Hey DHS? Start crotch groping all male air travellers like you groped all women’s boobs a few years ago

As a knee jerk reaction to the Christmas Day attempt to blow up an Amsterdam to Detroit flight by a male Muslim Holy Warrior with a crotch bomb, the Obama Administration’s Department of Homeland Security has now announced that air travelers will be prohibited from leaving their seats in the last hour of flight.

Ohhh gee… this is going to fix everything, huh? What a solution! Why didn’t anyone think of that before? lol

Who was it again? …that put a MORON in charge of the Department of Homeland Security? Ohhh yeah… I remember now… Obama did that.

Hey Janet? Why not just have everyone change into an orange DHS jumpsuit and handcuff everyone’s hands behind their back during the last hour of flight?

I am relieved… that the Jihadist Bomber was not a female who set off a boob bomb… else the Obama Administration’s Department of Homeland Security would likely require all female passengers to be groped during the last hour of flight.

Boob Bomb in Flight Screening

Remember the boob bombs of a few years ago? The Department of Homeland Security used it as an excuse to grope all female passenger’s breasts until enough Public Outrage short circuited the lewd excuse to palpate mammary glands of the flying public.

Since the bomber had the explosives in his underwear… How about the Department of Homeland Security grope the penis and testicles of all men boarding aircraft? …and hire gay Muslim men to do the groping?

Do not expect Barack Obama and his Socialist Crowd to ever “get it.” They get what they want to get… and you could easily change the title of the book cover above to…

Black Liberation Theology for Dummies


Socialism for Dummies


Hatred of America, because… for Dummies

Any so-called ‘Moderate’ peace-loving anti-violence Muslim will tell you the Islamic Jihadists make them look bad… that it would be to their benefit if these enemies of humankind were all rounded up and locked up for life, or sent to their maker.

The same applies to many members of the American Black community who see themselves as Americans, not as devotees of the America Hater Reverend Wrights in this country.

At least half of the voters registered as Democrats are NOT Socialists/Progressives and would tell you that these Socialist/Progressive Extremists running Amok in the Administration, Congress, and in state and local governments do NOT make them comfortable… do NOT represent their American Values.

When the US Government sets its sights on calling a spade a spade and starts dealing with the reality that the US is in a State of War with the Jihad War Fighters, and starts dealing with them as multinational enemy combatants, the world will start moving to a place of safety and peace.

This latest airline bomb attack will be treated as a civil crime when instead it should be dealt by the US Military as an act of war by a Military Enemy of the United States.

War Fighters, like this latest crotch bomber, should be turned over the the US Military and shipped off immediately to GITMO and be dealt with as a Wartime Spy/Saboteur instead of insisting on dealing with them as mere civilians guilty of a crime.


Additional reading…

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:Not So Scary Terror? and “Why Do They Still Hate Us? We Elected Obama; What More Do They Want?” and Terrorist Attacks Plane, Think Progress Attacks Pete Hoekstra
HOTAiR:Investigators: Terrorist wore suicide underwear made by top AQ bombmaker in Yemen and What to do with the 95 Yemenis at Gitmo now? and Video: Northwest 253 passengers tell of thwarted terror attack; Update: Bomber’s dad reported him to feds? Update: Hoekstra says “may” have been in contact with Awlaki
Heritage Foundation:Detroit Terror Plot Makes 28 Plots Foiled Since 9/11 and
Gateway Pundit:Too Funny. Far Left Finally Discovers Obama Is a Weak Leader
Sister Toldjah:Peter King: Terrorist on Detroit-bound airplane had “significant connections” to terrorists
American Power:Revisiting the ‘Terrorist Threat Debate’ and Northwest Airlines Attack: Security Failure of Staggering Proportions and Leftists Spin Attempted Northwest Airlines Attack as Evidence of Fake Al-Qaeda Threat and HBO’s Terror in Mumbai: ‘This is a Struggle Between Islam and the Unbelievers’ …
Nice Deb:Iran’s Pro-Democracy Green Movement Rises Again!
Frugal Café:Team Obama: Heroism to Be Outlawed Because of Airline Passengers Stopping Muslim Terrorist from Blowing Up Plane Going to Detroit
Talk Wisdom:“Overseas Contingency Operation” MUSLIM Terrorist Plot FAILED
Michelle Malkin:Incident on NWA Flight 253? Update: suspect claims al Qaeda direction; Update: An attempted act of terror
Boudica WPI:
The spread of Islam, the spread of conflict.
LisainTX’s Blog:
Leftwing Corruption of America good, Rightwing Values and Principals bad?
Moonbat Patrol:
Christmas Funnies.
SamHenry’s Blog:
The Import of Nancy Pelosi’s Breasts and Review of Christmas 2009 and Hillary Clinton – Year’s Most Successful Democrat and Chinese Buy Volvo and1/2 of Saab for an Auto Industry Jump Start
WarrantOneGirl:Anwar al-Awlaki and scum bag Nidal Hasan
VotingFemale Speaks!:Christmas Day Open Thread
Temple of Mut:X-mas Special: Tea Party MAVEN in the FOX Den!
Dancing Czars: We’ve Figured Him Out and WOW!

About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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373 Responses to Hey DHS? Start crotch groping all male air travellers like you groped all women’s boobs a few years ago

  1. Foxwood says:

    “boob bombs”

    Isn’t that redundant?

  2. samhenry says:

    Very good analysis, VF.

    So that means that the flying Dutchman would not be allowed to hop over seats to put the fire out and remove the device from the guys crotch. Swell. I feel comforted, too.

  3. Foxwood says:

    Too bad it didn’t fry his manhood off.

  4. samhenry says:

    When were most perpetrators of crimes in this country worthy of our criminal courts?

    They will rue the day that GITMO will be relocated to Illinois.

    I guess the base will be given back to Castry?

  5. rosehips says:

    I don’t see anything bad about giving the guy a regular trial. He’s guilty as sin. He’ll get his just desserts. We should lock him up for life so he doesn’t get to be with those virgins until he’s a shriveled up old man.

  6. Foxwood says:

    We are being completely reactionary. They bring on boxcutters, so we ban nail files.

    They bring on shoe bombs, so we make people take off shoes.

    They bring on liquid explosives, so we ban liquids.

    Now someone brings on a powder in a condom in his pants.

    Someone needs to think outside the box.

  7. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Foxwood! SamH! Rosehips! and again to Samiam!

  8. VotingFemale says:

    GITMO will never be closed… Obama wants to stop using the detention facilities there to house Terrorists.

    samhenry says

    When were most perpetrators of crimes in this country worthy of our criminal courts?

    They will rue the day that GITMO will be relocated to Illinois.

    I guess the base will be given back to Castro?

  9. samhenry says:

    FOX – I don’t care if he brings it on board in his ear canals, nasal passages or any other cerebral orafice, let’s strike a match in the waiting area and see who blows up! lol

  10. rosehips says:

    VF, love the pic of the pilot with a handful. But it looks like those boobs are made of glass. haha

    I don’t know what making people stay in seats for the last hour will really accomplish. A terrorist could blow up the plane at any point during the flight. I don’t think they know why he waited but they speculate that he wanted to make sure they knew it was an attack. If the plane had gone down in the ocean, they may not ever know.

    I think I would sue the airline if I wet my pants due to their facist type restrictions.

  11. samhenry says:

    VF – perhaps O will sell time shares in the old barracks.

  12. VotingFemale says:

    Thank you SamH… and the idiots will likely have to rescind this new ‘last hour’ rule like so many other half brained ideas of the past…

    samhenry says

    Very good analysis, VF.

    So that means that the flying Dutchman would not be allowed to hop over seats to put the fire out and remove the device from the guys crotch. Swell. I feel comforted, too.

  13. samiam60 says:

    So this guy bar b qued his own scrotum.

    I say re attach a working bomb to his private parts and tell him to start running.

  14. samhenry says:

    Wet your pants Rose? Good point. We should wear depends on flights.

  15. samhenry says:

    Sami – Rose listed lots of parts – could be just that peripheral piece lol.

  16. rosehips says:

    I can imagine a rush to the bathrooms just before the cut off. Will they make the folks on the end of the line go back to their seats when the hour begins? Will we be patted down before entering the toilet?

  17. Foxwood says:

    I had this idea to make diapers out of ShamWOWs ™.

  18. rosehips says:

    sami, I believe part of his perineum was singed as well. lol

    sami said: So this guy bar b qued his own scrotum.

  19. samhenry says:

    I had the same fear, RH. I’m old and have to vacuate or vacate the (I’m drawing a blank of the name of the part) frequently. I have bathroom frequent flyer miles.

  20. samiam60 says:

    Should this guy had succeeded in detonating this Crotch Bomb I have to ask what he expected to do when he got his Seven Virgins?

    Seems he did not think through his mission very well. imo

  21. rosehips says:

    foxy lol! We will need the most absorbent material available. ShamWOW would be perfect!

    foxy: I had this idea to make diapers out of ShamWOWs ™.

  22. samhenry says:

    Why do you think those are virgins, Sami. They have never, never had a suicide bomber arrive with all workable parts.

  23. samhenry says:

    Right, RH, Bladder or in my case “blabber.” lol

  24. samiam60 says:

    SamH says:

    Why do you think those are virgins, Sami. They have never, never had a suicide bomber arrive with all workable parts.

    Ahnhaahahahahahahhaa,,, bet they never thought of that.

    We should sneak this information into the Terrorist Camp and see how many defections they get!


  25. LisaInTX says:

    Espresso’s and Bidet’s? Who would have thought the two could exist together in the same comment? LMAO…hahahaha
    Y’all are on a ROLL this fine cold morning!!

  26. VotingFemale says:

    Judicious uses of graphics helps visualize the point being made. lol

    rosehips says

    VF, love the pic of the pilot with a handful. But it looks like those boobs are made of glass. haha

    I don’t know what making people stay in seats for the last hour will really accomplish. A terrorist could blow up the plane at any point during the flight. I don’t think they know why he waited but they speculate that he wanted to make sure they knew it was an attack. If the plane had gone down in the ocean, they may not ever know.

    I think I would sue the airline if I wet my pants due to their facist type restrictions.

  27. samhenry says:

    Hi Lisa – the bidet is sometimes the water source for the Espresso, lol. ewwwwwwwwwww.

    Sami – wonderful line

    We should sneak this information into the Terrorist Camp and see how many defections they get!


  28. LisaInTX says:

    What ever happened to the IDEAL of restricting travel for ALL Islamic foreigners into our air space? Oh—-that would be “PROFILING”……and we must NOT do that huh?

  29. VotingFemale says:

    I am a believer of bidet use… great idea and it works well. But then most people do not have any idea what it is really for. lol

    The Japanese have perfected the electronic bidet… wish I owned one.

  30. LisaInTX says:

    Good morning my fine UN-feathered friends…


  31. samhenry says:

    At some point we will be forced to treat the general Muslim population with suspicion the way we viewed the Japanes and German Americans during WWII.

  32. Foxwood says:

    Doesn’t everyone have a Bidet with their espresso?

    Oh, no wait… That’s a baguette.

