ACORN attacking Glenn Beck with Website? Daily Kos sending Troll Joe Lyles to Disrupt the 912 Rally in DC?

acorn obama fraud

ACORN, and obviously their Friends in Political Power, have raised Glenn Beck to their Number One Target status.

While perusing Free Republic this morning, I came across a very interesting entry.

It appears that ACORN is the entity operating a GLENN BECK SLANDER WEBSITE:

Glenn Beck smear campaign linked to ACORN?

Posted on Saturday, September 12, 2009 12:50:22 AM by PhilipK9

Howdy, fellow freepers!

I’ve looked at the HTML code at that horrible “smear Glenn Beck” web site and found something interesting.

It appears that this is not a bunch of jovial Internet pranksters suddenly becoming socialists and deciding to do a character assassination of Glenn Beck.

This is what got my attention:

From the “Glenn Beck slander web site

<!–meta name=”keywords” content=”social justice organization,low income family,anti-war,paid sick days, predatory lending,katrina relief,osi-new york,minimum wage,afl-cio,living wage,new orleans, urban education,urban schools, heath care,political,civic engagement,hurricane katrina, political prisoners, gulf coast,rebuilding,rebuild america” /–>

Now compare this with’s meta-tags:

<meta name=”keywords” content=”acorn,social justice organization,acrn,acorns,acron,low income family,moderate income family,paid sick days,predatory lending,katrina relief,acorn voter registration,maude hurd,minimum wage,living wage,new orleans,urban education,urban schools,wade rathe,heath care,foreclosure,affordable housing,voter registration,registering voters,voter fraud,voter suppression,political,civic engagement,voter engagement,hurricane katrina,gulf coast,rebuilding,rebuild new orleans,rebuild america” />

In both of them health care is misspelled as “heath care” and a lot of the tags are similar…


From donkey excrement, a mighty ACORN slander campaign grows!

Note: For those unfamiliar with HTML code, meta words/tags are special internal web site labels sent to search engines like google to promote traffic from internet search engines.

Feeding Socialism to the Sheep, Daily

Feeding Socialism to the Sheep, Daily

hat tip goes to ArleneArmy

WELL… Well… well…

There is this Daily Kos Troll and former ACORN employee, Joe Lyles, who is going to Slime Patriots with “Creative Video Editing” during the 912 Project Event in Washington, DC, today.

The following alert comes from our friends and neighbors at


9/12 TROLL ALERT: Do Not Talk to this Filmmaker in DC

Kos diarist, former ACORN staffer Joe Lyles trying to “Expose Teabaggers”–Just Say No

Joe Lyles, a DailyKos diarist, former ACORN staffer and filmmaker who goes by the handle “Conceptual Guerilla” is in D.C. already with miles of tape, planning to embarrass 9/12 Project participants. Lyles also works with Organizing for America the Obama Campaign-cum-activist group. He is slippery in a Thom Hartman sort of way (changes subject abruptly when you refute a point to try and take you off guard, etc), and has also used very selective editing, in an attempt to embarrass Conservatives. My advice: say “thank, but no thanks”. Or better yet…tell him your girlfriend is a prostitute and you’d like a home loan!


Additional Reading

HotAir: Unbelievable: Maryland may prosecute O’Keefe for shooting ACORN video and Democratic memo: 9/12 Project might draw two million people to D.C. tomorrow and Breaking: Census Bureau cuts ties to ACORN; Update: “We do not come to this decision lightly” and Will Baltimore prosecute other journalists, too?

Michelle Malkin: ACORN Watch: The Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office warped priorities and ACORN Watch: Census Bureau cuts ties; Update: Census letter added

Big Krauthammer: ACORN Has Tainted Obama and U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Groves’ Letter Announcing Decision to Sever ACORN Ties

Big Hollywood: Open Thread Saturday

Moe Lane: Three observations before I go out the door and Census Bureau Fires ACORN

RadioVoiceOnline: Attention Prostitutes, has ACORN Got A Deal For You, Part 2 and Unions (SEIU) have a lot to gain with the passing of a Health Care bill

Frugal Café: Mark Levin Supports Rep. Joe Wilson: “So What if He Called Obama a Liar? HE IS… Pelosi Called Conservatives Nazis, Reid Called Conservatives Evil” (video)

Oh, and lets give a socialist freekoid a trackback as well!

Tom the Socialist “You’re All Racists!” Ranter: “Mr. Wilson Goes Town Hall-istic”

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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398 Responses to ACORN attacking Glenn Beck with Website? Daily Kos sending Troll Joe Lyles to Disrupt the 912 Rally in DC?

  1. Foxwood says:

    There are alot of similarities in that meta tag. Could be coinqsidinks, but I doubt it.

  2. samhenry says:

    Cooinqsidinks are too uniqueeek to be other than what you have spelled, FOX

  3. VotingFemale says:

    I also am inclined to seriously doubt it is a coincidence as well…

  4. Foxwood says:

    I’ve seen three different spellings of coinqsidinks on these comments…


  5. VotingFemale says:

    What is humorous is the attack mode level is a direct indication of their fear level.

    they did it to Sarah Palin, they are doing it to Glenn Beck.

    And like Sarah, Glenn Beck just keeps on rolling.

  6. samhenry says:

    Fox just reported on the new Business Czar – assigned the task of growing business and bringing back whatever he can. He is a union man and as one commentator noted, most of the job loss has been from union run firms. Also, it is beyond belief that the trend to send manufacture overseas will halt or that any will come back.

  7. samiam60 says:

    So the swamp slime ouzzzzzsses from the Obama camp to the Acorn camp to the Progressive camp to the sewer where they all live. Great Job VF alerting our Patriots in DC.

  8. VotingFemale says:

    Obama himself states that he intends to replace offshored jobs with domestic “green jobs”

    It is amazing to me the depth the socialists are planning to go to destroy the fabric of this country… they must truly HATE… and they let us see that HATE, daily… Daily Kos, propaganda de jour

  9. VotingFemale says:

    TY Samiam.

    I watched an interview with the guy who did the videoing expose of ACORN…

    He said that he used a Saul Alinsky rule book rule against them…

    “use the rules of the opposition to defeat them”

    Thank you Saul, you F’ing Communist! hahaha

  10. VotingFemale says:

    This guy is 25 and his partner is 20.

    Ironic that the Socialists are now the current “establishment” and the young people love to go against “The Establishment” …it’s like a challenge and they have no fear.

  11. samiam60 says:

    I was thinking about reading Obama’s book,
    Memories of my Deadbeat commie red Dad but instead put back in the back of the book shelf.

    Since I was in the Fiction area already I picked up the Pelosi book on “How to cross your legs without having your face crack”

  12. VotingFemale says:

    LOL!!! Samiam!

    BTW, I heard from Rosehips this morning.

    I think she is getting ready to come back online 😉

    I gave her your wishes for her return

  13. VotingFemale says:


    Come Home to the Hive!!!!!

    buzzzzz buzzzzz buzzzzz

  14. samiam60 says:

    Yah VF, I miss her too. She reminds me of the Hippie days of old. I was not a Hippie but dressed for it at certain parties which I won’t go into.


    Dare I say it, but CNN has a live camera on ground level of the 9/12 March!

  15. samiam60 says:

    Dear CNN, turn off your police scanner and try to refrain from reporting any terrorist attacks today.

  16. Foxwood says:

    I got a hippy song for Rose…

    DC Party

    Well, I came upon a patriot
    He was walking along the road
    And I asked him, Tell me, where are you going?
    This he told me

    Said, I’m going down to DC, man,
    Gonna join in a tea party.
    Got to get back to the land and set my soul free.

    We the people, we are patriots,
    We’re gonna throw ourselves a tea party,
    And we got to get ourselves back to DC.

    Well, then can I roam beside you?
    I come to lose the socialist agenda,
    And I feel myself a cog in somethin’ turning.
    And maybe it’s the time of year,
    Yes and maybe it’s the time of man.
    And I don’t know who I am,
    But I know I want freedom.

    We the people, we are patriots,
    We’re gonna throw ourselves a tea party,
    And we got to get ourselves back to DC.

    We the people, we are patriots,
    We’re gonna throw ourselves a tea party,
    And we got to get ourselves back to DC.

    By the time we got to DC,
    We were half a million strong
    And everywhere was a song and a celebration.
    And I dreamed I saw the Commie sympathizers
    with their thumbs on we the people,
    turning into freedom lovers
    across our nation.

    We the people, we are patriots,
    We’re gonna take back our beloved country,
    And we got to get ourselves back to DC.

    Now, name that tune…

  17. Tom Degan says:

    This is all about the underlying, hideous factor of the racism that is so deeply ingrained in the American character. The attempt to portray this president (Of all people!) as a socialistic, left wing extremist doesn’t even pass the giggle test for people who have bothered to pay attention to their times and their history. Let’s face it – Franklin D. Roosevelt, he ain’t! They can’t obstruct his agenda with a manufactured scandal regarding his personal life, as they did with Bill Clinton. eleven years ago. Their only hope is for enough of the American people to become really frightened by the Big, Bad Negro Commie. An ironic description when one takes into consideration how boringly moderate Obama really is.

    Think about this: In the last presidential campaign only one of the nominees of the two major political parties was born in the United States – Barack Obama – John McCain was born in Panama. Do you find it as revealing as I do that it was the black guy had his citizenship called into question? How much more proof do we need of the overt racism that is inherent in that party – or in our own country for that matter? Honestly, this isn’t rocket science, folks!

    Joe Wilson and the nincompoops on the far right have opened a Pandora’s Box that may very well prove difficult to close. What they are now doing – consciously or unconsciously – are prompting their brain-dead masses toward violence. and intimidation. Who can forget the asshole who showed up outside one of the president’s Town Hall meetings in New Hampshire last month with a gun strapped to his leg? My biggest worry is that that little incident is merely a small illustration of worst things to come. If you are not seriously alarmed by what is now happening to our beloved country, you’re not paying attention.

    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY

  18. samiam60 says:

    Fox your a funny guy…….. 🙂

  19. VotingFemale says:

    To Tom Degan,

    Your comment is obviously a “Canned Comment” which you distribute.

    Try coming back with real time, in context, comments instead of typical socialist COPIE/PASTIES and lets see how well you can hold your water, eh?

    Consider that a challenge, socialist!


  20. samiam60 says:

    From the Acorn grows the IM PEACH ment Tree

  21. VotingFemale says:

    And I seriously doubt Tom Dugan is anything more that a drive by Socialist Troll…

    BTW, Tom, I reserve the right to oppose a Socialist President and his blackness wins no passes with the masses, dOOd.

  22. Foxwood says:

    I’ve ran into this Tom Thumb before and ran him off.

