk show out to cover it.

  5. karmahd says:

    aaaah hey and hi, I did not know if I was on the right page for a minute. HEY OHIO

  6. ohiobelle says:

    Would you guys rather work for the Social Security Administration or would you rather be a humor czar?? lol

  7. karmahd says:

    How about the thanksgiving tea party;s give thanks for all this nation has given us, time to organize.

  8. ohiobelle says:

    Good morning Fox!

  9. karmahd says:

    I want to be the unraveling Czar

  10. Foxwood says:

    Morning Karma, Belle, VF.

  11. ohiobelle says:

    unraveling Czar… lol

    I swear we live in the land of Czars!

  12. ohiobelle says:

    I be back in a few minutes. I need an ice cold iced tea to wake up.

  13. LisaInTX says:

    Morning VF, Karma and Belle :-}
    Great video!! And a positive messege too!

  14. VotingFemale says:

    Morning Belle! Karma! Lisa! Morning Again Fox!

  15. Foxwood says:

    I hear a government job is pretty secure nowadays…

  16. LisaInTX says:

    Morning Fox and any others that pop up before this posts. lol
    The blog is active this morning. That is great!!
    I can’t stay on long—got horses to move and get ready for a trip to the trainers

  17. VotingFemale says:

    There are reasons to be upbeat!!!

    Boo Obama! Booo! We Don’t Like You!


    I should write a Children’s Book!

    “Why Mommy Doesn’t Like Obama Very Much”

    Obama is a bad man who said “Yes We Can”
    Obama been throwing Doggy Poop in the Fan

    Mommy gonna kick Obama in The Can
    Yes She Can!

    LisaInTX says

    Morning VF, Karma and Belle :-}
    Great video!! And a positive messege too!

  18. Foxwood says:

    Morning Lisa.

    Belle I want to be the A$$ Kicking Czar. I want to start with the A$$HOLE in Chief. BRB, I gotta get my boots.

  19. karmahd says:

    Incongruent thoughts and reactions. OBAMA we need the stimulus plan now, if not our country will be in dire straights and could crash. NEWFLASH SPIN Obama= I never said the economy would turn around quickly, and so what if we have only spend 13% of the stimulus, I have been busy spending in other areas. Biden, we have to spend to avoid bankruptcy. This is our leadership, all they can think of is spending!!!

  20. m2 says:


    I think someone should write a mass-marketed “Momma didn’t vote Obama” book… I think it would be the ultimate act of Capitalist bitch-slapping of Statist Socialism.

  21. SamHenry says:

    morning VF, Fox, Belle, Karm and horse-moving Lisa.

    Haven’t consulted approved international news sources yet today. I’d rather imagine or dream it. Prez is preparing daily summary of his accomplishments to be used as a tag line for his news conference – perhaps one today? He has ordered up a presidential library sub to ensure that his flutterings and mutterings get preserved. A traditional Presidential library format would be open to sabotage from hockey moms.

  22. LisaInTX says:

    I think that is an excellent idea about the Anti-Obama childrens book!!! You could counter the ‘fuzzy-warm and happy feeling of marxisum’ that that crazed loom wrote which considers him ‘holy’…..egads, those socialist are just sickening!! LOL

  23. VotingFemale says:

    Morning M2!

    well? Write it! It can be published on the Internet… but it will need graphics.

    m2 says


    I think someone should write a mass-marketed “Momma didn’t vote Obama” book… I think it would be the ultimate act of Capitalist bitch-slapping of Statist Socialism.

  24. m2 says:

    Sarah Palin is going to be the Straight-Talkin’ / Liberty for All czar…

  25. m2 says:

    good thing I can draw!

  26. VotingFemale says:

    The Kick the Socialists in the Ass – Czar

  27. m2 says:

    Lisa did you see the “Momma voted for Obama” book link that I posted back in February?

    It’s actually child propaganda.

  28. m2 says:

    The I’m No Stinkin’ Czar because this isn’t Stinkin’ Russia – Czar.

  29. SamHenry says:

    Hi M2 – you and VF will add immeasurably to debunk Spock the childhood expert who died disillusioned.

    I am sure we could render Obama immortal with a great pyramid made from piles of dog poo, gum and rocks thrown at him.

    Hey Karm, did you see that opponents of health care are looking to tort reform?

  30. m2 says:

    Oh hey, lots of people are on today, I see SH up there, Karma, Fox, Belle, Lisa VF- all morning!

  31. LisaInTX says:

    morning Samh!!
    LMAO at
    “A traditional Presidential library format would be open to sabotage from hockey moms.”

  32. Foxwood says:

    I see it now! Guys, I’ve come around. I really have an insight to Obama’s plan. It deals with healthcare and shovel ready jobs. We need to join the grave diggers union.

  33. ohiobelle says:

    WOW!! Everyone is here…. Obama bashing begins.. lol

    vf wrote: Boo Obama! Booo! We Don’t Like You!


  34. LisaInTX says:

    Morning M2!!
    Looks like we agree on that childrens book!! LOL
    So which one of you are gonna write that book?? Or will you both work on it together??? lol

  35. karmahd says:

    How bout the How Obama fooled mommy and daddy book. Cover how in a matter of a half a year Obama has done nothing but to pander to his democratic and socialist friends, by cementing votes by throwing money at there causes. Nary one altruistic motive or implementation of legislation. This guy is a power hungry egotist that cares nothing about freedom and rights!

  36. VotingFemale says:

    We Need That Book! To help teach our children the dangers of Obama and his Mommy Hating Socialism

    Obama hates White Mommies who are not Socialists…

    Socialists are bad people

    Can you say Socialists!

    Phewy on Socialists!


    LisaInTX says

    I think that is an excellent idea about the Anti-Obama childrens book!!! You could counter the ‘fuzzy-warm and happy feeling of marxisum’ that that crazed loom wrote which considers him ‘holy’…..egads, those socialist are just sickening!! LOL

  37. m2 says:

    Our book would be less about Obama and his ego issue, and more about the individual freedom principles of this country.

  38. ohiobelle says:

    Fox, lol grave diggers union??? lol Finally the shovel ready jobs we were promised!

  39. m2 says:

    how about “Mommy, why’s Daddy in a soup line?” book…

  40. LisaInTX says:

    Yes…thanks for the memory jog.
    That is the book I was referring too. It was SHOCKING and sickening to the extreme!!! Those people are audaciously certifiable brainwashing NUTCASES!!

  41. SamHenry says:

    Need to scrap health care reform immediately. Too many American People flat lined by its cost.

  42. Foxwood says:

    SamH, morning. I have something for you in the conference room.

  43. VotingFemale says:

    I remember you posting that… and have never forgotten it… in fact it inspired my “Mommy Doesn’t Like Obama Very Much” book idea! 😉

    m2 says

    Here it is, disturbing…

  44. m2 says:

    how about “Daddy? Why’s Mommy in a Hospice?” book…

  45. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning SamH!

  46. ohiobelle says:

    I can’t believe the direction this country is taking! I don’t think we can take another 3-1/2 years of Obamanation.

  47. karmahd says:

    Obamas ego issues are why he is doing what he is doing. I dont know if he “thinks” this is the best way or best system, but he is doggedly implementing his vision of what this country should look like, and that is not “FOR THE PEOPLE” that is for his people, and the great divide is created!!

  48. m2 says:

    great, Elena just grabbed my husband’s coffee and drank it. While I was laughing about Obama books and he was watching TV.

  49. karmahd says:

    Talk little E down, she will be buzzing!!!

  50. m2 says:

    I think it is wise to blame President Bush for my daughter stealing my husbands to-go cup coffee and drinking it, no?

  51. Foxwood says:

    “I don’t think we can take another 3-1/2 years of Obamanation.”

    It might be easier if 2010 goes well.

  52. Pingback: Lloyd Marcus: Proud Conservative Patriot, ‘Tea Party Anthem’ Composer Inspires Many with His Background & His Music « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  53. SamHenry says:

    Malia and Sasha are read VF and M2 stories before bedtime. Malia wakes up screaming withfear brought about by therapeutic reading: Momma-Obama (MO) and Papa Obama (POo) Come quickly. Angry American people are under my bed demonstrating. I’m afraid.

  54. karmahd says:

    The only way 2010 will go well is if Obama is not allowed to continue his lie’s and he is held accountable for his actions. He is still blaming everyone else for the problems today, and still spending on the premise!

  55. Pingback: Palin poised to Lead the Tea Party; A Focusing of the Leaderless Grass Roots Uprising « Boudica BPI Weblog

  56. m2 says:

    how about “Momma voted for a Marxist that is going to enslave me in a civilian paramilitary guard and sterilize me to control the population” book…

  57. LisaInTX says:

    I can see it now….Nobama, Michelle, Pelosi, Reid, Franks etal, standing waving in their gayness from the balcony having a party, while mommie and daddy and their children are standing in lines either for healthcare or in the soup lines. Then show them going home to their tent camps to enjoy a pleasant evening of trying to stay warm or cool—depending on the weather?

    Karma says “Cover how in a matter of a half a year Obama has done nothing but to pander to his democratic and socialist friends, by cementing votes by throwing money at there causes. Nary one altruistic motive or implementation of legislation.”

  58. VotingFemale says:

    I eagerly await a defeated and shamed Obama…

    Pride Goeth Before the Fall

    That Arrogance has a multitude of swift and sure kicks to the balls coming… and I was to savor that to the fullest.

    He was Massively BOOED during his limp wristed Mom Pants wearing opening pitch at the ball game this week. (which did not make it over home plate)

    ohiobelle says

    I can’t believe the direction this country is taking! I don’t think we can take another 3-1/2 years of Obamanation.

  59. ohiobelle says:

    Can you guys believe Biden said we will go bankrupt if we don’t continue to spend money??? It’s like Pelosi saying we can squeeze additional money out of government programs! These people are nuts.

  60. Foxwood says:

    BRB, Gotta cook and brew another p-p-p-pot. One’s n-n-n-not gonna do it tod-d-d-day.

  61. SamHenry says:

    VF GAY pride goeth before the fall! He has more than disappointed his alternative lifestyle pals.

