Breaking: Obama Surrenders to Enemy; Agrees to one-on-one; pre-conditions?

In what is surely a self-serving yet capitulating move towards détente, Barack Obama will be interviewed by none other than Major Garrett of Fox News tonight eastern time in Beijing, People’s Republic of China.

No word yet on pre-conditions… will it be a game of soft ball with pre-selected questions submitted in advance? Will the Obama Firewall have edit privs and/or ultimate veto power of the broadcast?

Major Garrett, fair but not a soft-balling Reporter

I guess the Narcissist-In-Chief understands he gets no meaningful face time on the socialist propaganda lame stream media cable channels anymore and now wants FOX air time, seeing as how he can not stand to have the spotlight stolen from him by Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin will be interviewed multiple times this week and next by Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, in addition to interviews by Oprah and Barbara Walters, and in addition to Rush Limbaugh and others. Oh, and the liberal media is obviously feeling a bit blue as well… take a Midol, Lame Stream Media. tee-hee

I guess that is a good enough reason for the Chosen One to start feeling left out, huh?

Awww… Barack? Juan Williams still loves you, dude. 😉 just sayin’ ROFL

November 17, 2009

Breaking: Fox’s Major Garrett Interviews President Obama in Beijing Tuesday Night, Eastern Time

Fox News Channel’s Senior White House Correspondent Major Garrett will interview President Barack Obama in Beijing Tuesday night, Eastern time (Wednesday morning in Beijing).

The President is nearing the end of his eight-day swing through Asia with a host of issues on his plate, from non-proliferation, to climate change, to global economic imbalances.

Watch this space for updates and clips beginning early Wednesday morning, Eastern.


Additional Reading…

Obama Ends Idiotic War With Fox News, Will Do Interview

The White House has lost its war against Fox News – Telegraph Blogs

Obama Ends Idiotic War With Fox News, Will Do Interview

Obama to Parley with Fox News «

GOP 12: “Those aren’t even funny”

Maintenance complaint responses – Brown Cafe – UPS info for UPSers – The Mao The Merrier

CNN’s War on Lou Dobbs | Soldier of Fortune

Fox Nation on Obama: “Our Most Embarassing President?” | Media

JustOneMinute: Saving Stress And Saving Money (At The Cost Of A

Liberals cry ‘unfair’ after Fox orders unbalanced YouTube purge

Olive Tree Ministries with Jan Markell

US Attorney: Scammed While Feeding Troops « Liveshots

Do women ‘hate’ beautiful women like Megan Fox? – On the Edge

“liberal twit?” “truly conservative?” ??? « Gretawire

Anita ‘Scarface’ Dunn Goes Out With Guns Blazing: Praises Jon

Obama Ends Idiotic War With Fox News, Will Do Interview

Fox “News” Attacks Obama Over a Bow Other Presidents Have Made

Michael Winship: In a Chilly London November, War and Remembrance

Finance Geek » Obama Ends Idiotic War With Fox News, Will Do Interview

Who Won The War With Fox News?

Thune: Senate Republicans ready to go to work to halt Obamacare

The Political Carnival: Video- Fox attacks President Obama over a bow

Worst person in the world – surprise, it’s Fox News | Necropolitica


Sarah Palin wants to friend you : Western

News Corpse » US President Shames Nation By Bowing To Foreigners

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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193 Responses to Breaking: Obama Surrenders to Enemy; Agrees to one-on-one; pre-conditions?

  1. Foxwood says:

    VF! Your running me ragged! (Huff huff!)


    Sarah is running for President. She answered every question Rush asked like she knew what to do. She is getting ready for it. I becha’!

  2. samiam60 says:

    I hope the Major steps up and fires a shot heard around the World.

    Only One Good Question could finish off what is left of this Administration.

  3. samiam60 says:

    That question would be…………………………….

  4. samiam60 says:

    Why Mr. President, do you refuse to Unseal your Birth Certificate and College Records?

  5. Foxwood says:

    Why don’t we get 5 days, like you promised, to see these bills?

  6. Foxwood says:

    Why are taxes going up for people who make under 250,000$?

  7. Foxwood says:

    Why do you have admitted Communists, Maoists and Marxists in your administration?

  8. tellitlikeitis says:

    Here are Obama’s soaring poll numbers.

    Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

    Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Email to a Friend ShareThisAdvertisement
    The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12

  9. Oklahoma says:

    ObuMer, The Narcissist & Thief would never allow an interview where he did not have complete control over every question asked.

    They say Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

    Do you suppose ObuMer is taking music lessons?

    I have heard some folks; mainly from the Christian Camp say that ObuMer is the anti-Christ.

    And I actually defended ObuMer on that account, because I was pretty sure that an ex-girlfriend of mine already held claim to that title. But then again, I could have been mistaken on that one.

  10. samhenry says:

    Another great catch, Great CAT

    I guess Obama has flown left so long he knows that in China he is probably the farthest right of anyone so Garrett will come in handy. He’s so homesick he even misses FOX.

  11. VotingFemale says:

    Obutthole is too screwed up to be the Anti-Christ… but he is the next best thang!

    Oklahoma says

    ObuMer, The Narcissist & Thief would never allow an interview where he did not have complete control over every question asked.

    They say Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

    Do you suppose ObuMer is taking music lessons?

    I have heard some folks; mainly from the Christian Camp say that ObuMer is the anti-Christ.

    And I actually defended ObuMer on that account, because I was pretty sure that an ex-girlfriend of mine already held claim to that title. But then again, I could have been mistaken on that one.

  12. VotingFemale says:

    Thanks SamHenry.

    I have my own theories… which include a veiled attempt to show up the Chinese Communists on how “democracy-esque” he can pretend to be… but they know better… they read him like a comic book.

    samhenry says

    Another great catch, Great CAT

    I guess Obama has flown left so long he knows that in China he is probably the farthest right of anyone so Garrett will come in handy. He’s so homesick he even misses FOX.

  13. VotingFemale says:

    Obama: Strongly Approve 27% Strongly Disapprove 39%.. Approval Index:-12… total approval 49%… 1 hour ago

    Will it break through the -13 level this week?

    I expect it to… could go to -15 or lower

  14. samiam60 says:

    _____________12% Now that is a very,very, big minus for a Presidents first 10and1/2 months wouldn’t you say?

  15. samiam60 says:

    Lets just keep a greasin that thar pole.

  16. samiam60 says:

    Here is a message to Pres. Obama and his puppet masters in China:

  17. tellitlikeitis says:

    Obama peaked out early. He has nowhere to go but down now.

  18. samiam60 says:


  19. tellitlikeitis says:


  20. arlenearmy says:


    I have heard that

    Homeland security has raided REV. MANNING’S place.

    I went to Manning’s tweeter to see if this was true & he did say:


    RT @ATLAHWorldwide: RT @ATLAHWorldwide: Dr. Manning discusses yesterday’s CIA Homeland Security invasion at Atlah Church. 26 minutes ago from HootSuite

  21. arlenearmy says:

    Its said that the homeland security invading Manning place is obama connected.

  22. samiam60 says:

    So if it has come to that. What next?

  23. samiam60 says:

    Marshal Law is just on excuse away.

  24. samiam60 says:

    Marshal Law is just ” One” excuse away.

  25. arlenearmy says:

    I think this is serious stuff. Manning says he will discuss in the next segment what happened when Secret Service came to his place last night.

    He said that Secret Service came because of what he said about Obama.

  26. samiam60 says:


    EPA Employees Silenced for Criticizing Cap and Trade

  27. samiam60 says:

    Laurie Williams and husband Alan Zabel worked for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for more than 20 years, and they know more about climate change than most politicians. But when the couple released a video on the Internet expressing their concerns over the Obama administration’s plans to use cap-and-trade legislation to fight climate change, they were told to keep it to themselves.

    Williams and Zabel oppose cap and trade — a controversial government allowance program in which companies are issued emissions limits, or caps, which they can then trade — as a means to fight climate change.

    On their own time, Williams and Zabel made a video expressing these opinions.

    VIDEO: EPA Employees Speak Out Against Cap and Trade

    “Cap-and-trade with offsets provides a false sense of progress and puts money in the pockets of investors,” Zabel said in the video. “We think that these restrictions might not be constitutional,” he said.

