Senate ObamaCare funds Elective Abortions; details hidden in legalese

It is complicated on purpose.

It is the reason Harry Reid did not want people to read the bill.

He has hidden within a maze of legalese, methods of making it seem that Federal Funding of Elective Abortions has been removed without actually removing it.

The withholding of this bill from the eyes of Congress and the American People with an artificial deadline of voting completion by Christmas is proof Reid and Obama know full well this is not what the American People want and is using trickery to sleaze this Abortion of a “Health Care Bill” into law in spite of it’s disapproval by a Majority of Americans.

I call this Congressional High Crime

From House Republican Leader John Boehner:

Sen. Reid’s Government-Run Health Plan STILL Requires a Monthly Abortion Fee

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on December 19th, 2009

Follow @GOPLeader on Twitter for updates.

Fixed it is not.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) latest health care “manager’s amendment” would STILL levy a new “abortion premium” fee on Americans under the Democrats’ health care plan.  Just like the original 2,032-page, government-run health care plan from Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) and the last version of Senator Reid’s 2,074-page bill, this latest 383-page amendment levies an abortion premium and does not fix the problem of government funds being used to subsidize elective abortions.

Under Reid’s “manager’s amendment,” there is no prohibition on abortion coverage in federally subsidized plans participating in the Exchange.  Instead the amendment includes layers of accounting gimmicks that demand that plans participating in the Exchange or the new government-run plan that will be managed by the Office of Personnel Management must establish “allocation accounts” when elective abortion is a covered benefit (p. 41).  Everyone enrolled in these plans must pay a monthly abortion premium (p. 41, lines 5-8), and these funds will be used to pay for the elective abortion services.  The Reid amendment directs insurance companies to assess the cost of elective abortion coverage (p. 43), and charge a minimum of $1 per enrollee per month (p. 43, lines 20-22).

In short, the Reid bill continues to defy the will of the American people and contradict longstanding federal policy by providing federal subsidies to private health plans that cover elective abortions.  The new language does include a “state opt-out” provision if a state passes a law to prohibit insurance coverage of abortion, but it’s a sham because it does nothing to prevent one state’s tax dollars from paying for elective abortions in other states.

A majority of Americans believe that health care plans should not be mandated to provide elective abortion coverage, and a majority of Americans do not believe government health care plans should include abortion coverage. Currently, federal appropriations bills include language known as the Hyde Amendment that prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for elective abortions under the Medicare and Medicaid programs, while another provision, known as the Smith Amendment, prohibits federal funding of abortion under the federal employees’ health benefits plan.  Under the Reid “manager’s amendment” the new health care plan that will mirror the federal employees’ plan and be managed by the Office of Personnel Management will NOT be subject to the Smith Amendment.

Leader Reid’s latest health care proposal is an affront to the American people and drastically moves away from current policy.  In a statement released by National Right to Life Committee legislative director Douglas Johnson said, “The new abortion language solves none of the fundamental abortion-related problems with the Senate bill, and it actually creates some new abortion-related problems.”  The American people deserve more from their government than being forced to pay for abortion.  The pro-life Stupak/Pitts amendment passed the House by a vote of 240 to 194, enjoying the overwhelming support of 176 Republicans and 64 Democrats.  The Stupak/Pitts Amendment codifies current law by prohibiting federal funding of elective abortions under any government-run plan or plans available under the Exchange.  The Reid plan ignores the will of a bipartisan majority of the House, and indeed the American people, by rejecting this bipartisan amendment.

Health care reform should not be used as an opportunity to use federal funds to pay for elective abortions. Health reform should be an opportunity to protect human life – not end it – and the American people agree.  House Republicans have offered a common-sense, responsible solution that would reduce health care costs and expand access while protecting the dignity of all human life. The Republican plan, available at, would codify the Hyde Amendment and prohibit all authorized and appropriated federal funds from being used to pay for abortion. And under the Republican plan, any health plan that includes abortion coverage may not receive federal funds.

UPDATE: Here is a detailed critique of the new Reid abortion language from the National Right to Life committee.

57 Responses to “Sen. Reid’s Government-Run Health Plan STILL Requires a Monthly Abortion Fee”

  1. Robert R. Kern Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:16 pm Dear Sir: What can be done? If our people would be run with debased passion, then they must hide the proof. To shine light into the dark corners of 21st Century Americans is to see a cesspool of iniquity that abortion might just remove! “Out, out damned spot!” said a murderer of the past. To compound such foolishness with thievery is typical of the political process, Republican and Democrat alike. May God have mercy on your corrupt scarlet lettered hearts. you lewd fellows of the baser sort. You have danced with the devil and you will have to pay the piper. A pox on your whole 435 member house.
  2. Ralph Logan Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:16 pm Great Work John make sure Nelson sees this…or maybe he is bought off completely

    R Logan Cincinnati

  3. Alan Anderson Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:18 pm We can lay this whole fix that we are now in on the Leaders of the Republican party and George W. Bush when they were in office. They were as irresponsible as any liberal democratin their spending practices and in the increasing size of government. It is the Republicans irresponsibility and the irrational behaviour in all things financial that led to the democrats regaining the control of congress and the White House. A pox on both political parties.
  4. Ramsey Sallman Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:19 pm Dear Congressman Boehner,

    The Democrat’s health care bill in the house or the senate should be stopped. There is too much time being waisted on one issue such as abortion. These tactics are used as a diversion, it makes the Republicans look like they support the bills, but they want a little tweak here(abortion)and a little tweak there (medicare cuts)and they will happy to sign up for the Democrat’s plans. The Republicans should stop both the house and the senate bills from passing in its entirety. Therefore, the Republicans leaders when speaking to the media should stress not only their outrage over the ebortion and medicare issues but their opposition to the Democratic’s health bills. The democrats have bribed all 60 senetors, and now they have the numbers to pass the Reid’s health bill in the senate. What are the Republicans going to do to stop this health care juggernaut that the majority of the American people oppose? Thank you.


  5. pap Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:19 pm The bastards are forcing me out of my own country.

    Either pay up and kill children or go to jail what the hell is this all about and then im to just go along with it and loose my integrity my soul no no.

    What the hell is this it is one thing to have the Supreme Court determine it is a privacy issue abortion and then limit it under certain conditioins but to mandate through legislation that all of us now have to be invloved with the funding of abortion the killing of their child that is a violation of my pr9ivacy and my rights to not kill human beings now that is a fundamental right a liberty right guaranteed under the constitutioin or Harry reed, obama and nancy Pelosi are already running the bannana republic of America

  6. Renita Peeler Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:21 pm I think this bill is nothing but unabashed communism! Anyone who votes for it is a Marxist, plain and simple. I hope the people will remember this in 2010, but just as much, I hope that when the Republicans regain control of Congress that they repeal this godforsaken abomination! PLEASE, do ALL YOU CAN to stop this, and if the worst happens, PLEASE REPEAL IT the moment the new Congress meets in Jan. 2010!

    This is a sad day for this country, and I hope Ben Nelson loses his office in a landslide to a real conservative!!!!!

  7. pap Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:22 pm I say this once and listen up WAKE UP



  8. Stuart Johnson Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:23 pm Dear Mr Boehner,

    I am appalled by the Democrats. I have written Sens. Udall, Bennett, and Nelson the following (with slight variations for Mr Nelson):

    Dear Mr. Udall,
    Since your voice mailbox was inconveniently full, I am writing this email on behalf of my wife and me to protest in the strongest way I know how your support of the Obamacare bill. I came from a socialist medical system, and I am deeply disturbed that you would even remotely stand with Democrats to bring this monstrosity to the United States of America. I have had little direct involvement with elections and politics for the last 20 years, but I promise, if you do support this bill, we will do everything we can as a couple to make sure that you do not get another opportunity to go to Washington. If you were elected to represent Coloradans, why are you not listening to the will of the vast majority of her citizens? Shame on you.

    We are conservatives first, and Republicans second, but if there’s anything we can do to eradicate this socialist takeover of the country, we will do it.

  9. Oldetimer Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:23 pm This diatribe is a good example of why an icreasing number of Americans are fed up with Congress. How can you responsibly claim to speak for “The
    American People” when you know very well we are a diverse and heterogenous group of people. There are millions of American people who believe in freedom of choice. Isn’t that concept the basis of freedom and one of the philosophcial bases of our nation? When one group of people can force their will on others who disagree with them, freedom is gone.

    Please remember, this issue is not a controversy between Anti-Abortion vs. Pro-Abortion, it is a controversy between Anti-Abortion and Pro-CHOICE!!!

    I also wonder if the taxpayers pay for other medical insurance that is also elective. If government medical insurance covers other elective procedures, it must also cover abortions.

    Please consider this: Preventing women from having abortions is no different from forcing women to have an abortion: Coercion is coercion.

    I believe very strongly Mr. Boehner, that if you do not want to have an abortion, you should not be forced to have one.

  10. Geraldine Hickey Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:24 pm I am absolutely opposed to any taxpayer money being used for elective abortions. The majority of the American people do not want their tax money used to end innocent life which is what happens in an abortion. This is simply an outrage.
  11. Steven Grothaus Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:24 pm Kill the bill
  12. David Crocker Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:25 pm I think it’s high time for a full on revolt in this country. Our government has become a group of dictators jamming their beliefs down our throats. I don’t want even 1 cent of my tax dollars to pay for the murder of an unborn child. Harry Reid is directing a travesty of monumental proportions.
  13. Carol Vaught Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:25 pm Thank you for your continuing hard work and your indefatigable courage. I wish you were my senator, as neither of them listens nor represents me.
  14. Stephen Novell Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:26 pm I fully intend to defy this, I am a Christian who has signed the Manhattan Declaration. Reid and his pinko jackboots may come for me..
  15. Sandy Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:27 pm All these Democrats should be throw out of office. There is no Constitutional requirement for health care. But our legislators ignore the Constitution. Goodbye to the United States of America, welcome to the United States of Socialism. I also would like to know if there is any legal authority to charge the leaders of the House and Senate for all the gifts they gave to politicians as bribes to get their votes. And how can one State be allowed to forgo payments to the Government and all the rest have to?
  16. Duane and Dorothy Kofahl Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:28 pm We are appalled that the Democrats are pushing the Health Plan that covers so many issues the American people are AGAINST–starting in this article re: abortions being paid from we taxpayers. PLLLLEASE do everything possible to STOP them in their tracks before they VOTE…..starting Monday at 1 AM. They just spent millions to go to Copenhagen and came home with same results as the Olympics. Other countries do NOT like OBAMA or any of his administration….Thank you John Boehner for all you are doing-you HAVE to be totally frustrated and wiped out emotionally–we are with you——–get the DEMS out of office in NOV’2010
  17. Arthur F. McVarish Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:29 pm Sir~ Your anti-life, anti-Judaeo/Christian machinations will neither dupe the American people nor the Lord whose birthday the majority of the American polity acknowledge if not joyfully commemorate. You will stand before this Lord someday and render an account…Render to God the things that are God’s (the provenance & sacredness of Life)and Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s (Our American Constitution).In your self-apotheosizing acts of narcissism YOU IMAGINE YOURSELF GOD & CAESAR. You are neither. Next November 10th you will feel the condign wrath of the American people. God help you when
    you stand before Him in all your mendacity and guile.
    Arthur F. McVarish, Houston Texas. 26 year resident of Boston, Massachusetts.
  18. Eric Rose Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:30 pm Not read, poor legislation, vote Christmas Eve? Cowards!!! You work for us – 2010 you will hear us!
  19. Karen Diana Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:30 pm I know you are doing everything you can to stop the left wing from bankrupting our country and to stop the passing of any healthcare plan they come up with. Paying for abortions, even though I don’t pay taxes because my income is less than $21,000 a year, just makes my heart ache. I live in Illinois; I grew up in DuPage County when it was very conservative (my father was a Barry Goldwater conservative). I know everybody thinks Illinoisans are liberals, but we aren’t. My stomach hurts every time Obama refers to Chicago as his home town. He is not from here and will never be. He is an embarrassment to the great State of Illinois. And, we have had more than our share of embarrassments. The only thing he has done is learn and perpetuate all the corrupt things that go on in Chicago. Please continue to do your best for this country.
  20. Michael Fisher Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:30 pm In other words if the Dem health bill passes it will mean the Repubs will get the House and Senate back in 2010. It will also mean the collapse of the Dem party because loyal and patriotic Americans will push them so far into the desert they will never come back
  21. Sheri Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:32 pm Iam a 60yr old grandmother.Iam having such a difficult time believeing this could be happening in America.I was willing to give this president a chance,though I did not vote for him.I realize now that I owe it to my children and grandchild to fight this administration in every way I can.I will never pay one dime toward abortion.I do not care about the consequences.I have raised three fine men.All served in our millitary,2 during war time.This is not what they sacrificed for.As for senator Nelson you can not proclaim that you are pro life and at the same time help sanction abortion.If there are any good men left in Washington they need to take a stand for freedom.It is sad that out of 58 democratic senators and two independents there is not one good man or woman among them!
  22. susan Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:32 pm and now what can we do?

    tell us.. we need your guidance.

