Is a 2012 Palin-Brown Ticket in the Future?

Sarah Palin – Scott Brown ticket for 2012?
It’s a distinct possibility.

From NiceDeb: Boston Political Analyst Declares Scott Brown Winner of Monday Night’s Debate

From Frugal Café: MA Police Endorse Scott Brown, Dems Will Delay Election Certification, Boston Herald to MA Voters: One Vote Can Make a Difference, Vote for Brown (video)

The quote heard round the World was from Scott Brown during the first debate which aired on Jan 11, 2010 between the come from behind Scott Brown and Martha Coakley, the sleepy DEM candidate so bored she took off five days from campaigning in late December to relax and pick out drapes for a Senate Office she felt entitled to.

Martha Coakley’s sense of entitlement seems so strong she was apparently too bored to preview her own campaign TV Ad  in which the state of  Massachusetts is written as MASSACHUSETTES[sic]. Can you Spell Washington, Martha?

Martha Coakley, for the US Senate Seat of MASSACHUSETTES[sic]

uhhh… it does send a message, old girl. 😉

As compared to this Message from Scott Brown…


Sarah Palin, The Teflon ‘Cuda, sets sail on the Media Seas to engage the Liberal Political Elites in their Socialist Jihad on America. Femininity and Vision, her strengths and In God, She Trusts.

Last evening Sheppard Smith, who obviously was not on the need-to-know list at FOXNews, made it known on-air, his thinly disguised displeasure at being left out of the loop about FOXNews’ pending Sarah Palin bombshell set to detonate on the American Scene this evening at 8:00 pm eastern time.

It was with fascination and a smile as I observed Bill O’Reilly announce to the world that Sarah Palin’s first appearance as a FOXNews contributor will be on his program, The Factor.

Bill O’Reilly’s eyes twinkled with mirth, with a gently spreading smile, in the process of cogently revealing Sarah would gain extremely beneficial topic exposure with the full force and power of FOX behind her as she continues to expand her experience on the National Stage thus gaining very useful and valuable experience dueling  along side the best conservative allies against  the best liberal pundits the DEM party can bring to the table. And, it will be on her home turf.

Want to debate Sarah? It will be at FOXNews, the most powerful news organization in the world; so feared by the Liberals they declared open season on FOX and lost utterly.

The Lame Stream Media is now crying crocodile tears in their conference rooms as reality sets in… they have been left out of the game thus are relegated to airing FOX clips and quotes with due credit given to FOX’s exclusivity of every story.

The News Networks/Cables are relegated to the role of petty political  ambulance chasing to have anything of interest to save what little viewership they have left; their increasingly flagging ratings, dismal.

Cheer up Lame Stream Media! the gang at Code Pink loves mainstream debate! lol Interview them about their Code Pink Alliance with ‘The Muslim Brotherhood’ who’s motto is “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

The Lame Stream Media had their chance… they made their choices… they threw their lot in with Progressive Ideology and an unknown flash-in-the-pan politician, Barack Obama. But Now? The Lame Stream Media is hard aground stuck with that loser watching as all but the CNN poll shows Obama’s job approval rating well below 50% and dropping… the lowest job approval rate of any President in the first year of office in the history of the country.

Their Socialist Spin-Cycle, a temporarily useful tool to the Obama Campaign and the first six months of his term in office, is now a millstone of greater and greater mass and size as they feebly attempt to drag it around tauting The One as the greatest man on earth and the Fundamental Transformer of America.

Hey Lame Stream Media? Need A STORY, Dears???

You might try reporting the emerging story on the Global Mini-Ice-Age, which started 9 years ago amidst the decades long Socialist’s Carbon War on American Prosperity.

Just sayin’ …even the Scientific Community of GLOBAL WARMERS who’s lying  ‘Hide The Decline’ tactic (officially belly up), is forced to admit the 21st Century Ice Age which started almost a decade ago, is in full advance. Florida Orange’s this week? …in the deep freeze. Ocean level decline rate destined to increase; polar ice cap continuing growth? accelerating; polar bears? frolicking in their snowy play groud.

Oh… and inviting Al Gore to appear would not be a wise move. Again, just sayin’

ManBearPig, aka Al Gore, needs to retire from public life, he has done enough damage for one lifetime.


Additional reading…

Sarah’s Web Brigade: Sarah Palin Makes Her Debut As FOX News
Conservatives4Palin: Stuart Schwartz: NYT & David Brooks: Intellectuals Я Us and Leslie Sanchez: Palin Taking a Page From Reagan Playbook and Colleen O’Connor: Governor Palin is “Captain and Commander” of Her Own Ship
Recovering Liberal: Now Palin is ridiculed by liberal elitists for believing in God and (Liberals:) Palin/All Women Proven Not Fit For office
Texas for Sarah:Signing Sarah: The Fox Press Release
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:Ms. Coakley Goes To Washington (To Get Money From Best Line of the Night Lobbyists) Donate To Scott Brown Today
HOTAiR:Coakley misspells name of state she wants to represent Coakley says no more terrorists in Afghanistan
Heritage Foundation:How Much Did Obama’s Copenhagen Failure Cost You?
BigGovernment:Hamas Terrorists Guaranteed Code Pink’s Safety in Gaza Lessons of ‘66 and ‘94 Loom Over Democrats: Part I
Gateway Pundit:Nice Work… New Coakley Attack Ad Misspells Massachusetts
Sister Toldjah:Quote of the day – Scott Brown edition At least 20 Congressional Democrats attended Dopenhagen summit
Nice Deb:Scott Brown and Martha Coakley Clash in Heated DebateAfrican Americans For Harry Reid Facebook Page has 11 Friends, All But 1 Are White, Sarah Palin Signs On With Fox News
Frugal Café:MA Dem Martha Coakley Is Naive, Wrong, & Dangerous about Terrorism (video) and Scott Brown: “With All Due Respect… It’s the People’s Seat” (video) and Sinking Approval for ObamaCare Escalates, 54% Disapprove of Government-run Health Care and MA Police Endorse Scott Brown, Dems Will Delay Election Certification, Boston Herald to MA Voters: One Vote Can Make a Difference, Vote for Brown (video)
Talk Wisdom:Great Line: “It’s The People’s Seat” Sarah Palin Signs On With Fox News!
Michelle Malkin:
Big Biz/Big Guv luv: Look who’s coming to Martha Coakley’s aid now; DSCC pours in $576,000 and Brown picks up Boston Herald endorsement, $626,000+ $1 million+ raised online today; C-SPAN airs debate tonight
LisainTX’s Blog:
Only Obama’s Inner Circle may enter the SECRET meetings, now that is Transparency in our face!
Mad Conservative:
Report: Palin to be a Fox contributor and
SamHenry’s Blog:BREAKING: Paul Begala’s Lowlife Remarks RE Palin and FOX Outrageous
VotingFemale Speaks!:
Scott Brown under vote troll attack; Read Up
Temple of Mut:Californian’s Plea To Massachusetts!

Instapundit » Blog Archive » SCOTT BROWN: It’s not the Kennedy » Blog Archive » Coakley: Dude, Like, Scott Brown’s
Fausta’s Blog » Blog Archive » Sexiest man of the year Scott Brown
Right Angles » Blog Archive » David Gergen slapdown by Scott Brown
“A Vote For Scott Brown Is A Vote Against Harry Reid.” « ~ THE
Boston Herald Endorsed Scott Brown, Plus Link to Debate Live Blog
MA-SEN: Scott Brown Wins Debate » Blogs For Victory
Patriot Room Radio 1/12/10 – Scott Brown’s Mass Storm | Liberal
Scott Brown vs. ‘the Political Machine’ — By: Kathryn Jean Lopez
Massachusets Senate candidate Scott Brown raises an amazing $1
American Glob » Blog Archive » Scott Brown: “It’s The People’s Seat.”
Sarah Palin joins Fox news : In Entertainment
Sarah Palin Fox News

And now for some belly laughs at the expense of a few
Liberal whining PDS blogodytes…

Sarah Palin to Schmaltz Her Way to the White House — Daily Intel
Sarah Palin joins FOX News… ~ Serr8d’s Cutting Edge
Sarah Palin: A Pox On Fox « Lynnrockets’ Blast-Off
Olbermann, Moron Sarah Palin popular quitter, led to Fox News by
Sarah Palin campaign was a ‘train wreck’, insiders say |
Sarah Palin & Fox News: One Heartbeat Away : William K. Wolfrum
Minor Ripper: Sarah Palin Joins Fox News

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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241 Responses to Is a 2012 Palin-Brown Ticket in the Future?

