A battle won but a war lost? harry first voted to defeat his bill; Mele Kalikimaka, Obama hahaha

Enjoy your Hawaiian Christmas, Obama, we will be here when you get back even more pissed off and determined to join forces with your base on the left to prevent this Abortion of a Health Care Bill from ever coming to you for signing… HO HO HO

I am sure the crew of Air Force One loves having their Christmas shot to hell as you ride off into the wild blue yonder. Think any of them are cursing and mocking you and your wife behind your back? I do…

The 60 Socialist Senators passed the Senate version of ObamaCare in a 60 to 39 split exactly down party lines… Barry the Enchanted One was just on TV talking about it… and was looking in the eyes like he had been up crying all night.

This is an historically hollow win… a battle won but a win that will likely cause their Socialist War on America to fail.

The 60 Socialist Senators’ Version is NOT WHAT Obama’s Socialist Base want and they are not going to shut up and sit down.

The 60 Socialist Senators’ Version is NOT WHAT Palin’s Conservative Base want and they are not going to shut up and sit down.

The 60 Socialist Senators will go home and face very Angry Constituents from the Left and the Right who are all hopping mad.The 200+ Socialist Representatives will go home and face very Angry Constituents from the Left and the Right who are all hopping mad.

What a wonderful Christmas Present…

Obama? Enjoy your non-religious “Christmas Tree” what with Chairman Mao Balls, Drag Queen Balls, and Your Face on Mt Rushmore Balls hanging in place of Baby Jesus and Angels.

Obama? you are one Screwed-Up Excuse for a President… pandering to everyone has lead to being stomped on by everyone… and your God Complex now only serves as reason to mock you… boo hoo hooo Barry, no one seems to want to kneel at your feet and gaze lovingly into your eyes and swoon.

Even your Communist Bud, Hugo Chavez, says you stink of sulfur and Iran mocks you to your face in front of the ENTIRE PLANET.

Even the Socialist Congressional Black Caucus’ favorite Cuban thinks you suck, Barry: Cuba President Raul Castro lashes out at Barack Obama.

Mele Kalikimaka, Obama


Additional reading…

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:Uh Oh, Cats and Dogs Getting Along and Uh Oh, Cats and Dogs Getting Along
HOTAiR:Senate passes Reid bill, 60-39 and Video: Obama in ‘08 promising “every penny” of TARP would go back to taxpayers
Heritage Foundation:Morning Bell: Coal for Christmas from the Senate
Gateway Pundit:Sarah Palin: Democrats Will Awaken Sleeping Giant With Health Care Takeover and Thanks Barack- Domestic Terror Plots Hit Peak in 2009; More US Soldiers Killed By Terrorists Last Month in US Than In Iraq
Sister Toldjah:Christmas Eve Eve Open Thread
American Power:Protest at Claire ‘Joker’ McCaskill’s Office
Nice Deb:Video: Charles Krauthammer On The Great Political Realignment That Wasn’t
Frugal Café:Senate Health Bill Passes… Merry Christmas, Socialist America
Michelle Malkin:
Senate delivers 2 massive lumps of coal
Conservatives For Palin:
Awakening the Sleeping Giant
Animal Farm:
Healthcare, your Christmas present…
Boudica WPI:
“The Time Has Come,” Obama said, “To Talk of Many Things: Of Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax. Of Cabbages and Kings. And Why the Sea is Boiling Hot and Whether Pigs Have Wings.”
LisainTX’s Blog:
Leftwing Corruption of America good, Rightwing Values and Principals bad? and Code of Cloture IN, Code of Ethics OUT!
Diary of a Mad Conservative:
MSNBC’s Matthews: Republicans Have Become ‘Party of the Confederacy’
Moonbat Patrol:Bipartisan Financial Reform? Is It True Santa?
SamHenry’s Blog:
Exquisite Demagoguery – Senator Whitehouse’s Inciteful Senate Floor Speech
VotingFemale Speaks!:
Obama drowning in a Sea of Socialist Discontent; Senate ObamaCare in trouble with House of Reps
Temple of Mut:Happy Festivus from the Handmaiden of Big Oil
Dancing Czars: Governor of Nebraska Governot to Ben Nelson, Send the Bribe Money Back to Harry Reid Vote No on Christmas Eve and For Their Next Trick . . .Pelosi, Reid to Hold Closed-Door Meetings to Decide Final Bill…

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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158 Responses to A battle won but a war lost? harry first voted to defeat his bill; Mele Kalikimaka, Obama hahaha

  1. VotingFemale says:

    I need to go do some shopping before the stores close. ugh

    Will be back later!

    Merry Christmas and Love to Each One of You!


  2. m2 says:

    Even the Black Caucus’ favorite Cuban is mad at Obama, Cuba President Raul Castro lashes out at Barack Obama

  3. m2 says:

    All that appeasing of dictators and siding with thugs hasn’t done much good, when he doesn’t realize they don’t hate us because of ‘social justice’ across the globe, they hate us because we are prosperous.