  23. Rodney Brignoni Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:34 pm Dear GOP leadership, please do whatever you can to derail this madness. We can’t efficiently run the US Postal Service, and Cash for Clunkers and the Democrats want to take over our Health Care System? No sir, just say NO !

    The American People are behind the GOP. We need this madness to STOP. Please stop government run Health Care !

  24. Mr Fate Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:35 pm Just try and get one dollar from me uber douche bag. I will cease to pay all taxes. Watch and TRY ME!
  25. Kent A. Rozycki Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:38 pm God save this once great country.
  26. gordon corey Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:39 pm Tell it to Nelson. What part of NO does the senate not understand. Enjoy these last govt jam jobs, not many will have their same govt jobs next election. Can’t wait.
  27. Mark Troyer Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:40 pm I am outraged that there will apparently be a two-tiered health care system in American. One for the the elected officials, who were sent to Washington, to represent hard working Americans best interests, and another health care system for American taxpayers, who pay these elected officials salaries. Tax dollars being spent for someone else’s irresponsible behaviour for an abortion is not my responsibility, even though some of the Washington elite politicians, apparently think so.
  28. K L Jones Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:41 pm The health care “reform” bill, by itself, is financial rape, and is no solution under any circumstances. To add to it forcing American citizens into a system that finances fetal murder is deplorable.

    Some of us will go to jail first.

    God have mercy on our country!

  29. Jill Putnam Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:44 pm Wheat from chaff… Think of all the nurses and doctors who don’t want to do this, too. No way can my family participate. We’ll have to do without health insurance and pay with cash IF our company drops us or doesn’t cover us. We might be fined or thrown in jail, even. Rep Boehner, this bill will lead to possibly the largest tax revolt in American history. The Amish don’t pay Social Security. Why should we who oppose abortion be forced against our will to fund abortions? We won’t do it. Who can promise that our Social Security or other taxes won’t be used to pay for this. How do we avoid funding it?
  30. Matthew Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:46 pm Why is this bill going to pass then? Why is the GOP not doing more to convince Lieberman or others NOT to vote for this healthcare bill.
    why don’t the GOP hold a closed door mtg. with those Senators opposed to abortion funding and tell them the GOP is going to broadcast loud and clear to America about the abortion funding in this bill.
    You need to speak out on this VERY Loudly before Monday’s vote.

    America needs the GOP to speak out against this healthcare bill before Monday.

    Speak to Lieberman, nelson and whoever else to get them to realize you will let it be known that a vote for this bill is a vote for abortion funding.

    I am very very angry! This bill better be stoppped.

  31. Harold Beam Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:50 pm For the sake of our children and there children do not approve this bill. It will be the biggest mistake ever in the history of America.
  32. John Nelson Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:52 pm The Republicans sold conservatism down the river, and now we are paying the price.
  33. Dave Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:54 pm The GOP continues to battle the abortion issue, making it the seemingly main issue. This has given the GOP a label of “single issue argument”. The GOP has failed to address any of the other issues.

    What has been ignored, and once becomes widely known and understood is the issue of forced enrollment. If you don’t enroll you face fines and/or jail.

    Now all these unemployed people, struggling just to provide food and shelter will now be required to pay for insurance. How many of them are going to end up paying fines or going to jail?

    Is there a reason the GOP ignores this issue? Do they feel that it is a “non-issue”?

    The anger against the government is quickly coming to the breaking point. Corruption, bribery, pedophile czars, and the failure of either party to listen to their constituents.
    This single issue focus is one of the reason for the rise of third parties, like the Tea Parties.

    Time for the GOP to listen outside the beltline!

  34. Timothy Law Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:56 pm I hope the GOP will take a long run view of today’s events. Over the years, I hope we can unfund the elements required to manage the public insurance program, and eventually privatize the beast. We will never be able to vote it back out, but perhaps we can dismantle it piece by piece until it is private insurance.
  35. George McKenna Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 10:56 pm Please continue to fight against this monstrous scheme to force us all to subsidize the killing of unborn children. The Stupac language MUST remain in the final bill.
  36. ed Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:00 pm Reid doesn’t seem to realize that the Americam people have more power than he does, and that power will be brought to bear at election time.
  37. Thomas Bauer Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:00 pm Hello Mr. Boehner, Thank you, however the link you have provided for the is not available to the public at large. Would you please review and make it available?

    Thomas G. Bauer

  38. Jeanne Dassel Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:02 pm Dear Rep. Boehner,
    Please require the reading of the entire bill. It will be the only way for the American people to hear and undertand the contents of this monstrosity. We can all tape it and digest it accordingly, or perhaps not. Viva PeptoBismal!
  39. Karen Scruggs Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:07 pm Not fair to charge me an “abortion fee” with my insurance. I was “spayed” 28 years ago to avoid pregnancy and don’t wish to pay for someone who it too stupid to figure out what causes it. These damned democrats piss me off!
  40. Matthew Slater Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:08 pm I have a fair understanding of what you just said and I can, with relative confindence, say I agree. But “F’n” “s,” enough with the lawyer speak. Am I dumb or are we the people these days speaking like this. Why are lawyers running our country?
  41. Sue Schultz Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:09 pm Dear Leader Boehner,
    I can’t tell you how tired I am of the outrageous things being done in the Senate at the hands of Reid. I am so very sorry that the Republicans did not get their act together until it was most likely too late. I am very depressed about the direction our country has taken under this administration and that I had no other choice but John McCain to vote for against Obama.
    The Republicans have let us down and are only now behaving as true conservatives and trying to make a difference even though it appears you are tilting at windmills. I hope there is still a miracle to be had re: the stopping of this debacle of a bill passing.

    It is so stressful knowing what our children have to look forward to. I don’t believe we can undo the damage that will be done due to this bill and cap and trade. Is there any hope? My hope is in the Lord of all creation that His will will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I hope that is your hope also.

  42. Dan Wright Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:10 pm I’ve mostly been a republican follower of the republican party all my life and voting democratic when I truly thought that was the best option at the time.

    I’ve got to say at this point in my time of my life and the nation that I think it is time for a third party to evolve to take back what most of us hold true to our hearts and minds of the United States. Our freedoms has been stripped one layer at a time like that of an onion. We have had both parties fail us to the point that neither can function. Wills of individuals being thrust upon us regardless of constituent demands and needs.

    I believe it is time to impose time limits upon which one can serve their nation and must depart to civilian life and accept civilian standards of living once departing with no chance to serve again and relinquishing those perks and privile
    ges while in office.

    The emergence of a third party is the only viable way of breaking this two party buffoonery which we have come to witness these past two decades plus.

    I ask the nation openly………… we not have one person ( man or women ) that is driven by duty and purpose and not elected upon the premise of how much money is in the coffers and political influence from individuals and parties that have not the nation first.

    I want the republican and democratic parties to know that I will not devote any more of my monies and time to support any more of your idealoligies. I will devote any energies and time to promoting the emergence of a democratic third party that is for the country and individuals.

    I challenge you to openly read this to all your senate colleagues, and let them know that change will be on the way. I have thirty years plus to implement this change and will encourage my friends, children and grandchildren to do the same.


    Dan Wright

  43. Andrea Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:14 pm Mr. Boehner, will you also address the issue of the $500 billion cut in Medicare funding as well as the $400 increase in taxes required to pay for this plan, while Medicaid receives increased funding. It seems unfair that “old people” need to now be sacrificed for “poor people”. It looks like cost shifting, with costs going up all around for the taxpayer, whether they have private insurance, or end up forced into this private plan as they will when the private insurers go bankrupt. Thanks for all that you do.
  44. EJ Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:15 pm Senator Nelson not only sold out every state but Nebraska, he sold his soul.
  45. Roger Bradley Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:15 pm This utter,arrogant disregard for the will of the American people makes my blood boil. The arrogance of the congress has reached unforgivable heights. How long will this go unchecked? When is enough-enough? As a registered Son of the American Revolution, it appears that tyranny has reared it’s ugly head again. What is next? How far are we going to be pushed? It’s time these people are voted out, are warned NOW that this is the last straw, that we take to the streets, fight back loud and long, become a thorn in thier side. And if they continue to take away our freedom- lock and load. Never thought in a million years we would be here, but, here we are!!!! Roger
  46. stan lippmann Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:18 pm Astonishing. Now if you Republicans don’t want to get Overthrown by the Tea Party, listen to Ron Paul.
  47. Lynda Richmond Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:21 pm I am disgusted by the way votes are being bought…. so blatant and arrogant. It is a direct “attack” against the wishes of “we the people” (especially considering the fact that the bill is unconstitutional). My hope is that, with divine help, the bill will ultimately fail and perhaps, the abortion issue will defeat it…to me, that would be divine intervention.

    God Bless You. — Lynda

  48. Abortion Aborted? « Daniel McAndrew for U.S. Senate Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:21 pm […] 20, 2009 · Leave a Comment Not so […]
  49. Concerned Citizen Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:23 pm Please do everything in your power to stop this monstrosity. Taxes start immediately, and the coverage starts in 4 years. I wish I could run that kind of business model, oh wait I’m not a politician.
    I wish we could have a national election with one thing on the ballet: Should we fire every member of congress? Yes or No

    No offense Congressman Boehner, I love what your doing.

  50. Susan Teichman Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:24 pm I am so sick of this bunch! They lie and they have no reguard for the American people. I cannot beleive that there is not one of this sorry crowd that would stand up and say this is not right! If this is not socialism bordering on Marxism , I don’t know what is. These dems are just disgusting, buying votes, bribing for votes, I don’t know how they face their families, let alone the voters. I am so disgusted and disappointed in Tom Carper! He was the gov. of Delaware and I cannot beleive that he is willing to let the tax payers of this state foot the bill for Nebraska’s medicaid program and fund abortions. It is all just sickening. 2010 can’t come soon enough! And the fact that this low life bunch is doing ALL of this when they think that the American people aren’t looking is just insulting. I can assure all of them…we are watching and paying attention to every trick they pull. As are threir families and children!
  51. MR V Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:25 pm The American people may well chose to answer this and other reckless government spending with an income tax revolt. I for one do not believe I would file and pay taxes that will contribute to abortions. Congress be da….
  52. Greg Fisk Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:28 pm Sen. Boehner:

    I oppose this health care bill that is being crafted behind closed doors and voted on in the dead of night. You have my support in opposing it, and I hope that this idea may help.

