Obama drowning in a Sea of Socialist Discontent; Senate ObamaCare in trouble with House of Reps

I saw this coming… did you?

When Howard Dean and the likes of Leftist website FireDogLake go on the National Media including FOX News and openly oppose and defy Barack Obama and his precious Senate Health Care Bill, you know it is coming to blows behind the scenes…

I suggest the White House Press Secretary, Little Bobby Gibbs, will be walking back his “not if, but when” statement concerning final passage of ObamaCare.

From Politico:

Obama plans for health care delay, new jobs bill


The White House privately anticipates health care talks to slip into February — past President Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address — and then plans to make a “very hard pivot” to a new jobs bill, according to senior administration officials.

Obama has been told that disputes over abortion and the tight schedule are highly likely to delay a final deal, a blow to the president, who had hoped to trumpet a health care victory in his big speech to the nation. But he has also been told that House Democratic leaders seem inclined, at least for now, to largely accept the compromise worked out in the Senate, virtually ensuring he will eventually get a deal.

Internally, White House aides are plunging into a 2010 plan calling for an early focus on creating jobs, especially in the energy sector, along with starting a conversation about deficit reduction measures, the administration officials said.

Both will be major themes for his first State of the Union speech, which will most likely take place on Jan. 26 or Feb. 2. White House aides are in the early stages of planning for the national address, but Obama will not only trumpet what he has described as his “B-plus” performance in 2009 but also set the stage for the 2010 congressional campaigns.

Obama and Democrats seem in agreement that they want to minimize the number of tough votes moderates in their party must take in the aftermath of the health care debate. They also seem in agreement that a jobs bill is a must — and that they need to show a serious commitment to reducing the deficit, a very difficult task after racking up record spending in Obama’s first year.

The first order of business will be getting a health care deal, which Obama and Democrats see as inevitable. The White House is working closely with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other leading liberals to make sure the House does not push for significant changes to the compromise worked out in the Senate. This will force House Democrats, who often feel slighted by all the attention and influence the Senate gets, to swallow a compromise it did not write or advocate.


Additional reading…

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:If This Is True, Senate Dems Are About To Jump Off The Ledge
HOTAiR:WH putting health-care off until … February? and Jake Tapper fact-checks Obama assertion on public option campaigning
Heritage Foundation:Beyond the Constitution: The Healthcare Bill Violates the Rule of Law and Obama On Cutting Red Tape: No We Can’t and Reid Roils the Abortion Debate
Gateway Pundit:Dems Refuse GOP Efforts to Strip Bribes From Health Care Bill
Sister Toldjah:Senate Democrats continue to show blatant disregard for the Constitution
American Power:Illinois Prison Plan Foes Fear Area Would Be Terror Target
Nice Deb:The Obamas’ Hacky-Tacky White House Christmas Tree
Frugal Café:ClimateGate’s Signs of the Times… Anti-Global Warming Signs from Around the World, Copenhagen Summit Crumbles – UPDATE: Build-A-Bear Joins Global Warming Zealots (video)
Talk Wisdom:Liberal Media is Greatest Threat to Our Security
Michelle Malkin:Beltway Christmas: Cash for corruptocrats

Recovering Liberal: Rick Moran fails the Palin Purity Blog Test and should be boycotted
Animal Farm: Healthcare, your Christmas present…
Boudica WPI: Have a very Mao Christmas, thanks Obama’s. WTF?
LisainTX’s Blog:
Code of Cloture in, Code of Ethics out
Diary of a Mad Conservative:MSNBC’s Matthews: Republicans Have Become ‘Party of the Confederacy’
Moonbat Patrol:Cold Day In Hell? and Americas Leadership Void And It’s Dangerous Fragmentation
SamHenry’s Blog:Exquisite Demagoguery – Senator Whitehouse’s Inciteful Senate Floor Speech
WarrantOneGirl:Merry Christmas
VotingFemale Speaks!:Merry Christmas Obama; hope you like your new record low of MINUS 21 Approval Index, so says Rasmussen and Rep Griffith flips Obama and Pelosi ‘the bird’; will announce his switch from DEM to Republican today and Anti-Socialist Call To Renew your efforts!
Temple of Mut:Praise the Lord, And Pass the Ammunition….
Dancing Czars:Just Another Outrage Hidden in the Health Care Bill and The “Science” Mantra and Change Nobody Believes In

Cato At Liberty: Death Panels? Sarah Palin Was Right

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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94 Responses to Obama drowning in a Sea of Socialist Discontent; Senate ObamaCare in trouble with House of Reps

  1. samhenry says:

    Flying through in an old Cessna and dropping the news that Ford has sold Volvo to a Chinese firm that promises to keep management in Sweden. I think the Swedish government still has to approve and also the company needs a loan. Well, they know where to go for it.

