Massachusetts turning from Blue State to Purple State; a sign of the times

Scott Brown has Mass Democrat Supporters like these 912 Protesters

The Democratic National Committee (DNC), the White House, Beacon Hill, and untold numbers of smug political operatives around the nation have all received one gigantic slap in the face, thanks to Massachusetts voters as evidenced in the polls (if you throw out the Boston Globe’s obviously doctored poll).

What was assumed to be ‘in the bag’ is now an extremely close and very hot January 19, 2010 special election Senate race between Scott Brown and Martha Coakley in Massachusetts.

The Truth is… this particular special election is a VERY Winnable race for Scott Brown and a VERY Losable race for Martha Coakley.

Regardless of the final outcome of the election… regardless of the DEM Party’s  Department of Dirty Tricks’ ability to tamper with the election process thus the people’s will, the handwriting is on the wall in 1000 foot letters for the once smug DNC to plainly see:

The DEM Party holds No Title to Massachusetts
And holds no lien on Massachusetts Votes

Enough People in Massachusetts are fed the hell up with DEM Party Lies & Corruption, smug and arrogant DEM Political Elites and their Progressive Dictatorship, to actually elect Scott Brown and reject Martha Coakley thereby telling corrupt Washington to take a flying leap.

This country must MUST …remain a country of the people, by the people,and for the people… and not a country in the grips of a Dictatorship, regardless of either party.

Currently there is NO POLITICAL BALANCE OF POWER, only an emerging Dictatorship of a small group of men from Chicago hell bent on using the prosperity of Americans to their advantage. This Danger is evident to more people than the present Dictatorial Elite Class can allow and still be a Dictator Elite Class.

DEM Voters? I am not saying stop being DEMs, I am saying restore a balance of power or you will absolutely and with utter certainty LOSE FOREVER the reasons why people want to come to America as opposed to wanting to escape it’s grips.

You have an opportunity before you… give up or stand up.

If you want to just give up and sign over your personal power the founding fathers gave you to protect, here is a way to do it… knock yourself the hell out.

But remember this
my fellow Massachusetts Voters
and contributors from across the nation…

It’s NOT Ted Kennedy’s Senate Seat
It’s NOT the Democratic Party’s Seat
It’s YOUR SEAT, The People’s Seat

And don’t Ever Let Anyone
Ever Tell You Different

obama i am god

This is from Barack Obama’s site Organizing for America… Just so that you know Massachusetts Voters have scared the HELL out of the Progressive Dictators and their attempts at retaining their Power Of Corruption:

I’m John Spears, OFA’s state director here in Massachusetts. I don’t normally write to you, but I’m reaching out today because we urgently need your help.

In just 7 days, folks here will vote in a special election to pick their next senator. The race is coming down to the wire, and we have to do everything we can to ensure that progressive champion Martha Coakley wins.

Unless we all join together in this moment, Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat could fall into the hands of Scott Brown, Martha’s opponent and a right-wing reactionary who has sworn to defeat health insurance reform — the late Senator’s life’s work.

But with this special election happening at an unusual time, many voters don’t know where or when to vote, and some don’t yet realize an election is happening at all.

OFA Massachusetts volunteers are going door to door and making thousands of calls, talking to voters to make sure they know how critical the outcome of their decision will be next Tuesday. But with so little time remaining, we need folks like you to reach out, too.

There are phone banks happening all over Florida leading up to the election — can you RSVP for one near you?

Can you help us elect Martha Coakley?

Calling voters is the single most important thing you can do right now to help pass health reform. You don’t need any previous experience, and you’ll have fun while making a huge difference.

Health reform passed the Senate without any room to spare, and if we lose just one seat, it could tip the balance.

So, this week, it all comes down to this race — and that means it could come down to you.

Please RSVP for a phone bank near you:



John Spears
Massachusetts State Director
Organizing for America


Additional reading…

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:This Photo May Change The Election Coakley’s Little Lobbyist Lie Coakley Admits She Is In Deep Trouble New Poll – Coakley Only Up 2 Pts
HOTAiR:Video: Coakley associate shoves Weekly Standard reporter; Update: Photo of assailant
The Filibuster Is Constitutional and Essential for Freedom
Gateway Pundit:Obama: Americans Have “Every Right to Feel Deflated” MARTHA COAKLEY SMEARS SCOTT BROWN Outside Her Big Health Care Lobbyist Fundraiser (Video)
Sister Toldjah:Quote of the day – Scott Brown edition US Senate – NV watch: Rothenberg changes race to “Lean Takeover for the GOP”
Nice Deb:Video: CNN’s Jack Cafferty Unloads On Speaker Pelosi Shock Report:Rand Corp Recommends National Police Force Boston Political Analyst Declares Scott Brown Winner of Monday Night’s Debate
Frugal Café: Martha, Martha, Martha… You Need to Keep your Left-wing Thugs at Bay until AFTER the Election (video) and MA Dem Martha Coakley Is Naive, Wrong, & Dangerous about Terrorism (video) Scott Brown: “With All Due Respect… It’s the People’s Seat” (video) MA Police Endorse Scott Brown, Dems Will Delay Election Certification, Boston Herald to MA Voters: One Vote Can Make a Difference, Vote for Brown (video) Sinking Approval for ObamaCare Escalates, 54% Disapprove of Government-run Health Care
Talk Wisdom:Great Line: “It’s The People’s Seat”

Michelle Malkin: Martha Coakley: The voice for Fat Cats and Corruptocrats Purple Army to Coakley’s rescue: SEIU sends $685,000 more; And speaking of thugs… Video: Union workers admits being paid by Coakley camp…but he’ll vote for Brown
ArleneArmy’s Blog:
Reid Has A Negro Problem; Blacks in America – The Democrat’s Political Commodity on the Cheap – Blaxploitation
Boudica WPI:The terrorists are winning. Thanks Obama. The government and the power of the badge.
GoodTimePolitics:Most Voters Believe Obama Care Will Mean Higher Cost! Barack Obama Rating Falling Fast (Where the Halo Now?)
LisainTX’s Blog:Obama’s Council of Governors: Congress Granted Federal power to control us on a Local and State level! Only Obama’s Inner Circle may enter the SECRET meetings, now that is Transparency in our face!
Diary of a Mad Conservative:
Why is the CDC misleading America’s seniors?
OhioBelle’s Blog:
Return of the Dixiecrats TEAM O’BRIEN
SamHenry’s Blog:Obama – The First Bi-Racial President Handles Race Issues BREAKING: Paul Begala’s Lowlife Remarks RE Palin and FOX Outrageous
VotingFemale Speaks!:
Is a 2012 Palin-Brown Ticket in the Future? and Scott Brown under vote troll attack; Read Up and In attacking Sarah Palin’s Faith, Socialists incite Jihad by ridiculing true believers in God (Allah); Liberal attacks on God shall stop, right Muslims?
Temple of Mut:I have a misspelling for you, Martha: CROAKLEY! “It’s the People’s Seat!” And More on CA’s Revolt, too!
Dancing Czars: Nancy Pelosi what a Horrible Woman

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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120 Responses to Massachusetts turning from Blue State to Purple State; a sign of the times

  1. rosehips says:

    foxy, last night I watched FoxNews

    foxy said: What lefty commie news programs do you watch, Rosey?

  2. Foxwood says:

    I didn’t see any ignorant comments from Sarah at all. That’s why I ask.

  3. rosehips says:

    thanks lisa, sami….I am honored and I hope you never regret it.

    lisa said: Sami
    You are so right. Rosie gets a Lifetime Unrevokable Pass (Like congress wants for their healthscare bill) from us.

  4. rosehips says:

    foxy, I have to say I felt uncomfortable for Sarah when Bill O was grilling her. Her body language told me that she probably did get confused between North and South Korea at some point, but I bet she knows the difference now. She admitted that she had questioned something else but it was taken out of context. I don’t expect her to know everything about world events but I do expect my President to be more knowledgable than the average governor, which is about where I would put her on a scale of knowledge. Or maybe a even a little below average. I dunno.

  5. rosehips says:

    oh yeah, she said the Saddam comments were taken out of context and the last point, of which my weak memory fails me on, she totally dodged the question.

  6. Foxwood says:

    Don’t know what you were watching Rosey. The writers of that book took info from McCains men who had nothing good to say about her. That’s all that was. Do you hate Sarah?

  7. VotingFemale says:

    a person hypothesizing in private about the plausibility of a role played by Saddam in support of Al Qaeda is not for public consumption…

    That Schmidt decided to attack Sarah was his choosing… and he is an asshole who will now never get a campaign management position above that of dog catcher running for office… no one is going to trust him…

    he is a prick and it is plain to the most casual observer.

  8. Foxwood says:

    Let’s not forget that there WAS a terrorist camp in Iraq with a fuselage to practice taking over a jet plane.