    Overturn this entire bill as a violation of the Constitution’s 1st Amendment guaranteeing freedom of religion.

    Fact: This bill will force ALL taxpayers, even Christians, into paying for abortions through taxation. The money from paychecks of God-fearing church goers would be used to slaughter unborn children in their mothers’ wombs.

    Fact: Honest, Christian churches teach as one of their most basic tenants: Thou shalt not kill. In matters of war and self-defense, we are allowed to defend our freedoms and liberties from terrorists and foreign nations. But Churches of all stripes believe and teach that killing unborn children is MURDER, and against the commandments of God.

    Fact: By forcing those who are against killing to participate in the murder of the unborn (by using our tax dollars to fund abortions), Reid, Pelosi, Obama and everyone who supports this bill are BREAKING THE CONSTITUTION and destroying our freedom of religion!

    They are forcing people who believe that it’s wrong to kill the innocent to do just that! They are forcing the righteous and God-fearing to break the commandments of God and participate in murdering unborn babies!

    It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and the entire bill should be scrapped immediately – and all who crafted that bill should be cast out of office for this unconstitutional attack on churches, on religion and on freedom, and against the lives of the unborn.

    Please sirs – I KNOW that the Democrats are plotting to pass this bill at 1am this coming Monday morning – under cover of darkness – before anyone can call during normal business hours.

    It’s corrupt, rotten, immoral, and unconstitional and I beg you to do anything and everything in your power to STOP them! You were elected to defend the Constitution – to protect freedom and liberty and the lives of the innocent. It is time for you to be up and doing, and to put a stop to this blatent Democrat corruption, and their attack against the 1st amendment.

    This bill is wrong, immoral and unconstitutional at every level and must be stopped! Please sirs – ACT before Monday 1am – act before these usurpers can push this monstrous bill through behind closed doors and under cover of darkness!

    Greg Fisk
    Provo UT

  53. Get Guts Says:




  54. CK Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:29 pm What has happened to the people who are sent to represent us in Washington?

    Public funds for the murder of the unborn? What depravity is next to receive manditory funding from all Americans? I shudder to think.

  55. Gabriella Burgess Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:30 pm We do not want your government healthcare Mr. Harry Reid. Please STOP!
  56. Mike Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:30 pm What a shame. How arrogant of politicians to force tax payers to use their hard earned money to pay for abortions. The abortion issue is a controversial one, but its legality is the law of the land. Those who oppose it for a number of reasons, mostly moral should be respected. I am sure these communist Dem’s take GLEE in forcing people who don’t believe in it to pay. We are being used by this administration and Lawmakers for their own gain. They will cut a deal and sell you out in a heart beat.
  57. Jon Bruno Says:
    December 19th, 2009 at 11:35 pm All this blather. No matter how hard you fight now to stop this, remember this bill is the fault of the republican party and the final act of the corruption that exists in washington dc.


Additional reading…

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:This Is Why I Named This Blog “Legal Insurrection”
HOTAiR:Report: Stupak working with GOP to kill ObamaCare after Nelson’s sellout; Update: “Unacceptable”
Heritage Foundation: Reid 2.0: It’s Still a Budget Buster and The Reid Amendment: Sweetheart Deals and Interstate Warfare and While You Sleep: 1:00 AM Monday Vote Set on Obamacare and A First Look at the Manager’s Amendment
Gateway Pundit: Nebraska Republicans Set Up “Give Ben the Boot” Website
Sister Toldjah: Another Dem Senator paid for pro-healthcare “reform” vote
American Power: Ben Nelson Gives Dems 60th Vote on ObamaCare
Nice Deb:
EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE RALLY, Omaha, NE, Sunday 12/20 and GOP Call To Action: This Is Our Last Chance To Stop Government Run Health Care
Frugal Café: Dragnet’s Sgt. Joe Friday vs. Barack Obama: ObamaCare (video) and READ IT: Sen. Coburn Forces Reading Aloud of Sanders’ 767-Page Health Care Amendment (video)
Talk Wisdom:The Disturbing Thuggery of this Admin Worsens! [Update]
Michelle Malkin: Another sneaky Saturday in the Senate — and Teddy K’s ghost rises again; Update: Nelson caves…but says he “reserves the right” to change his mind; Nelson’s Medicaid payoff and Coburn defends the Party of No; Durbin blasts “styptic-hearted Republicans;” Update: Video added
Boudica WPI:
Christians and Jews can no longer sit idly by
LisainTX’s Blog:
Another Broken Treaty? IRS auctions off SD Crow Tribal Land! and Give Up Essential Liberty? I think NOT! and National Defense compromised by Chicago Mobsters?
Diary of a Mad Conservative:
N.J. Teacher Tells Girl to Put Away Bible | The FOX Nation
Moonbat Patrol:Americas Leadership Void And It’s Dangerous Fragmentation and Pelosi: Obama On His Own With Afghanistan Troop Build Up, The Rats Are Leaving The Ship! and Financial Reform The Saga Continues
SamHenry’s Blog:Fed BLM Manages the Mustangs and The Lands they Roam – or Do They? and Nelson’s Treason Crowns Seniors as the Throwaway Generation
VotingFemale Speaks!: Sen Nelson now ALL ABOARD for ObamaCare cloture vote
Dancing Czars:
The Left, the Right and the American Public Couldn’t Stop 60 Votes
BigGovernment: Senator J. Wellington Wimpy’s Health Care Bill

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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274 Responses to Senate ObamaCare funds Elective Abortions; details hidden in legalese

  1. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  2. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Foxwood!

    How is your Computer Health Care?

  3. Foxwood says:

    This isn’t the America I grew up in. This more resembles the Communist countries we rejected. How did we allow this to happen in our country? We didn’t pay attention to our leadership and they pulled the wool over us all. They grew balls enough to say FU when we did finally wake up.

  4. VotingFemale says:

    I blame the GOP for opening the door to a Socialist Takeover… the Majority of Americans were fed up with them by 2006 and 2008.

    Instead of Reagan Conservatism… they morphed their image into a mob of asshats then tried to go RINO to save themselves.

  5. Foxwood says:

    My computer is almost in full recovery. I’ll have to add the less often used software as I need them since the vacation is almost over.

  6. samhenry says:

    Excellent post, VF. I am working on a blogpost in support of the elderly in health issues since AARP is NOT.

  7. Foxwood says:

    Morning Sam, Sam and VF!

  8. VotingFemale says:

    Obama bought off AARP which is loaded at the top levels of management by Self-Serving Socialists.

    samhenry says

    Excellent post, VF. I am working on a blogpost in support of the elderly in health issues since AARP is NOT.

  9. Foxwood says:

    Today is my Christmas, so I will not be on much till everyone has left. I have prep to do. I’ll check in on occasion.

  10. VotingFemale says:

    The Raping of Medicare to the tune of $500 Billion will kill seniors for the sake of Socialism…

  11. VotingFemale says:

    Merry Christmas Foxwood!!!

  12. rosehips says:

    Happy Sunday peeps. Is there a barista in da house?

    So will the abortion levy be charged to all or just those who opt into the plan that provides abortions?

    personally, I wouldn’t mind a levy to pay for pregnancy prevention and let them pull abortion funding.

  13. rosehips says:

    Merry Christmas Foxy!

  14. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Rosehips!

    I’m the blog’s barista! a morning espresso for you?

    Read the blogpost… it answers your question.

    What matters is what the Majority of Americans want their elected representatives to do.

  15. rosehips says:

    I read the post. I did further research as well. There will be a separate payment that will be required for those on the abortion plan. They will send a separate check to be put in an abortion account. Could be an administrative nightmare.

    pass that demitasse over here please!

  16. samhenry says:

    Does this demitasse go through Donner Pass in winter? Wow.

  17. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF, Foxwood, Rosehips and SamH

  18. VotingFemale says:

    Word to the wise…

    NEVER EVER EVER use usernames or passwords from your financial accounts for any other purposes or memberships elsewhere! NOT EVER

  19. samiam60 says:

    It is becoming more clear now that this Administration acting against the wishes of the Majority of Americans is attempting to provoke the worst kind of response from said people.

    They should be careful what they wish for.

  20. VotingFemale says:

    VotingFemale offers cups of special espresso to each with special Christmas Theme demitasse cups!

  21. VotingFemale says:

    and I quote…

    Under Reid’s “manager’s amendment,” there is no prohibition on abortion coverage in federally subsidized plans participating in the Exchange. Instead the amendment includes layers of accounting gimmicks that demand that plans participating in the Exchange or the new government-run plan that will be managed by the Office of Personnel Management must establish “allocation accounts” when elective abortion is a covered benefit (p. 41). Everyone enrolled in these plans must pay a monthly abortion premium (p. 41, lines 5-8), and these funds will be used to pay for the elective abortion services. The Reid amendment directs insurance companies to assess the cost of elective abortion coverage (p. 43), and charge a minimum of $1 per enrollee per month (p. 43, lines 20-22).

  22. VotingFemale says:

    What matters is the Violation of the Will of the Majority of Americans in opposition to Federally Mandated funding of Elective Abortions.


  23. samiam60 says:

    Since our Government is so hellbent on killing off our babies imagine what they have planned for us Eaters.

  24. rosehips says:

    VF, what provoked this warning???

    VF said: Word to the wise…

    NEVER EVER EVER use usernames or passwords from your financial accounts for any other purposes or memberships elsewhere! NOT EVER

  25. samiam60 says:

    How much longer can God hold off His Judgment of America?

    We have become the Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah.

  26. samiam60 says:

    For the sins of their inhabitants Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim were destroyed by “brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.”[Gen 19:24-25] In Christianity and Islam, their names have become synonymous with impenitent sin, and their fall with a proverbial manifestation of God’s wrath.[ Jude] Qur’an(S15)Al-Hijr:72-73

  27. rosehips says:

    from the LA Times:

    “Under the agreement, individual states would be allowed to prohibit insurers from offering abortion services in new regulated insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, where Americans who do not get health benefits through work would shop for coverage.

    But if states do not exercise that option, insurers would be free to offer abortion coverage to customers in an exchange, even if they receive federal subsidies.

    If a woman who receives a subsidy wants to get a policy that covers abortion, she would have to send two payments to the insurer, one of which would be placed in an account reserved for abortion coverage.”

  28. VotingFemale says:

    I saw this warning during my internet news excursions… this morning. And it is extremely valuable advise.

    rosehips says

    VF, what provoked this warning???

    VF said: Word to the wise…

    NEVER EVER EVER use usernames or passwords from your financial accounts for any other purposes or memberships elsewhere! NOT EVER

  29. rosehips says:

    I think I smell a Christmas feast wafting from foxy’s direction. Yum, that smells good. What you cooking foxy?

  30. VotingFemale says:

    I have unique username/password for each of my different financial logins… each pair is unique to it’s own account… no where else.