  1. rosehips says:

    VF, you are a literary wonder. Well done posting, girlfriend.

    Out here we spell it Warshington. or at least that is how locals pronounce it. lol

    Climate change is a bitch and all those frozen fish are a very sad reminder that we have totally effed up the planet. sigh

    I heard that the New York Times broke the story about Sarah’s contract with Fox. I can’t remember where I read that. haha

  2. rosehips says:


    I suggest practicing before you spar. pretend the chair is a liberal and carefully show it how stupid it is. Don’t wait for a reaction. Carry on with your next point and each subsequent point you want to make. When you are finished, sit down in said chair and honestly assess whether you are crazy or just temporarily insane! lol

    sami said: Just finished the Glenn Beck book Arguing with Idiots and I need a sparing partner.

  3. VotingFemale says:

    thank you, girlfriend!

    I’m jista eye-literate conservative girl… doin’ her thang! lol

    rosehips says

    VF, you are a literary wonder. Well done posting, girlfriend.

    Out here we spell it Warshington. or at least that is how locals pronounce it. lol

    Climate change is a bitch and all those frozen fish are a very sad reminder that we have totally effed up the planet. sigh

    I heard that the New York Times broke the story about Sarah’s contract with Fox. I can’t remember where I read that. haha

  4. samiam60 says:

    Rose thank you for responding to my ad. lol

  5. samiam60 says:

    By the way Rose how was your fishing adventure the other day?
    Did you get your string wet?

  6. Foxwood says:

    Rosey… We have to drive our SUVs more than ever now to get that CO2 out there to take the nip out of the air. Might thaw out some of those little fishy’s.

  7. samiam60 says:

    By the way VF this is a very good post. I like the concept and match up.

    Anything is possible and Obama continues to make Sarah Palin look more and more Presidential everyday.

  8. rosehips says:

    sami, I am going to totally ignore the wet string inuendo because I think it is in such poor taste. lol

    I caught one nice sized Rainbow which is now in my freezer awaiting its ultimate sacrifice to humankind. I am tempted to wait until a revival troupe comes to town and pull out that one nice sized fish and tell all the people who show up that one fish will feed them all. I will then put it on the altar and I will simply walk away. heehee I wonder how they’d react. lol

    sami said: By the way Rose how was your fishing adventure the other day?
    Did you get your string wet?

  9. Pingback: “It’s the People’s Seat!” And More on CA’s Revolt, too! « Temple of Mut

  10. rosehips says:

    Sorry if that last comment was sacreligious or offended anyone. I would never go to a revival and put a fish on the altar.

    Would love to film someone else doing it though. That could make for a good video, Borat style.

  11. samiam60 says:

    In spite of the sarcasm I am happy for you that you caught a Rainbow. I have never seen that happen before. Did you catch any fish?

    By all means invite the Revival Troupe for a fish dinner. I am sure they will transform the fish into fish sticks and feed everyone. Give them a potato and they can add Tatter tots to the meal.

  12. samiam60 says:

    Rose says,

    Sorry if that last comment was sacreligious or offended anyone. I would never go to a revival and put a fish on the altar.

    Would love to film someone else doing it though. That could make for a good video, Borat style.


    That was not offensive at all. After all Jesus own followers did that very thing and He fed 5,000.

  13. samiam60 says:


    Sorry if the string was offensive. Did you use monofiliment ?

  14. Foxwood says:

    Foxwoods 10 tips to get out of this deep freeze:

    1. Drive your SUV just for the hell of it. You don’t have to go anywhere special.

    2. Burn your trash. If your neighbor doesn’t burn his, dig the garbage out of his can and burn it.

    3. Eat more beef. The cattle raisers will have to replace them. As demand rises, more cows will be added.

    4. Grill out every day.

    5. Cut down the trees. Make good use of that wood and build a log cabin. Burn the leftover wood in your fireplace.

    6. Cut down more trees for your fireplace and to sell on the side.

    7. Exercise daily. You’ll use more oxygen and expel more CO2.

    8. Keep 8 to 10 dogs and cats. Somehow this produces CO2???

    9. Buy a coal burning furnace. That’s a no brainer.

    10. Eat more beens. Methane is a greenhouse gas too.

  15. Pingback: Obama – The First Bi-Racial President Handles Race Issues « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  16. VotingFemale says:

    Thank you dear!

    it’s dog eat dog world out int the blogsphere these days…
    unique posts are not that easily done…

    samiam60 says

    By the way VF this is a very good post. I like the concept and match up.

    Anything is possible and Obama continues to make Sarah Palin look more and more Presidential everyday.

  17. VotingFemale says:

    rose/sammy, you two playing well in the sandbox? lol

  18. samiam60 says:

    VF says
    rose/sammy, you two playing well in the sandbox? lol


    Rose adds much to this Blog Post and I have a lot of respect for her views. We don’t have to agree on everything but we should always agree to be friends.

  19. samiam60 says:

    I have to leave for a short while.

    Tell Rose I am sorry if I was offensive to her.


    she can read this herself.

    I am having Cable TV installed and “Yes” I will now be able to watch Glenn Beck at 5 PM!

    Golly I dun feel real impo’tant now y’all.

  20. Foxwood says:

    Excuse me… homemade pork n beens…

  21. rosehips says:

    Of course we are friends. you do not want to be on my bad side. lol

  22. samiam60 says:


    I might like your “bad” side 😉

  23. rosehips says:

    sami, far from being offensive, I find your comments hilarious. string/monofiliment, catching rainbows (I have caught a few) etc. you funny guy.

    foxy, don’t forget about drilling. the sooner the better.

  24. samiam60 says:

    They are gonna shut down my internet while they hook up the TV.

    Catch you all laters on.

  25. rosehips says:

    oh you surely would sami, even if for just a while. heehee

    sami said: I might like your “bad” side

  26. samiam60 says:

    For you Rose

  27. VotingFemale says:

    hubs brought an industrial strength blender… UPS just delivered the berast and he made me a frozen daiquiri! I am now floating in lala land… dang! I made him make me a smoothie to settle me out, yum! apple-banana!

  28. Foxwood says:

    “foxy, don’t forget about drilling. the sooner the better.”

    Foxwoods top 11 tips just doesn’t have that ring to it, Rosey.

  29. VotingFemale says:

    Foxwood? farting cowboys on the blog?

    uhhhh lol

    isn’t that a bit smelly? ewwww

  30. rosehips says:

    VF, is it a Vita Mix?

    Daquaris in the afternoon? now that sounds like a fine way to spend a winter day.

  31. Foxwood says:

    Just hold your nose… It will warm the blog…

  32. rosehips says:

    love that song. Thanks sami!

    apple banana smoothies are very good. maybe add a few strawberries. yum.

    used to sell smoothies before anyone out here even knew what they were.

  33. VotingFemale says:

    Hey Lynnerockets?
    (a blocked troll)

    Go spam yourself, dear!

    I hear it is all the rage amongst Libtards these days! hahahaha

  34. ohiobelle says:

    Sorry for the no show lately. I’ve been dealing with insurance adjusters and contractors. We had an ice dam form on the back of the house and it has caused major damage. I wish this on nobody!

  35. VotingFemale says:

    Rose (ahead of the curve) Hips!

    That’s my BCHGFFF!

    rosehips s

    love that song. Thanks sami!

    apple banana smoothies are very good. maybe add a few strawberries. yum.

    used to sell smoothies before anyone out here even knew what they were.

  36. VotingFemale says:

    ohhh NOOOO!!!!

    Ice Dams! a feature of the 21st Centruy Mini Ice Age

    Gotta call the Ice Dam guy before the dam whacks the house… they have special tools to break the dams.

    ohiobelle says

    Sorry for the no show lately. I’ve been dealing with insurance adjusters and contractors. We had an ice dam form on the back of the house and it has caused major damage. I wish this on nobody!