  4. m2 says:

    “Recent headlines seem lifted directly out of an Ayn Rand novel. President Obama decries the “fat cat bankers on Wall Street”. Harry Reid attacks insurance companies for making too much profit. House Democrat leaders call Tea Partiers “Racist, Nazi, Gun Nuts”. How about this nauseating statement made by Army General George Casey after the Muslim terrorist attack on Ft. Hood?

    As great a tragedy as this was, it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well

    Each of these headlines might well have been uttered by an Ayn Rand character. Rand, whose father’s pharmacy was confiscated by the Soviets during the communist revolution of 1917, and who came to America in 1926, seems uniquely able to speak to us about the inverted morality of our times. Virtue is to be apologized for. Depravity commands respect. Success is cast as evil and punished while failure is blamed on others and rewarded. Rand’s insights into the psychological state of collectivists—those who demand that we sacrifice our individual freedom and happiness for the sake of the state—explain what often seems incomprehensible to thinking people.

    An epic demonstration of the inverted morality that Rand described was on display in Copenhagen last week as the world’s worst most evil dictators—Mugabe and Chavez—partnered with the world’s most visible and misguided progressives—Al Gore , Gordon Brown, Barack Obama—in an orgy of depravity.”

  5. m2 says:

    Virtue is to be apologized for. Depravity commands respect. Success is cast as evil and punished while failure is blamed on others and rewarded. Rand’s insights into the psychological state of collectivists—those who demand that we sacrifice our individual freedom and happiness for the sake of the state—explain what often seems incomprehensible to thinking people.

  6. m2 says:

    ” * Who but the mindless can believe that government run health care will reduce costs and improve care while covering more people?
    * Who but the mindless can believe that this President is now serious about reducing the deficit after shattering spending records during his first year?
    * Who but the mindless can take seriously the sham “jobs summit” held by a President whose every policy is a lesson in job destruction?
    * Who but the mindless can believe Obama’s lie that “Cash for Clunkers” which cost taxpayers $24,000 per car was successful?
    * Who but the mindless would not outraged that our government has reneged on its promise pay back the unused TARP fund to taxpayers?
    * Who but the mindless would not question the morality that the world’s finest health care, which has extended and improved human life in unimaginable ways—conceived and produced by countless unsung heroes in the private sector—should magically be transformed by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi into a “human right”, taken over by the state and rationed out as they please?

    The assault on reason by our President and Congress goes on ad infinitum. It is mindlessness that elected “hope and change” and mindlessness that sustains it. Ayn Rand recognized that the greatest struggle on earth is that between the individual and the collective, and to submit to the collective, the individual must lose his ability to think for himself. Howard Roark, hero of The Fountainhead explains;

    “The mind is an attribute of the individual. There is no such thing as a collective brain.”

  7. LisaInTX says:

    Oops VF—-can you delete my previous video comment….This is the one that is soo funny!!!

  8. LisaInTX says:

    Now it’s for the sake of the “World”. They want America to bow down and give them OUR lives, our money and our freedoms.

    I say they can KMA!!!! They want it, then they best WORK to get it like we did!

    M2 says “Rand’s insights into the psychological state of collectivists—those who demand that we sacrifice our individual freedom and happiness for the sake of the state—explain what often seems incomprehensible to thinking people.”

  9. m2 says:

    Lisa, that video would make the Paul Krugman’s of the world poop their pants…

  10. rosehips says:

    VF, last minute Christmas shopping? Why not get him a hybrid? hahaha

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!

    Hi m2, lisa!

    This makes me all warm and fuzzy….I dedicate it to all of you, especially ohiobelle.

  11. LisaInTX says:

    LOL—hahahaha……let the Power of Truth poop in their pants!!! hahaha

  12. LisaInTX says:

    Merry Christmas Eve Morning Rosie!! :]
    That video was a warm good feeling meaning.
    Thank you sweetie. :-}

  13. m2 says:

    I just read a funny article on Avatar…

    Indeed, at age 55, he would probably be dead by now in such an environment. And as he markets Avatar around the world, ticket sales will track income, and his profits will come from those nations and enclaves that are the legacy of imperialism. So between “us” and “them,” Cameron has done in his real life what any sane person would do: He has chosen “us.”

  14. m2 says:

    I can’t get through that video, sorry rosehips…
    ha ha ha…

    no one ever said ‘waste’ shouldn’t be kept to a minimum. I don’t get how that argument even correlates to “Anthropologic Global Warming”

    Te, hee!

  15. m2 says:

    That’s what leftists do to arrest individual liberty from tyranny. Lump a bunch of mush together that really have no place together in order to create a bigger “crisis”.

  16. m2 says:

    and Merry Christmas eve Day!!