    Smart Chinese say they will maintain the safety record of the brand.

    Bye for later – out to dinner – need to land in a cornfield at the farm. They have their car lights on waiting for me. This will be tricky.

    Freezing rain here by Christmas Day. Ho, Ho, Ho – Belle – keep that stuff in Ohio.

  2. VotingFemale says:

    Christmas freezing Rain? I would rather have snow

  3. samiam60 says:

    Be Careful there SamH. Ice on the wings not so good.

    I am with you VF. Snow for Christmas and a
    HO,HO,HO, under my tree. 😉

  4. Pingback: Code of Cloture in, Code of Ethics out « LisaInTX's Blog

  5. LisaInTX says:

    You’re on a roll today! Kick that commie butt!!

  6. VotingFemale says:

    Gads Lisa I have even taken time to tease the youtube trolls! hahahahaha

    see the comment section here!

  7. VotingFemale says:

    Wednesday, December 23, 2009
    Uh Oh, Cats and Dogs Getting Along
    Yesterday I posted on Jane Hamsher’s appearance on Fox News to demand defeat of the Senate bill.

    Today, Hamsher and Grover Norquist, who runs the conservative Americans for Tax Reform, have issued a joint letter demanding the resignation of Rahm Emanuel, and an investigation into Emanuel’s activities at Freddie Mac before the statute of limitations runs out:

    December 23, 2009

    Attorney General of the United States of America
    U.S.Department of Justice
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20530-0001

    Dear Attorney General Holder:

    We write to demand an immediate investigation into the activities of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. We believe there is an abundant public record which establishes that the actions of the White House have blocked any investigation into his activities while on the board of Freddie Mac from 2000-2001, and facilitated the cover up of potentially malfeasance until the 10-year statute of limitations has run out….


    Jane Hamsher

    Grover Norquist
    Americans for Tax Reform

    I think what we have here is the beginning of opposing sides teaming together against the manipulation of our legislative process which has resulted in a Senate bill which the Left and Right, and the majority of Americans, correctly reject. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” thing definitely is going on.

    It is time to start over, to have a real debate over principles, and to bring transparency to the process. The effort to hold Emanuel accountable — and I do not presume he did anything unlawful — is just the tip of the angry iceberg of Leftists who feel betrayed and Rightists who feel vindicated in their fears.

    Emanuel is the first target of this coalition of the aggrieved because he has been the driving force behind the health care legislative process, including the payoffs, the secrecy, the abandonment of campaign promises, and the hardball tactics. Make no mistake about it, Emanuel is merely a proxy for Obama, who has lost credibility with the Left and never had credibility with the Right.

    The politicians who insist on pushing forward with unpopular health care legislation do so at their political peril, now that cats and dogs are getting along.

    from: http://legalinsurrection.blogspot.com/2009/12/uh-oh-cats-and-dogs-getting-along.html

  8. ohiobelle says:

    It’s happening; the left is getting ready to eat their young. Ed on the Ed Show (MSNBC) is crushing Obama about the public option. The left began their attack on the White House!! We can now sit back and watch this unfold. Somebody out there is holding his birth certificate! lol

  9. ohiobelle says:

    The left is attacking Obama just like they attacked Bush. Obama said that he wouldn’t sign a bill without the public option and now he is saying it wasn’t something he campaigned on. I don’t have too much pride to stand with the left and yell kill the bill! lol

  10. VotingFemale says:

    IF any on the left have his real birth records, they would use it as blackmail against BarfBag Obutthole!