  62. karmahd says:

    excerpt from book: Daddy why to people burn you in effegy, and say you are evil and a raving lunatic. Well Malia, those people are right, but daddy is president, and even if the people are right daddy calls them conservative right wing media types and it all goes away, because daddys people own the message and even though it will bring this nation down Daddy and you and all daddys friends will be protected for life and will never have to worry about money, lots of people owe Daddy money for all he has done for them, its called payback honey…

  63. VotingFemale says:

    Belle, Biden was saying what Obama Told Him To Say!

    That it is moronic, escapes Obama

    Boo Obama BOOOO! We Dont Like You!!!

  64. m2 says:

    What was up with that pitch, those pants, the creases? The camera angle?

    I really don’t enjoy making fun of non-important things… but that was just strange.

  65. VotingFemale says:


    While I wouldn’t devote a blogpost to it… it is funny as hell!

    m2 says

    What was up with that pitch, those pants, the creases? The camera angle?

    I really don’t enjoy making fun of non-important things… but that was just strange.

  66. Pingback: Palin poised to Lead the Tea Party; A Focusing of the Leaderless Grass Roots Uprising « Sarah Palin for president in 2012

  67. karmahd says:

    This is interesting, its talking about “tribal” distribution of the stimulus money, so Obama is creating a tribe, very interesting base premise!!

  68. m2 says:

    I think Biden is wonderfully ignorant. The kind of “duh” that keeps him in a bubble of happiness and stressfree. They just tell him what to say, and he doesn’t even bother to analyze or think about it.

    “Oh… debt + spending more = Good… ooooh…

    Who wants to go get a Reuben with me?”

  69. LisaInTX says:

    That was AWESOME!!! LOL—hahaha
    Join the grave diggers union and get those shovel ready jobs while they last!!! LOL– :-}

  70. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote again, Boo Obama BOOOO! We Dont Like You!!!


    I can’t believe Obama was booed at the ball game!! Good for the fans.

  71. m2 says:

    For that un-malicious, un-calculating reason. He’s like the only dude I like I guess. Cause he’s genuine in his ignorance. Not pretending, so that he can accomplish ulterior motives.

  72. ohiobelle says:

    Lisa, once I dig my grave then you can have my shovel. lol

  73. karmahd says:

    Biden is and has been distancing himself from this administration, he knows what they are doing is wrong, and his little dumb quips and planned and sluffed off as slips!!

  74. boudicabpi says:

    I posted the video clip and a part of your post with a link back asking people to visit your site for your entire post. Hope it sends some more visitors your way. We have to work together to get our views out.
    Bob A.

  75. ohiobelle says:

    Karma, good point. Clinton and Biden have both been hiding from the media.

  76. m2 says:

    Biden is not un-American like Obama and Obama’s financiers… Biden is better suited for Hillary-type of people.

  77. m2 says:

    Good morning Bob!
    Nice to see you hear.

  78. m2 says:

    whoops, typo: I mean “here”

  79. ohiobelle says:

    Bob, welcome to the Land of the Constitution Huggers…

  80. LisaInTX says:

    Karma that is GREAT!!!! Well done…hahhaahahaa
    He could also tell her ALL about the true meaning of OBLIGATION!!! That is something he appears to understanding VERY well. He could then teach her how to drive a bus cause without a doubt, that bus will be scheduled to run the hell over those “obligations”!!!

    Karma says “excerpt from book: Daddy why to people burn you in effegy, and say you are evil and a raving lunatic. Well Malia, those people are right, but daddy is president, and even if the people are right daddy calls them conservative right wing media types and it all goes away, because daddys people own the message and even though it will bring this nation down Daddy and you and all daddys friends will be protected for life and will never have to worry about money, lots of people owe Daddy money for all he has done for them, its called payback honey…

  81. karmahd says:

    Ohio agreed, those two are thinking of there survival and are walking a tight rope. All the legislation that has been implemented and is trying to be implemented is Totally based on Obamas current popularity not if the program is good for the people, these people are political opportunist, nothing more, how much can they take and how fast can they do it, Chicago Politics in its pure sense!!

  82. VotingFemale says:

    Obama – “the only Good Gay is a Communist Gay; if they are Conservative Gays they are to be attacked for being Gay.”

    SamHenry says

    VF, GAY pride goeth before the fall! He has more than disappointed his alternative lifestyle pals.

  83. m2 says:

    My old boss was gay and the staunchest Conservative. He says he can’t even stand the news anymore b/c it makes him so angry.

  84. ohiobelle says:

    Obama said that health care must be passed within the next two weeks. I think he knows that his approval ratings will be below 20% next month and it’s now or never!

  85. LisaInTX says:

    That is very kind and considerate of you dear!! LOL
    Since I live in a high concentrated area of iron ore, don’t want to be ‘picky’ but would you mind making sure it is sharpened and ready for use before you croak? hahahaaaaa

    Lisa, once I dig my grave then you can have my shovel. lol

  86. ohiobelle says:

    Lisa, hahaha.. I will make sure I dig myself a shallow grave to preserve the

    Lisa wrote: That is very kind and considerate of you dear!! LOL
    Since I live in a high concentrated area of iron ore, don’t want to be ‘picky’ but would you mind making sure it is sharpened and ready for use before you croak? hahahaaaaa

    Lisa, once I dig my grave then you can have my shovel. lol

  87. karmahd says:

    Yes Obama is saying it must be passed, he does know his approval rating is tanking, hell even CNN had a story on it yesterday, and the little gay monkey AC/DC showed a brief glimmer of the “covenants of journalism” by bringing the story on his show!! The end is near of all this blank check writing crap!!

  88. m2 says:

    Well friends, my hubs is a greedy capitalist, right-winger anti-socialist bigot, but he’s not the political junkie I am, and so I must retire this morning. He’s giving me the hairy-eye to get off the computer.

    Until later all!

  89. ohiobelle says:

    Lisa, will you please throw a little dirt my way.. lol

  90. SamHenry says:

    M2 – among the camera angles was one to quash rumors he didn’t have balls.

    MY book: Obama in orbit –

  91. ohiobelle says:

    M2, It’s great to talk to you again!
    Have a good day.

  92. Foxwood says:

    Hey Bob. I say your comment the other day. I’m glad I didn’t respond then. I saw Boudica and I thought, well, I know history and… I would have embarrassed myself.

    Glad to see another male pov, but I can tell you, they still outnumber us here.

  93. LisaInTX says:

    Another thing on the floor is the Hate crime bill!!
    If they get that anti-constitutional bullcrap passed, no Christian will be safe!

  94. SamHenry says:

    Orb–balls. I need a subtitle or a clear title!

  95. LisaInTX says:

    I can bring you a load of dirt if you need it! You could have a shrine above ground if you wish. LOL and that would save the blade totally….heeeeee ;-]
    We are sooooooo ‘BAAAD” today…Hahahaaaa

  96. Foxwood says:

    “hairy-eye”? I believe in Hawaii it’s called “stink eye”, correct me if I’m wrong Obummer.

  97. LisaInTX says:

    I hope and pray you are right! My vision is now impaired from all the blood loss from shooting out my eyes!!! LOL

    “The end is near of all this blank check writing crap!!”

  98. karmahd says:

    So lets see what we have going here
    Cap and Trade
    Health Care
    Stimulus One
    Stimulus Two?
    Financial Reform
    Two Wars
    Rampant Unemployment
    The largest one year deficit in history and growing
    Alienation of previous allies
    The creation of relationships with former enimies
    The overall growth of government by leaps and bounds
    A total disregard for the opposing party and a concerted effort to slander and attack its members
    the continual mining of the youth and disenfranchised vote via the internet and media sources
    The process of altering the constitution to fit the parties needs
    The appointment of 30 different czars to bypass the process of checks and balances.

    What have I forgotten??

  99. Foxwood says:

    Lisa, Belle, They just put a big rock on you here in Louisiana. That way you don’t float back up. Too much water to bury.

  100. SamHenry says:

    Dog needs more sleep.

    Hot air balloon now filled with Obama-grade gas appears and positions itself over the deck of the good info ship VF. Dog is retrieved and taken back to dock where pre-WWII VW Beatle parked. Nurse drives SamHenry home to bed.

    Bye All

  101. LisaInTX says:

    Good to see ya and THANKS for your support!!! Yes, we ALL must start joining up to defeat this nightmare that has been JAMMED down our throats!!

    “I posted the video clip and a part of your post with a link back asking people to visit your site for your entire post. Hope it sends some more visitors your way. We have to work together to get our views out.”
    Bob A

  102. LisaInTX says:

    Have a good rest. syl

  103. LisaInTX says:

    LMAO……I’ve been to New Orleans…some of the cemeteries there should be considered ART galleries. They were just amazing!! :-]

  104. VotingFemale says:

    Thank you Bob! You are a Kindred Spirit, dear!


    boudicabpi // July 18, 2009 at 10:39 am

    I posted the video clip and a part of your post with a link back asking people to visit your site for your entire post. Hope it sends some more visitors your way. We have to work together to get our views out.
    Bob A.

  105. karmahd says:

    Karma wants a smooch!

  106. LisaInTX says:

    That hate crime bill which more or less outlaws any and all derogatory speech or statements, considering it HATE SPEECH against homosexuals to say they have mental illness or are ‘sinning immoral, etc’. This WILL include the views spoken under the FREEDOM OF RELIGION aka religious citizenship of these once united states of America.

  107. LisaInTX says:

    You deserve a hug AND a smooch for your previous comment…. ;-]

  108. karmahd says:

    Hey Lisa, we need to have a running list of all the crap Obama and his henchmen are trying to pull off. He is a constitutional lawyer. or is that liar, he is systematically rewriting our constitution!!

  109. VotingFemale says:

    You are spot on Belle… Obama knows it is now or never for him… and he has been pulling out all the stops… and inviting junior congressmen and anyone else he can lure into his spiderweb to shake down and force to bow down to him.

    Boo Obama BOOO!!! We Don’t Like You!

    Obama sells snake oil to Mommies who are Dumb
    Obama is a bad man who said “yes we can”

    ohiobelle say

    Obama said that health care must be passed within the next two weeks. I think he knows that his approval ratings will be below 20% next month and it’s now or never!

  110. ohiobelle says:

    Lisa wrote: Belle
    I can bring you a load of dirt if you need it! You could have a shrine above ground if you wish. LOL and that would save the blade totally….heeeeee ;-]

    It’s starting to sound alot like a concentration camp instead of my grave!

  111. karmahd says:

    Thanks Lisa, Huggs back

  112. ohiobelle says:

    Not that a “shrine” is a concentration camp. I think you get my point.