  33. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa, what happened to putting anyone with Terrorist ties on the No Fly List? Duhhhh

    WTF is this terrorist lite list crap?

  34. samhenry says:

    VF, it’s taking a chance to have on in the US because someone will use it as a toilet to be sure. When questioned why they used it, I am sure they will say “I prefer the shallow end.”

  35. LisaInTX says:

    Well it could be used like a water fountain if the water pressure is high…hahahahaha
    I can just picture a person holding the coffee pot up to capture that stream….hahahaha—-yucky….but funny….hahahaha

  36. rosehips says:

    lisa, that would probably send our economy into (more of) a tailspin, if by restrict you mean deny visas. The US has many islamic friends whom we do business with. I would be appalled if the US denied travel to all Islamics. I don’t think it’s bad to profile though. There should be more scrutiny given to certain nationals. But this latest guy was from Nigeria. So what, do we profile everyone from Africa too?

  37. samhenry says:

    Water fountain it is. I will schedule change, Lisa! lol

    VF – I think a lis is a list and even the lites should be batted from US.

  38. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning Lisa 🙂

    Lisa said:
    What ever happened to the IDEAL of restricting travel for ALL Islamic foreigners into our air space? Oh—-that would be “PROFILING”……and we must NOT do that huh?


    We could insist on all Islamic Flights only and land them in Cuba. That would help keep down the carbon Foot Print and the Water Boarding would clear any possible threats.

  39. LisaInTX says:

    Foxwood ___LMAO at bagette..hahahaha

    Yeah, the shallow end would prevent drowning of many imbeciles, I’m sure!!! Hahaha

  40. rosehips says:

    I still blush from the memory of my first encounter with a bidet. I imagine the hosts of the home I was in never forgot either. hahaha

  41. LisaInTX says:

    Madam Napoleon is not about to use common sense at this late stage—-they would rather CONTROL than use a half-pence of the brain that God gave them.

  42. rosehips says:

    prefers croissant with my espresso 🙂

  43. samiam60 says:

    VF said:

    I am a believer of bidet use… great idea and it works well. But then most people do not have any idea what it is really for. lol

    The Japanese have perfected the electronic bidet… wish I owned one.


    Would the shock cause burning?

  44. samhenry says:

    Rose, I think if we look at the budget for Homeland Security we will probably find that very little money is earmarked for Homeland Security. We just have not learned how to handle it yet.

    Rose, not everyone on the list will try to come to the US. I think the two lists could stand but body searches would be given to all of the ones on the lite list.

  45. rosehips says:

    so there are large protests taking place in Iran again…

  46. VotingFemale says:

    I heard his nuts got roasted….

    Foxwood says

    Too bad it didn’t fry his manhood off.

  47. VotingFemale says:


    rosehips says

    prefers croissant with my espresso 🙂

  48. LisaInTX says:

    That is a GREAT ideal!! They could fly them all straight to Gitmo for security clearance!!! Just need to make sure they are are all wearing CLEAN underwear for their travels…lol

    “We could insist on all Islamic Flights only and land them in Cuba. That would help keep down the carbon Foot Print and the Water Boarding would clear any possible threats.”

  49. rosehips says:

    VF, I hate to say this but I own one of them electronic bidets and they are not perfected yet. More than once the thang splashed me in the eye…and then had the nerve to break into spontaneous laughter! geesh…lol

    VF said: The Japanese have perfected the electronic bidet… wish I owned one.

  50. VotingFemale says:

    Remain seated until the bidet has come to a full and complete stop… lol

    rosehips says

    VF, I hate to say this but I own one of them electronic bidets and they are not perfected yet. More than once the thang splashed me in the eye…and then had the nerve to break into spontaneous laughter! geesh…lol

  51. Foxwood says:

    “Would the shock cause burning?”

    I think the Japanese got that idea from the Vietnamese.

  52. rosehips says:

    sami, thanks for the vid. I never did know how to use em. lol messy but it looks like fun!

  53. rosehips says:

    excellent advice!

    vf said: Remain seated until the bidet has come to a full and complete stop… lol

  54. samiam60 says:

    SOOOOOOOOOOOO, how do you dry off?

  55. samhenry says:

    Remain seated until the bidet has come to a full and complete stop… lol

    very fine, VF

  56. samhenry says:

    Drip dry, Sami, drip dry. It’s a DOG thang.

  57. rosehips says:

    there are security breaches happening everywhere. How bout that gal that who pounced on the pope? She coulda stabbed him with the delay in reaction from security.

  58. rosehips says:

    sami, I believe the french use a “serviette”

  59. LisaInTX says:

    I hate to say it, but I’m becoming an extreme Protectionist in this day and time.
    The need to protect our country from WITHIN is all around us….those Muslims HATE us….and I’m sorry, but I can NOT tell the difference between the extreme ones or the “nice” ones that I keep hearing about.

  60. Foxwood says:

    “SOOOOOOOOOOOO, how do you dry off?”

    The Japanese one has a blow dryer also.

  61. Foxwood says:

    ‘sami, I believe the french use a “serviette”‘

    I’ll hire me a french serviette…

  62. rosehips says:

    lisa, I can see that. But do you really advocate for denying ALL Muslims or Islamics visas to enter America?

    I think a no fly list is good. But it sounds like the US needs to coordinate better with other countries. There should have been red flags popping up all over that guy. I heard his dad had warned the US Embassy that he should be watched.

    lisa said: Rose
    I hate to say it, but I’m becoming an extreme Protectionist in this day and time.

  63. LisaInTX says:

    LOL—at drip dry…hahahhaaa
    Sorta like peeing out in the bushes on the trail…..IF you forget to bring TP…hahaha
    Live and learn the lesson…..hahahaa
    Don’t forget the TP on a LOOOOOng ride….you will most likely need it before you get back to the barn…

  64. rosehips says:

    1200 watts! I sooooo love that feature. heehee

    foxy said: The Japanese one has a blow dryer also.

  65. LisaInTX says:

    Not just the flights coming in, but those Muslims wanting to fly within our country too—of course, this will only cause them to find another avenue of attack, so then what to do ???
    If they want to hurt us, they WILL find away to do it…..
    Our open borders are allowing them to enter UNCHECKED….IMO—-we need to beef up and STOP at gun point, shoot on sight, any and all that enter illegally….sorry if that sounds evil and mean, but maybe only a few would die, before they got the point that to enter the USA illegally will mean death!

  66. LisaInTX says:

    Speaking of manhood—-I posted these comments last night on the other thread…..LOL

    The “Man-made Disaster” couldn’t wear his steel chastity belt (you know the one to to keep himself pure for his 72 virgins in the hereafter) because that would have set off alarms. So he instead put on his edible candy cane Fruit of the Islamic Loons, not realizing he could NOT kiss his ass good bye once he set off his little home made bomb. After realizing his mistake, he decided to shed them but was caught Al’ Natural” by fellow passengers who thought he was the “Flasher at 10,000 feet”, so they in their outrage, held him down til help arrived.

    LisaInTX // December 26, 2009 at 8:53 pm

    Going to Allah without “Balls” may pose a serious problem with the promised 72 virgins….maybe the Man-Made Disaster, was more attached to his manhood than he realized?…..Where’s the faith gone these days, when a would be Man-Made Disaster” is not willing to blow off his manhood for his Allah cause?
    You can birth them, and raise them, but seems you just can’t make them blow off their family jewels when it comes time too!

  67. rosehips says:

    lisa, I gotta say that I think it is impressive how well our national security has worked in many cases to thwart suspected terrorists from carrying out attacks. But of course there have been cases where our gov’t has been “asleep at the switch”. All those guys who took lessons in flying and didn’t bother with learning to land, that should have been a major red flag that something was amiss. Foxy is right, it seems we react to each attempted attack and aren’t proactive. But if you thought of all the possibilities and took measures to prevent them, we’d be even more restricted on the flights and in the lines waiting to board the planes. I think there would be a lot of grumbling.

  68. Foxwood says:

    I have to agree, Lisa. Illegal means illegal. I don’t mean to stop immigration, but illegal immigration. If we don’t have secure boarders, we are doomed.

  69. Foxwood says:

    I would rather p!ss off some Muslims and profile, than risk blowing up hundreds or thousands of people.

  70. LisaInTX says:

    For those that are “Profiled”, they could be required in advance to be cleared well in advance of their flights. This would eliminate most of the ‘grumbling” and long waits.
    Sorry for their inconvenience, but OUR NATION comes before their rights at this time. Can’t believe I just said that—being a freedom loving fool, but hey, they HATE US, so what can I say. It might not be such an issue IF ONLY so damned many were not living among us ILLEGALLY from our UNSECURED borders!

  71. LisaInTX says:

    I’m with you. I hate it to be sure as It is not right, but the “Islam Extremist” HATE US and wish to destroy us…..If they wore a sign saying I’m an extremist” or one that points out”I’m a GOOD Muslim”….that would make things so much easier.
    As SH said earlier, this took place during WWII with the Japanese…..It was not right, but then again, how do people tell the difference during WAR TIME?
    We can’t, thus innocent people suffer for the collective. Just like we all are under Nobama right now.

  72. LisaInTX says:

    gotta take care of a few things here…..:-P

  73. Foxwood says:

    It’s not right and it’s not fun, but if the borders were secured in the first place, (and I don’t care if it was Bush that didn’t secure them, he should have) this problems would not be as severe.

  74. Pingback: Leftwing Corruption of America good, Rightwing Values and Principals bad? « LisaInTX's Blog

  75. rosehips says:

    lisa, the screening for visas should be strengthened so that Islamics who want to come to this country for business or to visit family can but anyone who has suspicious links should be restricted. I realize how difficult this is as the terrorists are very sly. It is impossible to prevent all attacks. We are more vulnerable from attacks from within. There are terrorists being created all the time within our borders. Some have dark skin, but many are white. In fact, I think there are many more white supremists than there are black liberationists.

  76. rosehips says:

    if a white guy covered with nazi tattoos boarded an airplane, do you think he should be patted down?

  77. Foxwood says:

    “if a white guy covered with nazi tattoos boarded an airplane, do you think he should be patted down?”

    A white guy with the swastika on his arm isn’t planing to blow up planes with people aboard. You just don’t see the KKK doing that.

  78. LisaInTX says:

    How many “tattooed Nazi’s” are blowing themselves up and taking out Americans with them?

  79. Foxwood says:

    Now if you were profiling people that burned crosses in peoples yard… you might look at that white guy with the swastika on his are…

  80. rosehips says:

    oh lookie here. we may get a pass from the estate tax, but only for a year. I’d say something really insensitive right now but I am afraid I may be accused of advocating for euthanasia.

    From the Wash Post:

    The federal estate tax is on course to be repealed for one year beginning in January, allowing heirs of large inheritances to temporarily escape the so-called death tax, although a little-noted provision in the law would expose many smaller estates to higher tax liabilities.