  11. ohiobelle says:

    I know it will suck but you might want to check out The Ed Show on MSNBC. Hurry up and change back to Fox afterwards. haha

  12. ohiobelle says:

    I went ahead and text yes to his poll. hahaha

  13. VotingFemale says:

    lol I dont even know what channel MSNBC is on! hahahaha I have a programmed list and MSNBC Ain’t On it

  14. ohiobelle says:


    They are putting alot of pressure on one liberal senator to vote no tomorrow morning. I guess I will be up at 6:45 am.

  15. ohiobelle says:

    lol I dont even know what channel MSNBC is on! hahahaha I have a programmed list and MSNBC Ain’t On it

    hahaha. AT&T is 215.

  16. ohiobelle says:

    Okay he’s done talking about it. He is getting ready to cut on Rush… TURN THE CHANNEL… TURN IT BACK TO FOX! HAHA

  17. VotingFemale says:

    OK, I found it…

    they are running a text them poll to see who wants to KILL THE BILL!!!


    YES… Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

    if they kill it it is dead for life…

  18. ohiobelle says:

    Maybe this bill won’t pass tomorrow morning?? This public option thing just isn’t that bad. hahaha

  19. ohiobelle says:

    It’s okay to turn the station. I think he’s done talking about it.

  20. VotingFemale says:

    Obama is caught in a pincer movement with the left and right closing in to pull his Obamacare plug!

    I am back on FNC

  21. VotingFemale says:

    It will pass the Senate, I am sure… they want their “historical” dues… which is likely to die on the vine and never see the presidents desk… the resolute desk.

  22. samiam60 says:

    Divide and Conquer!

    Let it be so. Kill the Bill…….Oh yes, do it now!

  23. samiam60 says:

    This battle of the Libs will have Kool-Aid flowing in the streets.

  24. VotingFemale says:

    There is no way the loons in the house will buy off on the Senate Bill and the Senate does not have enough votes for cloture on a House version…

    they appear to be between a Barack and a Hard Place… with Obama in the Barrel

  25. samiam60 says:

    This list of Failures continues to grow for the Chosen One. This could be the final nail in the Coffin.

  26. samiam60 says:

    Hey Barry:

  27. VotingFemale says:

    Love your new AVATAR Sam!!!

  28. samiam60 says:

    Thank you VF, I am feeling somewhat Festive with all this good news. I just hope and pray they kill the Bill.

  29. Foxwood says:

    No Buildabears for my grandchildren. EVER!

  30. VotingFemale says:

    Obama gets rat droppings for Christmas with pigeon poop on the side

  31. Foxwood says:

    I heard sesame seed doormouse was a delicacy in ancient Rome.

  32. samiam60 says:

    Hopefully Christmas Dinner at the White House will consist of Obama’s Cooked Goose 😉

  33. Foxwood says:

    Unforntunatly, since we seem to be going down the Roman Roads, we may end up eating doormice as a necessity…

  34. AFVET says:

    It could be merely another diversionary tactic.
    Children, watch this hand etc.
    Howard Dean and Barry Obama are two of the people in this world I would trust the least, especially when they are together.

    As far as I know, there is only one satan.
    I could be wrong.

  35. ohiobelle says:

    I don’t want to piss the left off but maybe they need to be reminded how strongly Obama felt about the public option. You could just fast foward to 2:00.

  36. ohiobelle says:



  37. ohiobelle says:


  38. ohiobelle says:

    Porkapolis went towards the dems campaigns in 2010 and healthcare will go towards Obama’s campaign in 2014. Doesn’t anybody see what they have done??

  39. ohiobelle says:

    I have to run out and get last minute gifts. I hate when I forget a couple of people!

    I will check back later.

  40. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good Evening My fellow patriots!

  41. tellitlikeitis says:

    So much for transparency. lol

    For Their Next Trick . . .
    The latest example of violating principles of transparency and accountability in the single-minded pursuit of legislative victory.

    Look for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to try to circumvent the traditional conference committee process by which the different versions of health care reform passed by each house will be reconciled. If so, it will be the latest example of violating principles of transparency and accountability in the single-minded pursuit of legislative victory.

    Conferences involving members from both houses are messy things. They are usually conducted in public and often televised, and can produce a compromise version of the bill that leaves rank-and-file members tempted to vote against the final version. That could be perilous in the case of health care since it’s likely to pass without a vote to spare in the Senate and the House’s version passed by only five votes.