  31. VotingFemale says:

    The Majority American Will will deal with the Socialists, Samiam. God acts though us.
    Just as Satan acts through them.

    samiam60 says
    How much longer can God hold off His Judgement of America?

    We have become the Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah.

  32. VotingFemale says:

    and I quote…

    The new language does include a “state opt-out” provision if a state passes a law to prohibit insurance coverage of abortion, but it’s a sham because it does nothing to prevent one state’s tax dollars from paying for elective abortions in other states.

    rosehips says

    from the LA Times:

    “Under the agreement, individual states would be allowed to prohibit insurers from offering abortion services in new regulated insurance marketplaces, or exchanges, where Americans who do not get health benefits through work would shop for coverage.

    But if states do not exercise that option, insurers would be free to offer abortion coverage to customers in an exchange, even if they receive federal subsidies.

    If a woman who receives a subsidy wants to get a policy that covers abortion, she would have to send two payments to the insurer, one of which would be placed in an account reserved for abortion coverage.”

  33. samiam60 says:


    Let me correct my spelling issues here:

    Sodom, Gomorrah

    Now I feel better. That was bothering me.

    EDIT: I fixed that spelling for you in the above comments, dear!

  34. samiam60 says:

    Nelson Accused of Selling Vote on Health Bill for Nebraska Pay-Off

    What started as Sen. Ben Nelson’s personal stand against covering abortion with taxpayer money translated, somehow, into millions of dollars in federal aid for his home state — drawing criticism that his vote was bought.

  35. samiam60 says:

    The Nebraska Democrat, following weeks of negotiations with his caucus, finally agreed to back the Senate’s health care reform bill this weekend after Democratic leaders made a series of concessions. Nelson’s support gives Democrats the 60 votes they need to overcome a filibuster, barring any last-minute defections.

    But critics by Sunday were heavily questioning Nelson’s motivations, given that the abortion restrictions he sought and won did not satisfy several major anti-abortion lawmakers and groups and that it took a major federal payoff to his state to seal the deal.

    Critics were calling it the “cornhusker kickback” and the “Nebraska windfall,” lobbing accusations of political deal-making at Nelson.

    “It’s pretty obvious votes have been bought,” Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., said.

    Nelson did win restrictions on abortion coverage, which is what he sought for weeks. Under the compromise, states would be permitted to ban insurance coverage of abortions in policies sold in the exchanges, except in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is in jeopardy. In states where such coverage is permitted, consumers must notify their insurance company they want it, and pay for it separately.

    That didn’t do much to please some anti-abortion lawmakers. But Nelson also won several other concessions, most notably a commitment from the federal government to fully fund his state’s expanded Medicaid population. All states get full federal assistance for the first three years of the bill — but Nebraska would be the only state getting full assistance afterward. One Democratic official put the cost to the federal government at $45 million over a decade.

    Democratic senators defended the Nebraska deal. Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said all states get a lot of federal aid for Medicaid anyway, and that special treatment is hardly unique to Nebraska.

    “Personally, every state gets some kind of differential treatment based on their situation,” he told “Fox News Sunday.”

    “People fight for their own states. That’s the nature of a democracy,” said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.

    But Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Nelson’s victory came at the expense of the other 49 states.

    “That puts an added burden on all the other states, including mine,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.”

    The concessions didn’t end there. Nelson also got an exemption from a fee on non-profit health insurers — the language was written in a way that only applies to Nebraska and Michigan.

    Plus an extra tax on tanning was added, along with an increase in the Medicare payroll tax for those making more than $200,000.

    The Nelson deal came shortly after Democratic leaders had to forego a government-run insurance plan, and a proposed expansion of Medicare eligibility, to win over Independent Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman.

    McCain suggested the Obama administration wouldn’t be in such a position if it had governed in a more bipartisan way.

    “That’s why they’re in the position of having to purchase the last vote or two,” McCain said.

  36. Foxwood says:

    “The Raping of Medicare to the tune of $500 Billion will kill seniors for the sake of Socialism…”

    That gets rid of those who remember what freedom was.

  37. Foxwood says:

    You’ll see more people moving to Nebraska…

  38. Foxwood says:

    “Yum, that smells good. What you cooking foxy?”

    Fried turkey, Baked ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, green bean casserole, rolls, yams, cranberries, fruit salad, etc, etc, the traditional stuff. Some coming over aren’t into some of my exotic stuff. The fried turkey is exotic enough.

  39. m2 says:

    Good morning people…

    ugh. The Congress is a piece of shit. I have nothing more to say about them.

  40. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning M2!

    Congress? A POS? Say it isn’t so! lol

  41. m2 says:

    VF, I have heard that the momentum of passing this steaming pile of Horse Manure bill, will teach the Dems how to push through their next 2 priorities: Amnesty, Cap and Trade.

  42. Foxwood says:

    It’s not just Congress, M2. Obutthole ranks right up there with them.

  43. rosehips says:

    my tummy is growling. I never fried turkey before. I hear its good. Of course you have all that leftover oil. When I get my biofuel vehicle on the road, that could get me to grandma’s house next year…

    morning m2!

    foxy said: Fried turkey, Baked ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, green bean casserole, rolls, yams, cranberries, fruit salad, etc, etc, the traditional stuff. Some coming over aren’t into some of my exotic stuff. The fried turkey is exotic enough.

  44. m2 says:

    So, anyway- the word is (which is obvious), they seek these 3 things because they are to be IRREVERSIBLE. Which is the “rush”, of course.

    Obama is an imposter.
    And Congress is corrupt.

    I’m not sure how we can save the Republic from their greed and lust for power.

  45. VotingFemale says:

    Are you having guests over to help you eat all that, dear?

    Foxwood says

    Fried turkey, Baked ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, green bean casserole, rolls, yams, cranberries, fruit salad, etc, etc, the traditional stuff. Some coming over aren’t into some of my exotic stuff. The fried turkey is exotic enough.

  46. m2 says:

    um yeah, fried turkey is a Louisiana staple. My old boss does that every Thanksgiving… he used to live in New Orleans.

  47. m2 says:

    So I heard that Nebraska is going to be exempt from paying for budgetary shortfalls? We’re going to be paying for their people on top of the generalized socialization.

    What a piece of shit these people are.

  48. VotingFemale says:

    We usually do a Honeybaked spiral cut ham for Christmas Dinner.

    It is super yummy!

  49. rosehips says:

    I notice that an extra tax will be levied for tanning. Whose hide are we gonna tan? hahaha

  50. VotingFemale says:

    Nebraska will be FED Mandated Subsidized by the other 49 states to pay for the Reid Buy OFF of Nelson.

    m2 says

    So I heard that Nebraska is going to be exempt from paying for budgetary shortfalls? We’re going to be paying for their people on top of the generalized socialization.

    What a piece of shit these people are.

  51. VotingFemale says:

    Polar Bears…

    rosehips says

    I notice that an extra tax will be levied for tanning. Whose hide are we gonna tan? hahaha

  52. rosehips says:

    yeah m2, seems Nebraska got a few special concessions. I should urge my senators to hold out on the next bill and negotiate for concessions too.

  53. m2 says:


    VF say: Nebraska will be FED Mandated Subsidized by the other 49 states to pay for the Reid Buy OFF of Nelson.

  54. m2 says:

    Is it too much to ask for one Democrat to be a stand up principled DEMOCRAT, the kind that used to still believe in and be patriots to America?! They make JFK look like a right-winger.

  55. VotingFemale says:

    Frying a whole Turkey is a guy thang for sure like building a fire… I have yet to sample such a turkey, but can attest to the deliciousness of Smoked Turkey.

  56. rosehips says:

    lol, I was thinking Obama would be at the top of your list.

    VF said: Polar Bears…

  57. VotingFemale says:


    I dont want a single hair on his head disturbed… I want to keep him around for a lifetime of kicking around… and dragging him through the muck for the rest of his natural life as the poster boy for Communism.

    It is like a battle cry… Remember The Communist Obama! Elect a Conservative!


    rosehips says

    lol, I was thinking Obama would be at the top of your list.

    VF said: Polar Bears…

  58. samhenry says:

    Morning to all

    In New York State we are now so poor, we can’t afford to lobby for anything.

    I look to a future of dirty grocery stores and nursing homes. We will lose our excellent monitors. Oh and roads will be impassible.

  59. m2 says:

    Good dialogue from Brits in there about the Liberty, “the good men stay silent”… the Politicians and Special Interests shaming (i.e. Alinsky Ridicule) individuals.

  60. VotingFemale says:

    Obama is the GITMO of the DEM Party

  61. VotingFemale says:

    Morning Again, SamH!

  62. rosehips says:

    m2, destroying all those guns seems like such a waste….I don’t think they will be able to do that here.

  63. Pingback: Nelson’s Treason Crowns Seniors as the Throwaway Generation « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  64. VotingFemale says:

    Even if Obama Dumped $1 Trillion of donated Dollars for his 2012 campaign, he will lose.

    and what a wonderful way of separating Socialists from their Money! lol

  65. samiam60 says:

    There are no elections held while under Marshal Law.

  66. Pingback: Another Broken Treaty? IRS auctions off SD Crow Tribal Land! « LisaInTX's Blog

  67. m2 says:

    My point is, you can replace the ‘gun’ individual right with any liberty/right we have that Government decides to take away and dictate what you get….

    rosehips say: m2, destroying all those guns seems like such a waste….I don’t think they will be able to do that here.

  68. samiam60 says:

    Oh by the way, how is that swine flu pandemic going?

  69. Pingback: Give Up Essential Liberty? I think NOT! « LisaInTX's Blog

  70. Pingback: National Defense compromised by Chicago Mobsters? « LisaInTX's Blog

  71. rosehips says:

    m2, I see your point.

    m2 said: My point is, you can replace the ‘gun’ individual right with any liberty/right we have that Government decides to take away and dictate what you get….

  72. samiam60 says:

    Morning Lisa 🙂

  73. VotingFemale says:

    Left to do what they want to do, the Socialists would turn life in the US into a pre-glasnost USSR socialist ghetto.

  74. VotingFemale says:

    I think Lisa is on the net…!!!

    Good Morning Lisa!

  75. m2 says:

    I have to tell you all… and even rosehips, since she understands too what is happening…

    My friends don’t.
    My best friend just refuses to even care. She even reads CNN but then says (when I send her stuff), “I don’t read as much as you, I don’t know what’s going on. And I don’t care.”

    Well why is that? Because those watching and reading the letter stations are woefully uninformed and lulled into false security.

    Totally bums me out.

  76. m2 says:

    I think I’m gonna surf over to CNN right now and see what their angle and censorship by elimination is like….

    And good morning to all.. SH, RH, Lisa, VF, Fox, samiam…

  77. m2 says:

    Oh wow. Could it get worse?!
    The home page is a Volcano in Philippines (expected soon), and Avatar.

    No wonder the population is so dumb.

  78. m2 says:

    I don’t see one story on Healthcare.

  79. samiam60 says:

    M2 good morning.
    CNN is in LAST PLACE because it is the UnNewsNetWork.

  80. VotingFemale says:

    If a Constitutional Amendment can be reversed (which has happened) this crap can be reversed. But that is an after the fact solution.

    The Left has us by the hips…

    m2 says

    So, anyway- the word is (which is obvious), they seek these 3 things because they are to be IRREVERSIBLE. Which is the “rush”, of course.

    Obama is an imposter.
    And Congress is corrupt.

    I’m not sure how we can save the Republic from their greed and lust for power.