  113. LisaInTX says:

    That is an AWESOME idea!! Seems I saw one awhile back…brb to check my emails….

  114. Foxwood says:

    “What have I forgotten??”

    Ownership of Banks, Industries, Housing, Insurance. We are turning into a Nationalistic Socialist nation.

  115. VotingFemale says:

    I think “Unconstitutional Lawyer” is more descriptive…

    karmahd says

    He is a constitutional lawyer. or is that liar, he is systematically rewriting our constitution!!

  116. karmahd says:

    Yes that is true Foxwood, we need to add that to the list. An VF I am still waiting for my smooch! but he is and can be called an unconstitutional lawyer!! The F’ er

  117. ohiobelle says:

    I think the Sotomayor hearing is being used as a distraction. Obama & Co must be up to something. Whenever the nut jobs focus this much time on one person; some wrong doing is being done.

  118. LisaInTX says:

    I gotta ya. ;-]
    We can joke about these things, but the fact remains, they COULD happen here and under this regime based on past history of this ideology, it could very well become a reality. :-/

  119. VotingFemale says:

    Obama to Biden: Bark like a dog
    Biden to Obama: woof woof

    Obama to Biden: Good, now go tell the people what I think
    Biden to People: You are all as dumb as a woof woof

  120. ohiobelle says:


    Do you think the shovel ready jobs are going to be concentration camps?? Any American who refuses to pay for his massive government will get a shovel and a pillow to build their new home! I better start stocking up on the commie chow now!

  121. Foxwood says:

    I saw this on a socialist blog. You have to go were the sinners are to get conventions. Anyway, it was funny. I cleaned it up a bit.

    A drunk is sitting at the bar. There is a very buxom blonde a few seats down from him.

    A fellow at the other end of the bar calls for a beer. The bartender fills the mug and slides it down the bar.
    The glass hits the blond’s bosoms and spills all over them. The bartender goes over, retrieves the mug and licks the beer off her bosoms.

    This happens a couple more times. The next time, the drunk jumps up and starts to lick her bosoms. She decks him!

    He’s lying on the floor moaning and groaning.

    Why do you let the bartender do it? He asks the blonde?

    She answers: ‘Because he has got A LICKER LICENSE ! “

  122. VotingFemale says:

    How many people do you all think would show up at a major city tea party featuring Sarah Palin as the lead speaker?

    And how many networks do you think would bypass covering that tea party?


  123. LisaInTX says:

    I remember during the election when those Lib’s were applauding him as a “constituional lawyer, I just cringed. He studied that grand document ONLY to figure out ways of getting AROUND what was written and made that only obvious when he called it an “Imperfect document that was flawed and needed to be changed.”
    Now if THAT doesn’t tell the American people his true feelings about it, I really don’t know what would!

  124. rosehips says:

    good morning peeps. this is a driveby. I have reaction to two comments made recently.

    lisa, your statement about the hate crime bill is misleading. There is a provision in the bill that specifically addresses free speech. The bill will not inhibit your right to make derogatory statements against homosexuals. Is the right wing media not mentioning this? Please read Section 10 of the bill which I am pasting here:

    For purposes of construing this Act and the amendments made by this Act the following shall apply:CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

    (1) RELEVANT EVIDENCE- Courts may consider relevant evidence of speech, beliefs, or expressive conduct to the extent that such evidence is offered to prove an element of a charged offense or is otherwise admissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence. Nothing in this Act is intended to affect the existing rules of evidence.CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

    (2) VIOLENT ACTS- This Act applies to violent acts motivated by actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability of a victim.CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

    (3) CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS- Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit any constitutionally protected speech, expressive conduct or activities (regardless of whether compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief), including the exercise of religion protected by the First Amendment and peaceful picketing or demonstration. The Constitution does not protect speech, conduct or activities consisting of planning for, conspiring to commit, or committing an act of violence.CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

    10(4) FREE EXPRESSION- Nothing in this Act shall be construed to allow prosecution based solely upon an individual’s expression of racial, religious, political, or other beliefs or solely upon an individual’s membership in a group advocating or espousing such beliefs.CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

    lisa said: Karma
    That hate crime bill which more or less outlaws any and all derogatory speech or statements, considering it HATE SPEECH against homosexuals to say they have mental illness or are ’sinning immoral, etc’. This WILL include the views spoken under the FREEDOM OF RELIGION aka religious citizenship of these once united states of America.

  125. karmahd says:

    OK no love for the Karma, whaaaa, sniff sniff, I think if we keep track of all this massive change for the worst, we will see the shell game that is being played by this administration.

    When he is out of the country (obama) his minions work like rats to pass his crap, when he is back in the country, he is on the news media telling anyone who wants to listen, how his way is the way to change, regardless of the facts and growing public sentiment, he continues to focus on HIS agenda not the nations agenda. Some one needs to call this shit out!! Who has the moxie (substitute balls) for this??

  126. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Obama to Biden: Bark like a dog
    Biden to Obama: woof woof

    Obama to Biden: Good, now go tell the people what I think
    Biden to People: You are all as dumb as a woof woof

    hahahaha!!! I feel for Biden.

  127. Foxwood says:

    “How many people do you all think would show up at a major city tea party featuring Sarah Palin as the lead speaker?”

    I would go.

  128. ohiobelle says:

    Karma, that is all so true. His minions are the puppet master… Obama is their perfect puppet!

  129. LisaInTX says:


    What do homosexual rights have to do with Pentagon spending? Everything, if you’re a Democrat trying to hide an unpopular “pedophile protection” bill from the American people. On Monday, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate and argued essentially that since he couldn’t get 60 honest votes to pass the “Punish Pastors, Protect Pedophiles” hate crimes S. 909 as a stand-alone bill, it should instead be attached as an amendment to S. 1390, the National Defense Authorization Act. Staffers for Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) then admitted the homosexual bill could be attached and voted on as early as Wednesday or Thursday. We may have just one more day to act.


    By hiding the hate bill as an amendment to Pentagon spending, moderate Democrats (and all but two Republicans) are faced with a difficult choice: either pass the Pedophile Protection Act or STOP PAYING OUR TROOPS serving overseas. Faced with a “poison pill” many moderates may falsely claim they have no choice but to swallow. We must demand they take a stand! We’ve identified 16 Democrats (plus the new Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken), who have NOT YET committed as co-sponsors to the hate bill. Unfortunately the two liberal RINO Republicans-In- Name-Only from Maine, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe have already co-sponsored the bill.

  130. rosehips says:

    m2, I can only assume that this is a typo and you meant to say 49.6 hours. Am I correct or do you honestly believe that it takes more than a month and a half to get an appointment for an office visit?

    m2 said: and the average wait for a simple doc. appointment is 49.6 days in MA.

  131. ohiobelle says:


    “How many people do you all think would show up at a major city tea party featuring Sarah Palin as the lead speaker?”

    I would go.

    Foxwood, so would I.

  132. karmahd says:

    OK folks time to go out and enjoy the day, good to chew the fat with all of you this morning, glad to see we are mostly on the same page, and that if we are not, we have the conference room to fix that. I will check in later, Karma

  133. rosehips says:

    and a big “smooch” to karma, my favorite guy on this blog.

  134. ohiobelle says:

    Good Morning Rose!!

  135. rosehips says:

    hey belle, how you doing girl?

  136. ohiobelle says:

    Lisa, I heard that. It’s pretty disturbing news!


  137. SamHenry says:

    The dog falls asleep watching TV – startled to hear heart-felt philosophy taken on be the anti-health care types: No health care until gov workers take on the same plan! The fan-driven poo is all over the place.

    Back to sleep dreaming everyone gave Karm a kiss.

  138. ohiobelle says:

    I am doing well. How are you?

  139. SamHenry says:

    Above to be discussed on Fox this hour.

    Sorry, Karm, kisses not available on FOX.

  140. karmahd says:

    Thanks Rose, back at ya, or as the Aussies say good on ya. One note about any legislation, when written if written well, the major cause for said legislation is to address a global issue, but leaves enough back doors for all the attorneys who run our government to abuse the bill. This is the problem with law these days, hide in it, abuse it, direct it for personal or group gain over the will of the people

  141. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Rose! lol

    Which Version are you quoting?

    There are four different versions of the hate crimes bill

  142. ohiobelle says:

    SH, I like that! If government passes Obama Care then everbody who works for our government must have it! LOVE THE IDEA!

  143. LisaInTX says:

    So let’s all telephone today all 18 of these “moderates” (plus Al Franken) and ask them PLEASE DON’T ATTACH THE PEDOPHILE PROTECTION ACT (S.909) TO THE DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT (S. 1309) and don’t punish our pastors for preaching the truth. Homosexual rights should have nothing to do with Pentagon spending.

    x Blanche Lincoln D- AR 202-224-4843
    x Byron L. Dorgan D- ND 202-224-2551
    x Herb Kohl D-WI 202-224-5653
    x James Webb D- VA 202-224-4024
    x Jon Tester D- MT 202-224-2644
    x Kay Hagan D- NC 202-224-6342
    x Kent Conrad D- ND 202-224-2043
    x Mark Pryor D- AR 202-224-2353
    x Mark Warner D- VA 202-224-2023
    x Max Baucus D- MT 202-224-2651
    x = undecided Democrat.

    x Michael Bennet D- CO 202-224-5852
    x Robert C. Byrd D- WV 202-224-3954
    x Russ Feingold D-WI 202-224-5323
    x Ted Kaufman D-DE 202-224-5042
    x Thomas Carper D- DE 202-224-2441
    x Tom Udall D- NM 202-224-6621
    Al Franken D-MN

    y Olympia Snowe R-ME 202-224-5344
    y Susan Collins R-ME 202-224-2523

    y = co-sponsoring Republican.

  144. rosehips says:

    I’m doing good belle. I feel a bit outnumbered on this blog. It is sapping my energy. I have had to recharge and I’m not done yet. I will have to check back when I have more energy.

  145. karmahd says:

    OK one more, and thanks SH, we are quickly heading to a two class system, the haves and the have nots. There is no middle class in any of Obamas programs, he is working dilligently to kill the middle class, that way you have power (ruling) and people (ruled class) it makes it much more difficult to escape this type of system.

  146. Foxwood says:

    “discussed on Fox this hour.”

    Babes on Fox, Oakridge Boys on Fox. Now this. I must be oblivious.