  17. rosehips says:

    lisa, I liked the build a bear vid too. How adorable and thoughtful that little cutie is, even if he is an evil enviro-crusading propaganda spewing communist. haha I googled build a bear and found their website. They have all sorts of cute merchandise and stores all over the country. They are on Fortune 500’s Best Companies to Work For. I thought that belle might be interested in this because their warehouse is in Columbus! lol

  18. rosehips says:

    m2, I almost didn’t get through it; i’m feeling ADD this morning. But I actually enjoyed it and thought it was very well done.

    brb, I have lights and appliances turned on that aren’t being used….

  19. m2 says:

    Just tired of that stuff… lol.
    it’s getting so old.

  20. m2 says:

    Lefties can preach and preach all they want. But now they’re in ultimate power, and all they’re doing is Nothing, besides paying each other off and accumulating unlawful power.


  21. LisaInTX says:

    I must laugh at some of the propaganda in it though…Bio-fuel instead of feeding people or animals. NOT a GOOD exchange IMO….
    Tires….hmmm…good we have to pay to buy them, then have to Pay to recycle them, so WHO gets the profit on that? lol

  22. rosehips says:

    we went to the car wash yesterday. lots of people lined up to make their rigs shiny and new looking. They had free vacuums that just stay on all day. You pull up and vacuum out the car. No on/off switches or buttons to mess with. Quite convenient but it seems like such a waste to me. I dunno if we’ll ever get it. Even if you don’t believe in global warming, what about our dependency on foreign oil?

  23. LisaInTX says:

    Yeah—no one agrues that man Pollutes the environment and yet, it’s amazing how Conservatives are made out to be the ones polluting it the most??? LMAO
    We care MORE and UNDERSTAND the real meaning behind conserving our world.

  24. m2 says:

    I believe in Climate Change rosehips, never said I didn’t. I don’t believe cars are causing polar caps to melt.

    Foreign Oil problems would be resolved by oil shale, and domestic drilling, expanding the Private sector with FREEDOM which creates entreprenuerial incentives to create new fuel technology…

    You know, kind of like Ben Franklin discovering ELECTRICITY.

    That kind of thing.

    If the technology were there and sustainable with “wind” and “solar”- we’d all be transitioning. It’s not, it’s not reliable and doesn’t work consistently and is FAR too expensive. That is why Obama used it to buy votes which he never intends to do much about, because a poor country fighting to get through the basic necessities of everyday life won’t get much done in the way of NEW TECHNOLOGY.


    Then (with out leftists), we can stop domestic oil and replace it with our new future fuel.

    That’s my opinion. 🙂

  25. rosehips says:

    lisa, I hear they are developing biofuels that are made from waste and also algae looks like it could be a viable source as well.

    I think we are fortunate in this country that we can still feed all our people and also grow fuel to meet some of our needs. Biofuels can never completely replace oil.

  26. m2 says:

    But as you can see… the reality for the liberals (in power) championing Environmentalism – is just about … MONEY.

    Straight up.

    Just like us conservatives, always said.


  27. m2 says:

    RH always has a knack for shifting the debate to “green” … Green and Red, the colors of Christmas!! And Communists!!!

    he he he…
    🙂 just playin’ with you rosehips.

  28. rosehips says:

    m2, I respect your opinion, truely. I just think we can’t afford not to develop cleaner, sustainable alternatives that will save us in the long run. Oil shale technology is very dirty and expensive, from what I understand. Our proven reserves of oil won’t get us very far into the future. Even if we drilled for oil in Alaska, we need to transition to sustainable alternates now to prepare for the future, when we deplete the oil that many want to drill for. Or else we can just keep warring in the middle east and hope that we’ll be able to secure an endless supply of foreign oil.

  29. rosehips says:

    HO HO HO, comrade!

    m2 said: RH always has a knack for shifting the debate to “green” … Green and Red, the colors of Christmas!! And Communists!!!

  30. m2 says:

    I have understood the opposite. I guess getting facts from biased sources does that. But getting foreign oil is the worst. And we’re going broke so opportunities are running out. Kind of like the dead “space program”.

    And when you say this: “I just think we can’t afford not to develop cleaner, sustainable alternatives that will save us in the long run.”

    I say, what has anyone in Government done on that front?

    Absolutely nothing.
    And I don’t think they ever will..

  31. m2 says:

    and furthermore, not only will they not be able to do anything… as you know Vietnam was over rubber, right?

    Obama is killing the actual prosperity, and breadth of the Private sector which has been the world leader in innovation and technology…

    Anywho, 🙂

  32. rosehips says:

    actually, I was thinking about tar sands, or oil sands that are so dirty but oil shale poses environmental concerns about acid drainage, erosion, air pollution and heavy water usage.

    anyhoo, I know eviro issues aren’t yur thang…

  33. samhenry says:

    DOG flies into view in an old Huey chopper and lands on deck of the Great Ship VF.

    Hello friends. I have a few minutes before I have to go the pharmacy and the grocery store.

