When the Left starts eating their own tail, it is a direct indication of pending Socialist implosion; SNL blasts the Socialists AGAIN last evening

Congressional Socialist reaction to failures of Socialist Legislation; voters are the boss, not congress

After watching Saturday Night Live’s Latest Bombing run on Socialism (remember them besmirching Sarah Palin to hell and back for Obama last year which helped Obama win the election?)…

…and after totally laughing my fanny off watching SNL eating it’s own Socialist Tail, I got busy this morning unraveling under-reported reactions, actions, and fears of inbound voter defeat of the Socialist Congressional Majority.

The Congressional Socialists are getting serious signals from their base that political heads are going to roll, thus these Congressional Socialists are scared out of their pants and making panic moves to save their hides… including turning on Obama… even the Left Wing Loon Alan Grayson is in on it, on one front.

Consider the following:

1. China shut down of Obama’s Global warming treaty… it is not going to happen and Obama is reported to have canceled his trip to Copenhagen next year… that treaty, the one that robs the US of it’s sovereignty, is DOA.

Cap and Trade would double the cost of energy for Americans and is a center piece of Socialist legislation. DEM Voters are adding their voices to Conservative Voters and are revolting against their own party’s Congressional representatives over it. This is under reported and spun by the Lame Stream Media.

2. Ron Paul/Alan Grayson FED Transparency Amendment– Have you heard about it in the Lame Stream Media? Odds are you have not or it was spun in a way favorable to Obama & Co.

The Ron Paul/Alan Grayson FED Audit amendment passed a bi-partisan House committee vote by a landslide. The Federal Reserve Bank has never had a meaningful audit in it’s history and conducts manipulation of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money in secret deals with foreign and domestic banks without accountability to the voters or congress.

3. Congressional Black Caucus Running Scareda block of CBC members are blasting Obama because their constituents are PO’ed there is no improvement in unemployment reduction.

This could drive a second stimulus bill. Any stimulus bill designed by Socialists to stimulate job growth in the private sector is throwing gasoline on the fire of un-employment.

Why? Socialism is opposed to increasing the prosperity of businesses in the private sector, save the few “too big to fail” companies who feed labor unions or act as Socialist Agents to manipulate the Banking Industry.

4. Barney Frank opposes the FED Transparency amendment by Ron Paul/Alan Grayson. Barney Frank does not want the FED to be audited. Barney Frank is getting flack from frightened Congressional Leftists who fear for their jobs in 2010.

The Socialists have starting eating their own tail. It is a direct indication of the unavoidable pending Socialist implosion.

The Congressional Socialist ideology driven spending bonanza is turning into an Anti-Socialist Hydra of their own making… and they are frightened out of their wits.

When Socialists start talking like Conservatives, you can be assured of the following…

Pride Goeth Before the Fall

Then we have Chris Matthews at MSNBC suddenly talking like a Conservative.

Is MSNBC about to declare Bankruptcy and he found out there will be no Socialist Bailout?

Or perhaps Chris is looking for a replacement job at a winning cable News Outlet? Talking like a conservative will not save you Chris Matthews… and neither will eating your own Socialist tail… too late for that. just sayin’

Here is a trackback triggering link to one of my favorite Left Wing Loon ‘Blogs.’


What is your commentary on all this Mr Left Wing Looney Tunes?

I would imagine the response will be that SNL and Chris Matthews are suddenly Racist Redneck Right Wing Extremist Terrorists! hahaha


Additional Reading…

60 US Senators Vote For Government Take Over of Health Care

NFIB: Senate Health Care Bill Is “A Disaster” for Small Businesses

Lincoln warns Reid: Drop the public option or next time I’ll filibuster

Mary Landrieu Should Make Edwin Edwards Proud

Wheeling & dealing: Snowe pow-wows with Obama; Landrieu, Schumer, Daschle behind the scenes

Dem Senators Commit Seppuku For ObamaCare

White House targets Sarah Palin, begs for cash

Global warming alarmists exposed?

Liberal nutjob throw eggs at Sarah Palin’s books during signing in New York – Adrienne Ross witnessed the egg throwing getting eggs all over her clothes

Obama’s Foreign Policy – Unplugged

Global Warming Emails May Have Come From Insider

ACORN Child Sex Sting in Los Angeles: Why Is ACORN Being Protected by Attorney Generals Holder and Brown? Breitbart Will Release More Tapes if No Investigation (video)

Will White House Press Office Now Declare War On SNL?

Obama Invites Black Panther Leader to White House

Illegally crossing the border, received in an e-mail.