  147. Foxwood says:

    Morning Rose,

    My point, why should a white guy get more time for a crime against minority, and if a minority does the same against a white. for racial reasons , not be treated the same. There should not be a hate crime act.

  148. ohiobelle says:

    Rose wrote: I’m doing good belle. I feel a bit outnumbered on this blog. It is sapping my energy. I have had to recharge and I’m not done yet. I will have to check back when I have more energy.

    I wonder if everybody who supported Obama feels this way… lol

  149. LisaInTX says:

    Morning Rosie!! :-}
    I tend to believe those that have already been there and done that and been demonized for speaking truth.


    Not only will sexually deviant behaviors gain legal protection, this legislation also lays the legal foundation to investigate, prosecute and persecute pastors, youth pastors, Bible teachers, and anyone else whose speech and thought is based upon and reflects the truths found in the Bible. How will this legislation over-rule the First Amendment?


    S. 909 broadly defines “intimidation,” thus a pastor’s sermon could be considered “hate speech” if heard by an individual who then acts aggressively against persons based on any “sexual orientation.” The pastor could be prosecuted for “conspiracy to commit a hate crime” or for “inciting violence against gays” simply by quoting the Bible in church. And the First Amendment won’t automatically protect pastors, since speech accused of “inciting violence” is not protected, and is punishable, under precedent of Supreme Court rulings. In 1993 Wisconsin v. Mitchell, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a “hate speech” law providing enhanced punishments for violent crimes based on racial motives as revealed by speech of the accused, (which would now apply broadly to punish any “anti-gay motives” in the speech of accused pastor “co-conspirators.”) But pastor, if a crazy person in your audience commits a crime against a heterosexual, don’t worry, you’ll get a comparative discount in your prison time.


    Any public prayer against the sin of homosexuality could be construed as “inciting violence” by easily offended listeners, especially if those prayers are offered “in Jesus name.” When I served our country as a former Navy Chaplain, for example, I was told in writing by Chief of Chaplains Rear-Admiral Louis Iasiello, that “any chaplain’s continued insistence on ending public prayers ‘in Jesus’ name’…could reasonably tend to denigrate those with different forms of faith.” His policy prohibiting prayers “in Jesus name” was enforced against me at court-martial, before it was later rescinded by Congress in 2006. But this year I’ve already been falsely accused of “inciting violence” because I quoted verbatim from Psalm 109 in my public prayers, (for which secular activist Mikey Weinstein literally requested an FBI investigation against me!) Just imagine more anti-Christian aggression by law enforcement officials AFTER this hate-crimes bill becomes law.


    As a former Navy Chaplain who was punished (in writing, three times) for quoting the Bible in chapel during optionally-attended worship, I know exactly how they’ll come after us. The enemies of religious liberty will simply declare certain gospel phrases “hateful” and “offensive” like my commanding officer who punished me for quoting John 3:36 in chapel, and was supported by government lawyers for “protecting” easily offended listeners from the “offensive” gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.

    Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) agrees with me, saying pastors, rabbis, or imams could be charged with encouraging or inducing a “hate crime” if they preach against homosexuality. “Every preacher of the gospel, unless you cut out parts of it; every imam who mentions anything with regard to sexual immorality — they could be pursued, and in other countries they have been,” says Gohmert. (Congressmen Gohmert is my personal advocate, with whom I preached last year at a pro-faith rally in Texas…and we both agree the gospel of freedom from sin really is “love speech” not “hate speech.”)

  150. ohiobelle says:

    Rose, it could be depression. You were lied to by Obama & Co. This really isn’t the hope and change you voted for.

  151. Foxwood says:

    “(plus Al Franken)”

    You mean Richard Smally?

  152. Foxwood says:

    Belle, it’s ruff being a lib on a conservative blog.

  153. LisaInTX says:

    These comments are from

    Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt

    For media interviews, or to invite “Chaps” to
    speak to your church or crowd, select here.

  154. ohiobelle says:

    I understand. It’s like being a conservative on Icry… The Communist News Network just drained the life out of me.

  155. ohiobelle says:

    I meant iCry.. It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten how to type it. lol

  156. ohiobelle says:

    Did you guys hear the story of the soldier that refused to go back to Iraq because he wasn’t taking orders from Obama? The soldier said that Obama wasn’t even born in the United States and had no right to send citizens into combat. It was something along those words. Did you guys hear about it?

  157. VotingFemale says:

    Obama apparently gave orders for the military to get that guy fired from his job. He works for a company doing DoD contracting.

    ohiobelle says
    Did you guys hear the story of the soldier that refused to go back to Iraq because he wasn’t taking orders from Obama? The soldier said that Obama wasn’t even born in the United States and had no right to send citizens into combat. It was something along those words. Did you guys hear about it?

  158. Foxwood says:

    I was hoping it might go to the Supreme Court, Belle, but It looks like it won’t.

  159. LisaInTX says:

    Absolutely RIGHT ON Karma!!!
    That is how they do things!!! Everything is written for a backdoor abuse.
    Here is just one example. Take the bullcrap Tax threats for Churches (Non-profits) and such for ‘daring’ to back a political candidate with morals THEY feel are inline with their beliefs!!!!

    Karma says “One note about any legislation, when written if written well, the major cause for said legislation is to address a global issue, but leaves enough back doors for all the attorneys who run our government to abuse the bill. This is the problem with law these days, hide in it, abuse it, direct it for personal or group gain over the will of the people”

  160. ohiobelle says:

    I think that soldier is a brave man! I am sick and tired of Obama firing people for standing their ground!!

  161. ohiobelle says:

    Speaking of unemployment, Ohio is now at 11-1/2% unemployment.

  162. LisaInTX says:

    Here is what I read. I didn’t realize he was DoD though or that he got fired! Wow….teach that ‘patriotic American terrorist’ to mess with the Deli-bama!!!

  163. Foxwood says:

    Time to put on the music and get some house work done. I’m on call again and have to keep my leash attached (cellphone).

  164. VotingFemale says:

    Barbara Boxer Gets Her Ass Kicked Publicly for Socialist Racism

  165. ohiobelle says:

    That’s what I was looking for! Thank you Lisa.

    He said, “As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if Obama is found not to be a ‘natural-born citizen,’ he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief.”

  166. SamHenry says:

    Is dog dreaming or did SH just hear :

    Congress – Blue Dog dems and new dems of corporate leaning trying to form a coalition behind the scenes with Repubs so that Repub views heard.

    Above from Fox this hour. Buried under encomiums for Walter Cronkite.

  167. LisaInTX says:

    Like Belle said. Folks voted for “Change” to corruption and waste and that was something we ALL wanted, but we did NOT vote for Communism nor Racial Division of our Nation at all.
    That is the part the Deli-bama must have missed when his campaign went VIRAL and Rabid!!!

    Sorry you are down, but please understand that WE ARE DEPRESSED too and not happy at all with what our government has done to We The People.

  168. SamHenry says:

    Above re health care

    Rose – avast – I’m going back to bed like a good dog. I am at heel.

  169. ohiobelle says:

    Now is the time to support our troops!!! Obama has cut their bonuses and incentives and now demands they go back and fight for our freedom… NOOOOOOOO!!!! We need them here to fight for our freedom!

  170. ohiobelle says:

    Lisa, you said VIRAL and Rabid!!! hahahaha That is funny as hell!

  171. Foxwood says:

    The Senator sitting next to her is the esteemed James Inhoff from Oklahoma. He’s a good man, but I wouldn’t shake hands with his brother Jack.

    Ok, I’ve said it three times on this blog before… It’s an Oklahoma joke.

  172. SamHenry says:

    Final note: McDonalds pulling out of UK because of taxes

    OK Rose, OK already. Oy Vey

  173. LisaInTX says:

    I have dreamed of Blue-dogs standing ground for what is right in this Nation and not go with the party flow of socialism, but have given up hope they would.
    Here is hoping you heard right and that a glimmer of that party has survived the scourge of anti-American policy that reeks from it’s very pores.

  174. SamHenry says:

    Speaking of Oy Vey – ok if I go to a local deli for a Reuben, Rose?

  175. ohiobelle says:

    haha.. Fox that’s great! lol

  176. Foxwood says:

    Get some Rest, SamH.

  177. VotingFemale says:

    SamH, McDonalds pulls out of UK; Socialism wins another battle against Capitalism


  178. SamHenry says:

    Lisa – I just heard it on FOX and wish I could remember the name of the lawmaker who made it but it is real. Rejoyce. I see this as a trend. I’ll bet you a pole dance dollar that fell on the floor when Sami, Fox and Karm were at play that it is a trend.

  179. SamHenry says:

    Get Some rest SamH -from FOX

    Thanks for your good care, FOX. I try but I am issue oriented and some things just get me out of bed. I literally fall asleep to the tv sometimes…

  180. m2 says:


    ‘Tis the season for Hill Briefings. Cato hosted one on Massachusetts on June 22. The speakers were Mike Tanner of Cato, Greg D’Angelo of Heritage, and me. Mr. Tanner presented a new paper he has written, “Massachusetts Miracle or Massachusetts Miserable.” As with everything he writes, it is comprehensive and well researched. Mr. D’Angelo hasn’t yet published his paper but he is working on some new research. And I further developed some ideas I have written about here.

    In particular, the recent numbers about waiting times to see a physician developed by Merrit Hawkins has gotten me thinking. They found that Boston has the longest wait times of any state in the country–twice as long as the next highest city, Philadelphia. And yet, Massachusetts also has the highest number of physicians per capita of any state and it had one of the lowest rates of uninsured of any state even before it enacted its health care bill. It started out with 9.4 percent uninsured and 4.53 physicians per 1,000 residents, but post-reform its average waiting time for five specialties is 49.6 days. Given that, what will happen in Los Angeles, which currently has 20.5 percent uninsured and only 2.6 physicians per 1,000 residents? The current wait is 24.2 days. With twice the uninsured and half the doctors of Massachusetts, will the waiting times be double or quadruple that of Boston? I don’t have an answer to the question, but it seems like someone should want to know the answer before rushing into things.

