Cap and Trade GOP Eight; The Sellouts of America

cap and trade eightPhotoshop credit: Leo Alberti

Well Folks… the results are in.

The good news: 44 DEM House of Representatives voted against the Socialist Cap and Trade Bill.

I applaud them and wish to thank them for their Patriotism.

The bad news: Eight so-called Republicans Sold Out America and, by voting for Cap and Trade, provided a tie breaking win for Obama and the Socialists in a final vote of 219 to 212.

The Win was by a margin

Eight GOP Reps gave Obama
The House Cap and Trade Win


Let These
GOP Traitors
hear from you!

Rep John Boehner Calls Out just some of the crap these Republican RINO CAP & TRADE Sellouts voted for!

Following is a list of their Websites; each website provides means to send a message…

US Representative Mary Bono Mack (R-California) – Sellout to Obama

US Representative Mike Castle (R- Delaware) – Sellout to Obama

US Representative Mark Steven Kirk (R-Illinois) – Sellout to Obama

US Representative Leonard Lance (R- New Jersey) – Sellout to Obama

US Representative Frank A. LoBiondo (R-New Jersey) – Sellout to Obama

US Representative John M. McHugh (R-New York) – Sellout to Obama

US Representative Dave Reichert (R-Washington State) – Sellout to Obama

US Representative Chris Smith (R-New Jersey) – Sellout to Obama

Meanwhile in the final two days leading up to the final vote, what did FOX News do?



I am sure Obama Appreciates FOX News and the Eight GOP SELLOUTS…

Eight GOP Reps Gave him the Cap and Trade Win in the House

Eight GOP Reps Gave him the Cap and Trade Win in the House

It is on to the Senate…


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About VotingFemale

I am a female voter, as my blog name implies. I vote for conservatives. I am a political opponent of Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, and Communists.
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484 Responses to Cap and Trade GOP Eight; The Sellouts of America

  1. VotingFemale says:


  2. rosehips says:

    good morning vf!

    got your claws out this a.m. eh? hahahahaha

    I didn’t know that cap and trade was a a partisan issue. Perhaps you did not convince these Republican legislators that Global Warming is a myth. Unless they were convinced that although a majority of scientists agree that we are contributing to climate change it is all a conspiracy and a myth to line Al Gore’s pocket’s, they most likely were then voting with their conscience and with their constituents’ best interests in mind (does this make sense?). I think the blame should be put on you all who failed to show these legislators that the science our government is basing decisions on is flawed. This apparently didn’t happen.

  3. SamHenry says:

    A fly-by. I do know that Ihave read reports where Chinese sentiment is “you wasted gas for almost a century, now we are going to waste it.” That being the case (no rush on their part to buy/make smaller cars) we would be putting ourselves at a distinct economic disadvantage. I say let’s go with what we have until we can get worldwide consensus on this – and we will – and then do this. We are shooting ourselves in the foot if the two largest countries in population and and in economic prowess will not cooperate.

  4. SamHenry says:

    Honestly dear friend Rose, IMO, global warming is cyclical. We are going back to where we were when the mid-west was a tropical area. We may be hastening the process but we cannot change it – only slow it – by our actions. Basically there are just too many people breathing – never mind running around in autos.

  5. SamHenry says:

    Rose, even the NYT was against this.

  6. rosehips says:

    It is one thing to find studies that dispute the effects that greenhouse gases have on the atmosphere. Anyone can do that. It is entirely another to convince someone the studies are accurate if you can’t get significant numbers of credible scientists to agree.

    I believe global climate change is happening despite our existence. I think we contribute to the exceleration of extreme weather. I’ve heard some say that CO2 is good for the environment. This may be true but making blanket statements like that is naive. Anything in excess is toxic. You don’t need to be a scientist to realize this. Our excessiveness is killing us but we choose to deny it. I guess that is human nature. We are our own worst enemies. HAHAHAHA

  7. SamHenry says:

    I can get you scientific studies from around the world that are credible and will do so late today. I have movers here this AM. I agree credible scientific evidence should be my stand and it is there or I would not speak out.

  8. VotingFemale says:

    I overlook brainfarts! hahahahaha
    Oh and Good Morning! 😉

    rosehips says

    good morning vf!

    got your claws out this a.m. eh? hahahahaha

    I didn’t know that cap and trade was a a partisan issue. Perhaps you did not convince these Republican legislators that Global Warming is a myth. Unless they were convinced that although a majority of scientists agree that we are contributing to climate change it is all a conspiracy and a myth to line Al Gore’s pocket’s, they most likely were then voting with their conscience and with their constituents’ best interests in mind (does this make sense?). I think the blame should be put on you all who failed to show these legislators that the science our government is basing decisions on is flawed. This apparently didn’t happen.

  9. SamHenry says:

    The bill is really about energy independence and moving economically into another area at the expense of the middle class. We just can’t afford to double our energy bills when we are out of work and have lost jobs with good pay for ones at $7.50 per hour. I just don’t know what math the administration is using. They won’t sell many cars either.

  10. VotingFemale says:

    These Traitors will feel the RUSH of Condemnation…

    And it will be an object lesson for GOP Senators

  11. rosehips says:

    good morning sh!

    I think the points you make are very valid. China does have a good point too, but alas, it’s a childish position to take when all of humanity is at stake. I think they are realizing that they have created some monster problems in their march for progress. They have been taking significant measures to mitigate their damages.

    There are too many people for the earth to support. I don’t look forward to what will happen when the oceans rise and whole countries will need to either be relocated, or left to die. whoa is the day….

  12. SamHenry says:

    Morning great cat. I’m here for a minute but may have to get back to movers and shakers here. We have our work cut out for us next week. Pundits are saying the House results will be mirrored in the Senate. Cracked mirror I say.

  13. rosehips says:

    vf, lol…I’m sure they are already feeling the “Rush”

    sh, I think we need to adapt. If we can’t afford electric rates, we need to think smaller. I know you took in boarders to help pay your bills. I think Americans have a size fixation. Everything needs to be big. I think we could halve the amount of square footage we each utilize and still live more comfortably than most people in the world.
    If four people lived in my house instead of two, we would be conserving energy resources. That is one way we can do it. Of course our culture is not adaptable enough, at least not mainstream culture.
    I think our youth will be the answer. Many of us as students or young adults lived “communally” or shared housing with peers. Then we grew up and felt that it was our entitlement to own a home, the bigger the better. We need to shatter that kind of thinking.

  14. VotingFemale says:

    The upside, samh….

    Let the energy tax hikes hit people in the bank account and watch a wholesale throw out of the Socialists from Congress.

    No Pain; No Gain

  15. VotingFemale says:

    Rose… Why did the USSR collapse and switch to a Free Market System?

  16. rosehips says:

    people adapt. they will use less energy and mitigate the expenses of the rate hikes.

  17. rosehips says:

    vf, if I haven’t mentioned this before, history has never been my strong point.