  81. LisaInTX says:

    Rose I agree about the Islamic threat from within our borders.
    However, the KKK are Racist AMERICANS, not Muslims that HATE ALL American’s—-they are the lessor of the evils as I see it.
    Black Liberationists HATE ALL WHITE people and consider us The Oppressors”

    Rose says
    We are more vulnerable from attacks from within. There are terrorists being created all the time within our borders. Some have dark skin, but many are white. In fact, I think there are many more white supremists than there are black liberationists.

  82. Foxwood says:

    “oh lookie here. we may get a pass from the estate tax, but only for a year.”

    If your going to die, do it this year!

  83. rosehips says:

    lisa, not many that I know of but the idea is to prevent the attacks before they happen. But I hear ya, them supremists are too cowardly to blow themselves up. They are much more prone to blowing up buildings and running as far away as they can. It is amazing how Timothy McVeigh was caught. He could have easily have escaped and maybe never been caught.

    lisa said: Rose
    How many “tattooed Nazi’s” are blowing themselves up and taking out Americans with them?

  84. rosehips says:

    on further review, only the rich will get a pass on paying estate tax. The less wealthy will be stuck with higher tax liabilities. Can someone explain to me how this is fair?

  85. samiam60 says:

    Lets not forget the home grown American Baby Terrorists who are killing over one million babies per year.

    That is Terrorism of the most cowardly kind.

  86. samhenry says:

    RE estate tax – unless family farms are exempt, this will be the end of family farming.

  87. samhenry says:

    I blogged with some Muslims. My points were these:

    THEY are intolerant with no PC. Palestinians have been digging up Christian Remains that they feel are polluting their land.

    If I were to move to the middle east and want to build an Christian church, how long would that last. Currently they are being vandalized there.

    They are much less tolerant.

    Have to get some stuff done. Going out for dinner.

    DOG hops aboard hot air balloon and drifts off….

  88. samiam60 says:

    Deadly Protests Break Out in Iran

  89. samiam60 says:

    TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian security forces fired on anti-government protesters in the capital Sunday, killing at least four people in the fiercest clashes in months, opposition Web sites and witnesses said.

    Amateur video footage purportedly from the center of Tehran showed an enraged crowd carrying away one of the casualties, chanting, “I’ll kill, I’ll kill the one who killed my brother.” In several locations in the center of the capital, demonstrators fought back furiously against security forces, hurling stones at them and setting their motorcycles, cars and vans ablaze, according to video footage and opposition Web sites.

    Demonstrations also took place in at least three other cities.

    SLIDESHOW: Bloody Protests in Iran (WARNING: Graphic)

    In Tehran, protesters tried to cut off roads with burning barricades that filled the sky with billowing black smoke. One police officer was photographed with blood streaming down his face after he was set upon by the crowd in a blazing street.

    The protests began with thousands of opposition supporters chanting “Death to the dictator,” a reference to hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as they took to the streets in defiance of official warnings of a harsh crackdown on any demonstrations coinciding with a religious observance on Sunday. Iranians were marking Ashoura, commemorating the seventh-century death in battle of one of Shiite Islam’s most beloved saints.

    Security forces tried but failed to disperse protesters on a central Tehran street with tear gas, charges by baton-wielding officers and warning shots fired into the air. They then opened fire directly at protesters, killing at least three people, said witnesses and the pro-reform Web site Rah-e-Sabz. A fourth protester was shot dead on a nearby street, they said.

    Witnesses said one of the victims was an elderly man who had a gunshot wound to the forehead. He was seen being carried away by opposition supporters with blood covering his face.

    More than two dozen opposition supporters were injured, some of them seriously, with limbs broken from beatings, according to witnesses. There were also violent confrontations in at least three other major cities: Isfahan and Najafabad in central Iran and Shiraz in the south.

    The clashes marked the bloodiest confrontation between protesters and security forces since the height of the unrest in the weeks after June’s disputed presidential election. The opposition says Ahmadinejad won the June election through massive vote fraud and that its leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi, was the true winner.

    Reporters from foreign media organizations were barred from covering the demonstrations on Tehran’s central Enghelab Street, or Revolution Street, and the reports of deaths could not be independently confirmed. Video footage circulating on the Web could also not be authenticated.

    Ambulance sirens could be heard near the site of the protests.

    The witnesses and opposition Web site said angry protesters threw stones at security forces and set dozens of their motorbikes on fire. Police helicopters circled overhead as clouds of black smoke billowed into the sky over the capital.

    Tehran’s police chief denied officers fired on the crowd — or that they were even armed.

    “No report of death has been sent to the police,” Azizollah Rajabzadeh said, according to the semiofficial ISNA news agency. “No one has been killed. Police did not open fire and the present officers did not carry weapons.”

    Police had blocked streets leading to the center of the capital to try to prevent thousands of people from joining the protest. Still, many opposition supporters managed to break the security wall.

    Fierce clashes also broke out Sunday between security forces and opposition supporters in the cities of Isfahan and Najafabad in central Iran, the Rah-e-Sabz Web site said.

    Cell phone services were down and Internet connections were slowed to a crawl, as has happened during most other days of opposition protest in an apparent government attempt to limit attention on the events.

    Opposition activists have held a series of anti-government protests since the death of a dissident cleric last week.

    The Dec. 20 death of the 87-year-old Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, a sharp critic of Iran’s leaders, has given a new push to opposition protests, which have endured despite a heavy security crackdown since the election.

    His memorials have brought out not only the young, urban activists who filled the ranks of earlier protests, but also older, more religious Iranians who revered Montazeri on grounds of faith as much as politics. Tens of thousands marched in his funeral procession in the holy city of Qom on Monday, many chanting slogans against the government.

    Iran’s police chief, Gen. Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam, had threatened tougher action against protesters on Sunday should they hold rallies.

    Opposition leaders have used holidays and other symbolic days in recent months to stage anti-government rallies.

    Iran is under pressure both from its domestic opposition within the country and from the United States and its European allies, which are pushing Iran to suspend key parts of its nuclear program.


  90. rosehips says:

    SH, do they use Macs? hahaha

    SH said: THEY are intolerant with no PC

  91. Foxwood says:

    Bo bo bamp pabam ba


    Bo bo bamp pabam ba


  92. Foxwood says:

    Billy Preston I’m not!

  93. samiam60 says:

    I think John F. Kennedy put it best – “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

  94. Foxwood says:

    I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.
    Douglas MacArthur

  95. rosehips says:

    thanks for the billy preston foxy. love the tune but now I can’t get it outta my head.

  96. samiam60 says:

    I have been doing some research on the Rise of Nazi Germany from about 1931 through 1945.

    I have been somewhat taken back by the manor in which the Nazi Party gradually grabbed control of all area’s of Germany. From the News Media to the Business sector and Unions to the actual Military storm that preceded.

    The German People were indoctrinated to accept the Nazi Party early on and though many were skeptical they went along for the promise of hope and a better life.

    We looking at this from a historical perspective I can only conclude that history is repeating itself and with great speed this time. Things are now happening in America faster than the American People can grasp.

    I fear for America and our way of life.

  97. rosehips says:

    not really sure what he means here but I thought I’d throw it out. Do you think it’s acurate?

    The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities.
    -Lord Acton

  98. Foxwood says:

    Ok… this might help Rose…

  99. rosehips says:

    nah nah nah nah nah nah one more time nah nah nah nah nah nah

    cool foxy. I remember the nah nah nah nah part of that song but don’t know if I’ve ever listened to the whole song before. I sure didn’t know who the group was.

    must have been a one hit wonder?

  100. LisaInTX says:

    After their TRUE leader died, It was a matter of time before Iran blew again. That Obama FAILED to encourage LIBERTY there when so many were begging for it is another slap in the American face.
    Obama siding with the corrupt government in SA is yet another…..
    That man is a wanna be Dictator of the worse sort and cares NOTHING about our freedoms here or abroad.

  101. samiam60 says:

    Hi Lisa,

    I see a mirror reflection of the German Government of the 1040’s. We seem to be on the path of Surrender to a One World Government.

  102. LisaInTX says:

    My last comment was to SH and to Sami—–

    Also I agree Sami about the American butchery of unborn babies. Now THAT is TRUE terrorism beyond humane thinking!
    Of course, sad to say this, but the Lib’s are the ones most easily lead down that sadistic path as a form of controlling their rabid numbers.

  103. rosehips says:

    where’s m2?

    I just went to cnn’s website and there is a story about Old Louisville and people who raise chickens in the city. I think it’s way cool that they allow small scale chicken farming there.


  104. samiam60 says:

    It is hard for them to determine who to save.

    The Beating Heart of a Polar Bear or the Beating Heart of our Unborn American’s.

  105. Foxwood says:

    “nah nah nah nah nah nah one more time nah nah nah nah nah nah”

    The ‘wicked’ Wilson Picket made the more known version.

  106. LisaInTX says:

    A guy on YouTube said it well. The government WILL attempt to disarm us and blood will be split because of it. It will be at that time, We The People will know it is time to put away our attempt to reason and resort to defensive force.
    So we wait…..and prepare for it IS coming….
    The government has left us with no recourse but to fight.

  107. rosehips says:

    well that Dutch passenger who subdued the terrorist and helped put out the fire is a true hero. Bravo Jasper!

  108. samiam60 says:

    We the People are being systematically pushed towards Revolution. I believe the Left wants an uprising for the purpose of imposing Marshal Law.

  109. LisaInTX says:

    Fight or submit—Give me liberty or give me death!

    They will come and many will die—-I’ll gladly die fighting for my nation and our rights as a free country. I’ll meet you guys on the other side in the hereafter when that day comes.
    Let’s plan a party—I nominate Foxwood to grill our ribeye steaks!

  110. samiam60 says:

    Tell me you don’t think this can happen here!

  111. samiam60 says:

    6 Million Jews were killed in Nazi Germany.
    How many Babies have been killed since Roe vs Wade?

  112. rosehips says:

    you guys are scaring me.

    lisa, I don’t think the US gov’t will try to disarm us because Americans feel so strongly about our constitutional right to bear arms.

    sami, I challenge you to name even a few influential American citizens who are advocates of Alinski or Frances Fox Piven or Cloward’s ideas today. Even if our legislators studied these people in their youth, I haven’t heard them calling for marshall law or aspiring to bring down the system so they can control it. Of course they would need to keep it a secret from all of us if they want to be successful. oh well, maybe it is all one big conspiracy…sigh

    lisa said: The government WILL attempt to disarm us and blood will be split because of it. It will be at that time, We The People will know it is time to put away our attempt to reason and resort to defensive force.

    sami said: I believe the Left wants an uprising for the purpose of imposing Marshal Law.

  113. rosehips says:

    lisa if I come up to your gate, be assured I am only looking to borrow a cup of sugar, ok girlfriend?

  114. Foxwood says:

    “I haven’t heard them calling for marshall law or aspiring to bring down the system so they can control it.”

    Do you think they will come right out and say it? If I were planning to take over Amerika, it would be subversively as in the Alinsky, Clowerd & Piven methods.

  115. samiam60 says:

    Rosehips you have no idea how much I am wishing you are right about this.

    Look around, what do you see?

  116. Foxwood says:

    First I would set up a National Emergency. Maybe for something like H1N1.