Sarah Palin has Reloaded, while Rabid Lib’s continue to misfire lame rhetoric

National Alert:Calling ALL GOP, Conservatives, Independents, Libertarians to join forces against Communism

Video the MSM won’t be showing

The Frog of War – Obama Needs to Stop Leaping over Timelines for Afghanistan Decision

Will White House Press Office Now Declare War On SNL?

ACORN Child Sex Sting in Los Angeles: Why Is ACORN Being Protected by Attorney Generals Holder and Brown? Breitbart Will Release More Tapes if No Investigation (video)

Best photo we’ve seen of defacto Air Force Three, Nancy Pelosi’s personal plane

U.S. Constitution or Out-of-Control Congress?

Global Warming: The Hack and Beyond….

Shocker! Romney Guy Disses Sarah Palin

“In about 46 seconds I’m going to throw up, and I’ll have to sell my house, go bankrupt and die, because I don’t have health care.”


The Bears Are Who We Thought They Were

‘Fire and Rain.’

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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58 Responses to When the Left starts eating their own tail, it is a direct indication of pending Socialist implosion; SNL blasts the Socialists AGAIN last evening

  1. VotingFemale says:

    Sounds like you had quite an adventure…

    So I am to assume you actually spoke to Sarah Palin herself, yesterday?

    samhenry says

    Vf – the student has not got up this AM so I can review the footage I got -it’s not too bad. A friend of my friends who went with us said to my friend this AM – J had even more of a great adventure than we had – I can’t get over her – she’s fearless!

    Hey, I interviewed a news team that was there to report , then they interviewed me! (I only got long shots of them and the rest was not on tape.

    I interviewed one of the protesters there – a rag tag bunch of different organizations that met up on Face Book. The guy I talked with was at InternationalSocialists.org. He was a health care worker and said they meet at RIT – all of this university nurtured.

    THEN I went back to Pizzeria Uno where I had dinner and, because I was a bit under the weather, I went to the bar for a Drambuie on the rocks. It’s the family national drink. An old guy sitting on one side of me said “hey, I haven’t heard Drambuie mentioned since the 50s! Then I turned to the people on the other side – a husband and wife team from Cuba ca 1960. I interviewed her. She had run for local political office. She and her husband had been at the bookstore all night to get their bracelets.

    It was like Michael Jackson’s funeral. They passed out bracelets that were color and alphabetically coded. We had pink-a which meant we were in the 4th group of 100 people to get in. After awhile, the parking guys stopped cars and if the people in them didn’t have bracelets, they were turned away.

    As I went into the store, my friend was talking to a short, blind Afro-American woman who had asked her to get her book signed. The people at the store had been more than rude to her. Sara said: “I’m not good at this kind of thing (we were limited to two books per bracelet – two people could enter on a bracelet). Sara pointed at me and said “She’s good at that kind of thing.” I took the book and asked her for her name. I disappeared into the bookstore. I just breezed past all the security and the store staff asking questions as if I should have been moving that way. Long ago my father taught me: “If ever you find yourself someplace where you should not be, act as if you should be there and no one will question you.” That philosophy sustained me all the way up to Sara P. where I not only discussed VF Blog but took up more of her time to sign the book specifically for the tiny woman. Turns out that tiny woman is a Harvard Alum (she had the alum sweat shirt on) and gave me her card so we could have lunch. The Cuban woman did as well so that’s 2 lunches I have ahead. As Auntie Mame says “Life’s a banquet and some poor slobs are starving to death.”

  2. samhenry says:

    Yes, VF, I actually spoke with Sarah P. I engaged her about the VF Blog – her and her handler discussed the blog. Then I asked if she would sign the book for the Harvard Grad. She reached out and shook every hand and asked the name of the person. She was direct, personable and electrifying. The crowd was charged. When they saw her bus they went out of their minds. When they saw the demonstrators, they chanted “Sarah, Sarah, Sarah….” They also sang the national anthem and other songs to drown them out.

    This is a great, great post. Your posts this week have been top form all the way.

  3. samhenry says:

    Pride – gay pride – goeth before the fall – for dear Barney.

  4. samhenry says:

    VF – I hope that snake survived lunch on his/her tail. Looks like it already had lunch – maybe the rest of the tail. So sad. Pretty color.

    These large snakes would be laying across the boardwalks out on the pond network at one of my favorite parks in Virginia near where I used to live. I think it was near Ft. Belvoir (no longer pretty view with the building there). I would just walk over them. I knew they weren’t the kind to strike or squeeze – although I might have enjoyed a little squeeze? I watched the Great Blue Heron carefully walking in the streams for their food. They look like they are wearing their best suits. I can’t believe how they fix their necks for flight. My favorite bird. There is a rookery of them near me in Western New York.