    North Dakota Senator Kent Conrad, chair of the Budget Committee, has already warned that if the final bill “isn’t close to the Senate bill, there will be no way to get the 60 votes here” to shut off debate and pass the final product. But many House members, led by Michigan Rep. John Conyers, are insisting on major changes in the Senate’s version.

    Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi would love to come up with a way to bash heads in private and skip any public discussion that further reveals just how incoherent and unworkable both the bills are. Luckily, there is a subterfuge readily available that wouldn’t require the House to swallow the Senate’s bill unchanged but also ducks the traditional give-and-take of the conference committee.

    When Democrats took over Congress in 2007, they increasingly did not send bills through the regular conference process. “We have to defer to the bigger picture,” explained Rep. Henry Waxman of California. So the children’s health insurance bill passed by the House that year was largely dumped in favor of the Senate’s version. House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel and other Democrats complained the House had been “cut off at the knees” but ultimately supported the bill. Legislation on lobbying reform and the 2007 energy bill were handled the same way — without appointing an actual conference.

    Rather than appoint members to a public conference committee, those measures were “ping-ponged” — i.e. changes to reconcile the two versions were transmitted by messenger between the two houses as the final product was crafted behind closed doors solely by the leadership. Many Democrats grumbled at the secrecy. “We need to get back to the point where we use conference committees . . . and have serious dialogue,” said Rep. Artur Davis of Alabama at the time.

    But serious dialogue isn’t what Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid are interested in right now. Look for the traditional conference committee to be replaced by a “ping-pong” game in which health care is finalized behind closed doors with little public scrutiny before the bill is rushed to the floor of each chamber for a final vote.

  42. tellitlikeitis says:

    Jackass 3 . Just another example of a fu%khead that should not be allowed to hold public office.

    After quiet first months, Franken’s sharp tongue emerges in Senate

    Al Franken, the Democrat from Minnesota who won election to the Senate after a successful career as a comic and author, has begun to show the sharp-tongued side of his personality by ripping into GOP staffers behind the scenes.

    Franken has worked diligently to keep a low public profile in Congress while focusing on wonky policy debates. But he has been unable to completely repress the fiery passion that made him a hero of the Democratic Party’s liberal base.

    Franken has teamed up with GOP colleagues to introduce a variety of legislation, something that may surprise fans who read his books, such as Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.

    But he has also pummeled Republican senators and their aides, showing a glimpse of the pugilistic style of his best-seller, Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations.

    Franken has surprised some of his colleagues behind the scenes by getting into heated tangles with GOP staffers.

    One such exchange took place in Franken’s office during a recent meeting with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and his aides.

    Franken invited Corker to his office to discuss an op-ed that Corker penned in a Tennessee newspaper opposing an amendment Franken offered to a defense bill. The measure gave the employees of defense contractors who suffer rape or sexual assault at the workplace the right to sue in court.

    The meeting quickly deteriorated when Franken began berating one of Corker’s aides, according to GOP aides familiar with the incident. Franken’s sally was so harsh that Corker told Franken to lay off his aide and direct the comments at him instead.

    Franken’s tough approach came as a surprise because Corker scheduled the meeting to mend fences after Franken confronted him about the op-ed during an angry exchange on the Senate floor.

    Another GOP staffer, an aide to a Senate Republican leader, found herself at the sharp end of Franken’s wit at a recent reception in the Senate’s Mansfield Room. The tongue-lashing took place at an event to celebrate the swearing-in of GOP Sen. George LeMieux (Fla.).

    After the conversation began ordinarily, Franken started to grill the aide about what he sees as the failings of the GOP. Franken demanded to know why it had become the “Party of No” and had exaggerated facts in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, according to another GOP leadership aide.

    A spokeswoman for Franken declined to comment on either exchange.

    The aide emphasized Franken’s accomplishments during his short time in the Senate.

    “Sen. Franken is always looking for ways to work with his colleagues to make people’s lives better and get things done for Minnesota,” said spokeswoman Casey Aden-Wansbury.

    “He has built good working relationships with colleagues on both sides of the aisle — half the bills he has introduced have Republican co-sponsors. Sen. Franken is pleased that two of his bills have already been signed into law — and that both passed with bipartisan support,” she said.