    Then leave it in place for months, pissing people off with other things and inciting a riot, then use the already National Emergency in place for riots in the street to call for Martial Law.

  117. samiam60 says:

    I think deep down the American People can feel the Evil surrounding us all. It is just that in this day and age it is very hard for the average American to believe that the worst can come.

    We Americans tend to be Naive.

    Pearl Harbour

  118. Foxwood says:

    No more will my green sea
    go turn a deeper blue
    I could not foresee this thing
    happening to you

  119. rosehips says:

    sami, I see freedom. I can move freely within our borders without much fear of my rights being invaded but I think that some laws need to be changed.

    Prohibition didn’t work in the early 20th century and it doesn’t work now. Why spend billions fighting drugs when we could make billions by legalizing them?

    and to answer your other question, no I do not think what is portrayed in that video can happen here.

    sami said: Look around, what do you see?

  120. samiam60 says:

    Foxwood says

    First I would set up a National Emergency. Maybe for something like H1N1.

    Then leave it in place for months, pissing people off with other things and inciting a riot, then use the already National Emergency in place for riots in the street to call for Martial Law.


    You have hit the nail on the head once again.
    You are very insightful and I know you are reaching a great many people with your message.

  121. Foxwood says:

    Why does Obutthole have so many Communists, Maoists, and Marxists as friends and in the administration? Design or coincidence?

  122. rosehips says:

    I will say that I am concerned whenever talk turns to “mandatory vaccines” or “mandatory insurance”. So far I have not been forced to do anything against my will, but if the day comes when I am, I will protest loudly. I still feel that I will be afforded my rights to speak out. If they try to silence me, they will only cause me to become louder.

  123. samiam60 says:

    Rosehips says

    sami, I see freedom. I can move freely within our borders without much fear of my rights being invaded but I think that some laws need to be changed.

    Prohibition didn’t work in the early 20th century and it doesn’t work now. Why spend billions fighting drugs when we could make billions by legalizing them?

    and to answer your other question, no I do not think what is portrayed in that video can happen here.

    sami said: Look around, what do you see?


    The German People of the 1930’s and 40″s said pretty much the same thing you have just said.
    It is a historical fact Rose.

  124. samiam60 says:

    Under Marshal Law Rose you will have no rights.

    Hope you kept the gun your ex husband bought you. That might one day be your only voice.

  125. rosehips says:

    well peeeps….I suppose I should go attend to some things. I could have gone fishing today but instead opted to stay home in my warm house. It is frickin cold out there.

    instead we will go fishing on tuesday in the hopes of serving a nice trout lunch to friends who are visiting on wed. yum.

  126. Foxwood says:

    Better known for “Get Together”, but this is so much better…

  127. Foxwood says:


    You must be my muse… I’m inspired to write again.

  128. rosehips says:

    well, call me naive but I have faith in the American spirit that we will not succumb to facist rule.

    sami, I bought the gun I sold back from my friend who really didn’t need it. He already had one very similar to it. I realized after I sold it that even though I don’t think I could use it against another human being, I do get a certain amount of security from having it nearby.

  129. rosehips says:

    fox, glad I could help to inspire. can’t wait to see what you write… 😉

  130. samhenry says:

    SH, do they use Macs? hahaha

    Yea, RH – Mac the knife. lol.

  131. Foxwood says:

    Ok Lisa,

    What do you think of chicken thigh stuffed with jalapeno and cheddar, wrapped in beacon?

    Just off the grill now!

  132. samhenry says:

    sami, I challenge you to name even a few influential American citizens who are advocates of Alinski or Frances Fox Piven or Cloward’s ideas today.

    ROSE: The Cloward-Priven theory states that the methodology to arrive at socialism/communism is to bankrupt capitalist countries by flooding the public services with people to bankrupt the government. That seems to be happening in all of these bailouts from petitioners; medical insurance reform, etc. The taxation proposed in many bills especially cap and trade will bankrupt the citizenry. And of course there is the tax the rich chorus always singing away that will level society.

    Alinsky is alive and well in Chicago politics. That movement did not go away – only underground. I remember the SDS on campus in the 1960s and 70s.

    Everytime you seek to give someone something you have to take it from someone else. My Medicare will be stripped of many services in order to help pay for widening the number f people covered.

    Rose, I voted for Obama when he ran as a centris. Now he is anything ut. He lied to voters.

  133. samhenry says:

    Obama has just appointed a head of Communications to do with the internet – one of the things he silently did before Christmas. He has sought greater control over the internet since coming to office.

  134. Foxwood says:

    More sounds from the swampland.

  135. Foxwood says:

    Before Bill Hayley and the Comets.

  136. Foxwood says:

    You couldn’t play the real rock n roll on the radio at the time. I wonder why?

  137. samhenry says:

    Perhaps we should synchronize databases.

    UK Edition

    * Otis Ferry: What I think of anti-hunting ‘idiots’

    The Sunday Times
    Sunday December 27, 2009
    Manchester United’s Wayne Rooney hugs team mate Darren Fletcher after Rooney’s first-half goal against Hull City


    Rooney has a hand in four goals as United triumph 3-1 against Hull

    Mousavi’s nephew ‘killed’ in Tehran clashes
    Protestors during clashes with security forces in Tehran

    Opposition leader’s nephew reportedly shot and seven others also believed killed in fiercest protests since June’s election 21 Comments

    * PICTURES:Iran Protests

    * Reporters attacked in crackdown by Iran militia

    Airline bomber had been barred from Britain
    Abdul Umar Mutallab

    Former student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who allegedly attempted to blow up US jet had UK visa request refused in May 30 Comments

    * LATEST: Delays as airport security tightened

    * On-the-spot: Hell, are you trying to kill all of us?

  138. LisaInTX says:

    My mouthing is watering!!!!
    Bring it on, the Rebel Army needs to keep up our strength!! lol

    Foxwood // December 27, 2009 at 1:55 pm

    Ok Lisa,

    What do you think of chicken thigh stuffed with jalapeno and cheddar, wrapped in beacon?

    Just off the grill now!

  139. Foxwood says:

    Now it time for the pico de gullo burgers…









    wrapped in beacon…

  140. LisaInTX says:

    Sami and Fox
    I agree 100%! Well said.
    It is not that hard to setup road blocks and camps, especially if it is “disguised” as a “National Emergency Crisis” for the common “good” of We The People.

    And they ARE attempting to disarm us….thru attempts to super secede our Constitution with treasonous Treaties with FOREIGN Nations…..

    Foxwood says

    First I would set up a National Emergency. Maybe for something like H1N1.

    Then leave it in place for months, pissing people off with other things and inciting a riot, then use the already National Emergency in place for riots in the street to call for Martial Law.

  141. Foxwood says:

    Play that jaw harp, Slim.

  142. samiam60 says:

    How bout this Foxwood:

    1/2 pound fresh ground Sirloin Patty
    Bacon strips across the top
    Hot Peppers grilled in
    Real Cheddar Cheese
    All grilled on a George Forman Grill and served on a Fresh Pumpernickle Bun.

  143. Foxwood says:

    Everything but the George Forman part. I like George, I still have one of his grills and he has an entrepreneurial heart, but that outdoor grill is my pride and joy, and the smoker makes the burger.

    Opps, didn’t think of the 20 below weather… Guess that’s why I kept mine.

  144. ohiobelle says:

    I can’t believe there is yet another possible act of terrorism! The incident today has not been declared an act of terrorism but it happens to be on the same flight into Detroit as yesterday!

    I think these guys know that nothing will happen to them if they do anything on US soil! What the hell will Obama do about this?

  145. LisaInTX says:

    Oh my!!! That sounds SOOOO yummy…..
    You REALLY need to move to NE Texas…..I can tell you are a much better cook than I am….

  146. ohiobelle says:


  147. Foxwood says:

    H E N R Y

    Enery! Enery!
    Enery the eight I am!

  148. ohiobelle says:

    Hello Fox and Lisa!

    Did you guys hear about the incident that happened a little over an hour ago?

  149. LisaInTX says:

    We got a Foreman Grill for Christmas!!!
    Must try out your yummy recipe!!

    Hi Belle
    You mean we have had another “Man-Made Disaster” today? What the hell!!
    Were they wearing edible underwear or their steel scibbies?

  150. rosehips says:

    belle, yes I have heard about the incident today. They are not giving much details yet but it appears that a passenger got disruptive. NO DOUBT!!! He was probably drinking and then they wouldn’t let him pee during the last hour of the flight. That could get anyone peed off. haha

  151. Foxwood says:

    What else did Jose make a hit?

  152. LisaInTX says:

    I have turned to Fox News now….and watching….

  153. ohiobelle says:

    Lisa, It’s going on right now. It’s on the same flight as Christmas day from Amsterdam to Detroit. They are saying it was a disruptive man who locked himself in the bathroom. They are saying that he could’ve just been sick??? I don’t care how sick I am, I would not lock myself in the bathroom when they FBI is trying to knock down the door. I think they are just scared to declare this the 2nd act of terrorism in 2 days.

  154. LisaInTX says:

    Headed to town—wish me luck that I don’t run into a road block…..as I am unarmed…..but still lethal all the same if cornered….

  155. rosehips says:

    and lisa, I was just reading about my states scramble to submit bills in response to a string of police shootings lately. Some legislators want to exempt career criminals from being able to post bail, Another measure, sponsored by Rep. Troy Kelley, D-Tacoma, would exempt people from bail if they are potentially dangerous and had a prior felony sentence commuted or pardoned by a governor of any state.
    And another bill would give children of slain police officers and firefighters free college tuition.
    One legislator pointed out that mental health budgets are being cut which will offset any gains that we may make with new legislation.

    It seems like there are more and more crazy people out there, or am I just noticing them more?

  156. ohiobelle says:

    Hello Rosehips!

    I honestly believe these guys know there will be no consequence for their actions. We’ve made that clear by allowing terrorist to stand trial!

  157. samiam60 says:

    It works out grate Lisa but don’t put the Cheese on while its in the Foreman Grill, lol

    Lisa says:

    We got a Foreman Grill for Christmas!!!
    Must try out your yummy recipe!!

  158. samiam60 says:

    In unrelated news today I heard that the Presidents Teleprompter is being fitted with Audio capabilities for those times when BO shows up late for speeches. They will just start without him.

  159. samiam60 says:

    PS, the teleprompter will also be fitted with RA Eyes to give it more character.

  160. rosehips says:

    lol lisa! I am sure you would be lethal if cornered. I”m surprised you don’t carry a weapon with you. You never know who you will encounter in the Texas outback. lol
    I know the same can be said for my neck of the woods. You just got to know how to stay out of trouble…

    lisa said: Headed to town—wish me luck that I don’t run into a road block…..as I am unarmed…..but still lethal all the same if cornered….

  161. LisaInTX says:

    LOL—yep, that would make me mad too—when a person gotta go, they gotta go1!!

  162. rosehips says:

    belle, I can’t agree with you on this. What terrorist that you know of has had no consequences? I’m sure the same thing will happen to this guy what happened to Richard Reed, the shoe bomber.