    I do not advocate for a communist state. The USSR collapsed because the system didn’t work. For one thing it was too big. Their imperialistic need to conquer and their oppressive regime self destructed.

  18. VotingFemale says:

    People adapt all right… they get their head on straight after feeling the pain of TAX Robbery and react with VOTES

    it is coming…


  19. karmahd says:

    As I thought, the distraction of MJ was used to sneak this bill through, hell the had Farrah, MJ was a boost, so hell why not throw in 390 pages at 2 in the morning that no one had a chance to review, or for that matter cared to review. What we have here is a takeover and a complete disregard for checks and balances. I keep hearing the people have spoken, well you have 42 million who have not and my guess that 42 is now a consensus. UNBELIEVABLE the stupid ass American public is not up in arms about this!!! The Democratic party is passing anything they want, and the sellouts need to come to the table and be recognized. Too late now, but these turncoats, as well as hundreds of others need to be FIRED!!

    Good morning!!

  20. VotingFemale says:

    China is bigger…

    And the USSR collapsed because… They spent more wealth than was created.

    They switched to Capitalism as did China…

    rosehips says

    vf, if I haven’t mentioned this before, history has never been my strong point.

    I do not advocate for a communist state. The USSR collapsed because the system didn’t work. For one thing it was too big. Their imperialistic need to conquer and their oppressive regime self destructed.

  21. rosehips says:

    from yesterday’s NYT:

    “Industries and individual companies with a stake in the landmark House climate and energy bill poured money into lobbying early this year, many at a pace that could shatter previous spending records.”

  22. Pingback: Cap-and-Trade Passes in House: And Exactly Why Do These Eight Reps Call Themselves Republicans? « Quick Daily Hits — Politics and Such

  23. rosehips says:

    thank you for the history lesson vf.

    China is a monster. I don’t advocate for them either. They are the biggest polluters on the planet. They have been stalwart in their march and have disregarded rationality to get to where they now stand in the world. Brilliance and evil all wrapped up into one.

  24. rosehips says:

    karma! morning! just noticed you snuck in a comment.
    Was MJ murdered to distract the Republican reps? oh my. how freakin’ scandalous! lol

  25. karmahd says:

    Now is the time to bring light to this issue and pull the bill apart, the Senate I read will not vote on this until fall, so start up the spin engines and lets determine what really is in this bill, and how it really will help or hurt each of us. At this point we really don’t know what the outcome of the bill is for the exception that it WILL increase our individual tax liability, that in and of itself requires further review of this bill.

  26. VotingFemale says:

    Good Morning Karma!

    Every dog has it’s day…

    In the end this is probably what is needed to Jolt citizens into action… when they can no longer afford AC and heat… or food.

    karmahd says

    As I thought, the distraction of MJ was used to sneak this bill through, hell the had Farrah, MJ was a boost, so hell why not throw in 390 pages at 2 in the morning that no one had a chance to review, or for that matter cared to review. What we have here is a takeover and a complete disregard for checks and balances. I keep hearing the people have spoken, well you have 42 million who have not and my guess that 42 is now a consensus. UNBELIEVABLE the stupid ass American public is not up in arms about this!!! The Democratic party is passing anything they want, and the sellouts need to come to the table and be recognized. Too late now, but these turncoats, as well as hundreds of others need to be FIRED!!

  27. rosehips says:

    karma, like I said earlier. This is not a partisan issue. Why should they be fired? Should all legislators be held to voting along party lines? I would think you would oppose that.

  28. VotingFemale says:

    I have just written a letter to each of those turncoat bastards… and to the RNC and to Michael Steele.

    This was a total stab in the Back to America…

  29. VotingFemale says:


    rosehips says

    karma, like I said earlier. This is not a partisan issue. Why should they be fired? Should all legislators be held to voting along party lines? I would think you would oppose that.

  30. rosehips says:

    vf, I predict the “Revolution”…when people take to the streets in mammoth number all over the country…will come when we the people are denied their a.c.

    Heat waves are notorious conditions for riots. Ohhh will we be in for some doozies in the coming climate upheaval. hehehe

  31. karmahd says:

    Not an accurate summation of what I said. The rules for radicals is take any crisis and leverage it to the maximum is more what I said, I did not say Republicans you did. And yes this has happened, the world and the news media was distracted by the death of MJ god rest his fucked up soul, but really the death of an entertainer really more important than having the people of this nation be informed on EXACTLY what this bill is all about. Obama and team are media misdirection experts, and quite candidly are USING the stupidity of the American public to get away with MURDER!!!

  32. rosehips says:

    219 legislators voted AGAINST the raping of our atmosphere. At least they reduced it to the equivolent of statutory rape. We still have a long way to go.

  33. VotingFemale says:

    The ironic thing… this will hit the poor the worst…

    it is an insidious tax that stabs at the heart of those who can afford it the least…

    and to benefit who? The FAT CATS…

  34. rosehips says:

    karma, I assumed when you said “turncoats” you meant the Republican reps who voted for the bill. Did I misunderstand. Who are the turncoats?

  35. VotingFemale says:

    This is not about the atmosphere… it is about Money and Power…

    Only fools believe this is about the atmosphere…

    rosehips says

    219 legislators voted AGAINST the raping of our atmosphere. At least they reduced it to the equivolent of statutory rape. We still have a long way to go.

  36. karmahd says:

    Rose how do you increase taxes, spend with abandon and expect to pay for all this legislation?? Can you answer me that, the working people of the US will have to pay for this.

    This is the Waxman-Markley comprehensive energy bill, known for short as “ACES,” that includes a cap-and-trade global warming reduction plan designed to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent by 2020. Other provisions include new renewable requirements for utilities, studies and incentives regarding new carbon capture and sequestration technologies, energy efficiency incentives for homes and buildings, and grants for green jobs, among other things.

  37. VotingFemale says:

    This is all about Selfish Greedy Bastards lying their asses off knowing there is no global warming.

    It is a hoax… and that is the SOCIALIST BILLIONAIRES’ JOKE on the poor

  38. karmahd says:

    Rose get the fuck off your high horse, this is not a Republican or Democratic issue, this is an issue where we do not have the money to pay for Obamas legislation. It is also a security issue, and an issue to the freedoms of each of us, the Democrats and Republicans are no different the are all crooks and could care less about the common man, This is about POWER and CONTROL, we the people are being relegated to the worker drones while big government sits in there lofty chairs and rules by keeping the economy in crisis.

  39. VotingFemale says:

    people on welfare will pay through the nose…


  40. SamHenry says:

    Every dog has it’s day and this is not mind. However, Rose, I invite you to spend a winter here or in New England and you will see that these areas will go down economically even further with doubled heating cooling costs.

  41. rosehips says:

    ok vf, I am a fool. I believe Al Gore is sincere in his belief that global warming will be catastrophic to our civilization and that humans have a big impact on our climate.

