Sarah Palin – Loved By Americans, Hated by Socialists; Why? She is Mainstream American, not one of the Limousine Elitist “Political Progressives”

IF you do not know who and what are Limousine Elitist “Political Progressives,” it is time you did your homework… for your sake and the sake of your family and your country.

Click Here to Google “Political Progressives”

Sarah Palin gave an exclusive interview to CNN to answer questions as to her decision to resign from office as Governor of Alaska and as to her future plans.

The Political Pundits on the left and right and the Main Stream Socialist Media and the White House will probably not be able to hear what she is actually saying… Why? Their Partisan Agenda Filled Brains have difficulty computing that someone actually puts others before themselves and actually “serve” We the People instead of making We the People “servants” to Government.

What A Concept… No Wonder Sarah is FEARED by Obama & His Socialists.

Did you happen to catch the part where Sarah stated she would support candidates, not based on their Political Party rather, she will support them based on a shared agenda of doing what is right for We the People and share her values on limited government, strong defense and “energy independence?”

In Other Words…

Sarah Palin is Independent Minded

This is why she has “Progressive” enemies both in the Socialist Party and in the GOP

This is why Sarah Palin Scares The Crap out of Hard-Core Partisan “Progressives”

This country has been witnessing a Very Sharp Rise in the voter ranks of Independent Thinking… we have for too long trusted …we have for too long been asleep. And, now that the Socialists are wrecking the very fabric of our country and society, we are seeing the emergence of everyday voters who have never picked up a protest sign in their entire lives taking a stand against the all out assault of the Socialists on their very lives and country.

Non-Partisan Stance Against Government Growers

Non-Partisan Stance Against Government Growers

“People are so tired of the partisan stuff – even my own son is not a Republican” -Sarah Palin

What is Sarah Palin going to do?

She is going to GET OUT THERE AND FIGHT!

Sarah knows exactly what she is doing… in her CNN interview she stated she is not closing doors (on running for office) but running for office is not presently in her game plan… her game plan is to gather together the independent grass roots voters and help focus them on candidates who will do the correct job for them… what comes in the future as far as political office goes… will be dictated by the majority of voters… and NOT some partisan political machine operators like Karl Rove or any of the other Washington Beltway Insiders. They are poison at this point, relative to what she is doing and where she is going.

You need to get up to the 1000 foot level and view all this… Sarah Palin is “Thinking Out Of The Business As Usual Political Box” and this is what is driving the Talking Heads on TV Totally NUTS as they try to apply Old School Thinking to what she should and should not do.



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About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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418 Responses to Sarah Palin – Loved By Americans, Hated by Socialists; Why? She is Mainstream American, not one of the Limousine Elitist “Political Progressives”

  1. karmahd says:

    Would it not be nice if we could vote for the person and what they stood for rather than a political ideology! If she and others can pull this off it will create a new power base for the middle, or if not middle another option. I hope she can do some damage to the “establishment” from both parties!

  2. Foxwood says:

    It’s the hot topic of the day. I have some Sarah in my latest post as well.

    SamH, did you say you had pancakes or crabcakes?

  3. rosehips says:

    vf, well done. I like Governor Palin’s independent spirit. I see a lot of people saying she should jump right back into politics or she should wait a few months and then jump in. I disagree. I think she will take advantage of the financial opportunities from her book deal, public appearances, etc. I think she will be more effective in the private sector and it will be much more lucrative for her. If she chooses to get back into politics she knows she will continue to be a target of the liberal media. There is no way to avoid it. The negative press would be a positve if she were a tv talk show host. It will mobilize her supporters and give her more power and viewership. I think she will go that way. That’s my hunch at least.

  4. samhenry says:

    WOW, VF – You are right. Sarah is keenly aware of the large and growing block that is gaining on the two main parties.

    She is a fit with them.

  5. VotingFemale says:

    Thanks, Rosehips. I have been a promoter of independent thinking from the beginning.

    And Karma and Foxwood, we can have rational conservatism without the attachments of Progressism… This was one of the problems of both Bushs and Bill Clinton and Barack Obama… and accepting the VP Nomination offer from John McCain was predicated on the most “independent thinking” candidate for president.

    What voters are seeing is their very way of life being torched by Obama & Co.

    This is a new plateau of thinking.

  6. VotingFemale says:

    SamH, yes… and this explains why she has resigned and what/where she is going.

    samhenry says

    WOW, VF – You are right. Sarah is keenly aware of the large and growing block that is gaining on the two main parties.

    She is a fit with them.

  7. Foxwood says:

    The left want her to stay out of politics. It was the strategy from the beginning.

    They use the same tactics on other effective GOP leaders and strategists. Namely, but not exclusively Karl Rove and Tom Delay.

    They had nothing on Karl, or Jindal, but they are keeping Delay from getting back into politics by not holding his trial. I thought there was Habius Corpus, but I guess it doesn’t hold true in Congress.

  8. VotingFemale says:

    And if you research it… as I have SamH, you will discover that the “independent thinking bloc of voters” has a larger share of the population than either party…

    It is a fact…

  9. Foxwood says:

    I am a Conservative at heart, but Sarah is different. I would vote for her in a heartbeat. I think she is smart enough to get the learning curve.

  10. Foxwood says:

    Well, I must please WG. Time to take a shower.

  11. rosehips says:

    I beg to differ. I don’t see many liberals saying they are afraid of Governor Palin. But the conservatives keep saying we are. That’s pure spin. Liberals welcome Palin as the Republican candidate for Presidency. I don’t think that is really all that difficult to understand. Palin doesn’t stand a chance to be elected President. I think she’s smart enough to realize that. There is not strategy to keep her out of politics. That’s pure hogwash.

    foxy said: The left want her to stay out of politics. It was the strategy from the beginning.

  12. karmahd says:

    The middle and the youth is what won Boma Ma Momma the election, the youth will not defect but the middle will since they now know they have been sold a bill of goods. I personally do not see Palin as the middle but any help she can offer to regain a government of the people all the better for me.

  13. rosehips says:

    and of course the liberals wouldn’t say they are afraid of the Governor but regardless, they are anything but scared.

  14. samiam60 says:

    Fly by comment if I can chime in on Sarah Palin, I just think

  15. samiam60 says:

    She is so Hot 🙂

  16. VotingFemale says:

    Sarah Palin is conservative, Foxwood, just like you and me.

    The GOP is conservative but Conservatism does not equal the GOP.

    Most if not all independent thinking voters are conservative in the practical sense.

    New concepts are emerging…

    I am not anti-GOP and neither is Sarah…. I am Pro-Reasonable-Conservativism and Anti-“Progressivism.”

    There are tons of members in the GOP who are not “Progressives” and tons of members in the Democratic Party who are not “Progressives” and are not Literal Socialists… rather are middle of the road.

    The is a whole new ball game and Sarah just changed the rules of play.

  17. samiam60 says:

    I agree with you Rose. Liberals are not smart enough to be afraid.

  18. karmahd says:

    “Obama-give the stimulus plan time, it will work”

    AHHHHHH, don’t think so, the money will help the red states where all the money is going to build the Ovooma machine, but little else. He is already back peddling and covering his turd stimulus plan in the litter box, and you know what, not one Republican voted for it, how does that plank look now Demo bud’s???

  19. VotingFemale says:

    Vote with your Testosterone then, dear!

    Nice to have an attractive Kick Ass woman in the political arena.

    samiam60 says

    She is so Hot 🙂

  20. VotingFemale says:

    “Obama-give the stimulus plan time, it will work” = “Obama – I am Failing, OMG!”

    karmahd says

    “Obama-give the stimulus plan time, it will work”

  21. samiam60 says:

    Thank you VF. It is just rational to vote for Sarah Palin. Obama needs to start watching his own butt now.

  22. VotingFemale says:

    The Socialists will deny their FEAR and by doing so will prove their FEAR…

    “We Are Not Afraid” AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    poor little Socialist sheepies… who attack Sarah… BOO!!!

    rosehips says

    and of course the liberals wouldn’t say they are afraid of the Governor but regardless, they are anything but scared.

  23. samiam60 says:

    Besides she has alot more experience than Obama and the American People and Putin all agree Obama is nothing more than a community organizer and not even good at that. ie, Chicago no better off for Obama’s efforts.

  24. karmahd says:

    I agree Plain is hot, but that can work against her and minimize her efforts as well, you have an orchestrated machine with the sole purpose of attacking Palin, even with the help of the republican party, her involvement might end up being a distraction, too soon to tell on any of this, but she does need to come out with a plan fast and lay it out,

  25. Foxwood says:

    Rose, why did libs send a troop of lawyers to Alaska?

    they are afraid.

  26. samiam60 says:

    Bet Biden would vote for her.

  27. samiam60 says:

    I think the Liberals are only mildly afraid of Palin. There big fear right this moment are the failed policies of Obama 😦

  28. Foxwood says:

    Why did libs trump up 15 and more to come charges that can not stick?

    They are afraid.

  29. rosehips says:

    lol vf…and the liberals laugh at the conservatives who say they are afraid. I think the liberals want Sarah to run in the worst way. The liberal battle cry will be “Bring ‘er on!”

  30. samhenry says:

    Kaaaarm – I think you will see part of her plan verbalized when she is on the hustings speaking on behalf of other candidates.

    How utterly brilliant of her to announce she will stump for both dems and Repubs – right there she clinched it so fast that all were caught off guard and I think so many still don’t get it.

  31. karmahd says:

    The Democrats fear anyone who can communicate the truth about there true motives. This is a cat and mouse game with us being the mouse. They are being called on saying one thing and doing another right now. This is politics but the democratic party and the spend up the debt administration cannot hide behind lies, and as short as six months people are starting to wake up from the bill of goods the supposed moderate Obama sold them, he is a left wing socialist, he bleeds socialism, that is a fact, he can say whatever he wished but his actions clearly peg him as a left wing radical who is shaping America in his image. That is not representing the people it is building his power base for a long run at socialism.

  32. samiam60 says:

    Rose Jimmy Carter had no fear of Reagan if you remember. I mean how could a Movie Actor ever become President? LANDSLIDE 🙂

  33. samhenry says:

    Palin has merely moved on from politics as usual in a way that clearly demonstrated that actions and not words matter.

  34. karmahd says:

    I am going to hold judgment on Palin for now, I am not sure as to the motives of her decision, remember republicans can spin too. I know this is not a popular position to take on this blog, but I need more info before I buy into what she is doing and why.

  35. samhenry says:

    And the end result of all of this will be:


  36. VotingFemale says:

    Karma, I think Sarah knows exactly what she is doing… in her CNN interview she stated she is not closing doors (on running for office) but running for office is not presently in her game plan… her game plan is to gather together the independent grass roots voters and help focus them on candidates who will do the correct job for them… what comes in the future as far as political office goes… will be dictated by the majority of voters… and NOT some partisan political machine operators like Karl Rove or any of the other Washington Beltway Insiders. They are poison at this point, relative to what she is doing and where she is going.

    You need to get up to the 1000 foot level and view all this… Sarah Palin is “Thinking Out Of The Business As Usual Political Box” and this is what is driving the Talking Heads on TV Totally NUTZ as they try to apply Old School Thinking to what she should and should not do.


  37. samhenry says:

    Karm – the lion will lay down with the lamb but the cat will never lay down with the mouse!

  38. Foxwood says:

    I don’t disagree with you Karma, it really is a good position to take.

  39. samiam60 says:

    OK folks gotta pick up my Italian grand daughter and take her to a Conservative Birthday Party at the Daughters of Italian comedians Club. Its Italians only so I can’t invite you all to stop by. Bigotry is a big part of our by laws you know.

  40. karmahd says:

    To further clarify, if she can amplify the indiscretions of the current administration and build a platform with a moderate ilk, and lead that constituency into 2010 I will jump on board, but if she turns out to be a far right conservative we have that and that will not win elections.

  41. samhenry says:

    I agree with you as well, Karm. We need to hear more about what she has to say, etc. However, the way she has started out – set herself up and apart is brilliant. I think she rambles when she talks but not when she thinks.

  42. samhenry says:

    RE far right conservative – she will lose me for sure, Karm. But that is when I will hope some independent will run – and this is the wild card in all of this.

  43. samhenry says:

    And of course another Republican candidate we have not thought about may also come along.

  44. samhenry says:

    I nevah mess with Itralian anythying. Frank Sinatra told a joke when I saw him in Miami in my teens: “Hey do you know what the Pope is saying when he stands at his window and waves his arms up and down? He is saying “OK all you Italians, up offa the grass.”

  45. karmahd says:

    VF I try to look at things outside the emotion of the moment, and try to determine motive via that method. If her goal is to “change” the game, she needs to get a handler that can assist her with that message. Reason: when she announced, regardless if it was meant to be totally vague to elicit press, the message when she quit was that she quit for the people of Alaska due to the distraction of the law suits, the message that she plans on galvanizing a core group of “ideology” should have been communicated at that time, not a week later. That is my observation, it is not truth, so I do hope she can pull it off, but she needs to hire some slick writers to help with the broadcasting of that message.

  46. Foxwood says:

    I thought you were going to say you were going to leave your Italian in the garage again, Sami. I was about to blush.

  47. rosehips says:

    foxy, keep repeating the mantra and perhaps it will come true…

    Have you looked at who has filed the complaints? It is not only liberals. One repeat filer is a conservative watchdog from AK. Most of the ethics charges are filed by Alaskans. I think they are pissed off at her. I don’t think it is because they are afraid of her. Most liberals don’t like her, but I don’t think it stems from fear. Perhaps she is a threat on some level. There are sheeple on both sides of the political fence.
    Here’s a list of charges filed up until the end of April:

    foxy said: Why did libs trump up 15 and more to come charges that can not stick?

    They are afraid.

  48. karmahd says:

    OK I have to get some work done, check back later, Karm

  49. samhenry says:

    That’s what I mean by rambling, Karm – she needs a writer.

    I do have my doubts about her from one angle: In the heat of the campaign, she did get divisive and that put me off. She also eclipsed John McCain – often walking out right in front of him on the stage.

    However, she is brave and independent and I will give her a chance. However, I am not sold on anyone at this time. I just know that it will NOT be a Democrat.

  50. Foxwood says:

    And yes Rose… Some Rinos are afraid of Sarah to. Believe it.

  51. karmahd says:

    Rose one last comment, the left does fear Palin, that is established by the massive attacks on her. If she were a “non event” they would not waste resources on her, they are spending millions to discredit her, and the fact that she has become fodder for the media further expresses the point, “you attack what you do not know”

  52. Foxwood says:

    Answer the questions Rose. Why are they spending the money? They are afraid. You can’t continue to bury your head.

  53. samhenry says:

    I just got a call from old friends who want to see me at lunch and since I have to go to the drug store anyway, I’m for it. I like to let you all know where I am going and why.

    I will check back later. I’ll bet that CAT is planning a golf escape today with a sunny east coast. Chow.

  54. rosehips says:

    and sh, I believe that the Republicans need that new candidate who will emerge above all other possible candidates with a less divisive message. The repubs need someone who is less of a celebrity whose personality transcends politics and more someone whose politics transcends the partisan divide.

    sh said: And of course another Republican candidate we have not thought about may also come along.

  55. VotingFemale says:

    Iowa GOP wants Palin at dinner

    Iowa Republican Party officials Wednesday said they are aggressively courting Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to headline the state GOP’s premier annual fundraising event.

    And they have put a well-connected Des Moines woman in charge of trying to land the 2008 vice presidential nominee and popular party figure in the leadoff caucus state.

    Aides to Palin did not immediately respond to Des Moines Register inquiries about whether the outgoing governor would consider the invitation to appear at the Ronald Reagan Dinner. The event has become a popular and high-profile stop for would-be presidential candidates.

    But Becky Beach, a Des Moines woman with long personal ties to the Bush family and presidential campaigns, said she hopes her connections can improve the chances with the in-demand, outgoing governor. “Absolutely, I’m trying to get her here,” Beach said. “It would be a huge event.”