    What did happen to Richard Reed???

  163. Foxwood says:

    Some more na na na na for Rose…

  164. Foxwood says:

    Can’t wait for 2010 and 2012… I’ll be singing that song alot!

  165. rosehips says:

    Richard Colvin Reid (born 12 August 1973),[1] also known as Abdul Raheem and as Tariq Raja, and often referred to in the media as the shoe bomber, was convicted on charges of terrorism and is currently serving a life sentence without parole in the United States for attempting to destroy a commercial aircraft in-flight by detonating explosives hidden in his shoes. According to al-Qaeda operative Mohammed Mansour Jabarah (who was captured and interrogated in Oman in 2002), Reid was a member of al-Qaeda and had been sent on the bombing mission by Khaled Shaikh Mohammed, a senior member of the organization.[2]

  166. samiam60 says:

    Amsterdam must be like Europe’s California or something.

    You know, the land of Fruits and Nuts.

  167. Foxwood says:

    “What did happen to Richard Reed???”

    He married Sue Storm and got together with Ben Grimm and Johny Storm to for the Fantastic Four.

  168. LisaInTX says:

    Your car keys can kill someone if you use them for that intent.
    I’d prefer my pocket knife though….and I’m never totally unarmed, I just don’t pack a gun…..because I refuse to REGISTER for it….the fed can bite me and I only hope that a person who should pull a gun on me is a lousy azz shot the first round…

  169. Foxwood says:

    “You know, the land of Fruits and Nuts”

    California is like a granola bar, Sami. Get rid of the fruits and nuts and all that’s left are the flakes.

  170. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips, Didn’t the shoebomber end up at Club Gitmo? I think we should ground all flights from Amsterdam and keep Gitmo OPEN!

  171. rosehips says:

    lisa, i sure hope they miss you cuz if they don’t, I will! Immensely. 😦

    lisa said: and I only hope that a person who should pull a gun on me is a lousy azz shot the first round…

  172. Foxwood says:

    “Your car keys can kill someone if you use them for that intent.”

    So can a credit card. I figured that one out after 9/11. I don’t want to divulge it, because someone would use it.

  173. LisaInTX says:

    Not the “RA” eyes!!! OH nooooooooooo……..hahahahaha

    Okay—gotta hit the store before dark this time…BBL y’all….:-P

  174. Foxwood says:

    Bring back that sunny day…

  175. ohiobelle says:

    These a-holes coming in from Amsterdam know that they will be given a nice cell with 3 square meals a day before we let them go to live free on US soil. The problem is our Miranda rights are utilized by law enforcement to make you aware of your rights as a US citizen but need to be changed to apply to terrorist!

  176. rosehips says:

    belle, the shoe bomber is locked up for life. grounding flights from Amsterdam won’t stop the terrorists and giving them a trial shows the world that we are a just society. I think it is a mark on our reputation to not afford a fair trial to all suspected terrorists. I realize this is an unpopular notion, but I would want other countries to afford me the same justice if I were arrested and suspected of a crime.

  177. ohiobelle says:

    If you think I am wrong then just watch how many of the 9-11 Club Gitmo terrorist are set free!!!

  178. samiam60 says:

    Rose you think life in prison is punishment enough for someone who is attacking the United States of America with the intention of causing mass casualties to innocent civilians?

    Each prisoner will cost us $30,000.00 plus medical, Dental and eye care.

    An Axe can be purchased for as little as $9.95
    at Big Lots.

    Fight fire with fire I say and show it on “America’s got Talent”

  179. Foxwood says:

    Remember ‘Animal House’?


  180. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: belle, the shoe bomber is locked up for life.

    Where? Isn’t he at Club Gitmo?

    Rosehips wrote: I realize this is an unpopular notion, but I would want other countries to afford me the same justice if I were arrested and suspected of a crime.

    NOT IF I KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEIR CITIZENS!! Where is the social justice for the victims of 9-11??? Where?

  181. samiam60 says:

    Rose you test out your hope of a fair trial by going to Iran and yelling “Where is my Vote”

    Let us know how that works out for ya.

  182. ohiobelle says:

    Sorry Rose but you and I will agree to disagree on this one. I think their punishment should be a bullet to their head!

  183. rosehips says:

    okay belle, I’ll concede that we could require a lesser degree of probable cause if we suspect an act of terrorism is being plotted. I’ll admit that civil rights are not guaranteed to foreigners, as far as I know. But what of innocent prisoners who got wrongly incarcerated? Shouldn’t they have the opportunity to prove their innoncence?

  184. samiam60 says:

    Ohiobelle when the fighting starts I would want someone like you and Lisa by my side.

  185. samiam60 says:

    Rosie says
    But what of innocent prisoners who got wrongly incarcerated? Shouldn’t they have the opportunity to prove their innoncence?


    That is the same old tired argument we have heard for years.
    Really now, Just how many (Innocent People) do you think there really are?????

    Not but a hand full is my guess. CNN can fact check that for ya.

  186. Foxwood says:

    Terrorist from other countries, held in Gitmo, have no Constitutional rights, as they are not citizens of the US. I don’t give a flying F about Geneva and the Socialist wimps in Europe, and that “we are better than that” sh!t, we get what information out of them, if it’s waterboarding, or shock therapy, then when they’ve been spent information wise, use them for examples so that others know you don’t F with the USA. Wimps would not like me as President.

  187. Foxwood says:

    “But what of innocent prisoners who got wrongly incarcerated? Shouldn’t they have the opportunity to prove their innoncence?”

    Let Allah sort them out.

  188. Foxwood says:

    Ok… just kidding…

  189. rosehips says:

    lol sami, well I certainly don’t want our country to be compared to Iran, or aspire to be like them in any way.

    I am all for bringing justice to the terrorists who killed all our innocent citizens. I just want to avoid a cattle drive that rounds up innocent bystanders and brands them as guilty and convicts them as murderers. I know I would want to be given the same benefits. If they are guilty, let them rot.

    sami said: Rose you test out your hope of a fair trial by going to Iran and yelling “Where is my Vote”

    Let us know how that works out for ya.

  190. samiam60 says:

    “But what of innocent prisoners who got wrongly incarcerated? Shouldn’t they have the opportunity to prove their innoncence?”


  191. ohiobelle says:

    Fox wrote: Terrorist from other countries, held in Gitmo, have no Constitutional rights, as they are not citizens of the US. I don’t give a flying F about Geneva and the Socialist wimps in Europe, and that “we are better than that” sh!t, we get what information out of them, if it’s waterboarding, or shock therapy, then when they’ve been spent information wise, use them for examples so that others know you don’t F with the USA. Wimps would not like me as President.


    Fox wrote:
    “But what of innocent prisoners who got wrongly incarcerated? Shouldn’t they have the opportunity to prove their innoncence?”

    Let Allah sort them out.


  192. rosehips says:

    well, I know when to back down. So what you are saying is that it’s okay that some innocents are executed or imprisoned without a trial because they are in such a minority. But how do we know this? Who can say that they know what criteria was used to round up suspects? I doubt any of you know and probably dont care. That okay. I’m just glad that North Korea released the two journalists who were suspected spies. They coulda just executed them.

  193. ohiobelle says:


    Nobody at Gitmo is innocent! They’ve all admitted their guilt!

  194. samiam60 says:

    Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, I just gotta love your pure heart and compassion for the under dogs of this life. Sadly Rose, we must remember we live in the Real World and sometimes Life just isn’t Fair.

    The Terrorists seem to enjoy hacking off the heads of their prisoners and listening to their gurgling as they are being hacked. How do you feel about their form of Justice Rosie?

  195. Foxwood says:

    “Let Allah sort them out.


    A military tribunal would be sufficient to prove innocence. But no terrorist born outside the USA deserves Constitutional rights.

  196. samiam60 says:

    Ohiobelle wrote
    Nobody at Gitmo is innocent! They’ve all admitted their guilt!

    That’s right Ohiobelle and they are proud of the innocent lives they took. After all we are Infidels!

    It’s ok to call us that in their book.

  197. rosehips says:

    sami, if I was killed during 9/11 or any family members, I would hope that the true perpetrators of the crime were prosecuted. I would not want an innocent person to die to appease my spirit.


  198. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: I’m just glad that North Korea released the two journalists who were suspected spies. They coulda just executed them.

    At what cost to the United States of America?? We may never know what sweetheart deal North Korea was given!

    Rosehips wrote: well, I know when to back down. So what you are saying is that it’s okay that some innocents are executed or imprisoned without a trial because they are in such a minority.

    Yes it’s okay because their is nobody innocent being detained at Gitmo.

  199. samiam60 says:

    Rosie says
    sami, if I was killed during 9/11 or any family members, I would hope that the true perpetrators of the crime were prosecuted. I would not want an innocent person to die to appease my spirit.


    Where on God’s Green Earth do you come up with this one in a million shot stuff??????


  200. Foxwood says:

    I’m sure Nick Burg enjoyed his justice.

  201. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: sami, if I was killed during 9/11 or any family members, I would hope that the true perpetrators of the crime were prosecuted.

    The “true perpetrators” were killed when they flew the planes into the WTC and Pentagon. The masterminds are being detained at Gitmo and should share the perpetrators fate.

  202. samiam60 says:

    Rosie you didn’t answer my question:

    Here it is again, I am sure you just over looked it

    The Terrorists seem to enjoy hacking off the heads of their prisoners and listening to their gurgling as they are being hacked. How do you feel about their form of Justice Rosie?

  203. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips, I respect your opinion because that is who you’ve always been. I think you know where I stand when it comes to 9-11.

    I have to run out for a while. I will check back soon.

  204. rosehips says:

    okay, my last words on the topic…

    If we lower our standards of justice for foreigners, I think we tarnish our image of a free and just society, which many of us cherish.
    How can we really tell if someone is guilty without evidence? I think we enter dangerous ground when we start to deny justice to those who stand accused of acts of terrorism.

  205. Foxwood says:


    KSM is going to get a fair trial in NYC. Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? He has a chance at being released because we didn’t give him Miranda rights. I mean, even if we pick these guys up outside of our country, they deserve Constitutional rights, you know.

    Then if he gets off, he can walk the streets of NYC free as a bird and flipping the bird.

  206. rosehips says:

    sami, I responded above at 3:58 with this:
    lol sami, well I certainly don’t want our country to be compared to Iran, or aspire to be like them in any way.

  207. Foxwood says:

    “If we lower our standards of justice for foreigners,”

    We give them Constitutional rights? They are not citizens.

  208. rosehips says:

    belle, I am glad we can disagree and not feel animosity toward each other. I certainly don’t to you or anyone here.

    I do know where you stand on 9/11 and I understand and respect your opinion.

    I need to run too. bbl.

  209. samiam60 says:

    So you don’t like the fact that they will behead our soldiers without any kind of trial whatsoever?

    Is that it?

  210. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: If we lower our standards of justice for foreigners, I think we tarnish our image of a free and just society, which many of us cherish.

    A free and just society is a land of puss**s that will always be subject to an attack! That is my opinion!