  9. VotingFemale says:

    It is quite plausible that both Saddam and Iran played roles in support of Al Qaeda though unproven… and anyone alleging Sarah Palin does not know there is a North and South Korea is an total idiot…

  10. VotingFemale says:

    and the theme of this blogpost is Scott Brown and Martha Coakley and the Asshats at the DNC

    any comments?

  11. rosehips says:

    foxy, not at all. Did I say something that sounded hateful?

    foxy said: Do you hate Sarah?

  12. VotingFemale says:

    she doesnt hate sarah…. Rose is fishing for a defensive reaction…

    the issue of a he said she said related by third party accounts? uhhh… a distraction.

    Lets Talk Massachusetts Voters and the likelihood this Senate seat will return to the people instead of the Royal Kennedy Dynasty

  13. Foxwood says:


    Yes. Martha Coakley and the DNC are Asshats!

    How do you spell Massachusetts anyway?

  14. rosehips says:

    VF, I got this email the other day…

    On Tuesday, January 19th, there’s a special election in Massachusetts to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat.

    While the large majority of Massachusetts voters support the Democratic candidate, Attorney General Martha Coakley, special interests have poured in hundreds of thousands of dollars to mislead voters — and the traditionally low turnout in special elections means this race could be very, very close.

    The stakes here are incredibly high. You know how hard we’ve fought and how close we’ve come to finally passing health reform. But also know this: To get the job done, we need Martha Coakley’s vote in the Senate.

    No matter where you live, you can play an essential role. OFA volunteers around the country are calling key Massachusetts voters and making sure they know when and where to vote, and how important electing Martha Coakley is to the country.

    Each voter we reach could be the one who tips the balance.

    Can you help by calling potential voters in Massachusetts?

    Offering information to voters on how to participate is a great service, and it can be a lot of fun. You can take as much or as little time as you like, and no prior experience is necessary.

    Making these calls could be the single most important thing you can do right now to ensure the passage of health reform.

    But the impact of this election goes well beyond health reform — Martha Coakley will be a vital ally to President Obama in helping our families get back to work, launching a clean-energy economy, and reining in the Wall Street abuses that still put so many Americans at risk.

    But it all comes down to you. We need you to help get the word out, so please start calling today:

    Thank you for your help,


    Jeremy Bird
    Deputy Director
    Organizing for America

  15. Foxwood says:

    I know… I was fishing for results also…

  16. VotingFemale says:

    Martha the Savior of MASSACHUSETTES!!!

  17. VotingFemale says:

    It looks like a template of the letter above from

    John Spears
    Massachusetts State Director
    Organizing for America

    But John’s letter shows the fear of the DNC

    rosehips says

    VF, I got this email the other day…

    On Tuesday, January 19th, there’s a special election in Massachusetts to fill Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat.

  18. Foxwood says:

    Did you know there aren’t any terrorists left in Afghanistan?

  19. VotingFemale says:

    Rose, have you read this blogpost?

  20. VotingFemale says:

    Martha Coakley: there aren’t any terrorists left in Afghanistan

  21. Foxwood says:

    I knew I heard it somewhere…

    Brown needs to push her ignorance to the brink.

  22. rosehips says:

    from the Boston Herald:

    Poll: Scott Brown, Martha Coakley only 2 points apart

    A new poll in the special U.S. Senate election between Attorney General Martha Coakley and state Sen. Scott Brown shows the contest is shaping up to be a nail-biter.

    The results of a Rasmussen telephone survey released yesterday found Coakley, a Democrat, capturing 49 percent of likely voters while her Republican opponent, Brown, is garnering 47 percent.

    A Rasmussen poll released last week found Coakley leading Brown by a margin of 50 to 41 percent.

  23. samiam60 says:

    Rosie says
    foxy, I have to say I felt uncomfortable for Sarah when Bill O was grilling her. Her body language told me that she probably did get confused between North and South Korea at some point, but I bet she knows the difference now. She admitted that she had questioned something else but it was taken out of context. I don’t expect her to know everything about world events but I do expect my President to be more knowledgable than the average governor, which is about where I would put her on a scale of knowledge. Or maybe a even a little below average. I dunno.

    Rosie Dearest:

    Obama thinks we have 57 or 58 states 🙂
    I’d rather have a Governor than a Community Organizer ignorant Chicago Thug type as President. Wouldn’t you?

  24. rosehips says:

    yes, VF…that’s why I posted the letter.

    vf said: Rose, have you read this blogpost?