    Karma, I don’t know how we will pay. If the free market system had worked so well like y’all say it would, why are we faced with this dilemma?

    oh, I forgot. All the carbon we burn doesn’t have any negative impacts on the environment. CO2 emissions actually are good for the earth. (sorry if I sound condescending here…)

  42. rosehips says:

    karma, I AGREE. that is my point. this is not a partisan issue. The nature of this post lead me to believe some people think it is.

    What the frick did you put in your Cheerios this morning?

  43. VotingFemale says:

    You choose to believe… facts are inconvenient.

    rosehips says

    ok vf, I am a fool. I believe Al Gore is sincere in his belief that global warming will be catastrophic to our civilization and that humans have a big impact on our climate.

    Karma, I don’t know how we will pay. If the free market system had worked so well like y’all say it would, why are we faced with this dilemma?

    oh, I forgot. All the carbon we burn doesn’t have any negative impacts on the environment. CO2 emissions actually are good for the earth. (sorry if I sound condescending here…)

  44. rosehips says:

    Karma, I refuse to buy into that conspiracy theory. I am not saying that agendas don’t exist. I choose to ignore them. I guess I’m in denial.

    Politics is ugly. It’s filled with evil, lust, greed corruption.

    Look how our politicians are self-destructing? Sanford, Waters, Conyer’s wife, not to mention Blago. the list is extensive and only a fraction get caught, I imagine.

  45. karmahd says:

    Rose you have bought into the fact that capitalism does not work!! If you base all your premises on that misbegotten fact then the rest of your logic is failed. Capitalism did not fail, an extreme of capitalism has, and Obama does not want to fix the problem of our economy he wants to leverage the fact that we are in a correction a very deep one albeit to implement his bullshit CHANGE?? This economy has worked fine and has driven the world economies for centuries. The problems we have are all based in the fact that the HOUSING ECONOMY ran rampant and was the only producer of GDP for the last 12 years, so we got lazy and greedy, that is the total of it. Do some of your research and come to a logical conclusion by your facts as to why we are in the mess we are economically they come back and discuss it from of point of knowledge.

    Is the Earth in peril from global warming, probably, can any one government do anything about it HELL NO!!!

  46. rosehips says:

    lol vf, yes…facts: inconvenient truths.

  47. VotingFemale says:

    This Cap and Trade Bill will cause many Deaths among the Poor… people on low fixed incomes will die of heat and freezing… mark my words…

    An “Inconvenient Truth”

  48. karmahd says:

    I never should blog before coffee!! that is what is into me I am a god damn bear if I do not have my coffee!!!

  49. VotingFemale says:

    pours Karma a cup of coffee…

    there there dear… have a sip of *my* coffee…

  50. karmahd says:

    OK half a pot down the other half to go thanks VF for the coffee, my bear claws are in retraction

  51. rosehips says:

    ok karma. I am willing to concede that a better way to mitigate some of the problems we faced back in Autumn could be to implement reform of wall st. and corporate america, the financial industry. Things like credit default swaps should be criminal. Anything that risks the collapse of our economy should be regulated and reformed.

    But I think we need to shift our thinking. We need to downsize in many ways or our economy will never be able to support our population. We have grown too big. When we run out of clean water, our economy will be sunk. It won’t take many more worldwide, or national disasters to kill what is left. I hate to be such a pessimist, but it doesn’t look good to me.

  52. WE don’t NEED ANY more FLAT TIRES IN THE GOP!!!

    Great Post VF-Queen

    Total drive by gotta go pick my baby up from camp.

  53. Shane says:

    If Al Gore really believed in the global warming catastrophe he’s been lecturing us all about – he’d live a life that reflected it. He’d show us by example. He doesn’t, in fact there are plenty of stories of his proflagate lifestyle that doesn’t take his own carbon emissions into account. For all the fear mongering, he doesn’t live in fear, just spouts it. That’s why you know it’s all bunk.

    As for just accepting a lower standard of living so we can please the environmentalists who are using anthropogenic global warming to legislate away our freedoms, one thing will ring true. This will be the first generation of Americans who have handed to their children a nation less free, less healthy, less profitable and more dependent on government. We often hear about “the greatest generation” before us. What will they call our generation? The ‘incompetent’ generation?

  54. rosehips says:

    ok, since vf didn’t offer ME a cup, I am going for a refill of my lowly coffee. anyone is welcome to join my pity party. I can grind up some fresh beans just for you.
    where is sami?

  55. VotingFemale says:

    pours a cup of coffee for Rosehips..

    there ya go dear…

  56. rosehips says:

    karma, thanks for the article. It looks very interesting, just reading the first paragraph….

    what if industry was responsible for the health costs of the people who are affected by their pollution? If in a free market, industry was forced to pay the actual costs for the production of goods, our costs would be sky high, but perhaps our health care costs would be reasonable. Sort of a paradox, no?

    If we consume less, we will need to pay less.

  57. rosehips says:

    vf, thank you. I am pouring this cup down the drain…what a terrible waste. But I can not pass up a cup of your legendary java. 😉

  58. Foxwood says:

    “I don’t look forward to what will happen when the oceans rise and whole countries will need to either be relocated, or left to die.”

    I’d like to see the proof the oceans are rising.

  59. rosehips says:

    that wg driving dog with the long, flappy ears sure is funny. The vid has “invalid parameters” though.

  60. Foxwood says:

    “Then we grew up and felt that it was our entitlement to own a home, the bigger the better. We need to shatter that kind of thinking.”

    That’s what Obama wants, To break our spirits, The Pigs can live in the big houses, The rest of the animals have to live in the barn.

  61. rosehips says:

    ah foxy, he ye be this morning. all done with being “on call”?
    I hope it will make you a happier camper. 🙂

    gotta do sumpthin…bbs.

  62. rosehips says:

    ahhh yes. animal farm. It’s all falling in place according to plan.

    foxy, you must be a boxing fan, eh? I hate boxing, so I am exiting the arena. see ya later!

  63. karmahd says:

    Start on page 10, the costs of mitigation of greenhouse gasses and the uncertainty of such programs. The first 10 or so pages are just regurgitation

    Click to access stiglitz.pdf

  64. Foxwood says:

    “All the carbon we burn doesn’t have any negative impacts on the environment. CO2 emissions actually are good for the earth.”

    Now your coming around.

  65. karmahd says:

    Foxwood and all others, “the earth is warming” that is pretty much an established fact, the causes are not! Greenhouse gas is an agent in that warming but not the sole reason, it also has to do with the 50000 year orbital cycle of our planet through our universe, as to what % or if we really have any “effective” tools in dealing with the problem are far from established. So short answer, the sea level IS rising.

  66. Foxwood says:

    “Anything that risks the collapse of our economy should be regulated and reformed.”

    That is what Obama is doing now, and it’s not Constitutional or working.

  67. VotingFemale says:

    just added a ZoNation RINO vid the this blogpost…

    and Rosehips! You get your fanny back ov’ah hee’ah!

  68. VotingFemale says:

    Thank you for your input, Shane!