    Foxwood wrote: KSM is going to get a fair trial in NYC. Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy? He has a chance at being released because we didn’t give him Miranda rights. I mean, even if we pick these guys up outside of our country, they deserve Constitutional rights, you know.

    hahahhahahaha!!!! Warm and fuzzy doesn’t even come close to how I feel inside! lol

    I got their social justice upstairs in my hall closet!!

  211. Foxwood says:

    We have to keep our standard, Sami, even if they have no standard. That’s crap to me…

  212. rosehips says:

    sami, of course I don’t like Iran’s system of justice. What you think of me anyway? lol

    no beheading without a trial is not nice, fair, or just. I’m aginst it.

  213. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips wrote: belle, I am glad we can disagree and not feel animosity toward each other. I certainly don’t to you or anyone here.

    I do know where you stand on 9/11 and I understand and respect your opinion.

    I agree that we should all respect others opinions.

    Where I stand??? It’s upstairs in my hall closet. DEATH TO ALL THAT HARM AMERICANS!!

    I really got to run. BBL

  214. samiam60 says:

    I say we stand all the Terrorist Prisoners on a land mind and give them a cell phone to call home with.

  215. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: I say we stand all the Terrorist Prisoners on a land mind and give them a cell phone to call home with.

    ahhh I’ll have to remember that one! Well said.


  216. Foxwood says:

    “I say we stand all the Terrorist Prisoners on a land mind and give them a cell phone to call home with.”

    Do we tell them the mine is detonated with the cell phone also?

  217. samiam60 says:

    Fox says
    Do we tell them the mine is detonated with the cell phone also?

    No Fox we just tell em to call 911 if they need help

  218. rosehips says:

    i really don’t know international law, but if foreigners don’t have rights afforded by Miranda warnings then I have no problem with the fact that they weren’t read to the suspects.

    a technicality like that should not prevent a trial.

  219. Foxwood says:

    Miranda right not read in a civilian trial is a big thing. The court will throw it out.

  220. samiam60 says:

    Of course I am sure the liberals will want all of these Terrorist Prisoners to be re-indoctrinated in a peaceful way to over come there tendency towards killing innocent civilians.

    One they become peaceful we can train them to be Airline Pilots or Security Guards for Homeland security. That way they would be leading productive lives here in America and would appreciate our humanity and kindness towards them.

    Thus is the mindset of the Liberal.

  221. samiam60 says:

    I would not be one bit surprised to find out that Obama has ordered the Terrorist Prisoners be paid unemployment!

  222. Foxwood says:

    I used to sing it different in school.

    Wild thing!
    You make my b*lls swing!

  223. samhenry says:

    DOG is brouight out to the ship by launch. In a particularly foul mood he growls

    Oh, hell, just line anyone up who looks strange and mow them all down.

    Thisn’t my view. I just think you all need someone to represent the most outrageous opinion of this to keep you warm and to let you know that however much you may disagree about 9/11, you are not at this end of the spectrum and therefore are closer together in opinion that you think. As I said It isn’t mine but when I’m overtired, I may sound off at the wrong person like the postman. lol

    However, I am with that peppery Belle. I follow a lot of her views. She’s cool. She’s the best. Hi Belle and be sure to keep that snow in Ohio, OK? We have enough of the Lake Effect stuff.

    Hi everyone. See you later Belle and Rose. Hey, have I got the men all to myself? It’s worth annoying my female friends to arrive at this place – eooow.

  224. samhenry says:

    Well, FOX, the image of your swinging equipment is just thrilling, i’ll tell you. You must have been quite the one of interest days.

    My parents had a friend whose last name was Halsey. When I was 4, I used to sing: “Deck the Halls with Balls of Halsey.” I honestly thought that is how the song went.

  225. Foxwood says:

    John K, frontman for Steppenwolf, born Joachim Fritz Krauledat, 12 April 1944, Tilsit, East Prussia, wrote the greatest rock n roll song of freedom and biker anthem ever.

    Evacuating East Prussia in early 1945, in harsh winter conditions, his mother and him (as a baby) fled from Soviet troops.

  226. Foxwood says:

    “Oh, hell, just line anyone up who looks strange and mow them all down.”

  227. samhenry says:

    Good to know the history, FOX

    Here is the Times Online story about Iran today:

    At least eight Iranian protesters were reported to have been shot dead in Tehran today — including a nephew of the opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi — during the fiercest protests in the capital since the immediate aftermath of June’s hotly disputed presidential election.

    The shootings mean that the confrontation between the so-called Green movement and the regime has entered a dangerous and volatile new stage, with the security forces prepared to use lethal force in an increasingly desperate effort to crush a resurgent and emboldened opposition.

    A close aide to Mr Mousavi, the former Prime Minister defeated by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the June election, said that his 35-year-old nephew, Ali Mousavi, died in a Tehran hospital after being shot in the chest near Enghelab Square. A reliable opposition website, Parlemannews, also reported his death.

    Details of the shootings were sparse, but one of the dead was said to be an elderly man and another a young woman, both killed when the security forces opened fire on the huge crowds of protesters that had gathered in central Tehran for the emotionally charged Shia festival of Ashura.

    The Iranian state broadcaster said that about 300 people had be (read more at the site)

  228. Foxwood says:

    I’ll have to turn the news on soon I guess, SamH.

  229. samhenry says:

    Oh, yeah FOX – that’s the background music for the breakout bust up of radicals by mindless, spineless men and women (lol).

    How do you remember all of this?

  230. samhenry says:

    Which news, FOX – who is on now?

  231. samhenry says:

    I am stuck on watching Christianne Amanpour on terrorism.

  232. Foxwood says:

    I only have Fox programmed in my TVs. I just recently added Cspan 1 &2 to my line up. I just can’t stomach the propaganda.

  233. samhenry says:

    I respect that, FOX. I will tune in FOX to see what is on.

    There are2 shows I watch on CNN

    Fahreed Zakaria
    Christianne Amanpour

    I just sift through the propaganda. Keeps me on my toes.

  234. Foxwood says:


    My dad was a Rock a holic. He knew who wrote what when and where the original came from. When I was a child in the back seat of the car, he would recite what he knew of a song. He really hated the British invasion. I on the other hand liked the Stones and Beatles.

  235. Foxwood says:

    Oh, there is alot of propaganda on Fox also. I just haven’t thrown as many shoes at my televisions since I started watching Fox.

    My TVs think that’s a good thing.

  236. Foxwood says:

    Still grilling, I can’t put on the news till I get done.

  237. samhenry says:

    I LOVE Reach out of the Darkness.

    I have a Sony Triniton I bought the day the Challenger exploded. That has to be over 30 years ago. My Dish serviceman could not believe it was still growing strong – knock on wood.

  238. Foxwood says:

    My 1980s Admiral console just crapped out 6 months ago. They made good TVs then. I got my first HD wall mount.

  239. Foxwood says:

    The midnight special, with the Wolfman.

  240. ohiobelle says:

    Oh my god!! I just heard that Abdulmutallab will likely spend the rest of his life in jail; OUR JAIL!! So now we are sending the message that we will take in as many terrorist as possible as long as they don’t succeed in killing Americans as a result of their act of terrorism??

    Why don’t we just put a friggen bullseye over the United States with an arrow that reads: Aim here for an all expense paid better life!

  241. ohiobelle says:

    I hope Obama is enjoying his extended stay holiday in Hawaii! His ass has got alot of explaining to do when he returns!!

  242. Foxwood says:


    Maybe they should be put in general public in prison?

    Jeffery Dohmer didn’t last a week.

  243. samhenry says:

    Hail, Belle.

    Well, the US is noted for establishing great hotel chains. I will just bet that the terrorists hang around and bid on where they will terrorize. Those that go to Kenya are not happy; those who draw the US are ecstatic. They are convinced the 72 virgins will all be California girls. lol

    I think it is outrageous that O did not emerge from his trillion dollar rented home to address the nation after the terrorist attack yesterday. He is just so smug.

  244. samhenry says:

    General prison makes sense, FOX – if you are going to try them in a civilian court. Doesn’t make sense to try them in a Civilian court then put them in a military prison does it?

  245. samhenry says:

    I talked with a friend who is an Independent who voted for Otrauma. She is about to register Republican and expiate her sins through working her self to death for the Republicans.

  246. ohiobelle says:

    Foxwood wrote: Belle,

    Maybe they should be put in general public in prison?
    Jeffery Dohmer didn’t last a week.

    I think inmates would likely turn radical rather than gay.

    Knowing our government they are probably treating Abdulmutallab like they would a jaywalker!! We are screwed if we don’t make an example out of this thug!

  247. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: I talked with a friend who is an Independent who voted for Otrauma. She is about to register Republican and expiate her sins through working her self to death for the Republicans.

    hahaha! I love Otrauma!! lol

  248. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: Well, the US is noted for establishing great hotel chains. I will just bet that the terrorists hang around and bid on where they will terrorize. Those that go to Kenya are not happy; those who draw the US are ecstatic. They are convinced the 72 virgins will all be California girls. lol

    haha! Anybody who has read the Qur’an
    knows that the 72 virgins are LITTLE BOYS!! YUP WE ARE BEING ATTACKED BY A BUNCH OF FAGGOTS!!

  249. ohiobelle says:

    I am not against gays and lesbians. I am using the term faggots only to describe terrorist.

    The Qur’an does say that the virgins are little boys.

  250. samhenry says:

    I think inmates would likely turn radical rather than gay.

    The above is very fine, Belle, very fine indeed, lol.

    Arabs have always tolerated gay and every other way. But they don’t tolerate us – funny thing.

    I think we should put out the word that the Angel Macaroni who discovered the book of Mormon near here (in Palmyra, NY) has discovered a lost book of the Koran. In it the great Prophet says that to come to America is to pollute one’s self. Somehow we have to get the word out that to come here is to condemn themselves to hell Koran style.

  251. Foxwood says:

    In the 60 Britain, faggot referred to a cigarette.

  252. Foxwood says:

    Work calls!


  253. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: I think we should put out the word that the Angel Macaroni who discovered the book of Mormon near here (in Palmyra, NY) has discovered a lost book of the Koran. In it the great Prophet says that to come to America is to pollute one’s self. Somehow we have to get the word out that to come here is to condemn themselves to hell Koran style.

    hahaha! We’ll just tell all the Qur’an lovers that the lost book is filed with Obama’s birth certificate. Maybe then somebody will point us in right direction.

  254. ohiobelle says:

    That’s only if the moonbats don’t beat them to it.

  255. samhenry says:

    God Belle ROFL

    I don’t think for a minute that robot ass has a birth certificate. That is troublesome because that is what makes him think of himself as having been the product of a virgin birth. Virgin birth alright – a virgin robot. And the robot was programed with cloward (coward?) priven drivel.

  256. ohiobelle says:

    Maybe when Obama returns from Kenya… whoops, sorry… I mean Hawaii, he’ll call his fellow brothers off.

  257. samhenry says:

    Truly, Belle, we are in a very dangerous time. Did you see where he appointed an internet Czar when we were all busy with Health Care?

    Soon, he will be able to control all of this free speech. Right now he is only tracking it.