    Tom, where did you see racism on this or my blog? You didn’t. Your pea brain is set on one thing and can’t unlock, and that’s sad because you have drank the commie koolaid and seem to like it. You’ve shown yourself as the kook you are. Bye Bye again.

  23. samiam60 says:

    Demonstrators have filled Freedom Plaza and Pennsylvania Avenue in downtown Washington. They are waving U.S. flags and holding signs reading “Go Green Recycle Congress,” “I’m Not Your ATM” and “Obamacare makes me sick.”

  24. Foxwood says:

    Hey, Tom! You don’t care much for freedom, do you? Hugo Chavez would love you, man.

  25. Foxwood says:

    Throw that Racist bullshit around. It’s one of two things, 1) he’s a ignorant commie follower and doesn’t know it, or b) he’s an F*CKING COMMIE.

  26. VotingFemale says:

    That “You’re All Racists” is so lame it is laughable…

    That is a one trick pony that has been beaten to death… poor pony


  27. VotingFemale says:

    Tom to VF: “My president is black”

    VF to Tom: “Big F’ing Whoopie!”

  28. samiam60 says:

    My President is Bi-Racial

  29. Foxwood says:

    “Let me be clear”, what I don’t like are Communists!

  30. samhenry says:

    And some say his is bi-coastal, bi-partisan, bi many other things – but my favorite is bye-bye.

  31. samiam60 says:

    Tom Degan Says:
    Think about this: In the last presidential campaign only one of the nominees of the two major political parties was born in the United States – Barack Obama – John McCain was born in Panama. Do you find it as revealing as I do that it was the black guy had his citizenship called into question? How much more proof do we need of the overt racism that is inherent in that party – or in our own country for that matter? Honestly, this isn’t rocket science, folks!

    Tommy boy,

    McCain furnished the correct proof of his citizenship and Obama spent 1.5 Million to not furnish the proof. Big difference there wouldn’t you say? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

  32. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood, are you trying to say you don’t like communists?

    Are you anti commie?

    Why Fox, that is discrimination to the liberal’s little minds.

  33. Foxwood says:

    Tommy Boy says:
    “An ironic description when one takes into consideration how boringly moderate Obama really is.”

    Frank Marshall Davis, his mentor, admitted Communist.
    Van Jones, admitted Communist.
    His friends, Jeff Jones and Bill Ayers, mad bombers and admitted Communists.

    I’m sure you won’t go read your homework, but tell my why Obutthole has lived with, around and surrounds himself today, with Communists?

  34. samiam60 says:

    Don’t know why they couldn’t adjust quickly to this earlier start time. CNN said that the march wasn’t to start until noon, but the crowds were so large they had to start marching at 10:30 and the speeches began early.

  35. Foxwood says:

    Dammit Sami! You caught me…

  36. VotingFemale says:

    Communists of a Feather Poop Together

  37. Foxwood says:

    Ok… Tommy Boy messed with my tune.

    DC Party

    Well, I came upon a patriot
    He was walking along the road
    And I asked him, Tell me, where are you going?
    This he told me

    Said, I’m going down to DC, man,
    Gonna join in a tea party.
    Got to get back to the land and set my soul free.

    We the people, we are patriots,
    We’re gonna throw ourselves a tea party,
    And we got to get ourselves back to DC.

    Well, then can I roam beside you?
    I come to lose the socialist agenda,
    And I feel myself a cog in somethin’ turning.
    And maybe it’s the time of year,
    Yes and maybe it’s the time of man.
    And I don’t know who I am,
    But I know I want freedom.

    We the people, we are patriots,
    We’re gonna throw ourselves a tea party,
    And we got to get ourselves back to DC.

    We the people, we are patriots,
    We’re gonna throw ourselves a tea party,
    And we got to get ourselves back to DC.

    By the time we got to DC,
    We were half a million strong
    And everywhere was a song and a celebration.
    And I dreamed I saw the Commie sympathizers
    with their thumbs on we the people,
    turning into freedom lovers
    across our nation.

    We the people, we are patriots,
    We’re gonna take back our beloved country,
    And we got to get ourselves back to DC.

    Name that tune.

  38. VotingFemale says:

    Oxymoron: Moderate Communist

  39. Foxwood says:

    “Oxymoron: Moderate Communist”

    I love it!

  40. samiam60 says:

    The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 – you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke.
    Social Security was established in 1935 – you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.
    Fannie Mae was established in 1938 – you have had 71 ye…ars to get it right; it is broke.
    Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 – you’ve had 44 years to get it right; they are broke.
    Freddie Mac was established in 1970 – you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke.
    So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that you can not trust a government-run program.

  41. samiam60 says:

    They estimate 1,500,000 people at the march

  42. Foxwood says:

    What this guy does is write his article and then posts it on every blog site he can. What he doesn’t understand is that when he does it on a Conservative blog, he get’s picked apart.

    I blogged on Kennedy’s funeral and how the best thing that he’s done is fertilize the earth, among other things and got his article from his blog. I picked it apart, and expected an “Oh Yeah!”, but never got it. So I posted my pick apart on his blog. To which one was that he murdered Mary Jo.

    The only comeback he had for me was, “It was an accident”. Accident my ass, why did he wait half a day before reporting it? Tommy Boy doesn’t remember, or maybe he doesn’t know history.

  43. VotingFemale says:

    The Spirit of our Founding Fathers are here… now… on this Blog
    …it is a part of us …and we live by their leadership.

    We will not go silently into the night
    We will not give up without a fight
    We are going to live on
    We are going to Survive

    and woo be to those who dare attempt bringing us down

    This is our country and our country it will remain

  44. samiam60 says:

    Amen VF

  45. samiam60 says:

    a GIANT has just woke up, 1.5 million true blue Americans set their personal lives aside and marched on Washington.

  46. VotingFemale says:

    The Socialists are only now just starting to realize the power of the Giant they have awoken.

    This is historical…

  47. Foxwood says:

    Beck will be on Fox from 1 to 3 pm ET with a new message… get your decoder rings ready…

  48. VotingFemale says:

    One of the DC Tea Party protest signs I just saw live:

    With or Without
    His Teleprompter

  49. Foxwood says:

    Obutthole is leaving the Whitehouse today so he doesn’t have to see the tea party. WAH!

  50. Foxwood says:

    Hey! Are we having our own tea party today?

  51. Foxwood says:

    I believe we are having one right now!

  52. VotingFemale says:

    This blog post is getting tons of view hits…

    I think the subjects of it are unique… haven’t seen the big time blogs subjecting this…


  53. VotingFemale says:

    Run Obutthole Run!


    Foxwood says

    Obutthole is leaving the Whitehouse today so he doesn’t have to see the tea party. WAH!

  54. Foxwood says:

    Opps, I hope my foul mouth don’t run them away…

  55. Foxwood says:





  56. StJoeScribe says:

    I noticed tons of similarities in those tags…even the fact that they misspelled “health care” the same way in both!

    Coincidence? I think not…

  57. samiam60 says:

    Amazing day in America. The live coverage is breathtaking to say the least. I cannot stop watching. I wanted so bad to be on that Amtrack today and just couldn’t put it together.

  58. karmahd says:

    Great Post VF, taking a break, (working today!!) I am appalled by the Baltimore DA, if they so choose to “go after” the videographer on the Acorn videos it proves that Obama and his head of Harvard liars are more concerned with the outside boundaries of the law regardless of the intent of the information and the fact that ACORN is the most corrupt radical government sponsored faction in our short history!!

    NO FUNDING TO ACORN, not one thin dime to those F’ing crooks.

    To the moderate communist that posted, party line rhetoric is worthless when confronted with truth. I wonder do you get paid for each post on conservative blogs by the DNC???

  59. Foxwood says:

    Yeah, Sami, I’m on call this week…

  60. karmahd says:

    OK someone SPLAIN what is going on with the “tags”??

  61. Foxwood says:

    Thank you Angela! This is a different protest! These people have never protested before and some of them did vote for Obutthole and regret it.

  62. Pingback: Terrible Tsunami Expected for Democrats Today, 9/12: Glenn Beck/Tea Party Protest in Washington, DC, Conservatives Inspired by Joe Wilson, 1 Million Anticipated « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  63. Foxwood says:

    Sorry Karma… I missed your remarks… Have you ever looked at the coding of a webpage? Within the coding are tags used to write the page. One of the codes usually at the top of the page are meta tags. They are the tags Google and other search engines look at.

    Hope it helps.

  64. VotingFemale says:

    not tags… karma…

    meta tags

    they are embedded in the html code of pages of websites as search engine bait… to stimulate search hits for search words which match the meta tags

  65. Foxwood says:

    Thank you North Korea… test a nuke today to overshadow the tea parties. Obutthole appreciates your help. F’ers!

  66. VotingFemale says:

    Karma, go to a website such as…

    then click the browser’s View Button, select Source (for the IB Browser) or View Source(Foxfire Browser) to see the html code of the page there…

    find the key word <meta name="keywords"

    for Starbuck’s website they want to get traffic from meta tags are as follows…

    “Starbucks,, Starbucks Corporation, Starbuck, Starbucks Card, Gift Card, Coffee, coffe, coffie, Coffee beans, Coffee sampler, Coffee at home, Coffee gifts, Coffee brewer, Coffee brewers, Coffee maker, Coffee makers, Starbucks Cards, Espresso machine, Espresso machines, Espresso, expresso, espreso, Encore, Foodservice, Frappuccino, Gifts, Home delivery, Latte, Mocha, Music, HearMusic, Hear Music, Mugs, Office Coffee, Tazo, Pods, coffee filter, Brewing Equipment, Steep, Tea, Ice Cream, Iced Coffee, Double Shot, Brewing Equipment, Seattle, Pike Place, 1971, Siren, doubleshot, jazz”

  67. VotingFemale says:

    notice they anticipate people making spelling errors when entering a search term into Google…

    thus they use all three of these meta tags: Coffee, coffe, coffie

  68. LisaInTX says:

    Consider yourself SPANKED!
    McCain was born of TWO US Citizens and born on a NAVY BASE while his Admiral FATHER was active with the US NAVY in Panama……
    Now PLEASE explain how Obama’s parentage compares to this??? LMFAO
    AND, Yes McCain DID verify HIS birth certificate thru the US SENATE and YES, Obama HELPED him pass it also.
    BUT—-NO ONE VETTED Obama…..nope not ONE name to show for it….please explain that?

    The RACE CARD has LITTLE to ZERO to do with the dislike of OBAMA—-but EVERYTHING to do with his Marxist beliefs and policies.
    If OUR NATION was as RACIST as you so shallowly proclaim and this was “all about a black man in the whitehouse”—-just who the hell do you think voted that “BLACKMAN” into that office? Remember, white folks are the majority…..lmao at the same old WORN OUT rhetoric of the crumbling left-wing lame spew!