  81. m2 says:

    Um true. But they also try and make a rep out of being Non-Partisan, so that people who are fearful of having conviction about solid ideas (for right or left) cling to the notion that CNN is better than MSNBC or Fox News.

    Therefore, they are getting broadsided by government run media without even knowing it.

    samiam says: M2 good morning.
    CNN is in LAST PLACE because it is the UnNewsNetWork.

  82. m2 says:

    Here’s my favorite CNN headline, “Youtube: Why Do We Watch?”

  83. Foxwood says:

    “Of course you have all that leftover oil.”

    Waste not, want not… I drink it.

  84. Foxwood says:

    “Are you having guests over to help you eat all that, dear?”


  85. samiam60 says:

    If you would be Free Men then you must fight.

  86. VotingFemale says:

    guests: visitors to whom hospitality is extended. lol

    Foxwood says

    “Are you having guests over to help you eat all that, dear?”


  87. VotingFemale says:

    Why not burn it? we need to heat up the planet which is in the grips of a coming mini-Ice Age.

    Foxwood says

    “Of course you have all that leftover oil.”

    Waste not, want not… I drink it.

  88. Foxwood says:

    Oh! To help eat the food?

    VF said:
    “guests: visitors to whom hospitality is extended. lol”

    Foxwood says

    “Are you having guests over to help you eat all that, dear?”


  89. rosehips says:

    to be fair, CNN has an interview with Axlerod about health care bill on the top of its homepage.

    m2 said: I don’t see one story on Healthcare.

  90. rosehips says:

    fox, how much oil does it require to cook the turkey?

  91. VotingFemale says:

    Yes… guests with whom to share the bounty of your Christmas feast!

    Foxwood says

    Oh! To help eat the food?

  92. m2 says:

    Interviewing Axlerod?

    That’s objective. He’s the mouthpiece of the machine.

    How about REPORTING.
    I still don’t see it.

  93. m2 says:

    what section is it in on the homepage… I really don’t see it…

  94. rosehips says:

    did you follow my link? It’s front and center on their homepage. It’s from State of the Union with John King.

  95. rosehips says:

    The headline is: Axlerod: We’re on the One Yard Line.

  96. Foxwood says:

    “fox, how much oil does it require to cook the turkey?”

    I buy two gallons, I use a gallon and a half. When I’m done, I put tho old oil away for next year…

  97. m2 says:

    Ok, well I guess your 3 hour behind is different from mine. Front and center on mine is a photo of Avatar.

    To the left is a photo of a volcano.

    I dunno.

  98. samiam60 says:

    Unfortunately the American People will not be aware of this Rape until it hits their bank accounts and then they will say, What Happened?

    Of course then it is too late and they will begin to understand the Civil Unrest they are seeing.

  99. m2 says:

    That doesn’t make sense though…

    Unless they have stories set up to run at times, and timezones.

  100. Foxwood says:

    I’m having my two girls and their significant others with my grand daughter… 🙂

    VF said:

    Yes… guests with whom to share the bounty of your Christmas feast!

    Foxwood says

    Oh! To help eat the food?

  101. VotingFemale says:

    That sounds GRAND!!!

    wooo HOOO 4 U!

    Foxwood says

    I’m having my two girls and their significant others with my grand daughter… 🙂

  102. m2 says:

    Ugh, I can’t stand to watch that moustached freak talk…

    Do you see the vid on the homepage VF, like RH says?

    VF say:


    This is the vid of which Rose speaks.

  103. m2 says:

    I’m hungry right now. Very hungry.

  104. VotingFemale says:

    yes, I see it as Rosehips described. That video is top center on with the title:

    “Axelrod: ‘We’re on the one yard line’

    and it show Alexrod sitting across a table from John King with a “State of the Union” banner splashed across a map of the lower 48.

    m2 says

    Ugh, I can’t stand to watch that moustached freak talk…

    Do you see the vid on the homepage VF, like RH says?

  105. rosehips says:

    in other news, there’s violence brewing over mountaintop mining in West VA…enviros are being demonized and slapped around!

  106. m2 says:

    LOL, well then. I guess CNN gives up on backwater Kentucky…

    … isn’t MA time Eastern?
    I swear on Obama’s Lincoln Bible it is as I say here. No healthcare story AT ALL.



  107. m2 says:

    Welcome to our side, —demonized, slapped around…

  108. VotingFemale says:

    I want to slap an enviro-demon! lol
    and force feed them Alaskan Stickleback found floating belly up in Lower Slate Lake!


    rosehips says

    in other news, there’s violence brewing over mountaintop mining in West VA…enviros are being demonized and slapped around!

  109. m2 says:

    No body hardly cared that an elderly conservative’s finger was bitten off by an HCAN thug.

  110. rosehips says:

    from Louisville’s…a socialist rag?

    Religion shaping mountain-top removal debate

    “Mountaintop-removal mining blasts away our souls, blasts away our communities, the souls of the workers who are doing the work and our cultural and natural heritage,” said the Rev. Robin Blakeman, a West Virginia minister and environmental activist.

    But a different view prevailed on a recent wintry Sunday at First Baptist Church in Pikeville, a congregation replete with miners and those in coal-related businesses who say they “thank God we’ve got the coal.”

    God “wouldn’t have put the coal and the other minerals here if it wasn’t for the use of man,” said church member Virgil Osborne. “But he expects us to be a good manager, good stewards of what he gives us.”

  111. m2 says:

    all this talk about delicious turkey has really got me fired up for lunch.

  112. rosehips says:

    lol VF, better hurry before them stickback are all dead!

    vf said: I want to slap an enviro-demon! lol
    and force feed them Alaskan Stickleback!

  113. samiam60 says:


    I saw a left slanted special about the Mountain Top mining on PBS. I have to say I did agree with most of it concerning what it is doing to the entire landscape of one of our most beautiful Mountain Ranges. I guess there is a little tree huger in me after all. lol

  114. m2 says:

    Courier Journal is just owned by a national chain… typically reprint National News, not much to look at anymore.

  115. rosehips says:

    well peeps. I will be mia for the rest of the day and into the wee hours. going to have some fun!

  116. rosehips says:

    sami said: Rose,

    sami, I think there is a little bit of tree hugger in everyone. How could anyone not want to protect our precious earth?

    I saw a left slanted special about the Mountain Top mining on PBS. I have to say I did agree with most of it concerning what it is doing to the entire landscape of one of our most beautiful Mountain Ranges. I guess there is a little tree huger in me after all. lol

  117. dancingczars says:

    It will never cease to amaze me the arrogance of 60 people going against the will and desire of at least 200 million people. This could be a viable solution;-)

  118. m2 says:

    This is who owns the Courier Journal:
    Gannett Company, Inc. (NYSE: GCI) is a publicly-traded media holding company based in the United States. It is the largest U.S. newspaper publisher as measured by total daily circulation. Its assets include the national newspaper USA Today and the weekly USA Weekend. Its largest non-national newspaper is The Arizona Republic in Phoenix. Other large newspapers include The Indianapolis Star, The Cincinnati Enquirer, The Tennessean in Nashville, The Courier-Journal in Louisville, The Des Moines Register, The Honolulu Advertiser, the Detroit Free Press and The News-Press in Fort Myers. Gannett also owns 23 television stations[1] and holds substantial properties in digital media including PointRoll, Ripple6[2] and ShopLocal.

  119. VotingFemale says:

    re-read my comment I juiced it up 😉 lol

    rosehips says

    lol VF, better hurry before them stickback are all dead!

    vf said: I want to slap an enviro-demon! lol
    and force feed them Alaskan Stickleback!

  120. m2 says:

    lol VF…

  121. rosehips says:

    lol! I may be floating belly up along with them.

    vf said: and force feed them Alaskan Stickleback found floating belly up in Lower Slate Lake!

  122. m2 says:

    I fear I have to eat lunch. I am guided by my stomach….

    tt y’all later….

  123. VotingFemale says:

    From Legal Insurrection…

    Sunday, December 20, 2009
    Nebraskans Must Be Proud This Morning
    I wonder how Nebraskans will feel waking up this morning knowing that their Senator Ben Nelson sold out the rest of the nation on Medicaid reimbursement in order to secure a deal for Nebraska.

    While Nebraskans will get new Medicaid mandates covered by the federal government, most other states will sink under the weight of new unfunded mandates. Here’s how Nebraska’s Governor described the problem before Nelson struck his bargain:

    “The State of Nebraska cannot afford an unfunded mandate and uncontrolled spending of this magnitude.”

    Will Nebraskans be proud of Nelson’s tactics, or ashamed that Nelson has turned Nebraska into a beggar state relying on others to pay Nebraska’s way?

    Will Nebraskans sit back in quiet satisfaction knowing that Nebraska has been saved from further unfunded mandates, while other states crumble, or feel like the proverbial person who lay down with dogs and got up with fleas?

    Do Nebraskans care that the rest of the nation is furious over this backroom deal, and that a state known for integrity and hard work has had its reputation tarnished? Nebraska and Louisiana now are spoken of in the same breath.

    Do Nebraskans have long memories? Or will all be forgiven and forgotten in a few years?

    We’ll know the answer to these questions when Ben Nelson is up for reelection in 2012.

    Update: Here’s how one Nebraskan feels – A Nebraska doctor’s message for Ben Nelson

  124. rosehips says:

    wow VF, that woman was mad!

    she said: You have my disgust and disdain forever, you socialist-coddling coward.

  125. VotingFemale says:

    The woman of whom Rosehips speaks…

    Dear Senator Nelson:

    I send this message under “Tort Reform” because the current monstrosity you have pledged your support to says nothing whatsoever about Tort Reform. You have sold the physicians of Nebraska for zilch (zilch for us, but beaucoup federal bucks for you and the liberal partisans in this state). As a family practice physician in Small Town, Nebraska, I was counting on you to be the lone voice of Democratic sanity on this issue, but you sold me out. I will dedicate
    every spare minute of my time and every spare dollar I have to defeating you, should you run for re-election. The long hours I spent on my medical education and the long hours I spend treating my patients are nothing but chump change to you and your Democrat colleagues in Washington. I especially can’t wait for your equivocation and milquetoast evasion when your “compromises” on the abortion language in the bill are silently erased or quietly (on-little-legislative-cat’s-feet) eviscerated in the House/Senate give-and-take. Go on: Bet me that you won’t wuss-out on this issue!

    I know you won’t give two-seconds to this letter, but I had to write it. I’m a primary care doctor in YOUR state, and you sold me out. I didn’t slog through 4 years of college and 4 years of medical school and 3 years of residency just to have you hand my career and my patient/doctor relationships over to government lifers. Your gutless acquiescence to Obama and Harry Reid and ‘Nanny’ Pelosi will NOT be forgotten.

    Thank you, Ben, for forcing doctors like me to earn less than the repairmen who fix our appliances. Case in point: We recently had our dishwasher fixed. The repairman who came to our house charged $65 just to come and ‘diagnose’ the problem, then charged another $180 to ‘fix’ the problem. You and your fellow lawmakers have fixed MY going rate (Medicare) at $35 per-visit. Thank you for securing such a ‘lucrative’ rate for me! Thank you so much for making me–someone with 8 years of education!–make less than a mechanic or appliance repair technichian. And thanks especially for falling in line with Obama and the rest of the Democrats to make such a socialist system permanent.

    You have my disgust and disdain forever, you socialist-coddling coward.