  258. samhenry says:

    Au contraire, Belle, he and his fellows, having won the health care battle, will move into another area to strip us of power and money and freedom. And by the way, “the brothers” are now aware that he is not one of them.

  259. ohiobelle says:

    Have fun a work Fox! I am jealous of anybody that has a job to go to.

    Sam wrote: I don’t think for a minute that robot ass has a birth certificate. That is troublesome because that is what makes him think of himself as having been the product of a virgin birth. Virgin birth alright – a virgin robot. And the robot was programed with cloward (coward?) priven drivel.

    haha. It’s got a birth certificate; filed next to Countrywide Dodd’s morgage papers.

  260. samhenry says:

    Think about it. As we go into this year, if the numbers of jobs doesn’t increase, there will be a lot of unhappy people out there. I worry. You can’t buy any ammo anymore – it is all sold out.

    The older I get the more grateful I am that I was born when I was born and could enjoy the US that emerged from WWII and could have had the absolute joy of a good education.

  261. ohiobelle says:

    Au contraire, Belle, he and his fellows, having won the health care battle, will move into another area to strip us of power and money and freedom. And by the way, “the brothers” are now aware that he is not one of them.

    They don’t stand a chance in hell in getting Tax & Spend passed! DeMint made sure that the “sweetheart deals” are off the table. There is NO way in hell they can get ANYTHING passed now. They were just being paid to keep their mouths shout and vote YES to SCREW THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!


  262. samhenry says:

    I wish there were someone more revered as point person for the birth certificate issue that that blonde female lawyer.

    I don’t think he has a legal one anywhere. I think it was cleverly destroyed. Anyone can get the typed document he was able to produce. They haven’t found anyone who can remember Obama’s birth in Hawaii, can they?

  263. ohiobelle says:

    I hate when you read back and see something not spelled right!! I always start typing too fast!


  264. ohiobelle says:



    I will type slower

  265. samhenry says:

    hell they can get ANYTHING passed now –

    Belle, you bring up the point of payola in getting health care passed. I think we should pound that point home big time. It is outrageous. I hope they cannot get anything passed now. We can vote next fall, right? It will be here before we know it. Meanwhile, we have to have a movement stronger than the tea party movement.

    How about another Whiskey Rebellion? Geo Wash put it down – the first use of martial law in the US.

  266. ohiobelle says:

    Sam wrote: I don’t think he has a legal one anywhere. I think it was cleverly destroyed. Anyone can get the typed document he was able to produce. They haven’t found anyone who can remember Obama’s birth in Hawaii, can they?

    Nope! Not even his grandma said he was born in Hawaii!

  267. samhenry says:

    I type too fast and get ahead of my spelling. Ignor it. Don’t aim for perfection. We have bigger fish to fry. We must forgive each other our typos.

  268. ohiobelle says:

    I am obviously talking about the grandmother who claims she witnessed his birth IN KENYA! I haven’t heard a word from her since… hmmm..

    Maybe Obama could fly the whole damn family in if he wasn’t paying over a million in legal fees.

  269. ohiobelle says:

    I type too fast and get ahead of my spelling. Ignor it. Don’t aim for perfection. We have bigger fish to fry. We must forgive each other our typos.

    I agree. We all know what we are talking about. Those who don’t shouldn’t be reading this blog!! lol

  270. ohiobelle says:

    I have to walk a way for a few. I’ll be back shortly.

  271. samhenry says:

    OK, Belle, what do we begin to do in 2010? Do we keep on top of the news and blog our brains out or do we join organizations or both?

  272. samhenry says:

    OK – I have to as well. My adrenalin rushing from Obamanitis was beginning to interfere with my breathing and I was choking.

    I will take a break and catch up on Tiger Woods rumors.


  273. samhenry says:

    Just heard some of the new rules on aircraft for the last hour of flight. One is that you must be escorted to the bathroom by a crew member. HA – do they go in with you?

  274. m2 says:

    Quite a discussion I missed today. I saw your comment about the CNN article rosehips, I will check that out.

    Unfortunately I can’t add much to this discussion, as I feel ignorant of the topic. I don’t think the death penalty is very warranted because the true penalty is in the after-life for such murderers of innocents.

    Anyway, I was reading a new great vampire book today- called, Sunshine! It’s awesome.

    I am wondering, is Obama going to stay in HA through the new year? I loved samiam’s joke about the audible teleprompter with ‘Ra’ eyes, lol lol!

  275. m2 says:

    SH says:
    OK – I have to as well. My adrenalin rushing from Obamanitis was beginning to interfere with my breathing and I was choking.

    LOL! LOL!

  276. samhenry says:

    Hello you vampire-loving obama-hating dear M2! You were knitting over the holidays. You remind me I need to get back to my needlepoint. What were you knitting – a sweater?

  277. samhenry says:

    I think I will go get my needlepoint out and have at it. Later

  278. ohiobelle says:

    Hello M2!

    Which do you think is more important: Healthscare or Homeland Security? I am willing to bet our lawmakers will come back and focus all their attention on OtraumaCare rather than the acts of terrorism on US soil. I am going to be pissed if that happens.

  279. m2 says:

    Sorry SH, I was reading news on my ipod!

    YES! Knitting is fun and relaxing. I was working on a scarf for dear mum. 🙂

    have fun with your project!

  280. LisaInTX says:

    OMG!!!! I’m ROLLONG on this one guys!!! cough—sputter—-crying out laughing my butt off!!! You too are a GREAT TEAM!!! Hahahahahahaha

    samiam60 // December 27, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    Fox says
    Do we tell them the mine is detonated with the cell phone also?

    No Fox we just tell em to call 911 if they need help

  281. ohiobelle says:

    I am going to have to log off for the night. The family awaits to start a movie.

    I’ll check back tomorrow morning.

    Nite All!!

  282. m2 says:

    Hey Belle- I think stopping this healthcare bill is more imp. As it seeks to destroy us in many ways. And how much longer cab we sustain the dollar on this debt. Wow, Obummer’s Congress has really made a steaming pile of shit mess out of this nation.

    That’s not to say I don’t worry about the Democrats complete inept ability to run a country, and the fact that Obama gives a shout out before addressing the nation about the first terrorist attack since 9/11, makes me think- he just doesn’t care.

    And at 3am in the morning when I can’t sleep and am full of fear partly irrational due to the hour, I think a Federal Government run by angry liberals and hateful Marxist elites who can’t get swine flu vaccinations right, or run cash 4 clunkers has no business running government or using healthcare as a shield to rake in more money to line their pockets and bloat the unions and federal payroll.

  283. AFVET says:

    If this idiot ends up in prison, his nick-name should be hot dog. HA HA.

  284. LisaInTX says:

    Regarding Nobama—His father was a Brit, thus his son was a Brit. His father was NOT a US citizen, thus Nobama NEVER could be a “Natural Born” citizen as required to be eligible for US President……
    I also saw a video that states that Nobama’s Mama’s SS# is still being used today…..funny that, since she “DIED” in like 1995!! Another LIE?

  285. LisaInTX says:

    I find it ODD that the ONLY photos of Daddy Barack and Mama are the TWO taken at the airport….two photos and NONE with as a FAMILY—anyone else find that ODD?

  286. LisaInTX says:

    This is one of the very BEST explanations of Nobama BC I have found.

  287. LisaInTX says:

    Poor Max….his “Bi-partisan” ploy did NOT work—-it will not work because they KNOW it is BAD for the American People—that is the STATEMENT they are making.
    Courage is standing up against the Status Quo, and standing up for those they represent, not force a government mandate that will destroy our nation.

  288. LisaInTX says:

    There was a time when I too thought the Dems were ‘looking’ out for our best interests. I never dreamed they would intentionally hurt the people or our Nation. Not for greed or power would I have dreamed they would sell out our own.
    I look back at those not too long ago days and see the naivety and innocence that was lost.
    It truly is like the Matrix—take the blue or the red pill. One continues the implanted dream of reality, the other is the cold harsh truth of really living.
    I miss those ‘carefree days’ of innocence, but I thank GOD for showing me the truth in order to be better prepared for what is coming.

  289. samhenry says:

    lisa – I don’t think Obama was born in the US or at the very least that his papers are in order.

    Is there anyone beyond Orly who is very active in rebutting Obama. I would love it if we could prove he did not have a proper certificate. I think we have. Orly is made such fun of.

  290. LisaInTX says:

    Good video about the swine flu vaccine

  291. samhenry says:

    Lisa I did a little research and found that there is an East Coast attorney involved in the birther movement but he did something kind of crazy and lost credibility. The Obama machine could be putting out a lot of disinformation.

  292. LisaInTX says:

    It is my understanding, that the only court that this suit can be brought too is the supreme court. They have REFUSED to HEAR it, terming it ‘Frivolous” without due cause. This is a MAJOR concern and MUST be heard but they refuse. Either they are CORRUPT as our current congress and admin or they are SCARRED to death of them.
    That Obama’s father was a Brit, is of itself, a FACT that Nobama is NOT nor ever will be qualified as President—-all the rest of the arguments are just background noise to confuse the issues.
    The ruling of the Supreme Court is that it takes TWO US citizens ParentS to be eligible for natural born citizen, all others are Naturalized…..which disqualifies that person from being president. Nobama has not proven he even is the later.

  293. LisaInTX says:

    The above was according to the time frame that Nobama was born in……of course, the powers that be have changed some of the rules now to include MORE, but the ruling would be during the time he was born. I also think that Nobama is OLDER than he portrays…..
    I would LOVE IT if Noboma Mama was found in Hawaii alive and kicking!!! hahahahaa
    Which I suspect she IS still alive……jackal’s are hard to kill you know!

  294. LisaInTX says:

    Breaking News regarding the bomber on NW flight.

  295. rosehips says:

    lisa, you know I love ya, but I think you’re going over the edge here. hahaha….now let me get this straight: obama was the love child of stanley and malcolm X, obama was born in kenya, his mother is still alive and I just have to gander that malcolm X is still alive and living with obama’s mama somewhere in deep seclusion?

    she is a jackal? lol

    lisa said: Which I suspect she IS still alive……jackal’s are hard to kill you know!

  296. LisaInTX says:

    Hi Rosie
    Yep she be a jackal from the pits of hell…LOL

    She worked for the Ford Foundation and got MILLIONS from them…not sure for WHAT, but that was what I heard. Maybe it was a “Present” from Farrakhan for killing Nobama REAL daddy Malcolm X??? ;-}

  297. LisaInTX says:

    According to Alex Jones and Lord Monckton, *Maurice Strong* is one of the MAIN Puppet Masters behind Climate Change propaganda and the NWO. Add the *Rockefellers* as another puppet Master and the *Rothchilds* of Britain.
    They all three want to RULE and CONTROL the World. Being wealthy is not enough, they want full control too.

  298. LisaInTX says:

    Isn’t it CRAZY that Nobama Mama SS# is still ACTIVE and being used???
    She is probably sleeping with the fishes since that video came out—just like grandma met an unexpected and sudden death.