    Their bosses in San Francisco approved the effort by Williams and Zabel to release the tape, but after an editorial they wrote appeared in the Washington Post, EPA Director Lisa Jackson ordered the pair to remove the video or face disciplinary action.

    Specifically, the administration’s chief environmental official did not want Williams or Zabel mentioning their four decades with the EPA — time spent studying cap and trade.

    “The people who understand the problems with the cap and trade with offsets bill are not being heard,” Williams told Fox News.

    The EPA issued a statement saying it welcomes free expression provided employees adhere to ethics rules. The agency reportedly doesn’t object to the content of the video but requires Williams and Zabel to make it clearer that they are speaking for themselves and not the EPA.

    But some Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee want an investigation into what – if any — regulations Zabel and Williams violated.

    Critics argue the action contradicts the president’s support for open government.

    “It’s censorship,” Jeff Ruch, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, told Fox News.

    “If the Obama administration believes in transparency it is precisely in these cases they need to prove it.”

  28. samiam60 says:

    Arlene, It Begins and you and I know what is coming next.

  29. samiam60 says:

    Holder Downplays Concerns Over War-Time Prisoners Entering Civilian Court

  30. samiam60 says:

    Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday stood by his decision to send five alleged Sept. 11 conspirators to New York for trial, saying his team carefully considered the potential downsides of taking the case out of the military commission system but ultimately determined federal court was the best option.

    Despite growing concerns that trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others in civilian court triggers a host of complications for the prosecution, Holder said he’s confident the cases will be “successful.”

    “We looked at a variety of things — about the questions of admissibility of evidence … what problems we might have with regard to any witnesses,” Holder said. “I mean the whole variety of things that we considered in making those judgments.”

    But some lawmakers and analysts were not so convinced Holder’s case is airtight.

    Unlike military courts, civilian courts require warrants for evidence — warrants which are not typically obtained on the battlefield. Civilian courts also have much stricter rules for hearsay than military courts. Plus any defendants who were not read their Miranda rights could raise that as an issue.

    Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said a conviction is “not automatic.”

    “Odds are that he will be convicted of something but in the federal courts, it’s the luck of draw as to what judge you get,” King told Fox News. “And you could get a judge who would say because he was arrested without a warrant, because he was not read his Miranda rights, because he was held seven years without a trial, all of this is a terrible injustice and therefore I’m going to dismiss the charges. I doubt any judge would do that, but it’s going to make it more difficult to get the conviction.”

    Another obvious pitfall for the Justice Department would be allegations of torture from the defendants’ counsel. Mohammed’s history of being waterboarded is well-documented. Though Bush administration officials have defended the practice as being useful in extracting critical information, waterboarding has since been banned and is considered torture by some lawmakers.

    Charles Stimson, a former deputy assistant defense secretary for detainees, said these allegations could make the prosecution’s case quite fragile.

    “If any of these statements … get thrown out because of this argument that they were tortured and that nothing that came out of their mouths can be believed, that the whole case is tainted, it’s a house of cards,” he said.

    Others argue that the trial just gives Mohammed the platform he wanted all along. Thomas Kean, chairman of the 9/11 Commission, told a local radio station Tuesday he’s concerned the trial will serve as a “propaganda” tool for the defendant.

    The whole process could take years, and the inevitable involvement of classified information muddies things further.

    “The issues around classified information are enormously complicated and can occupy sometimes years of litigation before a case goes to trial to figure out what’s going to be available to whom,” said Benjamin Wittes, a senior fellow with the Brookings Institution.

  31. arlenearmy says:


    Manning reports that his arrest is imminent by Obama secret service. The charges against him is said to be threat of life. The video that they focused on is:

    Tea Party Go Viral

  32. samhenry says:

    By the way, since my topic in today’s column is Attorney General Holder’s sudden concern over delays in the military commission system, it’s worth pointing out that, for conduct that started around 1999, Stewart was indicted in 2002; her trial did not begin until mid-2004 and took about eight months; after that, they dawdled for over a year before finally imposing sentence in October 2006; now, a decade after the conduct, seven years after arrest, four years after trial, and three years after sentence – and mind you,

    Disbarred radical lawyer Lynne Stewart is going to jail – maybe for a lot longer than she thought.

    A federal appeals court Tuesday upheld her conviction for smuggling messages to her jailed terrorist client, and said she deserves more than the 28 months she got because she may have lied at her trial.

    Stewart, 70, is to surrender to U.S. Marshals immediately. The Brooklyn resident has been free on bail since 2006.

    she’s been free on bail since 2002 – the appeal has at long last been decided, and it has resulted in … a remand for further sentencing proceedings. And, after they someday occur, there will surely be another trip to the Second Circuit, and then an appeal to the Supreme Court. After that, the habeas corpus petitions start …

  33. samiam60 says:

    Palin slams ‘sexist’ Newsweek cover
    Posted: November 17th, 2009 04:54 PM ET

    From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney
    Palin is not happy with the latest Newsweek cover.
    Palin is not happy with the latest Newsweek cover.

    (CNN) – Sarah Palin’s image is everywhere as she launches a highly-anticipated book tour this week, but the former Alaska governor is unhappy with at least one media organization’s depiction of her.

    Palin took aim at Newsweek’s eye-catching cover this week that shows the former vice presidential candidate in her running outfit – an image that was apparently lifted from a Runner’s World photo shoot months ago. Writing on her Facebook page Monday night, Palin said the depiction is flat out “sexist, and oh-so-expected.”

    “The choice of photo for the cover of this week’s Newsweek is unfortunate. When it comes to Sarah Palin, this ‘news’ magazine has relished focusing on the irrelevant rather than the relevant,” Palin wrote. “The out-of-context Newsweek approach is sexist, and oh-so-expected by now.”

    “If anyone can learn anything from it: it shows why you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, gender, or color of skin. The media will do anything to draw attention – even if out of context,” Palin also said.

    The photo is accompanied by text that states “How Do You Solve A Problem Like Sarah? She’s bad news for the GOP – and for everybody else too.”

    Palin has held back few punches at the media in the initial stages of her publicity tour. The former governor slammed the Associated Press for its recent fact check that took issue with several of the memoir’s contentions and, in her Oprah appearance that aired Monday, Palin slammed the way the media treated her family during the campaign.

    The Alaska Republican also doesn’t hold back in her book, writing at one point, “I had been out of journalism for a long time, and it was pretty obvious the rules had changed. I felt sick about the depths to which some in the press had apparently sunk, not because it was unfair to me and John, but because it was unfair to the American electorate.”

    UPDATE: Newsweek editor Jon Meacham is defending the image the magazine chose for its cover.

    “We chose the most interesting image available to us to illustrate the theme of the cover, which is what we always try to do,” he told CNN Tuesday. “We apply the same test to photographs of any public figure, male or female: does the image convey what we are saying? That is a gender-neutral standard.”

  34. samhenry says:

    Well, it’s Clarence’s fault. I asked him to upload my last comment (a quote) and he cut and pasted upside down – the first paragraph is second, etc. That’s the last time I trust a French Noodle.

    Clarence enters: Eh? Je crois que vous LIE az u sey en Angleesh. Humph. Allons.

  35. samiam60 says:

    Arlene this is getting close to home for all of us.

    I do hope there is some kind of media coverage for all of this. Or, at least some video footage.

  36. arlenearmy says:

    I trust that someone on the ground in NY will take videos. It was said that officers dressed out in swat gear surrounded the church.

    The statement in the video – ” hanging & shooting ” – is where the Secret Service is headed on this Manning matter. I don’t know if someone edited Manning’s video.

  37. samhenry says:

    Clue me in – who is this Manning?

  38. samhenry says:

    I checked out Manning and now I am up to speed. I listened to the end of his radio show today. He is apparently still home.

  39. samiam60 says:

    I would like to see Fox News jump on this Manning Story. It could uncover a lot about Obama’s Communistic behavior.

  40. LisaInTX says:

    Rev. Manning knew this was coming…I have no doubts.
    I find it per the commie course, that Wright and Farrakhan and REAL TERRORISTS are still out walking around spreading their hate of America, yet they deem Rev. Manning a “National Threat”……
    According to the Commie agenda, Manning and we ALL are threats to their agenda.
    The end game draws closer!