    The incidents with GOP staff have reminded some Senate observers of a mocking interaction Franken had with a conservative student, Peter Fritz, at Carleton College during his Senate campaign. After learning of Fritz’s political orientation, Franken pressed him to defend Reaganomics and mimicked his speech patterns, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

    Aden-Wansbury vigorously denied that Franken made fun of Fritz and claimed that element of the report was inaccurate.

    “There is a war within Al Franken,” said Lawrence Jacobs, a professor of political science at the University of Minnesota. “The Al Franken head tells him to steer away from the limelight and build his reputation. Then there is his heart, which is quite fiery.”

    Jacobs said Franken must be careful not to engage in too many political brawls, or it could “reinforce for independent voters what they feared about him, that he’s a hot-headed partisan.”

    Franken: GOP’s $2.5 trillion price tag ‘simply made up’
    Franken has not just confronted GOP aides at private meetings; he has also mixed it up with Republican colleagues in public on the Senate floor.

    In addition to chewing out Corker over the op-ed, earlier this month Franken clashed loudly with Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) on the Senate floor. The dust-up was spurred by Thune’s claim that Democratic healthcare legislation would impose new taxes immediately but fail to implement benefits for several years.

    Franken derided Thune’s floor presentation and implied that he had fabricated some of his facts, a more personal confrontation than usual in the clubby Senate. An irate Thune walked off the Senate floor after Franken revealed a private conversation they had on the topic.

    “I asked if he mentioned any of the benefits that do kick in [immediately] and he said, ‘Uh no,’ ” Franken said in front of C-SPAN television cameras.

    “We are entitled to our own opinions; we’re not entitled to our own facts,” Franken said, raising his voice. “Benefits kick in right away, and if you’re going to hold up a chart that says when taxes kick in and when benefits kick in … you better include the benefits that do kick in right away.”

    Franken later apologized to Thune.

    And last week, Franken cut off Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) during his speech on the Senate floor. Lieberman, who has drawn the ire of liberals over his opposition to the public health insurance option, asked for an additional moment to finish remarks about amendments he planned to offer, but Franken, who was presiding over the Senate, refused to grant the routine request.

    “In my capacity as the senator from Minnesota, I object,” Franken said.

    “Really?” replied Lieberman.

    A spokeswoman for Franken said that the senator was just trying to move along with the legislation, but at a press conference late last week, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) expressed disgust with Franken, saying that Lieberman’s request for more time to extend his remarks was “objected to by the newest member of the United States Senate in a most brusque way … We’ve got to stop this kind of behavior. I have never seen anything like that and I hope that I don’t see it again.”

    An aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) confirmed to reporters the leader asked colleagues presiding over the chamber to strictly enforce a 10-minute speaking rule.

    And Democrats note that despite his criticism, McCain did the same thing to a colleague in 2002 when he objected to former Sen. Mark Dayton’s (D-Minn.) request for an additional 30 seconds of floor time during the Iraq War debate.

    These incidents have pulled Franken away from his stated goal of modeling his early career in the Senate on former Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), who made a point of proving herself as a “workhorse,” in Senate parlance, and who teamed up often with Republicans.

    Franken’s sharp-elbowed exchanges have come in moments of passion. By all appearances, he has worked to keep partisan outbursts to a minimum, knowing that what may draw listeners to Air America does not play well in the buttoned-down Senate.

    He has stayed off national cable shows such as “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” and “The Rachel Maddow Show” to avoid appearing as a celebrity liberal spokesman instead of a hard-working senator from Minnesota.

    Franken stayed away from the popular liberal blog Daily Kos until this past weekend, when he submitted a measured defense of his decision to vote for Senate healthcare reform legislation.

    Franken, who has shared a lot of his time with Minnesota media outlets, has kept the national press at arm’s length. He participated in his first national conference call over the weekend. The call with colleagues did not, however, push political hot buttons. Instead, it focused on consumer protections in the healthcare bill.

    And he has wooed a significant number of Republican colleagues to cooperate on legislative initiatives.

    For example, he introduced the Service Dogs for Veterans Act with Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.); a diabetes prevention amendment with Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.); a bill to assist the victims of sexual assault with Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah); and the Compassionate Care for Servicewomen Act with Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine).

    But even while Franken has tried to focus on sober policy issues, he has at times become embroiled in heated political debates inadvertently, his defenders say.