    SOURCE: Video available on Cato web site

    Massachusetts also illustrates the problem with relying on government to secure your coverage. Faced with lower revenues in a time of recession, the state finds it necessary to reduce spending. So it is cutting 12 percent, or $115 million, from Commonwealth Care, the subsidized program for lower-income working people. This will be in the form of reduced payments to the four health plans that participate, slower enrollment of new applicants, elimination of dental coverage, and dropping coverage of 28,000 legal immigrants. So, the state government is allowed to drop coverage when it needs to tighten its belt during hard economic times, but working people are not allowed to make that same choice. There is one set of rules for politicians but another set for the rest of us.

    SOURCE: Boston Globe

  181. LisaInTX says:

    Belle….LOL!! heeeee

    Wonder how that communist beef tastes in the UK?? It sucks here and I haven’t eaten at McDonalds since they import their beef instead of using our American REGULATED FDA approved beef suppliers!! The commie Pinko’s and all those that continue to outsource—-but who can blame them?
    Oh yeah, maybe folks that do NOT understand that our very own government have pushed these jobs and resources from our shores to what avail????

  182. SamHenry says:

    M2 – Does this Mass Mess mean that we will be able to distinguish our fellow countrymen in Mass by their toothless grins? How could this happen in a state run by…the Kennedys? All of New England ins really suffering.

  183. m2 says:

    SH, after the gov’t takes over all sectors of life, squashes freedom and people’s abilitiy to make their own lives, creating an economy by the people instead of a false-economy by the “government” (which is doomed to fail, as history shows), they start to ring out the money from where-ever they can get it- to keep their big bloated bureaucratic sham employed.

  184. LisaInTX says:

    Holy cow!!!!
    VF—Those were HILARIOUS!!!!!! hahahahhaa
    ROLFLMAO!!!!! hahahaha

    Now I have REALLY gotta run….and load those horses…hahahaaa
    See y’all later…heeeeee

  185. LisaInTX says:

    Oh and Thanks SamH for that blue-dog update1!! That is GREAT GREAT NEWS!!!

  186. ohiobelle says:

    hahahahahaha!!! I love it!! Sweatin with the Socialist!!!!

  187. ohiobelle says:

    Lisa, Have a great day my grave digger! lol

  188. VotingFemale says:

    Worcester Mass Tea Party

  189. SamHenry says:

    M2 et al – in your UK article by Hawking lies yet another key to the establishment of world gov.

    But a little-known body called the World Customs Organisation, which advises governments on import duties, recently issued a document recommending that they should be taxed, as it said they could be used by people without disabilities.

    Although many countries, including the US, rejected the advice out of hand, the EU decided to accept it, and has put the scooters in the same tax classification as Formula 1 cars.

    There are not antibiotics strong enough for me to make me well after reading this. Really must rest. FOX and ROSE are imploring me.

  190. Foxwood says:

    “Wonder how that communist beef tastes in the UK?? It sucks here and I haven’t eaten at McDonalds since they import their beef instead of using our American REGULATED FDA approved beef suppliers!! The commie Pinko’s and all those that continue to outsource—-but who can blame them?
    Oh yeah, maybe folks that do NOT understand that our very own government have pushed these jobs and resources from our shores to what avail????”

    Foxwood: I’d like to have a double cheese quarter pounder please.

    Drive through speaker: Would you like fries with that order?

    Foxwood: Why yes, and a shake.

    DTS: That will be $34.99. Please pay at the first window and your order will be delivered in a week to ten days. Our China shipments have been delayed by pirate attacks. Remember to microwave your order before eating to remove any contamination. Thank you and have a nice day.

  191. LisaInTX says:

    You should print and save that ‘order’ for later…..hahhaaaaa….we wouldn’t want them to cheat you outta paying your taxes to get that micro burger and leather like fries when it FINALLY does arrive at your door….hahaha :-]

    Computer off…really…I have too or else wait til tomorrow to take them…hmmmmm….that is an idea???…hahahaa

  192. LisaInTX says:

    See ya Belle—-my soon to be partner in the grave digger union!!! hahahaa

  193. VotingFemale says:

    A Blast from the past… just for rose… tee hee

  194. rosehips says:

    vf, did you remove the vid I just posted?

  195. Hey VF, love this post, it is so true and spot on girl! Love the youtube of him being booed too.

    His house of cards is crumbling and it’s so great!

  196. Hey VF, I just ran across the Jackie Mason vid the other day and it is great!

  197. VotingFemale says:

    Warrent thank you girl!

    Obama be fallin’ on his Communist Sword… inch by inch….

  198. VotingFemale says:

    Rose, That guy is beyond gay! hahahahaha

  199. rosehips says:

    vf, yes he is and I don’t think he is harming anyone. I believe he should have the right to protection from violent acts perpetrated by homophobic haters. and the poor old kitty deserves some teeth too. lol

  200. VotingFemale says:

    Rose, you mean is is legal to harm him?
    You mean people can legally do violent acts to him because he is Gay?

    gee… I thought doing violent acts to people was already a crime… go figger.

  201. rosehips says:

    love it kit-tay. Hahahaha

  202. ohiobelle says:

    Oh my god!! That Hillary and Obama video is funny as hell!!

  203. yes, honey he is falling on his sword, possibly he might commit Hari Kari on his own to keep from going back down.

    because he won’t do it gracefully!!!! I believe he might go Postal.

  204. rosehips says:

    fair enough vf. But I think anyone who targets this guy strictly because he is gay or perceived to be should face stiffer penalties than say if he was attacked because he had an affair with another guy’s girlfriend.

  205. ohiobelle says:

    Oh my god, my eyes are watering over the cat vid. VF, the cat in the ninja suit looks like you!!! hahahah! It looks like you’re ready to kick some Socialist butt!! lol

  206. Foxwood says:

    Rose, should someone be give a stiffer sentence if they beat the crap out of me because I’m white? You know it won’t happen.

    No need for a hate crime act.

  207. VotingFemale says:

    Anti-Socialist Ninja Kitty, that’s me


  208. rosehips says:

    gotta go. bbl

  209. Foxwood says:

    A Rose Dedication
    Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs

  210. VotingFemale says:

    Rose, you mean it is more of a crime of someone harms a gay person because they hate the gay community than say shoots and kills a soldier at a Army Recruiters Office because they hate the US Military?

    Will soldiers be protected from hate crimes?

  211. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Anti-Socialist Ninja Kitty, that’s me


    hahahaha!!!! LOVE IT!

    What’s up with Rose??

  212. VotingFemale says:

    If someone kills a white person because they hate the white race will that killer be prosecuted for a hate crime under the hate crimes bill?

  213. Foxwood says:

    Hope it wasn’t me, I had a good song for her. Makes me think of how things were long ago.

  214. ohiobelle says:

    These are great vids guys.

  215. VotingFemale says:

    Belle, Rose wants to pick the hate crimes bill to debate.

    I am Ok debating that subject.

    Bring it Rose, dear! 😉

  216. ohiobelle says:

    vf asked, If someone kills a white person because they hate the white race will that killer be prosecuted for a hate crime under the hate crimes bill?

    yes… wouldn’t they?

  217. VotingFemale says:

    Belle, Whites are not a listed “protected class” under the hate crimes bill…

  218. SamHenry says:


    True story – the Oscar-Mayer wienermobile crashed into a family home.

    What is the world coming to when a wiener attacks a home? But then Obama is out after just about everyone!

  219. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Belle, Whites are not a listed “protected class” under the hate crimes bill…

    What? Why didn’t I know this??? Are you sure? That’s f’d up!! Are we back to kill whitey??

  220. ohiobelle says:

    My job is getting in the way of my blogging!

  221. Foxwood says:

    Bad Sam! Bad! 🙂

  222. Foxwood says:

    The Hate Crimes Bill is discriminatory. Can we get a lawsuit?

  223. ohiobelle says:

    The Hate Crimes Bill is discriminatory. Can we get a lawsuit?

    I think we could if we had a death caused by hate crimes but not without cause. Does that make sense??

  224. SamHenry says:

    FOX – SamH back at heel. Bad Dog slinks off to bed.

  225. VotingFemale says:

    That is the problem when congress starts picking which group gets hate crime “protected class” status and which groups don’t.

  226. ohiobelle says:

    If one group gets something then all groups should have the same option.

  227. VotingFemale says:

    What about hate crimes against dwarfs? It is only a hate crime if said dwarf is gay? but not if they are hetero?

  228. SamHenry says:

    Dog on way to bed catches sight of VF saying:

    Belle, Whites are not a listed “protected class” under the hate crimes bill…

    Dog wags tail – no license required to retrieve and publish and rail against Prez Obama.

  229. VotingFemale says:

    Prez Obama is in it for Prez Obama… the country can go screw for all he cares. just empty thy pockets and kneel down on your Obama prayer mats…

    meow to SamH!

  230. SamHenry says:

    Just got a call from an angry black dwarf – have invited him into the conference room.

  231. ohiobelle says:

    vf, wrote: It is only a hate crime if said dwarf is gay? but not if they are hetero?

    What??? Is it a hate crime if the white guy was gay?

  232. SamHenry says:

    Will let you know if he is gay.

  233. ohiobelle says:

    SH wrote: Just got a call from an angry black dwarf – have invited him into the conference room.

    lol.. that’s funny.

  234. SamHenry says:

    soft woof of recognition to the CAT

  235. VotingFemale says:

    Is he gender confused?

    SamHenry says

    Just got a call from an angry black dwarf – have invited him into the conference room.

  236. VotingFemale says:

    if said white guy is a straight Christian it is not a hate crime… if said white guy is Islamic, it is a hate crime.

    ohiobelle says

    vf, wrote: It is only a hate crime if said dwarf is gay? but not if they are hetero?

    What??? Is it a hate crime if the white guy was gay?

  237. SamHenry says:

    SamH barking the bark that friends recognize when he is in trouble:

    Help – under attack by black gay dwarf – has locked the conference room door.

    Avast your dirty little dwarf – you deserve to choke on my tail. I’m outta here.

    VF – the lesson I’ve learned: If you see an angry black gayish dwarf get on the elevator with you – get off.

  238. VotingFemale says:

    If said guy is a black US President and you verbally, or in writing, oppose his politics and/or behavior, it can be worked into being a hate crime if he fails to get re-elected.

  239. SamHenry says:

    Dog has called friend with hang glider. Dog retrieved and flies over drowning dwarf on way to shore.

  240. ohiobelle says:

    I am going to read up on that hate crime bill.

    I’ve got to get going. We are supposed to go to our friends 40th birthday party later today. He’s hired 4 bands, invited 400 people and closed off the entire block for this party. It sucks because it is pouring down rain today and it’s around 65 degrees. I am not looking forward to standing in the rain…

    I’ll check back a little bit later.