  25. rosehips says:

    sami, I don’t think you can compare a slip of the tongue with ignorance. I have never heard if Obama responded to all the hoopla over his mis-spoken words but I doubt that he really thought there were 57 states. When are you going to let an insignificant slip go???

  26. samiam60 says:

    Ok VF I am back on track and lets talk about Brown.

    Scott Brown has a powerful message in that he states the Seat belongs to the People.

    Martha is in big,big, trouble because all the Democratic Double talk these days is filling the air waves and convincing people everywhere it is Really Time for Change. Just not the kind of Change Obama “was” trying to push.

    He is a hasbeen and Martha will be a herbeen.

  27. Foxwood says:

    “I don’t think you can compare a slip of the tongue with ignorance.”

    The only ones thinking her ignorant, hate her. Thats why the spew the lies.

  28. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    sami, I don’t think you can compare a slip of the tongue with ignorance. I have never heard if Obama responded to all the hoopla over his mis-spoken words but I doubt that he really thought there were 57 states. When are you going to let an insignificant slip go???


    Why then has he gone Campaigning twice now to Denmark? I will tell you why, he thinks it is a State. lol

  29. Foxwood says:

    Slip of the tongue? Proof hes Muslim.

  30. Foxwood says:

    You know the Dems will delay him going to Senate if he wins. Dems can’t have that 60-40 for Communized Heathcare.

  31. rosehips says:

    A Republican Senate upset in Massachusetts?

    By Kathleen Parker
    Sunday, January 10, 2010

    The Jan. 19 special election to fill Ted Kennedy’s U.S. Senate seat is beginning to resemble the 2008 presidential election, when the “inevitable” Hillary Clinton was overtaken by a surprising phenomenon named Barack Obama.

    Only this time, it’s a wunderkind from the right overtaking an overconfident woman on the left. Conventional wisdom in Massachusetts has long held that Attorney General Martha Coakley would sail into Kennedy’s seat as a natural heiress, without having to stock up on hand sanitizer. She’s a liberal Democrat in tune with Kennedy’s philosophy and ready to cast her votes accordingly.

    But something has happened the past couple of months. State Sen. Scott Brown, a relative pauper when it comes to political spending, has been closing in. While Coakley has been drumming her fingers until fate gets on with it, Brown has been standing on street corners, holding up signs, delivering posters and putting 200,000 miles on his pickup truck.

    for the whole article, which tells how Scott posed for a Cosmo spread: (oh oh, sounds juicy!)

  32. samiam60 says:

    This is a great quote and I believe it will be repeated across the land this year and in 2012:

    But remember this
    my fellow Massachusetts Voters
    and contributors from across the nation…
    It’s NOT Ted Kennedy’s Senate Seat
    It’s NOT the Democratic Party’s Seat
    It’s YOUR SEAT, The People’s Seat
    And don’t Ever Let Anyone
    Ever Tell You Different

  33. Foxwood says:

    You demonize and criticize those you think are a threat. Her opponents including RINOS feel Sarah’s a threat and spew lies.

  34. Foxwood says:

    Even if the Massachusetts seat is close, it will be telling the Dems the direction this country really feels. They don’t like it.

  35. rosehips says:

    sami, you do know that Brown is pro-choice?

    foxy, lol. I criticize everyone!

  36. samiam60 says:

    Hey Barry what do you think of us now!

  37. rosehips says:

    and I do not demonize gov Palin, but I don’t think she is a good candidate for the presidency. I would like to see her as the Republican candidate however. I don’t think she will win if she is.

  38. Kynikos says:

    Drive By… I am back, good post VF, and I do hope that Coakley does not win!! The progressive champion she is as stated in the letter above is the only reason I would need not to vote for her.

    Been offline for the last 5 days, had to put a wood floor in my office at home, damn weenie dog pissed all over my new carpet!!

    Should post something later today, go Brown!!! and I don’t mean UPS

    PS The seat comment will go down in political history!

  39. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    sami, you do know that Brown is pro-choice?

    Rosie, Rosie, Rosie,

    Nothing I can do about that but then again isn’t Martha Croaklie also pro-Death?

  40. rosehips says:

    good to see you kinky!!!

  41. VotingFemale says:

    Obama congratulating the country of Mexico with a “Cinco De Quattro” then after the reporters laughed their asses off at him he walked it back saying the White House is a day behind Mexico and that is why he said Quattro. Huh? Quattro= four not five which Cinco

    Mexican Independence day is Cinco de Mayo regardless of what day of the month anyone says it.

    then he starts reading from a prepared script as of he knew anything personally that it said.

    this guy is an F’ing BS Artist

  42. rosehips says:

    Martha Croaklie? lol!