    Becky F. Hollibaugh, D.O.
    Warren Memorial Hospital
    Ziimmerman Clinic
    Friend, NE 68359

  126. LisaInTX says:

    Good morning everyone!! I was clearing my emails and ping backs– Thank you each and everyone. :-}

    I agree with the Dr in Neb…..she has every right to be furious and she proved her case very well in her letter.
    I think the gov should mandate this? Eat shit and die bitches!
    States sovereignty will be enacted and enforced. Fund your OWN communism in your county of DC—-we want NO PART of it azzholes!

  127. VotingFemale says:


    Dr Hollibaugh is no less angry that over 169 million Americans which represents the majority of 56% of Americans in opposition to ObamaCare…

  128. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Lisa!

    Hope you are enjoying your Son being home for Christmas!! how wonderful!!!

  129. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa, just voting them out of office isn’t enough to stop them now from destroying the country… they will all have golden parachutes after being voted out.

    I fear violence will erupt against these bastards… and that is what the Socialists want so they can declare Martial Law and suspend habeas corpus.

  130. LisaInTX says:

    Hey VF
    He isn’t home home yet….his leave doesn’t start until tomorrow.
    It was so great to see him and hug him , no matter how briefly though on Sunday. :-}
    I still have lights to hang outside for his home coming, so I can’t stay long commenting today…

  131. samhenry says:

    Here I am back with you again.

    I don’t understand football. If you are at the one inch line – is that bad?

    I think a personal foul means gas.

    I think a flag down on the play means you hit the neighbor’s flag playing soccer.

    I think that’s all I know.

  132. VotingFemale says:

    That depends on whether you are in the bottom of the ninth or not 😉

    samhenry says

    Here I am back with you again.

    I don’t understand football. If you are at the one inch line – is that bad?

    I think a personal foul means gas.

    I think a flag down on the play means you hit the neighbor’s flag playing soccer.

    I think that’s all I know.

  133. VotingFemale says:

    But he is back on American Soil, though…

    hugs to him!

    LisaInTX says

    Hey VF
    He isn’t home home yet….his leave doesn’t start until tomorrow.
    It was so great to see him and hug him , no matter how briefly though on Sunday. :-}
    I still have lights to hang outside for his home coming, so I can’t stay long commenting today…

  134. LisaInTX says:

    I hear ya. We have come full circle again, only this time it is not just the North versus the South… it will be nationwide chaos….

  135. VotingFemale says:

    The Socialist Suicide Bomber attack on America

    Bill Kristol: I think the odds are that they will succeed in the suicide mission they are engaged on. For the first time in US history the bill will pass on a purely partisan vote a massive piece of legislation that is manifestly unpopular. Good luck. Good luck selling it.

  136. LisaInTX says:

    They will setup roadblocks like in communist countries, have ‘detainment camps”…..this is gonna be bad news for all.

  137. samhenry says:

    CAT, I’m serious – is the administration where it wants to be – I sense not. I really catch terms here and there. I like going to games outside (2 in my life) but don’t like to sit with the menfolk and watch it on TV. It is like watching world war II on TV. Too big for it.

    Axelrod on TV CNN right now.

    I think drug companies may just be put at a disadvantage against China. It is one of our last industries. There does need to be reform there. Reimportation should be allowed.

    FINALLY – I don’t see that the Administration is denying all of the pay off allegations.

  138. VotingFemale says:

    I would not bet on the Socialists winning a civil war…

    LisaInTX says

    I hear ya. We have come full circle again, only this time it is not just the North versus the South… it will be nationwide chaos….

  139. samhenry says:

    I take it the Socialists are on the one inch line without shooting practice or arms because they got to the ammo store a year late.

  140. samhenry says:

    Lisa I’m confused about where you are. Are you still on the East Coast? Or are you in the South West?

    I am going to crawl to Texas to ride out the revolution.

  141. samhenry says:

    Rose, you have to admit. Some days CNN is about on a par with People Magazine. I read both websites daily! lol

  142. Pingback: Dragnet’s Sgt. Joe Friday vs. Barack Obama: ObamaCare (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  143. LisaInTX says:

    I know we will gladly do our part to stop them or die trying. Without freedom granted by our Creator and OUR AMERICA, everything else is meaningless IMO.
    Why have we worked hard our entire life, just so this corrupt government can STEAL it all away from us?

  144. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa is in Texas, SamH

    thus her username: LisaInTX

  145. samhenry says:

    I will be in the fight to the end as well. I will be the little old lady who takes information to our troops in the hollow tubes on my walker.

    About football – CNN is continuing with the football references – Republicans saying something about standing on the goal line or something. Come on – let’s speak English guys.

  146. samhenry says:

    Thanks CAT – I thought she had trucked horses east.

  147. samhenry says:

    CAT you had better stand by to translate this football stuff – I’m serious.

  148. LisaInTX says:

    Still in Texas…..”the move” was thrown out as disinformation because of the Itrolls stealing my ID and posing as me.
    I really think that Texas will be a main target by the corrupt ones—not sure how “safe” it will be here when the $hit hits the fan?

  149. samhenry says:

    I know the chess term “check mate” but I don’t know how to play chess. I thought it was what you said to another seaman on board when you checked out something they needed checked out. I am flip but floundering.

  150. samhenry says:

    A high level public official here is scared s…less about a revolution. Ordinary people are now scared.

    All that climate control business is one world government. We need to develop our natural resources. Polar bears will step aside in understanding. They are smarter than we think. So am I most days.

  151. VotingFemale says:

    it’s one and goal at the end of the first period… this Senate vote is a cloture vote… The Socialists have far to go to get a bill before Obutthole for signing…

    samhenry says

    CAT you had better stand by to translate this football stuff – I’m serious.

  152. samhenry says:

    ROFL (did I get this right – I’m not great on these shortcuts – for months I thought this was someone’s name) – UNCLE CAT!

    It’s too much, really

  153. samhenry says:

    Thanks, CAT – it looks like a lot more of the game to come – thank god. Remember, the only football up here is the Buffalo Bills. People buy season tickets so we have a team and then they stay home! They would never embarrass themselves by trying to sell them.

    Hey I have something special. A 1964 New York Yankee’s bobble-head! I am giving it to my accountant who has not charged much to help me. The darn thing showed up on e-bay for $265. That to me is the beauty of sports. My brothers gave it to me when we lived in Ft. Lauderdale as kids and went to see the Yankees train winters. Now baseball makes sense – running around in circles is something with which I can identify.

  154. VotingFemale says:

    ROFL = Rolling on floor laughing

    when you see one of these pop up try looking it up at UrbanDictionary…

    and whats with the UNCLE CAT?

    samhenry says

    ROFL (did I get this right – I’m not great on these shortcuts – for months I thought this was someone’s name) – UNCLE CAT!

    It’s too much, really

  155. samhenry says:

    Uncle CAT = Uncle, CAT. I cried “uncle” in a kind of obscure short hand – check the suburban dictionary under dangbat.

  156. samhenry says:

    I mean dingbat! Not a good day. Eyes are bad. There is no walker for them.

    My brother used to make fun of a friend of my mother’s we used to call Aunt Charlotte. My brother made her laugh by always calling her Uncle Charlotte. In my family, the word is always used in positive ways.

  157. Kynikos says:

    LOL, I just love this stuff!

  158. VotingFemale says:

    ahhhh… the case of the missing comma… solved.

    samhenry says

    Uncle CAT = Uncle, CAT. I cried “uncle” in a kind of obscure short hand – check the suburban dictionary under dangbat.

  159. LisaInTX says:

    That was cute Kink!!

    Well y’all I hate too, but gotta run…last minute shopping to do, lights to hang, etc…
    see ya later

  160. VotingFemale says:

    I love it too, sweetie pie

    Thank you for sharing that part of yourself…

    Kynikos says

    LOL, I just love this stuff!

  161. VotingFemale says:

    Long ago, there ruled a wise and good king in Persia who loved his people and often dressed in the clothes of a working man or a beggar so he could visit the poor and learn about their hardships. One time he visited a very poor man who lived in a cellar. He ate the coarse food the poor man ate and spoke cheerful, kind words to him. He later visited that poor man again and told him, “I am your king!” The king thought the man would surely ask for some gift or favor, but he didn’t. Instead he said, “You left your palace and your glory to visit me in this dark, dreary place. You ate my coarse food. You brought gladness to my heart! To others you have given your rich gifts. To me you have given yourself!”

    God gave us the gift of Himself when He sent His Son to this dark, dreary place. Have we accepted Him graciously and thankfully as the poor man did, or do we take this gift for granted? This Christmas season, let’s remember to thank Him for His most precious gift to us: Himself.

  162. Foxwood says:

    “I fear violence will erupt against these bastards… and that is what the Socialists want so they can declare Martial Law and suspend habeas corpus.”

    We’re still under a National Emergency. Pieces are in place.

  163. samiam60 says:

    Civil Rights Panel Subpoenas Justice Department in New Black Panthers Case

    The United States Civil Rights Commission, an eight-member agency that investigates accusations of discrimination, has launched its latest offensive against a most unusual target: the Justice Department.

  164. samiam60 says:

    The United States Civil Rights Commission, an eight-member agency that investigates accusations of discrimination, has launched a new offensive against a most unusual target: the Justice Department.

    The commission is investigating why the Justice Department dropped charges in May against three members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense in a voter intimidation case that the government won.

    The Justice Department has defended its actions, saying it obtained an injunction against one member while dismissing charges against the others “based on a careful assessment of the facts and the law.”

    But that explanation hasn’t satisfied the commission or Republican lawmakers, who say the dismissal could lead to an escalation of voter intimidation.

    Three members of the radical group were accused of trying to threaten voters and block poll and campaign workers by the threat of force in November 2008 — one even brandishing what prosecutors call a deadly weapon.

    The three black panthers, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were charged in a civil complaint in the final days of the Bush administration with violating the voter rights act by using coercion, threats and intimidation. Shabazz allegedly held a nightstick or baton that prosecutors said he pointed at people and menacingly tapped it. Prosecutors also say he “supports racially motivated violence against non-blacks and Jews.”

    The Obama administration won the case in April but moved to dismiss the charges in May without explanation.

    After Republican lawmakers pushed in the summer for an internal investigation, the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility obliged, starting a probe that the department has said should conclude before it cooperates with the commission’s investigation.

    Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., announced Thursday that he had inserted language into the annual Justice funding bill that requires the OPR to provide results of its investigation — a resolution that has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee and must be voted on within 14 legislative days.

    “I regret that Congress must resort to oversight resolutions as a means to receive information about the dismissal of this case, but the Congress and the American people have a right to know why this case was not prosecuted,” Wolf said in a written statement.

    “Time and again over the last year, the department has stonewalled any effort to learn about the decision to dismiss the case,” he continued. “I have written Attorney General (Eric) Holder on six occasions asking for an explanation for the dismissal of this case. To date, I have received no response from him.”

    The commission feels it is being stonewalled, too, and has filed subpoenas with the department for the information as well as to interview career attorneys that handled the case.

    “They’ve never given a satisfactory answer,” said Todd Gaziano, a member of the commission and director of the conservative Heritage Foundation’s Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. “There is a heavy burden on the Justice Department to explain why those facts in the complaint do not constitute voter intimidation.”

    When asked about the commission’s repeated requests for information, Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said, “We’re reviewing the commission’s request.”

    She told that the civil division at the department reviews “these types of requests in accordance with longstanding guidelines governing the disclosure of internal department information.”