  241. VotingFemale says:

    I just booted attacker on SamH off the web site… he is now banned for hating dogs…

  242. Foxwood says:

    “What about hate crimes against dwarfs?”

    So much for Championship Wrasslin…

  243. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: I just booted attacker on SamH off the web site… he is now banned for hating dogs…


  244. VotingFemale says:

    Belle… a rained on gala BD Bash must be so disappointing for him… poor guy.

    The weatherman must be guilty of a hate crime.

  245. SamHenry says:

    Thank you for your executive ability to ban the dwarf. I was wondering how you would handle this withing the confines of the law. But did you let him drown? Oh, I remember the law recognizes that many cats are afraid of water.

  246. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: If said guy is a black US President and you verbally, or in writing, oppose his politics and/or behavior, it can be worked into being a hate crime if he fails to get re-elected.

    What if he fails to get re-elected because he is a Socialist pig and has no leadership ability what so ever?? Is it still a hate crime? lol

  247. VotingFemale says:

    This cat loves water… and so does her doggy friend, Mutley

  248. VotingFemale says:

    yes… it is a hate crime… and racist

    ohiobelle says

    What if he fails to get re-elected because he is a Socialist pig and has no leadership ability what so ever?? Is it still a hate crime? lol

  249. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: Belle… a rained on gala BD Bash must be so disappointing for him… poor guy.

    We called and he is having a blast. I guess they put up a bunch of tents and everybody is making the most of it. I think they started partying a bit too early if you ask me. We are going to wait a couple more hours before we head over. They’ve been partying for a couple of hours now. I couldn’t nor wouldn’t want to do that.

  250. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: it is a hate crime… and racist

    racist??? nooooooo…..

  251. VotingFemale says:

    If they are “serving” …in a few more hours it could turn… mmmm… amusing 😉

  252. SamHenry says:

    WOW – holy raining cats and dogs, you found that vid in a New York minute! That is too funny for words. Kind of creepy under water shots but all is well that ends well. And the dog shall lie down with the cat but remember that his days will be long if he remembers who is boss lol!

  253. VotingFemale says:

    There will be severe “hate speech” limits placed on any who oppose said US Black President in 2012… sentences double if they win election.

  254. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: If they are “serving” …in a few more hours it could turn… mmmm… amusing

    It’s already getting there.. lol Nobody is allowed to leave if they’ve been drinking. Either have dd or cab waiting.

  255. VotingFemale says:

    A cat is always the pack leader amongst dogs, so says the Dog Whisperer

  256. SamHenry says:

    We can’t imbed photos or I would post on of my “the moose is loose” backyard party a couple of summers ago. We got rained out and didn’t give up. I gathered tons of umbrellas from around and about and we sat down and ate anyway. Best moose is loose party ever.

  257. SamHenry says:

    Dog plans scientific experiment to genetically alter cat fleas to be meat eating.

  258. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: A cat is always the pack leader amongst dogs, so says the Dog Whisperer

    I’ve never heard Ceasar say that??? Sure about that?? lol

  259. VotingFemale says:

    If a white cat wins a fight with a black cat, it is a hate crime.

    If a black cat wins a fight with a white cat, it is justice.

  260. ohiobelle says:

    SH wrote: We can’t imbed photos or I would post on of my “the moose is loose” backyard party a couple of summers ago. We got rained out and didn’t give up. I gathered tons of umbrellas from around and about and we sat down and ate anyway. Best moose is loose party ever.

    Sometimes a little rain can only make things better. lol

  261. ohiobelle says:

    vf wrote: If a white cat wins a fight with a black cat, it is a hate crime.

    If a black cat wins a fight with a white cat, it is justice.

    Oh my god, I swear I just busted out laughing when I read this!! lol

  262. SamHenry says:

    Dog wild with disappointment. Has just called the National Endowment for the the Farts and has been told grant monies have been diverted to the bailout fund to cover Nancy Pelosi’s salon bill. Her fur is apparently more precious.

  263. VotingFemale says:

    If a conservative kitty kicks the crap out of a socialist kitty, it is a hate crime…

  264. ohiobelle says:

    Hey wait a minute, Barney Fudd is gay and jewish, so I guess anything said or done to Fudd would be considered a hate crime????

  265. Foxwood says:

    “We called and he is having a blast. I guess they put up a bunch of tents and everybody is making the most of it.”

    Or alot of booze in the punch.

  266. ohiobelle says:

    vf, hahahahaha!!!!!! Eyes are watering now. lol

    vf wrote: If a conservative kitty kicks the crap out of a socialist kitty, it is a hate crime…

    Now that is justice.

  267. Foxwood says:

    I guess I would get charged with a hate crime if I sprayed Mr. Meowgi with the squirt gun when he’s bad.

    He’s a black cat.

  268. ohiobelle says:

    Foxwood, ALOT OF BOOZE!!!!! lol

  269. Foxwood says:

    Belle, It would be half the charges, because Obummer is half white.

  270. ohiobelle says:

    Now what if a gay man beats up Barney Fudd… Is that a hate crime or lovers quarrel?

  271. ohiobelle says:

    I guess I would get charged with a hate crime if I sprayed Mr. Meowgi with the squirt gun when he’s bad.

    He’s a black cat.

    Seriously, you named your cat Mr. Meowgi???? Please be honest..

  272. SamHenry says:

    Angry black drowned gay dwarf buried immediately. Discovery made he was Jewish.

  273. ohiobelle says:

    Ahh somebody at door. I’ll be back in a minute.

  274. VotingFemale says:

    Yes, Belle… cats are the pack leaders of dogs… so says Cesar Millian.

  275. SamHenry says:

    VF – restez bien. SamH has found an attorney that is highly specialized. His practice focuses on defense of cats who have murdered angry black gay Jewish dwarfs killed by drowning. You are safe great CAT.

  276. SamHenry says:

    End of Cat Chronicle re angry black gay Jewish dwarfs.

  277. Foxwood says:

    I’ve been trying to teach Mr. Meowgi to fight, but he don’t. Th e birds still peck him in the butt.

    It was a choice of Mr. Meowgi or Mousy Tongue (Mao Si Tung).

  278. SamHenry says:

    It was a choice of Mr. Meowgi or Mousy Tongue (Mao Si Tung).

    Very fine FOX, very fine. I’m glad you went with a name known to the family of Barack Obama.

  279. SamHenry says:

    Cat dragged from ship by angry god of sleep, Morpheus.

  280. Foxwood says:

    Slow at responds gals n guys. doing house work also.

  281. SamHenry says:

    Pardon me – wrong animal. Morpheus embarrassed by lack of species specialty. DOG now dragged off.

  282. Foxwood says:

    SamH I didn’t know if I could call him Chairman Meow.

  283. ohiobelle says:

    Don’t forget to set your tv recordings tonight…. lol The Communist News Network will be airing Obama’s African-Journey… hahhaha I wouldn’t want anybody to miss that!

  284. VotingFemale says:

    Belle, that is unless it is preempted by Michael Jackson coming back to life…

    ohiobelle says

    Don’t forget to set your tv recordings tonight…. lol The Communist News Network will be airing Obama’s African-Journey… hahhaha I wouldn’t want anybody to miss that!

  285. ohiobelle says:

    Nice video vf! lol

    Foxwood, I think Mr. Meowgi is awesome! lol

  286. VotingFemale says:

    SamH, did that dwarf say he was a socialist?

  287. ohiobelle says:

    I think soon the Communist News Network will be airing White In America!!

  288. VotingFemale says:

    When Obama completes his last day in office… kitties will sing for joy!

  289. ohiobelle says:

    That video is awesome!!

  290. VotingFemale says:

    some of these vids are soo cute!

  291. SamHenry says:

    Sorry VF – had to chow down or down the chow whichever way you read!

    I have been researching his political background. It’s tough because i had to determine the origin of this little freaker.

    Turns out he is the only dwarf son of Mr. and Mrs. Social Being – very wealthy and influential black family all of whom used the same milliner as HRH the Queen of England. His brothers were all gay; his sisters all ugly – no need to take a stand on birth control in this family which benefited their assimilation into the white culture.
    Edgar Schlep Being grew up and was schooled in Race Seen Wisconsin and was a student of history at the left-leaning University of Wisconsin. His major was Socialism and his thesis was “Socialism for Dwarfs; how to sink or swim in American society.” He was awaiting his final grade when he drowned. Apparently he failed to defend his thesis.

    Is this the answer for which you were stalking, VF?

  292. SamHenry says:

    Apologies for the type, VF

  293. ohiobelle says:

    Okay, I’ve really got to get ready. It’s been alot of fun. I’ll try to check back before I leave for the party.

  294. SamHenry says:

    VF – Michael Jackson coming back to life? That’s scary and also tiring to consider. I will have to put in a call to my friend who is night guard dog at the central server and satelite for US News and have him jam the signal.

  295. SamHenry says:

    Apologies for the typo of type for FF, VF

  296. SamHenry says:

    VF – do you know how hard it is for a dog to dig up information on a dead dwarf never mind having to follow the threads of Jewish and Gay?

    You know, we should really redact this whole dwarf thing because we could really get caught up in some kind of lawsuit.

  297. VotingFemale says:

    SamH, it was a hypothetical situation… no one living or dead was defamed… no hate crime committed.

  298. rosehips says:

    sorry to leave so abruptly. I got swept off to lunch.

    This is from S 909. It does not specify a race and therefore white hatred should not be tolerated:

    ‘(1) OFFENSES INVOLVING ACTUAL OR PERCEIVED RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN- Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person–

  299. VotingFemale says:

    and… I must go as well… food shopping is in order!

    see you all laters!

  300. rosehips says:

    vf, I come back and you leave? You hate me. and that is a crime…

  301. SamHenry says:

    It’ hypothetical you silly crab.

  302. rosehips says:

    vf, don’t throw any tomatoes on your way home. I wouldn’t want you getting arrested. lol

  303. VF said: If a conservative kitty kicks the crap out of a socialist kitty, it is a hate crime…
    BUT IF A Socialist Kitty kicks the crap out of a Conservative Kitty, THEN, CNN, MSNBC, ETC. ETC. ETC. will Air iT OVER AND OVER AND OVER, And be INDIGNANT if ANYONE breaths a freakin WORD about FAIRNESS.


    don’t know but maybe i’ll bbl.