    This happened with the so-called “anti-rape” amendment Franken offered to a defense bill. The measure barred the government from doing business with contractors that required employees to settle rape and sexual assault charges through arbitration instead of the courts.

    The amendment was popular enough to attract 68 votes in the Senate, but it quickly became a political football when liberals used it to attack 30 Republican lawmakers who opposed it.

    Liberal comic Jon Stewart slammed Republican opponents on his talk show, and other critics set up a fake website, RepublicansForRape.org, something that did not endear Franken to some of his conservative colleagues.

    “It’s partly because Franken’s on a 24/7 watch,” said Jacobs of the University of Minnesota. “Even when he’s not intending to go public, he’s finding himself in the media spotlight.”

  43. SamHenry says:

    VF – Obama gets rat droppings for Christmas with pigeon poop on the side

    I can provide the pigeon poop – I will alert the birds. FOX deserves a rest from the pigeon poop torture.

  44. LisaInTX says:

    I visited that video—LMAO!!!
    I LOVE IT!!! The Left tactics being used on themselves—-Like you have stated before, they are falling on their OWN swords!!!

    “Gads Lisa I have even taken time to tease the youtube trolls! hahahahaha”

    see the comment section here!

  45. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning my Fellow Patriots and Happy Christmas Eve Day 🙂

  46. m2 says:

    Good morning my socialist comrades! Are we all excited for the low quality care, higher premiums, and doctor shortages?

    Reid voted No at first. I believe it was some semblence of his conscience poking out for a breath -it’s not easy to stuff your moral conscience down for as long as those Dems have.

    Nancy in fact, killed hers.

  47. Pingback: Leftwing Corruption of America good, Rightwing Values and Principals bad? « LisaInTX's Blog

  48. m2 says:

    Good morning sam, merry Christmas Eve to you…

    My kid is sick with a flu-like virus, has been since Sunday. I was hoping she’d be 100% today but it’s looking more like 60%…


  49. m2 says:

    The politically-correct language police have, once again, gone too far. This effort to sterilize the language of Christmas only serves to dumb down the children and remove any real meaning from words so that nobody might choose to feel offended by them. Words that say nothing, it seems, are more acceptable in our modern world where political correctness trumps authentic communication.

    The problem with this approach is that when you sterilize the language, you also remove most of the meaning from the words, leaving an empty shell of strung-together syllables that are designed to say absolutely nothing.

    Imagine the boss uttering the following at the office Christmas party:

    “We are calling this meeting to ascertain the various aspects of this particular time of the year which has been noted by some as deriving itself from an embracing of a period of non-work during which some small gifts may be voluntarily exchanged among persons who optionally feel they wish to do so, but no such gift may exceed a value of twenty dollars, and no gifts may be exchanged that have any particular connotation or personal intent.”

    This is the sterile, idiotic language environment in which much of America is now suffocating.

    Use words to communicate, not to placate
    When it comes to words, you really have two choices:

    Choice #1) Say nothing. Bite your tongue, sterilize your words, surrender to political correctness and live your life as an entirely ineffectual and spineless word weasel (you can also run for Congress if you’re any good at this…)

    Choice #2) Say what you mean. Use words with purpose while running the risk that somebody somewhere will have an issue with your words, but so what? If people decide to feel offended from your uttering of a holiday name, that’s their choice — NOT your responsibility. This is more of a Jesse Ventura approach.


  50. samiam60 says:

    I do hope the Little one will be Well Enough to really enjoy Christmas, M2.

    I do wish everyone here a most Blessed Christmas and still believe there is a Christmas Miracle Coming for Each and Everyone of us.

    God Bless you one and All………. 🙂

  51. m2 says:

    Thanks sam. I’m not worried for her. A kid will always find a way to enjoy presents from santa! I’m only sad that I may have to keep her home from my family’s Christmas Eve party…

    And good morning to Lisa too…

    Lisa, Krauthammer’s brain is the equivalent of 400 Media Matters minion Stalinist-backroom recording ‘minds’…

    Actually, they still don’t measure up to Charles.

    I LOVE CHARLES. I am not joking.
    I love everything he says and how he says it.

  52. LisaInTX says:

    Good morning Sami and M2
    Yeah Charles is AWESOME and he understands more in his little pinkie toe, than ALL the Leftist in the WORLD put together!