  43. Foxwood says:

    “foxy, lol. I criticize everyone!”

    I’ve noticed!!! 🙂

  44. Foxwood says:

    It’s my opinion Sarah has lefties snookered.

  45. samiam60 says:

    Who has more experience Barrack Obama or Sarah Palin?

    Who has real Moral Values Barrack Obama or Sarah Palin?

    Who has a Genuine Love of America Barrack Obama or Sarah Palin?

    Who is a Real Christian Barrack H. Obama or Sarah Palin?

    Who is honest and forthright Barrack Obama or Sarah Palin

    Who is a true Patriot Barrack Obama or Sarah Palin

    This is what the Voters will be asking in 2012 and this is what the Voters ARE asking now in Massachusettes !

  46. VotingFemale says:

    Martha Crockley is also a BS Artist… “there are no terrorists in Afghanistan”

  47. rosehips says:

    Obama needs to put his grannie glasses on. lol

    I think he did a good job of recovery with the day behind comment. quattro: four, which is actually a day ahead of cinco, five. But that would have made him seem pompous. lol

  48. rosehips says:

    sami, you left out an e in Massachusettessssetttts.

    sami said: This is what the Voters will be asking in 2012 and this is what the Voters ARE asking now in Massetussettsssetttts !

  49. samiam60 says:

    You go Scott Brown and win this for all of us!!!!!

    I will talk to you about your abortion stand later.

  50. Foxwood says:

    The main thing is that 41st vote to get the government out of the heathcare business.

  51. samiam60 says:

    VF, The real Terrorist left their camp in Chicago and took over the White House.

  52. VotingFemale says:

    it blew the whole thing… the sham of him even knowing what he was saying about Mexico was put into question and he was likely sweating out any other possible screwups on the teleprompter/script.

    He is an F’ing pretender

  53. samiam60 says:

    Hail to the Chief is being replaced with this song

  54. VotingFemale says:

    Obama- there are no terrorists… it’s merely a crime spree

    until Obama was forced by the power of public condemnation following repeated attempts to stay on the Muslim Plantation, to say that the US was at war with Al Qaeda

    so much for his declaration that there is only an “Overseas Contingency Operation” and not a US War on Al Qaeda, the Islamic Terrorist Organization hell bent on killing Americans in the US Homeland.

    F’ing sh!t head…

  55. Foxwood says:

    I wonder if the lights will go out when Brown wins?

  56. rosehips says:

    kinky, that was a really well written article on the realclearpolitics website but the author lost credibility at the end with this statement:

    “Or the inclusion in the health care bill of a provision that bans any future Congress from repealing it, apparently on the principle of one man, one vote, one time.”

    This is inaccurate and therefore discredits the entire article.

    anyway, VF has been posting all of those issues for days now…

    note that William Jacobson got a mention in the article….

  57. Foxwood says:

    I saw this coming Kinky!

  58. Foxwood says:

    Rosey. It’s in the bill. It’s in the bill. I would really like to know where you get your info.

  59. Kynikos says:

    Hey Rose, I really don’t have a problem with that statement? The Democrats need the 60 to pass this bill, the large portion of the country does not want this bill, and outside of 10-15 people we do NOT know what this bill is. For the Democratic party to play games and state they will not HONOR the election until after the vote, to me is a high crime, and further indication that we are ALL sheep at the whims of the politicians!! Back to work.. Good to have you back, my muse!

  60. Foxwood says:

    I really don’t think Fox News, Beck, Limbaugh, or Hannity lie, and I’ve heard them read it from parts of the bill they could get.

  61. Foxwood says:

    But you think Rush, Hannity, Beck and Fax are discredited anyway…

  62. rosehips says:

    foxy, foxy, foxy… do we have to go over this again?

    The provison in the bill that cannot be revoked is for the establishment of a non-partisan board that will be tasked with keeping costs down.

    to say that the provision will prevent Congress from repealing the entire bill is simply false.

  63. Foxwood says:

    Its in the bill.

  64. rosehips says:

    The provision will protect what gov Palin refers to as the “Death Panel”

  65. rosehips says:

    yes foxy, it is in the bill. I have read it. have you?

  66. Foxwood says:

    It’s in the bill and it’s unConstitutional. But then again everything Congress has done since 1937 is unConstitutional.

  67. Foxwood says:

    Again, Rose. Do FOX news, Rush, Sean, and Glenn lie?