    Shane says

    If Al Gore really believed in the global warming catastrophe he’s been lecturing us all about – he’d live a life that reflected it. He’d show us by example. He doesn’t, in fact there are plenty of stories of his proflagate lifestyle that doesn’t take his own carbon emissions into account. For all the fear mongering, he doesn’t live in fear, just spouts it. That’s why you know it’s all bunk.

    As for just accepting a lower standard of living so we can please the environmentalists who are using anthropogenic global warming to legislate away our freedoms, one thing will ring true. This will be the first generation of Americans who have handed to their children a nation less free, less healthy, less profitable and more dependent on government. We often hear about “the greatest generation” before us. What will they call our generation? The ‘incompetent’ generation?

  69. karmahd says:

    For the lazy bloggers who do not read the entire article here is the summary.

    The reappraisal starts with Antarctica, where those contradictory temperature trends are directly predicted by Svensmark’s scenario, because the snow there is whiter than the cloud-tops. Meanwhile humility in face of Nature’s marvels seems more appropriate than arrogant assertions that we can forecast and even control a climate ruled by the sun and the stars.

  70. Foxwood says:

    I for one, as long as I can afford it, I’ll run my air ice cold. I am NOT having BIG BROTHER tell me I can’t burn my trash. And bullshit Jenny can just get out of my house because I’m keeping my cellphone charger in the wall even when it’s not charging my phone. I pay the bill as some poor shlub has a jobe because I do.

  71. Foxwood says:

    The scientist I keeping up with Karma, tell me the sun spots are off and the planets are in a cooling cycle.

  72. VotingFemale says:

    did rosehips ever reply to my comments this will impact the poor more than anyone else… and will result in deaths among the poor due to heat and cold…

    and that this is about FAT CAT Socialists making money… not about the atmosphere… which is the joke and hoax….

    they will be laughing all the way to the bank

  73. Foxwood says:

    Not that it matters, the problem is not in mankind.

  74. Foxwood says:

    I do agree with Rose in that we can’t continue to pollute. But if you believe CO2 pollution, then you’d be helping earth by not breathing anymore.

  75. karmahd says:

    My point Foxwood is we do not FULLY know why the earth is warming, but it is. And the reduction of greenhouse gasses “might” have an effect, but all this spending is more politically based on controlling the people of earth and its production machine. From what I am gathering from scientific data, which is usually biased to the presenters ego, but none the less valid to a point, is that the miniscule efforts the passage of this bill will represent are like throwing a thimble of water on a forest fire. The motivation is control of industry by the ruling party, but it is always pragmatic to conserve for the simple fact that entropy IS a proven fact, maybe not for the living but for those down the road. So to not make an effort to conserve is really an immature approach to the problem. But our governments approach is pure BS and power building.

  76. rosehips says:

    Shane, I am in awe. You have disarmed me with one fell swoop. well done!

  77. Foxwood says:

    The phone lines in Washington were on fire, and the politicians didn’t care what we thought. They pushed the excrement sandwich down our throats. This is their way of telling what we can do with our tea parties.

  78. rosehips says:

    vf, the poor will have to restructure. For one, stop having large families. Two, help each other. My suggestion is communal living. That will cut down on the costs of maintaining a home and separate vehicles etc. if we are not willing to adapt, we will not thrive.

    vf said: did rosehips ever reply to my comments this will impact the poor more than anyone else… and will result in deaths among the poor due to heat and cold…

  79. rosehips says:

    karma, I was awake before 5 am reading from my Business Law book. I start my day reading, I read throughout the day, I read before bed. I’m sorry if I am selective. I do thank you for the summary. I am actually a slow reader as I have a learning disability. At least that is my excuse. haha
    karma said: For the lazy bloggers who do not read the entire article here is the summary.

  80. Foxwood says:

    None the less, Karma, I, like you, do NOT believe we can control the earth. We are just riders on the bus. That Congress and the President think they are the bus driver is ABSURD, Even if Obomber thinks hes the messiah.

  81. Foxwood says:

    Ok… Good morning VF, Rose, Karma, SamH, who did I miss?

  82. VotingFemale says:

    Sorry, Rose…

    The socialists can go screw…

    2010 and 2012 are moving closer with every tick of the clock…

    We shall see who laughs last.

  83. VotingFemale says:

    Want a heads up?

    Read this from

    74% Trust Their Own Economic Judgment More Than Congress’
    Thursday, June 25, 2009

    Three-out-of-four Americans (74%) trust their own judgment more than that of the average member of Congress when it comes to economic issues facing the nation.

    A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 13% trust the average Congress member’s judgment more, while 12% are not sure who knows best.

    It is perhaps not surprising that 77% of Republicans trust their own judgment more than that of the average member of the Democrat-controlled House and Senate, a view shared by 79% of adults not affiliated with either party. But nearly as many Democrats (69%) agree with them.

    Perhaps this skepticism is explained by the new finding that 77% of Americans believe, generally speaking, that relatives and close friends of politicians get special treatment when seeking government favors and contracts. Just six percent (6%) don’t think this is true, although 17% are not sure.

    There is little partisan disagreement on this question. While 88% of Mainstream Americans say the relatives and close friends of politicians get special treatm ent, even a majority of the Political Class (54%) agrees.

    By a two-to-one margin, voters believe that no matter how bad things are, Congress can always make them worse.

    It’s not just Congress that people are skeptical about on the economic front. Sixty percent (60%) of voters nationwide now trust their own economic judgment more than President Obama’s.

    But then 60% of all Americans say most politicians will break the rules to help people who give them large campaign contributions.

    Earlier this year, voters accurately predicted that most members of Congress wouldn’t know what was in the stimulus bill when they voted on it.

    Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans now say the rest of the new government spending authorized in the stimulus plan – Congress’ primary economic initiative so far this year – should now be canceled, but 36% disagree.

    Seventy-six percent (76%) of Americans say it is at least somewhat likely that a large amount of money in the stimulus plan will be wasted due to inadequate government oversight.

    The majority of voters even oppose the “Cash for Clunkers” bill just approved by Congress that offers owners of older cars up to $4,500 towards the purchase of new, more fuel-efficient models.

    Only 23% of voters now say Congress is doing a good or excellent job, but still that represents the legislature’s highest rating since May 2007. Seventy percent (70%) believe members of Congress are more interested in furthering their own political careers than helping people.

    In mid-February, 67% of U.S. voters said they had more confidence in their own judgment than that of the average congressman.

  84. rosehips says:

    vf, I am not one to laugh. I do not look at it as a contest. I think you know I think we will all lose no matter who calls the shots.

    I am resigned to let the Republicans regain control in 2010. I almost hope it happens. Like I said, I like being on the other side. I am a rebel at heart. I can’t really defend Obama. I don’t think his policies will really work.

    I am thinking about moving to a third world country. I might go check out Kenya. Ohiobelle has agreed to go if I don’t talk about cap and trade. I can do that. lol

    ps. I have never been a big advocate of cap and trade. It never seemed right to me.