  37. ohiobelle says:

    Has anybody taken sides on the late night drama?? We are team O’Brien!! Conan is getting screwed!!

  38. VotingFemale says:

    It’s a Blendtec

    If he blends a steak dinner there is going to be WAR!

    rosehips says

    VF, is it a Vita Mix?

    Daquaris in the afternoon? now that sounds like a fine way to spend a winter day.

  39. ohiobelle says:

    VF wrote: ohhh NOOOO!!!!

    Ice Dams! a feature of the 21st Centruy Mini Ice Age

    Gotta call the Ice Dam guy before the dam whacks the house… they have special tools to break the dams.

    VF, It’s too late for tools. What could’ve been a $3,000 fix is now a $40,000 nightmare! Our roof drains, roof and siding needs replaced. When the temps rose then the ice started melting and water was running down the walls. All my Amish carved window trims are ruined!!

  40. ohiobelle says:

    We had no idea there was even a problem. I’m sorry but I don’t get on our roof in the middle of winter to inspect our gutters for ice build up. Who honestly does that??

  41. ohiobelle says:

    Contractor at door. I’ll be back.

  42. VotingFemale says:

    rumor is FOX is talking with Camp Conan! 😉

    ohiobelle says

    Has anybody taken sides on the late night drama?? We are team O’Brien!! Conan is getting screwed!!

  43. VotingFemale says:

    It is a normal thing in new england to be savvy about ice dams as they happen. even the weather forcasts will warn of ice dam conditions and what to look for and what to do.

    welcome to climate of the far north!

    we don’t bother fretting about winter snow… we rate it… wet snow turned to ice, bummer.
    Dry snow, ok…

    Mush! you huskies!

    ohiobelle says

    We had no idea there was even a problem. I’m sorry but I don’t get on our roof in the middle of winter to inspect our gutters for ice build up. Who honestly does that??

  44. VotingFemale says:


    That is a disaster, Belle! OMG

    you poor thing….

    OhioBelle says,

    VF, It’s too late for tools. What could’ve been a $3,000 fix is now a $40,000 nightmare! Our roof drains, roof and siding needs replaced. When the temps rose then the ice started melting and water was running down the walls. All my Amish carved window trims are ruined!!

  45. rosehips says:

    belle, I am so so sorry for the disaster at your house. That is the last thing you need. damn. that sucks big time.

  46. VotingFemale says:


    We allow opposing views but not trolling… read the moderation rules


    Lynnrockets whines:

    As usual, the Palin blogs cannot take a little criticism. Afraid to post my comments? you should come over to our side where we allow all comments and then we simply counter them. Where is that Republican love of the 1st Amendment?

  47. rosehips says:

    VF, that looks like an awesome blender. I believe in buying quality if you hope to get a lot of use out of something for years to come. A guy once suggested I get a Robotcoupe (sp?) food processor and although it cost way more than your run of the mill Cuisinart, it has given me many years of unsurpassed service and pleasure.

    I bought a VitaMix blender/juicer at a yard sale for 20 bucks last year but could not warrant keeping it when I could sell it for close to $300. on ebay, which is what I did. I did use it for one day and it was a dream.

  48. rosehips says:

    around here a bad winter can devastate buildings. last year a number of buildings and carports collapsed. Some facility at the air force base in Spokane collapsed and now taxpayers are spending millions in stimulus money to build a new one.

  49. VotingFemale says:

    and BTW, Lynnrockets…

    I had a look at your blog… it was pretty boring…

    typical Liberal Palin Derangement Syndrome Head Spinning

  50. LisaInTX says:

    Afternoon Y’all 😛
    Here is a GOOD one!! Pelosi is such a swamp RAT!!

  51. VotingFemale says:

    I think that Blendtec could blend a cell phone, lol

    cool beans on the Vita Mix yard sale find! WOW!

    rosehips says

    VF, that looks like an awesome blender. I believe in buying quality if you hope to get a lot of use out of something for years to come. A guy once suggested I get a Robotcoupe (sp?) food processor and although it cost way more than your run of the mill Cuisinart, it has given me many years of unsurpassed service and pleasure.

    I bought a VitaMix blender/juicer at a yard sale for 20 bucks last year but could not warrant keeping it when I could sell it for close to $300. on ebay, which is what I did. I did use it for one day and it was a dream.

  52. VotingFemale says:

    I want the CIA to take Pelosi into custody and relocate her to Camp Delta… and water board the bitch on a daily basis…. lol

    perhaps she can be traded to al qaeda in a prisoner exchange for captured soldiers…

    LisaInTX says

    Afternoon Y’all 😛
    Here is a GOOD one!! Pelosi is such a swamp RAT!!

  53. rosehips says:

    VF, I looked at lynnerocket’s blog and actually found some parts quite entertaining. I thought her suggestions for game shows that Palin could host kind of clever. Didn’t think much of her “Fox on the Run” song parody though.

    Here’s her suggestions:

    “Perhaps that will include hosting a new lineup of Fox News game shows such as Wheel of Stupid, Palin Family Feud, Career in Jeopardy, Neither Truth Nor Consequences or Lack Of Concentration.”

    vf said: and BTW, Lynnrockets…

    I had a look at your blog… it was pretty boring…

  54. southernsue says:

    i will vote for sarah in 2012! can’t wait to see her on fox tonight.

    be at the polls in 2010 and vote out the democrats.

  55. rosehips says:

    Here are some of my suggestions: Queen for a Day, Who want to be a Fishkiller, Governor or No Governor.


  56. VotingFemale says:

    naahh ..its just kiddy time at the blogs for a typical PDSer

    pretty boring…


    rosehips says

    VF, I looked at lynnerocket’s blog and actually found some parts quite entertaining.

  57. rosehips says:

    hello southernsue,

    are you from below the mason-dixon line?

    only kidding girl. hope you can take a joke. you need to around here. heehee

  58. VotingFemale says:

    Lets play ‘drain the lake!’

    or ‘up your stickleback!’

    rosehips says

    Here are some of my suggestions: Queen for a Day, Who want to be a Fishkiller, Governor or No Governor.


  59. VotingFemale says:

    lets play ‘Guess that Negro Dialect’ hosted by Harry Reid

  60. rosehips says:

    more Sarah Palin game shows:
    The Price is Right (Consequences be Damned!)
    Tic Tac Stickleback Dough
    The Raping Game

  61. LisaInTX says:

    Bankster Gate Geitner…

  62. rosehips says:

    lol VF, I’m thinkin’ Compton.

    VF said: lets play ‘Guess that Negro Dialect’ hosted by Harry Reid

  63. VotingFemale says:

    The Left Feels Sold Out By President Obama: Is Violence Coming?

    The Left Feels Sold Out By President Obama: Is Violence Coming?

    The left is starting to believe President Obama is a “poser,” Glenn Beck said on his TV show.

    In their view, he has failed to achieve many of his campaign promises. He dropped the so-called public option from his healthcare legislation which is “the progressives’ ultimate prize.” Said Beck:

    As the concessions are being made and this bill gets stripped down, the only thing left is a mandate to buy insurance, a giant boon, they’ll say, to those evil big insurance companies. That’s not exactly what the left had in mind, not Democrats — the left, and they are coming out in force against it. Arianna Huffington daily calls Howard Dean — Howard Dean I just told you said the whole bill should be killed entirely, so what’s happening here?

    Obama has also failed to lift the ban on gays serving openly in the military. He hasn’t shut down the prison for Islamist terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. He is continuing a crackdown on illegal immigrants and he hasn’t pushed for a windfall profit tax on oil companies, Beck said.

    Even far-left writer and conspiracy theorist Naomi Klein has turned on Obama, calling him more or less a corporate stooge.

    Obama has got to get things done for the left or they will turn on him ferociously, Beck said.

    Meanwhile, violent leftists in Europe are causing civil unrest, Beck noted. He played a segment from Neil Cavuto’s show in which global warming skeptic and filmmaker Phelim McAleer was being interviewed live from the climate conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. While McAleer spoke he was pelted with rotten vegetables thrown by eco-leftists.

    In Europe, Beck said, “they have been trying to achieve their socialist utopia for decades. How is that working out for them?” Beck noted that rioters are burning cars in France and there have been hundreds of arrests in Greece. Italy’s prime minister just got put in the hospital after a man threw a heavy object at his face.