  304. SamHenry says:

    I’ve been on and off the blog today Rose. Time for another nap. I need to get up and do something around this house soon. Will talk later.

  305. Foxwood says:

    Maybe you’ll BBL. What up? I’m playing some good music from 1969.

  306. ohiobelle says:

    Okay we are heading out. I’ll check back later tonight. I am dd so I won’t have any problems. lol

  307. SamHenry says:

    Foxie – quick hit here – on my way to din din

    I saw an Obama Poll my cousin had taken on Facebook and wanted to take it. Here’s what I got and here’s why I do not get involved in any extra things on Facebook.

    Allow Access?
    Allowing Polls access will let it pull your profile information, photos, your friends’ info, and other content that it requires to work.
    or cancel
    By proceeding, you are allowing Polls to access your information and you are agreeing to the Facebook Terms of Use in your use of Polls.

  308. arlenearmy says:

    On the matter of tea-parties, has anyone heard where Susan Roesgens will be working at.

    Dont think Obama will hire here, cause she is damaged goods.

  309. SamHenry says:

    No I haven’t Arlene but I’m reading something on DRUDGE about Obama Health Care:

    The White House is asking Congress to give the executive branch more power to limit Medicare’s rising costs.

    A White House letter to top lawmakers on Friday said the move would be “a critical step forward” in controlling health care costs and providing better care.

    The proposal would allow an independent advisory board to recommend changes in Medicare reimbursement rates for doctors, hospitals and other providers. If the president approved the recommendations, Congress could still vote to reject them altogether. But Congress could not approve some recommendations and reject others.

    Currently, Medicare reimbursement rates vary from region to region. Key lawmakers often get involved in setting local rates, a practice the Obama administration plan would end.

  310. SamHenry says:

    And now, the Obama Administration is apologizing for US role in global warming. DRUDGE

    Hillary Clinton apologizes for global warming: ‘We have contributed most significantly to climate change’…

    Question: What have we done right? Do we have any further apologies lined up?

  311. SamHenry says:

    Here’s your answer Arlene:

    Chris / TVNewser:
    Susan Roesgen Out at CNN — Breaking: TVNewser has learned CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen’s contract will not be renewed and she will be leaving the network. — Roesgen, you’ll recall, was criticized for her coverage at the tax day tea parties in April, when she said the event she was covering …
    Link Search: Technorati, Google, IceRocket, and Ask
    Discussion: Michelle Malkin, AmSpecBlog, No Sheeples Here!, Hot Air, Gateway Pundit,, Chicago Boyz, Pajamas Media, Founding Bloggers, Moe Lane, Zandar Versus The Stupid, American Power and The Other McCain

  312. SamHenry says:

    The Huffington Post:
    Gang Of Six Centrist Senators Demands Delay On Health Care Reform — A bipartisan group of centrist and conservative senators sent a letter to the Democratic and Republican leaders on Friday urging delay in consideration of health care reform. — The letter, obtained by the Huffington Post …
    Link Search: Technorati, Google, IceRocket, and Ask
    Discussion: Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, Sunlight Foundation, Hullabaloo, Ezra Klein, Daily Kos, Zandar Versus The Stupid, The Strata-Sphere and TPMDC

  313. arlenearmy says:

    What’s so confusing to me is that folks & the news are saying that medicare is welfare. And they are putting medicare in same category as Medicaid. The 2 are different. Medicaid is welfare, But Medicare is not a freeby cause employee pays for it (deducted from income). After retirement, medicare is deducted out of social security check (even if not using it).

    If this health care plan goes thru, it will eliminate medicare. But, what happens to all that medicare payments that were deducted from our pay checks? What about the folks who retire next month ?

    This is a rip off !!! This is a ponzi scheme. This makes Madoff look like a petty thief.

  314. SamHenry says:

    Arlene I was unaware that this new program will kill medicare. I am on medicare. Will this new program give less coverage?

    My medicare premium is removed from my social security payment before I get it.

  315. SamHenry says:


    I did find this discussion about the medicare thing:

  316. SamHenry says:

    Here’s part of what dick morris had to say:

    It’s time for the elderly to wake up before it is too late!

    In our new book, Catastrophe, we explain – in detail and in depth – the consequences the elderly of Canada are feeling from just this kind of program. Limited colonoscopies have led to a 25% higher rate of colon cancer and a ban on the use of the two best chemotherapies are part of the reason why 42% of Canadians with colon cancer die while 31% of Americans, who have access to these two medications, survive the disease.

    Overall, the death rate from cancer in Canada is 16% higher than in the United States and the heart disease mortality rate is 6% above ours’.

    Under Obama’s program, there will be a government health insurance company that gets huge subsidies of tax money. It will compete with private insurance plans. But the subsidies will let it undercut the private plans and drive them out of business, leaving only the government plan – a single payer – in effect.

    Today, 800,000 doctors struggle to treat adequately the 250 million Americans who have insurance. Obama will add 50 million more to their caseload with no expansion in the number of doctors or nurses. Indeed, his plan will likely reduce their number by lowering reimbursement rates and imposing bureaucrats above them who will force medical decisions down their throats. Fewer doctors will have to treat more patients. The inevitable result will be rationing.

    And it is the elderly who rationing will most effect. Who should get a knee replacement a 40 year old or a 70 year old? Who should get a new hip, a young person or an old person? Who should have priority in the operating room a seventy year old diabetic who needs bypass surgery or a younger person? Obviously, it is the elderly who will get short shrift under his proposal.

    But the interest groups that usually speak up for the elderly, particularly AARP, are in Obama’s pocket, hoping to profit from his program by becoming one of its vendors. Just as they backed Bush’s prescription drug plan because they anticipating profiting from it, so they are now helping Obama gut the medical care of their constituents.

    It is high time that the elderly of America realized what the stakes are in this vital fight to preserve Medicare as we know it and keep medical care open, accessible, and free to those over 65. It is truly a battle for their very lives.

  317. SamHenry says:

    Over and out for the night Arlene.

    dog overboard

  318. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good evening everyone!

  319. SamHenry says:

    PS Arlene

    Medicare and Medicaid are both different. Perhaps he was just talking about Medicaid.

  320. LisaInTX says:

    Check out this debacle!!! Poor little Marxist is just being found out more and more EVERYDAY!!!! LMAO….hahahhaa

    “For Ghana, Obama’s visit will be a celebration of another milestone in African history as it hosts the first-ever African-American president on this presidential visit to the continent of his birth,” the report said.

  321. LisaInTX says:

    Night all…it’s been a long and hot afternoon. I’ll be gone most of tomorrow so I hope everyone has a GREAT Sunday.
    “Happy Trails to you, until we meet again”
    YEEEEeeeeeee HAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaW!!!
    Ride’em cowgirl….. :-]

  322. tellitlikeitis says:

  323. tellitlikeitis says:

  324. arlenearmy says:

    Oh yeah, the premiums are already deducted from the social security check. Currently under medicare, we have some choice on the treatment (such as choice of doctors), though we gotta pay the deductible & the parts that medicare don’t pay.

    But under the new Obama plan (if it passes) there would no longer be a medicare. Currently to be qualified for Medicare you must had PAID into social security. What Obama is complaining about is that EVERYBODY don’t have insurance & he wants them insured. Not everybody has medicare.

    But the fact of the matter is that the trillion dollar plan will not insure 1/4 of those folks. So what happens to 3/4 of the folks. Small busineses will close down because they wont be able to meet the government standards. We will be like Cuba.

    He claims that if you got private insurance you can keep it. But that’s not true because private insurance (blue cross) will be out of business cause they can’t compete w/government. In other words everybody will on the same government care.

  325. arlenearmy says:

    think of this in terms of VA health care. Several yrs. ago the government put vets into categories. Not all veterans get the same medicine, even though the medical condition is the same. The VA DOES for a FACT, ration medical care. No matter how folks try to spin this fact.

    Now imagine if very American was on VA health care. The government can only spread the money so thin. Its spread the wealth. Somebody is gonna get the short end of the stick. If you are elderly and got health problems you will be put to back of bus (sent home to die). At best … MAYBE given something to calm the pain (not to cure), they MIGHT pay for hospice…. and that’s a BIG maybe. Handwriting on the wall that assisted suicide is cheaper.

    But if you are “employable” age (that can be put to use), you may have a shot at getting health care, because somebody has got to work.

    I’ll give this about a year.

  326. ohiobelle says:

    hello all!

    vf, I just came from the party… I had such a great time. I invited a couple people to join us at this blog. I told them to tell you that I had invited them; friends of ohiobelle.

    Our future bff’s are small business owners effected by Obama Care! They are really great people. One actually voted for Obama (you’re welcome Rosehips) but didn’t vote for this kind of change! Please welcome them with open arms!!! They are really nice people.

  327. ohiobelle says:

    I told them to sign up with some kind of Ohio State avatar or name.

  328. ohiobelle says:

    One of my friends is the owner of the most famous pizza in Ohio. You guys will love their story!

  329. ohiobelle says:

    It is 11:25 and time for me to go to bed. I will catch up with you guys in the morning!!

  330. karmahd says:

    VF loved the talking animals, both the republicans and the democrat talking animals. Funny stuff, my little Weiner dog has to say UH HUH before I throw his ball, I will try to get that on tape.

    What the hey is up with the gay black dwarf stuff, they are an ultra protected hate crime leader on the board, a white man cannot even look at one with out getting house probation I hear with the new law. You know in times like these we need more laws don’t we, have to keep the people in line, don’t want anyone speaking out do we???

    This group of Machiavellis is very slick, this is no conspiracy this is reality, they are stealing our country every day right in front of us, and what can we do? The youth and liberals have opened Pandora’s box when they voted in this slick left of left liberal leftist to the core, better yet with no experience. His ego cannot carry him thorough with this, he is going to have to show he is not what he appears to be. Gonna happen, NOPE. So I guess we vent on here! Night all, lazy day today, night all Karma

  331. arlenearmy says:

    The rules have changed. But the public at large don’t realize these changes when they occur. Some yrs. ago when you became eligible for social security you automatically got medicare.

    But now this is NOT the case.