  5. samhenry says:

    You’ve got me on a state park kick. I think Virginia has some of the best state parks anywhere. In the last recession when I lived there, they had to close many of them – I hope not again.

    I used to drive down to Mason Neck where George Mason lived. I loved it there because only locals knew about it for the most part. There are 3 parks on that spit of land out into the Potomac. They had FREE canoes, life preservers and guides to help you get up river to a beaver pond network to see Osprey and Bald Eagles. Amazing to see a pond dammed by beaver up a level above us! After all that exertion, I’d drive home and see eagles surrounding the garbage dumpster at the nearby mall. They are scavengers after all – like us going after Chinese “dollars.”

  6. Foxwood says:

    That is a saver, VF. It will not be on youtube long. I bet the secret service has already made a call.

    I haven’t watched SNL since the original cast left. That has to be one of the best.

  7. VotingFemale says:

    That is an amazing story, SamHenrry…

    simply amazing…

    I am glad Sarah at least has now heard of the blog of one of her longest and most ardent supporters, VotingFemale Speaks!.

    I wrote Sarah a letter in early June of 2008, before she was nominated for Vice President, urging her to accept the offer should John McCain extend it to her. This was long before 99.999% of the world even knew she was undergoing vetting as a possible VP pick.

    I blogged about doing that at iReport in comments and included a copy of my letter to her at that time. Folks generally replied, “Sarah Who?”

    samhenry says

    Yes, VF, I actually spoke with Sarah P. I engaged her about the VF Blog – her and her handler discussed the blog. Then I asked if she would sign the book for the Harvard Grad. She reached out and shook every hand and asked the name of the person. She was direct, personable and electrifying. The crowd was charged. When they saw her bus they went out of their minds. When they saw the demonstrators, they chanted “Sarah, Sarah, Sarah….” They also sang the national anthem and other songs to drown them out.

    This is a great, great post. Your posts this week have been top form all the way.

  8. samhenry says:

    I have NEVER seen a better behaved, congenial and yet enthused crowd in my life. There were good people everwhere – REAL Americans – the ones we miss. All we hear and see on TV are shrill. The liberals thing that downing us and saying we are stupid because we are not intense like they are is a tactic that will implode on them. I will make the next one I see a snake tail sandwich !

  9. samhenry says:

    Christmas decorations up here already. Time to do mine – get out the electric toothbrush and put the green, red and white striped past on it, turn it on and see the “sparks” fly!

  10. VotingFemale says:

    Thank you, SamHenry, for your compliments on my humble blogging efforts… it is sincerely appreciated.

  11. samhenry says:

    I would love to see the stats on the longevity of liberals over against conservatives! They are so intense. I try not to fight them back with intensity because I am on blood pressure meds already! I tend to let them speak to let them know that we are the true proponents of free speech and that in disparaging us and cutting us off – they are not. Hoist them on their own petards I say. The longer they talk, the faster it is to see their inconsistencies.

  12. Foxwood says:

    SamH, as much as I am a claustrophobe and hate people, It sounds like I might have had a good time there. I did invite her to my house to have Gator Gumbo last year.

  13. samhenry says:

    I am sincere in my regard for and appreciation of your skill at research, assessment and writing. These things come together rarely in the same person. You see research and assessment all the time in the press and university; you see good writing and fiction/poetry all the time in esoteric circles but rather research, assessment and writing skills located in one place walking around. AND all dealing with REALITY. AMEN

  14. samhenry says:

    FOX – I am not a great lover of crowds. It began with a live Beatles concert in Toronto before they were popular here. The din of the crowd and their flash cameras (like strobe lights) chased me and my boyfriend out of the auditorium and onto a balcony to finish watching the concert with a policeman. The boys were so distant in the grand hall they were like flies on the wall.

  15. samiam60 says:

    I cannot believe you posted that Video from SNL.

    I am sorry VF, but I must call CNN immediately and ask that they Fact Check this Video.


    I was out this morning picking up some Groceries as I am still an Eater and thought it quite amazing that I walked up on 3 individuals who were expressing their Outrage of what the Liberal Dems and Obama are doing to this Country. I have never before seen folks in a Grocery store quite so upset with a sitting President. Perhaps it is a sign of the times but these folks are ready and willing to fight for their Freedoms. Of course I had to chime in and soon there were six of us carrying on a Obama Rant right there in isle 6.

    I believe from what I have witnessed this morning that the American People are having similar discussions this day all around our Great Land and that we are selves have not fully Grasped the Magnitude of Patriotism in this Country.

  16. Gosh, guys my friend is just dying to get up there to see Sarah Palin we are just forgetting about getting the bracelets, just try to arrive when her big beautiful bus comes and try to see her then.