  85. Foxwood says:

    Rose, the secret is salt. Lots of salt.

    And the breath, I gargle with pure Scotch.

  86. VotingFemale says:

    personal attacks on fellow commenters are not welcome…

    let’s keep that in mind folks…

  87. rosehips says:

    vf, that’s amazing. 75% of the people I know spend beyond their means. It’s scary that many of them think they are smarter. But don’t we all think we know best?

  88. karmahd says:

    Rose the “Lazy” comment was for all, odd you took that personally??? I have a full load of coffee now and will not hurt anyone, my vicious attacks this morning are all to be directed at the politicians who will take the most minute fact and spin it go add a bean of power to there fiefdoms. Global warming is a fact, are we the cause, dunno, can we change mother nature, hell no, can we assist her, yes. Are politicians altruistic in there efforts to the people, F___ NO. Like all tribal living we as a group of people will adapt or die and fatalistically have little control over the outcome.

  89. VotingFemale says:

    IT is a matter of trust and lack of trust, Rose.

    And politicians don’t own their office… they are contractors working by the grace of voters.

    And politicians get fired… watch the fireworks in the next two federal elections.

    rosehips says

    vf, that’s amazing. 75% of the people I know spend beyond their means. It’s scary that many of them think they are smarter. But don’t we all think we know best?

  90. Foxwood says:

    VF, I didn’t think she meant it as an attack. I didn’t take it that way anyway.

  91. LisaInTX says:

    Well said. I have an elderly friend that lives on a pension and already has a very hard time paying her heat and air bills. She keeps her stat at 59 in the winter and freezes all winter to pay that bill and then keeps it at 80 in the summer, so she is hot and miserable all summer.
    I have one that does not even use air, only box fans in summer, last year, she finally attained a wood burning stove for heat, but really is afraid to use it, so she freezes in the winter months. Electric heaters throw her circuit breakers, so she can not use those either.
    What the hell are folks gonna do, when even these type of conservative elderly can not even afford the use of utilities as it stands RIGHT NOW, muchless after Nobama gets his selfish and greedy way????

  92. rosehips says:

    karma, my man. I did not think you were attacking me personally. But I thought it was at least partially directed at me since I admitted I only read the first paragraph.

    my son just got home from a party. He is in his underwear. I got up this morning and there were lights on in three rooms and the computer was on. I feel like frickin’ Al Gore, the hypocrite. lol

  93. VotingFemale says:

    Morning Lisa!

    Well said comments

  94. karmahd says:

    Honest to god no Rose, I rarely read all of the links on here, I was just making an effort to post what I thought was an excellent summary of the fact that we have little control over the climate in which we live, we can help but not control, and the consensus of scientist are now in agreement to that fact and are focusing efforts on how to survive global warming not stop it.

  95. rosehips says:

    lisa, good morning!

    I think the answer is that families must become more central to our universe, like it used to be. Does that woman have family? Why can’t she live with them? I realize we are conditioned to be independent. I certainly was. But if it destroys us, we either must adapt or die.

    did your son go back to Iraq?

  96. LisaInTX says:

    While the FAT CATS in DC enjoy Heat and Air, everyone else will be required and FOCUSED to RATION. They loose NOTHING, but gain everything as they continue their CORRUPTION, LIES, GREED and destruction of our Nation.
    Expect more regulations and the rationing of meat and other food sources in the grocery stores.
    My die hard democratic father just thought FDR was a Commie—–If he could see Nobama policies, he would have flipped the hell out of this world!!

  97. LisaInTX says:

    No offense, but wow why should an independent self reliant person be forced to live off her family?

  98. rosehips says:

    karma, I agree that learning to survive global warming would be great, I wish I felt confident that we can. I think some will survive, but the majority will perish. I guess it’s just a matter of when…

  99. karmahd says:

    And with all this going on in the world, Michael Jacksons death is still the header on Fox and CNN?? Maybe we deserve global warming!

  100. karmahd says:

    Exactly my point Rose, as time goes on the common universal law is survival to the fittest. Not the smartest, just the most adaptable.

  101. rosehips says:

    I am not one to push my beliefs on anyone. I would rather retreat and admit that it is impossible for people to change their sense of entitlement. I think she should do that because collectively if we all cut our consumption by 50% I believe it will help our planet and ultimately humanity.

    It is really all theoretical. I contend people will not accept a change in lifestyle and will die clinging to their 20th century values.

    I do not wish to shove any sandwiches of any kind down anyone’s throat. That is why I want to escape to some faraway place where I can live on the beach for pennies a day.

  102. karmahd says:

    Lisa I am taking up archery again, bullets are too hard to come by so I am honing my skills with a bow, tons of fun and arrows are plentiful!!!

  103. Foxwood says:

    I’m not fast enough to find the story, but the Communist party leader that ran against FDR stopped running when FDR has the same platform as him.

  104. rosehips says:

    in the end, I am just a hippie girl who enjoys her freedoms just like anyone else. and I really do hate conflict, no matter how confrontational I may appear sometimes. 🙂

  105. LisaInTX says:

    I agree….Power and control of EVERYTHING is what this bill is about. It is so wide sweeping and gives the government power to regulate even our farms and ranches, our food supply…..hell anything and everything that requires energy to produce!!!
    Holy COW!!!!!! I’m freaking out again, just thinking of this crap!!! What the HELL is wrong with those people in DC?????? Are they truly INSANE???
    Good grief……..errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  106. rosehips says:

    karma, if we didn’t have diversions, like pop star gossip, I’m afraid we’d all die of fear. Imagine if all those gossip hounds were worried about cap and trade? my god. I shudder to think.

  107. VotingFemale says:

    I, for one, feel abundant low cost energy is a right of every person on the planet.

    And China thinks so… that is why China will be the first Hydrogen Energy Economy on the planet.

    Obama stopped research funding of Hydrogen Energy dead in its tracks… explain that one.

  108. Foxwood says:

    “I am taking up archery again, bullets are too hard to come by so I am honing my skills with a bow, tons of fun and arrows are plentiful!!!”

    Rocks are pretty cheap Karma. 🙂

    I just bought a high tech sling shot.

  109. karmahd says:

    Lisa, if you are accustom to farm living, and know how to shoot, you will do fine, and change will come about, because people do NOT want to live in the world that is now being created. This will all change in time, it is the damage being done in the interim that is frustrating, the ball of twine is becoming very tangled!!!

  110. karmahd says:

    Or DEAL with it!!

    karma, if we didn’t have diversions, like pop star gossip, I’m afraid we’d all die of fear. Imagine if all those gossip hounds were worried about cap and trade? my god. I shudder to think.

  111. rosehips says:

    lisa, please check your blood pressure. you seem to be getting very upset. belle is having a spell right now and she said it is because of Obama, and maybe barney fudd. Try to unwind. go hug your horses again. Don’t have cardiac arrest over this. You still have the Senate vote and I heard that they are less likely to pass it then the House. I guess it depends who you listen to. I might have heard that on ‘Fox.