  69. VotingFemale says:

    if you view the html source of a home page of a blog, such as this one, you will find there are no entries called meta name=”keywords”

  70. Foxwood says:

    Tom’s a hit and run commenter. He blows chucks then never comes back to take the punishment. Weak and cowardly…

  71. VotingFemale says:


    Morning to ya, girlfriend!

    Kick that Tom to the curb!

    dang socialists! lol

  72. Foxwood says:

    Glenn Beck is on NOW!

  73. VotingFemale says:

    A Mile of People WOW

  74. VotingFemale says:

    There must be over a million Tea Party Protesters there… DAMN!!!

  75. LisaInTX says:

    Good Morning my fellow Capitalist loving American Patriot Extremists!!!
    Nice day for a Tea Party!!!! May the socialist be drown out in their own rabid rhetoric of LIES!

  76. Foxwood says:

    God Bless our Vets!

  77. Foxwood says:

    “May the socialist be drown out in their own rabid rhetoric of LIES!”

    May the Commie lovers choke on their vomit of LIES!

  78. karmahd says:

    Ahhh Thanks for the Splaination!! As to McCain, if the moderate communist would read the amendments to the constitution they will see that the Panama Canal was added as sovereign soil to alleviate any questions about McCains citizenship. I believe the issue with Obama, is not solved, and has more to do with his actual age and if Hawaii was a state when he was born… Put that in your bong and smoke it TOM!!

  79. VotingFemale says:

    Just sent out a Tweet to alert any who are followers to Tune in Fox and Watch Glenn Beck covering the DC TEA PARTY!

    You can Bet the Socialist Trolls are turning inside out with HATE

  80. Foxwood says:

    “Put that in your bong and smoke it TOM!!”

    Hey, Karma! I used to resemble that remark!

  81. VotingFemale says:

    From Glenn Beck: Today, Now, is the big day as 9/12ers and Americans everywhere are heading to Washington, DC to stand and let the government know they are not happy with everything that is going on. It’s not about left vs. right, it’s about responsibility.

  82. Foxwood says:

    I just did the same VF. Thank for the idea.

  83. VotingFemale says:

    Samiam or anyone not at a TV…

    Click this link…

    then find and click the WATCH LIVE hyperlink which is in red…

  84. karmahd says:

    Fox, me too, keep that on the downlow, LOL

  85. VotingFemale says:


    karmahd says

    Ahhh Thanks for the Splaination!! As to McCain, if the moderate communist would read the amendments to the constitution they will see that the Panama Canal was added as sovereign soil to alleviate any questions about McCains citizenship. I believe the issue with Obama, is not solved, and has more to do with his actual age and if Hawaii was a state when he was born… Put that in your bong and smoke it TOM!!

  86. karmahd says:

    “Bow” to the cat!! Back to work, gotta make the doughnuts…

  87. Foxwood says:

    And it’s time for Liberals to WAKE UP!

  88. VotingFemale says:

    I am watching the Fox News Live Internet Stream Feed…

    It is a single source camera audio/video on the scene, not the Fox News on air broadcast you are seeing on cable right now.

  89. VotingFemale says:

    Find the red WATCH LIVE under Tea Parties Descend on D.C.

    and click that WATCH LIVE hyperlink

  90. VotingFemale says:

    the internet stream feed is like being there

  91. VotingFemale says:

    One of the signs…

    “The Problem With Robin Hood is ROBBING”

  92. Foxwood says:




  93. VotingFemale says:

    there are sooo many people… it makes me tear up…

  94. VotingFemale says:

    Arnold Schwarzenegger is now speaking…

    didnt know he was there…

    but he is…

  95. LisaInTX says:

    HOLY COW!!!!!
    The 9/12 Project is swarming DC!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  96. LisaInTX says:

    Obama, the chicken dict, can run, but he can NOT HIDE!!! LMAO…..”Let them eat cake”, will NOT work here, as he is about to learn!!!

  97. Foxwood says:

    Might want to add your description of “meta tags” to your article, VF.

  98. VotingFemale says:

    Just issued a new Tweet…

    Watch Live Internet Stream directly from the DC Tea Party go to:

    I just made that tinyurl link which is the same link as in my last comment…

  99. VotingFemale says:

    There is a Pro Sarah Palin Sign..

  100. VotingFemale says:


    protest sign with the USSR flag and the American Flag with the question…

    Which did you vote for?

  101. Foxwood says:

    I used to like Arnold, VF… he licks and sticks his finger in the air.

  102. LisaInTX says:

    Obama “leaving” the scene is so typical of his arrogance and contempt for We The People……
    IMPEACH the ARROGANT ONE!!!!! and ALL of those that follow him or attempt to implement his Marxist NATIONALIST FASCIST agendas!!

  103. VotingFemale says:

    Protest Sign which simply says:

    Ephesians 6:12

    That passage reads…

    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

  104. Foxwood says:

    Give me a patriotic Democrat, one that believes in the Constitution and original intent, and I will vote for them.

  105. Foxwood says:

    If we had a real leader in office, our tea party might be in North Korea.

  106. LisaInTX says:

    I agree about the US involvement in foreign wars and their policies…..Our Nation was setup to be seen as an EXAMPLE of real freedom, not one that FORCES democracy with our military strength onto other countries….
    Bring our TROOPS HOME!!! And STOP funding ALL regimes as we NEVER truly know who is ‘good or who is bad”……

  107. LisaInTX says:

    That is a powerful passage indeed…..

    I’m with you….as a former Dem myself, I voted republican this past election because McCain was at LEAST an American hero from a long line of patriotic Americans and NOT a COMMIE Marxist!!!

  108. VotingFemale says:

    Men and women who do not stand for principles in the face of opposition have no honor…

    even a full bore socialist who sticks to their principles, as much as I disagree, has more honor than a an Equivocator like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Newt Gingrich.


  109. VotingFemale says:

    Good to have you here Lisa…

    You strengthen me

  110. VotingFemale says:

    Many decent moderate liberals are outraged by Obama and his attempt at this Socialist Takeover.

  111. karmahd says:

    I just put this on my Blog pages

  112. VotingFemale says:

    Karma, you will find my trackbacks on blogposts…

  113. VotingFemale says:

    and this blogpost we are commenting on is getting traffic as we speak from

  114. VotingFemale says:

    “PEACE is the absence of opposition to SOCIALISM”

    another protest sign I am seeing live… on the video stream

  115. LisaInTX says:

    Well said girlfriend!!
    There is NO HONOR AMONGST THIEVES!!! And this particular socialist congress has been ROBBING We The People for years now!
    It is past time to STOP the corruption, the ‘contributions’, the waste, the greed, the power hungry arrogance of the like of Pelosi, Reid, Franks, Waters, Boxer, Feinstien,….etc…etc….

  116. VotingFemale says:

    “Not A Race Issue. Not A Party Issue.
    Just an old American Freedom Issue”

    another protest sign

  117. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa, I stand with you Cowgirl

    LisaInTX says

    Well said girlfriend!!
    There is NO HONOR AMONGST THIEVES!!! And this particular socialist congress has been ROBBING We The People for years now!
    It is past time to STOP the corruption, the ‘contributions’, the waste, the greed, the power hungry arrogance of the like of Pelosi, Reid, Franks, Waters, Boxer, Feinstien,….etc…etc….

  118. LisaInTX says:

    As you do me. The POWER of WE can move mountains!! 😛

  119. Foxwood says:

    This is a hell of a party people!

  120. Foxwood says:

    Your a RACIST!

    Where did I hear that today?

  121. VotingFemale says:


    Fox has a screw up…

    the audio stream for the Capital Hill Protest Feed has the audio from the LA Firefighters Memorial Feed…

    that explains the “presence” of Arnold…

    VP Joe Biden was just introduced… and there is no F’ing way he would speak at the Tea Party… so I went looking into what the hell was going on…

  122. VotingFemale says:

    there… I fixed it… now the audio matches the video from DC

  123. Foxwood says:

    You say Commie or Marxist and the left call you a Racist…

  124. VotingFemale says:

    More powerful than Steel…

    LisaInTX says

    As you do me. The POWER of WE can move mountains!! 😛

  125. Foxwood says:

    It would have been something if Smokin’ Joe were talking at a Tea Party…

  126. LisaInTX says:

    LMAO…just checked MSNBC….they are watching and waiting for Obama, with his tail tucked between his legs, to board the helicopter and head to MN for his “Healthcare speech”…hahahaaaa……

    Ahhhh…..”I’m sure it will be a real earth shattering revelation spoken from his forked tongued view point”…hahaa

  127. Foxwood says:

    I don’t watch MFNBC, CBS, NBS, ABS or Commie News Net. I wonder if they are showing the parties?

  128. VotingFemale says:

    Fox has also got a feed active for that Obama Lie Fest in MN…

    I clicked on it to see what was there…

    that pudgy white house press secretary was blabbering some nonsense…

  129. LisaInTX says:

    Seems the DC “RATS” have OTHER pressing matters to attend too, rather than face REAL OUTRAGE from American Patriots…..this is not a good sign IMO…and will do nothing but fuel MORE ANGER and discontent for their arrogance and condescending attitude towards what is RIGHT and True.
    Too bad for them—-the end game grows closer everyday!

  130. LisaInTX says:

    That was WHY is went to that channel—also checked CNN, they were interviewing George Formen….LOL…….

  131. karmahd says:

    Glen is talking about Mutiny LOL, I just love it, kick them all out!!!! Finally, someone on the same page!!!! it is not democrat or republican it is all of them, vote them out, term limits, Glen is walking a tight line here, but the right line!!

  132. Foxwood says:

    The “RATS” are too embarrassed or they don’t want to know the truth, or worse, don’t care about the truth. It’s time to vote these “RAT” bastards out of office!

  133. VotingFemale says:

    Not on your LIFE!

    Foxwood says

    I don’t watch MFNBC, CBS, NBS, ABS or Commie News Net. I wonder if they are showing the parties?

  134. Foxwood says:

    This man, Glenn Beck, is a good man!

  135. LisaInTX says:

    They consider us stupid, unable to make responsible decisions for ourselves, they feel EMPOWERED to make all the choices for us dumb pathetic sheep aka slaves, who are good for nothing other than believing their snake oil LIES to get them elected and in power.

  136. samhenry says:

    Tom D

    Your language is as spiteful and dangerous as any right winger. The world is not right and left. Most are in between. Remember the silent majority? They are here with a voice. I am an independent (liberal Republican) who voted for Obama. He has just gone further left than most of us wished. I am 67 and against the public option because it is counting on Medicare savings. The war, the additional clients – all that should be funded – are counting on Medicare to be the majority sponsor in a less wasteful form. What is waste? Services will be cut or taxes will rise Listen to me. I have two University Degrees – do you? I do serious research about issues.