    Leftists may start causing civil unrest in America too, Beck suggested noting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) warned in September that the heated political climate in the country could lead to political violence. “I saw,” she said, choking up, “I saw this myself in the late seventies in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric was very frightening and it gave–it created a climate in which violence took place.”

    Of course, Pelosi left out the fact that the violence of which she spoke was caused by her comrades.

  64. rosehips says:

    dang, need to get some things done before I have to go out into the cruel world. laters peeps. it’s been fun, VF!

  65. ohiobelle says:

    Good news! This guy thinks he can save the roof. The walls will have to be dried out with some kind of tool and gutters and siding replaced but nothing can be done until the ice and snow melt. It’s just a waiting game from here on out. I am going to miss my window treatments! With open windows I will be forced to deal with MONSTER dog behind us! UGH!!

  66. VotingFemale says:

    The produce used on the Food Network’s Jan. 3 Iron Chef of America two-hour special White House show was billed as being from the White House garden. But the show did not disclose that “stunt double vegetables” were used and not produce from the First Family’s garden.
    The much ballyhooed show featured a cameo by First Lady Michelle Obama who invited the chefs to pick what they needed from the White House garden in the opening scenes. Mrs. Obama agreed to appear –and give the show access to the garden — because the episode promoted her healthy eating themes and the garden, her signature first-year project. Iron Chef also reaches an audience that would be interested in Mrs. Obama’s local food, anti-obesity and exercise agenda.

  67. VotingFemale says:

    I have noticed that Michelle continues to widen her girth… choo choo

  68. ohiobelle says:

    Did I tell you guys that the idiots behind us actually got another Bullmastiff? Now there are 2 of the blood suckers!

  69. VotingFemale says:

    Breaking news: Joe Biden admitted to Johns Hopkins University Hospital after having a laughing fit at news of Reid’s comment regarding “light-skinned Obama with no Negro dialect!”

    Finally somebody who said something more stupid than Biden, something science thought was an impossibility! Biden stupidity was previously thought to be -273 degrees C…absolute zero! Not!

    Reid quickly issued an apology, and Obama quickly accepted. Can’t have people analyzing the racism of Democrats now can we! People might actually consider the Democrats history on the subject. Better yet, perhaps Reid can be talked into switching parties, so Democrats can say Republican are the racists?

    What’s Harry Reid apologizing for anyway?! He was right! Like Bidenisms, Reid’s real crime was exposing the dirty little secret that everybody knows about white folks who voted for Obama…the Guilters!

    In addtion to his incendiary comment, Reid is reported to have said in this article from Politico,

    …throughout my career, from efforts to integrate the Las Vegas strip and the gaming industry to opposing radical judges and promoting diversity in the Senate, I have worked hard to advance issues important to African American community.

    There Reid goes, telling America how many black friends he has! I love say it! “Black people…I TOLD you so,“ and I did in my book The BIG Black Lie!

    What have Reid and his Democrat Party done for blacks, except reintroduce slavery—new and improved! Reid and the rest of the Democrats have indeed advanced issues important to blacks alright, if by advance you mean advanced blacks into a nuclear winter.

    Reid and his racist cronies have blacks leading negatively in almost all cultural categories, e.g. high school graduation rates, college entrance rates, college graduation rates, men in prison, teenage pregnancy, abortion, and so on. Reid et al support getting black folks just enough money and programs to stay home and stay stupid. The UnGreat Society meets The Ingrate Society.

    Democrats did opposed radical judges! Democrats opposed radical Republican judges who wanted to end slavery and racism; promote individualism! The last thing Democrats want are blacks who think for themselves, and that includes Obama.

    Guilters voted for Obama for two reasons. First, as Reid opined, Obama is a light-skinned black man with no Negro dialect! Translated to Guilter:

    “Obama is that n*gger who doesn’t act like one. He’s acceptable as long as he doesn’t try to date my daughter!”

    Next and more importantly, the reason Guiliters wanted Obama as president is he could best sell the agenda of the Left to keep oppressing the disenfranchised—for the most part black folks—without the racist elite of the Democrats getting their fingers soiled. Guilters were overjoyed to accept a light-skinned black with no Negro dialect…as long as his ideology fit the racist Democrat agenda. Anybody think Obama would have gotten elected if he looked like his father or thought like Clarence Thomas? Socialist please! Oh H-i-l-l-a-r-y!

    Obama’s message was no different than Jesse Jackson’s, another light-skinned Negro presidential wannabe. Let’s examine the comparisons.

    Both hail from Chicago. Neither had the real credentials to be president. Both are racists with skewed agendas, though admittedly Obama is farther left than Jackson. Both have never run any company or organization that didn’t rely on the charity of others or the government. They’re practically twins!

    Guilters flirted with Jackson and blacks, making both think Jackson could be president, though Jackson had a snowball’s chance in hell getting a significant part of the Guilter vote.Black Democrats flirted with Jackson, though many felt he was too “ethnic” to be president. It is for this reason Jackson cried during Obama ‘Abomination.’ Jackson knew that the only difference between him and Obama, two poverty pimps is…the Negro dialect.

    For Jackson, the Negro dialect is part of his DNA. He could not turn it on and off to suit the audience. Jesse talked in rhythm and rhyme, and with that staccato timbre that was the precedent to rap and hip hop.

    Put hope in yo brains, not dope in yo veins!…Amerca is a racis countra, uh run by white peepa, who… meck it impausible…fuh a BLACK MAN…to git ova. Aurppatunity just does not eggzist…for peepa of kula in Amerca.

    But Obama has talent! Though he speaks ‘white’ most of the time, and is fluent in Austrian, he finds the Negro dialect or “jive” when he speaks to silly Negros—Black people who voted for Obama, simply because he is black[i]. Obama was masterful at this during his campaign, because silly Negros would not accept the white part of Obama, unless they felt he was “down,” i.e. one of them.

    This is because silly Negros are also the most racist black folks in America, no different from Reid and his ilk. These blacks voted for Obama for the same reasons as Reid…because Obama has light skin and no Negro dialect…around whites! Silly Negros liked that Obama could fool whites, though it was they who were fooled.

    Ironically, back in the day Obama would have been accused of “acting white” or “trying to pass,” by not having a Negro dialect. And his attempts to act black—that’s all it is, an attempt—would have gotten him more than a few butt-kickings in the black community. However, because silly Negros wanted a Messiah, regardless of whether he is a no-talent-no-Negro-dialect-having-metrosexual-Communst-sympathizing-narcissistic egomaniac!

    Here’s the wrap:

    Women Guilters were happy to see a light-skinned black man with no Negro dialect that they could take home to Mother, and men Guilters needed a light-skinned black man with no Negro dialect they could present to their clubs.

    Silly Negros needed no Negro dialect black man who could redeem them too. They needed a light-skinned black man with no Negro dialect to show that not all silly Negros are ghetto. “See, you can be intelligent and have our point of view!”

    Indeed you can, when you are raised by Marxist, sex-crazed radicals like Frank Davis, and your influences are race-baiting pastors and Black Nationalists! To put this simply, silly Negros are saying that black Conservatives are not the only smart blacks. They may feel vindicated, but they were wrong!

    Obama may be intelligent, but as my grandmother would say, “He ain’t got a lick of sense!” Obama is a deep thinker, but his intellect is misguided and useful only in discussions of socialism.

    In the end however, Harry Reid, the Guilters and silly Negros have done America a favor. They have set the color line for “acceptable blacks” among racists, something of which I was certainly unaware. We now know what it takes to rise above race issues for some people. Thankfully Americans have indeed risen above race…Conservative Americans that is.

    As for the Guilters and silly Negros however remain the most racist group of Americans ever. But there is no reason for them to apologize for their way of thinking. In their insane way what Guilters and black Democrats hearts are in the right place. What they are saying is simple: They wish black Democrats would act more like…black Conservatives!

    That’s my rant!
    Silly Negro – 2nd definition: A black person who voted for Obama for ANY reason.

    © 2010 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere All Rights Reserved

  70. ohiobelle says:

    Conan just announced he will not continue with the Tonight Show. GOOD FOR HIM!! HE IS BETTER THAN THEM!