  68. rosehips says:

    well it may be unconstitutional. I am not arguing that it isn’t. They are playing semantics by saying it’s a “procedure” change and not a “rule” change. it’s a bunch of bull.

  69. rosehips says:

    foxy, I am not calling them liars but if they know what the bill says and they go on national airwaves and say another thing, then yes they would be liars, imo.

  70. Foxwood says:

    I know my sources are good.

  71. Foxwood says:

    They have said it and they do not lie. 🙂

  72. rosehips says:

    if I hunted down the bill and showed you what it says, would you believe it?

  73. Kynikos says:

    Hey guys, nobody knows what is in or out of the bill except Harry, Nancy, and Boma, oh yeah Rham the bomb too.

    The main premise of the bill is to offer affordable health insurance to more people with no additional costs or red tape, on both of those accords, the Democrats have failed. So to hell with health care reform as it is being presented now!!!

  74. Foxwood says:

    My sources are good Rose. NO!


  75. Kynikos says:

    sorry I missed it VF, been out of pocket, there goes my topic LOL…

    plenty more where that came from!

  76. VotingFemale says:

    you are not correct, Rose… do your research…

    there is indeed a portion of the bill that is worded to be a lock out of any Senate changes… it changes the required number of votes to modify the bill

    when you refute, you need to prove your assertion of incorrectness else it is not a fact… rather and assertion. just sayin’

    rosehips says

    kinky, that was a really well written article on the realclearpolitics website but the author lost credibility at the end with this statement:

    “Or the inclusion in the health care bill of a provision that bans any future Congress from repealing it, apparently on the principle of one man, one vote, one time.”

    This is inaccurate and therefore discredits the entire article.

  77. VotingFemale says:

    I understand Kink,

    the topic of the day is the Brown Coakley senate race in “Massachusettes”

  78. Foxwood says:

    Not to mention, VF Rush’s polling group has him right 99.5%.

  79. rosehips says:

    VF, am working on it. here’s a patriot’s blog to get you started. Note that the provision is only for the subsection in the bill that relates to the Independent Medicare Advisory Board. I am still looking for the bill with that provision in it.

  80. Foxwood says:

    My Youtube vid didn’t show up, VF!

  81. rosehips says:

    okay, I found it. scroll down to page 1020 and start reading at line 5. This is what they are talking about and it does not prevent repeal of the entire bill without a 3/5th majority but the one paragraph cannot be waived without a 3/5the majority vote.

    Click to access patient-protection-affordable-care-act.pdf

  82. rosehips says:

    I challenge anyone to come up with the part of the bill that says it (the bill) can’t be repealed.

  83. Foxwood says:

    The key word in that link. Democrap…

  84. VotingFemale says:

    no one said the bill can not be repealed

  85. samiam60 says:

    More liberal Democrat Thuggery!

    Weekly Standard Reporter Attacked Outside of Democratic Fundraiser

    The rough-and-tumble world of politics was on full display Tuesday night when longtime Democratic strategist Michael Meehan was caught on videotape shoving a reporter for the Weekly Standard into a metal railing, reportedly giving him a large tear in his pants.

  86. samiam60 says:

    The incident occurred outside of a Washington fundraiser for Martha Coakley, the Democratic candidate in a competitive race to fill the seat of the late Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy.

    The trip has drawn criticism, since Coakley, the state attorney general, was in Washington seeking money from lobbyists while polls show a tightening race.

    Click here to watch the video of the scuffle.

    Meehan told Fox News that he has tried to reach out to Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack to apologize and he’s likely to do that.

    McCormack, in his account of the incident published on the conservative magazine’s Web site, wrote that he had been trying to ask Coakley about a remark she’d made in a debate with Republican opponent Scott Brown in which she said there are no terrorists in Afghanistan and they’re all in Pakistan and Yemen.

    McCormack said Coakley blew him off, and then he followed her for a few blocks until he was shoved by Meehan, who had attended the fundraiser and worked previously on a Democratic opponent of Coakley in the primary.

    “I ended up on the sidewalk. I was fine,” McCormack wrote in the Weekly Standard. “He helped me up from the ground, but kept pushing up against me, blocking my path toward Coakley down the street.”

    When McCormack asked the man whom he worked for, he replied, “I work for me,” demanding to see McCormack’s credentials on a public street. After McCormack showed him his ID, he said he met up with Coakley halfway down the block, asking her question that she declined to answer.