    SH, Did you see the buys? was it phenonenomal?

    Gosh, I’m so excited and want to go but I’ve been so sick for a month…good grief I just have to try it.!!!!!

    And wear my Smart Girl Politics Shirt too!

    Hey I got a SMP Bumper Sitcker (just above my Resistnet Bumper Sticker) on my back window and people are honking and waving! hahahahaha

  17. samhenry says:

    FOX – the behavior of this crowd made it very easy. Also, there was very good crowd control. I made friends with the horse of a mounted policeman so that it would not run me down if the crowd got rowdy. The police quickly separated the protesters from us. One protester played a loud tuba that I think was silenced. Traffic and people control were extraordinary – as it was in the bookstore. Staff were right on top of things. Security was excellent but unobtrusive. I can go on the internet and order a copy of a picture of Sarah and me. I think they shot it as I was mouthing the “V” in VotingFemale!

  18. samhenry says:

    I didn’t see the bus – I am short and the crowd was tall but I saw the direction in which it came with the crowd cheering like mad. I also saw Trig when someone brought him out for some air. He’s a cutie.

  19. Foxwood says:

    I got to get my grill started. I’ll check in as I walk by the computer (It’s between the kitchen and patio).


  20. No, they are not waving guns either! hhahaha

    I’ve got another story to share with you guys too.

    It’s about a facebook young black man that is out raising hell about what Hussein is doing to our contry and he has a following. He’s only 17 but boy what statments he’s made.

    I’m trying to get him over here. I will keep you guys posted.

  21. samiam60 says:

    Foxwwod says:

    SamH, as much as I am a claustrophobe and hate people, It sounds like I might have had a good time there. I did invite her to my house to have Gator Gumbo last year.


    That is so great to hear! I too hate people for the most part and do not like crowds.
    Infact I too invited Sarah over for some Pasta!

    We must be more alike than we know. lol

  22. VotingFemale says:

    I was captain of my collage debate team… and did my homework before the debates.

    samhenry says

    I am sincere in my regard for and appreciation of your skill at research, assessment and writing. These things come together rarely in the same person. You see research and assessment all the time in the press and university; you see good writing and fiction/poetry all the time in esoteric circles but rather research, assessment and writing skills located in one place walking around. AND all dealing with REALITY. AMEN

  23. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Warrant!!!

    Hope you are feeling better dear!

    great about your bumper sticker! wooo HOOO

  24. LisaInTX says:

    Morning all,
    VF—–OMG!! LMAO at the saturday night live skit!!!!!!! 😀
    I’m gonna pass out from laughing so hard!!!!!
    My hubby had to come check on me as I was howling!!! hahahahahaa
    Now he is howling too!!!! hahahhaaha

    Thanks for posting that and the wonderful intelligence of the pragmatic CIC aka snake oil salesman from Chi….and people thought he just didn’t understand all that spending was gonna bankrupt us!!! Hahahaaa
    Now we KNOW, he is doing it F-ING on purpose!!!

  25. samhenry says:

    I see by the clock that I have been blogging since about 9:30 and now it is noon and I haven’t had breakfast.

    Time to eat.

    DOG goes down to the galley and as eyes get accustomed to dim light thinks also of a nap!

  26. samiam60 says:

    I am in the planning stages of promoting bumper stickers in my area at the local VFW’s and such.

    They will simply state:

    Veterans Against Obama

    Several of us are working on the details and may change the verbage. (Hint) Looking for suggestions.

  27. VotingFemale says:

    Then there is the unveiling [pun intended of Burka Barbie. Just what every little girl living under Sharia Law wants…

    Forget Doctor Barbie, Introducing Burka Barbie

    possible options are lack of educational opportunities, no driver’s license, and her own personal stoning pit in case she becomes to westernized… and of course a husband old enough to be her grandfather… and an added bonus… sister wives who also the married property of her Taliban husband.

  28. LisaInTX says:

    That is amazing about the store gathering….people are mad and disillusioned for sure.

  29. samiam60 says:

    Have to run out for a while and help my Son change over some tires for winter. Will be back later. That’s a Warning not a Threat.

  30. samiam60 says:

    Op’s forgot to say my good mornings to SamH, VF, WG, Foxwood, and Lisa Lisa Lisa!

    Where are my manors anyway!

  31. Foxwood says:

    “I was captain of my collage debate team… and did my homework before the debates.”

    My best friend in high school was a Master Debater and a Thespian. I make fun of him a lot.


  32. samiam60 says:

    My Uncle used to take me fishing alot when I was a kid and would always bait my hook for me till I got brave enough and old enough to do it myself.