  41. Foxwood says:

    Neither one of those stories set well with me.

  42. samiam60 says:

    Hi there Lisa. As I said this is getting closer to home for all of us. Every comment we have ever made is in cyber space. Any of those comments could be misconstrued and used against us individually or collectively.

  43. samiam60 says:

    Good Evening there Foxwood. I am hoping Tellit will be here soon. It may prove to be a very interesting evening.

  44. Foxwood says:

    I would have thought the 2nd Amendment would be the first to go. I guess we are all guilty of pissing off Obuttf*ck.

  45. samhenry says:

    I pee on his bushes all the time – SH

    Oui – wee, wee, wee – la! Clarence

  46. samiam60 says:

    SamH you WHAT!

  47. Foxwood says:

    She does! I swear, I saw her do it! Call secret service now!

  48. samhenry says:

    Ze secret Service? Ih pee ahn their shoos – Clarence

    SH – and I fart in their face – yes their face, Bring them on

    We are a couple of wild and crazy doooogs

  49. Foxwood says:

    I think I’m gonna pee from laughing so hard!

  50. samhenry says:

    Hey, Clarence, I told you we’d see Foxes! One is better than none, eh?

  51. Foxwood says:

    As they say dans Luzian, “Puches’ est puches'”

  52. Foxwood says:

    I have made the best tasting sauce I’ve ever come up with. I’m trying to eat raw foods. I just can’t do tartar or sushi. I’ll cook my meat rare. But for broccoli and rice, this is the best. I’m writing a cook book.

    They can take the Capitalist out of the country, but they can’t take the Capitalist out of the heart.

  53. samhenry says:

    Clarence – Chef Renard – Ih wuud liek to bye a copie, eh?

  54. Foxwood says:

    Sorry Clarence, It’s not ready yet. I thought I was going to make a cook book to watch weight. How did Dom Delouise do it?

  55. Foxwood says:

    I didn’t know what channel “The Prisoner” was going to be on, so I missed the first shows. Was on A&E. Stars Jim Cavisle and the man that played Magneto on “The X-Men”.

    The original was the best in the mid 60’s. This one looks very good, for a remake. Hope I can find it on Hulu or it replays.

  56. Foxwood says:

    Hate to admit it M2. Palin is hot. Best of all, she’s smart with it. I would follow her (Conservatively) where she want’s to go!

  57. Foxwood says:

    They say men don’t like this woman. I think men really like her for her looks, and her Conservatism is a plus. Men are slime.

  58. m2 says:

    This photo is a joke, and it goes along with the liberals in media focusing on Levi. They are sick ppl who will probably pay with karma either in this life or the next..

    I saw the prisoner on syfy, but I sort of lost interest mid-way through. It’s got ol’ duck lips from Jane Eyre in it.

  59. m2 says:

    Ha ha!!!
    I was wrong. It’s on AMC right now, foxwood… 254 on directv.

  60. Foxwood says:

    This is the new version of the Prisoner. What I saw, so far, was good.

    Slimy ol’ Foxwood.

  61. m2 says:

    Jim Cavesle played Jesus in the passion..

  62. Foxwood says:

    Yeah, M2, I missed the first shows. I knew it was coming on, but I didn’t know when or what channel. I hope to find the repeats on Hulu.

  63. m2 says:

    Look at ol’ duck lips!!

  64. Foxwood says:

    The 60s version was good. You had to be a child of the 60s to appreciate it. You only had 3 channels to watch. 🙂

  65. Foxwood says:

    CBS, ABS, NBS and sometimes PBS. Sucks to watch all the BS.

  66. m2 says:

    313! She’s younger than me, crikey.

  67. samhenry says:

    Soon Hulu is going to charge – don’t know the date but that’s the rumor

    M2 – who is duck lips?

    And where can i watch reruns of true blood?

  68. Foxwood says:

    I have all of “Dark Shadows” on VHS… Have to convert it to DVD now. 😦

  69. m2 says:

    Ugh they play the palm pre lady commercial during every break on this show…

  70. samhenry says:

    I guess Im Off topic – ah I need to know about these things for the Chinese who are visiting Clarence and me. Some Shitzu or other – Clarence has no patience for this and acts out a lot. The Shitzu just sits in a corner and files her nails. Life at my kennel these days is not to be believed but you will believe it is complicated. The Shitzu’s name is Ne Ne Na Na Noodles.

  71. m2 says:

    Hey sh, true blood is a good show, but the book is the best!!!!! The first book is called Dead Until Dark written by Charlaine Harris…

  72. samhenry says:

    oooooh, FOX – make those discs – make me some and I’ll send you some of George Washington and his friends.

  73. Foxwood says:

    You can watch reruns of

    I just hate getting rerun!

  74. m2 says:

    Hulu is going to charge because they are owned by NBS!!! Bwahahahahahaha ha

    they can’t make their money many other ways…

    I’m sure the original prisoner was good… This one might be good… I just was inattentive.

  75. m2 says:

    This is the duck lips lady… She was in Jane Eyre and now in the Prisoner

  76. samhenry says:

    Thanks, M2. I’m bad with boods since I am dyslexic but I try to read as much as possible.

  77. samhenry says:

    You are too much, M2. You are exactly correct. I will never be able to take the poor thespian seriously ever again.

  78. m2 says:

    Well the show is rather a shell of the depth of the characters and plot in the book… Plus season one has a lot of added sexytime scenes with characters that weren’t in the book.

    The book is all about Sookie. So to flesh out a show, they had to build out other minor characters lives.. It’s kind of weird.

    But I likes season 2, even though it wasn’t like the book. Maybe you could rent them through netflix, because they aired on HBO, they probably aren’t free anywhere…

  79. Foxwood says:

    What, SamH! You never got rerun over by my mother the car?

  80. m2 says:

    Actually the person writing that article on the adaptation says this midway down!!

    Young Ruth Wilson (Suburban Shootout), with a severe center part, duck lips and a bit of a weak chin, slowly comes into her own as Jane. Demure and self-effacing, she burns with considerable inner fire.

    I’m not alone! Hahaha… It’s more noticable on film.

  81. m2 says:

    This Prisoner series reminds me of “Lost”

  82. Foxwood says:

    My daughter is an Atheist and kept my copy of the Passion of the Christ. I hope it changes her.

  83. m2 says:

    Lost is on an island and this in the desert..

  84. Foxwood says:

    I just don’t understand kids today. Damn I’m a fossil.

  85. m2 says:

    Hey SH I’m almost done with Austen’s Persuasion.. You are so right. It is full of military men with no war… lol.

  86. Foxwood says:

    I say kids. I don’t understand tatoos unless they say “Mom”, or they are of a ship on a sailor.. Maybe a BIG BAD ASS BIKER.

  87. m2 says:

    I saw the Passion in the theater… It was so haunting, I could only watch it 1x.

    The other movie he did was amazing too: Apocalypto.

  88. m2 says:

    So your saying you daughter is an athiest with strange tattoos?

    Eh they grow out of it… It time..

  89. Foxwood says:

    I haven’t seen Apocolypto yet. I like Gibson. I wished he would straiten up.

    Look, Jews are God’s children. You can’t blame them for killing Christ. They are children of God. Stop the blame.

  90. m2 says:

    Typos from typing on ipod…

  91. Foxwood says:

    They don’t grow out of the tatoo’s. I’ve met Christians with tatoos. I don’t have a problem with that. I used too. I’m working on my grand daughter. I might have messed up on my child, but I won’t on my grandchild.

  92. m2 says:

    Oh yeh forget his personal crap- the movie is awesome! You should rent it over thanksgiving. Oh man… The mayans were BRUTAL. That movie was great. I thought the pregnant mom/wife part of the story was lame, but the rest if it was CRAZY!

  93. m2 says:

    Ah my husband has a ridiculous tattoo. Hahahaha… I’m happy I never liked them.

    My cousin has a Garfield holding a baseball bat or something on her ankle…
    Bwhahaha… That’s sucky.

  94. m2 says:

    I have this “birthday book” my mother-in-law gave me that is supposed to tell you about your traits based on your birthday, and even in that book it says “you may have an aborrhence to tattoos”…

    I was like, “hey- spot on.”