    Beach, who is helping the state party with fundraising and event planning, had begun trying to reach Palin’s team before the announcement last week that Palin plans to step down as governor on July 26. Beach said she hopes to have another conversation as early as next week.

    Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley plugged the idea of inviting Palin to help raise money. He recalled Palin’s reception in Iowa during the presidential campaign.

    Palin was greeted by a big, enthusiastic crowd during her first trip to Iowa with Republican presidential nominee John McCain in September. She drew even larger crowds for solo stops in Sioux City, Des Moines and Dubuque.

    “I think she has quite a following in Iowa, and maybe I’m impressed because, at the three events I spent with her in Iowa during the last campaign, she had bigger turnouts than McCain had,” Grassley told reporters.

    But it was far from certain whether Palin would be in Iowa anytime soon.

    First, she is the most-sought-after personality in the Republican Party, longtime Iowa Republican campaign adviser Dave Roederer said.

    The cell phone voice mail for Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton on Wednesday was full and not accepting new messages.

    Also, it was not clear whether Palin was stepping down to lay the groundwork for a 2012 presidential campaign or for other reasons.

    Meanwhile, Palin remains very new to the national political scene and has few Iowa contacts, Roederer said.

    “I think it’s fair to say there’s really no direct connections with Palin’s office and anyone in the state,” he said.

    But the Reagan dinner, which doesn’t have a date set yet for this year, has regularly drawn would-be presidential candidates hoping to make an impression on potential caucusgoers.

    Jeff Boeyink, executive director of the Republican Party of Iowa, said the demand for Palin suggests her appearance in Iowa would make for a blockbuster event.

    “We would need a very large venue to make it happen,” he said.


  56. VotingFemale says:

    I love the audacity of Liberals offering advice to Conservatives on what to do!


    rosehips say

    and sh, I believe that the Republicans need that new candidate who will emerge above all other possible candidates with a less divisive message. The repubs need someone who is less of a celebrity whose personality transcends politics and more someone whose politics transcends the partisan divide.

  57. rosehips says:

    foxy, if one is to believe Governor Palin, the people filing the charges are not spending money. How much does it cost to file a charge?

    I did not say that the attacks have no intentions of political gain. Discrediting her discredits her supporters and I think there are many who want that. Do they fear her supporters? Sure. The groundswelling of her base is a powerful warning that independent voices should not be dismissed.

    I think some who file the charges are looking to gain their own notariety, of sorts.

  58. VotingFemale says:

    Then you admit you too are confused… she said it as plainly as the nose on one’s face.

    And as for “the emotions of the moment” comment… I will ignore it. I see what there is to see. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar to borrow a phrase…

    And you are in good company, Karma, there are a number of people who lack the paradigm to see this for what it is… selflessness.

    karmahd says

    VF I try to look at things outside the emotion of the moment, and try to determine motive via that method. If her goal is to “change” the game, she needs to get a handler that can assist her with that message. Reason: when she announced, regardless if it was meant to be totally vague to elicit press, the message when she quit was that she quit for the people of Alaska due to the distraction of the law suits, the message that she plans on galvanizing a core group of “ideology” should have been communicated at that time, not a week later. That is my observation, it is not truth, so I do hope she can pull it off, but she needs to hire some slick writers to help with the broadcasting of that message.

  59. rosehips says:


    rosehips to the Republicans: heed me and you will prosper. Ignore my advice and prepare to die. hahahaha

    vf said: I love the audacity of Liberals offering advice to Conservatives on what to do!

  60. Foxwood says:

    Then why have they spent the money Rose? Still evading the question. Why all the charges? FEAR.

  61. VotingFemale says:

    And I mean no offense by my previous post, Karma, promise.

    I see Sarah Palin emerging as modern day America’s William Wallace.

  62. rosehips says:

    foxy, did you not read my response? Keep repeating the mantra…

  63. VotingFemale says:

    Foxwood, Rose knows perfectly well why the Socialists mounted the most vicious attack on a VP candidate in the entire history of American Politics.

    Sarah and her undeniable Popularity and Star Quality scared the living CRAP out of them…

    And Everyone Knows it!

    Some just won’t admit it… can you blame them?


  64. Foxwood says:

    So she’s in denial, VF?

  65. VotingFemale says:

    and rose? stop teasing the Foxwood!

    bad girl! lol

  66. VotingFemale says:

    Foxwood… she is teasing you!!!

    pure and simple… 😉

  67. VotingFemale says:

    Foxy, someday you will figure Rose out… lol

  68. rosehips says:

    lol. The liberals were smart enough to recognize the appeal that the governor had for the common people in America. She mobilized many people who could identify with her like no other candidate before her. She struck a chord. That combined with the biased reporting from Fox News made her base a factor to contend with. I think they were pragmatic about the threat and found a disturbing sense of satisfaction in dissecting every thing Governor Palin said, did, and represented. I am guilty early on of doing the same.
    It became a game to discredit her and I believe they enjoyed abusing her and her family. It deflated her supporters and some people get satisfaction out of exposing weaknesses. It’s the nature of politics.

  69. Foxwood says:

    I’m not tweeked, I just can’t believe people don’t see what’s in front of them. It’s obvious and for someone to say it’s not is burying ones head in the sand, or drinking the koolaid.

  70. rosehips says:

    heehee. me tease foxy? HA I am just trying to show him the path to truth. lol

    vf said: and rose? stop teasing the Foxwood!

    bad girl! lol

  71. VotingFemale says:

    I have to follow hubby over to where he and a buddy are going to do “car stuff” so I can give him a ride back home.

    sigh… lol

    be back later… but at least it is a nice sunny day! 🙂

  72. VotingFemale says:

    bad… vewy vewy bad!


    rosehips says

    heehee. me tease foxy? HA I am just trying to show him the path to truth. lol

  73. Foxwood says:

    Still haven’t answered the questions Rose.

  74. rosehips says:

    foxy, thing is, I recognize what people see in front of them. And I recognize the danger. But it’s not Governor Palin who is the threat. I think the Rush’s, O’Reilly’s et al are more of a threat. It’s right in front of you but you can’t see it. Propagandists are very clever. You don’t expect them to carry signs saying “Drink Me”, do you?

  75. VotingFemale says:


    She is not going to answer the questions…

    she is a tease and a drama mama!


  76. rosehips says:

    oh but I have foxy. You just choose to ignore my answer. Show me the money. How much have the liberals spent? Do you really know?

    alas, I also must go. I hope to check in later.

    foxy, sorry if I was yankin’ yer chain. I am making up for all the time you were gone. I guess we shall see how dangerous Sarah is. I will continue to contend that her power is greater in the private sector. If she runs, we’ll see if the liberals indeed have something to fear. Time will tell.

    foxy said: Still haven’t answered the questions Rose.

  77. rosehips says:


    vf said: she is a tease and a drama mama!

  78. Foxwood says:

    You admit to the lefty fear of Rush. 🙂 I would if I were a lefty.

    ORilley is a teddy bear.

    Palin make them quiver.

  79. rosehips says:

    Brrrrr…. LOL

  80. Foxwood says:

    Not yanking my chain dear, but I guess my original comment pressed your button, hence your comments. And, Rose, you did evade the question. I guess we have to guess, and you know my guess.

  81. rosehips says:

    just saw this news item. Governor Palin is calling out Canada for killing fish in the Taku River which are being killed by the drainage from Tulsequah Chief mine upstream of Juneau. Does anyone else recognize the hypocracy of her appeal?
    What’s up Sarah? It’s just a “sucky” river with a lot of “sucky” fish. There are a lot of other fish in AK. Why put constraints on the mining industry? Aren’t a few dead fish the cost of progress? HAHAHA

    Palin urges Canadians to address mine’s acid drainage
    Mine company Redfern was responsible, but ran out of money

    By Kate Golden | Juneau Empire
    Gov. Sarah Palin recently urged British Columbia’s premier not to forget that the Tulsequah Chief mine upstream of Juneau is still draining toxic acid into the headwaters of the fish-rich Taku River, as it has for a half-century.
    In order to protect downstream water quality and assure the continued health of the valuable Taku River fisheries, the state of Alaska feels other means must be promptly implemented for remediating the Tulsequah Chief (acid mine drainage),” Palin’s letter says.

    The mine is 45 miles northeast of Juneau in British Columbia.

    When metals prices dropped in the 1950s, then-owner Cominco, now Teck Cominco Ltd., stopped mining and sold the property to Redcorp. Acidic water leaches metals from the rock that drains into the Tulsequah River, down the Taku River and into Southeast Alaska.

    That metals-laden water kills fish, as Canadian inspectors have known since 1990. An Environment Canada inspector learned that his May 14 samples of the discharge caused “100 percent mortality in fish in less than three hours,” according to his affidavit. As soon as the results came back, the agency ordered Redcorp, as it had done in past years, to stop the drainage.

  82. Foxwood says:

    You know VF, I do notice that others say the same thing as moi, and yet she always voices when I comment. Could it be a crush?

  83. rosehips says:

    and for the record. I will stand by Governor Palin on the mine issue. Canada lags the US in environmental regulations. They need to be responsible and hold industry accountable, especially when the impacts are felt primarily in the US. It is very difficult to hold a Canadian company accountable for the damages on the US side that are brought on by discharges north of the border. I know from personal experience. But Alaskans can use our case in Washington as a precendent that environmental laws can be applied to Canadian companies whose pollution impacts the US. I applaud the governor’s efforts but ask her to look in her own backyard and ask if she is not applying a double standard here. I wonder if she recognizes it. Me thinks she does.

  84. Foxwood says:

    SARAH! My kind of woman!

  85. rosehips says:


    foxy said: Could it be a crush?

  86. Foxwood says:

    You are funny Rose 🙂

  87. rosehips says:

    really gotta go. see you later foxy…

  88. arlenearmy says:

    Everybody wants Hope. I’ve got hope. Before I close eyes to sleep, I picture the following in my mind:

    Obama on the eve of election gets late breaking news on Fox, that Palin has won. Palin supporters chanting: “Yes We Did”. Obama supporters weeping & cussing in the streets, threatening to riot. Obama does his Um Um Uhh, standing next to Michelle whose frown-faced. And he announces that he called Palin to congratulate her. Palin gets on AirForce 1. And the people of the land of the United States of America become free & prosperous thereafter.

  89. karmahd says:

    No harm no foul VF, but I do see most just like you, if this is truly an altruistic move on Palins part it will come out in the end, and I hope it is. I understand paradigms I am just a bit more of a skeptic, we shall see, it is a clever move if she can pull it off.

  90. karmahd says:

    What a F’ing hypocrite, the dems use the constitution when it serves them, then trample it when they want something!! This is about the CIA mess that they are creating to save Pelosi’s ass, come on boys, so your stuff!

    Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, called the failure to inform Congress “illegal.”

    “We have a system of checks and balances. There is accountability in our Constitution. The executive branch can not create these kind of programs … and leave Congress in the dark. (It) is not only inappropriate, it is illegal.”

  91. ohiobelle says:

    hello all. I’ve been working in the yard most of the day but I wanted to swing by and check out the new post. I love “serve” We the People instead of making We the People “servants” to Government!!! Sarah is a game changer!

    Great post vf!!! I’ll check back as soon as I can.

  92. Blogwood, I’m glad you took that shower, I didn’t want to “smell that funk”…


  93. samhenry says:

    Hi whoever is out there. I have survived lunch out, pharmacy and grocery shopping. You would not believe the WOMEN stopped in the parking lot of the grocery store watching the air show and loving it. One woman said her husband couldn’t care less but that she just gets chills down her spine when she sees them. There you are and we retain our femininity into the mix – just like Sarah Palin in waders.

    This is just a fly by and I will check in later. I don’t have to go overboard because I hitched a ride in a Boeing Stearman trainer. I’m the one holding the advertising banner trailing behind us – in my teeth. Hard to bark.

  94. VotingFemale says:

    Love it SamHenry….

    We are the new “stronger” sex 😀

  95. samhenry says:

    “we are the new “stronger” sex – VF

    At lunch with a politically active conservative -Kodak retiree/scientist of note – he put me through my conservative paces and asked me if I knew what was behind Acorn. Thanks to your posts, that I did. Then he asked me what their true agenda was and I said – swelling welfare ranks and bringing down the country. This sent him in to what approximated a literary “o altitudo.” He was so proud of me. He and his wife both said more and more people are listening to this rather than regarding them as nut cases. That was a comfort.

  96. samhenry says:

    There was a car show as part of the Festival and I loved talking with some of the owners. I went past one and exclaimed with joy -“a Packard Town Car.” The owner was so happy someone recognized the thing. It was in wonderful condition. I confessed my Grandfather had had one. Now the car is older than I am (he bought it during the Depression), and Grandpa didn’t collect antique cars – he just was a tightwad old Scot who never got a new one! Thanks to him, I got to ride in a Packard with a rumble seat. Truly I am the child of a bygone era quite by accident. I have come to love the collision.

  97. samhenry says:

    One final note about women and strength. My other Grandfather was a physician who had the farm that had been in his family for 150 years. I LOVED the farm. He gave me a tool chest and a fishing tackle box and a hunting jacket. I was all fitted out. I was a Sarah Palin prototype! The only thing denied me was the Men’s room and after a couple of drinks – that wasn’t a problem at all. I had a waiter in Toronto come to our table and tell my boyfriend: “please make certain your lady friend uses the facilities before you leave the house because I just ran into her in the men’s room as I was straightening my waistcoat.” I get left and right mixed up; men and women signs are part of my dyslexic problem. Yet I survive.

  98. samhenry says:

    And now – doggie into drink until later… have a joyous sunny afternoon – VF. I want to get out and see the last of the planes flying overhead. It is just thrilling.

  99. samhenry says:

    Loved my visit to Frugal Cafe but posted my comment here on the wrong date. Old dogs get so confused. You really have to point us in the right direction. Anyway, I came away from there with a comment that warms the heart of this western New Yorker:

    Founding Bloggers: Nothing Says Global Warming Like 59 Degrees On July 1st!

  100. samhenry says:

    RE: Cap and Tirade and other tax delights – George Will’s commentary today was instructive:

    Let’s guess: Will a person or institution looking for a place to invest $1 billion seek opportunities in the United States, where policy decisions are deliberately increasing taxes, debt, regulations and the cost of energy, and soon will increase the cost of borrowing and hiring? Or will the investor look at, say, India. It is the least urbanized major country — 70 percent of Indians live in rural areas, 50 percent on farms — so the modernizing and productivity-enhancing movement from the countryside to the city is in its infancy. This nation of 1.2 billion people has a savings rate of 25 percent to 30 percent, and fewer than 20 million credit cards. Which nation, India or the United States, is apt to have the higher economic growth over the next decade?

    Yet while government diminishes America’s comparative advantages, liberals are clamoring for … higher taxes. Partly because of changes endorsed by presidents from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama, approximately 60 percent of taxpayers now pay either no income tax (43 percent) or less than 5 percent of their income. Because one cannot raise significant money by that tax without nicking the middle class, or without bringing millions of people back onto the income tax rolls, attention is turning to a value-added tax.

    IMO this is the bottom line: How good an investment is the US over and against India or other developing nations? Further, the Chinese feel their best money making ventures lie in developing countries and not in the US. We are being thrown under the bus every day by this glow in the dark administration.

  101. samhenry says:

    A must read article about Obama in the GLOBE AND MAIL. I consider Canada our “conscience to the North.:

    It is inconceivable that these ideas occurred to Mr. Obama postelection. His agenda is of such scale and particularity that it is evidence of design and previous contemplation. He knew what he wished to do when he was campaigning, but he was not going to whisper the scale and range of his designs while the campaign was on. It would have scared off people.

    But daring is Barack Obama’s real middle name. When he borrowed the phrase “the audacity of hope” from his frightful mentor, most people fastened on the word “hope.” They should have highlighted “audacity.” With the smoothest and most finished ease of any candidate since John Kennedy, Mr. Obama glided through the primaries, and barely broke stride passing his hapless opponent, Senator John McCain, on the way to the White House.

    He’s flying high in dazzling hubris. The American economy is not yet fixed. It may get worse. And it is in this parlous and critical context that Mr. Obama has launched history-making expenditures and a reordering of American governance.