    I am fuming about the health care bill. Pharma companies have been for it. I am a retiree of a pharma company that has been saying since January they will buy into the government plan. That means I will lose my backup insurance and wonderful inexpensive prescription benefits. In other words, people who now enjoy retirement benefits befitting their years of service will be downgraded at a delicate time in their lives. I cannot tolerate a rise in cost and, under the new year, reduction of services. I go to a specialist about my spinal curvature in Philly and the best recommendation here is for me to continue to see him. He is the best in the nation and when it involves possible surgery at some point (it has got worse over time) you would want the best in an operation that could leave you paralyzed.

  34. m2 says:

    I will lose my insurance too SamHenry…

  35. m2 says:

    SamHenry, you sound very distressed. I know it’s scary, but don’t let it get you TOO down on Christmas Eve and for Christmas.

  36. m2 says:

    Well a very Merry GREEN and Earth-Loving Christmas to you, Rosehips. I do know how the thought of this personal crusade to benefit our gorgeous landscapes makes you feel passionate. Did you cut down a tree, may I ask? LOL?

    Rosehips said:

    actually, I was thinking about tar sands, or oil sands that are so dirty but oil shale poses environmental concerns about acid drainage, erosion, air pollution and heavy water usage.

    anyhoo, I know eviro issues aren’t yur thang…

  37. Kynikos says:

    Drive by, at work until 2, inch by inch our nation is moving away from individual freedom and to a totalarian state. Big government is bull shit, got a post in mind, happy shopping, mourning everyone, LOL I spelled that correctly…

  38. m2 says:

    LOL… mourning is right… good luck shopping Kynky…

  39. rosehips says:

    SH, I am so sorry that you are facing so many health issues, especially around the holidays. I understand your frustrations over the bill. I wish they would have kept in the provision that would allow us to purchase meds from Canada. We still may be able to do it but I don’t know exactly. I was buying meds in Canada about 5 years ago. I think you may not be able to purchase through the mail, but you may be able to go up there to purchase them.
    At least the bill doesn’t kick in entirely until 2014…

  40. m2 says:

    part of robert creamer (ex con! – I just love to add that bit), part of creamer’s strategy was to get Big Pharma to support the bill for bribes…

    Such is the way….

  41. jcscuba says:

    VF..LOL Don’t take prisoners! Ha Ha…True Patriot Pilots Might Take a certain plane straight into the ocean, bringing new meaning to the captain going down with the ship.

  42. m2 says:

    I mean everyone knows this has little to do with healthcare, if at all, most Liberals and All Conservatives, and all Independents know it.

    It’s the biggest grab of power by the federal, in maybe ever…

  43. rosehips says:

    m2, lol. no tree was cut to bring comfort and joy to this house. I did just get a very cool metal sculpture that resembles either a howling wolf or a tree, depending how you look at it. We thought about adorning it with lights and ornaments but I like it just how it is. I’ve got a string of lights and ornaments around the doorways and the stockings are hung over the woodstove. I’ve got a raging fire that’s taking the chill out of a very cold morning. Comfort and joy, yeah!

  44. LisaInTX says:

    We could always burn dried out cow patties!!!

    “Oil shale technology is very dirty and expensive, from what I understand.”

  45. m2 says:

    I didn’t think so, but if you said you did have a real tree I wouldn’t JUDGE YOU! No one can be like Algore!!! You my friend, are authentic and true champion of real environmentalism.

    Rosehips: m2, lol. no tree was cut to bring comfort and joy to this house. I did just get a very cool metal sculpture that resembles either a howling wolf or a tree, depending how you look at it. We thought about adorning it with lights and ornaments but I like it just how it is. I’ve got a string of lights and ornaments around the doorways and the stockings are hung over the woodstove. I’ve got a raging fire that’s taking the chill out of a very cold morning. Comfort and joy, yeah!

  46. m2 says:

    That might work, Lisa.. But the EU Enviromental-statists are telling us we can’t eat meat because of bovine farts… so I’m thinking that Cows, (along with domestic pets and children) are on the species exterminate list.

    Lisa says: Rosie
    We could always burn dried out cow patties!!!

  47. rosehips says:

    lisa, lol. cows will be a distant memory someday. Or will be only found in zoos. The zoos will need to be gov’t subsidized because the carbon offsets (from all that methane) will be too expensive to make them profitable. They will be like zoo museums and will be educational, teaching our grandchildren how their ancestors destroyed the planet with their disgusting meat-eating ways. lol

  48. m2 says:

    Lisa, lol … “Species Exterminate list” = “Population Control”

  49. LisaInTX says:

    From what I was told, our current health insurance will double in price, PLUS, we now will get to pay for other peoples insurance, fund abortions, etc…..
    Looks like WE may be UN-INSURED real SOON!!! Thanks to the COMMIES in DC!
    First time we have EVER had private insurance since we have been married, and NOW we will loose because of the LIE “fairness”.