    In Meehan’s account to Fox News, he said a scrum of reporters was chasing Coakley and “in the confusion the reporter fell over the fence.” Meehan said he thought McCormack was a Brown campaign operative.

    “Four Scott Brown guys were out there,” he said. “I thought he worked for Brown.”

    Meehan said he helped McCormack up and asked who he was because McCormack had not shown his media credentials. When told he was caught on video shoving McCormack to the ground, Meehan said, “It wasn’t my intention to knock him on the ground.”

  87. Foxwood says:

    My sources are impeccable. Rush’s pollster shows him at 99.5%. And Democraps lie.

  88. VotingFemale says:

    Rushbo says: I’m now documented to be almost always right 99.5% of the time

  89. samiam60 says:


    Meehan said he helped McCormack up and asked who he was because McCormack had not shown his media credentials. When told he was caught on video shoving McCormack to the ground, Meehan said, “It wasn’t my intention to knock him on the ground.”

  90. rosehips says:

    VF, this is the point we’ve been arguing. I quoted realclearpolitics and foxy maintains that rush, glen et all say the same thing, but I contend it ain’t true…

    “Or the inclusion in the health care bill of a provision that bans any future Congress from repealing it, apparently on the principle of one man, one vote, one time.”

  91. samiam60 says:

    I guarantee had that Meehan guy or anyone done something like that to me they would have gone on a road trip to the Hospital in a state of deep Coma!

  92. rosehips says:

    okay VF, then prove my assertation of incorrectness….

    vf said: you are not correct, Rose… do your research…

    there is indeed a portion of the bill that is worded to be a lock out of any Senate changes… it changes the required number of votes to modify the bill

    when you refute, you need to prove your assertion of incorrectness else it is not a fact… rather and assertion. just sayin’

  93. Foxwood says:

    You can maintain it’s not true, but my sources are not wrong.

  94. Foxwood says:

    It’s called a Mexican standoff…

  95. samiam60 says:

    We Report, We Get Pushed
    Video: Someone with the Coakley campaign shoves WEEKLY STANDARD reporter outside of a Capitol Hill fundraiser.
    BY John McCormack
    January 12, 2010 8:59 PM
    Printer-friendly version

    Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Martha Coakley attended a fundraiser at the Capitol Hill restaurant Sonoma tonight. After the event concluded, Coakley took two questions from the media but declined to say whether or not she stands by her statement at last night’s debate that there aren’t any terrorists in Afghanistan (and that they’ve all gone to Pakistan or Yemen).

    After taking a question from a CNN reporter on the street outside the restaurant, I asked her:

    TWS: Attorney General Coakley, you said last night that there are no terrorists in Afghanistan–that they’re all in Yemen and Pakistan. Do you stand by that remark?

    COAKLEY: I’m sorry, did someone else have a question?

    GRIFF JENKINS, Fox News: I did. Why are you in Washington tonight?

    COAKLEY: We planned an event after the primary that would be a unity event in Washington. We’re also in the middle of a very intense campaign […]

    After Coakley finished her answer, she began walking away from the restaurant, and I walked behind her asking why health care industry lobbyists were supporting her at the fundraiser. She didn’t reply.

    As I walked down the street, a man who appeared to be associated with the Coakley campaign pushed me into a freestanding metal railing. I ended up on the sidewalk. I was fine. He helped me up from the ground, but kept pushing up against me, blocking my path toward Coakley down the street.

    He asked if I was with the media, and I told him I work for THE WEEKLY STANDARD. When I asked him who he worked for he replied, “I work for me.” He demanded to see my credentials, and even though it was a public street, I showed them to him.

    I eventually got around him and met up with the attorney general halfway down the block.

    “Attorney General, could I ask you a question please?” I said. “We’re done, thanks,” Coakley replied. She walked back toward the restaurant, apparently searching for her car. She remained silent as I (politely) repeated my question.

    Coakley staffers told me they didn’t know who the man was who pushed me, though by every indication he was somehow connected to the campaign.

    Watch the video here:

    Update: Someone owes me a new pair of pants. I just noticed there’s a large tear in the back of my suit pants.

    Update II: The man who owes me a new suit may be the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s Michael Meehan.

  96. VotingFemale says:

    Rose, in your quote the word ‘bans’ was a hyperlink going to a Washington Post article..