    We have banned Jay Leno!

  71. samiam60 says:

    Be very careful VF,
    I have noticed that Michelle continues to widen her girth… choo choo

    Please be Careful VF,

    I understand that Michele has the right to
    ” Bare Arms “

  72. VotingFemale says:

    time to call the “get rid of the neighbors dogs’ guy

    ohiobelle says

    Did I tell you guys that the idiots behind us actually got another Bullmastiff? Now there are 2 of the blood suckers!

  73. VotingFemale says:

    lol Sammy

    Michelle needs to worry about that Social Secretary slinking around her white house… she makes Michelle look like a 1967 garbage truck

  74. samiam60 says:

    VF says
    Michelle needs to worry about that Social Secretary slinking around her white house… she makes Michelle look like a 1967 garbage truck


    You show no mercy do you? roflmao

  75. samiam60 says:

    Thank you for the link.

    Very interesting read.

  76. VotingFemale says:

    Obama tax flip flop

    President Obama sure sounded like he was for the everyman on the campaign trail when he pledged ‘no taxes’ on 95% of working Americans. Of course, he doesn’t seem to count indirect taxation as a tax. For example, when he breaks his promise and decides to go through with a tax on so called Cadillac insurance plans, that is a tax on millions of Americans. And contrary to popular belief, subscribing to a Cadillac plan doesn’t necessarily mean you are a fat cat millionaire. Many people sacrifice elsewhere in order to have a great health plan for their families. This will break their backs.

    -Glen Beck

  77. samiam60 says:

    I will be watching my first ever Glenn Beck show at 5PM. Gone are the days of being the only one on the blog from 5 to 6 PM.

    We will have to fill that time slot on shifts.

  78. VotingFemale says:

    No Dialect Obama be gonin down da tubz

  79. VotingFemale says:

    The CBC’s msg to Black America:

    If yo has a black dialect, yo ain’t fittin to be presidet an especally if yo is darkly…

    now take Obama… he be light and learned that white dialect from his white grand mama and white grand pappy an some from his white mama

  80. samiam60 says:

    The RA eyes will be flashing all the time now.

  81. samiam60 says:

    Maybe they can re-program his Teleprompter for ebonics? I dunno, gotta make every body happy.

  82. VotingFemale says:

    if Obama don’t like this blog he can call Glen Beck on the red phone and complain…

  83. samiam60 says:

    Concerning the Fanny and Freddie scandal it is being reported that Barney Frank may be in
    backdoor meeting with some of his Aides.

  84. VotingFemale says:

    I have watched him switch on his fake jive talk… case in point his NWWCP speech in 2009

  85. samiam60 says:

    VF, I was watching a DVD yesterday
    “Dances with Wolves” but I noticed a warning on the beginning of the DVD that read INTERPOL INTERNATIONAL with a warning that I did not get to read as it goes by so fast. That is a 1992 DVD.
    what up wit dat?

  86. VotingFemale says:

    his back door friends? or his pot growin’ friends? or his backdoor pot growing friends?

    samiam60 says

    Concerning the Fanny and Freddie scandal it is being reported that Barney Frank may be in
    backdoor meeting with some of his Aides.

  87. VotingFemale says:

    it is a scare banner by the movie guild to try to protect their copy right… I am surprise they dont have Al Qaeda in there with interpol and the FBI

    samiam60 says

    VF, I was watching a DVD yesterday
    “Dances with Wolves” but I noticed a warning on the beginning of the DVD that read INTERPOL INTERNATIONAL with a warning that I did not get to read as it goes by so fast. That is a 1992 DVD.
    what up wit dat?

  88. VotingFemale says:

    Scott Brown Smack down, the Debate

    WHDH Ch 7 is a local Boston NBC channel and is way left… which is why I rarely watch it… (We have channel 25 FOX for local stuff)

    To have them declare Brown as the clear debate winner is a major coup

    they said:
    Martha Coakley was Martha Coakley — a lawyer who looked and sounded like a teacher. As always she was calm, measured and unemotional, but unlike always, she sometimes seemed tentative, even taken aback.

    It was Scott Brown who made her that way. Brown knew what he wanted to say and said it. He was confident and personable. He was aggressive, but not so aggressive that he crossed any gender line.

    Joe Kennedy had a strong debate performance, too. He got out his message that he’s the candidate of smaller government and less spending. He never looked uncomfortable, and he even had a sense of humor.

    I’m sure this won’t be unanimous, but Scott Brown was my clear choice as the winner of this debate. He blended a soft delivery with hard attacks. Most important, watching him, you could imagine him in the U.S. Senate, not the State Senate

    I’ll be the first to say it. Watching him, I could even imagine him as President. …He’s clean, articulate, and in 2012 he’ll have two whole years in the US Senate under his belt, (like someone else we all know)…

  89. samiam60 says:

    I cannot believe how excited I am to have my Cable back. It has been about 8 months with rabbit ears that don’t really work.

    I have arranged the big screen in such a way that I can blog and watch at the same time.

    Its like having a threesome.

    Not that I would ever do that but —–never mind now I am just digging myself a deeper hole.

  90. Foxwood says:

    Sorry for the bad news Belle. The only good news I can think of so far with this weather is that it will kill off the state bird… the mosquito.

  91. samiam60 says:

    I would like to know how many assets Interpol has in Our Country.


  92. VotingFemale says:

    Congratulations Sweetie!

    Glenn is on a 5 eastern!

    And I also have a set up so I can see the big screen and blog at the same time…

    It is political central here!

    samiam60 // January 12, 2010 at 4:00 pm (edit)

    I cannot believe how excited I am to have my Cable back. It has been about 8 months with rabbit ears that don’t really work.

    I have arranged the big screen in such a way that I can blog and watch at the same time.

  93. VotingFemale says:

    Sarah Palin will be on FOX at 8pm eastern… on The Factor

  94. ohiobelle says:

    Foxwood wrote: Sorry for the bad news Belle. The only good news I can think of so far with this weather is that it will kill off the state bird… the mosquito.

    Thank you. At least they won’t be able to install the “smart” meter until the back of the house is repaired. FINALLY GREAT NEWS!!

  95. samiam60 says:

    VF says
    Sarah Palin will be on FOX at 8pm eastern… on The Factor

    I know and that played apart in getting this set up today. I will pop the Popcorn for that show.

  96. Foxwood says:

    “swamp RAT!!”

    We call em nutrinas around here. Webbed feet. Dems good eatin’.

  97. ohiobelle says:

    I am going to de-stress by working out. I’ll check back when I am finished.

  98. VotingFemale says:

    The Obama Power Meter?

    oy vey

    ohiobelle says

    Foxwood wrote: Sorry for the bad news Belle. The only good news I can think of so far with this weather is that it will kill off the state bird… the mosquito.

    Thank you. At least they won’t be able to install the “smart” meter until the back of the house is repaired. FINALLY GREAT NEWS!!

  99. Foxwood says:

    What’s dat in da gumbo?

    Dunno, found it in th ditch…

  100. VotingFemale says:

    I have to scoot for a while…

    laters dears

  101. ohiobelle says:

    VF wrote: The Obama Power Meter?

    Yes. I got a letter from AEP telling us that they will begin project gridSMART by installing 110,000 “smart” meters in the next month or so. Now Obama & Co will have complete control of the distribution grid. We have fought not to have the meter installed but we have no choice. This is just the beginning… sigh

  102. ohiobelle says:

    Due to pricing schemes, utilities stand to benefit greatly from smart meters – at our expense!

    Just wait and see what Obama & Co consider “off-peak hours”… I’m sure it will be during Glenn Beck and Hannity.. lol

    You would think that the gridSMART project wouldn’t take effect until the Global hoax was passed??

    Now I am really working out. I’ll check back.

  103. Foxwood says:

    Glenn’s making me hungry… Mmmmmmmmm pie!

  104. Foxwood says:

    Earthquake in Haiti. Tsunami watch in the Caribbean. Kink, time to get the surf board.

  105. samiam60 says:

    Finally got to see my first Glenn Beck show.

    The key to his success imo is that he is talking directly to his audience. He is presenting facts in a way that everyone can understand and he makes a person stop and think about just what is going on in our Government.