  95. Foxwood says:

    I’m old fashioned. Mom and the ship are things I grew up with. But watching the UFC, I see alot of guys with tats.

  96. Foxwood says:

    Everyone I knew was into getting earrings. I never got one. I did the religion, no religion, religion, thing.

  97. m2 says:

    I went to art school -I saw many a tats.
    Maybe that’s why I don’t care for them (for myself)… I don’t care what other ppl do…

  98. m2 says:

    My brother had those big earrings that look like brown stones the size of a nickel in each lobe.

    So he took them out before Easter last year, and the fam went out to eat, and the whole time my mom was like “Jon I can see the sunlight through your ear holes!”

    he says the skin grows back, but I don’t know.

    Poor Jon! Hahahah
    and my cous’ with a Garfield on her ankle….

  99. m2 says:

    Ew. Now husband put on history channel and they are showing footage of the dead Japanese from WWII

  100. Foxwood says:

    In my day, only bad ass bikers and sailors had tats.

  101. samhenry says:

    Sticks and stones
    can hurt my bones
    but tats
    belong on rats

    SH – Clarence! Get off that computer.

    Clarence: Beut Ihm tieping poitry, eh?

    SH: You will be typing the flight numbers into little boxes on the Air France website if you don’t shut that thing down to go to your “rhume.” it’s lights out.

    Clarence: Mais, non. No one he puts out mie lightehs – I howl for 911.

    SH: Clarence – cut the comedy – OK – allez au votre lit.

    Clarence: OK, big DOG, OK.


    SH – Yest Clarence?

    Clarence – Tomorrao I wheel guo tu Bestabye ahnd bye a liptop.

    SH – That’s “laptop” Clarence.

    Clarence – Mai non, eeef Ih bye thees thing, u weel naht geeve moi any mour lip! LOL

    SH – Enough Clarence. No one is clapping.

    One OK is sufficient, Clarence – oy vey.

  102. Foxwood says:

    Jaws, the book was much better. I loved when Sheriff Brody was taking a piss and he wished he were Superman and could piss the shark away.

  103. m2 says:

    Clarence is magnifique!
    ah I forgot the word for bed in French

    I was however making mashed potatos the other night and remebered they are called pommes du terre – apples of the earth.

    10 years of French class and that’s all I got…

  104. m2 says:

    Yeah I knew that was jaws!
    In ipod it loads up the movie and won’t show any text…

    I was thinking for thankgiving, I would have a Lord of the Rings marathon, but hen the other day I changed my mind- I’m gonna rent chevy chase movies instead during the break…

  105. samhenry says:

    Don’t be hard on yourself, M2. It is hard having Clarence around with his pigeon English and low class French – you see how low he is, do you not?

    I took a couple of years in grade school and a a couple of years in college. And it is mostly gone. I can only converse in the present tense and my spelling is a bad in French as it is in English.

    I have to get to bed myself. I have to get up early with all of the dogs. I wonder if ne ne na na noodles has settled into her chaise long. She came from China via France. I think Clarence is a bit taken with her. Perhaps he will taken her away, lol.

  106. m2 says:

    I went to France and everything. Now I’ve probably surpassed my French with Spanish I learned from Dora the Explorer (a little E favorite)…


  107. m2 says:

    Yeah my mind numbing reality tv show comes on at 10, (the hills), so I got to prepare for the vacuous and cardboard stiff portrayal of “conversation” among LA’s pampered youth. Time to fire up some green tea and settle in.

    G’night SamHenry & Foxwood!

  108. Foxwood says:

    I’ve lived in Louisiana for 11 years and when I go to Cameron Parish I still get, “Your not from around here, are you boy”. You one of them damn Yankees?

    Doesn’t matter what your answer is, if you were born north of I-10, your a yankee.

  109. Foxwood says:

    Night. I need to catch up on sleep. I haven’t recovered from on call yet.

  110. LisaInTX says:

    Rev. Manning about the CIA/Homeland Security investigation…
    Hmmmm……maybe, this is what is needed to FINALLY address all those UN-TRANSPARENT Documents that the CIC has refused to reveal??
    God Bless and Watch over Rev. Manning, his family and congregation.

    Heading to bed folks…night all

  111. Pingback: Obama, “Deal Done, New Uniforms By Christmas” « Moonbat Patrol

  112. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning my fellow Patriots 🙂

  113. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Samiam! and Everyone!

    And to those who read but never comment, thank you for reading and good morning to you!

  114. samiam60 says:

    Obama Meets With Half Brother in China

  115. samiam60 says:

    BEIJING — When President Barack Obama landed in Beijing on Monday on his first state visit to China, his first order of business was family business.

    Before he headed to a formal dinner with China’s President Hu Jintao, he set aside time to see his half brother, Mark Ndesandjo, and Ndesandjo’s wife, who had flown up from the southern boomtown of Shenzhen where they live.

    Describing the meeting Monday as “overwhelming” and “intense,” Ndesandjo told The Associated Press in an interview Wednesday that he had long anticipated the chance to welcome his famous brother to China.

    “My big brother, you know I think he was on his way to see the president of China. … He came directly off the plane, changed some clothes and then came down and saw us. And he just gave me a big hug. And it was so intense. I’m still over the moon on it. I am over the moon. And my wife. She is his biggest fan, and I think she is still recovering,” he said with a laugh.

    Ndesandjo said he bought tickets to fly to Beijing months ago, hoping to reconnect with his brother. The two last met in January when Ndesandjo attended Obama’s inauguration in Washington, D.C., as a family guest.

    The three had a long chat, with Obama being introduced to Ndesandjo’s wife, a native of Henan, China, whom he married a year ago, he said. He gave few specifics about what they discussed.

    “All I can say is, we talked about family, and it was very powerful because when he came in through that door, and I saw him and I hugged him, and he hugged me and hugged my wife. It was like we were continuing a conversation that had started many years ago,” he said.

    Ndesandjo is tall and slim, with close-cropped hair that gives him a strong resemblance to his brother.

    The two men did not grow up together. Ndesandjo’s mother, Ruth Nidesand, was Barack Obama Sr.’s third wife. Just before he arrived in Beijing on Monday, Obama had been in a townhall-style meeting with students in Shanghai, where he joked with the audience that a family gathering in his home “looks like the United Nations.”

    President Obama’s father had been a Kenyan exchange student who met his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, a Kansas native, when they were in school in Hawaii. The two separated two years after he was born.

    The senior Obama later met Ndesandjo’s mother as a graduate student at Harvard University, and the two returned to live in Kenya, where Mark and his brother, David, were born and grew up. David later died in a motorcycle accident.

    Obama’s mother went on to marry an Indonesian man and he spent part of his young life in Jakarta. His sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, is half-Indonesian and her husband is Chinese-Canadian.

    Since 2001, Ndesandjo has been living in the booming southern Chinese city of Shenzhen near Hong Kong and earns a living as a marketing consultant. For most of that time, he has maintained a low profile, with few people knowing his connection to the U.S. president.

    But two weeks ago, he went public to launch a new novel, a semi-autobiographical book called “Nairobi to Shenzhen” that features a protagonist who is the son of a Jewish mother and an abusive father from Kenya.

    The book, available over the Internet by the self-publishing company Aventine Press, was partly meant to raise awareness about domestic violence, he said. His father beat him and his mother when they were living in Kenya, Ndesandjo said.

    “For a long time, I had serious, serious reservations about using that name (Obama) because of the hurt I experienced,” he said. Though he wanted to maintain his privacy, he decided to write the novel because “there are certain things you can do and you really should do because you know it will help people.”

  116. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  117. samiam60 says:

    AP Turns Heads for Devoting 11 Reporters to Palin Book ‘Fact Check’

  118. samiam60 says:

    Sarah Palin is no normal politician, and at the Associated Press, apparently “Going Rogue” is no normal book.

    When the former Republican vice presidential candidate and former Alaska governor wrote her autobiography, the AP found a copy before its release date and assigned 11 people to fact check all 432 pages.

    The AP claims Palin misstated her record with regard to travel expenses and taxpayer-funded bailouts, using statements widely reported elsewhere. But it also speculated into Palin’s motives for writing “Going Rogue: An American Life,” stating as fact that the book “has all the characteristics of a pre-campaign manifesto.”