  50. m2 says:

    In the year 3000, (Conan), we will all wear CO2 trans-replacement masks which convert our breath into green-friendly anti-greenhouse gas…

    and then our trees will be dead.

  51. rosehips says:

    m2, in past years when I lived up on the mountain, we went out and thinned out a tree. There are plenty of young trees that can be sacrificed in order to let other trees thrive. It enabled me to have a live tree and a relative lack of guilt. heehee

  52. rosehips says:

    m2, re: cows on the species exterminate list. We are thinking alike! lol

  53. m2 says:

    I have a fake tree!!!

    but that probably troubles your green heart because it was probably made in China with oodles of lead.

    RH say: m2, in past years when I lived up on the mountain, we went out and thinned out a tree. There are plenty of young trees that can be sacrificed in order to let other trees thrive. It enabled me to have a live tree and a relative lack of guilt. heehee

  54. m2 says:

    It’s true. Premiums will increase exponentially… it’s just an advance Cloward-Piven World, ain’t it. I’m pretty sure they want squeeze us out of liberty and onto the government teet in every way, shape and form.

    I’m still wondering what happens when the wealthy, middleclass, and private sector runs out of money. Who pays for this giant welfare government?

    Lisa says: From what I was told, our current health insurance will double in price, PLUS, we now will get to pay for other peoples insurance, fund abortions, etc…..

  55. LisaInTX says:

    Right on!! Along with Conservatives and Christians to be terminated on sight!

    Yep–I agree. Livestock ownership will ONLY be allowed by the Elite—the rest of us peons will have to find a pine cone to chew on!

  56. m2 says:

    well, I guess all I have to do is look at North Korea… I guess that’s the … goal?

  57. m2 says:

    Livestock has actually been the underlying wealth of North America. And another reason why Africa and parts of South America have not developed as much as they could.

  58. LisaInTX says:

    I was watching a doc about the aboriginals in Australia…they do not cut down a tree, but will cut off a branch to use, preserving the tree.

  59. m2 says:

    alright people, so I picked up knitting again last week and had to re-teach myself everything. I was gonna try and marathon knit a scarf for my mom for tomorrow, but I kept restarting because I never liked my stitches or I dropped a stitch or I didn’t like the pattern… So all I have now is a needle with 33 stitches cast-on, and I joked to my husband that I’m just going to give that to my mom tomorrow… lol lol…

    I think I will.

    I still got her 2 cds, so it won’t be too terrible a joke!

  60. rosehips says:

    m2, you are too funny. I have debated the fake tree issue in my mind a few times. I have come a long way from thinking them repulsive (in my younger years), to seeing them as a reusable alternative to cutting live trees.
    I saw a beautiful display of a small forest grove last week but I didn’t get a close look at it. I don’t know what the trees were made of. I think partly wood. I think I’d like to have a reusable natural looking display like that. One more thing to cram into my storage space. I gots to start getting rid of stuff. lol

  61. LisaInTX says:

    I think it is JUSTICE though, that MEN will also share in the cost of funding abortions. Since they are HALF responsible for MAKING the baby, they should pay HALF to kill it!

  62. m2 says:

    You could just get a miniature tree… just to have something. Cause I know once kids are grown people don’t necessarily need to use trees to decorate, and you could probably get a used one, which fits the reduce, reuse, recycle idea.

    My parents have a tiny 2.5 foot tree they put on a small table in the front window of their living room. It’s festy…

    lol… festy.

  63. m2 says:

    I just don’t think anyone should pay for Government sponsored abortions… sounds unconstitutional.

    like the government impeding on Religion Freedom.

  64. m2 says:

    Well I got to go upstairs and get off the computer try and do some non-chair sitting things, you know… I’ll probably be back on in an hour since I can’t control my tendency to not follow a to-do list and procrastinate by playing on the internets…

  65. LisaInTX says:

    If the government was SO concerned about expenses and doing the RIGHT thing, they would promote NOT doing whatever a person wants to do cause it feels good BECAUSE THEY, the individual would have to PAY FOR THEIR CHOICES personally, NOT the nation.
    Screw like bunnies, don’t feel bad doing it, and let the tax payers pay for YOUR choices…..hmmmm…another KMA solution.

  66. LisaInTX says:

    This is the LAST year I put up our 8′ tall fake tree!! Maybe I’ll just use the TOP 2 feet, but never again the whole thing—-much too much fun for the 20lb mega-beast Manx named Cubby! It looks like $hit—already had to repair the wiring for my angle topper….chewed thru like butter……good thing that happened while the tree was NOT on…

  67. samhenry says:

    Great galloping guilts – I have a small real tree that makes Christmas really here in this house. It is from a tree farm. I really hated to kill it but someone was going to – better it be me.

    My cyst/tumor appears benign – news just in here. It has even shrunk. He wants to take another picture in 6 months. So I have a really good present here. With my Dad and one of his sisters having died of brain tumors, you can imagine how upset I was.