  299. Foxwood says:

    Do you realize Berry Obutthole has already played more golf that Bush did in his entire Presidency? The lame stream media doesn’t report it. But they reported every time Bush did. Hmmmm….

  300. Foxwood says:

    Just some Fox News radio I listened to while I was driving. I guess you get a pass if your a Socialist Democratic President.

    Got to get some sleep, just in case I get called out again.

  301. Pingback: Obama’s on Vacation, So Iranian Civilian Deaths & Terrorist Airplane Attacks Will Just Have to Wait (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  302. samhenry says:

    Well here I am up early per usual.

    DOG barks

    I hope this wakes you but perhaps canon is best. I will wait for FOX and Sami.

  303. samhenry says:

    From Amsterdam English Language Newspaper

    Portion of article:

    Body scans not in use

    The final question in NRC’s list is: would body scans (a controversial new method of checking passengers) have helped to detect the explosives before Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was allowed to board the plane?

    Yes, says the NRC, the small package on his body would have immediately been visible. Schiphol has had 17 of these security scans since 2007 but they are not yet in use.

    ‘The scans are still in the test phase. That means that according to European Union regulations, they can only be used in limited cases and on a voluntary basis because of privacy considerations,’ according to Schiphol spokeswoman Mirjam Snoerwang, reports the NRC.

    The Volkskrant website reports that the association of airline pilots (VNV) wants the body scanners to be used on all passengers at Schiphol as soon as possible.

    Security above privacy

    The organisation says the government must guarantee the funding of this sort of advanced security technology. ‘Security is something which is in the national interest. The government has to take responsibility,’ says VNV chairman Evert van Zwol, reports theVolkskrant.

  304. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning SamH and all my favorite Patriot Friends.

    Time to put the Year of the Socialist/Marxists to bed.

    2010 is almost here and so is our vote.

    2010 the year the Democrats Implode.

  305. Pingback: Obama Tested Again – Another “Calibrated” Reaction « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  306. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning SamHenry! Samiam!

  307. VotingFemale says:

    There is habeas corpus.

    There are criminals.

    There are also those who are civilians as opposed to war fighters.

    The US is under siege by fighters in an Islamic Holy War… who, by that very fact, are not civilians.

    9/11 was not an act of crime… it was an act of war.

    When you get that straight in your mind… then we can discuss habeas corpus for such war combatants… and that particular Habeas Corpus falls under the jurisdiction of the US Military and the Geneva Convention.

    these people are not civilians perpetrating civilian crimes… these are acts of war.

    quoted from this blogpost:

    War Fighters, like this latest crotch bomber, should be turned over the the US Military and shipped off immediately to GITMO and be dealt with as a Wartime Spy/Saboteur instead of insisting on dealing with them as mere civilians guilty of a crime.

    rosehips says

    sami, if I was killed during 9/11 or any family members, I would hope that the true perpetrators of the crime were prosecuted. I would not want an innocent person to die to appease my spirit.

  308. samiam60 says:

    Thank you VF for putting my point in a real clear Perspective. I sometimes find it hard to communicate precisely what my point is and your comments above nail it down beyond the point of debate.

    bbl, off to run errands.

  309. VotingFemale says:

    Sam, it can be difficult when the discussion is blurred by the apples and oranges factor.

    What you were discussing was dealing with enemy warriors in a war…

    Rose is seeing it as completely removed from that reality and seeing it in the view of civilians committing civilian crimes.

  310. VotingFemale says:

    Memphis Man Arrested: Accused of Making Bomb Threats & Threatening to Start “Holy War”
    last updated December 25, 2009

    MEMPHIS, TN – Tonight, Mohamed Ibrahim is out after posting $100 bond. Earlier in the day, he was arrested after police say he walked into several Memphis businesses and threatened to blow them up.

    Court records show Ibrahim was also telling people he was Muslim, and wanted to start a jihad, or holy war, in Memphis.

    Police say when they arrested him, he had a butcher knife hidden in one of his jacket sleeves.

    See his picture here: http://www.myeyewitnessnews.com/news/local/story/Memphis-Man-Arrested-Accused-of-Making-Bomb/nf1gzpL3mkKJE6QRnwdVXw.cspx

  311. Foxwood says:

    Sieg Heil und Guten Morgan fellow unAmerican Nazis!
    It’s time to unfurl the Confederate Swastika and fire the cannon!

  312. Foxwood says:

    Late cannon fire since I was up late.

    Time to make the tea.

  313. LisaInTX says:

    We be on the same wave length regarding Madam N…..lol…the treason and incompetence just continues to multiply!!

    As to the $100 bail for the above Man-Made Disaster wanna be—-WTF!!!
    You KNOW that LARGE amount of bail is really gonna teach this nut a lesson huh!!

  314. Pingback: Abdulmutallab Says More al Qaeda to Come, Obama Enjoying Beaches of Hawaii (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  315. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning Lisa and Foxwood.

    You know, should be experience another 911 style attack this Obama Administration would be at a total and complete loss as to what to do.

    The ignorance and incompetence of this administration is mind boggling and our enemies of the Super Power Kind must just be drueling at the prospects of a first strike win.

    I fear for America!

  316. LisaInTX says:

    Morning Sami
    I hear ya. They have never served our country in the armed forces and refuse to listen to our generals advice.
    The new leaders will be chosen from those of We The People who will stand up and LEAD us to fight for our freedom and independence ….history repeats itself.

  317. samiam60 says:

    Everyone already knows that Chris Mathews is an asshole and by him call Saul Alinsky his hero only serve to put Alinsky in the same asshole category as Mathews. lol

    Birds of a Feather flock together.

  318. Foxwood says:

    A prime example of incompetency in the Obutthole Administration.

  319. samiam60 says:

    Exactly how many Vacations have the Obama’s had this FIRST YEAR in office?

  320. Foxwood says:

    So tell me that you would trust government with healthcare.

  321. LisaInTX says:

    “Heros from the Past, Saul Alinsky”???
    Excuse me will I go throw-up!!!

  322. Pingback: Why Yemen? Why Wasn’t Our Data There to Protect Us? « ON MY WATCH – the writings of SamHenry

  323. LisaInTX says:

    Nobama feels the world is his STAGE…..and since the Tax Payers are footing ALL his bills, the SKY is the limit!!!

  324. Foxwood says:

    “Exactly how many Vacations have the Obama’s had this FIRST YEAR in office?”

    He’s already out golfed Bush’s entire 8 years in office.

    Being President must be tough.

  325. rosehips says:

    morning peeps!

    ok, Matthews does allude to Alinski being “one of our heros” from the 60’s but he did not say he was his hero. I wish the clip wasn’t cut off like it was. It makes it seem like his words are taken out of context….

  326. rosehips says:

    VF, I appreciate your input into this debate. I admit I am no authority on this issue. But I would counter your comments with questions about the actual status of the prisoners. Do they meet all the critera of prisoners of war?
    I agree that Al Queda are war fighters and have declared war on America. But I don’t think they qualify for prisoner of war status under the Geneva Treaties. I read that the US has tried to distinguish the terrorists from pow’s by considering them “illegal combatants” who don’t have the same rights as pow’s. So does this make it okay to kill them without evidence of their guilt? Does it make it ok to hold them indefinately without a trial? I hesitate to support that.
    I am not one to advocate for filling up our prisons. I advocate for releasing non-violent drug offenders who crowd our prison system. The US is the world’s largest jailer. But terrorists are evil. There are few options for them. I am against the death penalty because I don’t think humans should circumvent God’s position as judge. That doesn’t mean that I mourn the death of those put to death for their heineous crimes.
    So the other alternatives are shipping them back to their own countries or imprisoning them for life.
    I read that more than half of the detainees at Gitmo have already been released. More will be released and only a fraction will stand trial. It’s tragic that those guilty of crimes against the US will be set free. I just don’t know how we can legally and morally circumvent our system of justice.
    VF said: There is habeas corpus.

    There are criminals.

    There are also those who are civilians as opposed to war fighters.

    The US is under siege by fighters in an Islamic Holy War… who, by that very fact, are not civilians.

    9/11 was not an act of crime… it was an act of war.

  327. samiam60 says:

    VF says

    Sam, it can be difficult when the discussion is blurred by the apples and oranges factor.

    What you were discussing was dealing with enemy warriors in a war…

    Rose is seeing it as completely removed from that reality and seeing it in the view of civilians committing civilian crimes.


    VF commented on our debate from yesterday.
    Care to chime in on this one?

  328. Foxwood says:

    What airlines has the least problems with terrorism?

    EL AL Airlines in Israel.

    How do you suppose they take care of their security?

    Hmmmmm…. Maybe they profile?

    I wonder how they can do it, and we can’t?

  329. LisaInTX says:

    What our government has done with their ‘witch hunts’ is assure that future prisoners will be FEW.
    Dead men tell no tales!

  330. Foxwood says:

    “out of context”

    Out of Context? He said it!

  331. Foxwood says:

    Find a way to put it into context.

  332. samiam60 says:

    Rosehips said:
    I am against the death penalty because I don’t think humans should circumvent God’s position as judge.


    Would this statement of yours not also apply to Abortion?

  333. rosehips says:

    foxy, the title on the vid quotes Matthews as saying Alinski is “my hero”. He clearly says “our hero” from the 60’s and I admit he includes himself when he says our but it doesn’t mean that he was matthew’s hero. Then they cut the clip off abruptly. I would like to hear what else Matthews said. It may make his statements clearer.

    Foxy said: Out of Context? He said it!

  334. Pingback: Homeland Insecurity Janet’s little problem – Enemy Identification; They are Muslim, Janet, Muslim « VotingFemale Speaks!

  335. LisaInTX says:

    I think there will be MORE innocents killed because of the risk of being Court Marshaled for roughing up captured enemy combatants.

    I mean, look at the Navy Seals RIGHT NOW, a busted lip and a punch to the stomach after capturing a WANTED terrorist ALIVE?
    Hmmmm…..can’t get intel from a dead man—maybe THAT is the point???

  336. rosehips says:

    sami, as you can see our comments crossed and I did respond to VF.

    as far as abortion I believe God will be the judge of those who aborted. I have a difficult time discussing abortion because I feel it is inherently wrong but I also feel like its not the worst thing to do to a fetus. I am scared for babies being born today.

  337. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa, yes we are on the same wavelength for sure!

  338. Foxwood says:

    “I am against the death penalty because I don’t think humans should circumvent God’s position as judge.”

    Read the entire Exodus 21 to get the context. Here is Exodus 21:24

    an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot,

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  342. Pingback: Obama’s Airport X-Ray Nude Scanners can not detect vagina bombs or anus bombs « VotingFemale Speaks!

  343. Pingback: War on Terrorism Resurrected: Obama Still Naive on Terrorism, 79% of Americans Believe Another Terrorist Hit Will Occur This Year « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  344. Pingback: Al Qaeda tampon bombs and sanitary napkin bombs and Obama’s PC costs in American Lives « VotingFemale Speaks!

  345. Pingback: Unacceptable: Team Obama Knew 3 Days before Christmas Day Jihadist Attack of Escalating Holiday Terrorist Threats (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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