    Palin quickly hit back on a Facebook post titled “Really? Still Making Things Up?”

    “Imagine that,” the post read. “11 AP reporters dedicating time and resources to tearing up the book, instead of using the time and resources to ‘fact check’ what’s going on with Sheik Mohammed’s trial, Pelosi’s health care takeover costs, Hasan’s associations, etc. Amazing.”

    The AP, an organization with over 4,000 employees and 49 Pulitzer Prizes earned for asking the hard questions, wouldn’t comment on their own reporting for this story.

    Reviewing books and holding public figures accountable is at the core of good journalism, but the treatment Palin’s book received appears to be something new for the AP. The organization did not review for accuracy recent books by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, then-Sen. Joe Biden, either book by Barack Obama released before he was president or autobiographies by Bill or Hillary Clinton. The AP did more traditional news stories on those books.

    The attraction to Palin doesn’t appear to be partisan, since AP didn’t fact-check recent political tomes by Republicans Rudy Giuliani or Newt Gingrich.

    The AP, however, regularly writes “fact checks” for major political speeches, such as a September health care speech by President Obama.

    Doug Underwood, a University of Washington journalism professor who covered Washington politics in the late 1970s for Gannett, said Palin brings some negative attention on herself with a history of bad interviews and misstatements. In addition, the press cannot ever be perfectly consistent or fair, he said.

    Still, the media treated Biden and Palin differently, he said.

    Biden’s book “Promises to Keep” became an instant best-seller when he was chosen to be Obama’s running mate, but was not fact-checked by the AP and only received passing interest. In a story last year on Biden’s Vietnam War draft deferments due to asthma, the reporter notes Biden didn’t mention the malady in his book.

    Palin is not the standard presidential possibility for 2012, Underwood said.

    “She’s a figure who’s a politician, but also a part of popular culture,” he said.

    Palin supporters believe 11 reporters poring over every word of her book is excessive- and further proof of the media’s obsession and maltreatment of the hockey mom from Wasilla.

    “They’re obsessed with trying to discredit her,” said Adrienne Ross, New York state organizer for the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee. “Because she’s a conservative woman, they make fun of her accent, comment about her looks. She doesn’t come in the package they want her to come in.”

  119. samiam60 says:

    Obama: Debt Could Fuel ‘Double-Dip Recession.

    Duh, no sh!t Sherlock!

    We have been saying just that since your Dumb Arse took over.

  120. samiam60 says:

    Speaking in the heart of America’s biggest lender, President Obama told Fox News in an interview Wednesday that the piling on of U.S. debt could drag the country into a “double-dip recession,” though he said he’s still considering additional tax incentives for businesses to reverse the rising unemployment rate.

    The president, who is in China as part of his tour through several Asian countries where he is addressing economic challenges, spoke candidly about the precarious balancing act his administration is trying to perform with regard to the U.S. economy. He wants to spend money to kick-start the economy, but at the same time is in danger of creating too much red ink.

    “There may be some tax provisions that can encourage businesses to hire sooner rather than sitting on the sidelines. So we’re taking a look at those,” Obama told Fox News’ Major Garrett. “I think it is important, though, to recognize if we keep on adding to the debt, even in the midst of this recovery, that at some point, people could lose confidence in the U.S. economy in a way that could actually lead to a double-dip recession.”

    The president also warned that Israel’s move to build hundreds of new settlements in a Palestinian area is not helpful to ongoing peace talks, and is potentially “dangerous.”

    “The situation in the Middle East is very difficult, and I’ve said repeatedly and I’ll say again, Israel’s security is a vital national interest to the United States, and we will make sure they are secure,” Obama said. “I think that additional settlement building does not contribute to Israel’s security, I think it makes it harder for them to make peace with their neighbors. I think it embitters the Palestinians in a way that could end up being very

  121. samiam60 says:

    Sorry to post and run but I have several things to get done this morning.

    Good Morning VF and Foxwood.

    Carry on…………………….. 🙂

  122. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Foxwood!

    Well Samiam, the blogpost I wrote pointed clearly to China spanking Obama for being an economic dumbass leading the world off an economic cliff by actions clearly designed to do exactly that… a SOROS wet dream.

  123. Foxwood says:

    Funny that the Chinese have to teach us how to be Capitalists.

  124. Foxwood says:

    Good morning, VF, Sami!

  125. VotingFemale says:

    And if Obama thinks his reversing course and following the instructions of China’s economists at this point will save Obamaist Communism from a total ass kicking in 2010 and 2012 he is dreaming… the far left base of his will decimate him and the moderate and right bases of Sarah Palin will see it as an admittance of his intentional wrong doing and not caring about the nation until China stepped in and hit him with a 2×4.

    The man is political dog meat…

    Then there is GITMO…. oh what webs the Socialist weave when they practice partisan politics and warfare then get handed the bag they attacked during the Bush years…

    These people are morons… who are now being forced to have their noses rubbed in their own moronic poop in front of the entire planet.


    iReporter Leftists must be going into clinical depression… CNN? it is so heavily chained to the Socialist Ideology with youtubed moments which freezes history for all to reference and play back, I do not see an exit strategy that does not entail either bankruptcy or wholesale firings from the top to the bottom… and where will they find real neutral journalists? Certainly not at the Columbia School of Journalism or anywhere else… I see them as Socialist self-inflicted throwaways in this re-founding of America.

  126. VotingFemale says:

    They had a good teacher… President Ronald Reagan.

    Foxwood says

    Funny that the Chinese have to teach us how to be Capitalists.

  127. VotingFemale says:

    From a few minutes ago…

    Sarah Palin’s book blitz continues. Anyone who can cause leftists and political elites to further slip the surly bonds of sanity is alright in our book!

    And watching them react to her selling freight-car quantities of books is what we call…lagniappe. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

    lagniappe = gift

    Laissez les bons temps rouler! = Let the good times roll!

    Folks, I am almost dizzy from the high of it…

  128. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good Morning Everyone! Sorry I missed the party last night.

  129. VotingFemale says:


    Tea Party Movie Premieres in Washington December 2nd

    FreedomWorks is excited to announce that we are hosting the Washington, DC premiere of “Tea Party: The Documentary” on December 2nd at the Ronald Reagan Building. The reception starts at 6:00pm outside The Amphitheater in the Ronald Reagan Building, and the film will begin around 7:15pm.

    Tickets are only $10, which is a steal for a premiere. Special guests will include FreedomWorks chairman Dick Armey, president Matt Kibbe, film maker Luke Livingston and the protagonists of the movie. Please purchase your tickets today, and be sure to let us know that you are coming.

    Below is the trailer for the film, which follows a handful of citizens who decided to get involved in the movement to fight back against big government in America. Enjoy the trailer, and we will see on on December 2nd!

  130. tellitlikeitis says:

    Green Jobs Programs Provide Veterans with a New Mission
    November 13, 2009
    By Andrea Buffa
    Apollo News Service

    This Wednesday was Veterans Day, and to honor our veterans and their service to our country, the Apollo Alliance published a feature story about veterans’ role in the green economy. The article profiled two green jobs programs—Veterans Green Jobs of Colorado and the Veterans Conservation Corps of Washington state—and the recently launched “Operation Free” campaign that has veterans touring the country to call for federal action on climate change.

    Veterans Green Jobs runs a 9-week “Home Energy Auditor Training” (HEAT) for veterans, using a rapid, hands-on “military” style of training and a curriculum that was developed in collaboration with community colleges and industry organizations. Upon completion of the training, graduates receive college credits as well as a home energy efficiency certification. The first class of trainees graduated in June, and another class just began in October.

    “We think veterans are uniquely qualified to lead the environmental restoration here at home,” said Kirsten Maynard of Veterans Green Jobs. “Not only have they seen environmental destruction across the world; they also have technical skills and other kinds of work skills that allow them to do the really tough work that needs to be done – like go into homes and crawl in the attic and the basement. They’ve been trained by the military to do it, and they actually feel comfortable being in that kind of environment.”