    Daring? Daring – if you believe in it. Reckless – to the point of real danger if you do not.

    This is the greatest trapeze act in the history of North American politics.

    Rex Murphy is a commentator with The National and host of CBC Radio’s Cross-Country Checkup

  102. samhenry says:

    Finally in this news and analysis roundup -looking forward to Monday and Sotomoto, here is a column that put the matter in perspective – the nuts and bolts of what IS going on here. The article begins with the comment that this is a lifetime appointment so that, in view of Ms. Sotomoto’s comments about her compassion, we need to undertake a national discussion of what a Supreme Court Justice should be or IS by Sen. JEFF SESSIONS, R-Alabama:

    Courthouses across our country feature the image of a woman with a blindfold weighing the scales of justice. She wears the blindfold so that she can judge her cases without bias or favoritism of any kind. This ideal is emblazoned on the Supreme Court building with the words “Equal Justice Under Law.” Blind, equal justice is the foundation of our remarkable legal system and the bulwark of our shared freedoms.

    But Obama and Sotomayor have expressed a very different view of judging. This view says that justice should not be blind, that it should not be based only on the law and the Constitution, but that it should take a judge’s own personal and political feelings into account.

    Obama says that when “constitutional text will not be directly on point,” the critical ingredient for judges is the “depth and breadth of one’s empathy,” as well as “their broader vision of what America should be.” But when a judge shows empathy toward one party in a courtroom, do they not show prejudice against the other?

  103. samhenry says:

    Poop patrol in the back 40 beckons. See you all later.

  104. samhenry says:

    ….or another day….

    ….this week?

  105. arlenearmy says:

    Darn I did all this typing to respond to you and puff ….. my screen went blank & I lost it all.

  106. arlenearmy says:

    Sotomayor obviously removed the blind folk when she made her Latino woman vs. White male remark. The very party that nominated her are trying real hard to ram this nomination thru by discriminating against Ricci again.

    Sorry to say this, but something about this deal defies logic and common sense. I declare that this sounds like something out of a BDSM playbook. Why would any white male senator (regardless of party) vote to confirm her. Have they no Self preservation as an instinct?

    A single page of History can turn on a dime.

  107. arlenearmy says:

    A single page of LIVING History can turn on a dime.

  108. m2 says:

    Another solid blog report by VF.

    Sarah Palin disses the power-elite across the board.

  109. Foxwood says:

    M2, Is that the Queen?

  110. Samhenry said:Hi whoever is out there. I have survived lunch out, pharmacy and grocery shopping. You would not believe the WOMEN stopped in the parking lot of the grocery store watching the air show and loving it. One woman said her husband couldn’t care less but that she just gets chills down her spine when she sees them. There you are and we retain our femininity into the mix – just like Sarah Palin in waders.

    Yes girl, I do love the sound of jets (F16’s F117A Stealths, Hueys, Blackhawks, Apache, etc.) I love that sound too girl! It’s the sound of Freedom!

  111. arlenearmy says:

    SamI said:
    “Should the history of Slavery be taught in our schools?”


    That depends on who is telling the history .. .. & mentions of the African tribes that were doing the selling. Obama SHOULD know this very well.

  112. samiam60 says:

    The sound of American Might in all its glory.

  113. samiam60 says:

    Thanks Arlene if it is taught it should be the whole story including the brave men who fought in the Civil war to help bring an end to one of the most horrible chapters in American History.

  114. samhenry says:

    Hi Arlene and I could not agree with you more about the Sotomoto thing.

    Sami – I was taught the history of slavery – and was also taught that as in Nazi Germany, there were two sides to the story. People sold out their friends to the Nazis. The same was true in the time of Slavery. Blacks in Ghana and elsewhere brought their own tribesmen and women from the interior to the coast and turned them over to the British and Portugese. The Portugese were very deeply into the slave trade. There were other countries implicated as well.

    All around where I live are homes that were part of the underground railroad that helped get slaves to Canada. Frederick Douglass is buried near my father.

    Then I was taught about the slave rebellions and especially about Nate Turner.

    I was also taught that not all plantation over seers were terrible. That many even allowed their charges to learn to read. The South was not alone in blame. Northerners had slaves as well. And they allowed the trade in and around them. No one was exempt because slavery was the engine of most of America’s wealth.

    Does all of this let you know that it was taught? So should be taught – in my day it was. What’s going on now. FOX can you research this?

    Hi M2, Fox

  115. samiam60 says:

    The destruction of the Native Americans should be taught hand in hand and along side the teaching of Slavery in America.

  116. samhenry says:

    Of course slavery exists today in several areas. During WWII, the Chinese enslaved some Japanese on the Chinese mainland. Sadly, it continues and as with anything else, it is not unique to any race or place.

  117. samiam60 says:

    I also believe that the modern day welfare system in America is a form of slavery in that it hinders and oppresses a persons ability to advance beyond the circumstances of life.

  118. samhenry says:

    Another good point, Sami. Here I will put in only one saving point about the first Europeans here and their attitude toward “natives” generally that lasted for centuries. Europeans may have thought themselves superior to the less “civilized” cultures they encountered but that was part of the irony. Their culture was not very advanced as long as they held the view that ANY other culture different from that found in Europe was rather rudimentary and the poor benighted souls needed to be taught Christianity and to be removed from their lands because the Europeans subscribed with religious fervor to the doctrine of “manifest destiny” that would make them push west to the coast. A combination of their fear of the unknown (Indians, the wilderness) and their devotion to their doctrine blinded them to what they were doing when they killed natives and took their lands. All this is not to excuse to to explain part of the background against which these events unfolded.

  119. samiam60 says:

    Slavery is bondage to any system that oppresses people.

  120. samhenry says:

    Sami – it is grounded in paternalism as was slavery and that can never lead to independence.

  121. samiam60 says:

    Samhenry that is a brilliant analogy.

  122. samiam60 says:

    Ok SamH easy on the big words ( paternalism) I went to public school.

  123. arlenearmy says:

    Some of my ancestors served in the civil war. Recently, I have been getting the paperwork to apply for the Unclaimed Medals. No other family member seems to care. I was informed of the eligibility by a member of the Daughters of the Confederates. That group is the only one that is trying to help me w/this.

  124. samiam60 says:

    We are so off topic. So sorry VF didn’t mean to get carried away here.

  125. samhenry says:

    Arlene has said: That depends on who is telling the history .. .. & mentions of the African tribes that were doing the selling. Obama SHOULD know this very well.

    This is a critical point you are making, Arlene. Who teaches and how will be critical. Textbooks should be as balanced as possible.

    I think the Prez went to the death camps in Germany and balanced it with the trip to the slave holding area on the coast. Sending people into the gas chamber to die is murder. Sending people against their will to a strange place and abusing them and treating them less than human is murder second degree. There is a slight difference but there is a difference. Both cases call for a suspension of belief that the people you are killing or enslaving are less than human or you could not do it to them if you identified with them as like you.

  126. samiam60 says:

    Wow Arlene that is huge. Good for you in doing this and I might add the daughters of the Confederacy. Who would have ever thought of that. Please share more of this with us as you get more information. I am a huge Civil War buff. I like to go to Gettysburg in July for their reinactments.

  127. samhenry says:

    Arlene – I believe that the Daughters of the Confederates will help you willingly. I am so glad you contacted them. Your ancestor’s contribution to the Confederacy is actually appreciated now by many. Did you see the film about the Northern black soldiers that came out of Boston – what was that film – GLORY. Do see that. It will break your heart and make you proud. If you run into difficulty with your researches, in Alexandria, VA is a library that specializes in black family research. Let me try to get the address for you.

  128. samhenry says:

    Thank you, Sami for the compliment to the accomplishments of my upper regions.

  129. samiam60 says:

    Although we are way off topic I am glad we are having this discussion. So very enlightening for sure.

  130. samhenry says:

    Hey – I didn’t see that other Army person in the convertible pass by – Hi WG – so glad you and Arlene share a love with the military air power I do. I was an Army brat for too few years.

  131. samhenry says:

    Getting back to Sarah Palin – I think Obama put a emotional spell on us. It was as if he were leading us to the zenith of our greatness as a nation that we should elect him – a black man of accomplishment. And so we did and ever since that time, he has lectured us and tried to take us down several roads at once. Sarah Palin is like a voice in the wilderness calling out – remember that this country was built on solid ideas and that they are being stripped from the Constitution daily. Even welfare is against the Constitution. The Federal Government should not be in that business.

  132. samiam60 says:

    Time for me to call it a night. Turn out the lights were your all done here.

  133. samhenry says:

    We will miss you, Sami. It has been really neat. We’ll get the lights. See you tomorrow.

  134. samhenry says:

    Arlene – M2 – are you there? If not – this dog is overboard.

  135. arlenearmy says:

    We used to see air shows in Liberal Kansas. I loved it. But we don’t go anymore. I think the museum their were experiencing some budget cuts. It got so bad, that they put out a donation can at front desk.

  136. samhenry says:

    Things are tight here but there are so many people around devoted to these old war birds. I thought today that in the future the air shows won’t be as comprehensive – having so many different planes fly in. We had an f-15 streaking by and that was so exciting especially when they do that after burner thing.

    Where are you in the process of finding info about your ancestors?

  137. arlenearmy says:

    I was under that spell. But I sobbered up after the elections. The spell or black magic that it took to get him in the WH is gonna have to be the same potency or greater to get him out.

  138. samhenry says:

    You are right about Obama. I feel strongly that the only thing that will get us out is that which brought me back from the brink of socialism and that is a meaningful refresher course in Constitutional Law and where we have strayed from it and FOX should teach the course! We really need to be reminded of our roots. If the extreme Bible types get going, that will be the end. We need to go forward in an all encompassing way but I am not sure Republicans can do that. We simply have to attract the independents and right now, Sarah Palin is into a strategy to do just that. If she stays the course and becomes a viable candidate or supports a viable candidate then we have a chance. I think Obama has lost the independents. He would not be in office without them.

  139. arlenearmy says:

    I went back to the 1700’s. Got slave records of 1 side of the family. Also have civil war records for 2 from my mom’s side. I personally went back to Louisiana to the court house because the clerks are bad about not doing research (even when the money is sent). And went to the black cemetery owned by the church … but that was a chore due to the snakes and high weeds.

  140. samhenry says:

    Read that article on Obama I suggested above. It clearly states that he knew what he wanted to do in office in minute detail before the election but he didn’t share it with us. If he had, he would never have been elected.

    To talk about Barack is not to go off topic from Sarah. It is to assess just what she is up against. It is like “know thine enemy.” It has to be done to formulate a strategy against him. I cannot tell you how in awe of her I am that she figured out right here, right now that getting at the independent voters early on is key and ACTING it out by supporting Democrats as well as Republicans will be a key component of her plan.

  141. samhenry says:

    Be proud Arlene. Your ancestors did not want to be here but they were here and they have been here before many, many others.

    Did any or that trip to LA produce solid leads for you? Do you need any further info?

  142. arlenearmy says:

    I strive to be hopeful.. But I have a nagging feeling in my gut that blood will be spilled on our soil again in our life time. Sometimes, I feel distress in not knowing who to pass the family history on to. I have been writing the history (from my perspective). Do I bury it all & priceless family photos & heirlooms in the woods ? Time capsule ? I just don’t know.

  143. arlenearmy says:

    It produced some information. But I got stumped on a certain thing. I will PM you about the problem.

  144. boudicabpi says:

    Hi Voting Female and all of your friends. Obvious you are a Sarah supporter. I supported her from the time I learned she was going to have a DS son and started looking at her. Beforer mcCain picked her for his VP candidate. As the father of a DS son, now 33 I know what she is looking forward to. Trig has the same great advantage my son had and has, an older sister. My daughter is just shy of 11 years his elder and it made all the difference in the world. I have a Palin site and am going t post some pictures through the tears of my son and daughter.
    Anyone that wants to contact me, my e-mail is
    I like your site and will be back. Feel free to send an e-mail or respond to my comment.
    The link to my site that will show up is not the Sarah Palin, but I will send it with your approval. looking forward to hearing from you or any of you guys.
    Bob A.

  145. karmahd says:

    For someone who preached moving forward Obama is digging up a lot of the past, his latest, the CIA backed a warlord in Afghanistan that killed 100’s of Taliban, first, focus on the war today and winning, stop using this to discredit the CIA, and third, lead don’t muckrake!!!

  146. Getting back to Sarah Palin – I think Obama put a emotional spell on us. It was as if he were leading us to the zenith of our greatness as a nation that we should elect him – a black man of accomplishment. And so we did and ever since that time, he has lectured us and tried to take us down several roads at once.

    Sh, friend pal, I hope you don’t feel this way anymore….but nevertheless, I NEVER felt that way about him. His eyes are evil, it is so deep in him. He tried to be so cunning and NO ONE had ever heard of him, and he left no footprints. Satan has his soul as a matter of fact I feel that is why the Muslim faith is gaining, it’s satan pure and simple and it is satan’s way of doing battle against God here on earth. And Obama is paving the way for America to be taken over by Extremist. Why? Because he wants to die, go see Allah and be given 40 virgins…

    Now, you guys will laugh, however don’t.

    He is so happy that he is makeing the Muslim/Arab world happy in all he is doing, SPITTING IN OUR faces, Spitting in the face of our military!

    Go here and watch what Obama is applogizing to on a WORLD WIDE BASIS.Bad Bad Americans, waterboarding those poor terrorist detainees. boo hoo hoo.

    I would have pasted the video directly here but can’t get the link.

  147. arlenearmy says:

    SamI said
    “the brave men who fought in the Civil war to help bring an end to one of the most horrible chapters in American History.”


    I am of the firm belief that the fight was about succession. If the Texas & other States get together to succeed, I wonder how many braves will help to bring an end to 1 of the most horrible chapters that threatens to occur in our nation’s history.

  148. boudicabpi says:

    Pardon the typo’s in my comment if it is approved.
    Bob A.

  149. arlenearmy says:

    WG said:
    “His eyes are evil, it is so deep in him.”


    See, I have been telling y’all that he’s the anti-christ (or at least a damn good imitation or a “thing” in the making). It all means the same thing to me due to the devastating results. But some folks don’t wanna believe me. And Obama could care less about virgins. He is a man “possessed”.

  150. Amen Arlene, I know I agree I just don’t think hes’ the AntiChrist (he sure could be because he fits the bill nearly exactly) But I do believe his election and what he is doing is setting the stage for bibilical prophecy to be revealed.

    I’ve been planning on doing another post regarding biblical prophecy and I will, however i you guys want to listen to Jimmy DeYoung, he is wonderful and loves the land of Jesus and time beginning.

    hit home for the home page

  151. arlenearmy says:

    I meant to say – “virgin females”.

  152. Biblical prophecy to be Fullfilled. Not Revealed even though that sounds good too, but it’s to be FULLFILLED.

  153. yes Arlene you are correct! hahahaahhaah I don’t think he cares if they are male or female, hahahahahaha. How can you keep yourself from laughing???? or at least from typing it on here????

  154. arlene said to SH:
    I strive to be hopeful.. But I have a nagging feeling in my gut that blood will be spilled on our soil again in our life time. Sometimes, I feel distress in not knowing who to pass the family history on to. I have been writing the history (from my perspective). Do I bury it all & priceless family photos & heirlooms in the woods ? Time capsule ? I just don’t know. (and family history dating back to the 1700’s?)

    No, Arlene you don’t do that. If you feel you have no “family” member you can leave this precious gift of information to and I mean truly don’t feel that way (I’m so sorry for you on that).

    Donate it to the Archives and History where you live, or in Louisiana or the state that the history pertains to. Also by doing this you should be recognized By Name for you to keep but the memoabilia and relics can be kept, taken care of and maybe restored if need be.

    Heck girl, have you checked to see if you are a Daughter of the American Revolution?

    Do it, don’t let all your hard work and perseverance fall by the wayside.

  155. arlenearmy says:

    I bookmarked the url of the prophecytoday site. Will look at it tomorrow. I will talk at you tomorrow. Take care my friend.