    Thank you and the same to you sweetie pie! 😡

  53. m2 says:

    Let’s look at the title… “…Suggests the Senate Health bill won’t lower defacits”…

    Well, if common sense guided people, they would understand that the “perks” the Dem Senators fought for was having to do with the outrageous future cost, that the Senate is scared to go home without solidifying their vote -for a reason, and that the CBO says savings are cut in half means even worse than we thought regarding the government’s efforts to exterminate citizens and squeeze the able bodied for taxation of this entitlement, not to mention the capper- No Gov’t program “saves” money.

    Just look at the 100 Trillion in UN-Funded Liabilities we currently hold for the 2 greatest failures of Federal Bureacracy: Social Security and Medicare.

    There’s a reason that old “cat food and social security” joke has legs.

    But I guess liberals go to MM to assuage their guilty consciences.

  54. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Samiam! M2! Lisa!

    Merry Christmas Eve Dears!

  55. m2 says:

    Good morning VF, Merry Christmas Eve to you!

  56. LisaInTX says:

    Morning VF and Merry Christmas Eve to you too. ;x

  57. LisaInTX says:

    well said…..the commies posing as Lib’s are totally clueless about fecal responsibility as is the CIC…..unbelievable!
    They ALL make me SICK from the LIES and Deception!

  58. LisaInTX says:

    WE can rename Soros pet project to say

  59. VotingFemale says:

    Seems the Senate passed the Senate version of ObamaCare… Obutthole was just on talking about it… but was looking in the eyes like he had been up crying all night.

    It is a hollow victory… a battle won but a win that will likely cause their War on America to fail… the Senate Version is NOT WHAT Obama’s Leftist Base want and they are not going to shut up and sit down…

    The Senators will go home and face very Angry Constituents from the Left and the Right who are hopping mad.

    What a wonderful Christmas Present…

    Enjoy your non religious “Christmas Tree” what with Chairman Mao Balls, Drag Queen Balls, and Your Face on Mt Rushmore Balls hanging in place of Baby Jesus and Angels.

    Obama is one F’ed Up Excuse for a President… pandering to everyone has lead to being stomped on by everyone… and his God Complex now only serves as reason to mock him… boo hoo hooo Barry, no one seems to want to kneel at your feet and gaze lovingly into your eyes…

  60. m2 says:

    Did you guys know Charles Krauthammer went to medical school?

  61. Foxwood says:

    Can’t stay, work calls…

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!

    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  62. VotingFemale says:


    Seems I recall him saying he did but was not practicing…

  63. m2 says:

    “From 1975–1978, Krauthammer was a Resident and then a Chief Resident in Psychiatry at the Massachusetts General Hospital. During this time he and a colleague identified a form of mania resulting from a concomitant medical illness, rather than a primary inherent disorder, which they named “secondary mania”[8] and published a second important paper on the epidemiology of manic illness.[9] The standard textbook for bipolar disease (Manic Depressive Illness by Goodwin and Jamison)[10] contains twelve references to his work.”

  64. VotingFemale says:

    There is Foxwood!

    Good Morning!

  65. m2 says:

    VF, Lisa, Sam…

    um… how funny is it that he’s the most respected “Conservative” column author/commentor, and he was a Chief Resident for Psychiatry and pioneered a paper on a disorder of mania and bi-polarism.

  66. m2 says:

    What does that say about his political “diagnosis”?

    It is kind of funny…

  67. m2 says:

    Good morning Comrade Foxwood!

  68. m2 says:

    oh nevermind, the book has his reference, not written by him…
    So interesting though.

  69. m2 says:

    “On July 6, 2009, former MSNBC television personality Dan Abrams launched a website service, Mediaite, reporting on media figures. The site ranks all print and online columnists in America by influence. Krauthammer ranks, as of August 2009, in between Christopher Hitchens and David Pogue as number eight.”

  70. LisaInTX says:

    Well said VF and M2
    Charles overcame being paralyzed and went onto to finish college. I admire him so very much for not only that, but his God given COMMON SENSE and insight into the Left-Loon MANIA disorder.

  71. LisaInTX says:

    HI and bye Foxwood!!! We have SNOW headed our way—you better hurry up!!!