    The Veterans Conservation Corps, which is run out of the Washington Department of Veterans Affairs, puts veterans to work on habitat restoration and protection projects across Washington state. The program has been in existence for four years but has faced challenges recently because state budget cuts eliminated the stipends the program paid veterans for their conservation efforts. The Veterans Conservation Corps has also inaugurated a new program, called Veterans Corps, which is modeled on the AmeriCorps program.

    “It’s a revitalization of a mission they had in Iraq and Afghanistan,” said Mark Fischer, who runs the Veterans Conservation Corps. “Once they left the military, that mission is gone, and it’s a big loss. When they lose that purpose it can be disheartening and disorienting. We try to create a meaningful job – for a purpose-driven life.”

    Operation Free is a new campaign by national security and veterans organizations to draw attention to the national security threat created by climate change. “The reason why national security organizations are taking this as a serious threat is that not only are we [the United States] dependent on oil, but the conflicts that arise from famines, floods and droughts [caused by climate change] multiply the threat of current conflicts and create instability,” said Alex Cornell du Houx, an Iraq war veteran and participant in Operation Free. Operation Free held an inaugural event in Washington, D.C., in September, which was followed by a bus tour by veterans in October.

    Today, the Apollo Alliance and the Center for American Progress (CAP) sponsored an event in Washington, D.C., for manufacturers to discuss the Senate clean energy and climate bill. The strategy session was hosted by former Sen. Tom Daschle, who is now a distinguished senior fellow at CAP, and was attended by Dow Chemical, ClearEdge Power, Infinia Corporation, SunRise Solar and other manufacturers. The participating businesses represented supply chains from throughout the country, including in Michigan, Washington, Indiana, California, New York, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

    The event included a roundtable discussion about the manufacturing provisions in the Kerry-Boxer clean energy and climate bill and other pieces of legislation that address clean energy manufacturing, like Sen. Sherrod Brown’s Investments for Manufacturing Progress and Clean Technology (IMPACT) Act. The business leaders also addressed additional measures that would support domestic manufacturers during the transition to a clean energy economy. After the roundtable, Sen. Daschle and several of the manufacturers participated in a telephone press conference.

    The interests of manufacturers are critical to the climate and energy bill debate. On the one hand, carbon-intensive manufacturers will need assistance to become more energy efficient so they can compete with foreign manufacturers that are unencumbered by restrictive climate change measures. On the other hand, there is excitement about the potential for clean energy manufacturing to create high-quality jobs in the states that have been hit hardest by the recession—if policymakers implement measures to prevent new jobs from going overseas.

    The manufacturers who attended today’s event share two common beliefs. First, that setting a limit on carbon pollution is the key to driving investment in clean energy technologies and incentivizing investment in efficient and sustainable manufacturing processes that will increase the long-term competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing. Second, that federal policymakers should strategically invest in the domestic manufacture of the products and services of the clean energy economy.

    To learn more about manufacturing and the clean energy economy, read the Apollo Alliance’s Green Manufacturing Action Plan.

    Learn How to Promote Equity in the Green Economy

    This week, the Applied Research Center published a Green Equity Toolkit to help communities fight for green jobs for women and people of color; good jobs with living wages and union representation; and career pathways that lift people out of poverty and into upwardly mobile, middle-class lives.

    “The Toolkit highlights green equity success stories and provides practical steps for how labor and community advocates can create equity and inclusion in the green economy,” said Yvonne Liu, senior research associate at the Applied Research Center and coordinator of the Green Equity Toolkit. “The green promise means those communities most devastated by the recession — women and people of color – can mobilize to ride the green wave.”

    The toolkit provides guidance for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating initiatives that establish green-collar jobs. It can be applied to the public and/or private sector, in both for-profit and non–profit organizations.

    Download the toolkit and learn more about what you can do to make sure issues of race, gender and economic equity are central in the development of the green economy.

    In other news …

    *The Apollo Alliance is seeking a program intern to work with our program and policy department starting in January 2009. This internship offers an excellent opportunity for a talented student or professional committed to clean energy and social equity issues to gain experience working in a high caliber, fast paced, results-oriented non-profit policy organization.

  131. tellitlikeitis says:

    ‘The Narcissism of the Man Is Rather Unbounded’

  132. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Tellit!

    I was not able to attend last night’s blog tea party either… sigh… but am filled with pride for our blog brothers and sisters who did attend… A Salute to each one of you!

  133. VotingFemale says:

    I have been bombarded with so much bad news starting with the 2008 election night that a day like yesterday leaves me numb feeling knowing the Majority of We the People have woken up and hell bent on resetting the Socialism that has flooded our government and society.

    The real ass kicking is taking effect and is like a freight train which started as a snowball rolling down a hill…

  134. Foxwood says:

    “lagniappe = gift

    Laissez les bons temps rouler! = Let the good times roll!”

    VF, have you been to New Orleans?

  135. Foxwood says:

    In Southwest Louisiana we call ‘lagniappe’ a little something extra.

    I always put Lagniappe in my Dr. Pepper. It’s called Jim Beam.

  136. VotingFemale says:

    I have been to New Orleans only very briefly… and I bow to your clarification of the depth of the meaning of ‘lagniappe’ !!!!

    That is even grander!!!!

  137. VotingFemale says:

    how is it pronounced?

  138. Foxwood says:

    OH no! It has another meaning in NO, That’s why I asked.

    Pronounced Lan-yap or Lan-yop

  139. tellitlikeitis says:

    Life in this country today reminds me of being pinned in an out of control rollercoaster going straight down until it crashed when it reaches it’s final destination. hell.

  140. Foxwood says:

    But if you give a gift, you did give a little something extra.

  141. Foxwood says:

    “Life in this country today reminds me of being pinned in an out of control rollercoaster going straight down until it crashed when it reaches it’s final destination. hell.”

    You need to make movies!

  142. tellitlikeitis says:

    AP Turns Heads for Devoting 11 Reporters to Palin Book ‘Fact Check’

    Reviewing books and holding public figures accountable is at the core of good journalism, but the Associated Press’ treatment of Palin’s book seems an unprecedented move at the wire service

    Sarah Palin is no normal politician, and at the Associated Press, apparently “Going Rogue” is no normal book.

    When the former Republican vice presidential candidate and former Alaska governor wrote her autobiography, the AP found a copy before its release date and assigned 11 people to fact check all 432 pages.

    The AP claims Palin misstated her record with regard to travel expenses and taxpayer-funded bailouts, using statements widely reported elsewhere. But it also speculated into Palin’s motives for writing “Going Rogue: An American Life,” stating as fact that the book “has all the characteristics of a pre-campaign manifesto.”

    Palin quickly hit back on a Facebook post titled “Really? Still Making Things Up?”

    “Imagine that,” the post read. “11 AP reporters dedicating time and resources to tearing up the book, instead of using the time and resources to ‘fact check’ what’s going on with Sheik Mohammed’s trial, Pelosi’s health care takeover costs, Hasan’s associations, etc. Amazing.”

    The AP, an organization with over 4,000 employees and 49 Pulitzer Prizes earned for asking the hard questions, wouldn’t comment on their own reporting for this story.

    Reviewing books and holding public figures accountable is at the core of good journalism, but the treatment Palin’s book received appears to be something new for the AP. The organization did not review for accuracy recent books by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, then-Sen. Joe Biden, either book by Barack Obama released before he was president or autobiographies by Bill or Hillary Clinton. The AP did more traditional news stories on those books.

    The attraction to Palin doesn’t appear to be partisan, since AP didn’t fact-check recent political tomes by Republicans Rudy Giuliani or Newt Gingrich.

    The AP, however, regularly writes “fact checks” for major political speeches, such as a September health care speech by President Obama.

    Doug Underwood, a University of Washington journalism professor who covered Washington politics in the late 1970s for Gannett, said Palin brings some negative attention on herself with a history of bad interviews and misstatements. In addition, the press cannot ever be perfectly consistent or fair, he said.

    Still, the media treated Biden and Palin differently, he said.

    Biden’s book “Promises to Keep” became an instant best-seller when he was chosen to be Obama’s running mate, but was not fact-checked by the AP and only received passing interest. In a story last year on Biden’s Vietnam War draft deferments due to asthma, the reporter notes Biden didn’t mention the malady in his book.

    Palin is not the standard presidential possibility for 2012, Underwood said.