  156. Great girl and I’m Going to do a post tonight before bed on Jimmy’s Independence Day Prophecy!

    You will love the site my friend.

  157. samhenry says:

    President Obama stood in the fortress in Uganda from which African slaves were taken by force aboard ships for America for work as slaves. He called this a holocaust and equated it with what happened during Nazi Germany.

    Here is the Meriam-Webster definition of “holocaust.”

    ho·lo·caust Listen to the pronunciation of holocaust
    \ˈhō-lə-ˌkȯst, ˈhä- also -ˌkäst or ˈhȯ-lə-kȯst\
    Middle English, from Late Latin holocaustum, from Greek holokauston, from neuter of holokaustos burnt whole, from hol- + kaustos burnt, from kaiein to burn — more at caustic
    Date: 13th century

    1: a sacrifice consumed by fire2: a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life especially through fire 3 aoften capitalized : the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II —usually used with the b: a mass slaughter of people ; especially : genocide

    “genocide” is defined as:

    Draw the line at genocide
    Ask your mutual fund to commit

    Main Entry:
    geno·cide Listen to the pronunciation of genocide
    Date: 1944

    : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
    — geno·cid·al Listen to the pronunciation of genocidal \ˌje-nə-ˈsī-dəl\ adjective,

    What happened to Native Americans was in many instanced genocide – when they were literally wiped out to prevent further hostilities.

    Slaves were not, to my knowledge, brought to this country with the idea to obliterate their racial group. They were brought here as chattel to work without pay under bondage and often abused. This terrible, reprehensible but this is neither a holocaust nor is it genocide. It may be considered worse by virtue of the fact that it meant a lifetime of forced servitude under subhuman conditions.

    His use of the term “holocaust” for a second time referring to a European state was undiplomatic to say the least. If he wants an entire Muslim population to have permission to obliterate white English people in Britain, that was it. The fortress was run by the English.

    So many Americans are of British descent. This placing slavery under the same heading as the systematic destruction of Jews by fire is insightful. It is not bringing us together.

  158. samhenry says:

    VF please remove the above if you feel it is too heavy handed and off subject. Respectfully, J

  159. samhenry says:

    Good morning VF

    I followed your excellent links under political progressives and came upon several socialist organizations in Chicago. Does Chicago have an inordinately high number of them? I was amazed.

    Under the Chicago Democratic Socialism, there is an outline of what they support and they support all of Obama’s policies – I mean ALL. From this standpoint, the takeover of GM was a socialist move. I cannot believe we allowed this to happen.

    They support single payor universal healthcare,

    Most chilling of all is their agenda:

    Our mission is to establish democratic socialism as a political force in the United States and around the world by training and mobilizing socialist activists to participate in a vibrant and diverse socialist organization at both the local and the national level. DSA both educates the public about democratic socialist values and policies and builds progressive coalitions to win victories that move the U.S. and the world toward social democracy. In the near term, democratic socialists struggle for reforms that shift power and resources away from corporate elites and put them in the hands of ordinary citizens. In the long term, democratic socialists fight for a world in which all people share equally in the governing of the economic, political and cultural institutions and relationships that shape their lives.

  160. samhenry says:

    VF – I have yet another early AM doctors appointment. This is the main way I get attention – medical! lol

    I will check back just before I leave. I didn’t realize underline feature was on two entries above.

  161. VotingFemale says:

    Hi boudicabpi!

    Thank you for your heartfelt comment. There is power in numbers. Feel free to comment on the blog, dear. The active commenting is always on the newest blogpost.

    Look forward to getting to know you!

    boudicabpi says

    Hi Voting Female and all of your friends. Obvious you are a Sarah supporter. I supported her from the time I learned she was going to have a DS son and started looking at her. Beforer mcCain picked her for his VP candidate. As the father of a DS son, now 33 I know what she is looking forward to. Trig has the same great advantage my son had and has, an older sister. My daughter is just shy of 11 years his elder and it made all the difference in the world. I have a Palin site and am going t post some pictures through the tears of my son and daughter.
    Anyone that wants to contact me, my e-mail is
    I like your site and will be back. Feel free to send an e-mail or respond to my comment.
    The link to my site that will show up is not the Sarah Palin, but I will send it with your approval. looking forward to hearing from you or any of you guys.
    Bob A.

  162. VotingFemale says:

    Morning Everyone!

    It is a sunny day here… a golden golf day for sure! 😉

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  163. samhenry says:

    PS In thinking about one of the articles I brought here that posited the theory that Barack knew what he wanted to accomplish before he was elected and that is why in a few short months he has been able to operate on multiple fronts, proposing legislation of deep progressive content to establish A progressive government of a degree unseen during the terms of other progressive presidents.

    Here is the bottom line that came to me in a eureka moment:



    Now the above may not sound earth shattering but for me it has been.

  164. samhenry says:

    VF I am here for a New York minute. Does my comment above show that I finally “get it”? There has been so much to “get.”

  165. samhenry says:

    VF my final word – I think Sarah Palin needs to use stronger words in characterizing Barack’s ideology and I think she has to be more specific in going back at him point by point.

  166. VotingFemale says:

    You Finally Get It dear….

    And if you went back and read everything iReported on Barack prior to the election you will see I did my best to educate and inform folks about all this.

    SamHenry = Eyes Open

  167. samhenry says:

    Thank you generous CAT. I will see you later. I can’t believe I operated on an emotional level and did not do my homework. Never again.

  168. samhenry says:

    I did not know about iReport until the first part of this year. I will go back and dig up some of your reports.

  169. VotingFemale says:

    I think we will see her speak in terms loud clear and on target in the coming months.

    That she is shed of the Gov Office and shed of the McCain political machinery… and now speaks for her points of view… I predict we will see something to behold.

    samhenry says

    VF my final word – I think Sarah Palin needs to use stronger words in characterizing Barack’s ideology and I think she has to be more specific in going back at him point by point.

  170. VotingFemale says:

    Isn’t really necessary… you can take my word for it…

    I pegged him as a Fascist Socialist a year ago.

    samhenry says

    I did not know about iReport until the first part of this year. I will go back and dig up some of your reports.

  171. VotingFemale says:

    We all live and learn, mon amie… Look forward with clearer vision…

    samhenry says

    Thank you generous CAT. I will see you later. I can’t believe I operated on an emotional level and did not do my homework. Never again.

  172. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good morning everyone. The politics of personal destruction is still alive and well in the democtrat party.

    Sotomayor backers urge reporters to probe New Haven firefighter

    WASHINGTON — Supporters of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor are quietly targeting the Connecticut firefighter who’s at the center of Sotomayor’s most controversial ruling.

    On the eve of Sotomayor’s Senate confirmation hearing, her advocates have been urging journalists to scrutinize what one called the “troubled and litigious work history” of firefighter Frank Ricci.

    This is opposition research: a constant shadow on Capitol Hill.

    “The whole business of getting Supreme Court nominees through the process has become bloodsport,” said Gary Rose, a government and politics professor at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn.

    On Friday, citing in an e-mail “Frank Ricci’s troubled and litigious work history,” the liberal advocacy group People for the American Way drew reporters’ attention to Ricci’s past. Other advocates for Sotomayor have discreetly urged journalists to pursue similar story lines.

    Specifically, the advocates have zeroed in on an earlier 1995 lawsuit Ricci filed claiming the city of New Haven discriminated against him because he’s dyslexic. The advocates cite other Hartford Courant stories from the same era recounting how Ricci was fired by a fire department in Middletown, Conn., allegedly, Ricci said at the time, because of safety concerns he raised.

    The Middletown-area fire department was subsequently fined for safety violations, but the Connecticut Department of Labor dismissed Ricci’s retaliation complaint.

    No People for the American Way officials could be reached Friday to speak on the record about the press campaign.

    “To go after so sympathetic a plaintiff as Frank Ricci . . . is a new low in the politics of personal destruction,” said Roger Pilon, the director of the libertarian Cato Institute’s Center for Constitutional Studies. “If they were smart, they’d keep a low profile.”

    Ricci, though, has his own advocates, including conservative commentators such as CNN’s Lou Dobbs and Fox’s Sean Hannity.

    Nor is he the only Supreme Court confirmation witness to receive sharp elbows. In 1991, for instance, then-Senate Minority Leader Alan Simpson of Wyoming warned that witness Anita Hill would be “injured and destroyed and belittled and hounded and harassed” if she testified against nominee Clarence Thomas. Hill was preparing to testify that she’d been sexually harassed by Thomas.

    Hill’s subsequent testimony threw into question Thomas’s confirmation, during a hearing he likened to a “high-tech lynching.” A closely divided Senate ultimately confirmed him.

    The 35-year-old Ricci was the lead plaintiff in the case Ricci v. DeStefano, challenging New Haven’s refusal to promote white firefighters after African-American and all but one Hispanic firefighters failed to score high enough on a promotion exam.

    Sotomayor and a majority of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the city’s claim that it was justifiably concerned about a potential civil rights suit being filed by the African-American firefighters.

    “Sotomayor and her panel colleagues were bound by long-standing precedent and federal law,” People for the American Way executive vice president Marge Baker said in a June statement. “They applied the law without regard to their personal views.”

    Last month, however, the Supreme Court overturned the 2nd Circuit by 5-4.

    “Once . . . employers have made clear their selection criteria, they may not then invalidate the test results, thus upsetting an employee’s legitimate expectation not to be judged on the basis of race,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority.

    With his awards for bravery, some 17 years of fire department service and history of overcoming dyslexia, Ricci has become a compelling human character in the Sotomayor confirmation drama. Senate Republicans have summoned him, along with Lt. Ben Vargas of the New Haven Fire Department, as two of their 14 witnesses next week.

    Though even Republicans concede Sotomayor appears poised to win confirmation, the hearing — and Ricci’s part in them — could be exploited politically. The case is symbolic of race-based preferences, which conservatives have long rejected.

    “Affirmative action remains a potentially useful issue for the GOP,” Rose noted, and “this case has the potential of perhaps mobilizing the Republican party again.”

    Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina added that many Americans can identify with Ricci, making him an especially attractive witness for the GOP and potentially dangerous for Democrats.

    “He took on a second job and worked hard, but was denied due to the same legal concepts” that were designed to protect people’s rights, Graham said.

  173. m2 says:

    Mornin’ SH and VF,
    yes! SH that is what ‘belle means by “terrorist”…
    it’s a velvet revolution.
    I also have it in my “Stateless Statesman/Soror” ireport.

    Foxwood, this eye is mine babycakes!

    Foxwood // July 12, 2009 at 9:01 pm

    M2, Is that the Queen?

  174. samiam60 says:

    Good morining VF and SamH 🙂

    John McCain offers encouragement to Sarah Palin.

    And now I am finally back on topic 🙂

  175. m2 says:

    Wow… good article Tellit.

    and sounds like a fun golf day, VF…

  176. samiam60 says:

    Morning M2 🙂

  177. m2 says:

    Morning Sam!

  178. m2 says:

    Printer – troubleshooting … bah!

  179. VotingFemale says:

    Morning Tellit,

    The tactics of the Socialists will be their undoing.
    They think they are soooo clever… they think the Majority of Americans are in their hip pocket… and that proves what it is they do not know.

  180. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Samiam!

    Good Morning M2!

    Yes… today is going to be a 10…

    Will be getting ready shortly to go clobber them little golf balls! hahahahahahaha

  181. VotingFemale says:

    A new commenter and blogger visited us… on this blogpost…

    It is always a good thing with like minds meet up… please welcome him, his name is Bob…
    His blog is located at:
    boudicabpi says

    Hi Voting Female and all of your friends. Obvious you are a Sarah supporter. I supported her from the time I learned she was going to have a DS son and started looking at her. Beforer mcCain picked her for his VP candidate. As the father of a DS son, now 33 I know what she is looking forward to. Trig has the same great advantage my son had and has, an older sister. My daughter is just shy of 11 years his elder and it made all the difference in the world. I have a Palin site and am going t post some pictures through the tears of my son and daughter.
    Anyone that wants to contact me, my e-mail is
    I like your site and will be back. Feel free to send an e-mail or respond to my comment.
    The link to my site that will show up is not the Sarah Palin, but I will send it with your approval. looking forward to hearing from you or any of you guys.
    Bob A.

  182. tellitlikeitis says:

    Good Morning m2. VF golfing today?

  183. tellitlikeitis says:

    Welcome Bob!

  184. m2 says:

    Hello Bob! Nice to see you here!

  185. samhenry says:

    I came to turn off the machine and saw VF your remark about clobbering those little balls. I hope you are discrete and do not yell “OBAMA” instead of FORE.

  186. tellitlikeitis says:

    Welcome to conservatism in exile. lol

  187. VotingFemale says:

    Yes Tellit… it is a golf day!

    We seriously need a singular search tag we can all use for our blog posts.

    Hope you guys can come up with a good one…

  188. VotingFemale says:

    SamH, if I yelled Obama people would look up to try to see “free money” falling from the skies instead of ducking!

  189. tellitlikeitis says:

    Here we go again. The economy is falling apart and this is what the democrats are wasting time on.

    Leahy on Cheney: No One Is Above the Law

    Posted by David S Morgan Vermont Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy told CBS News Chief Washington Correspondent Bob Schieffer Sunday that nobody in America, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, is “above the law.”

    Leahy was responding to a report in the New York Times that Cheney ordered the Central Intelligence Agency to withhold information about a secret counterterrorism program from Congress.

    (CBS)”If, as the New York Times says, we have the vice president of the United States telling people to break the law, now that’s a pretty serious matter,” Leahy said on CBS’ “Face The Nation.” “Either he did, or he didn’t. If he did, that’s something we ought to know.”

    He said finding out what happened is important because “usually if something is done wrong by one [administration] and it’s exposed, the next one tends to behave themselves.”

    Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, meanwhile, noted that the Times’ report was tied to anonymous sources.

    “Sometimes leaked stories from unnamed sources don’t turn out to be quite what they appear to be,” he said. “Maybe they don’t know the full facts and so forth on these matters.”

    Asked if Cheney’s possible role in concealing a secret program should be looked into, Sessions said, “I’m sure it will be.

    “I don’t know what the facts are, but I believe that Vice President Cheney served his country with as much fidelity as he could possibly give to it, and he tried to serve us in an effective way,” Sessions said.

    “I hope nothing like this will impact on his outstanding record.”

    “It’s either true or it’s not true,” responded Leahy. “I’d like to know if it’s true or not. I mean, nobody in this country is above the law.”

    Leahy invoked the Abu Ghraib prison scandal and lamented the fact that those punished were lower-level figures as opposed to those who “condoned” or perhaps ordered policies that led to the abuse of prisoners.

    “There was no evidence that the higher-ups participated in any way,” Sessions replied, adding that one Abu Ghraib defendant said “there would have been hell to pay” had they known what was happening.

    “It was an unusual event and the military did the right thing in prosecuting the people who were responsible,” he said.

  190. m2 says:

    considering democrats leak everything…

    One of the funniest bumper stickers I have ever seen is “Democrats do it better”

    uh huh.

  191. rosehips says:

    good morning peeps!

    VF, If Obama shows up to the golf club, could you please ask him to call me? I need a loan.

    I got a notice in the mail on Sat. that my unemployment ran out yesterday. I haven’t been keeping track, as they don’t send stubs out anymore. I have to apply for another extension today.

    Bob, welcome to vf’s blog. There are many fellow Palin supporters here. I hope you feel at home. I am the token liberal who is here to put conservatives in their place. Find a comfortable seat. Just make sure it’s not mine. heehee

    Bob, you may be familiar with with my representative Cathy McMorris Rogders. She is from the 5th Congressional District of Washington State. She is a sophmore high ranking Republican. She also has a Down Syndrome child.

    tellit, I don’t know how you can say that investigating a lie to Congress is a waste of time. If we allow dishonesty to Congress, we are allowing our admin. to lie to us. Would you feel the same way if it was Biden?

  192. rosehips says:

    hey m2…

    always love your blanket statements ie “democrats leak EVERYTHING”

  193. rosehips says:

    a singular search tag vf? How bout: “hot air”

  194. VotingFemale says:

    Morning Rose!