  112. LisaInTX says:

    Really? That is the first I’d heard of that. lol
    Same bullcrap platform…no wonder my red-blooded American Dad saw ‘Red”…lmao….

    Foxwood // June 27, 2009 at 11:09 am

    I’m not fast enough to find the story, but the Communist party leader that ran against FDR stopped running when FDR has the same platform as him.

  113. karmahd says:

    Hey Fox, I remember my “Wrist Rocket” Days, and yes that is the ultimate form of ammo (Rocks) until Obama outlaws them!! LOL

  114. karmahd says:

    Everyone bring all your rocks to your local Police encampment, we will give you a glass of water for each 10 rocks you drop off LOLOLOLOLO

  115. karmahd says:

    OHHHH What a tangled web we weave!!

  116. karmahd says:

    Gotta run, sorry if my passion overcame my people skills, no harm no foul, see you all later, I am going rock collecting LOL

  117. rosehips says:

    vf, if you are directing this at me, I can’t explain it. I don’t know why he did that. It is probably a way to say thank you to a big supporter of his campaign. 🙂

    The DNC called me yesterday and asked me to help them to counter the likes of Rush Limbaugh. No kidding. The guy mentioned Rush in like his second sentence.
    Rush should be very proud. I did not contribute to the campaign.

    vf said: Obama stopped research funding of Hydrogen Energy dead in its tracks… explain that one.

  118. Foxwood says:

    “I might have heard that on ‘Fox.”

    I’m gonna have a stroke! 🙂

  119. LisaInTX says:

    Yes, I’m a very adapted to farm living and survival—doing without as I grew up poor, and being conservative—use it up, make do with what I have, is my nature.
    Not a big issue, but you know it just isn’t right that our nation has come to this end. I really fear for our elderly and our youth.

    The elderly– will be left on the wayside because they are no longer ‘useful’ to society.
    The young—will continue to be murdered in the womb, because government says we have a population problem.
    These things are now very likely the future of our Nation and possibly even the world.
    God help us all!

  120. rosehips says:

    population projections:


    China: 1,346,197,000
    India: 1,198,372,00
    United States of America: 315,419,000
    Indonesia: 230,452,000
    Brazil: 194,481,000
    Pakistan: 181,507,000
    Bangladesh: 162,531,000
    Nigeria: 155,553,000
    Russian Federation: 141,574,000
    Japan: 127,593,000
    2050 (Projected):

    India: 1,614,000,000
    China: 1,417,000,000
    United States of America: 404,000,000
    Pakistan: 335,000,000
    Nigeria: 289,000,000
    Indonesia: 288,000,000
    Bangladesh: 222,000,000
    Brazil: 219,000,000
    Ethiopia: 174,000,000
    Dem. Republic of the Congo: 148,000,000

    e Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs released the 21st round of its official global population projection, the 2008 Revision, on March 11, 2009. The 2008 Revision suggests that under a medium variant assumption, in which the total fertility rate (TFR) will decline from 2.56 children per women in 2005-2010 to 2.02 in 2045-2050, the world population will likely increase from 6.83 billion in 2009 to 9.15 billion in 2050.

  121. LisaInTX says:

    You are right. Thanks for the heads up. :-]
    I need to watch my blood pressure…lol….I passed stroke level last night and we still have the senate vote to contend with. …hahahaa
    Now if THEY vote for it—-then I’ll need to just stop watching the news and get prepared for the rationing…..hone my skills with a bow and slingshot…hahahaa
    All those little deer that we have cared for and fed over the years maybe be on the menu in the future. Poor little bamabi’s—sorry guys, nothing personal, but survival of the fittest you know!

  122. rosehips says:

    world population is almost 7 billion. Projections are for 9.15 billion by 2050. I personally don’t think this is accurate.

    I think pandemics and “natural disasters” will decimate our populations. I’m not sure guns and gardens will necessarily save us. Better have a good water supply.

    I don’t know if rocks are gonna save us either.

  123. rosehips says:

    lisa, we have lots of deer here too. Even in town. they roam the streets. they come in my yard at night. they chomp on my garden. I figure if I am feeding them, they are mine. I am entitled, imo. venison stew, yum.

  124. LisaInTX says:

    Thanks for the info.
    Countries that are aware of/have access to birth control, have NO logical reason or excuse to murder their unborn children.
    The elderly should be cherished for the wisdom they provide to our society.
    But BOTH are now endanger IMO.

  125. rosehips says:

    Swine flu shot campaign could involve 600M doses; officials wonder how to administer them all
    MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer
    2:47 PM PDT, June 26, 2009
    ATLANTA (AP) — A potential fall swine flu immunization campaign may involve an unprecedented 600 million doses of vaccine, though officials said Friday they haven’t figured out how to administer so many doses or accurately track side effects if a seasonal vaccine is given simultaneously.

  126. Foxwood says:

    The answer people, is Solent Green.

  127. rosehips says:

    better start lining up for your swine flu shot now. I hear we just passed the million mark on number of cases. Why can’t we just let it run it’s course. I will line up to be EXPOSED to swine flu before I line up for a vaccine.

  128. rosehips says:

    yeah, I want to get back to the luau….

    mai tai anyone?

  129. rosehips says:

    foxy, if you read the book “Collapse” you will see that cannibalism is normal duing the collapse of civilization. So it is a very real outcome someday.

  130. Foxwood says:

    Why do you think Chuck was in the movie, Rose? I don’t doubt you.

  131. LisaInTX says:

    Thanks Fox. I book marked that search and will hunt for the link when I get time. :-}

  132. rosehips says:

    All buildings should utilize the most advanced information and technology in order to maximize efficiency. When my oldest son was born, we put an addition on the house we were living in. My husband designed the addition to maximize the sun’s energy. We had top and bottom clear story windows on the south side of the house. We planted a tree to the sw to provide shade in the summer. We used heavy drapes to insulate in winter and shield the sun in summer. It could be 15 degrees outside, but if it was sunny, we could let the fire go out during the day. And the house was toasty being heated by the sun.
    In summer, we open windows at night (and we are lucky to have cool nights) and close them in the morning and draw the curtains and the house stays cool throughout most of the day except for during heat waves.

    vf, thank you for the boener vid. There are many things slipped into bills that we don’t realize. Some are good things, some not. I think it is good for Congress to know what is within.

  133. rosehips says:

    well, I better go. gotta eat some breakfast and get some things done. happy day!

  134. VotingFemale says:

    You are welcome, dear.

    Point being is the onslaught of more and more and more FEDERAL Government into the minutiae of everyone’s life.

    It is staggering what is going on…

    Rose says

    vf, thank you for the boener vid. There are many things slipped into bills that we don’t realize. Some are good things, some not. I think it is good for Congress to know what is within.