    “She’s a figure who’s a politician, but also a part of popular culture,” he said.

    Palin supporters believe 11 reporters poring over every word of her book is excessive- and further proof of the media’s obsession and maltreatment of the hockey mom from Wasilla.

    “They’re obsessed with trying to discredit her,” said Adrienne Ross, New York state organizer for the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee. “Because she’s a conservative woman, they make fun of her accent, comment about her looks. She doesn’t come in the package they want her to come in.”

  143. m2 says:

    Morning folks!

    I love tellits comment sandwhiched between lan-yop discussion…

  144. tellitlikeitis says:

    Here’s another one Foxwood.

    I feel like I am tied to a chair while some thug is working me over with a pair of brass knuckles. That’s how helpless and powerless I feel about all that’s going on around us that we can do nothing about.

  145. Foxwood says:

    Too early for a lagniappe. I have to go to work. 🙂

  146. Foxwood says:

    A person can only take it so long, Tellit.

  147. m2 says:

    They’d need a few ppl to discredit Obama’s book, maybe just one- they could stoke Bill Ayers ego and he could let the cat out of the bag.

    That 11 ppl at the bottom of their petty fact check did more to discredit the AP than Sarah Palin.

  148. tellitlikeitis says:

    I have a whole plethora of emotions about everything but most of the time they swiitch between anger and sadness.

  149. tellitlikeitis says:

    What a genious! How long did it take this moron to figure that out! Quadrupling the national debt is helping much dooofus! You should go back to reading the teleprompter so you can sound intelligent again.

    Obama: Too much debt could fuel double-dip recession
    BEIJING, Nov 18 (Reuters) – President Barack Obama gave his sternest warning yet about the need to contain rising U.S. deficits, saying on Wednesday that if government debt were to pile up too much, it could lead to a double-dip recession.

    With the U.S. unemployment rate at 10.2 percent, Obama told Fox News his administration faces a delicate balance of trying to boost the economy and spur job creation while putting the economy on a path toward long-term deficit reduction.

    His administration was considering ways to accelerate economic growth, with tax measures among the options to give companies incentives to hire, Obama said in the interview with Fox conducted in Beijing during his nine-day trip to Asia.

    “It is important though to recognize if we keep on adding to the debt, even in the midst of this recovery, that at some point, people could lose confidence in the U.S. economy in a way that could actually lead to a double-dip recession,” he said.

    Fox News, which released a transcript of the interview, showed that comment by Obama on Wednesday morning and said the full discussion would be broadcast later in the day. (Reporting by Caren Bohan; Editing by John O’Callaghan)

  150. m2 says:

    So true tellit.

    I just had a gulf war movie on, and the ppl exclaimed- the Americans. Thank god! In the fighter jets.

    And I sadly, wistfully thought- because of Obama, some unions who need their pensions paid, and some snot headed brat liberals- no one will exclaim hope and relief when they see “the Americans coming”… It will never be the way it was, when we symbolized freedom and bravery.

    Makes you angry huh?

  151. tellitlikeitis says:

    The Debt to the Penny and Who Holds It
    ( Debt Held by the Public vs. Intragovernmental Holdings )

    Current Debt Held by the Public Intragovernmental Holdings Total Public Debt Outstanding
    11/16/2009 7,632,033,766,420.46



    Daily History Search Application
    To find the total public debt outstanding on a specific day or days, simply select a single date or date range and click on the ‘Find History’ button.

    The data on total public debt outstanding is available daily from 01/04/1993 through 11/16/2009. The debt held by the public versus intragovernmental holdings data is available:

    Yearly (on a fiscal basis) from 09/30/1997 through 11/16/2009.
    Monthly from 09/30/01 through 03/31/05
    Daily from 03/31/05 through 11/16/2009

  152. m2 says:

    When he says this:

    Obama: Too much debt could fuel double-dip recession

    its total farce. It’s like him telling china to be mire free. Just something he says to confuse and obfusicate. It may have worked 1x during the campaign I’m tax cuts but were smart to his game now.

    Did you hear? They’re making a jobs bill? 200 billion stimulus?

  153. tellitlikeitis says:

    m2, I am afraid you are right.

  154. Foxwood says:

    I think he’s trying to push the second stimulus package. That’s why he mentioned the double dip.

  155. VotingFemale says:

    Obama is parroting the Chinese who kicked his ass for borrowing the US into a slide towards destroying the value of the dollar…

    And he blames a future possible double dip on americans who loose trust in the Chosen One…

    read his words again… the Snot Head never stops spinning… even when slammed with a 2×4 by the chinese for being a dik hed.

  156. m2 says:

    Y’all all we have to do is refer back to the goals in the “meeting notes from June 20th” posted on…

    The medicate like option then going forward from there? Check
    the second stimulus? Check

    it’s all there, the whole agenda… On the Communist Party’s website.

  157. tellitlikeitis says:

    Here’s something for the girls.

    Failed anti-depressant drug could be ‘women’s Viagra’

    A drug that failed to fight the blues could be the female answer to the little blue pill Viagra, the lead North American investigator analysing tests of the drug said Tuesday.
    Women who took the drug flibanserin when it was being tested as an anti-depressant said it didn’t help them beat the glums, but did give them “an increase in libido that they liked,” John Thorp, one of the investigators analyzing data from three clinical trials of the drug, told AFP.

    Lack of desire is the most common sexual problem in women aged 30 to 60, just as erectile dysfunction, for which Viagra is one of a choice of treatments, is the most common sexual disorder among men in the same age bracket, Thorp said.

    “Men remain interested but can’t act or perform properly and women lose interest,” said Thorp.

    “So where Viagra and other erectile dysfunction medications work in the blood supply, flibanserin works in the brain,” he said.

    In the light of the women’s reactions to flibanserin, the German drug company that had first tested the drug as a treatment for depression, Boehringer Ingelheim, several years ago began exploring the possibilities of it being the active ingredient in the female answer to Viagra.

    Clinical trials were held in Canada, Europe and the United States to test the drug’s efficacy in raising the level of sexual desire in women.

    Nearly 2,000 pre-menopausal women were given flibanserin or a placebo for 24 weeks and asked to report back to researchers or make diary entries on six variables, including the number of satisfactory sexual encounters they had and their level of sexual desire.

    The studies found that 100 milligrams a day of flibanserin resulted in “significant improvements” in the two variables.

    Flibanserin is currently an investigational drug and is only available to women taking part in clinical trials.

  158. m2 says:

    Morning VF!!

    I still think Obummer is playing the Chinese like he played the good American ppl. I don’t think he cares about the dire warnings- I think he knows by 2012 he’ll have the globe embroiled in choas and begging for a “global governance” to save us despite the understanding that sovereignty must be released to do so…

  159. VotingFemale says:

    Obama is merely bowing to pressure from the Chinese to reform his behavior and the behavior of his socialist party which is doing what Glenn Beck promised would happen… and is a move by SOROS behind the scenes to use Socialism to become the richest most powerful person on the planet.

  160. tellitlikeitis says:

    Sometimes drugs have unintended positive side affects. lol

  161. VotingFemale says:

    please do not ignore the below blogpost message!!!!

    China Delivers Economic ‘Teaching Moment’ Kick to Obama’s 睾丸

    China Criticizes U.S. Financial Management During Obama Visit

    Updated November 15, 2009
    by WSJ

    Regulator says U.S. policy puts global recovery at risk as Obama arrives in Beijing.

    BEIJING — China’s top banking regulator issued a sharp critique of U.S. financial management only hours before President Barack Obama commenced his first visit to the Asian giant, highlighting economic and trade tensions that threaten to overshadow the trip.

    Liu Mingkang, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said that a weak U.S. dollar and low U.S. interest rates had led to “massive speculation” that was inflating asset bubbles around the world. It has created “unavoidable risks for the recovery of the global economy, especially emerging economies,” Liu said.

    The situation is “seriously impacting global asset prices and encouraging speculation in stock and property markets.”

    His comments signaled that Obama — on the third leg of a four-country Asian tour — can expect blunt talk from Chinese leaders on the economy. The issue could complicate his broad agenda in China that also includes efforts to extract new commitments on climate change and to encourage them to take a more active role to defuse nuclear threats in Iran and North Korea.