    You will regret these remarks because you will further divide America. To add your voice to the truly nutty preacher who wants him dead is to further support or encourage violence. 2 men showed up at Obama’s Town Meeting with rifles – one was an Obama supporter. A shooter will not show up in the open. I suspect it was a show that gun control works because responsible people have them.

    You need to retract the comment on your web page:

    Every day I say a silent prayer that the president be protected from these assholes.

    We speak as you do to push you back. I lived through the 60’s when SDS members were eating fat hamburgers in the student union preaching revolution. I know their type and origin. You fit the bill albeit younger. You have no idea about real change and revolution. You need to live in Europe for a time as I did. Peace Tom – the peace you will not offer to people with which you disagree. And remember, there are liberals and mongrel Republicans on the blog. The Cat at the top is herself well-balanced and her horror comes from the actions of the Administration not from her inner pre-conceived convictions. My contacts in the Black community are extensive and well-documented. Do not dare to kick me to the curb. You are a coward to hide behind lies and half-truths. Does that make you macho and “in” and intelligent. Pas de tout. Go to your room, kid.

  137. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa, I agree… the level of disrespect of the voting public by these socialists and rinos is massive…

    the town halls in August was a wake up call of things to come… say 2010 and 2012

    LisaInTX says
    They consider us stupid, unable to make responsible decisions for ourselves, they feel EMPOWERED to make all the choices for us dumb pathetic sheep aka slaves, who are good for nothing other than believing their snake oil LIES to get them elected and in power.

  138. VotingFemale says:

    “Ask Santa Anna how it went for the last president who tried to take away Texan’s Rights”

    Another Protest sign…

  139. LisaInTX says:

    MSNBC interview was talking about prosecuting Joe Wilson as an “example” so others would not follow his ‘poor’ example….LMAO
    It’s okay for a man who represents our nation, to call US Un-American, Terrorist, Right-wing Extremist, Fear-mongers, Astro-turf, etc…..apologize and bow to our enemies and say that we are more or less “Evil”, to blame us for supplying guns for the drug wars in Latin America, to claim our Nation is NOT a Christian Nation, to pose a CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER to our Nation during wartime by revealing who and publicly going after those that kept our nation safe for the past 8 years …….hell the list is endless of the OUTRAGES committed by this Administration…..

  140. LisaInTX says:

    Go get’em!!!! The guy is a pansy puppet and is a chicken dict too…like his crumbling godhood savior Obama.

  141. VotingFemale says:

    for those not up on Texas History…

    President Santa Anna of Mexico suffered total defeat in the Texas War of Independence which came to an end April 21, 1836 after 6 months of fighting.

  142. Foxwood says:

    Not to mention Racist, Lisa.

  143. LisaInTX says:

    Must be a fellow Texan!! Hell YEAH!!!!
    Texas ROCKS!!!
    They don’t call us the Lone Star State for nothing!! Heeeee……

  144. VotingFemale says:

    Very well spoken SamHenry, you kick ass girl!

  145. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa! I am a Born and Bred Native Texan.

  146. Foxwood says:

    I lived in two states that border Texas… That count?

  147. LisaInTX says:

    WOW…how could I EVER leave that one out!!! Racist, bigot, trailer trash, white trash, un-educated, slave lover/slaver for quoting Thomas Jefferson…..
    Seems they think there are not any schools or colleges in the South or if you have a southern accent, born south of the Mason Dixon Line, that automatically means you are one of the above….hahahahaaaa ….poor delusional fools…

  148. samhenry says:

    All true Americans are Texans in spirit. I remember when I was a kid buying a roll of toiled paper at the airport in Dallas that was dollar bills. It billed itself as “this paper is not legal tinder but it’s tender.” I saved it for years! Only in Texas. I wish I had been born there because if things get really bad, I will beg to get in!

  149. Foxwood says:

    Oh look! Obutthole is on Fox News…

    Run away Obutthole, can’t stand the heat in DC, huh?

  150. LisaInTX says:

    YES!!! We adopt you 100%!!!! 😛

  151. VotingFemale says:

    I now pronounce all here who are not native Texans, naturalized Citizens of the Empire of Texas.

    You may now kiss my hand…


  152. Foxwood says:

    I bought some John Wayne toilet paper once. It was ruff and tuff and didn’t take crap off no one.

  153. LisaInTX says:

    Consider yourself adopted too!!! 😛

    Once a Texan, ALWAYS a Texan!!!!

  154. Foxwood says:

    Wow! look at all those racists on Fox news…

  155. LisaInTX says:

    Hahahaha….at the The Duke paper…hahaha

  156. samhenry says:

    Cat, I kiss the ring on your paw; Lisa, I kiss the spurs on your boots! My thanks to you both. I will get a yellow rose for my garden next year, dears.

  157. Foxwood says:

    Check out when the site comes back up. They mentioned it on Fox and the site crashed.

  158. LisaInTX says:

    Texas SHOWS the Way!!!

    “The Heart of Liberty in a downpour”…..

    Go Beck and THE Judge!!! YEEEEE HAWWWW

  159. LisaInTX says:

    Another link to we might want to add to our blogs:

  160. VotingFemale says:


    samhenry says

    Cat, I kiss the ring on your paw; Lisa, I kiss the spurs on your boots! My thanks to you both. I will get a yellow rose for my garden next year, dears.

  161. Foxwood says:

    It’s the same link.

  162. VotingFemale says:


    Kevin’s book, The BIG Black Lie was born out of an outcry of blog readers and radio show listeners, whose comments were the same-“You say the things we can’t say.” Kevin feels that it wasn’t so much that others couldn’t say, just that they are ill-equipped with the knowledge to handle the issues of being labeled racists and elitists.

    Well, I am unafraid to say these things… and others are also. Their Ninja Race Card Throwing Weapon is now dulled to the edge of cardboard.

  163. VotingFemale says:

    The Black Sphere Blog

    The Black Sphere blog advises liberals and Democrats to wear a cup, if they dare to enter. Kevin gives a good dose of humor and satire, along with re-education of those who had the misfortune of attending only government schools. All topics are covered, however like all things in The Black Sphere, the charter is to expose the racist agenda of Democrats past and present, along with the idiocy of liberalism. Grab your popcorn and a coke and enjoy as Kevin makes fun of the zoo animals known as liberals and Democrats.

  164. samhenry says:

    I am up to my eyeballs with liberal arrogance and self-righteousness. They remind me of the radical Muslims – they will take us over – take our money. What is the name of the black congresswoman who when she heard that the UN had declared Fidel Castro a hero proclaimed that she admired him because he kicked all the wealthy people out of Cuba. What made them wealthy, education, hard work, imagination, etc. And remember that in this country the wealthy such as Andrew Mellon, fellow Scotsman, made many public libraries possible. So many gave cultural institutions and medical facilities to communities across this nation and scholarships to provide further opportunities. Do you honestly want to depend on the government for everything? There is graft in government. Old Joe Kennedy ran whisky during prohibition – the basis for the Kennedy wealth I believe and he was a socialist. In short, broad characterizations about a”class” of people shows ignorance. I met up with Cubans in the Statler Hotel who were in Castro’s entourage when he came to speak at Harvard. I was staying there with my brother and father. I still have a Cuban flag from a flower arrangement. I can’t tell you the number of women wearing liberated mink coats. Revolutions are expensive – so many need to be paid off and of course Castro lives well. No government is perfect. Count on it.

  165. VotingFemale says:

    from the Black Sphere Blog…

    Racist Garofalo to the Rescue

    As a black man, I love it when ignorant white women like Janeane Garofalo speak for all blacks. It’s thrilling to me that Janeane would take time out of her busy Hollyweird life to protect me and my peeps — the downtrodden, the oppressed…the lowly Negro.

    For her efforts, I thank Garofalo, and anoint her Janeane Garofalo: White Chick Protector of the Lowly Negro. Who better than she to offer such protection? Garofalo, after all is an American hero! And I bet you were wondering who could possibly replace the likes of Barbara Streisand or Susan Sarandon…Madonna?
    Garofalo is so in touch with the black condition, that she is uniquely qualified to assess and understand my people’s “condition.” Her intimate knowledge of blacks allows her to interpret how blacks think, and then translate “black-think” for the rest of America. “Cuz Lawd knows, we kaints do dis for ourselfs.”
    One source of Garofalo’s insights into the black community, ergo the “black condition” is no doubt from Hollywood, as she is a product of that culture. Garofalo probably has in her movie collection films like Cleopatra Jones, the black heroine who is oppressed by the man.
    What “White Chick Protector of the Lowly Negro” collection would be complete without Superfly. Talk about learning how to stick it to the man, Superfly is the boilerplate, dare I say the “White Chick Protector of the Lowly Negro” roadmap on how to stick it to the man. Further, Ron O’Neal, the actor who played Superfly, the black protagonist of the movie could easily be the predecessor for our first half-black president. Who can argue that Obama is indeed “sticking it to the white man?”
    The irony of Garofalo’s comments is that they point directly at her own racist party: The Democrats!
    I am always amazed at how well Democrats argue the tenets of racism…against themselves. The party that founded the Ku Klux Klan has the nerve to proselytize to Republicans about racism. Democrats have done nothing, repeat nothing for blacks, except to exploit blacks for Democrats’ own racist agendas. If you don’t believe me, look at, well…Janeane Garofalo!
    Garofalo is a failed comedian, a hack of an actress, a failed radio talk-show host, and essentially has been out of the mainstream since making B-movies that had the viewership of an Olbermann segment on MSNBC! I get more views on my YouTube videos of racist Democrats picking lent from their navels and eating Cheetos. Admittedly those are funny, and the hit count is rising.
    In typical racist Democrat elitist fashion, Garofalo feels the need to meddle in the black community. I can’t imagine a life where I wake up in the morning and say something like, “I think today I will read an article on [insert oppressed here], and then go on [insert oppressed here] TV to protect those pitiful, stupid, weak [insert oppressed here]. Kevin…you are a wonderful man for caring about these people who obviously have no spokesperson, and can’t protect themselves! I love me some ME!” Such is the life of a racist Democrat elitist. Protectors of the World…oh, and their own agendas!
    Here’s the wrap:
    Black people should be up in arms over the idea that Garofalo thinks we are so weak, that we cannot defend ourselves. A group of people who survived slavery and the institutionalized racism of the Democratic Party, but we need the “White Chick Protector of the Lowly Negro.”