  135. LisaInTX says:

    Seems the corrupt ones Pelosi, etal, in congress have figured out a way to bring back the housing market!! What a bunch of CRAP!!!
    Looks like ALL the homes and future buildings in America will HAVE to be retrofitted with “Green” in order to be financed by the banks.
    Immelt must be dancing a jig in the streets for his alliance with Nobama!!!
    What a pay back for GE and all those that have stock in green companies!!!!!!!!!!

  136. VotingFemale says:

    A comment I saw online…

    “Every Republican that voted for this travesty should be forced to wear a Henry Waxman pig nose for a year. Until they’re thrown out of office.”

  137. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa… this bill reads like the Communist Manifesto

  138. Foxwood says:

    As Glenn Beck said, this is a watermellon bill. Green on the outside, but Marxist Pinko inside.

  139. LisaInTX says:

    That you open your windows at night is not an option for everyone due to break ins and such. Also I’d like to point out that temperatures where you live, are not the same as down south. Here it is still 100 degrees at night PLUS humidity—so that would not work here during the hot summer months.
    Another EX: When we lived in San Diego—we never used AC unless a Santa Ana rolled in and we only opened our upstairs windows due to possible break ins—so opening windows does not work everywhere.

  140. VotingFemale says:

    And Glenn is SPOT ON, Fox

  141. Foxwood says:

    OMG, I thought you said Glenn was dead. I was going to start looking back through my vids to see if he was barefoot during his shows.

  142. LisaInTX says:

    My elderly friend just called and at her house in the country the Humidity is 90% and the Temperature in 92 degrees, and the weather prediction of 100 degrees by afternoon and NO breeze.

  143. VotingFemale says:

    does she have AC, Lisa?

  144. Foxwood says:

    BRB, gotta get my Navigator from the shop. It was sucking gas.

  145. rosehips says:

    lisa, I hear ya about the weather in TX. Perhaps we should invade Canada and relocate all y’all up there? lol

  146. LisaInTX says:

    LOL…I had to re-read that comment too Fox…VF—you gave us a real start there…lol

  147. rosehips says:

    I do not begrudge anyone using ac down where the heat is unbearable. I have low tolerance for heat. I use ac in my car. I live where the heat isn’t oppressive even though we get 100 plus temps in summer. I didn’t check my thermometer this morning but yahoo told me it was 37 degrees this morning here. Yikes! It was just slightly over 70 yesterday. We are having the most mild summer I can remember in years.

  148. LisaInTX says:

    Yes, but her bill this time two years ago was over $350,($380?) so she has turned up the stat to 80 degrees to keep the cost down and ‘affordable”.

  149. VotingFemale says:

    I’ll edit it to say spot on

    means the same thing… dont want anyone to misconstue the meaning of “dead on” which means absolutely correct…

  150. LisaInTX says:

    My other friend does not have any AC as they throw her circuits—she just uses box fans. We have offered to pay to have an electrician come out and update her panel, but she said she would not use the AC, as it would raise her bill cost….so, not sure what we can do to change her mind???

  151. VotingFemale says:

    there… it is edited…

  152. rosehips says:

    i gotta say re: glenn. I watched him for part of his show yesterday while I was eating lunch. (could have been day before). He was trying a stupid pet trick with a turtle and a dove bar. Then he threw the dove bar in the garbage. I thought it was a terrible waste of a good dove bar and a flop of a prank. I guess that happens with everyone. But I was surprised to see him immitate letterman. I thought Glenn commentated on news, but I suppose he is an entertainer above all else. That is what sells after all.

  153. LisaInTX says:

    Beck is one of our only voices of common sense and reason—And is “spot on” and “dead on” target without any doubt! :-}

  154. rosehips says:

    lisa, my dream home always has a basement in it. It’s the best refuge. I use fans when it gets unbearable.
    I grew up in NY with oppressive heat and humidity. We did not have ac until maybe my teen years. Then we had it in one room.

    I think ac in one room is sufficient. And more people should have basements.

  155. VotingFemale says:

    Lisa… I don’t know…

    so long as she manages to keep cool one way or the other…

    lots of cool showers helps… plus fans.

    We did not have AC all the time I was a pre-teen and that was with temps of 100 to 115 daily…

    but elderly folks and babies feel it the hardest…

    this Pop-A-Green-Cap-In-Everyone’s-Ass-and-Trade Bill will absolutely kill people.

  156. rosehips says:

    when I was young, we toughed it out. the pioneers did not have ac. the natives did not have ac. the immigrants coming to this country did not have ac. But of course our globe has warmed since them days. lol

  157. LisaInTX says:

    Beck is not a journalist. He is a commentary, who voices his opinions.
    As to Canada—thanks but no thanks—I can always dunk my head or whole body in a water tank to cool down, but I hate being too cold. brrrr….that is why we moved from Amarillo….I hated the winters there.

  158. rosehips says:

    I love those misters they have now that you hook to the hose and stick above you to keep you cool. The beach is a great relief, but I know the elderly get hit the hardest. It is a sad reality.

    I used to take spray bottles with me whereever I went in the heat of summer. I wonder if we will even get a heat wave this summer?

  159. rosehips says:

    lisa, I hear ya. We bought a big stock tank and filled it with cold water and that was our swimming pool when my boys were young. Now they have these inflatable pools that are pretty low cost. Disposable pools if you would. I’d hate to have to haul one to the dump when it got ruined after a season or two.

  160. LisaInTX says:

    My friend with no AC is native American and comes from the old ways and has never lived in a house that had AC.
    I grew up with no AC too, only box fans and a swamp cooler that never worked here properly, as the humidity was always too high.

  161. karmahd says:

    “The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.” –Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), (September 1932)

  162. LisaInTX says:

    I pity the women that had to wear all those high necked dresses and petticoats, etc….and the men wore wool pants and such…makes my ITCH just thinking about that…yipes!!

  163. rosehips says:

    nice quote karma!

  164. rosehips says:

    lisa, I know. and those pioneer women had their babies on their treks and had to cook and continue on within hours of the birth. Imagine doing that in 100 degree temps! We are such wimps these days.

  165. VotingFemale says:

    Glenn Beck is Opinion Media as is Bill O and Rush

    It is the likes of Keith Olbermann, Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, etc, who parades as a News Journalist while actually being a Socialist Hack.

  166. rosehips says:

    but a lot of people died due to the weather and lack of health care and being opressed by men. heehee

  167. LisaInTX says:

    Great quote Karma!
    Its a good time to reflect on wisdom of those that have been there and done that. Maybe we can find answers by looking to the past?

  168. VotingFemale says:

    so Rose… by order of the Government people should die for the good of the collective… I see.

  169. karmahd says:

    Not sure of the motive of this news source, but the content seems pretty diverse, but I have not read much, just an FYI for another source.

  170. rosehips says:

    Glen said something yesterday when I was coming into the room. I missed it but then he laughed and mentioned how much the left hated him (or his show). I really regretted missing what it was he said .