    Alas… I am for for the links… tee time and all that!

    See you all later!


  195. VotingFemale says:

    Hot Air? nope we already have Obama as a search tag for that…


  196. rosehips says:

    have a fine day vf!

  197. samiam60 says:

    Morning Rose 🙂 Tellit, and welcome Bob.

  198. tellitlikeitis says:

    Geithner: US Economy Is Likely To Start Growing Again Soon. Really? That’s nice to know but I don’t believe it.

  199. rosehips says:

    sh, I saw your comment on Obama in Ghana. I hope that arlene will see it. I am glad that he acknowledged the slave trade and the Africans’ complicity in it.
    I agree that “holocaust” is not an appropriate word for selling slaves, but I think that he was conveying a strong message and I’m glad to see it for people who are spinning the issue to somehow take some blame off our forefathers. Whether we acknowledge who sold us the slaves or not, it was still an abominable act of inhumane subjugation of one race over another. I hope I never see any rationalization here for what was done to the African tribes here on our bloodied soil.

  200. tellitlikeitis says:

    Obama Says Economic Stimulus Plan Worked as Intended (Update2)

    Sure it is. Dream on.

    By Edwin Chen

    July 11 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama said his $787 billion stimulus bill “has worked as intended” as he pushed back against Republican criticism that his recovery program has failed to rescue the economy.

    “It has already extended unemployment insurance and health insurance to those who have lost their jobs in this recession,” Obama, who is traveling today in Ghana, said in his weekly Saturday radio and Web address. “It has delivered $43 billion in tax relief to American working families and business.”

    Obama spoke after stocks fell for a fourth week on concern that an economic recovery will be delayed. A government report last week showed that employers cut 467,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate rose to 9.5 percent, the highest since 1983.

    The weakening labor market is taking a toll on Obama’s popularity. A survey by Hamden, Connecticut-based Quinnipiac University released July 7 showed 49 percent of Ohio voters approved of Obama’s job performance, down from 62 percent in a May 6 poll. The disapproval figure for Obama was 44 percent, up from 31 percent in May.

    Obama, in his speech, said the stimulus program is helping state governments save jobs. Were it not for the program, the president said, “state deficits would be nearly twice as large as they are now, resulting in tens of thousands of additional layoffs — layoffs that would affect police officers, teachers, and firefighters.”

  201. rosehips says:

    well I don’t know if the feds are providing subsidies to the states for unemployment extensions, but if they are, I am sincerely thankful. I have been out of work since Oct and the job situation here is abysmal.

    If we didn’t get the extension, we would have people living on our streets. The job losses started before Obama. It is easy to blame him for them and to blame him for helping us. I wonder if you would be so critical if you were in the same position as millions of Americans who cannot find work.

  202. samiam60 says:

    Rose I too was out since October 08. I blame that on a Democrat Congress more than Bush but was forced to take work making 1/3 of my previous income. That I blame on Obama. Sorry dear no offense meant here but that is just how I feel. I am not defending Bush either. I credit him with keeping us safe and blame him for angering the American People and making the Obama nightmare a reality. XOXO

  203. tellitlikeitis said sotomayor blah blah blah, well sotomayor is A MEAN and NASTY Person.

    However, my brother says let her be or else they will really get a more horrible one in there instead of her. I can’t beleive it, but my brother is very intuitive????? I still say no, but we will see.

  204. samiam60 says:

    Morning WG 🙂

  205. tellitlikeitis says:

    Rosehips, sorry about your job situation or should I say lack of job. The truth is that most of us are one or two paychecks away from living on the street today. People are now realizing that the stimulus package was nothing more than a spending bill called a stimulus package. President Obama thinks he can sail through his presidency on his charm and his BS and people are just going to be dazzled by him. I think the bloom has finally come off the rose and it’s going to be tougher for him in the future then he has yet to realize. I hope you job situation improves soon.

  206. samiam60 says:

    Rose hang in there. Sarah Palin may soon be hiring Campaign Workers.

  207. rosehips says:

    sami, I don’t blame Bush or Obama for the economy. I think society in general is to blame. Who started the attitude that our kids should always have more than we do? That has been ingrained into us since before I can remember. Our parents lived through the Depression or shortly after and since then the mentality in America has been that our dream is to be wealthy. It is so pervasive that we have seen a decline in ethics and morality and money has taken the place of family in importance. I’m sorry you are making less money. I think we can all feel lucky that we live in a country that will not forsake us if we fall on hard times. If we learn to live without and be content with what we need and appreciate how much better we have it than most of the world, we will be better off.
    We have created our own monsters. Look around you. Do you know what most of the people in the world would think if they saw how we live?

  208. samiam60 says:

    A most excellent point Rose. Perhaps the decline in morality is directly linked to the expulsion of God in our Society?

  209. rosehips says:

    lol sami, do you think she would hire me? hahaha

    I made an ireport parody when Sarah Palin was on Wolf Blitzer’s “The Situation Room” and it was tagged “on CNN” as possibly a question that would be posed to the Governor on the air. I was surprised they chose mine out of the dozens that were submitted because it was posed in parody form and was quite irreverent. I had hidden symbolism that implied the gov. was a hillbilly and I am convinced that the Governor saw it and was so offended that she made a comment a couple days later in her Matt Lauer interview that called me out on it. She said “You know those questions about what I read ‘up here in Alaska”, they just really make me mad. I read the same things you people read down there in LA and NY and Washington State”

    People blamed Katie Couric for that response but Katie never implied anything about Alaska or implied that her reading material might be influenced by her pastoral life “up there in Alaska.” I’ll take the blame. heehee

    sami: Rose hang in there. Sarah Palin may soon be hiring Campaign Workers.

  210. Foxwood says:

    Morning people, I’ve been busy. I’ll jump in when I can.

  211. rosehips says:

    and thank you tellit for your concern. I feel very fortunate that I am able to go back to school because I can remain on unemployment and don’t have to find some crummy job to pay my bills. I hope that my studies will lead to a decent job that will allow me to contribute taxes to help others in the same position I am.

  212. m2 says:

    hey y’alls…

    not to be a turd, but isn’t not finding a regular old job just feeding into this?

    “Sami, I don’t blame Bush or Obama for the economy. I think society in general is to blame. Who started the attitude that our kids should always have more than we do? That has been ingrained into us since before I can remember.”

    Our parents and grandparents just worked where ever so the baby-boomers and their children, and now grand children could work toward their dreams.

    I myself don’t mind working at a bookstore if it comes to that… in Obama’s America.

  213. rosehips says:

    with that said, I think that the government might be going too far in helping workers who are displaced due to outsourcing of onshore jobs. I think there does need to be incentives for employers to keep onshore workers but the displaced workers program is very costly. The company I worked for until Oct. started to outsource our jobs in ’07 and slowly our onshore agents were laid off or fired and our offshore force in the Philippines grew. Now the company has closed our local office. We had 60 agents at one time and that slowly was reduced to 15. Now there are none. All the workers who were laid off are now eligible to recieve $500/wk for two years (or maybe 5 as I heard someone tell me the other night) and their tuition will be paid for by the State. I was informed that I am not eligible because I was fired. I am going to call today to see if I can fight that because I was fired unjustly. I don’t know if I will have a case, but it will be worth a try. Although I think that it is excessive to pay people that much, I hope it will have the intended effect.

  214. rosehips says:

    m2, I can agree with this to a point. But even in this town finding a regular old job is not easy. I had a “regular old job.” When I say we made decent pay, that is relative. You probably wouldn’t think what I made was decent at all. I made less than $30,000 dollars the past two years. But the fact is, I cannot even find a job that pays less than $25,000. I don’t know if I really tried to find anything, if I could find work in this town. That is why I have gone back to school and will have to relocate when I am finished.

    m2 said: not to be a turd, but isn’t not finding a regular old job just feeding into this?

  215. rosehips says:

    and good morning to you foxy!

  216. m2 says:

    I think the democrats demonized companies and now the country is getting a dose of democrat result… companies are employers. My husband is one. Not everyone has the balls to be an employer, to risk it. And we’re lucky to have the ones we do.

  217. rosehips says:

    m2, how did the dems “demonize” employers?

    I agree that being an employer is commendable. I know it is not easy and it is a risk. My brother-in-law has a workforce of about 10 and his turnover is high. His workers are often in trouble with the law or have alcohol or addiction problems and it is a major headache for him. He is a workaholic and very ambitious and makes a lot of money. But for all the money they make (my sister is a nurse), they are probably deep in debt as they own multiple houses and have every toy imaginable. They have a “beach house” in town on the river that they use to play on the weekends and they have a home on the Jersey shore that they go to sometimes in the summer. They don’t even rent them out when they are not using them. They own about 10 vehicles too. I can’t imagine what their monthly bills must be. I can’t fathom living that way, but that is pretty typical of the American way of life. I am a freak.

  218. tellitlikeitis says:

    Unemployment is likely to rise to 13 percent or higher and will weigh on the economy for several years, countering efforts to stabilize the banking industry, analyst Meredith Whitney told CNBC.

  219. rosehips says:

    I think being innovative is what will save America. We are a very resourceful people. I just saw an article in the local Spokane paper about how malls are adapting to the economic downturn. Here’s an excerpt:

    “Story Photos 01 Comments 01
    July 12, 2009 in Business
    Mall shake-up
    Tough economic times force retail changes
    Tom Sowa, (509) 459-5492 share
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    Tags: River Park Square Silver Lake Mall Spokane area malls Spokane Valley Mall

    A shopper walks past Graffiti Skate Shop in Coeur d’Alene’s Silver Lake Mall. Mall managers are struggling to keep businesses afloat during the recession.
    (Full-size photo)
    Retail sales drop from 2008
    From January through April 2009, retail sales fell across the board compared with the same four months in 2008:

    Coeur d’Alene …Down 14 percent

    City of Spokane Valley … Down 13 percent

    City of Spokane … Down 3.1 percent

    Spokane County …Down 11 percent

    Idaho and Washington sales reports
    When Chicago-based General Growth Properties Inc. filed for bankruptcy in April, the news set off alarms for dozens of Spokane and North Idaho retailers doing business in three area malls owned by that company.

    Their concerns eased once General Growth, the second-largest mall operator in the country, explained the bankruptcy will have minimal impact on the 220 malls it operates.

    Spokesman David Keating, in an e-mail, said General Growth is restructuring its debt and will sell some of its East Coast properties. But he insisted General Growth’s three area locations – NorthTown Mall, Spokane Valley Mall and Silver Lake Mall in Coeur d’Alene – are not included in the for-sale group.

    “To use an over-used cliché, it’s been ‘business as usual,’  at GGP,” Keating wrote.

    The main fear for many Spokane-area mall workers and managers is that waiting out the recession will only lead to less business than usual.

    But rather than hope customers recover enough confidence to open their wallets, area malls are experimenting with new ideas and different marketing strategies.

    John Shasky, general manager of the NorthTown Mall, has pushed to find a cross-section of new businesses to revive the mall’s retail lineup. During the last U.S. recession, in 2002 and 2003, NorthTown Mall had as many as 15 store vacancies. Now it has about 30 vacancies, Shasky said.

    Most malls rely on jewelry, shoes and clothing retailers, with some consumer electronics stores thrown in the mix, he said.

    In the past three months Shasky and his staff have recruited:

    •A mini-mart, complete with candy, soft drinks, sandwiches and over-the-counter medicines. Peter Park, who runs the Sure Save Grocery on North Division Street, moved into the mall in April. Shasky convinced Park that the mall would benefit by having someone who sells those items to mall workers and visitors.

    •A personal fitness center, which will offer personal training seven days a week.

    •A barbershop on the second level.”

  220. m2 says:

    That’s the whole point of today’s Democrat leadership. Which is why our POTUS bypasses Law in order to reward Unions. Union union union.

    They hate employers. They don’t understand business. It’s pretty obvious, they can’t even manage the country. We need a good business person in D.C. That’s why governor’s rock.

    And democrats are immature:

  221. rosehips says:

    whoops, sorry bout that. I did not mean for all of the extra crap to be included in that excerpt.

  222. rosehips says:

    lol. there you go again….

    m2 said: And democrats are immature:

  223. rosehips says:

    and I am not a big fan of unions although I understand their purpose and have been instrumental in preventing the exploitation of workers in our country. I think they have gone way too far and are way too powerful.
    I resent the bennies they receive and the pensions they get after working for 30 years. I also resent the pensions Congress recieves and the military for that matter.

  224. m2 says:

    Want to know what I think is excessive?
    My ultra liberal, gimmie, entitlement in laws.

    All they talk about is money.
    My hub’s is so embarrassed & disappointed.

    That’s the reality for most… Democrats are just class-envyists, imo.

    Hub’s dad was retired a year early with his full salary for a year (without doing any work), his full pension, and a promise of 500 freelance hours at 100 bucks and hour, and hub’s mom bitches bitches bitches… about want want want, and “they OWE OWE OWE”


    She’s also a teacher for a private school and stole an ipod out of lost and found b/c she thinks the kids are too rich and she is “entitled” to take it.

  225. m2 says:

    These are what I have been exposed to of Liberalism. They might think other people live high on the hog, but they are the ones consumed with materialism and entitlement. I seriously asked mom-in-law if she had a money problem once, I was so sick of hearing it on the phone.

    She says dad-in-law’s company should hire him more for freelance because the company “owes” it to them since they are a “big company”… (I’m guessing she means a “big BAD company” in typical liberal sentiment), even though he’s retired and has pension and full salary for a year.


  226. rosehips says:

    And if it wasn’t for the Republicans, we would not be spending almost 60% of every tax dollar on Defense.
    I don’t hear a lot of Republicans crying about that. Yes we need national security but our involvement Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam before them has cost us dearly. And for what? Terrorists hate us and you can not combat hate by invading a country and causing hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths. It’s anti-productive and the long term costs are astronomical. If you really want to analyze the reasons for our hugh deficit, look to our Defense spending. When the gov’t spends hundreds of dollars for a screw, you know who is getting screwed. It is us. The Defense Contractors who gouge us should be routed out. It’s anti-American.

  227. m2 says:

    My hubs had an employee who asked for a raise every time he made a new purchase, he got 2 new cars, 2 new cell phones, new computer… and only worked for my hubs for 1.5 years. His wife and he were ultra liberal, and would say the most horrible things.

    This is the liberalism I have been exposed to.

  228. m2 says:

    at least defense is the only “government” job that is sustaining, and actually innovating. So many defense projects have improved modern life… it’s very interesting.

  229. samiam60 says:

    M2 you have just described the thinking of your typical Liberal lofty ideals. Me,Me,Me, and I is all that counts. Just ask Barney Frank.

  230. m2 says:

    yeah sam… that’s what I notice. All the people that are materialistic are generally liberals. They are jealous. And whether they have it or not, they just don’t ‘get it’… I guess.

  231. samiam60 says:

    Their Pride and Egos would never allow them to admit fault nor admit perhaps just once, that they might be wrong about something.

  232. m2 says:

    I live according to Dave Ramsey… he has wonderful books… and doesn’t believe in credit. I have about 5 pieces of furniture in my house, a card table (antique) that was my mom’s grandma’s for a dining room table, -but in another 6 months our house will be paid off. Mortgage free!

  233. rosehips says:

    m2, I agree that the mentality of your in-laws sucks. I don’t think that is necessarily a democratic thing. I think Republicans have a sense of entitlement too. They think they should be able to exploit people and the environment for their own profit and pay minimal taxes when they profit enormously. They resent anyone trying to restrict their business practices. They breed greed and corruption, which we see the results of every day. It’s depressing.

  234. m2 says:

    Rose, wall street (the corrupt part) is mainly limousine liberals. Did you know Madoff was one.

    You and I are both generalizing as to the Repub/Dem label.

    I will say the liberals in my life have been immature, class-envyists, and never happy.

  235. samiam60 says:

    Yah those darn Republicans and their Idea of Small Government.

  236. m2 says:

    Wall street fat cats donate 4:1 for Democrats.