    Further we should be offended that she is meddling not for us, but for her own benefit. She thinks we are stupid enough to support her lame attempt to exploit us. Are there not real black issues on which Garofalo could have been working in the black community that could have positive impact? I doubt it, since five decades of blacks voting Democrat have fixed all of the black community’s problems.
    Finally, and perhaps most absurd of all is Garofalo actually proves herself to be not only a racist, but the worst kind of racist…an ignorant racist. She obviously knows nothing about the overwhelmingly racist history of her own party, and its decimation of black people.
    Black people, wake up. What you have here is a no talent racist hack arguing for you, when there is no real issue. And it doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots on this one.
    Garofalo is the prototypical elitist, who believes blacks to be weak and stupid. With those perceptions of blacks, she is the perfect representative of the racist, elitist Democrat Party. How did we survive without them?

    Be sure to check us out on YouTube:

  166. samhenry says:

    One helluva site that blacksphereo1

  167. VotingFemale says:

    yup… the Black Spere just found a link home here… will be adding it shortly

  168. LisaInTX says:

    Kevin is RIGHT ON!!!!
    Funny, I thru out the KKK TRUTH to those whacked out Dems aka Dogs of War on Ireport and they would NOT believe me…..LOL….
    I have never considered myself above anyone, but as equals…..I don’t care what color a persons skin is or their ethic background.

    Affirmative Action is WRONG and a LIE!!….it is discriminatory and an INSULT to equality and real fairness.
    Equal Opportunity for ALL, who hard work to succeed, regardless of sex, color, race.

  169. Foxwood says:

    The wack jobs at Toms site don’t get it. I read the comments. They claim we are the racists? They are so bigoted and pathetic.

  170. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa & Fox, the iTrolls and the slimers at Tom’s blog were not, and are not, the least bit interested in the truth… that is a hallmark of a Socialist.

  171. VotingFemale says:

    Big Big BIGGGGGGGGG Banner at the DC Tea Party.


  172. LisaInTX says:

    You are so right. They are so deluded in their pathetic immoral attempts of self-righteous social justice illusion, they can not see it is THEY that are the racist and the slave masters.

    IMO….Anytime a person is given things they did NOT earn in place of giving them a way of earning those things for themselves, is treating them with contempt and enslavement soon follows.

  173. LisaInTX says:

    If I work hard and earn my way of life for myself, who the hell is the government to FORCE me to give more and more to those that did NOT earn it and/or BAILOUT those who refuse to budget and do without all those EXTRAS in life and balance their OWN finances??

    It just makes me SICK to hear their spew…if they want to fund those that did not earn it, then let them pay out of their OWN pockets, but leave mine alone!! I’ve had enough of the FREEBIE NATIONALIST bullcrap.

    We have had only ONE real and true ‘vacation’ in 20 @#@$%$# years!!!!
    Never could afford the expense and raise two children and pay all our bills! That is what being RESPONSIBLE is all about…..not the “I deserve it” era of which we NOW live in, thanks to the commie pinkos special self-serving interest groups and how they have destroyed the work ethics of America.

  174. Foxwood says:

    If these Progressives knew their roots, they would know it was the Progressives in the ’20s (and the ones today in office) that wanted to get rid of the undesirables. The undesirables were not the “RICH” or “WHITE”. Eat that slugs.

  175. LisaInTX says:

    Right on! What “They” fail to see is that Obama is the REAL “Token blackman” and that rich WHITE COMMUNISTS are pulling his strings!!

  176. samhenry says:

    VF and Lisa – did you hear – the Governor of Texas has called out the Texas Rangers to protect the border! YEEEEEEES

    I think I heard him correctly but they are also used in Afghanistan.

  177. Foxwood says:


  178. samiam60 says:

    Ok I am back. Don’t have cable so I did the next best thing. Best Buy!
    Really great watching history being made on a big screen.

  179. Foxwood says:

    What did you watch on your big screen?

  180. samiam60 says:

    I watched the DC march of course.

    Salesman kept bugging me though.

  181. samhenry says:

    Then there was the Cisco kid whose sidekick, Cisco, used to say “les went, Cisco.”

  182. samiam60 says:

    OHHHHHHHHH YaHHHHHHHHH SamH, top this one:

  183. Foxwood says:

    Oh! I get it. You went to Best Buy to watch TV. They didn’t talk you into buying one huh?

  184. Foxwood says:

    Those guys never shut up.

  185. samhenry says:

    Good find Sami but behold – actually a documentary on the character:

  186. Foxwood says:

    I like this one…

  187. Foxwood says:

    I really like those Hanna Barbarian movies…

  188. Foxwood says:

    Specially the ones with Queek Straw.

  189. samhenry says:

    They were good, FOX

  190. samiam60 says:

    SamH you one upped me girl.

  191. Foxwood says:

    What? Mine didn’t meet the standard? 🙂

  192. samiam60 says:

    Sure it did Foxwood. Ackkmm,

  193. Foxwood says:

    Thanks, Qweek Straw!

  194. Foxwood says:

    Thanks, Qweek Straw!

  195. ohiobelle says:

    Hello all!!

    I am so proud of everybody that attended the tea parties today!!

  196. karmahd says:

    Ssssssaaaaaaright…. Speedy Gonzales

  197. ohiobelle says:

    I am sorry for not being around today. I’ve been getting ready all day for OSU vs USC party tonight!! I’ll be back tomorrow.

    GO BUCKS!!!

  198. Foxwood says:

    I still have my OSU colors! Whoopi!

  199. Foxwood says:

    Si Senior Speedy!

  200. LisaInTX says:

    I have a new blog post. Hope y’all will take time to read it and consider my thoughts…..

    H1N1: The Trail of Tears Revisited?

    Gotta run.. see ya tomorrow. :-}

  201. Foxwood says:

    Obutthole to Marine One pilot while flying over Whitehouse lawn: “Holy Crap!”

  202. samiam60 says:

    Marine One Pilot while flying over White House Lawn: Feel the Love.

  203. samiam60 says:

    Anyone have an accurate count as to how many Patriots came to DC today?

  204. Foxwood says:

    Obutthole to Marine One Pilot: “Do we have ordinance on this bird?”

  205. Foxwood says:

    Haven’t heard anything on the numbers, yet.

  206. samiam60 says:

    Marine One Pilot to Obutthole: Our weapons were banned by your Czar.

  207. samiam60 says:

    I saw a protest sign with a pic of Martin Luther king saying I have a dream.
    Below his pic was a pic of Obam saying We are having a nightmare.


  208. samiam60 says:

    This needs repeating imo:

    The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 – you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke.
    Social Security was established in 1935 – you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.
    Fannie Mae was established in 1938 – you have had 71 ye…ars to get it right; it is broke.
    Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 – you’ve had 44 years to get it right; they are broke.
    Freddie Mac was established in 1970 – you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke.
    So with a perfect 100% failure rate and a record that proves that you can not trust a government-run program.

  209. Foxwood says:

    Obutthole had to see the crowd in the mall. I don’t see how you could miss it from the air.

  210. Foxwood says:

    The Lockerbee Bomber is on his death bed. I hope he has a painfull death.

  211. samiam60 says:

    It was cool how peaceful and respect everyone was at the DC rally. It would not be like that at a Lib rally.

  212. samiam60 says:

    Someone should hand the bastard a stick of dynomite and light the fuse.

  213. Foxwood says:

    I can’t remember what movie it was that the bad guy was in a hospital bed and gown and handcuffed to the bed. A guy comes in with a stick of dynamite and Vaseline and lit the fuse.

  214. Foxwood says:

    Go see your 72 virgins… to bad you lost your package.

  215. Foxwood says:

    You can’t hear her at all.

  216. samiam60 says:

    Yah I just love that part of it. I think they set that up to make us look like abunch of screaming terrorists

  217. samiam60 says:

    CBS was saying the numbers “may” have been between 1.5 and 2 million.

  218. samiam60 says:

    Barack Obama at a recent rural elementary school assembly in East Texas, asked the audience for total quiet. Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence.

    Then he said into th…e microphone, “Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence.”

    Then, little Richard Earl, with a proud East Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said: “Well, dumb-ass, stop clapping!”

  219. samiam60 says:

    RULE # 5 from by Saul D. Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals” is: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also wor…ks as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions, creating anger and fear. To ridicule is a logical fallacy which presents the opponent’s argument in a way that appears ridiculous, with the intention of humiliating and deliberate malicious belittling.

  220. samiam60 says:

    NewNewsMedia is reporting over 2 million today and more than at Obama’s inaugeration. which explains why media being quite about this. Maybe?

  221. Foxwood says:

    I turned it to a movie. I’m watching 300.

    Do you know how the separated the men from the boys in ancient Sparta?










    With a crowbar…

  222. samiam60 says:


  223. Foxwood says:

    2 million. That was way more than I expected. I bet Obutthole crapped his pants when he saw the mall. He came home at 6 and I’m sure most were still there.

  224. samiam60 says:

    The White House on Friday claimed it was unaware of the planned rally. “I don’t know who the group is,” White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters with a shrug. They can’t relate to honest grassroots movements when they see them….only organized community groups

    I suspect the Chinese Army could march on Washington and Gibbs would say: I wonder what they want?

  225. Foxwood says:

    That’s complete bullcrap! They fully know well what is going on. They just don’t want to admit to it.

  226. samiam60 says:

    This is a HUGE HUMILIATION for the White House . HUGE I TELL YA, HUGE 🙂

  227. samiam60 says:

    Did I say HUGE?

  228. samiam60 says:

    One Protester had a sign that read:

    Welcome to Waterloo Barrack

  229. samiam60 says:

    This is a HUGE HUMILIATION for the White House . HUGE I TELL YA, HUGE

  230. Foxwood says:

    Waterloo. That is good.

    They can’t acknowledge this. It is an embarrassment.

  231. samhenry says:

    Marine One Captain to the Prez – Sir, I suggest that we land under cover of darkness tonight due to Mall full of redneck rabble rousers.

    Prez – We fly in under cover of darkness not because of the redneck rabble rousers but because of your word choice and syntax – behind the times and unmanly.

    Captain – Sir, I’m a hermaphrodite Independent – I can vote either way.

    The Prez – bi-partisan, eh?

    Captain – Yes sir. But I think I have made my mind up about what side to choose.

    Well, good luck with the racist, sexist doctors at Walter Reed. They’re just the types I had in mind to operate on Redneck rabble rousers who piss on my public option.

    Captain – Sir, if you don’t mind, I go to Cuba for medical treatment where double talk is clearly understood and the wealthy have been chased from the country. El Castro was always of two minds about democracy – just as you are.

    LPrez – Castro hasn’t got a mind.

    Captain – Au Contraire mon Prez. He does and you don’t. You see, you have put your faith in a Hermaphrodite Helicopter Pilot who can vote either way and I vote to push the button on the trap door and dump Prez Obuttonhole in the putrid reflecting pool which government have had over 40 years to keep clean. Happy trails. Happy entrails, SIR.

  232. samiam60 says:

    Funny SamH.