    The commission is likely to hold a public hearing on the case early next year and could have a report out by September, Gaziano said.

    The commissions sent two inquiries into the Justice Department’s dismissal of the case in June and received what it called a “largely non-responsive letter” from the Justice Department in July and none of the documents requested. The commission sent another inquiry in August and September when it said it received notification from the Justice Department that it would not provide any information until its internal investigation was complete.

    That prompted the commission to issue subpoenas and send its latest missive this month, a response to a Justice Department letter in November that that the commission said challenged its authority to subpoena the department or its employees.

    “While your letter refers to an ongoing ‘dialogue’ between the Department and the Commission, it is the dearth of cooperation on the part of the Department that has resulted in the Commission’s need to issue subpoenas,” David Blackwood, general counsel for the commission, wrote.

    “We are both mindful of the sensitivity of the subject matter involved and aware that, in response to similar requests, the department has raised various concerns and matters of privilege,” Blackwood wrote. “While such considerations carry weight, cooperation with commission investigations is a mandatory statutory obligation.”

    “Moreoever, due to the unique investigative role of the commission — akin to that of a congressional committee – -disclosure to the commission of the information sought it is both proper and required,’ he added.

    Wolf said in his written statement that the attorney general has instructed his department to ignore the subpoenas.

    “The nation’s chief law enforcement officer is forcing these career attorneys to choose between complying with the law and complying with the attorney general’s obstruction,” he said, adding that one of the attorneys has been compelled to obtain private counsel.

    “The House must not turn a blind eye to the attorney general’s obstruction,” he said. “He has an obligation to answer the legitimate questions of the House and the Civil Rights Commission.”

  165. Kynikos says:

    Woops, Sami’e beat me too it, good find Sam

  166. samhenry says:

    My favorite hymn at this time – it really throws our Judeo-Christian heritage into relief

  167. samhenry says:

    Such powerful and beautiful words yet put to music and meant to be sung in a candle light recession.

    O come, O come, Emmanuel
    And ransom captive Israel
    That mourns in lonely exile here
    Until the Son of God appear
    Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
    Shall come to thee, O Israel.

    O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
    Thine own from Satan’s tyranny
    From depths of Hell Thy people save
    And give them victory o’er the grave
    Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
    Shall come to thee, O Israel.

  168. m2 says:

    hey you guys… that actress Brittany Murphy has died…

  169. samhenry says:

    Hi, M2. I suggest that you all go to Frugal Cafe for a tribute to Jennifer Jones who died today.

    M2 what was Brittany Murphy in?

  170. m2 says:

    8 mile, Sin City, Clueless, Girl Interrupted, Just Married, Little Black Book, Uptown Girls, Happy Feet, Tinkerbell the movie… etc…

  171. m2 says:

    I’m trying to knit a scarf… lol… and watching tv online and surfing.

  172. samhenry says:

    M2 those are valuable occupatins – I vane to go do poop patrol. I will be right back.

  173. VotingFemale says:

    When baby needs defending… who ya gonna call? MOM!

  174. m2 says:

    awww baby so cute…

  175. samhenry says:

    Love that vid, VF

    Here is a Santa-view of a reindeer ride – Lapland

  176. samhenry says:

    I have a book about reindeer (doesn’t everyone?) and they can never fully be domesticated. If they are not kept in training, they revert to their wild state. I sort of like them for that.

  177. m2 says:

    reindeer so cute…

    ha ha…

    Time to go upstairs. Figure out din-din.

  178. VotingFemale says:

    I sorta do too!

    samhenry says

    I have a book about reindeer (doesn’t everyone?) and they can never fully be domesticated. If they are not kept in training, they revert to their wild state. I sort of like them for that.

  179. samiam60 says:


    Senate Democrats Warn House Not to Toy With Health Bill

    Senate Democrats are warning the House not to make any significant changes to the health care package heading toward a vote in their chamber if they want the bill to survive past Christmas.

  180. samiam60 says:

    Do not mess with this bill.

    That was the message Senate Democrats sent to their colleagues on the House side over the weekend, warning them not to make any significant changes to the health care package heading toward a vote in their chamber if they want the bill to survive past Christmas.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Saturday won the support of the last known Democratic holdout, Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., giving him the 60 votes necessary to pass the bill out of the Senate. But assuming the bill clears the Senate, negotiators from both sides will still have to work out vast differences between the House and Senate versions in what’s known as a conference committee.

    Liberal Democrats are eager to negotiate and try to win back items that were stripped from the Senate bill like a government-run insurance plan. But the final version would again need 60 votes to overcome a Senate filibuster, and Senate moderates warn that any big changes in conference could erode that bloc.

    “Anybody who’s watched this process can see how challenging it has been to get 60 votes,” Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said on “Fox News Sunday.” “It is very clear that the bill, the final bill, to pass in the United States Senate is going to … have to be very close to the bill that has been negotiated here. Otherwise you will not get 60 votes in the United States Senate.”

    The Senate bill was heading toward a critical test vote set for after midnight early Monday.

    Nelson bluntly warned Saturday that even though he planned to vote for the Senate bill this coming week, that pledge might not apply to the version that emerges from the House and Senate negotiations.

    “If there are material changes in that conference report different from this bill that adversely affect the agreement, I reserve the right to vote against the next cloture vote,” he said. “Let me repeat it, I reserve the right to vote against the next cloture vote, if there are material changes to this agreement in the conference report. And I will vote against it if that is the case.”

    Cloture is the process of cutting off debate that requires 60 votes. Because the Democrats have exactly a 60-vote majority in the Senate, party leaders had to individually accommodate every holdout in their party to move the bill forward — particularly since no Republicans are on board.

    This resulted in a bill that looks very different from the House version.

    But despite the tenuous support on the Senate side, liberal Democrats continue to call for major revisions in the conference committee.

    Former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, who has led the fight against the Senate version, said Sunday that “we really do need some kind of a public option” in the bill.

    “Let’s see if we can fix it some more,” Dean said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “This can’t be the final version of this bill.”

    Dean complained that President Obama did not end up fighting for the so-called public option in the Senate version.

    “We’ve been very disappointed by that. We don’t think that there has been much fight in the White House for that,” he said.

    The White House has made clear that passage of a health care reform bill is far more important than the survival of any one provision in it.

    Senior Adviser David Axelrod expressed confidence Sunday that the intra-party disputes over the contents of the bill will ultimately be resolved.

    “I think we’re going to get it done,” he said on “Meet the Press,” disputing Dean’s characterizations of the bill. “I think that people understand that this is a historic crossroads.”

  181. samiam60 says:

    “Anybody who’s watched this process can see how challenging it has been to get 60 votes,” Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said on “Fox News Sunday.” “It is very clear that the bill, the final bill, to pass in the United States Senate is going to … have to be very close to the bill that has been negotiated here. Otherwise you will not get 60 votes in the United States Senate.”

  182. samhenry says:

    Thanks for this important update, Sami

    As I said earlier, Jennifer Jones died this last week. Here is the end of the movie of hers I like best – Portrait of Jennie. It is about a starving artist who meets a strange little girl in the park who keeps appearing but older each time. Eventually he paints a portrait of her that makes his career. He finds out about her life and learns that she died in a storm of the coast of Maine I believe. He goes to the lighthouse in the middle of a storm and finds her….

  183. samhenry says:

    Sadly, the above clip has a green cast. It was done in black and white. Like the Wizard of OZ – the most important part of the film was in color – the portrait of Jenny at the end.

    If you love this period of romantic films, with the occasional Barrymore sprinkled in for good measure, rent this and others.

  184. samhenry says:

    I and others believe this 1935 version of A Christmas Carol starring Alistair Simm is the best because of Simm. Rent it – it is THE best.

  185. samhenry says:

    VF – I’m so frustrated. The meaning of “humbug” is not in the urban dictionary and the darned film was set in London apres tout! LOL

  186. samhenry says:

    I miss those elaborate Christmas Specials of the variety shows on TV. Andy Williams Christmas Special with the Osmonds.

  187. samhenry says:

    Perry Como – a medley of songs

  188. Kynikos says:

    My book on reindeer is a cook book is that bad??

  189. samhenry says:

    With the arrival of my favorite children’s show featuring the love of my life, Oliver J. Dragon, Christmas has arrived:

  190. samhenry says:

    But here is their own Christmas on their show:

  191. samhenry says:

    Did someone here say reindeer cookbook? Well, that does it. It’s the Narobi Trio for you, kid form one of our greatest comics:

  192. samhenry says:

    It’s not Christmas without Tim Conway

  193. samhenry says:

    George Carlin on Religion – his best

  194. tellitlikeitis says:

  195. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good evening everyone!

    George tells it like it is!

  196. tellitlikeitis says:

  197. Pingback: Queen Elizabeth – Christmas on the Cheap Beyond Belief for December 20, 2009 « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  198. samiam60 says:

    Betcha George Carlin will spend eternity wishing he had never made that video SamH.

    He was one repulsive and vulgar man.

  199. m2 says:

    here’s a great blow by blow of the “healthcare process” driven by Democrats. (Also, all this circus about grasping for our health from the Democrat claws has been really handy in keeping FOCUS OFF THE DISMAL JOBS SITUATION, no?)

    Doctor Zero: “The illusion of design.” An excerpt:

    Liberals insist it is simply unthinkable to allow financial considerations to impact the distribution of this essential human right. As Kirsten Powers put it recently, “Americans will die if we don’t provide universal health insurance.” Because money is the instrument through which free people express their will and make choices, the argument for socialized medicine boils down to the superiority of design and control over competition and choice.

    So, in summary, the case for nationalizing health insurance is that health care cannot be entrusted to the unpredictability and greed of the free market. The individual purchasing decisions of free men and women are too chaotic. The only way to ensure access to health care for everyone is for the State to install a massive, strictly enforced system, complete with huge fines and jail time for those who fail to comply. This system would be superior to the free market, because it would be carefully designed by brilliant minds… engineered to deliver an incredibly complex, ever-changing service to hundreds of millions of Americans.

    Is anyone stupid enough to think a “carefully designed system” is what the Democrats are about to drop on us?

    Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) held up the Senate reform bill over his heartfelt concerns over abortion funding… until he was bought off with hundreds of millions of dollars in enhanced funding for Medicaid in his state. In a similar vein, language worth over $100 million was added to the bill, targeting the state of Louisiana, to purchase the vote of “moderate” Democrat Mary Landrieu. In other words, this “carefully designed” health care bill has different rules for people who happen to live in Nebraska or Louisiana, because this was necessary to buy the votes of their senators.

    The Congressional Budget Office scoring for the health care reform bill is based on tricks and gimmicks, including Medicare reductions and cuts of over 20% in physician payments, that no one seriously believes will actually happen. A great deal of this health care reform package is a delusional fantasy, if not an outright fraud.

    Socialist senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont jammed a 767-page amendment into the bill, then violated Senate procedures to suddenly withdraw it when Republicans forced the entire amendment to be read on the Senate floor.

    Far from being a brilliant plan constructed by top doctors and financial experts in a government brain trust, this health-care bill is a twisted, deformed political document, seen in its entirety by only a few high-ranking politicians belonging to a single political party. Its components have not been precisely crafted as part of a fantastic system calibrated to ensure the maximum access to quality health care for all Americans.