    I have to get to the store. I suffer from lastminuteitis. Love you all

    DOG enters huey and flies off – a noisy affair in Huey. Ho, Ho, Ho Huey!

  68. LisaInTX says:

    Hi there SH, Kinky, Jscuba!!!
    The comments rolled and I missed seeing y’all!

    Merry Christmas

    Try not to worry too much….it would be years most likely before and IF, this nightmare takes effect.

  69. m2 says:

    wow that is good that the lights weren’t on. My mom’s cat died from chewing through electrical wires…

    Here’s a site I go to when Obama and friends make me rage. It’s mind numbing, and that’s not a good thing, but being angry on Christmas Eve is not good either, I think you all will like this site: http://cuteoverload.com/

    Ok, I def. have to get off for a bit.

  70. LisaInTX says:

    That is indeed a GREAT present.
    I’m so happy for you honey!!

  71. m2 says:

    I can’t help adding that -to think all those Left/Greenies want to do away with pets!!

    Polluting pets: the devastating impact of man’s best friend

  72. LisaInTX says:

    See ya later M2….have a wonderful day.

  73. m2 says:

    Great news indeed SamHenry…

    SH said: My cyst/tumor appears benign – news just in here. It has even shrunk. He wants to take another picture in 6 months. So I have a really good present here.

  74. m2 says:

    You too Lisa, SH, and RH!

  75. LisaInTX says:

    Only a deviant MANKIND could come up with such NONSENSE!!
    The Ungodly days are numbered…..

  76. Pingback: Leftwing Corruption of America good, Rightwing Values and Principals bad? « LisaInTX's Blog

  77. VotingFemale says:

    Was out food shopping for Christmas dinner… wanted it fresh as possible.

    I always do some kind of shopping on Christmas Eve day… just to enjoy the people and wish folks Merry Christmas and see smiles.

    I should get him one of those free electric golf carts John Stossel clued us all in on.

    All paid for by the Government of the People’s Socialist Republik of Obamastan.

    rosehips says

    VF, last minute Christmas shopping? Why not get him a hybrid? hahaha

  78. Pingback: Code of Cloture IN, Code of Ethics OUT! « LisaInTX's Blog

  79. VotingFemale says:

    Wonderful News Dear!!! Enjoy Life!

    samhenry says

    My cyst/tumor appears benign – news just in here. It has even shrunk. He wants to take another picture in 6 months. So I have a really good present here.

  80. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa did you give you son a big hug for me?

    please do!

    He’s Hooommmmmeeeee!!!

  81. VotingFemale says:

    M2, did you get all your wrapping done dear?

  82. m2 says:

    OMG VF, I’m still on even after promising everyone I’m going upstairs! I can’t tear my eyes from CuteOverload.com

    example: http://cuteoverload.com/2009/12/18/cant-bear-the-snow/

    YES!!! I did get all my wrapping done! Thanks for asking. 🙂

    OK, I’m really now going upstairs to hop in the shower. It’s like 1pm!!! OMG!

  83. LisaInTX says:

    Hey VF–welcome back, you are MUCH braver than I. I ONLY shop on Christmas Eve if it’s a ‘National Emergency”!! lol…..

    Yes. WE gave him MUCHO kisses and hugs when he arrived…..he was very touched by my red-white-blue, 1000 light display with banners, yellow ribbons, and flags hanging from the porch…..

  84. LisaInTX says:

    Maybe I’ll take a picture after it snows with the lights on….hahaha

    LOL!!!! That happens to me sometimes too!! hahahaha

  85. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good Morning Everyone! Merry Christmas!
    The Senate Health bill will give new meaning to Christmas turkey.

  86. rosehips says:

    SH, that’s awesome!!!!

    wb VF, I am already hungry for Christmas dinner. I need to go out and get some last minute things too. I will be cooking a stuffed squash, candied yams and a chocolate roll tomorrow and taking them over the river and through the woods…

    m2, see ya later!

    lisa, yes I meant to ask. Have you been enjoying your son or are you exasperated with him yet?heehee

    I know adjustment can be extremely difficult when our soldiers return home. I hope he is able to cope. I know he is lucky to have such a supportive family.

  87. tellitlikeitis says:

    Lisa, Glad your son is back! I hope he gets to stay in the States.

  88. VotingFemale says:

    yes take pictures!!!!

    that is all so wonderful!!!!

    I”ll be hoping for as many Texans as possible to have that very very rare White Christmas!

    LisaInTX says

    Hey VF–welcome back, you are MUCH braver than I. I ONLY shop on Christmas Eve if it’s a ‘National Emergency”!! lol…..

    Yes. WE gave him MUCHO kisses and hugs when he arrived…..he was very touched by my red-white-blue, 1000 light display with banners, yellow ribbons, and flags hanging from the porch…..