    The White House staff is going to have a big job tomorrow removing the skid marks from the enchanted one’s skivies.


  233. Foxwood says:

    Oh CRAP! That wasn’t the reflecting pool! That was one of the many outhouses on the mall!

  234. samhenry says:

    Sorry, Sir – Your House or Out House?

  235. samhenry says:

    And this for those fans of fear who are getting the populace all whipped up about the Swine Flu.

  236. samiam60 says:

    I wish someone could verify an actual reliable number for today” s rally.

  237. samiam60 says:

    When is someone going challenge these “strategists” that CNN and the like bring on when they say that the Tea Parties are just a bunch of racists? I would love, just once, for the other person to say “is it racist because you have some…… concrete evidence of racism or is it racist because you say so? And how do you know what is in the mind of 1.5 million people all at once? Please share with us how you read so many minds.”

  238. Foxwood says:

    I heard it on Fox also Sami. Some babe came on talking about all the racist rednecks on the mall. I wanted to slap the crap out of her… All I could do was throw a shoe.

  239. samiam60 says:

    Sarah Palin’s Facebook page is on Fire I tell ya, On Fire.

  240. samiam60 says:


    Izzy Felix I am a black American…and I was here at the 9/12 march on D.C. and saw other people that have my skin color including at least ten black Americans that spoke, and a prominent rap group that sang. Are we too racist. Screw the media. We are proud Americans that love our freedom.

  241. samiam60 says:

    If i were Joe Wilson and the lefties demand he goes to Congress to apologise…i WOULD GO THERE and do what Gandhi did to the Bristish…take the “opportunity” great chance, to TELL THEM: (the truth) again…
    ” I come here to tell you, and you, and you and you THAT YOU ARE LIARS! (and a Kool-aid-drinker- I AM NOT! ) …THEREFORE, I AM NOT SORRY AT ALL! ”
    turn around and leave…let them suck their fingers! with rage.

    It’s a fact that when u say the truth you need not apologise. (Joe Wilson, dont fall into their trap fly above the flow winds come and go !)

  242. Foxwood says:

    Don’t apologize. Take your punishment and tell them they lie.

  243. Foxwood says:

    More Piggy flu for you SamH!

  244. samiam60 says:


  245. samiam60 says:

    Aware that the mainstream media would downplay their numbers and the significance of 9-12, hundreds of thousands of Americans out today to protest massive government spending and massive government health care no longer count on the MSM for coverage…. It is one of the necessities of a czar-studded Barack Obama Administration that We The People are now the media.
    Meanwhile, the current occupant of the Oval office, off to pump Health Care reform in Minnesota may pretend not to hear the cries of We The People. But how can a deaf administration matter when their message is being heard loudly and clearly throughout the Free World?

  246. VotingFemale says:

    Well Said Samiam…

    I want a protest sign…

    F Barack and his little dog too

  247. samiam60 says:

    Thanks VF. What historical day this has been.


    Wednesday night Mr. Obama Called us out and said he would hold us accountable. Well “We The People” showed up today and he skipped town.

  248. samiam60 says:

    I’ll betcha he is weeweeedd tonight

  249. VotingFemale says:

    We the People have spoken in numbers too too strong to be ignored…. this is an historic day by any measure…

    And we here have participated…

    The American Spirit born 1776 is alive in us…

    We are proof of that here… and now.

  250. VotingFemale says:

    Obutthole Wee Wee-ed?

    We all just wee wee’ed in his Cheerios

    he probably beat the dog and children tonight… muttering “they’re all Racists”


  251. samiam60 says:

    He probably KICKED the dog. roflmao

  252. samiam60 says:

    His WATERLOO is here alive and well in


  253. VotingFemale says:

    Dat Man done met the Real America

    we be runnin’ through the jungle

  254. VotingFemale says:

    Just got an email…

    this is too damn funny!


    ACORN gets BUSTED for trying to set up a Whore House!

  255. samiam60 says:

    That is awesome VF. The email, Great picture for your next blog post don’t ya think???? Hmmmmm?
    Yah baby do it. do it now.

  256. VotingFemale says:

    Barack After Seeing the Spirit of America Today

  257. Foxwood says:

    He pretends to ignore it, but he saw it. He don’t like it. And he is still going to push his agenda. This is not over. We still have a war to fight.


  258. Foxwood says:

    Run through the Jungle..

  259. VotingFemale says:

    As a matter of interest…

    our Blog Tea Party and this Blog Post has already set an all time record for this blog for the number of visits here in a single day today and it is still climbing…

    View Hits have exceeded 3000… and counting

  260. Foxwood says:

    So 3000 have seen what an ass I can be? Wow!

  261. VotingFemale says:

    soothes Foxwood’s furrowed brow…
    then with a gleam in her eye she says…

    “yuz own what yuz type… just like Ever Body Elset”


    Foxwood says

    So 3000 have seen what an ass I can be? Wow!

  262. arlenearmy says:

    I went to 912 event today. Just got in.

  263. Foxwood says:

    It was a good party too.

  264. Foxwood says:


    How was it?

  265. VotingFemale says:

    In Washington, yes?

    I only WISH We could have done it together, girlfriend!

    How was it?

    I watched it on TV and on the internet from a live video feed…


    BTW, you got credit in this blogpost above for the tip about that ASSHAT Joe Lyles, Arlene.

    Thank you for that heads up… we got the word out as best we could.

    arlenearmy says

    I went to 912 event today. Just got in.

  266. VotingFemale says:

    Also, We had an Internet Tea Party right here on the Blog all day!

  267. samhenry says:

    A lot of us Republicans – especially we liberal types, really gave Bush the business. Many of us wanted him run out of office.

    There is a big difference between wanting accurate documentation of a candidate and urging someone to kill that candidate. He ran as a centrist then when in office, made a sharp left. We centrists were appalled. THAT is why we don’t like his policies. He lies. When Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction the entire country came down on him. Even Abraham Lincoln was not a totally popular President – Barack Obama knows this. But remember and I can’t mention this enough, Obama played the race card during the Gates affair – no President in my memory has done that. I am willing to debate anyone – socialist, communist – but for god’s sake, don’t put the wrong label on me when you do.

  268. arlenearmy says:

    Obama is dismissive as he refuses to acknowledge the protesters. But he’s also showing signs of desperation, as he goes out of town, when the protesters marched on D.C.

  269. samhenry says:

    Congratulations – you’ve been a BIG hit, Great Cat. You have a wonderful reputation for telling your audience the truth straight up. Beware liberals, socialists and communists – this is a fighting kitty with sharp claws and a vocabulary to match and an intellect to deliver it. You had better go into training before spamming this site!

    I’m just her ole faithful liberal Republican/Independent dawg. It takes all kinds and all kinds are on this blog.

  270. VotingFemale says:

    This is one of the things we did to Obutthole today…

  271. VotingFemale says:

    There is NO WAY he can ignore it, Arlene…

    A Man-God Scorned is not a happy camper and he knows he and his crew are REJECTED.

    As Fox or Samiam put it… no way in hell did he miss seeing it as Marine One lifted him from the WH to Air Force One

    It was there for him to see from the sky… and I know it was a debbie downer for his sorry ass.

  272. arlenearmy says:

    That great. I wished I was present for the 912 blog rally. But I had to attend the local rally.

    It was great. It was raining, but it was worth attending. There new faces in attendance. Some of the usual faces were in D.C. The organizer had one of the locals on the speaker of her cell phone.

  273. VotingFemale says:

    A-10 drivin’ Combat Kitty reporting for duty!

    samhenry says

    Congratulations – you’ve been a BIG hit, Great Cat. You have a wonderful reputation for telling your audience the truth straight up. Beware liberals, socialists and communists – this is a fighting kitty with sharp claws and a vocabulary to match and an intellect to deliver it. You had better go into training before spamming this site!

    I’m just her ole faithful liberal Republican/Independent dawg. It takes all kinds and all kinds are on this blog.

  274. VotingFemale says:

    Nonetheless, I, for one, felt your spirit here, Arlene.

    arlenearmy says

    That great. I wished I was present for the 912 blog rally. But I had to attend the local rally.

  275. samhenry says:

    Your iron will and intellect and tireless pursuit of the truth define you, Arlene. Whenever any of these qualities are expressed here, you are here. The Great Cat is Right!

  276. Foxwood says:

    I like the 1957 Hawkins version myself

  277. samhenry says:

    Combat Kitty – lol! That you are, Great Cat.

  278. samhenry says:

    I LOVE “I put a spell on you.”

  279. arlenearmy says:

    Did y’all hear Geraldo? Geraldo was cutting down Joe Wilson & called Wilson a racist because he called the Messiah a liar. Viewers started sending email complaints to Foxnews. One of the viewers said that Geraldo don’t fit in with foxnews & that he needs to go somewhere else.

  280. samhenry says:

    I cannot tell you how unsettling it is to have people on the extreme left – socialists and communists – call everyone not in their pond network as racist. A bunch of turdy toads are calling me a racist? I cannot remember a time on this blog when Obama was called out for his skin color. He has been called out for his policies and actions. All men and women are defined by that. He is the President of the United States. He doesn’t need a chorus of toadies croaking his praise and our racism. He is the most powerful person in this country. What don’t you toads understand about that? We are freedom frogs and we’re “hoppin’ mad” as my grandfather used to say.

  281. arlenearmy says:

    Thanks for the compliment. Ive been rather busy for past 2 weeks on youtube, twitter, here on VF’s blog & on many other conservative blogs because there’s so much work to do. Glenn Beck got the ball rolling & we all MUST help carry the load.

    Sometimes it gets tiring, as I am sure that you would agree. We are all contributing to the cause.

  282. VotingFemale says:

    I didn’t hear about that until right now.

    Rivera is a ass and a has been and needs to go to MSNBC with the rest of the asshats over there.

    arlenearmy says

    Did y’all hear Geraldo? Geraldo was cutting down Joe Wilson & called Wilson a racist because he called the Messiah a liar. Viewers started sending email complaints to Foxnews. One of the viewers said that Geraldo don’t fit in with foxnews & that he needs to go somewhere else.

  283. samhenry says:

    Every inch of Geraldo is fake – including his hair piece. He is a snake oil salesman straight up.

  284. Foxwood says:

    Horendo Revolver is a joke. Can’t ride a horse. Gives military secrets… Joke.

  285. VotingFemale says:

    Your energy level seems low this evening, dear.
    You need a recharge… and deserve a rest.

    And SamHenery is spot on about you… I know we all know it and acknowledge the truth of what she says in your regards.

    arlenearmy says

    Thanks for the compliment. Ive been rather busy for past 2 weeks on youtube, twitter, here on VF’s blog & on many other conservative blogs because there’s so much work to do. Glenn Beck got the ball rolling & we all MUST help carry the load.