    “Or the inclusion in the health care bill of a provision that bans any future Congress from repealing it, apparently on the principle of one man, one vote, one time”

    The link is part of the context of the statement… and this was the link:

  97. VotingFemale says:

    It is worthy of comment that both the Washington Post and are both known liberal leaning sites…

  98. VotingFemale says:

    from the washington post link:

    “* Section 3403 of the Senate health bill, establishing a commission to cut Medicare spending, says the law can’t be changed or repealed in the future

    That was the point…

  99. rosehips says:

    VF, I contend that the post author was in error.

  100. VotingFemale says:

    but honestly Rose… people are free to believe what they want to believe but stating unsubstantiated views as facts is going to get called by me and others who know how to ferret out the facts…

    I am really more interested in facts and welcome corrections to any statement of fact by me that is incorrect… it is a favor to me.

  101. rosehips says:

    vf, if you read that section (3403) page 1020 line 5 on down, you will see what I am talking about. They are talking about the subsection, not the whole law.

    I made this point weeks ago here on your blog and I showed how quickly the rumor started that the provision protected the entire bill. Apparently noone cared to listen.

  102. rosehips says:

    read the section I cited VF and you will have your facts….

    vf said: I am really more interested in facts and welcome corrections to any statement of fact by me that is incorrect… it is a favor to me.

  103. rosehips says:

    this has nothing to do with “unsubstantiated views”

  104. VotingFemale says:

    I think you read into the statement, something that he did not actually say.
    Now I agree instead of saying “a provision,” he could have clarified it by saying “a provision called Section 3403 of the Senate health bill but any reader who explored the hyper link would discover the provision that was written as un-repeal-able.

    Looks to me you inferred him to say the bill itself was un-repeal-able, and that is clearly not what he wrote.

    the quote:

    “Or the inclusion in the health care bill of a provision that bans any future Congress from repealing it, apparently on the principle of one man, one vote, one time”

    rosehips says

    VF, I contend that the post author was in error.

  105. VotingFemale says:

    gotta scoot, darn it… debate is such fun!

    hugs, Rose

  106. Foxwood says:

    I’m gonna try to post this again…

  107. rosehips says:

    hugs back VF, but I am still waiting for someone to show me that the bill will be unrepealable except by a 3/5 majority.

    The whole issue revolves around the advisory board. It is the board that cannot be repealed, not the bill.

    I will end here until someone shows me I am wrong.

  108. Foxwood says:

    There we go. Sami, I was trying to get that one up when you posted the article.

  109. Foxwood says:

    Not me… I hear real news from Rush.

  110. Foxwood says:

    Rush quote: “All Democrats do is lie. 2,000,000 jobs created, lie.”

    Good enough for me.

  111. VotingFemale says:


    I can not be anymore clear than I have already been… no one said the bill “itself” was un-repeal-able.. what was said was the provision called “Section 3403 of the Senate health bill” is un-repeal-able as written.

  112. m2 says:

    For the record, when the R. Sen addressed this on the floor weeks ago (rule change), I had know it was in reference to the death panel of bureaucrats and never thought otherwise. And as a Rush fan, he didn’t fabricate anything different from the death panel of bureaucrats, and furthermore he didn’t spend more than 10 min. on the subject in totality.

    I think you pretend to know what Rush is about Rose, but you should listen to him yourself before making definable assertions based on another person’s listening, be it Foxwood, or the Left.

    That they defy the rules of the Senate and write in that about the death panel of bureaucrats should give any and every American a cold chill down their spine. Especially being there is no support at all for the totality of this “Bill”, by the people on the Left and Right, or even amongst the total whole of Democrats in D.C. (buy offs, closed doors, and 7 am votes on Christmas Eve.. Screams the monstosity and evil of this bill which they are not proud of.)

  113. rosehips says:

    okay folks, I’m done beating my head against the wall.

    VF, yes. the realclearpolitics author did not mention anything about a subsection and if he was trying to imply that it was only the subsection that was unrepealable, he did a very bad job.

    and foxy can correct me if I’m wrong but he is the one that claims that Rush says the bill as written is unrepealable. If that is not what Rush said , then I’m sorry but that is exactly what I got from foxy.

    okay, foxy didn’t exactly say that. he just kept repeating “It’s in the bill, it’s in the bill” when I said it wasn’t. He said rush told him so. He said he believes rush. only problem he didn’t really say what rush said was so….

    m2, I did not bring rush or glen or anyone else into this. I am simply saying that the bill as written does not protect itself from repeal but that rumor has traveled far and wide that it does. It is false and I have tried to show that it is false. But noone here is willing to admit that.

  114. Pingback: Coakley and her Goon; How much Lobbyists’ $$$ did ya get in Washington, old girl? « VotingFemale Speaks!

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