  89. LisaInTX says:

    Nice rant!!! I agree with most of what he says too!!

  90. tellitlikeitis says:

    SH, I wish for you good health in 2010.

  91. tellitlikeitis says:

  92. rosehips says:

    hey tellit, how’s your hip healing going? Do you really think you might lose your job? That would be crummy.
    I hope you have a bearable Christmas, but not on your hip…hahaha

  93. tellitlikeitis says:

  94. rosehips says:

    dang, haven’t even had breakfast yet. No wunner I’m salivating over visions of Christmas dinner.
    I’m going to a vegetarian Christmas dinner but I hear that a renegade is smuggling a ham in. I think we might have to charge a tax for that. pass that succulent piece of pork right on over here…

  95. tellitlikeitis says:

    Hi Rose, So far so good. I don’t think I will lose my job as long as I don’t stay out too long. I can work now I just can’t drive. I will be seeing the doctor on the 28th and I hope he gives me the ok to drive so I can go back to work next week. I love the time off but it is killing me financially. I am getting better slowly. I have to take naps in the chair during the day because it is hard to get comfortable in bed since I can only sleep on my back. Thanks for asking.

  96. VotingFemale says:

    Smuggled Ham… yum!!!!

    rosehips says

    dang, haven’t even had breakfast yet. No wunner I’m salivating over visions of Christmas dinner.
    I’m going to a vegetarian Christmas dinner but I hear that a renegade is smuggling a ham in. I think we might have to charge a tax for that. pass that succulent piece of pork right on over here…

  97. VotingFemale says:

    I am relieved to hear you are recovering on schedule… just take it easy! I am sure you will have your job waiting for you! And I will say a little prayer just for you dear.

    tellitlikeitis says

    Hi Rose, So far so good. I don’t think I will lose my job as long as I don’t stay out too long. I can work now I just can’t drive. I will be seeing the doctor on the 28th and I hope he gives me the ok to drive so I can go back to work next week. I love the time off but it is killing me financially. I am getting better slowly. I have to take naps in the chair during the day because it is hard to get comfortable in bed since I can only sleep on my back. Thanks for asking.

  98. tellitlikeitis says:

    Thank You VF, Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  99. LisaInTX says:

    Hi Tellit!
    Merry Christmas and glad you are healing.

    Tellit and Rose,
    Thanks for the well wishes for my son…..he is doing great and is already aggravating me. Things are all NORMAL here! LOL

  100. tellitlikeitis says:

    Lisa, I hope he can stay and doesn’t have to go back. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  101. LisaInTX says:

    He left for a ‘bootie call’ last night and did NOT call in to let me know he was parked somewhere safe. :-/
    He does not understand how this worries a parent, but someday he will …

  102. VotingFemale says:

    Merry Christmas Tellit! and Lisa!

  103. rosehips says:

    lisa, mine did the same thing the other night, although I don’t think he was after bootie. More like a good buzz. When I got up I didn’t realize he was not in his room sleeping until he waltzed in the back door at about 10 o’clock. He hadn’t slept and his dad was about to pick him up to go buy his Christmas present. I’m sure he got his second wind when he was checking out the selection of guitars at Guitar World.

    I can only shake my head and take responsibility for my shortcomings as a parent. lol

  104. LisaInTX says:

    He is supposed to be stateside for 18 mths, but with the Afghanistan surge….not sure now.

  105. LisaInTX says:

    All we can do as parents is hope and pray and do the BEST we can. The rest is up to them.

  106. LisaInTX says:

    Okay…he finally checked in…..he is on his way home now….about 50 miles away….

  107. LisaInTX says:

    Merry Christmas VF

    Well y’all I gotta run for awhile….critters to feed and get ready for the great ‘snow’ storm headed our way…..
    2 inches will be a NICE white Christmas—as long as it melts on saturday…hahahaha

  108. LisaInTX says:

    We be rural….remember….hahahahahaa

  109. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa, I ‘member 😉

  110. rosehips says:

    50 miles? He could get home on a gallon of gas if he was driving a Prius. wow, I want one! lol

  111. LisaInTX says:

    It would be about half that as the Crow flys, but with so many small towns in between, that adds another half to that distance…heeee ;-}

    Okay—gotta run—I’ll try and check back in later…

  112. LisaInTX says:

    This is my son and the style car he is currently driving til he gets his subaru out of the shop!

  113. LisaInTX says:

    His car looks just like the Silver car in this video…..

  114. rosehips says:

    lisa, now that is what I call burning rubber. geez, we may need to invade Vietnam again if they keep that up.

    I sure miss my Subaru Impreza. That was a good car, til it started to smoke. haha I miss having 4 wheel drive. It sure is useful in the snow. Speaking of which, be careful in that snow. Go find some snowshoes or x-country skis and enjoy!

  115. rosehips says:

    lisa, those are some pretty looking imprezas. Mine wasn’t sporty like those. It didn’t have one of those wingy thingies on the back.