  72. m2 says:

    Lisa, do ya ever see him on the All Star Panel when another commentator is talking and he looks like he’s just itching to weigh in?

    My husband and I always laugh when that happens…

  73. m2 says:

    VF, I mean… for this President, I’m not surprised. Under normal circumstances, where Corruption is seen as Corruption and not pats-on-the-back Democrat ‘Leadership’, I would be more appalled… It’s sad isn’t it? That most of us are now desensitized. I actually think that’s what these Marxist turds want to happen.

    VF says: Enjoy your non religious “Christmas Tree” what with Chairman Mao Balls, Drag Queen Balls, and Your Face on Mt Rushmore Balls hanging in place of Baby Jesus and Angels.

  74. m2 says:

    When Harry Reid took the podium, could you just believe Chris Dodd and Schumer were standing there? Schumer who started the bank run with a letter, and 2 years of subverting loopholes for Hedge Funds, and big-payout CountryWide Dodd?

    They should be investigated and laughed out of their positions for their involvement in creating a Financial MESS, and taking Sweet-Heart Deals.

  75. m2 says:

    I mean subverting reform on loopholes for Hedge Fund Investors…Cough Cough, George Soros and friends.

  76. LisaInTX says:

    That is the meaning of the “TRANSPARENCY” they talk about. The ‘In your Face” Corruption of their agenda.

    M2 says,
    “for this President, I’m not surprised. Under normal circumstances, where Corruption is seen as Corruption and not pats-on-the-back Democrat ‘Leadership’, I would be more appalled… It’s sad isn’t it? That most of us are now desensitized. I actually think that’s what these Marxist turds want to happen.”

  77. m2 says:

    Yeah Lisa, I was talking to a friend about how they don’t even care to hide it anymore. Their belligerence and dis-respect across the board from Media to Public Representatives is really at a fever pitch.

  78. m2 says:

    They’re like an unruly, disorderly, immature class of children acting out. I had some hopes for real Democrats to stand up. But looks like REAL Democrats are becoming Republicans.

    That Democrat “Pollster” on Fox News sounds more like a Republican or a Conservative every day… he’s so sad that the party of his father is now, not adults with love of country, but entitled and nasty children.

  79. samiam60 says:

    T’was the night before Christmas and all through the House. All the Creatures were stirring and even the Louse.

    All the American’s were snuggled in there beds for the night when all of a sudden their Freedoms took flight.

    Then up on the Roof tops what did I hear,
    But a Commie Red President saying
    Marshal Law is here!

  80. LisaInTX says:

    Being Democrat in the South after the Civil war was almost like breathing to most of us….That this party has gone COMMIE is hard to accept or believe for most……I would still be in the dark had Obama not run for president and not researched his background and found it LACKING most public documentation.

  81. m2 says:

    Fannie, Freddie Disclose Big Jump in CEOs’ Pay
    – WSJ online…

  82. m2 says:

    “Christmas came a day early for the chief executive officers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the U.S. government-controlled suppliers of funding for home mortgages.

    The companies on Thursday disclosed new pay packages under which Fannie CEO Michael Williams and Freddie CEO Charles (Ed) Haldeman Jr. will earn as much as $6 million a year, including bonuses, well above their current terms. The packages came with the blessing of the Treasury, which has pumped a combined total of about $112 billion of capital into the companies over the past year to keep them in operation, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency, or FHFA, which regulates the companies.

    The FHFA said that on average, compensation for executive officers of the companies in 2009 is down 40% from the levels before the government seized control of them in September 2008 as defaults soared on home mortgages guaranteed by the firms. That move, under a legal process known as conservatorship, allows the regulator to control the board and management of the companies, although their common shares remain owned by private shareholders. The Treasury has agreed to supply as much as $200 billion of capital apiece to the companies in return for preferred stock paying a 10% dividend. The Treasury also has a warrant to acquire 79.9% of their common stock.

    Because of these arrangements, the top officers of Fannie and Freddie take their cues from the government on all major decisions, current and former executives say. The government has made foreclosure-prevention efforts the top priority for Fannie and Freddie.”

  83. m2 says:

    Hello…. Pay Czar, where are you on this one?

  84. Pingback: A battle won but a war lost? harry first voted to defeat his bill; Mele Kalikimaka, Obama hahaha « VotingFemale Speaks!

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