  237. samiam60 says:

    You can also bet that IF a Liberal attends church it is a church that subscribes to the Humanist Manifesto.

  238. m2 says:

    All of Obama’s Marxist plans involve the biggest baddest companies who are set to make millions plus: GE, AL GORE, ha ha ha

  239. m2 says:

    Unitarian churches.

  240. rosehips says:

    at least defense is the only “government” job that is sustaining, and actually innovating. So many defense projects have improved modern life… it’s very interesting.

    How is the defense industry sustaining? Don’t you realize that our defense dept is a socialist program?
    We dole out billions to the industry and make nothing but enemies in return.

    and to say that all the people who are materialistic are generally liberal is so ridiculous that it doesn’t really warrant a response.

  241. samiam60 says:

    M2 congratulations on soon to be mortgage free.
    I am sure they will come up with a Mortgage Free Tax soon.

  242. m2 says:

    See I was right, Democrats/liberals despise employers.

    “They think they should be able to exploit people and the environment for their own profit and pay minimal taxes when they profit enormously. They resent anyone trying to restrict their business practices. They breed greed and corruption, which we see the results of every day. It’s depressing.”

  243. m2 says:

    ha ha… thanks. See all people talk about the “greed” that caused the financial mess. And then they go and let Obama run up the Chinese Credit Card ten-fold…

  244. m2 says:

    We have liberal friends that go to Unitarian church where they learn about how evil Republicans are and how to put in a mercury-laden CFL light bulb. Very strange for “church”… talk about “cult”.

  245. samiam60 says:

    M2, perhaps we will soon see the United Church of the Treehugger’ s of the Pro-Choicer’s

  246. samiam60 says:

    United Cool-aid Congregational dividian church.

  247. m2 says:

    What can I say, I’m a Reagan lover.
    Defense projects have innovated countless technologies. Especially in medical field. It’s amazing to me. The only sustaining innovative government “program”…

    I said all the liberals in my life are materialistic. All the conservatives I know have values of life, and don’t care about objects.

  248. rosehips says:

    m2, I think there are a lot of employers who are commendable. I don’t despise “employers”, I despise the ones who are only looking out for the bottom line and are concerned with profits at the cost of their workers. I respect the companies who spread the profits around and share them with their employees. I think companies like Men’s Warehouse and Ben and Jerry’s could be models for how to run a company. There is a business model that does not allow a executive in a company to make more than 7X what the lowest earner in the company makes. So when the CEO gets a raise, workers get raises too. It seems to work well and it gives employees incentives to be productive. I think we need more innovative companies like that.

  249. samiam60 says:

    M2 thus it was a huge movement by the Evangelic right that led to the Landslide Victory of Ronald Reagan. In years to come I see history showing Ronald Reagan as one of the Greatest Presidents of all American History.

  250. rosehips says:

    m2, so you admit that socialism has led to innovation then?

    m2 said: Defense projects have innovated countless technologies. Especially in medical field. It’s amazing to me. The only sustaining innovative government “program”…

  251. m2 says:

    Most people are employed by small business… and since Obama knows nothing about business… life will get worse. It’s pretty laughable considering what’s in cap and trade. How idiotic the politicians are. We don’t need a limousine liberal in the white house…

  252. rosehips says:

    well Reagan tripled the deficit. If you think that is great, then why don’t you love Obama?

    sami said: In years to come I see history showing Ronald Reagan as one of the Greatest Presidents of all American History.

  253. m2 says:


    m2 // July 13, 2009 at 10:34 am

    at least defense is the only “government” job that is sustaining, and actually innovating. So many defense projects have improved modern life… it’s very interesting.

  254. m2 says:

    no I don’t believe it’s Socialist though. I think a strong defense is pretty much the only occupation Federal Gov’t should have.

    ha ha ha

    Like the founding fathers saw it.

  255. rosehips says:

    m2, what has the defense industry done to improve American society?

  256. m2 says:

    Reagan cut taxes… Running up a deficit only works if you actually do the things that stimulate the economy.

    that’s not Obama’s goal so I don’t support him.

  257. samiam60 says:

    The effect of Tripling the deficit was an appareled growth of the US economy and the lowest taxes in years. The largest military build up since world war two and the ulimate collaspe of the Former Socialist/Communist Soviet Union. Yna, Yna, Yina, Yna, Yna. lololololololololololol

  258. m2 says:

    Come on now, don’t play naive. You know that countless defense projects traverse into every day life. Wasn’t the internet one?

    Many things developed for defense have benefited and touched every individuals life.

  259. samiam60 says:

    It makes it possible to kill the bad guys Rose.

    Rose says:

    m2, what has the defense industry done to improve American society?

  260. m2 says:

    United States net foreign debt hit 24.3% of our GDP

  261. rosehips says:

    well the gov’t runs the military and spends almost 60% of tax dollars on it. Do you think they run it efficiently? Perhaps if we contracted out for defense, we could cut our spending. Do you think a private company would pay a hundred dollars for a screw?

    There is so much waste in the military that it is pathetic. What do we get in return? A lot of people getting gov’t handouts in return for what? Risking their lives in wars we have no business being in in the first place.

  262. m2 says:

    You’re so angry at the military. Why not the same about all gov’t programs. My pt was Defense actually produces results. Where is SS and Medicare/Medicade going?

    By 2041 the entire federal budget will be devoted to only those 3 “social programs”… nothing else.

    Socialism is total shit.

  263. samiam60 says:

    Rose it is far from efficient but so very effective that one has to concede the good out weighs the bad. Unless of course you are a liberal. Who by the way most likely owns the companies that rip off the Government.

  264. m2 says:

    If your mad about Defense contracts, it’s the same as anything else. Get the corrupted power brokers out of Washington so they don’t do their pay-to-play deals.

    Right now Washington is full of the deceitfuls starting from the top down.

  265. m2 says:

    I know these people like every square inch of…

    ha ha ha…

  266. rosehips says:

    tisk tisk sami. You as a Christian must certainly have misgivings about “killing” and about judging who is bad and who is good. Who are we to dictate what goodness is. More innocent civilians are killed than soldiers in war and to support war is to support the killing of innocents. Why not leave it up to God to decide who is bad and who is good.

    I know we have a philosophical difference about what is ethical and right. I don’t believe God would condone war. period.

    sami said: It makes it possible to kill the bad guys Rose.

  267. tellitlikeitis says:

    Boxer faces ‘challenge of a lifetime’ on climate change bill

    Here is some more words of wisdom from a democrat idiot.

    WASHINGTON — If the Senate doesn’t pass a bill to cut global warming, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer says, there will be dire results: droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more.

    She says there’s a huge upside, however, if the Senate does act: millions of clean-energy jobs, reduced reliance on foreign oil and less pollution for the nation’s children.

    Boxer is engaged in her biggest sales job ever. The stakes couldn’t be higher as she faces one of the toughest high-profile acts of her lengthy career: getting Congress to sign off on historic legislation to lower greenhouse-gas emissions.

    “For Barbara Boxer , it’s both the opportunity and a challenge of a lifetime,” said Frank O’Donnell , the president of Clean Air Watch .

  268. samiam60 says:

    Ah Rose if you had your way America would have just laid down after 911 and we would have been attacked over and over again. God gives us common sense and enough of it to know me Must Destroy those who would Destroy us. We did not start World War 1 or 2, nor did we start 911. We were attacked and our two wars currently have done alot to prevent future attacks. Cheezzzzz, what is hard to understand about that?

  269. m2 says:

    Uh oh Sam, rose pulls out an Alinsky Rule aimed square at you!

  270. rosehips says:

    sami, what has been effective about the war in Iraq? Getting rid of Saddam? Do you think the billions we have spent has been effective?

    We are approaching a trillion dollars in defense spending for Iraq and Afghanistan. What have we really gained?

  271. m2 says:

    Boxer is a loser.
    There will be famine b/c of Cap and Tax. Do to all the squelching of Agriculture which is why all the Agriculture Dems had to be bought off.

    Lovely honest liberals…

  272. samiam60 says:

    M2 says:
    Uh oh Sam, rose pulls out an Alinsky Rule aimed square at you!

    M2 no surprise there at all.

  273. m2 says:

    Wow just think if Obama had the conviction to stand beside the Iranian people and free themselves. What a great the new Iraq would be to them in their future.

  274. tellitlikeitis says:

    Governor Deval Patrick yesterday accused Zoo New England officials of creating a false and inflammatory scare with their warning that state budget cuts may force them to close two Greater Boston zoos and euthanize some animals.

    “As a supporter of the zoo and a parent who has visited often, the governor is disappointed to learn that Zoo New England has responded to this difficult but unavoidable budget cut by spreading inaccurate and incendiary information,’’ Kyle Sullivan, a spokesman for the governor, said in a statement.

    And a second Patrick aide emphatically ruled out the killing of any animals.

    “There will be no consideration given to euthanizing any animals under the state’s watch,’’ said Joe Landolfi, Patrick’s director of communications. If the zoos were to close, Landolfi said, the state would work to find new homes for the animals.

  275. samiam60 says:


    Rose says:
    We are approaching a trillion dollars in defense spending for Iraq and Afghanistan. What have we really gained?

    Now Rose, how do you put a dollar sign on that?

  276. m2 says:

    I’m proud of Iraq being released from a dictator.
    I don’t know why liberals wish for people to suffer…

    where’s all the oil they said we were there for anyway?

  277. Foxwood says:

    Rose said:
    “I think there does need to be incentives for employers to keep onshore workers but the displaced workers program is very costly”

    It’s called lowering taxes.

  278. rosehips says:

    well, sami. If you think that our place on this earth is the end all , I can understand your thinking. I believe Jesus taught us to “turn the other cheek.” I would rather die at the hands of a terrorist knowing that I did not resort to violence and retribution to protect “our way of life.” Our difference is that I do not value life on this earth. I hope that there is something much better in the afterlife and I believe that opposing war is the right thing to do. I trust that God agrees. I hope for your sake that your God is understanding that you felt that killing innocent people to protect your freedoms on this earth is a noble and upright thing to do.

  279. m2 says:

    uh oh the socialists are shutting down zoos and euthanizing animals… who’s next!

    ha ha…

    they should have just stopped spending prior.

  280. rosehips says:

    sami, do you think that God places Americans above others?

  281. samiam60 says:

    Howdy Foxwood. Rose is waiting for you.

  282. m2 says:

    God did not teach you to throw away your life. I know that.

  283. rosehips says:

    and to say that by invading Iraq we saved American lives is pure speculation.

  284. Foxwood says:

    Rose said:
    “And if it wasn’t for the Republicans, we would not be spending almost 60% of every tax dollar on Defense.”

    to quote Martha, “that’s a good thing”.

  285. m2 says:

    So God want’s the world to be over-taken by autocracies and despots and enslaved in Socialism…

    Since you are bringing up God and Christianity, rosehips…

  286. samiam60 says:

    Rose lets play Jeopardy.

    Rose says:
    I hope for your sake that your God is understanding that you felt that killing innocent people to protect your freedoms on this earth is a noble and upright thing to do

    Question: What is Abortion?

  287. rosehips says:

    I don’t think I’m throwing away my life by opposing war.
    If America hadn’t grown a society that places money and wealth above charity and love, I don’t think we would be as much of a target as we are. I don’t think the terrorists would hate us as much if we didn’t worship the dollar above God.

  288. m2 says:

    If you are a Christian still, do you really practice. I just feel your doing Alinsky bullshit in order to make Sam hypocritical and that is the worst underhanded tactic of all.

  289. tellitlikeitis says:

    Report: N. Korea’s Kim Has Pancreatic Cancer

    SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has life-threatening pancreatic cancer, a news report said Monday, days after new images of him looking gaunt spurred speculation that his health might be worsening following a reported stroke last year.

    The 67-year-old Kim was diagnosed with the cancer around the time he was felled by a stroke last summer, Seoul’s YTN television reported, citing unidentified intelligence officials in South Korea and China.

    The report cited the officials saying the disease is “threatening” Kim’s life.

    Pancreatic cancer is usually found in its final stage, and considering Kim’s age, he is expected to live no more than five years, the report said.

    South Korea’s spy agency said it could not confirm the report. Unification Ministry spokesman Chun Hae-sung told reporters he knows of nothing of the report.

    Kim’s health is a focus of intense media speculation due to concerns about instability and a power struggle if he were to die without naming a successor. His third and youngest son, Kim Jong Un, has widely been reported as being groomed as heir, but the regime has made no announcement to the outside world.

    Monday’s report came after Kim last week made a rare public appearance, in an annual memorial for his late father and North Korea’s founder, Kim Il Sung.

    Television footage showed him markedly thinner and with less hair — only the second state event he has attended in person since the reported stroke. He also limped slightly, and the sides of his tightlipped mouth looked imbalanced in what were believed to be the effects of a stroke.

  290. Foxwood says:

    Rose, Our military is not Socialist. Mute point.

  291. m2 says:

    If you are going to let a terrorist gun you down, and you are able to fight back yet you choose to die. You are throwing your life a way. I was using your analogy.

  292. rosehips says:

    sami, In jeopardy you give the answer, you don’t ask a question.

    The answer is “abortion”

    The question is: What method of birth control is used after conception when an unwanted fetus is sucked out of the womb?”

  293. Foxwood says:

    Rose said:
    “what has the defense industry done to improve American society?”

    Kept us safe. Where have you been?

  294. samiam60 says:

    Innocents were killed on 911 Rose and our intentions in Aftganistan and Iraq are not to kill civilians but to wage war against terrorist combatants. Huge difference compared to how you choose to word your remarks.

  295. Foxwood says:

    Rose sain:
    “We are approaching a trillion dollars in defense spending for Iraq and Afghanistan. What have we really gained?”

    We kept them there and they have not attacked here again. Again, where have you been living?

  296. rosehips says:

    m2, I don’t consider myself a Christian. I relate more to Buddists. You don’t see Buddists invading other countries. I could never be a part of a religion that sanctions war. If God will judge me for throwing my life away because I refuse to kill my enemy, than I guess I will rot in hell. I refuse to believe that I would be judged for not defending myself.

  297. samiam60 says:

    Rose says:

    sami, In jeopardy you give the answer, you don’t ask a question.

    The answer is “abortion”

    The question is: What method of birth control is used after conception when an unwanted fetus is sucked out of the womb?”

    End result Rose is Death. Double jeopardy, besides I hate that show.

  298. m2 says:

    I hate jeopardy too. It’s so stale!

  299. Foxwood says:

    Rose said:
    “You as a Christian must certainly have misgivings about “killing” and about judging who is bad and who is good.”

    Read a bible Rose. Killing is in the Bible. “Turn turn turn”

  300. rosehips says:

    yes sami, the end result is death. like I said, I don’t value human life. I think we are doing the fetus a favor by saving them from a world filled with cruelty and hatred. I will pray for their souls. I think God will look kindly on them.

  301. samiam60 says:

    Rose says:

    If God will judge me for throwing my life away because I refuse to kill my enemy, than I guess I will rot in hell. I refuse to believe that I would be judged for not defending myself.

    Sorry Rose this just don’t make no sense. You refuse to kill your enemy even if he/she is going to kill you and then turn around and say Abortion is Ok.

    Think about the hypocrocy of that view.

  302. Foxwood says:

    Ok… I’m caught up.

  303. samiam60 says:

    Rose says:
    I will pray for their souls. I think God will look kindly on them.

    Rose, God will avenge them!

  304. rosehips says:

    foxy, I am trying to ignore you because I have found that no matter the argument or debate, you will repeat yourself over and over and contend that you are right and that I am wrong and even when I slay you do a victory dance as if you have made mincemeat out of my argument. It has gotten to be so predictable and so I have decided to not waste my time until such time that I see you become a little more mature.

  305. m2 says:

    Ok, well why are you pretending to be Christian? Because you were tying to trap sam with an Alinsky deceit? Buddhism has no Hell.

    I think Buddha “valued life”…

    Oh damn I’m confused, rosehips.

  306. rosehips says:

    sami, I think it is so sad that you characterize God as an “avenger.”
    and btw foxy, I don’t think the Bible comes from God, it comes from man and is therefore imperfect.