  116. LisaInTX says:

    Okay—like M2 earlier—I am really going now…hahahahaa—BBL

  117. LisaInTX says:

    I have a Jeep Cherokee 4 wheel drive—i am INVINCIBLE!!! LOL

  118. rosehips says:

    Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Senate
    Not a creature was stirring cuz noone was in it.
    Reid met his deadline; Obama claimed victory.
    And Pelosi stands by with an old switch of hickory.

    wish I had time for more but I have procrasinated until the witching hour. I have to wrap and cook and be gone in 3 and a half hours.

    I may check in while cooking tomorrow, but if not,
    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

  119. samhenry says:

    Hi everyone – Lisa – we could perhaps harness free energy from those rotating tires and the heat they throw off!

  120. samhenry says:

    M2 – ORF the computer (Frank Sinatra used to say “orf – off!”

    Merry Christmas sweet one and to your little family.

  121. samhenry says:

    Rose – have a wonderful Christmastide with family and friends. Check in – will you?

  122. samhenry says:

    VF – I was in the grocery/pharmacy (Wegman’s) and it was humming with happiness. I usually hate crowds but like you, I love the last minute energy and joy all have doing their 11th hour shopping. It is like they get their second wind. I love hearing people wish each other a Merry Christmas. The fellowship is better than church. I had such a good time and bought another small bottle of the best egg-nog.

    Will be on and off tonight as I roast my big fresh, never been adulterated turkey, never been an adulterer turkey.

  123. samhenry says:

    Tellit – I am so happy we can celebrate good health together with everyone this Christmas.

  124. ohiobelle says:

    Hello everyone! I’ve decided to hold off on my anger over healthcare and enjoy the day with my family. I just wanted to log on and wish everybody a Merry Christmas!!

    I’ve just poured my first glass of egg nog (with plenty of rum to help me get over healthcare). lol

    Merry Christmas everybody!! I’ll talk to you later.

  125. Pingback: Healthcare, your Christmas present… » Animal Farm

  126. samhenry says:

    Lisa – I can’t believe an attorney – a well-educated person would do this but this kind of psychopath will of course do this.

  127. samhenry says:

    Belle – I’ve been into the eggnog since yesterday. I have a passion for it.

  128. tellitlikeitis says:

  129. tellitlikeitis says:

  130. tellitlikeitis says:

  131. tellitlikeitis says:

    I don’t know about the rest of you but am not going to let the government communist traitors spoil my Christmas. F*ck them. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE AND THEIR FAMILIES! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  132. tellitlikeitis says:

  133. samhenry says:

    Good night everyone.

  134. LisaInTX says:

    I love you guys!!!
    Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!!

  135. LisaInTX says:

    I played the part of Rudolph in a school play one Christmas—4th grade….my red nose was made from a plastic tomato cut in half, held on by a rubber band around my head attached to the sides of the tomato….
    Good night….

  136. samiam60 says:

    Merry Christmas to all my Friends here and Fellow Patriots.

  137. samiam60 says:

    Here is hoping that Air Force One does not buzz Pearl Harbor this Christmas Morning.

  138. samiam60 says:

    “This is not over,” Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., told Fox News. “We are going to work, asking people to talk to their senators, make them face the music. The American people don’t support this effort for government to run health care.”

    “I guarantee you, the people who voted for this bill are going to get an earful when they get home, when they finally get home for the first time since Thanksgiving,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “They know there is widespread opposition to this monstrosity. I want to assure you, Mr. President, this fight isn’t over. In fact, this fight is long from over.

  139. samiam60 says:

    I want to assure you, Mr. President, this fight isn’t over. In fact, this fight is long from over.

  140. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning and Merry Christmas Everyone!!

    It has been taking me time to get online as Santa gave me a monitor/keyboard/mouse for my laptop… setting it all up… installing the drivers… lot of work

    but it is all up and running now!!!

  141. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Samiam!

    Thank you for the lovely Christ6mas Music!

  142. samiam60 says:

    A Special Merry Christmas to you VF in thanks for providing us all this forum with which to stand up for America.

    God is using you in a much more mighty way they you may even know. I can see it.

    God Bless you and your Family always.

  143. VotingFemale says:

    You inspiration and encouragement is more powerful than you could possibly know Sam dear…

    Merry Christmas and God’s Blessings for you and your family and loved ones, dear.

    Hugs and Kisses

    samiam60 says

    A Special Merry Christmas to you VF in thanks for providing us all this forum with which to stand up for America.

    God is using you in a much more mighty way they you may even know. I can see it.

    God Bless you and your Family always.

  144. VotingFemale says:

    I have published a Christmas Day Open Thread post…

    lets move over to it for the day! 🙂

    Christmas Day Open Thread

  145. Pingback: Obama grants immunity powers to FOREIGN INTERPOL OVER our Constitution!!WTF? « LisaInTX's Blog

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