    What we any of us do if there never was a Fox News?

    How much would any of us really truly know about these issues if all we had was the Lame stream media.

    I think back to my growing up years and having 3 TV station and only a half hour news program at night. That and the news papers could never inform people the way we are informed today.

    We must protect this valuable source for our news at all costs.

    We are enlightened.

  106. ohiobelle says:

    Somebody should tell Reid that Jose Canseco is looking for a friend. The party will now start turning on each other and this administration.

    Did anybody hear Bill Clintons comment about Obama??

  107. LisaInTX says:

    President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors

  108. LisaInTX says:

    The White House

    Office of the Press Secretary
    For Immediate Release January 11, 2010

    President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors

    Executive Order will Strengthen Further Partnership Between the Federal and State and Local Governments to Better Protect Our Nation

    The President today signed an Executive Order (PDF) establishing a Council of Governors to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State Governments to protect our Nation against all types of hazards. When appointed, the Council will be reviewing such matters as involving the National Guard of the various States; homeland defense; civil support; synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States; and other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.

    The bipartisan Council will be composed of ten State Governors who will be selected by the President to serve two year terms. In selecting the Governors to the Council, the White House will solicit input from Governors and Governors’ associations. Once chosen, the Council will have no more than five members from the same party and represent the Nation as a whole.

    Federal members of the Council include the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs, the U.S. Northern Command Commander, the Commandant of the Coast Guard, and the Chief of the National Guard Bureau. The Secretary of Defense will designate an Executive Director for the Council.

    The Council of Governors will provide an invaluable Senior Administration forum for exchanging views with State and local officials on strengthening our National resilience and the homeland defense and civil support challenges facing our Nation today and in the future.

    The formation of the Council of Governors was required by the Fiscal Year 2008 National Defense Authorization Act which stated, “The President shall establish a bipartisan Council of Governors to advise the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the White House Homeland Security Council on matters related to the National Guard and civil support missions.” (NDAA FY2008, Sec 1822)

  109. Foxwood says:

    It’s no wonder Hannity and Colms is just Hannity now.

  110. Foxwood says:


  111. Foxwood says:


  112. tellitlikeitis says:

    God Evening Everyome!!! Fowwood! I Like Gumbo! here is a much watch video!!!

  113. tellitlikeitis says:

    Sorry for the typo’s

  114. Foxwood says:

    Just don’t ask what nutrina is…

  115. Foxwood says:

    So what does a Communist country do before the initial takeover? Deny it’s citizens gun ownership…

  116. rosehips says:

    lol foxy. I watched the gov but then got distracted and didn’t see all of the commentary later. I thought O’Reilly was a bit tough on her. She did a good job of dodging some of his q’s.
    I’m sorry I missed 60 Minutes the other night. I noticed noone around here mentioned it. That bad huh?

    foxy said: FU Alan Colms!

  117. Foxwood says:


    Your blog hours have changed. Work?

  118. tellitlikeitis says:

    Foxwood, If the UN wants to come and collect my gun they will be greeted by the business end of it upon arrival. They better bring body bags.

  119. Foxwood says:

    “I’m sorry I missed 60 Minutes the other night. I noticed noone around here mentioned it. That bad huh?”

    No one watches 60 Minutes, look at the ratings…

  120. tellitlikeitis says:

    I am sorry Foxwood. I am extremely busy at work right now. My comment time has been greatly reduced. I virtually no time to comment right now during the day.

  121. rosehips says:

    hey lisa, that council of govs sounds like it could be dangerous to citizens, but could have its purpose in keeping us safer. It makes sense to coordinate, but if they use it to control or watch us, I’m against it.

  122. Foxwood says:


    LOL! Me too! Did someone say Ruby Ridge? Branch Dividians? Opps…

  123. rosehips says:

    Bill O’Reilly likes 60 minutes. lol

  124. Foxwood says:

    “It makes sense to coordinate, but if they use it to control or watch us, I’m against it.”


  125. Foxwood says:


    You have to stop running around nude!

  126. rosehips says:

    60 Minutes” (6 p.m. Sunday, WBBM-Ch. 2) begins the new year happy. Although broadcast viewership is down as a whole, the venerable newsmagazine’s ratings are up 12 percent to 15 percent over last fall, including two No. 1 finishes in November—the first time in five years it has been the top-rated show during the regular TV season.

  127. Foxwood says:

    “Bill O’Reilly likes 60 minutes. lol”

    Yeah yeah… Bill’s not a Conservative…

  128. Foxwood says:

    “viewership is down as a whole, the venerable newsmagazine’s ratings ”

    That’s the info I got…

  129. Foxwood says:

    I’m glass half empty guy…

  130. rosehips says:

    lol foxy, shows you how you can spin things. Chop off the word “broadcast” in front of viewership and it takes on a whole new meaning. very clever little trick. hahaha

  131. tellitlikeitis says:

    If the UN thinks they will be able to somehow usurp the constitution especially the second amendment they are truly living in La La land. True Americans will not give up their gun rights without a fight. Unlike Britain, Australia, and Canada we have a second amendment here in the US that guarantees gun ownership and it will not be infringed. If they want to to initiate the next civil war this will do it.

  132. rosehips says:

    I am not exactly sure what they mean by “broadcast” but I took that as total tv veiwership, which they say is down. I dunno.

  133. Foxwood says:

    “Chop off the word “broadcast” in front of viewership and it takes on a whole new meaning. very clever little trick.”

    No spin. Anyone can read the whole comment list…

  134. Foxwood says:

    I’m wondering, Tellit, if Interpol is who Obutthole has in mind for Martial Law….

  135. tellitlikeitis says:

    Foxwood, What is wrong with these ballless Europeans. We are Americans for god’s sake. We didn’t the get the same snip snip job these castrated motherf^ckers got. What are they thinking? lol

  136. tellitlikeitis says:

    Hi Rose, Always a pleasure! Glad your back!

  137. Foxwood says:

    Obutthole gave them privileges above the Constitution, Tellit. It’s a F*CKED up deal for us Americans…

  138. Foxwood says:

    She was a beautiful child, Tellit. Makes me wonder what she looks like today…


  139. tellitlikeitis says:

    Interpol is not going to enforce shit. Just another castrated European law enforcement agency. Don’t even worry about them.

  140. Foxwood says:


  141. rosehips says:

    tellit, that is a good video. thank you.

    I went to the open society institute website. Do you know you can see hundreds of grants that were awarded to different orgs and it shows how much was awarded. They actually do a lot of good things and give away tons of money. tons.

  142. rosehips says:

    here’s an org that helps Haitians develop sustainable businesses. They have put out a call for donations to help the earthquake victims. They are gonna need a lot of help. God help the people of Haiti during this horrible tragedy.

  143. LisaInTX says:

    Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was Murdered

  144. LisaInTX says:

    Hey Rose
    IMO—You can’t have it both ways dear….You either remain FREE or sell out to the government control.
    I don’t like ANY of this—Bush wanted this $hit and now a FULL BLOWN Muslim COMMIE Foreigner has our country in his control!

  145. Foxwood says:

    FU Horendo Revolver…

  146. rosehips says:

    lisa, IMO you can’t demand better security and then oppose better coordination amongst the states.

  147. Foxwood says:

    Black Lassie (Featuring Johnnie Stash)
    by Cheech & Chong
    1974 – Comedy

    Hi, I’m Johnny Stash
    And I’m here to sing about
    A great American dog
    Black Lassie

    Hit it, Carl

    She was born in the Detroit ghetto
    During the riots of ’65
    Her daddy was a big fat alley rat
    But he could lick a dog twice his size

    Her mama was
    A long legged Afghan
    And she came from the
    High class part of town

    But late at night
    When the moon got bright
    Her and the rat
    Really went to town

    Black Lassie, fat and sassy
    She started poor, aw
    But now she’s rich

    She’s the queen
    Of the doggy world
    Black Lassie is a ghetto
    (Sssh, don’t you say it)
    But I’m talking about Black Lassie

    Now I want everybody to listen
    While Carl plays with his wa-wa

    Wa wa wa wa wa waaaaaaaah

    Wa wa wa wa wa waaaaaaaah!