    Before heading to China, Obama underscored the urgency of his agenda on Iran by joining Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in warning Tehran that “we are now running out of time.”

    The trip has already had some hiccups. Wrangling between the administration and Beijing over Obama’s town hall meeting with university students in Shanghai on Monday was intense, with China wanting to screen the audience and its questions, and the U.S. wanting a freer exchange.

    Click here to read more on this story from the Wall Street Journal.

  162. m2 says:

    I can’t wait to see Holder on the hotseat.

  163. VotingFemale says:

    Everyone with a brain knows the 911 trial site decision was Obama’s decision… and why he pushed Holder to walk the plank by claiming it was his decision and not Obama’s.

    Holder will be thrown under the bus when the real crap hits the fan… and to be sure, it will hit the fan.

  164. m2 says:

    actually, Kraut or someone…maybe that Colonel that is a contributer on FNC believes Holder is a an evil dude.

    I think Holder has conflicting past where he has represented terrorists.

    I think Obama/Holder = match made in evil

  165. VotingFemale says:

    Tellit? It is not over… “They Have not Won” if you start believing that then you are a victim of the Alinsky rule which says “make them think you have more power than you have.”

    This is the pivot point… the seminal moment for the Obama Presidency… and it is down hill from here… believe it because it is true.

  166. m2 says:

    Attorney General Eric Holder, who was also at the event, released known terrorists into the streets of America when he was involved in the Clinton pardons of members of the Weather Underground and Puerto Rican FALN. Holder’s law firm, Covington & Burling, represents terrorists being held at Guantanamo Bay.

  167. m2 says:

    So his (old) law firm is representing KSM?

  168. samiam60 says:

    I am back briefly to flower this blog with more deep insights in our :

    Commie Organizer in Chief.

    He has now Officially made Himself the Worlds biggest Dunce and did so on the World Stage.

    This idiot will surely Self Destruct.

  169. m2 says:

    But samiam! The bigger the failure the farther you RISE in the “liberal” party!

  170. VotingFemale says:


    Holder, in my view, is a bitter black man with hate in his heart… and that, like Colon Powell, it his downfall. It removes intellect from the equation and replaces it with anger motivated behavior… and it is a self-destructive weakness.

    It is why I avoid hatred… and was upset that Obama pushed that button in me.

    I have since let that go… calculated and applied strength, intellect and determination wins over hatred-agendas every time.

  171. tellitlikeitis says:

    VF, I haven’t given up. I am not a quitter. I am sad because I believe the only way we will get this country back is by force and violence through a public insurrection. These politicians are going to push people to that point.I am not promoting it by any means. I just believe that is the reality of the situation today and at some point it will be unavoidable.

  172. m2 says:

    yeah, I’ve been trying to be less hateful myself over these treasonous people.

    You can see the unwarranted hate the left has for Palin, and though that is eons uglier than our justified outrage, it really doesn’t help their cause. I think Soros has succeeded in building hatred in our great nation, and the best way to stick it to Soros is to let it roll off you, and persevere like Palin does!

    Holder is so hateful. Every action he and Obama seem to take is to destroy based on their hate.
    It’s quite obvious, indeed!

    VF says:


    Holder, in my view, is a bitter black man with hate in his heart… and that, like Colon Powell, it his downfall. It removes intellect from the equation and replaces it with anger motivated behavior… and it is a self-destructive weakness.

    It is why I avoid hatred… and was upset that Obama pushed that button in me.

    I have since let that go… calculated and applied strength, intellect and determination wins over hatred-agendas every time.

  173. VotingFemale says:

    ******** BREAKING NEWS *********

    Obama Approval Index, as I predicted yesterday, broke the -13 barrier and jumped from -12 to -14

    tweet from Rassmussen (their tweet feed is located in the sidebar of this blog)

    Obama: Strongly Approve 26% Strongly Disapprove 40%.. Approval Index:-14, lowest yet… total approval 47%… 22 minutes ago


  174. samiam60 says:

    We are Witnessing the Rise and Fall of the Liberal Progrssive Socialist/Marxist movement in America.

    They are self Destructing before our very eyes.

    America is waking up and this Communist Bent Movement will die now forever in America.

  175. VotingFemale says:

    Indeed… the bad guys are on the run…

    samiam60 says

    We are Witnessing the Rise and Fall of the Liberal Progrssive Socialist/Marxist movement in America.

    They are self Destructing before our very eyes.

    America is waking up and this Communist Bent Movement will die now forever in America.

  176. samiam60 says:

    That is great news VF and you did predict this event. -14% and falling as we speak.

    Hey Barrack,

    While you are Bowing to your Communist Idols over there you might want to hold that pose because we have something we would like to put up there. Our Foot!

  177. samiam60 says:

    Has anyone heard or confirmed anything about this Manning situation?

  178. VotingFemale says:

    see the new Obama Aproval Index Poll graphic on the sidebar of this blog…

    it is updated to reflect the -14 index of today…

    it may fluctuate daily but it is decidedly a slope towards the bottom.

    Remember, that Index was +30 on the first full day in office for Obama, less than 10 months ago.

    The differential between +30 and -14 is an index drop of 44 points…. the shift from positive to negative…

    If Obama were traded on the Stock Market they would say it has reached yet another 52 week low… and the rating for his stock is ‘Over Rated-SELL SELL SELL!’

  179. VotingFemale says:

    Samiam, I did some checking into the Manning situation… and I do not believe the Government has a case… that their move was one of intimidation.

    I also believe, David Manning needs to tone it down… he is avoided like the plague by conservative media outlets because his style is very over the top… bordering on hatred.

    He needs to cool his jets and calm down some to be more effective.

  180. samiam60 says:

    I agree with you VF on the Manning situation.

    I believe he is sometimes being viewed as fanatical by those who are more middle of the road.
    His message though is so spot on. It just needs toned down a tad is all.

  181. samiam60 says:

    Ok I am off to finish up some things I started earlier and will catch you all a bit later on.

    Okie Dokie?

  182. m2 says:

    I got to leave the house… bbl!

  183. VotingFemale says:

    Let not your heart be so troubled that your own words defeat you…

    I have conveyed that message here on the blog, and say it to Rev Manning…

    Do not give the bad guys the ammunition to take you down… this is won without hatred… with the power of applied intellect and determination… capitalizing on the self-destructive behavior of the bad guys given you by the bad guys to use to bring them down in the eyes of We the People who are awake and alert and doing what needs doing…

    provoke the bad guys into self-destructive behavior…

    Didn’t General Patton explain it? It was updated to apply to a war of ideology, ideas and words… and the war on terror…

  184. VotingFemale says:

    Atlantis is within 700 feet of the Space Station… maneuvering for a docking.

  185. Foxwood says:

    I find it very hard not hating Socialists, Communists and Marxists. Just me.

    Khrushchev said he would bury us. That’s exactly what I want to do to the Pinkos.

  186. VotingFemale says:

    I am watching Grassley kicking Holder butt in the congressional hearing going on live on the 911 trials move from GITMO to NYC… which is streaming live from FOX News Live Stream

  187. VotingFemale says:

    Foxwood, as active Conservative Bloggers participating in this struggle between Socialist-Marxism and the survival of our country, we can not allow ourselves to have our emotions become a detriment to achieving the goal. Others on the sideline indulge their emotions because they are silent waiting to vote in 2010 and 2012.

    If Sarah Palin was quoted as saying she hates Socialists and Marxists it would be successfully used against her by the Socialists and Marxists.

    Instead she wages her war with the intentions of winning… not falling on a sword.

    I too have to hold back the emotions to prevent weakening my position.

    The emotion of hatred works in a shooting war such as WWII… and this is not a shooting war. it is an internal struggle between Socialist Marxists who were elected to office and the majority of We the People who are in opposition; and hear this… we are more powerful than they are… this is a war for the minds and hearts of the Majority of We the People… this is not Cuba, not Venezuela, not Iran, not North Korea, not Russia, not China…

    We the People of the United States think in much different ways… and is why we are the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world and in the history of the world… and why we have enemies and always will.

    Foxwood says

    I find it very hard not hating Socialists, Communists and Marxists. Just me.

    Khrushchev said he would bury us. That’s exactly what I want to do to the Pinkos.

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