    The bill is not being examined with transparency and careful deliberation by representatives who behave as humble servants of the people and their Constitution. Instead, it’s being hastily rammed through in the dead of night, over the objection of powerful majorities of the American people, with desperate last-minute deals cut to acquire the necessary votes, financed by vast sums of taxpayer money. The primary consideration is not crafting the most sophisticated and intelligent health care reform… it’s getting a bill pushed through before angry voters have a chance to blast the Democrats out of Congress.

  200. tellitlikeitis says:

    Hi Sam, SH, and M2. Everyone ready for Christmas?

  201. samiam60 says:

    How are you getting along with your recovery there Tellit?

  202. tellitlikeitis says:

    Sam , The recovery is slow but I am improving. I still have pain but do not need the pain pills anymore. The doctor said at least 6 weeks before full recovery. I can go back to work after Christmas. I hope I still have a job.

  203. samhenry says:

    Good to see you all – and the videos.

    I have been watching “Enchanted” for the 900th time. I love the chipmunk. I love the ham that Prince charming is. Am I reverting back to….. anyone want to go to see the Nutcracker with me?

  204. LisaInTX says:

    WASHINGTON — The Obama administration publicly mourned the passing of Iran’s Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, in an unusual move U.S. officials said was designed to align the White House with Iran’s democratic movement.

  205. LisaInTX says:

    Gordon Brown will accuse a small group of countries of holding the Copenhagen climate summit talks to ransom.

    The 193-nation conference ended with delegates simply “taking note” of a US-led climate deal that included limiting temperature rises to less than 2C.

  206. LisaInTX says:

    “We did not get an agreement on 50% reductions in global emissions by 2050 or on 80% reductions by developed countries.

    “Both were vetoed by China, despite the support of a coalition of developed and the vast majority of developing countries.”

    The accord was reached between the US, China, India, Brazil and South Africa, but is not legally binding.

    United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says the agreement must be made legally binding next year.

  207. LisaInTX says:

    New Study Admits the Obvious: Swine Flu is Overhyped
    (NaturalNews) An international team of researchers, headed by Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health, released a preliminary report that suggests a milder “pandemic” than the early reports in Mexico were made out to be. The 4% death rate attributed to H1N1 in March and April was found to have been a misleading estimate. The estimate was culled not from infections in the population as a whole, but from serious cases involving hospitalization. This significantly reduces the death rate.

    The study group calculated the number of people with flu-like symptoms against those who sought medical care, those who were hospitalized, those who were assigned to intensive care units, and those who died. They used a telephone survey conducted in the Milwaukee and New York City areas to get their initial flu data and medical records for the rest.

    About 1 in 70 of those reporting flu symptoms to a health care provider required hospitalization. 1 in 400 required admittance to the ICU and 1 in 2,000 with H1N1 symptoms died.

    Using the telephone survey as their total population number with flu symptoms, they estimated that 1 in 600 people might be hospitalized, which is 7 to 9 times lower than other estimates including that of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

    On average, about 36,000 people in the U.S. will die from influenza (seasonal flu). The majority of those are older people of retirement age. Given the controversy surrounding the CDC’s handling of Swine Flu case counting nationally, counting every flu case as H1N1 and with many areas mis-diagnosing by the use of faulty or unverified tests, the new numbers are likely more accurate.

    In the Spring, the CDC estimated a death rate of 2% and went into full panic for a pandemic. The new Lipsitch study puts the number well below that at 0.048%. As of September 11, 2009, the World Health Organization estimates the total number of infections, world wide, to be 209,000 and the total number of deaths to be 3,205. Or about a 0.15% death rate.

    The study was completed in September in anticipation of the fall resurgence that might happen. PLos Medicine released the study to the public on December 7, publishing officially on December 8. The study was funded by the UK Medical Research Council, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and others.

  208. LisaInTX says:

    Rockwall auto shop has slick promotion: Nobel with every oil change

    10:25 PM CST on Sunday, December 20, 2009

    By RICHARD ABSHIRE / The Dallas Morning News

    In Rockwall County, a place known for its conservative politics, one mechanic is getting a lot of attention for his latest promotion: a Nobel Peace Prize, free with every oil change.

    The offer, which pokes fun at President Barack Obama’s recent Nobel Prize win, sits on a 4-by-10-foot sign in front of Horizon Auto Center on the outskirts of Rockwall.

    Owner Ken Sterling says that since he put it there, response has been overwhelming. A photo of the sign was posted online and has gone viral, appearing on blogs, conservative Web sites and Twitter feeds.

    “We’ve had more than 400 calls and e-mails,” Sterling said, adding that only two callers thought the sign was in poor taste.

    Conservatives and others have been critical of Obama’s winning the award, saying he won it in his first year of office before he accomplished anything substantial. (In Oslo, Norway, Obama said he accepted the award as a call to action.)

    In Rockwall County, Obama critics are easy to find.

    The county is home to some of North Texas’ most ardent Tea Party Patriots, and it was home to multiple Tea Party events the last several months. In the 2008 presidential election, Obama never had a chance here – Republican John McCain garnered nearly 73 percent of the Rockwall County vote.

    At the auto center, manager Cliff Payne said he’s taken calls from people in the military who said word of their sign has reached troops in Iraq.

    “It was just a little local humor,” Payne said. “We didn’t think it would go any further.”

    Sterling insisted the sign was not meant to be partisan or political, it was just intended to get a laugh out of customers. Then folks came by just to snap pictures of it. That may be where the national attention got its start – the picture that’s circulating on e-mails and the Web isn’t one that Sterling or his employees took.

    Each customer who gets an oil change at Horizon Auto gets a blue sticker with a picture of the prize and this inscription: “Conferred for the effort and peaceful intention of getting the oil and filter changed.”

    Unlike the actual Nobel Prize, no money is involved.

    On a recent day at the auto center, at 5335 Horizon Road in Rockwall, two young women in their 20s said they hadn’t even noticed the sign outside.

    “People over 35 notice it more than younger people,” Payne said. “I think they understand it better.”

    Sterling said he was going to leave the message up for a week or two, then replace it.

    “The next one is going to say: ‘We sell brakes. Washington needs them,’ ” he said.

  209. ohiobelle says:

    I’m sorry for the no show today but I had to finish shopping and wrapping. I wouldn’t miss this moment for the world!! Is anybody with me??

  210. ohiobelle says:

    C’mon everybody needs to get up!! It’s healthcare time!! If these sneaky bastards think we are not watching at 1:00 am; THEY WOULD BE WRONG!!

  211. ohiobelle says:

    C’mon guys it’s like falling asleep at 11:59 pm on New Year’s Eve… GET UP GET UP GET UP!!

  212. ohiobelle says:

    Reid got it!!

    58 Dems & 2 Independents!! 0 Republicans!!

  213. ohiobelle says:

    Final passage will be on Thursday! Everybody needs to say a prayer.

    Nite all.

  214. ohiobelle says:


  215. Foxwood says:


    I will not take this laying down. Landrieu is fired. I would like to line them up against the wall and fire them all!

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  216. VotingFemale says:

    Seems it is listed at

    samhenry says

    VF – I’m so frustrated. The meaning of “humbug” is not in the urban dictionary and the darned film was set in London apres tout! LOL

  217. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Foxwood!

    the cannon worked!

  218. VotingFemale says:

    It is bad if the reindeerin question is your sole means of transportation! lol

    Kynikos says

    My book on reindeer is a cook book is that bad??

  219. VotingFemale says:

    As Kirsten Powers put it recently, “Americans will die if we don’t provide universal health insurance.”

    Americans will die in spite of anything anyone does… everyone dies. To state that “universal health insurance” will change the inevitability of death is the height of Socialist Lying for Power and Profit.

  220. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF and Foxwood. I can think of only one song for this morning that fits the mood of what our Corrupt Government has pulled on the American People.

  221. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Samiam!

  222. VotingFemale says:

    Very glad to hear you are on the mend dear… I have been worried about you.

    tellitlikeitis says

    Sam , The recovery is slow but I am improving. I still have pain but do not need the pain pills anymore. The doctor said at least 6 weeks before full recovery. I can go back to work after Christmas. I hope I still have a job.

  223. VotingFemale says:

    Samiam, it was inevitable that the cloture vote would be a go for the Socialist Bastards… I was prepared for it… and payback will be the order of business and undoing this abortion of a health care takeover.

  224. samiam60 says:

    Mr. President,

    We the People of the United States of America do not want your:

    Health Care Reform
    Cap and Trade
    Global Warming Fraud

  225. VotingFemale says:

    Sorry I missed you… I have a shopping trip planned to get my shopping finished up today.

    Monday is better than Sunday for late Christmas shopping. 😉

    ohiobelle says

    I’m sorry for the no show today but I had to finish shopping and wrapping. I wouldn’t miss this moment for the world!! Is anybody with me??

  226. samiam60 says:

    Mr. President,

    We the People of the United States of America
    do not want your:


    Nor YOU for that matter.

    The best gift you can give the American People this Christmas Season would be your resignation.

  227. Foxwood says:

    Morning VF, Sami!

    The Socialists in Congress think we’re stupid. “I voted for it because they fixed (fill in the blank), but it they put (fill in the blank) back in, I’ll vote against it”.

    We on this blog know they voted for it with a 60 vote cloture. We also know when they vote again, Landrieu and Nelson can say they voted against it when it only needs 51 votes. I told Landrieu’s assistant that I still hold her responsible for passage even if she votes against it this next time, because she could have voted to stop it at 60 votes.

  228. Pingback: Socialists Claim They Can Conquer Death Itself « VotingFemale Speaks!

  229. Pingback: Wheeling and Dealing: Nebraskans Outraged at Sen. Ben Nelson’s Sell-out on Health Care Bilal « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  230. Pingback: CNN Wins VF’s Worst Socialist News Liar Of The Year « VotingFemale Speaks!

  231. Pingback: Sen. Graham Finally Gets It Right: Thuggery of “Seedy Chicago Politics” Runs White House, Outrageous Bribes to Pass ObamaCare (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  232. Pingback: Obama the Mind Reader: Says House and Senate Health Care Bills Are “95% Identical” Although Senate’s Bill Still Isn’t Finished and No One’s Read It (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  233. Pingback: Olbermann Watch: Keith Olbermann Said Joe Lieberman Should Kill Himself Because of His Health Care Stance, and Other Scary Left-Wing Hate (audio/video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  234. Pingback: Another Senator Escaped from the Socialist Funny Farm! ROFL « VotingFemale Speaks!

  235. Pingback: Rep Griffith flips Obama & Pelosi ‘the bird’; will announce his switch from DEM to Republican today « VotingFemale Speaks!

  236. Pingback: Merry Christmas Obama; hope you like your new record low of MINUS 21 Aproval Index, so says Rasmussen « VotingFemale Speaks!

  237. Pingback: Rep. Parker Griffith Throws Democrat Party into Yuletide Tailspin… Defection to GOP « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  238. Pingback: Senate Health Bill Passes… Merry Christmas, Socialist America « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  239. Pingback: Three Sheets to the Wind… Appears That Dem Senator Max Baucus Is Drunk on Senate Floor (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  240. Pingback: Nebraska’s Unpopular Sen. Nelson Taking an Arrogant Page Out of Obama’s Playbook… When Criticized, Go on TV « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  241. Pingback: MIA: Those Obama C-SPAN Health Care “Open Meetings at a Big Table” Promises, Plus Reid’s Outrageous Billion-Dollar Bribes (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  242. Pingback: CA Governator Arnie Reviles ObamaCare’s “Bribes, Deals, and Loopholes” « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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