  307. Foxwood says:

    You know Sami, If Rose thinks that way about fetuses, it’s not a far step to nuke Iran and let Allah sort them out.

  308. m2 says:

    Alisnky rule gone bust and back-fired.


  309. m2 says:

    Well it’s really nice out so I take advantage of the unseasonable cool temps…

    take care ppl!

  310. Foxwood says:

    As long as I piss you off. 🙂

  311. samiam60 says:

    Rose says:

    sami, I think it is so sad that you characterize God as an “avenger.”
    and btw foxy, I don’t think the Bible comes from God, it comes from man and is therefore imperfect.

    Rose than by what means to you feel you understand God?

  312. rosehips says:

    m2, I don’t think I pretend to be a Christian. I was raised Catholic and was influenced by my indoctrination. I have respect for the teachings of Jesus but take the word of the Bible with a grain of salt. Mostly I ascribe to the golden rule and feel that all religions have a common thread and I sincerely believe that if we live our lives through love and charity, we will be judged better for it. I have a long way to go but I do believe what the bible says about the meek and the rich. I think most people choose to take what they want from the bible and disregard the rest. The difference is that those who oppose Obama are the ones who disregard the lessons about camels through the eye of a needle and instead find rationale for war and invasion and the killing of innocent people.

  313. Foxwood says:

    Sami, She has no belief in the Bible, and by her statements, has no belief in the Constitution.

  314. Foxwood says:

    And as far as my predictable statements Rose,
    They are predictable because your wrong and I have to correct you.

  315. rosehips says:

    sami, it’s just a gut feeling…

    sami said: Rose than by what means to you feel you understand God?

    foxy, if that is your intent you have fallen a little short of the mark, but your efforts are noble, if not a little sad.

    foxy said: As long as I piss you off.

  316. m2 says:

    I don’t think Jesus would want ppl to suffer under evil tyrants, and be complacent. But I think what you are saying is Liberals have no definition of evil.

    And since they have no values, they cannot be “hypocritical” which is why they use Alinsky tactics against those who do have values.

  317. samiam60 says:

    Rose perhaps you should consider those killed in war to be just late term abortions. Seems you can live with that better knowing they are no longer in this cruel world. Without the Bible we would have no clue what Jesus said on the sermon on the mound. Since you take the Bible with a grain of salt how can you believe anything>

  318. Foxwood says:

    I know it does, Rose. You in as much said so. 🙂

  319. rosehips says:

    m2, I think it is wrong to lump my philosophies in with all liberals. I am hardly typical and am not a spokesperson for them.

  320. m2 says:

    I also think that our “wasted” defense dollars has allowed us to create precision targeting that means we are not killing innocents. There’s even a video Obama released.

    But who is killing the innocents? The evil tyrants that liberals cannot find it in them to condemn.

  321. rosehips says:

    yes sami, I do look at the innocent victims of war much as I would late term abortions. I think those people will be looked upon by God with compassion. I would rather die following my convictions as a pacifist than support a war that kills hundreds of thousands of innocent victims.

  322. samiam60 says:

    We are like sooooo off topic.

  323. Foxwood says:

    Sami, M2, I’m a knuckle dragger. I admit it.

  324. Foxwood says:

    But untill she called me childish, did I act it?

  325. samiam60 says:

    Well we really need to get back on topic. We have fallen into an argument that is counter productive and will not end well.

  326. Foxwood says:

    I am a blunt NO BULSHIT man. I say what’s on my mind direct and to the point. That is just me.

  327. rosehips says:

    sami, thank you for recognizing that this conversation is counter-productive. I apologize for any insults or offense. I know I pushed buttons.
    I need to go but look forward to happier and less adversarial discussions later.

    have a great day!

  328. samiam60 says:

    Everyone needs to say Four OurObama’s and three HailPelosi’s.

  329. Foxwood says:

    Some people take me the wrong way because of it. There is no way to hear inflection when I make my comments.

  330. m2 says:

    I dunno, it just seems like some (generalization not rosehips) would let Hitler continue his genocide because “war is bad” and “who are we to judge, we are inherently more evil trying to spread our freedom”…

    But I’m going outside… anywho.

  331. samiam60 says:

    Love you Rose I too am sorry things got heated in the wrong way.

  332. Foxwood says:

    I’m glad I could clear the air here!

    Ew, wasn’t me.

  333. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood you are Foxwood and so we appreciate your inputs and great contributions concerning our Constitution.

  334. Foxwood says:

    Sami, I’m a troglodyte. I revel in it. I carry a club and wacke my prey on the head with a club. If I want a woman, I wacke her on the head and drag her by the hair. I’m obsolete, but I keep on troggin.

  335. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood,,, hahahahahahahaha, you speak of a simpler time my friend. I remember those days.

  336. Foxwood says:

    The old conservative used to be like a troglodyte. They took care of their family, they worked to keep food on the table. They contributed to society, by being in the work force. Your incentive was to make more for your family.

    Now for the first time in American history, our children will not look forward to having a better life than us, and the lefty view is to say, “where did doing better for our children come from?”

    It’s a weak stance and the libs want Americans to be week. WHY?

  337. samiam60 says:

    Ok I am outta here till tonight. VF, Sorry we got off topic like we did. It was Rose’s fault.

  338. karmahd says:

    Just a drive by but I cannot let someone make assumptions with flawed data, The highest level of military spending since 1962 as a percentage of GDP was 9.2% and that was at the height of the Viet Nam war, where 60% of overall GDP is coming from I have not clue, see link Karma

  339. karmahd says:

    This is probably a chart of higher concern, and the crux of all the forthcoming problems we will face with the new tax and spend administration, Question, how do you build an economy if you tax it to death when it is down and teetering on a depression, Answer, YOU CAN’T!!!!!

  340. Foxwood says:

    If you say it Karm, there is no response. No offense.

    If I say it, Rose comes out of the woodwork.

    And then she says she’s not responding to me.

    Then she does.

    Liberal women!

  341. karmahd says:

    Click to access RL32209.pdf

    An unbiased source of military spending, in case you don’t like the Heritage Foundation

  342. tellitlikeitis says:

    Hi Karma.

  343. karmahd says:

    Foxwood, I have the power LOL!!! Figures are figures, the second link shows the actual amount per the congressional budget office, it is what it is, no fluff, no bull, if you look at what Obama and his spendaholics want to do they are taking from the defense budget weakening our country and spending on social programs to further cement there base, it is nothing more than a political power grab no matter how the Orator spins it, he is a lying dog if he sez otherwise!!!

  344. karmahd says:

    Hey Tellitlikitis, good stuff you have been posting good to see you back, Karma

  345. Foxwood says:

    Hey Tellit, Morning Karma.

  346. Foxwood says:

    Liberal women.

    Can’t live with them,
    Can’t live… hmmmm…

  347. Foxwood says:

    BRB, Gotta get to my next cell site.

  348. tellitlikeitis says:

    Thanks, Karma. Just trying to keep everyone here up to speed on current events.

  349. rosehips says:

    karma, I admit that when you say something I give it more credibility because I find some people to be reactionary and they water down their credibility with statements that have no basis in fact but are just their beliefs with no basis but for what they feel is fact.

    However, I do not buy that figures are figures. Figures get skewed all the time, depending on how you want to spin them. I admit that I did not research the defense spending statement I read within the last couple of days that said we spend almost 60% of our taxes on defense. I guess that figure is highly debatable but when I did a search this is the first link that I saw:

    I don’t expect anyone here to buy it. But the fact is that we spend scads of money on defense and are not efficient with the funds and the results are questionable.

    anyway, I can’t stay and debate. I have a quiz I must prepare for. later!

  350. rosehips says:

    and foxy, I just gotta ask. I’ve been curious about this for a long time. Do you blog while you are driving?

  351. Foxwood says:

    Rose, Its childish Trog Fox again.
    “no basis but for what they feel is fact.”

    I don’t feel, That is a lib thing. I know. I have my facts. Why show you when you say they are suspect. So I don’t show anymore. I have facts. I don’t feel. I know,

  352. Foxwood says:

    No, I don’t blog and drive.

  353. tellitlikeitis says:

    Now that’s an idea. Maybe I will work for free I can pretend my bills are getting paid. They use to say in the old Soviet Union. “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us.”

    Work for Free? Some People Are Doing It to Help Land a Job

    With U.S. unemployment at a 20-year high, some Americans are working for free while looking for a job, but experts are split over whether it is a sign of dedication or desperation.

    Unpaid job seekers can keep their resumes fresh by boosting their experience and learning new skills, experts say, but others warn businesses may take advantage of the jobless and that it is illegal for commercial companies not to pay workers.

    Dana Lin, 22, is one of the 14.7 million unemployed workers in the United States. She lost her marketing job at a technology company near San Francisco in April and since then has been working for free for about five hours a week for Internet company

    “Every company has thousands of people applying for each job, and I realized I needed more appeal,” said Lin, a graduate of Cornell University.

    Since being laid off, she has applied unsuccessfully for about 50 jobs.

    “In some cases companies might be getting the better end of it (by having unpaid workers),” she said. “But it’s nice to have something occupy yourself with and when speaking to prospective employers it’s nice to say ‘I haven’t just been sitting around all day, I’ve actually been doing something.”‘

    It’s not only the unemployed taking on free work. Some employed people are being asked by bosses to go without pay.

  354. Foxwood says:

    Anybody that has ever learned REAL history know what is right. It’s not a feeling. Socialism is WRONG. It’s not a feeling. It’s a fact. In school when they used to teach children, you were taught facts. You didn’t feel. Again, that’s a lib thing.

    Now the Constitution is an ancient paper written by old white men. I point out Socialism is wrong, every time you mention a socialist concept. It’s not reactionary. It’s fact. That’s why I do it. I might feel it, but I know socialism is WRONG. I am full against it and any link you can show to “prove” a “fact” is ignored by me, because I was taught the lunacy of Socialism and Communism in the golden age of school. When better dead that red was the mantra.

    I will point it out every time. You can ignore it if you like.

  355. Foxwood says:

    And yet I state the same thing every one else does here, and you say I FEEL. No, I don’t think that’s it. I piss you off.

  356. Foxwood says:

    Childish Troglodyte Foxwood here. The House is talking healthcare today, trying to get it up for a vote. Call your Reps, might as well call your Senators also, and tell them we don’t want Socialism in our country and we want our Constitution back.

  357. tellitlikeitis says:

    WH summons top lawmakers for health meeting
    By ERICA WERNER – 2 hours ago

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House summoned two lawmakers critical to President Barack Obama’s hopes for health care overhaul to a private meeting Monday as the timetable for a comprehensive bill continued to slip.

    Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., were to meet at the White House on Monday afternoon, according to an official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations.

    Baucus and Rangel are in charge of the crucial job of coming up with how to pay for a comprehensive health care overhaul that would cost an estimated $1 trillion over 10 years, mostly for subsidies to help cover some 50 million uninsured Americans.

    The meeting comes as Obama, newly returned from an overseas trip, must refocus on his top legislative priority: a sweeping health care bill to bring down costs and cover the uninsured. Timelines for the health legislation continue to be pushed back, with a bill unveiling promised for Monday in the House sliding to Tuesday as House Democratic leaders struggled to regain support from moderate and conservative Democrats who threatened opposition last week over the bill’s price tag and other issues.

    The White House’s strategy to leave the legislative back-and-forth to Congress has produced varying and sometimes contradictory versions of health care legislation — along with delays. As the Senate turns its attention to Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings, the focus on that side of the Capitol will turn away from Obama’s top domestic priority.

    The administration’s Democratic allies in Congress hinted they would not deliver legislation before leaving town for an August recess. The delay would be a blow to the White House and to Democrats’ electoral prospects.

    The House and Senate are working toward legislation that would deliver on Obama’s popular goals from his presidential campaign, but they are hardly in unison. House Democrats have proposed raising taxes on wealthy Americans to pay for the plan.

    That idea appears to face opposition in the Senate, where a bipartisan group of senators is trying to reassemble a financing package now missing a key component: an unpopular tax on high-cost health insurance benefits, which would have raised $320 billion out of a $1 trillion package.

    A bipartisan deal would have a better chance of winning broad support. That’s what Obama says he wants, and the best chance for such a deal is still in the Senate.

    But after a turbulent week, senators will move cautiously. A lot more work is needed to avoid another round of miscalculations.

    Republicans, seizing on an issue that affects all Americans and has shown a glimmer of hope for an out-of-power political party, have lambasted the proposals as rash and irresponsible. They also see the issue as a way to win House and Senate seats in the 2010 midterm elections.

    “There is no chance that it’s going to be done by August,” said Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. “President Obama was right about one thing: He said if it’s not done quickly, it won’t be done at all. Why did he say that? Because the longer it hangs out there, the more the American people are skeptical, anxious and even in opposition to it.”

  358. tellitlikeitis says:

    This is amazing.


    Last updated: 3:44 am
    July 12, 2009
    Posted: 3:17 am
    July 12, 2009

    These bums are costing you a fortune.

    Ricky Alardo, a homeless alcoholic nicknamed Ricky Ricardo, swigs cheap vodka by day at his favorite corner in Washington Heights, then calls an ambulance to chauffeur him to the hospital for a free meal and a warm place to sleep, courtesy of taxpayers who fund his Medicaid benefits.

    For a chronic caller like Alardo — who phones 911 four or five times a week — the annual medical bill can be as high as $300,000. Over 13 years, the length of time he has been abusing the emergency room, he has cost the medical system an estimated $3.9 million.

    In Midtown, another bum, Robert, has faked emergencies to get food and shelter in ERs about 40 or 50 times in the past three years — and taxpayers pick up his tab, too.

    Ricky and Robert are among the dozens of “frequent fliers” who clog the 911 system, tie up city ambulances, crowd emergency rooms and burn through Medicaid money.

    An ambulance ride alone can run as much as $800, and an ER visit can cost, conservatively, $400 a pop, according to estimates from medical experts.

    City officials don’t track frequent fliers or the costs associated with their transport and hospital care, but anecdotal numbers from ER and EMS workers suggest there are dozens throughout the city.

    “We have a system that is extremely dysfunctional. We have no place to put these people,” an EMS medic said.

    A paramedic working downtown said some frequent fliers think they’ll get faster treatment if they arrive at an ER by ambulance, rather than walk in.

    “They know what to say to our call takers,” he said.

    Or they’ll tell a bystander, “Oh, I have chest pains,” the medic said.

    Alardo, 53, phones 911 so regularly, medics know which calls are likely his.

    “When Ricky passes on, I’ll probably even go to his funeral,” said one medic who works in Washington Heights. “I’ve seen him almost every day for the last 13 years.”

    An inebriated Alardo lauded the medics last week, saying they “treat me like a king.”

    A few hours later, he called for an ambulance to pick him up on Bennett Avenue. He went into the hospital at about 4 p.m. and slept for hours.

    His fellow frequent flier Robert said he has called 911 as many as 50 times since becoming homeless three years ago.

  359. arlenearmy says:

    About the Sotomayor confirmation hearing, I think there’s been some misinformation about the possibility of her being STOPPED. The other day some folk(s) said that Sotomayor could be stopped if NO republican voted for her or that at the very least 1 Republican had to vote for her in order for her to be confirmed.

    Well, I called Inhofe’s office today to make inquiry. I was just informed by his office that it takes a simple majority & that the Republicans do not have the majority of the votes. In any case, Inhofe WILL NOT vote for her.

  360. Foxwood says:

    It won’t matter if Sotomayor gets in or not. Another Lib will be voted on. The main thing Conservatives have to do is bring up the fact that she’s a Lib, that your vote matters, that when you vote a Commie Lib as President, you get Commie Lib Justices also.

  361. arlenearmy says:

    I hear yah !! I got a bit put out w/the personal childhood story she told. An obvious smoke screen to cloud what is to come tomorrow.

    Im praying that the conservative justices live a long life.

  362. arlenearmy says:

    I expected Obama to nominate a liberal as Justice. But what’s troubling to me was her “Latino woman” comment coupled w/her ruling on the Connecticut firemen.