    That was Carl and his wa-wa
    Thank you very much, Carl
    That’s just fine

    You can stop now, Carl

    Carl, you can stop now
    Gimme that wa-wa, Carl

    Don’t you ever try to play when I’m
    Singing about a great American dog

    Black Lassie, fat and sassy
    She started poor, aw
    But now she’s rich

    She’s the queen of
    All the doggys in the world
    Because Black Lassie
    She’s a ghetto
    (Sssh, don’t you say it)
    But I’m talking about Black Lassie

    A great American
    Half dog, half rat
    Don’t mess with her
    Because she’a a real (shut up)

    Aw, shut up, yourself
    I wasn’t gonna say bitch
    I’m talking about Black Lassie

    I can just see little Timmy now
    Standing in front of that liquor store
    Calling his dog

    Here, Black Lassie
    Here, Black Lassie
    Come over here, girl
    Get out that trashcan
    And come over here

    Woo, you stink, where you been
    In that store, playing with men again
    Come over here, girl
    I got a cheeseburger for you

    That’s right, sit up
    Aw, that’s a good girl
    Aw, God, you’re ugly
    Those beady eyes
    But I love you, girl

    Speak for me, girl
    Speak for me
    I love you

  148. Pingback: Obama’s Council of Governors: Congress Granted Federal power to control us on a Local and State level! « LisaInTX's Blog

  149. LisaInTX says:

    I find myself at a cross road. We have KNOWN Terror cells within our nation, YET, the Federal government does NOT want our Local and State boys to take care of it? I thought they all worked together WITHOUT the use of our Military?
    No, truthfully, I do not see how congress granting THIS AMOUNT OF POWER to the CORRUPT Federal government is anything but BAD F—ing news!

  150. LisaInTX says:

    LMAO….good idea!! 😛

  151. LisaInTX says:

    Another LOL!! Hmmm…he might be on to something here?

  152. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning my Fellow Patriots 🙂

  153. samiam60 says:

    I did not much care for the manor in which O’Reiley interviewed Sarah Palin.

    I am looking forward to Glenn Becks one hour with Sarah Palin today.

    I hope I can be home in time to see it. A busy in and out sorta day planned today.

  154. samiam60 says:

    HAITI really was hit hard with this earth quake.
    I feel for all the suffering that is going on there and hope the US can get there quickly to help.

    This past decade has seen a lot of natural Disasters it seems. It seems to be escalating more and more with each passing year. I wonder if the 2012 predictions should be taken more seriously?

  155. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Samiam!

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Motto of the day: Make a Liberal Miserable

  156. samiam60 says:

    VF says
    Motto of the day: Make a Liberal Miserable

    Good Morning VF,

    That will be easy to make a Liberal Miserable, after all look at all the help Obama is giving us. lol

  157. VotingFemale says:

    Send e-mail to O’Reilly and tell him to stop acting like a pinhead. He was pulling the male dominace crapola to let her know who is the king of the FOX Hill.

    On the other hand provocation evokes response and repeated sharpens response techniques.

    Sarah has limited experience at that, outside speech giving and formal debating, and can benefit from further development in that area.

    Wax On, Wax Off

    Still… Bill O deserves copious back of the head slams for his testosterone based bellicosity.

  158. samiam60 says:

    So you picked up on it also VF? I wish Sarah had not stroked his ego so much. He ate that up like the ego maniac he can be. And oh my, did he get gray or what? I have not seen his show in months and was sorta surprised at his new ” Statesman” look.

  159. VotingFemale says:

    Sammy, I am THRILLED THRILLED THRILLED that you now have FOXNews available along with the rest a cable connection provides.

    Are you now hooked up with a broadband interent connection as well, or using dialup?

  160. samiam60 says:


    I have had the Broadband all along from my cable company but had to give up the Cable TV about 8 months ago to survive the Obamanomics. Winter is here and so I decided to splurge and bring back the Cable TV for the Winter months. I believe we are about to see History being made and I don’t want to miss a minuet of it.

  161. VotingFemale says:

    Sarah is very savvy in dealing with pompous egotistical men… and she fed him line and he ran with the hook in his mouth.

    We women have a dimension of power that escapes many men. Bill was over the top and Sarah knew it… trust me when I say the e-mails calling Bill out will FLOOD FOXNews.

    She mocked him when she said he was the grand Fox puu-bah… his ego light up like a Christmas Tree not realizing people were watching the dynamic… not realizing the source of her power… which is people.

    People underestimate Sarah frequently, and that is a pinhead thing to do! 😉

    His lumps will be long lasting…

    Her style is disarming… her cunning is that of a ‘cuda.

  162. samiam60 says:

    It is looking like I am going to have to come out of retirement sometime in late February and return to the work force. I have a tentative contract with a local company here for the end of February. I was hoping to hold off till April to avoid the winter conditions but oh well, that is not going to be possible now thanks to Obama’s hope and change.

  163. VotingFemale says:

    You yourself reacted to Sarah’s tactic… and went after Bill O….

    She is feminine… not a pant suited woman trying to act like a male to fit in… like some women politicians.

    The dynamics seem to escape many men who assume they have the upper hand by entitlement of being male… and Sarah knows how to whack them in a way that many of them never see it for what it is until it is too late.

  164. VotingFemale says:

    In my opinion, Sarah is the most feminine national politician ever seen in the USA.

    And many a guy on the national scene have no concept how to deal with it and gets run over.

    She is such a good role model for us…

  165. samiam60 says:

    VF says
    We women have a dimension of power that escapes many men.


    I must say that I have learned a great deal about the women species here on this blog from you and the other ladies here. I have concluded that us men never really had a chance nor did we ever really have control in our relationships.

    Us men our many times blinded by our own egos and you have helped me look beyond that to see the beauty of the Women creature and just go with the flow. Makes life a whole lot easier for me, thanks.

  166. VotingFemale says:

    Sammy, the respect has to go both ways… neither sex is better than the other… just different, yet both equally100% human.

    That guy Steve Schmidt who was the McCain campaign asshole has a major ego problem… and though he has attacked Sarah to dominate her… he is the one suffering the damage… and he is the one who will not find a job running a campaign again.

    I would not want to be on Sarah’s bad side.

  167. samiam60 says:

    I fully expect America to get a good look at Sarah tonight on Glenn Beck. I do believe he will compliment her intelligence and beauty in a way America will appreciate. He is a gentleman, imo.

  168. VotingFemale says:

    I have argued with myself about blogposting about Sarah’s feminine dynamics and the role it plays in her political exchanges… and decided against it.

    Let the buttheads take their lumps and try to figure it out on their own. HA

  169. samiam60 says:

    VF says
    Sammy, the respect has to go both ways… neither sex is better than the other… just different, yet both equally100% human.


    Perhaps that was God’s intention when He said the two shall become one. A complete union for the betterment of all mankind.

  170. VotingFemale says:

    precisely so… no man or woman is complete without the other.

    Sammy says

    VF, Perhaps that was God’s intention when He said the two shall become one. A complete union for the betterment of all mankind.

  171. samiam60 says:

    Well I have to go and get ready to take of some things this morning and so I will be back on here a little bit later. Good morning to all who come on this morning and remember today is:

    Make a Liberal Miserable Day.

    Give Rosehips a pass though.

  172. VotingFemale says:

    Semi-Retirement is a good thing, in my view, Sammy, for a lot of reasons.

    samiam60 says

    It is looking like I am going to have to come out of retirement sometime in late February and return to the work force. I have a tentative contract with a local company here for the end of February. I was hoping to hold off till April to avoid the winter conditions but oh well, that is not going to be possible now thanks to Obama’s hope and change.

  173. VotingFemale says:

    Rosehips? tee hee

    She is a big girl… and can handle herself lol

    and dish it with the best of them 😉

  174. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  175. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Mr Foxwood!

  176. Foxwood says:

    Good morning VF!

    Good Morning Sami!

  177. VotingFemale says:

    I am researching for some new blogposts…

    e-mails to me gets my attention till I get back…

  178. Foxwood says:

    I think Sarah is sharpening her claws for battle at a later date.

  179. Foxwood says:

    Brown needs to hammer Coakley on her Afghanistan comments.