    He was a great Debaiter too.

  33. samiam60 says:

    I use lure’s now cause I am older.

  34. Foxwood says:

    Lisa, I’m gonna have to start playing my music soon. I have this tune in my head and it’s your fault, cuz I

    “got to keep on dancin’
    keep on dancin’
    got to keep on dancin’
    keep on dancin’

    Boogie Nights!”

  35. LisaInTX says:

    Sorry I scarred you for life! Hahahhaa……I was stunned when I saw it too…hahaha they were getting their ‘groove on”…hahahaha….

  36. VotingFemale says:

    ahhh dear! You are such the gentleman!

    samiam60 says

    Op’s forgot to say my good mornings to SamH, VF, WG, Foxwood, and Lisa Lisa Lisa!

    Where are my manors anyway!

  37. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Lisa!

    dear… I strike up conversations with people everywhere I go… and usually open it up with..

    “So how about that Obama and his spending, huh?” with a roll of my eyes…

    No one is defending him… most people go to red zone immediately and start in on how PO’ed they are…

    This is a brave new American Scene… and the conservatives are coming out of hiding.

  38. VotingFemale says:


    Thank you for sharing your Conservative Women Video.

    It is wonderful!

    One of the things that frightens the Leftists… Sarah Palin is compassionate… as we all are… The Leftists have spent great sums of money and energy painting us otherwise so they could claim Compassion… yet would flush a baby down the toilet who has Downs Syndrome and not even blink.

  39. Foxwood says:

    “hahaha they were getting their ‘groove on”

    They were getting something on. I hope there was dinner and a movie involved.

  40. VotingFemale says:

    You are the Blog’s Long Standing Disk Jockey

    and always have been dear! Everyone knows it.

    Foxwood says

    Lisa, I’m gonna have to start playing my music soon. I have this tune in my head and it’s your fault, cuz I

    “got to keep on dancin’
    keep on dancin’
    got to keep on dancin’
    keep on dancin’

    Boogie Nights!”

  41. LisaInTX says:

    You are so right. Sami is such a gentleman. And we are honored to have all our fellow males here to be such. We are blessed to have them with us.

    The conservatives and most of the moderates were pushed out of the Dem Party, because they refused to follow the communist ideology.
    We have been ‘displaced for years and now have an opportunity to once again have our voices heard.
    Thank God for long legged macdaddy!! He has given us a common cause from which to unite!!

  42. Foxwood says:

    It’s funny they don’t see the irony of Darwinism as they kill their children.

  43. samhenry says:

    Good morning Lisa with all the good info you bring.

    Good Morning Mr. Manners (Sami) and the good into you bring.

  44. samhenry says:

    I am watching CNN. They interviewed Carly Fiorino (sp) who will be a Republican Candidate for Senator from California. She is a breast cancer survivor and was incensed at “rationing” of health care. She was so clear on other issues as well.

    Next up, Blanche Lincoln’s Arkansas – interviews with her constituents. – boy are they out to defeat here – blacks and whites.

  45. Pingback: National Alert:Calling ALL GOP, Conservatives, Independents, Libertarians! « LisaInTX's Blog

  46. Foxwood says:

    In case you didn’t know who Quicksilver Messenger Service is…

  47. Foxwood says:

    Here’s another K-FOX twin spin!

  48. Foxwood says:

    This is an interesting and good version of this song.

  49. VF said: I was captain of my collage debate team… and did my homework before the debates.

    Girl, that is obvious! To some extent you were born with your intellect but it is a skill too, some people think better on their feet and you sure do.

    My mom had a genius IQ and my father was a nuclear scientist engineer but really my mom was smarter (a bettter business woman) she squeezed a penny till it screamed! haha

    I’m sorry your father is gone, I know you miss him (thank you for his service). Warrant.

  50. Pingback: 11/21-PCW Extreme Political TV on P-SPAN: Soccer’s Going Rogue, New Moon Frolics, Bipartisan Dream Teams « Political Championship Wrestling

  51. VotingFemale says:

    Warrant, thank you for your kind words, dear.

    I just try to do the best I can…

    Thanks for remembering my Dad… he would be happy to hear your words of thanks to him.

    He was a warrior through and through… retired with 30 years service.

  52. MariaS says:

    VF – you have done it again. Excellent post. And, again I am linking it in my blog. You put in all that hard work researching for your blog and I come and grab it from you. :} :}
    MariaS (dodocanspell)

  53. Pingback: Sarah Palin Envy triggers Socialist Head Spinning… would ObamaCare cover Exorcisms for Socialists? hahaha « VotingFemale Speaks!

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