    THE PROBLEM: If a person gets started up on social security TODAY, they got to wait 2 yrs. to get medicare. And such person is forced to live from penny to penny. They can’t even get the COBRA because it cost $600 a month. Obama LIED about the Cobra, when said that folks will be given money to keep their private insurance thru COBRA. But in reality, folks “could” get portion of $600 as a reimbursement at end of yr. when they file there taxes. Meanwhile, folks miss the deadline to keep COBRA & lose the private insurance. The max on social security is about $1,800 a month. Therefore, such a person would be disqualified for welfare insurance (aka: Medicade) because $1,800 exceeds the government guidelines of poverty income.

  332. ohiobelle says:

    Arlene & Karma, you guys will love my friends. I can’t wait for them to join up.

    I am off for the night. I’ll catch up in the morning.

  333. ohiobelle says:

    If they join up sooner than I thought, they are me with a different avatar… lol

  334. ohiobelle says:

    vf, good night!

    Anyone who says they are with me… you’ll see, are friends of us. They are us and Rosehips lol…

  335. arlenearmy says:

    About the Boxer & Alford show down, well, Alford took her to the woodshed. Boxer is starting to piss me off.

    I am proud to announce that our beloved senator Inhofe from the great state of Oklahoma had invited Alford to that hearing.

  336. arlenearmy says:

    I am curious as to what Obama will say about the soldier that had been captured by the taliban. I heard that taliban had released a video of the soldier. They shaved his head & got him wearing prisoner clothing. I hope they don’t hurt him. He is being held hostage.

  337. arlenearmy says:

    I am afraid that they are gonna kill our soldier

  338. VotingFemale says:

    Morning All!

    Belle, I did not receive any notifications of new commenters.

  339. VotingFemale says:

    Arlene, the Taliban will try to milk that situation with the captured soldier as long as possible… then likely kill him.

    So much for Obama blaming 911 on the Conservatives as a way of making friends with terrorists.

  340. VotingFemale says:

    Everyone is sleeping in I see…

    Good time to write the new blogpost.

    I will be around writing it.

  341. rosehips says:

    vf, I have not slept in. I am up with the birds but have limited time today to play. I hope you get that new blog posted soon so I can give you hell for it. heehee

    belle, you are so sweet to mention me and include me as if I was one of the gang. Sometimes I feel like an outcast around here. I don’t know why I don’t just go back to iTry and find people who have not given up on believing that our lawmakers are trying to do the best thing to help all the people who are struggling right now.

    I hope your friends join us and I will try to be nice to them. You know that I like to give new people hell sometime just to break them in. Remember the good ol’ days when we used to go head to head? You were so exasperated that you threatened to ignore me, but in the end we got to be friends.

  342. rosehips says:

    I really don’t understand why people feel so threatened by a bill that will deter hateful, bigoted people from violence against gay people. Stop listening to the homophobes in the media and read the bill.
    Noone is going to stop a minister from quoting the Bible and opining that homosexuality is immoral. But if a minister advocates violence or hate against gays, then let him/her be taken to task for such shameful incitefulness.
    This bill will protect fat, ugly, old white men who are targeted because they are fat, ugly, old white men. I don’t see any provisions that state otherwise. Feel free to point out where in the bill they are not protected.
    Doesn’t the Declaration of Independence espouse the right to life, liberty and happiness? What a shame that some people think that this should be limited to heterosexuals.

  343. rosehips says:

    and belle, I do hope your friends bring some new ideas to our discussions. I am so tired with everyone bashing everything the democrats propose yet only offer the same old tiresome suggestions for solving our economic woes. Noone has ever explained to me how cutting taxes and allowing for a free market economy will somehow be the golden answer when that is what Bush did and still the economy failed.

    Does anybody have a fresh idea?

  344. rosehips says:

    I got this from the GAO website:

    “In light of the nation’s fiscal imbalance, the Department of Defense (DOD) will face competing demands for resources as it continues to support ongoing operations and prepare for future threats. With an annual appropriation of about $512 billion in fiscal year 2009, and supplemental funding of about $807 billion over the past several years to support the global war on terror, the department has a larger budget than any other federal agency. To maximize its use of resources and minimize wasteful spending, the department needs to become more disciplined in its approach to developing plans and budgets. It also needs to take greater steps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its programs and operations, particularly with respect to weapon systems acquisition and contract management.”

  345. rosehips says:

    “While the combat effectiveness of U.S. forces is unparalleled, DOD has not been as effective in managing its ongoing business operations, resulting in substantial waste and inefficiency that have adversely affected mission performance and increased the vulnerability of programs to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement. The department’s senior leadership has shown a commitment to transforming business operations, but challenges remain in sustaining and building on this momentum, particularly during a period of transition to a new administration.
    Highlights of GAO-07-1072 (PDF), Highlights of GAO-08-436T (PDF)”

  346. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Rosehips!

    how are you?

  347. VotingFemale says:

    I just need to add tags, categories, excerpt, and related blog posts and I am done…

    I guess I could publish it then add that stuff.

  348. samiam60 says:

    Good morning VF and Rosehips. 🙂

  349. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Samiam! Nice to see you!

    dont know if Rose wandered off or not…

    I need to do the finish work and get this new blogpost out… brb dear!

  350. rosehips says:

    vf, I am here. good morning to you and sami.

    I am very good this morning, although I am on a tear, of sorts. I have just been delving into the US budget and making discoveries. I have been bothered ever since karma quoted defense spending from GAO figures. I am seeing how misleading his figures actually are. I think we should all be aware of how much of our tax money and debt is actually going toward paying for war. It’s mind-boggling.

  351. rosehips says:

    I checked out the US fiscal budget for 2009. Discretionary Spending amounts to $1.2 trillion. Of that, over $700 billion goes toward war, (DOD, Global War on Terror and Veteran’s Affairs)
    Then I read that this doesn’t include the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan! Since those are appropriations, they are not included in the budget! So we can add another $130 billion to that figure.

    Of course if we want those 23 F-22’s we need to tack on another 1.7 billion.

    Here are the war appropriations since the Iraqi war started:

    FY2003 Supplemental: Operation Iraqi Freedom: Passed April 2003; Total $78.5 billion, $54.4 billion Iraq War
    FY2004 Supplemental: Iraq and Afghanistan Ongoing Operations/Reconstruction: Passed November 2003; Total $87.5 billion, $70.6 billion Iraq War
    FY2004 DoD Budget Amendment: $25 Emergency Reserve Fund (Iraq Freedom Fund): Passed July 2004, Total $25 billion, $21.5 billion (estimated) Iraq War
    FY2005 Emergency Supplemental: Operations in the War on Terror; Activities in Afghanistan; Tsunami Relief: Passed April 2005, Total $82 billion, $58 billion (estimated) Iraq War
    FY2006 Department of Defense appropriations: Total $50 billion, $40 billion (estimated) Iraq War.
    FY2006 Emergency Supplemental: Operations Global War on Terror; Activities in Iraq & Afghanistan: Passed February 2006, Total $72.4 billion, $60 billion (estimated) Iraq War
    FY2007 Department of Defense appropriations: $70 billion(estimated) for Iraq War-related costs[6][7]
    FY2007 Emergency Supplemental (proposed) $100 billion
    FY2008 Bush administration has proposed around $190 billion for the Iraq War and Afghanistan[8]
    FY2009 Obama administration has proposed around $130 billion in additional funding for the Iraq War and Afghanistan.[9]

  352. Pingback: Obama Going Down in Flames and taking US with him; you wanted change… you got it « VotingFemale Speaks!

  353. SamHenry says:

    Dog dropped off by helicopter -lowered in a basket.

    Hello all. My brother arranged this for me – he was a helicopter pilot in Nam. Huey is my favorite – sweet looking and still going strong but enough about Warrant…

  354. VotingFemale says:

    Morning SamHenry!

    The new blogpost is hot off the wordpress…

    let’s move commenting over to it…

    Obama Going Down in Flames and taking US with him; you wanted change… you got it

  355. SamHenry says:

    I’m bad at math. The budget is not something I can take on. In my checking account online, I got the decimal point in the wrong place and transferred a million dollars from my checking account into my home improvement loan. Paid off the loan but had a helluva interest rate monthly payment amount on the deficit borrowing.

  356. rosehips says:

    lol sh! good morning to you.

  357. Foxwood says:

    Worked all night and will be doing microwave alignment today for a site that’s down. When I get it up, I’ll be sleeping a while.

  358. SamHenry says:

    Morning RH. I realize you have me on a short leash so participation will be brief.

    Good post VF – another sector of the economy that makes me stay up nights as I see all my retirement money put into fixing up Casa Clutter go down the drain with the dead fish. You have reported that:

    The servicers were told to designate a liaison with the administration who will meet with Treasury and HUD on July 28. The servicers have to tell the administration by July 23 what specific steps they’re taking to improve performance.

    It is chilling to me that they can make demands of servicers that are not under direct control of the government or are they?

    I am just recovering from Beck’s outline of what happened to make it possible for Goldman Sachs to make a profit so easily – how many Goldman Sachs ex-employees are in the Government agency overseeing this sector of the society.

  359. SamHenry says:

    Hi Fox – Dish company and I did a little alignment the other night right here at the house. I guess all it takes is a little bird poop drop lol.

  360. SamHenry says:

    My CAT scan indicated that my brain is also in alignment! This is true. They check to see that it is still in alignment.

  361. SamHenry says:

    VF did grocery shopping yesterday. Weather holds today = golf! I think it is a good thing for a cat to get out and chase a sphere.

  362. SamHenry says:

    I don’t know why I still believe in Santa with all of this disillusionment going on thanks to that man who did what we 1950s kids used to call a “snow job.” I hope the government will not call the workshop and tell Santa and Co. how to run their enterprise. They are a volunteer organization. Next thing you know the government will require his current weight and measurements to be able to license him to go down chimneys. He will have to pass a reindeer driving test and the FDA will monitor the treatment of the reindeer and perhaps elves.

  363. SamHenry says:

    The workshop itself will be monitored for compliance to rules governing space, cleanliness and doughnuts.

    Putting these efficiencies into place will cost Santa dearly. He will be forced to steal presents already under the tree.

    Dog summons chopper and is flown to helipad on home. More rest indicated.

  364. rosehips says:

    sh, did you miss vf’s link to her new blogpost? Come on over and join us! I will not be on for much longer, so I hope you will come….

  365. Pingback: Alaska’s Sarah Palin Huge Hit in Small New York Town: Crowd of 20,000 Excited to See Palin « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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