    Sometimes it gets tiring, as I am sure that you would agree. We are all contributing to the cause.

  286. samhenry says:

    Arlene – I did not compliment you – I spoke of truths.

  287. Foxwood says:

    So SamH, whad ya think of Screamin’ Jay?

  288. arlenearmy says:

    Its a very sad & disheartening situation. I know many blacks who served honorably in Vietnam. At the VA hospital I see some of them wearing their veteran t-shirts & caps.

    So when I hear about the NAACP pushing hard to have Joe Wilson censured & boycotted in S.C., it truly saddens me. Instead of NAACP working to become part of AMERICA, they are striving to make black folks separate from America. You will never hear of or see NAACP issuing American flags to the black community.

    At these rallies, folks are protesting because they fear their freedoms are on the ropes & fighting against government intrusion into their lives.

  289. VotingFemale says:

    Glenn Beck promoted a website today and those of us who were here on the blog visited it…

    it is truly kick butt…

    The Black Sphere

  290. arlenearmy says:

    Well, maybe I should retire for tonite.

    I will talk to you all tomorrow.

    I love y’all. Good nite American Patriots.

  291. VotingFemale says:

    Good night and sleep well, Arlene. You are loved as well, dear.

    tomorrow is a new day… perhaps you can speak more of what is troubling you then…

  292. samhenry says:

    The NAACP is racist – it has strayed from it’s own chosen path. It had devolved into the mild manered fighter for black rights. Now it is spitting fire on whites – and for reasons that are unclear. There is too much emotion and not enough good common sense in the political arena at this time. Cooler heads, please come home.

  293. Foxwood says:

    Good night Arlene.

  294. samhenry says:

    FOX – I love that version of “spell” thanks for bringing it on board.

  295. samhenry says:

    The Great Cat knows I have tried to take it easy this weekend but events have unfolded that have kept me on deck. You will understand if the old dawg goes below decks to a bunk. Don’t want to jump overboard – want to remain within earshot!

    I love all of you, too. Nite and goodnight to all of those flying overhead.

  296. Foxwood says:

    He had some good tunes. I have a CD of most of his hits, the “I put a spell on you” is his biggie. Really wasn’t a hit tho till CCR did it. I was sad the day he died.

  297. Foxwood says:

    Night SamH, It was a good day. VF.. I must leave also, tho.

  298. samhenry says:

    FOX – I love your sentimental side. But don’t let the Socialists see it.

  299. VotingFemale says:

    i am headed for the bed…


    tomorrow, we continue the battle

    good night dears…

  300. karmahd says:

    Samiam60 Not sure if anyone answered your question on the number of people in DC, it was estimated by the police at 2 million people. Early estimates were at 1.2 million, so between 1.2-2 million, Gibbs, if he did not know about this, he is a fool or a liar!!

  301. samiam60 says:

    Good morning Bloggers and Bloggerettes:

  302. samiam60 says:

    George Stephanoplis on Good Morning America just characterized the protesters in DC this weekend as a minority. Minority, wait till this minority votes the liberals out next year and again in 2012.

  303. samhenry says:

    Oy – first the cannon from FOX now noise of every variety from you. How’s an ole dawg to sleep in a bunk on board?

    How about some marscapone cheese on a cracker and cocoa? A truly European breakfast. I’m sure you would be happier waiting for some coffee and more exotic fare from the FOX.

  304. samhenry says:

    Remember,Sami, George has been an apologist for dems since his days in the Clinton administration. He is just a little worm. His journalistic talent is as hollow as an old shed worm casing.

  305. samhenry says:

    George Stephanopolis
    in the Metropolis
    makes time to laud
    The Prez who is a fraud
    seen as a god
    in country gone astray.
    Thinks he will betray
    The work of friends in Acorn
    Thinks Conservs were recently born.

  306. samhenry says:

    Back to the bunk
    even tho you’re a hunk

    BBL Sami

  307. samhenry says:


    Good to hear you will be back for any amount of time. I am weary, deary, from being the lone half voice for the libs. I’m an independent – not a spoksperson for the libs unless there is a full moon.

  308. m2 says:

    Hi guys..

    I couldn’t believe that Obama was in full-campaign mode yesterday in MN… it was sad that the presidential office is used to appease 15% of the country and not to respect and lead 100%

  309. m2 says:

    some of the gems…

    “we’re all going to have the SAME quality and care that members of Congress have”…

    That one literally, had my mouth drop.

    The total LIES he sells to peddle his fake “healthcare” reform. People wake up, if it’s smells to good to be true, it is.

    This is about Soros and friends creating a garbage pile out of the U.S. -don’t you think Obama would care about the economy if he cared at all?

    It’s been Soros’ big “game” to pulverize us. And now his puppet is working full throttle…. this man is the worst thing to happen for Americans and American blacks,… b/c he’s not even legitimate. He doesn’t care for us… Hellloooooo…

  310. m2 says:

    Soros goes around toppling working economies FOR SPORT.

    Wouldn’t he Love to have the greatest nation under his belt. Well guess what? He’s 85% there!!

    He did this to the UK, was tried and prosecuted PROSECUTED in France, -he virtually killed East Asia.

    And this is who funds and puppeteers the Obama!

    Soros would love to see us in misery.

  311. m2 says:

    I had my computer off all day yesterday and am heading out for a road trip today, so everyone take care… and RH too (I haven’t seen you on, but come back to chat!)

    Ohiobelle, could not believe that game last night. Could NOT believe it.

  312. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning M2! SamHenry! Samiam!

    Where is Foxwood’s Cannon? lol

    The Socialists could only dream of having millions of demonstrators with fire in the belly as our fellow patriots demonstrated yesterday and continuing on into the future…

    No amount of money can by that… not ever.

  313. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF, M2, SamH.

    Why can’t we get an accurate count?

    So far the numbers range from 70,000 to 2.3 million

  314. VotingFemale says:

    It is impossible to count a gathering in such large numbers…

    Perhaps over the next days aerial photos can aid in an accurate estimation.

  315. rhayes says:

    VF…I was looking to see if any of you knew that djw was banned from ireports yesterday sometime…thought you would find that interesting. I’m glad I was banned for no reason…and he’s been on there to long getting away with his crap…I have to interest in going back but I do keep up with the stories…I read your blog alot because I like your views and the way you express them. Take care..

  316. samiam60 says:

    Well now that is an Odious Screed if I ever did hear one.

  317. samiam60 says:

    The Park Service is going to give an accurate count sometime on Monday to make it official.

  318. VotingFemale says:

    The really ironic thing?

    Saul Alinsky has no rules to instruct the socialists who are now “The Establishment” on shutting down We the People.

    Personally attacking millions upon millions of us only further enrages every fair minded person on the planet.

    They are bewildered and standing flat footed with their thumbs in their mouth.

    And… they are the very reason for their coming Political shut down.

    Ain’t Life a Bitch, Obama?


  319. VotingFemale says:

    That is interesting, dear.

    Any detail as to his being Flatlined?

    Additionally, I would love to have you actively participate in the blog here. I know you to be a true patriot with fire in your belly. And, we look out for our own.

    rhayes says

    VF…I was looking to see if any of you knew that djw was banned from ireports yesterday sometime…thought you would find that interesting. I’m glad I was banned for no reason…and he’s been on there to long getting away with his crap…I have to interest in going back but I do keep up with the stories…I read your blog alot because I like your views and the way you express them. Take care..

  320. samiam60 says:

    T’was hate for the Tea Party in DC that killed the Beast. Ahahahahahahaha

  321. samiam60 says:

    Dr. Sam Vaknin is a highly respected authority on NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and has a very very interesting view of President Barrack Obama. The article and Dr. Vaknin’s observations seem right on when viewing body language of the …President and his obsession with being in front of the camera.

  322. VotingFemale says:

    ahhh welll… like many other communists yesterday he went postal to the point of self destruction.

    We have a rule about not discussing the iTrolls in public anymore.

    So lets keep this discussion private… and we can dissect this insect to a fair the well.


  323. samiam60 says:

    Taken from Sarah Palins Face book page:

    Further validation of the pathetic media!!! After being in DC yesterday for the march I saw for myself the SEA OF PEOPLE!! WHAT OTHER VALIDATION DO THE FOLKS NEED!!! Other marches on washington are covered but if it is one that disagrees with this… administration’s agenda…silence…it wan’t about democrats and republicans…it was/is about being Americans!!!! IT’S THE WHOLE AGENDA!!!!!!

  324. VotingFemale says:

    The Socialist Media have hung themselves on the Political Tree of Woo

    That is the long and short of that

    Socialists and their Sheep are in the Minority

    This is OUR Country… Not Theirs

  325. VotingFemale says:

    One in Six Democrats have jumped off the Obama march into the Sea

    Suck it up Obama! You are already a Lame Duck

  326. VotingFemale says:

    I need to go do a new blog post….

    The juicy-ness of the success of the 912 invasion of DC almost makes my head swim.

  327. m2 says:

    hi sam, VF, rhayses…

    heading out now!

    The fact that Obama set up a rally for his snake oil and promised everyone “the same souped care” of Congress IS THE VALIDATION that they are in danger of losing their IRON GRIP.

    F U Obutthole!

    Go kiss the feet of your socialist Hungarian Troll who bought you.

  328. rhayes says:

    VF I actually thought you would censor this before it posted. I know you avoid any subject openly about them. I didn’t realize it would post so quickly..I would love to join your post. I don’t get online except for the weekends mainly. At any rate I thought you would be interested in knowing…another victory was made…

  329. m2 says:

    rhayes your voice of solidarity is heartily wooed!!

    come on VF’s blog anytime!


    – Take care friends, off on our trip!

  330. samiam60 says:

    (CNN) — Rep. Joe Wilson said Sunday he will not apologize again for yelling out that President Barack Obama lied during the president’s speech to Congress last week.

    “I am not going to apologize again,” the South Carolina Republican said on “FOX News Sunday” when asked about pending disciplinary steps against him by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives.

    Wilson said he already apologized to Obama and that the president accepted it. However, he insisted that Obama “was mis-stating the facts,” and that Democratic leaders in the House were “playing politics” by continuing to focus on the issue.

  331. rhayes says:

    Sam and he shouldn’t apologize again. After his outburst they closed the loophole that allowed illegals to access healthcare with the idea that citizenship must be proven…which is a proposal once suggested by the republicans and rejected by the democrats, but don’t be surprise that amnesty won’t show up in this bill in the 11th hour. This bill must be stopped.

  332. samiam60 says:

    rhayes so good to have you with us.

    It seems that whenever someone stands up and speaks the truth the President is forced to concede and do the will of the People.