  363. Foxwood says:

    Childish troglodyte Foxwood here. Sotomayor said “jokingly” that she would legislate from the bench. That’s what worries me.

  364. samhenry says:

    Hi Arlene, Fox, Tellit

    Fox has said:

    Childish troglodyte Foxwood here –

    Fox – we have some interesting new people on the blog and I worry that they will not feel that they have found a happy bloghome if personal remarks and self effacing remarks go on and on. We can disagree without getting personal. I say this to all comers not just you and I remind myself of this. I have found a happy home here and have been fortunate in the mutual respect I have experienced but every so often things get out of whack and we get off the track. This just comes as a friendly reminder that we need to all put our best foot forward – we deserved to do that for ourselves.

    Love you all and thanks for listening.

  365. Foxwood says:

    SamH, I’m not going to put up with Rose’s crap.

  366. karmahd says:

    Hey Rose, no harm no foul, but the link you listed takes a large liberty with it calculations. I will go with the GAO’s numbers, which appear to be more in line with acceptable accounting principals. We spend a lot, but nowhere near 60% of our GDP, more inline with 4-5 % of which Obama is cutting to 3%, he sure did that fast, and added or in his words reallocated the funds to a “greater” need, anyway, did the Soda Pop fair well??

  367. samhenry says:

    Hi Karm – good to see you.

    Fox – good to see you but please take note that Karm disagrees with Rose but does not make personal attacks. I don’t want anyone to use the word “crap” when talking with me. I would hate to leave this blog because things got unbearable from a social interaction standpoint. That is not necessary. So shape up or I ship out.

  368. samhenry says:

    Rose can be difficult, I can be difficult but that does not mean we have to respond in kind. We are civilized conservatives for God’s sake.

  369. samhenry says:

    Dog overboard

  370. Foxwood says:

    I’ve not made any personal attacks SamH.

  371. Foxwood says:

    This time Rose started the debacle, and I will not put up with crap.

  372. Foxwood says:

    Crap was not directed at you SamH.

  373. Foxwood says:

    As I’ve stated before, I’m a blunt man and say things bluntly.

  374. samiam60 says:

    Some words of wisdom seems in order.

    The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday

    Morning *

    My confession:

    I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it

    does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful

    lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees.. I don’t feel threatened. I

    don’t feel discriminated against. That’s what they are: Christmas trees.

    It doesn’t bother me a bit when people say, ‘Merry Christmas’ to me. I

    don’t think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a

    ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it It shows that we are all brothers

    and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn’t bother me at

    all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near

    my beach house in **Malibu** . If people want a crèche, it’s just as

    fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.

    I don’t like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don’t think

    Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think

    people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around,

    period. I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an

    explicitly atheist country. I can’t find it in the Constitution and I

    don’t like it being shoved down my throat.

    Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we

    should worship celebrities and we aren’t allowed to worship God as we

    understand Him? I guess that’s a sign that I’m getting old, too. But

    there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came

    from and where the America we knew went to.

    In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a

    little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it’s not funny,

    it’s intended to get you thinking.

    Billy Graham’s daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane

    Clayson asked her ‘How could God let something like this happen?’

    (regarding Katrina) Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and

    insightful response.. She said, ‘I believe God is deeply saddened by

    this, just as we are, but for years we’ve been telling God to get out of

    our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our

    lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed

    out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection

    if we demand He leave us alone?’

    In light of recent events… terrorists attack, school shootings, etc.

    I think it started when Madeleine Murray O’Hare (she was murdered, her

    body found a few years ago) complained she didn’t want prayer in our

    schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the

    Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not

    steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

    Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn’t spank our children when they

    misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we

    might damage their self-esteem (Dr Spock’s son committed suicide). We

    said an expert should know what he’s talking about. And we said OK.

    Now we’re asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they

    don’t know right from wrong, and why it doesn’t bother them to kill

    strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

    Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it

    out. I think it has a great deal to do with ‘WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.’

    Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the

    world’s going to hell Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but

    question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send ‘jokes’ through

    e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages

    regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd,

    crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but

    public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

  375. samhenry says:

    This is very lovely, Sami I saw it long ago and was so grateful that Jew saw in another culture what I see in Judaism. It would be a sad place if we were all alike in how we express the notion of God. It should be an expression of our culture. In that way the culture owns God. We are deprived of complete joy and knowledge if we do not appreciate the expression of others in this area.

  376. samhenry says:

    FOX – I am well aware that Rose pushed your buttons and she should not have done that. And the warning goes out to her as well. We need to be civil in dealing with each other and to work out difficulties. I hope she will come back on with an apology either on the blog or in a PM. That said, you were the other side of the equation. You have control over the FOX. The way you win an argument with someone pushing buttons is to ignore the tactic and return to the issues – if win is the right word. You do not have to play tit for tat. That IS CHILDISH. Just back off. You know where it always goes and the trick is to build some kind of a culvert to redirect the flow. We need to help each other in this. I hope when I get out of sorts that you will be there for me in this way. You always have been. Just be yourself and state your case in your inimitable way. You do have winning ways FOX. I love it when you suddenly appear and say “I didn’t do it. It’s not my fault.” Keep on keeping on FOX. These new bloggers need to know how wonderful you are and how learned and what a Constitutional scholar you are.

  377. Foxwood says:

    Very profound.

  378. Foxwood says:

    There was no button pushed. She give me CR&P, So I will dish it back. If a girl hits me, I’m not a gentleman.

  379. samhenry says:

    Rose, when you come back on, please think to say something nice to FOX so that we can put this day to rest, eh? You are my idol on the blog and I need to see you here as the liberal we all love. As you know, I am very close to your views at times so I am very simpatico with your positions. But you were a little tough on the FOX today so PLEEEEEZE? Make nice.

  380. Foxwood says:

    It’s not a button pushed. It’s a warning.

  381. Foxwood says:

    I was not mean, (I am gruff), I was not mad (I know it’s hard to tell), I was not personal (but I will tell you how I feel).

  382. Foxwood says:

    I’m not worried about it SamH. I’m over it. I won’t take it if it happens again, but everyone will get over it.

  383. samhenry says:

    I don’t know what you mean:

    It’s not a button pushed. It’s a warning.

    Send me a PM so that we can get out of the info road here. In honor of Sotomayer, we will have a “sidebar.”

  384. samhenry says:

    By the way Sami – I LOVE Ben Stein.

  385. Foxwood says:

    It’s not meant to be mean or hateful, SamH. I really have to water the garden. It hasn’t rained in a while.

  386. samhenry says:

    I know FOX – water the garden and think about how you don’t need to react to Rose or to me or to anyone – just to state your very good views.

  387. arlenearmy says:

    That was a very good post you left. That article is saying that folks should be careful what that ask for.

    My husband as some of you know served in Vietnam. He told me that in Vietnam Believe in God multiplied about a million times over. He said he served w/some guys who said they didn’t believe in God. But when the bullets get to flying or they get hit, they get religion in a HURRY!!! Instant conversion !! As soon as they got in fire fight they were doing a lot of Hail Mary’s. Clinching onto home-made crosses & that superstition was rampant even amongst the staunch unbelievers.

    When 911 hit us, Congress & Senate were scared to go to work. I SAW on the news ALL of congress assembled praying & saying God Bless America. Folks were literally STEALING U.S. Flags from Veterans’ halls & off their neighbors lawns.

    Now folks wanna kick God under the bus & given amnesty to Gitmo detainees. What happened ?

  388. arlenearmy says:

    Leaves on my roses garden are turning yellow. Ive watered them. Darn!! Our water bill last month has double. I thought it was a leak or they estimated the reading… but we checked & the bill was accurate. Its too hot to even pull weeds. White spots on watermellow leaves. Hubby says its not normal.

  389. arlenearmy says:

    SH said:
    “In honor of Sotomayer, we will have a “sidebar.”


    What’s going on w/Sotomayer? Did I miss the latest news on her? Ive been watching the news of that confirmation hearing. She’s not been confirmed yet.

  390. rosehips says:

    I want to apologize to everyone for being so ornery this morning and especially to foxy for being so offensive. I didn’t realize how offensive I was until I just re-read my comments.

    Foxy, I have singled you out. You are right. I know the divide between our views and ideologies is very wide, but if we can express them without being disrespectful or insulting, it will make everyone feel much happier and comfortable expressing their viewpoints.

    I went way too far today. I attacked you personally and I am sorry. I think the diversity we have here is special and I hope we can try to maintain it without offending anyone to the point that they don’t want to be here.

    I want to make peace and I want us both to feel free to disagree without feeling insulted for our beliefs.

    Let’s give it a try, okay?

  391. rosehips says:

    and sh, it’s sweet that you try to deflect some of the blame upon yourself, but I think everyone will agree that you do not offend anyone here and you are well loved for your open-mindedness, compassion, and humor. I would be very saddened if you left.

  392. samhenry says:

    Hi, Arlene

    Sotomoto has not yet been confirmed but a top Republican on the panel looked at her and said: “unless you have a complete meltdown, it looks as if you will be confirmed.”

  393. samhenry says:

    Is that a sweet little crabcake? Why it is. I am so glad to see you. You remain my heroine – you are a class act.

  394. samhenry says:

    Back to Barack. I can’t tell you what a chill went down my spine tonight as I heard him telling very defiantly and dictatorially that the health care reform will go through. I will try to dig out the text.

  395. samhenry says:

    I have a CAT scan in the AM – a real one! Not big deal just a thorough doc. To bed early for the ole dawg. No jump overboard tonight. One of the crew will be lowering me into the launch and I will motor to shore. I love going first class although I love showing my true grit in my jump and swim act.

  396. arlenearmy says:

    Well I’m gonna lay down & take some Excedrin. Got this head ache across my eye brow. bbl….

  397. samhenry says:

    Feel better Arlene. See you tomorrow.

  398. samhenry says:

    I meant to followup the Sotomoto question you had with the fact that I did not watch the entire proceedings today. I was down with a headache of my own.

  399. arlenearmy says:

    Oh before I log off momentarily, I want to say that my head ache has been enhanced when I heard you say what Obama said.

  400. samhenry says:

    OMG – I’m sorry about the Obama hex I put on you, Arlene! It’s a powerful hex. You may be in bed for weeks – his power is that strong.

    He really acts like a dictator and he is!

    There was a coup and his grass roots army got it done for him.

  401. SH said:Back to Barack. I can’t tell you what a chill went down my spine tonight as I heard him telling very defiantly and dictatorially that the health care reform will go through. I will try to dig out the text.
    Girl, I HOPE YOU ARE WRONG!!!! However, my father said the same thing.
    That BHO and CO will have the Health Destruction Bill ready to be signed in two weeks.
    People, We gotta do everything we can to stop them.

    Ok, they are dragging up the Bush Cheney War Crimes crap to DIVERT Our Attention. DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN.

    And we can’t let What Glimmer is left of Fox News to cover that instead of the Health Desctruction they are trying to pass in the dark of the night, FREAKIN’ CREEPS!

  402. karmahd says:

    Karma’s nightly thoughts of the day…

    I just love it when everyone gets along, ok so did anyone see the Sodamare, and I meant to spell it that way, hearings?? I did not get to read or watch any news tonight, been cleaning up the back yard after work.

    I have sad news, (kidding) in cleaning out some sort of Tarzan vine the previous owner planted, I now know why he planted it, the vine was holding up the fence!! So I need fence needless to say, this house was such a good idea when I bought it, no so much these days, property values especially in Florida have dropped about 45% in my market, and that is indicative of the surrounding counties as well, some as high as 50%. I tell you this because this is reality, the ones who might have bought between 2004-2007, can’t get out, we have our own little financial prisons, unless of course if you wish to give the house back, but then there goes the neighborhood, tough situation for “MILLIONS” of family’s right now, time for some of that CHANGE.

    The good about all this, living beyond your means is not rewarded well in this climate, and that is the difficult part for a large segment of our populance, we have lived large and now the economic “reboot” has knocked the nation to its knees, but and there is always a but what about this, (and this is the thought for the night) our nation has always rallied from dark times, and no nation has overcome more to such successful outcomes. Not so much on a consumer level, but when the times got tough the “Nation” always pulled through.

    Now we have red states and blue states, we have politicians making asses out of themselves on a daily basis. We see power struggles from a sorely beaten Republican party, which in good times fit most people. As with any element of society you have your fringes of beliefs, on both ends but the main party or group is somewhere in the middle, that is fragile balance is out of kilter. The last administration opened up the doors for this kind of revolt, by a different set of reductions of freedom, you are on the grid, they knew who you were and where your at. But a safe police state it was, now (and I will end the ramble) we have the hearts and souls of people being ripped out! We are in history, these times will be remembered as “these times” for long after all of our souls are gone. By spending , taxing, and promoting big government, we will create a welfare state, read up those two words have many meanings but as history goes, let me be first in labeling our current slice of history as the “development of a welfare state after the second great recession. Any good news, yes, less people, less smog, less hope. In past, the trades led to the recovery, get people building something and you create economies, and all sorts of innovation, but this will come from the Milena, the youth, not us Cent’s So moral of the story, live long, live hard, and most of all live, do something different, use your age and wisdom to create, leave a legacy. Dream hard, night all Karma

  403. samhenry says:

    And so another day on the blog on the great info ship VotingFemale. Hatches battened down, deck sparkly clean for a new day and bloggers sound asleep dreaming hard per Karm. Let’s hope we don’t hear the fire bell in the night warning that health care reform has come to these free, open waters surrounding America where the great info ship, VotingFemale functions as a light ship – a beacon of just cause and ideas.

    PS in the old days of travel aboard the great steamers, the first thing you saw coming back from Europe was the Nantucket Lightship guarding the shoals there.

  404. samhenry says:

    OK – I found the Obama Quote on Health Care Reform passage that gave me that chill:

    Speaking to reporters in the Rose Garden this morning, Obama hit back at critics who say it won’t happen. “I just want to put everybody on notice because there was a lot of chatter during the week that I was gone: We are going to get this done. Inaction is not an option,” Obama said. “And for those naysayers and cynics who think that this is not going to happen, don’t bet against us. We are going to make this thing happen because the American people desperately need it.”

    Newsweek – Holly Bailey 13 July 200

  405. samhenry says:

    Let us also remember that it is now 14 Juillet – a verse or “twa” of La Marseillaise s’il vous plait! (French National Anthem)

    Allons enfants de la Patrie,
    Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
    Contre nous de la tyrannie,
    L’étendard sanglant est levé, (bis)
    Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
    Mugir ces féroces soldats ?
    Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
    Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes !

    Aux armes, citoyens,
    Formez vos bataillons,
    Marchons, marchons !
    Qu’un sang impur abreuve nos sillons !

    Come, children of the Fatherland,
    The day of glory has arrived!
    Against us tyranny’s bloodied banner is raised, (repeat)
    Do you hear in the countryside the roar of those ferocious soldiers?
    They come right here into your midst

    To arms, citizens,
    Form your battalions,
    Let’s march, let’s march!
    May a tainted blood drench our furrows!

  406. samhenry says:

    Chien depart.

  407. Pingback: Glenn Beck: How Liberal Media Works (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  408. Pingback: Alaska’s Sarah Palin Huge Hit in Small New York Town: Crowd of 20,000 Excited to See Palin « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  409. samhenry says:

    VF – neglected to say that your comeback that you would yell OBAMA instead of FORE except everyone would be looking up for money to be falling from trees – VERY, VERY, VERY FINE!

  410. VotingFemale says:

    Morning Dears…..

    Money from the sky is way more appropriate!

    Good Call SamH!

    I have my golf league in a few minutes, but I published a quick blogpost so the comment reloading does not get bogged down.

    Obama apparently considers F-22 Raptor, Racist;Threatens to Veto Bill if funding included

    Love you all and glad to see things can get worked out without my having to step in… that is a good thing.

    LATERS !!!

  411. Pingback: Stacking the Deck: Mental Manipulation of the Public — Leftist Mainstream Media & Politicians’ Use of Non-Stop Bias Tactics « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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