  180. Foxwood says:

    Nuthin like gumbo in the morning…

    Right Carville?

  181. Foxwood says:

    I’ll be out for a bit. Washing work truck.

  182. rosehips says:

    morning peeps!

    yeah VF, lol. Go ahead…make my day!

    vf said: Rosehips? tee hee

    She is a big girl… and can handle herself lol

    and dish it with the best of them

  183. rosehips says:

    Just read this. I know how y’all love the pc world. heehee

    Senator wants ‘at-risk’ kids to hope
    SEATTLE – Decades ago, poor children became known as “disadvantaged” to soften the stigma of poverty. Then they were “at-risk.” Now, a Washington lawmaker wants to replace those euphemisms with a new one: “at hope.”

    Democratic Sen. Rosa Franklin says negative labels are hurting kids’ chances for success and she’s not a bit concerned that people will be confused by her proposed rewrite of the 54 places in state law where words like “at risk” and “disadvantaged” are used.

    The bill has gotten a warm welcome among fellow lawmakers, state officials and advocacy groups.

    “We really put too many negatives on our kids,” says Franklin, who is the state Senate’s president pro tem. “We need to come up with positive terms.”

    Republican Rep. Glenn Anderson disagrees, saying the potential cost of getting the bill from idea to printing – an average of $3,500 – is too much. And besides, he says, he is insulted more by the idea of the bill than what he called the political correctness it represents.

    “It’s not the label, it’s the people who show up to help (children) that make the difference,” he said. “What helps is a smart, well-structured program that has funding and credibility.”

  184. rosehips says:

    $3500 is a small price to pay to give kids hope. Look how much Obama spent to give the nation hope.

  185. samiam60 says:

    Rose says
    $3500 is a small price to pay to give kids hope. Look how much Obama spent to give the nation hope.

    Yah Rose,

    And where did that get us?

  186. samiam60 says:

    I can remember a time in America when we had all Polish, all Irish, all Italian neighborhoods.

    Folks, this Country is a melting pot of many nationalities and races. Is it no wonder that some tend to keep to themselves and that some choose to not associate with others. Is that not what Freedom means.

    Find me one Country on planet earth where there are different races and nationalities that don’t always care to associate with one another.

    Why is that so wrong. It happens within our own Families and Circles of Friends.

    Political Correctness is really just Bullshit.

    We are a free society and if someone don’t like me for who I am or what I stand for well that’s just ok with me. I don’t expect everyone to like me or agree with me in this life.

    So what am I saying?

    I am saying the people will pick and choose whom they like and dislike and nothing is ever going to change that.

    All men/women are Created Equal. It stops there.

    What a person does with his or her life determines just how equal we are.

    That applies to Race, Ethnic background and gender.

    America is messed up these days because folks who clearly are not equal are given positions of importance based on their Heritage rather than their Qualifications.

    Affirmative Action weakened American industry by virtue of unqualified individuals being placed in positions of power and decision making.

    It is just plain wrong!

    This is the land of Opportunity for anyone who is willing to ” work ” for it. ( PERIOD. )

    It is not the land of Opportunity for people who demand it by virtue of heritage.

    That’s just wrong.

    So I guess that just makes me a Bigot and Racist now don’t it?

  187. samiam60 says:

    Political Correctness is really just Bullshit.

  188. rosehips says:

    sami, you are such a guido, lol.

  189. samiam60 says:

    Why thank you Rose. I consider that a compliment and will not cry Bigotry.

  190. rosehips says:

    lol sami. I guess in your neck of the woods the term is “Mario” heehee

    The term is used in Northeastern United States metropolitan areas associated with large Italian-American populations (Long Island, Westchester, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Staten Island, South Philadelphia, Little Italy in Baltimore, the North End, Federal Hill, Johnston, Rhode Island, North Jersey etc.).[7] In other areas, terms such as “Mario” (Chicago) and “Gino” (Toronto) have a similar meaning as Guido.[5]

  191. samiam60 says:

    All men/women are Created Equal. It stops there.

    What a person does with his or her life determines just how equal we are.

    That applies to Race, Ethnic background and gender.

    America is messed up these days because folks who clearly are not equal are given positions of importance based on their Heritage rather than their Qualifications.

  192. rosehips says:

    VF, what about Barney Frank? hahaha

    VF said: In my opinion, Sarah is the most feminine national politician ever seen in the USA.

  193. samiam60 says:

    My friends just call me Godfather. Now how far do you want to go with this Rose?

  194. rosehips says:

    dunno sami. maybe I would be smart to stop now? haha

    sami said: My friends just call me Godfather. Now how far do you want to go with this Rose?

  195. rosehips says:

    sami, make me an offer I can’t refuse.

  196. rosehips says:

    sami, are you in favor of labor laws that prevent employers from discriminating against women? Equal pay for equal work?

  197. samiam60 says:

    Have to run out again for a while there Rose.

    Catch you all later.

  198. rosehips says:

    k sami, see you later!

  199. samiam60 says:

    Rose says and then I have to go
    sami, are you in favor of labor laws that prevent employers from discriminating against women? Equal pay for equal work?

    Rose it is real simple,

    If you are white, black, brown, yellow,green, man or woman, the only thing that matters to an employer is “QUALIFICATIONS”

    Affirmative Action is killing small business and Government Jobs. Its wrong, unfair, and needs to stop.

    America is the land of OPPORTUNITY not
    ENTITLEMENTS. Hugs dear, have to go.

  200. rosehips says:

    yeah foxy and she better sharpen some other things too and brush up on her history and geography too. and current world issues….

    foxy said: I think Sarah is sharpening her claws for battle at a later date.

  201. samiam60 says:

    Don’t take the bait Foxwood 🙂

  202. rosehips says:

    k sami, but you didn’t answer my question. I agree with you that qualifications should be formost but should an employer be compelled to promote me if I am more qualified than you even if she doesn’t want to promote me because she is hot for you? lol

  203. rosehips says:

    well, I need to go sharpen my pencils. see you all later!

  204. samiam60 says:

    Rose says and then I really got to go, no really!
    k sami, but you didn’t answer my question. I agree with you that qualifications should be formost but should an employer be compelled to promote me if I am more qualified than you even if she doesn’t want to promote me because she is hot for you? lol

    Rose that would always be wrong and I get your point. Fact is I am sure that does happen in the work place but is the exception rather than the rule. Get real woman. Sexual Harassment laws have put a stop to much of that.

    did you pick up on the sexist “Get real woman” comment? giggle, just funnin with ya is all. bye

  205. Foxwood says:

    “My friends just call me Godfather”

    Boss, you want should I bust up some fingers?

  206. VotingFemale says:

    the blog wasn’t the same without you, hippie girl.

    rosehips says

    morning peeps!

    yeah VF, lol. Go ahead…make my day!

    vf said: Rosehips? tee hee

    She is a big girl… and can handle herself lol

    and dish it with the best of them

  207. VotingFemale says:

    nothing feminine about Barney the Bottom

    he is not a femmy fag… just an everyday liberal fat-assed over the hill butt-ugly fag


    rosehips says

    VF, what about Barney Frank? hahaha

    VF said: In my opinion, Sarah is the most feminine national politician ever seen in the USA.

  208. LisaInTX says:

    Good Morning America!

    I think that God made man and saw that he could not multi-task, then created woman and we’ve been helping them every since. LOL

    No offense to the men here…’s a GIRL thing…hahahaha

  209. rosehips says:

    The blog wasn’t the same without you either, cat woman.

    VF said: the blog wasn’t the same without you, hippie girl.

  210. rosehips says:

    lisa, lol at the multi-task challenged male population….

  211. LisaInTX says:

    I raised two and have been married to one for 25 years…I’m an experienced Multi-tasker.

  212. Foxwood says:

    “yeah foxy and she better sharpen some other things too and brush up on her history and geography too. and current world issues….”

    What lefty commie news programs do you watch, Rosey? 🙂

  213. LisaInTX says:

    LOL at “Godfather” 😛

    You are so right. Rosie gets a Lifetime Unrevokable Pass (Like congress wants for their healthscare bill) from us.

  214. Foxwood says:

    Ennie meanie chilli beanie
    The spirits are about to speak!

    I feel a new blogpost coming….

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