  333. rhayes says:

    Sam it feels good to be able to voice my concerns to people that will actually listen. I stayed away from online forums for a couple of months after being flatlined for no reason…but fighting with the oppostion with words is such a waste of time…we need to get out there…march…write our government and be informed and inform…I’m ready to join a group that is going to make a difference instead of trying to change the minds of people that have no clue. We can’t afford for them to win just to prove we were right all along..we already know that. Good to be a part of the winning side. Thanks

  334. rhayes says:

    Sam it feels good to be able to voice my concerns to people that will actually listen. I stayed away from online forums for a couple of months after being flatlined…but fighting with the oppostion with words is such a waste of time…we need to get out there…march…write our government and be informed and inform…I’m ready to join a group that is going to make a difference instead of trying to change the minds of people that have no clue. We can’t afford for them to win just to prove we were right all along..we already know that. Good to be a part of the winning side. Thanks

  335. Foxwood says:


    Good to see you. Weekend would be fine if that is all you can make.


    I had a cellsite go down last night. Hence no cannon fire this morning… just now getting up. I hate on call.

  336. samiam60 says:

    No excuse’s Foxwood, just fire the Cannon or my day will be incomplete, lol.

  337. Foxwood says:

    Powder must of gotten wet…

  338. samiam60 says:

    Your a funny guy Foxwood

  339. VotingFemale says:

    You have learned a hard lesson, rhayes.

    The socialist trolls are defeated by ignoring them… to engage them sucks the energy and time from the duty of defeating them on a grand scale.

    That is what this blog and these members here are about.

    Defeat of Socialism on a National Scale.
    And have no doubt, they now feel the FEAR.
    We dont need their validation… they are the lost causes of Communism… which has never worked.

    rhayes says

    Sam it feels good to be able to voice my concerns to people that will actually listen. I stayed away from online forums for a couple of months after being flatlined for no reason…but fighting with the oppostion with words is such a waste of time…

  340. Foxwood says:

    Hey, Julian Epstein is on Fox News!

    Welcome Back!

  341. rhayes says:

    Thanks VF..but learning a lesson the hard way gives strength for a good fight for the cause. Some times you just get sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  342. karmahd says:

    The Loony Left is at it again, they have organized an attack on Sen. Joe Wilsons campaign site, and have succeeded in shutting down his site several times. This is the Obama administration at is radical best!

    Nice to see you Rhayes, also the news of David is not unexpected, it was always just a matter of time!!

  343. Foxwood says:

    Sami, My best friend in high school was a master debater and a thespian.

  344. Foxwood says:

    So you see how tolerant I can be…

  345. samiam60 says:

    Fox please interpet this:

    Sami, My best friend in high school was a master bater and a thespian.

  346. karmahd says:

    Gotta roll out for awhile, but also in the news, the Obama administration is giving the Afghanistan detainees a get out of jail free card!

    When will this arrogance stop!!!

  347. Foxwood says:

    I have a feeling that Joe Wilson will get nation wide support, tho, Karma. His name will not leave Conservative memory.

  348. samiam60 says:

    Karma the Terrorist get a get out of jail card and we get Marshal Law.

  349. samiam60 says:

    Joe Wilson is a hero on facebook and other places.

  350. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood are you always this funny?

  351. Foxwood says:

    “Fox please interpet this:

    Sami, My best friend in high school was a master bater and a thespian.”

    Fox, por favor interpretar esto:

    Sami, mi mejor amigo en la escuela secundaria era una bater maestro y un amante de los espectáculos.

  352. Foxwood says:

    The guys on the line will shoot to kill if it keep up.

  353. VotingFemale says:

    I too learned it the hard way.

    iReport is a tiny pond in a vast ocean of BLOG Nation.

    Come fly with the B-2 Stealth Bombers and A-10 Warthogs being flown by millions of Americans Patriots as we take the Socialist Machine down.

    They are bleeding and it can not be stemmed.

    rhayes says

    Thanks VF..but learning a lesson the hard way gives strength for a good fight for the cause. Some times you just get sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  354. Foxwood says:

    BBL, I gotta wash off the funk before WG gets here.

  355. VotingFemale says:

    The Socialist Troll attacks on Joe the Congressman proves their FEAR of him and the power he has gained as a result of standing up to Obutthole and calling him a LIAR to his face in front of CONGRESS AND THE WORLD.

    They defeat themselves.

    karmahd says

    The Loony Left is at it again, they have organized an attack on Sen. Joe Wilsons campaign site, and have succeeded in shutting down his site several times. This is the Obama administration at is radical best!

    Nice to see you Rhayes, also the news of David is not unexpected, it was always just a matter of time!!

  356. samhenry says:

    rHayes – welcome. I think I remember you commenting on my posts. You were not in a wheelchair, were you? I am trying to place you. Time was you could pull up the reports of iReporters that had gone but now you cannot.

    Welcome in any event. O almost forgot to let you know: We have a sister ship blog at Do visit the site and read the tab “about this blog.” Statements you make here may be copied to that blog.

  357. samiam60 says:

    Hey everyone I am having pw problems today

  358. samhenry says:

    Pw – ? Should I know this. Is this a wolf thing or perhaps a guy thing? Is it ANYthing – for attention?

  359. rhayes says:

    sam no I’m not in a wheelchair…I don’t really know how to explain who I am…I tried to stand out and did some reports. maybe once I know who you are I can make a connection for us…I will check out the other blogs….thanks

  360. samiam60 says:

    I fixed it SamH not to worry dear.

  361. samhenry says:

    rhayes, I was Info
    – is that enough?

    Oh was your picture of you sitting down?

  362. VotingFemale says:

    samhenry… quick chat in the conference room?

  363. samiam60 says:

    Media ignores the largest gathering of any kind in Washington, exceeding the 1.8 million claimed to have attended Barack Obama’s presidential inauguration.

  364. rhayes says:

    you can still look up reports from the fallen. You need to know the title or words in the report. I just looked up some that were flatlined and you can still see their reports.

  365. Foxwood says:

    Sami, They hope this blows over and he can push heathcare through.

  366. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood the media wants this march to go away because it HUMILIATES THE WHITE HOUSE AND ALL LIBERALS. They may have exceded the number of people at bama’s inaugeration.

  367. LisaInTX says:

    Afternoon everyone!!!
    Yesterday was ONE GIANT STEP and ONE GIANT LEAP for American Patriots!!!!
    DC was ROCKED and the question is now, what will the corrupted ones do now??

    Here is something interesting—seems little Nancy the communist token vaginalist signed two declarations stating that commie Barack was eligible to serve as president or else one of these is FAKE???? Hmmmmmm……very intriguing indeed—lol

  368. VotingFemale says:

    googling: rhayes ireport

    turns up her previous ireports…

  369. LisaInTX says:

    The odious screed has self-imploded and left nothing but skid marks in his underwear to show for it….rotflmao

  370. LisaInTX says:

    Good to see you! Hope you enjoy hanging out with us here.
    Lotsa good information is collected and shared within our group.

  371. samhenry says:

    Thanks VF and rHayes for the links. I am beginning to remember but regardless, good reports. The Obama reports were mild. I will be gone any day now! It is frightening actually. He hi my friend Lisa! Lisa, I think those skit marks are from WG.

  372. VotingFemale says:

    I predict that the Socialists… those in power and those who worship in the religion of Socialism are going to go so postal they will start killing people.

  373. VotingFemale says:

    A bomb threat was phoned in to the DC offices of FreedomWorks and the offices were evacuated by the DC Metro Police.

    This is an elevation of intimidation tactics of the Socialists who have no honor and no regard for the rule of law when faced with peaceful political defeat.

    I, for one, view their behavior as self-destructive as ACORN’s behavior.
    Bomb Threat Forces Evacuation of DC TEA Party Planners
    September 11, 2009 4:50 PM

    On the eve of what organizers call a ‘Big Ol’ TEA Party’, the Washington, D.C., offices of FreedomWorks were evacuated by DC Metro police on Friday afternoon after the conservative organization reported to authorities at 3:42 pm ET that it had received a bomb threat.

    At 4:48 pm ET, the organization put out a Twitter message saying that it turned out to be a false alarm but the organization is not happy about the disruption.

    My colleague, ABC News’ Teddy Davis has the story:

    Tens of thousands of anti-big government activists are expected in Washington on Saturday as part of a “March on Washington” being organized by FreedomWorks, a conservative group headed by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas.

    A FreedomWorks staffer told ABC News that the organization’s offices at 601 Pennsylvania Avenue were evacuated on Friday afternoon by DC Metro Police because of a bomb scare.

    DC Metro police has confirmed to ABC News’ Jason Ryan that the DC Metro police had, indeed, evacuated the organization’s offices after being told by the organization that it had received a bomb threat.

    The threat came when a man called the FreedomWorks main line and told the organization’s female receptionist: “I put a bomb in your building, bitch.”

    The FreedomWorks staffer who spoke with ABC News said that the organization has received multiple threats but that for some reason, the DC Metro police thought that this one was credible enough to evacuate the building.

    The FreedomWorks staffer did not fear for his safety but worried that it was an effort to disrupt the organization’s ability to round up activists in advance of tomorrow’s “March on Washington” which is expected to bring tens of thousands of activists to the nation’s capital.

    The FreedomWorks staffers says that 50 volunteers were forced to leave the office where they were making calls encouraging people to come to tomorrow’s event.

  374. Hey VF, Lisa,SamHenry, Blogwood, et al,

    Great great post here girl. I can’t believe the freakin traitors did that bomb threat, what a bunch of scared, coward weenies, good grief…

  375. Foxwood says:

    The Yardbirds, this song was originally recorded at Sun Record. They only recorded 2 song at Sun.

  376. Foxwood says:

    They thought they had it all, and expected it since they believed it. When it didn’t happen, here is what you get. Bomb threats and intimidation. I don’t think most will be intimidated.

  377. arlenearmy says:

    Id like to know if the authorities got any leads into who made this bomb threat on tea party folks. I think they need to look to the opponents of tea parties who may live in the D.C. area. And the suspect needs to be reported to Beck’s watchdog.

  378. samiam60 says:

    With the elections of 2010 and 2012 we have got to know that when these thieves are voted out the liberals are not going to walk away quietly. Things will get real ugly after the power shift and I for one can not see these people behaving any differently than I have described.

  379. Foxwood says:

    I wouldn’t doubt that the 2010 and 2012 election won’t be riddled with threats of all sorts. These commies want this bad. I wished they would just go to a country that is already Communist. I already know the reasoning and answer as to why they don’t already tho. It’s about One World Order.

  380. VotingFemale says:

    I have a new blog post done… lets move over to it for faster comment loading…

    A Bomb Threat Against Americans in Washington DC on 911, September 11, 2009

  381. Pingback: Dropped from the Money Tree: Senate Votes to defund ACORN « VotingFemale Friends Speak!

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