  171. rosehips says:

    Is that what I said vf?

    vf said: so Rose… by order of the Government people should die for the good of the collective… I see.

  172. LisaInTX says:

    Yeah, we are a Nation of Whiners and Wimps these days! Let the truth be heard and De-Nile be put to rest for good.

    Right On about the socialist hacks!!!

  173. rosehips says:

    theoretically I think a majority of our population should die in order for the remainder to survive.
    But I would never advocate imposing restrictions on life. I do think we need to adjust to changes in order to survive. If we are not willing to, we will die.
    I think most people share the attitude that they will not let gov’t dictate their lifestyle and behavior. I understand that. I don’t believe that free market will create the balance we need. I don’t think people will change for the good of society because they will refuse to agree on what is best.

  174. LisaInTX says:

    Beck said PETA emails had overrun him and they were concerned about the turtles. He assured PETA they were fine and picked up a pair of ‘tortoise-shell’ eyeglass to show them…LMAO…hahaha

  175. rosehips says:

    yes lisa, I just caught the glasses reference. that is actually quite funny! lol

  176. VotingFemale says:

    At first blush, Karma… it looks a bit Nationalist Socialist …that band that hides at the far right but are actually not Conservative

  177. VotingFemale says:

    Who gets to decide who deserves to die?
    And by you saying majority… what percentage are you theorizing should die, Rose?
    Demographics? by age? race? sex? income? what?

    rosehips says

    theoretically I think a majority of our population should die in order for the remainder to survive.

  178. LisaInTX says:

    The socialist indoctrination of the past forty years, the lack of morality—the outing of God in America, have IMO, done the greatest harm to a once great nation.
    Population control for humans and animals is nothing but straight talk from the books of the Hitler Regime. That is what makes this thinking so dangerous IMO.

  179. karmahd says:

    “But I would never advocate imposing restrictions on life”

    That is what is being implemented as we speak! This administration is in the process of selecting who will thrive and who will not, with the end result being the death of freedom of choice, I am not talking about abortion! If you have control of the economy, then regulate it to the point of stifling growth by pricing out free market compensation via innovation is that not a death?

  180. karmahd says:

    Hey VF I read a couple more articles and they seem to be on both sides of the political scale, but I stumbled on the page by the following search “the systematic demise of the US Economy” Just not sure yet as to the overall motive, but they do smash the press!!

  181. rosehips says:

    well, vf. take the space program for instance. Aren’t we experimenting now to see if we can inhabit the Moon?
    Who will get to live there? I am guessing there will a list of elite who will decide for themselves that they deserve to live there and the rest of will die.

    other than that, I guess it will be every man for himself until new gov’t rises from the ashes like the phoenix.
    or something.

  182. VotingFemale says:

    See… there is that constitution again… which states everyone has inalienable rights to LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS

    and again who gets to make these life death decisions, Rose?

  183. karmahd says:


  184. karmahd says:

    The process just seem so obvious as to the motive, “spread the wealth” make all equal by proxy not by desire or choice.

  185. rosehips says:

    I think it will come down to class. The poor will die first. When the oceans rise, I think we will decide that there is nothing we can do. We will let the poor people of the third world die. The rich of their country will all seek refuge in higher ground. If you have wealth, you will buy a ticket to survival. If you are poor, I’m afraid unless you win the lottery, you will be left to die.

  186. VotingFemale says:

    and only a masochist would want to live on the Moon.

    but anwering my question with questions is a dodge…

    care to answer in a straight forward way?

    Who gets to make the decision of who lives and dies for the benefit of the collective?

    and what are the selection criteria for selections of live or die?

  187. LisaInTX says:

    Disease, famine, wars have proven to “naturally” control the over-population as I see it.
    We are already being slowly poisoned by our food supply thru agent orange, a known cancer causing agent that also has been shown to increase birth defects, by companies like Monsanto.
    These genetically altered seeds have already been spread to 3rd world countries around the world and now famine is eminent in those countries. They will soon be totally dependent on the seeds handed out by their governments as the local organic seeds become harder and harder to locate.
    Now this is WORLD power and control!!

  188. karmahd says:

    If all the ice in the oceans melted you would see a 15% land mass loss I read, (note validated) so I will have beach from property 25 miles inland from the beach, hmmm not so bad??

  189. VotingFemale says:

    Rose… you made a statement about our country…

    that the majority should die so the rest can survive.

    Who gets to decide who lives and dies and what would that decision be based on?

  190. karmahd says:

    Natural selection will be decided by class and income, the poor cannot afford health care, or at least not yet, they cannot afford to move, they will be displaced and the collective will have to take care of them. We are the collective, currently a large portion of our personal incomes is entrusted to the government, they DO NOT DESERVE THAT TRUST.

  191. rosehips says:

    and maybe I was misunderstood. When I said that a majority should die so the rest can live, I meant that I think the earth will ultimately succumb to its overexploitation. I don’t think there will necessarily be “decisions” on who dies and who doesn’t. I think the leaders will be vulnerable as the poor are. Look what is happening around the world. There are assassinations happening all the time. I wouldn’t want to be a politician in the coming days. It’s way too dangerous.

  192. karmahd says:

    Obama will have to appoint a DEATH CZAR

  193. LisaInTX says:

    It is exactly like the movies Left Behind!! Who ever controls the food supply, rules the WORLD!

    I gotta run for awhile. bbl

  194. Foxwood says:

    Rose said:
    “I thought Glenn commentated on news”

    It is news if you don’t buy into the Government running everything. I tells truths.

  195. karmahd says:

    Does everyone realize that all these CZAR’s Obama is anointing is a way around the process of government by the people??

  196. VotingFemale says:

    Rose… these are your exact words…

    rosehips // June 27, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    theoretically I think a majority of our population should die in order for the remainder to survive.

    You only live in one country… our country.

    So again… who do you think should make the decision on who should die so that who cam survive?
    And what would that decision be based on?

  197. Foxwood says:

    Rose said:
    “But of course our globe has warmed since them days.”

    Just think Rose, more nude people… hmmmm, maybe not. 🙂

  198. karmahd says:

    In a galaxy far far away, the rebel alliance will have to face the DEATH CZAR, LOL

  199. rosehips says:

    vf, will you accept my explanation that I did not mean that I think people should die in the sense that we should kill them to save the rest. I just think that our earth can’t support all of us, so if some are to survive, the majority will have to die in order for the remaining to continue. Sorry if I worded that wrong. I am not saying that we should choose survivors and by default choose who should die.

  200. rosehips says:

    ok vf. If I must answer who should decide and who should die, I will.

    Obama should be the one and only one to decide. He should be the judge, jury and executioner. He should start with Fox News and systematically take down all his detractors. Anyone who does not pledge allegience to Obama should die.

    Ok, is that acceptable? lol

  201. rosehips says:

    and anyone caught say “we the people” are executed on the spot. dead on!

  202. karmahd says:

    Wow the parallels are too damn close to be a coincidence??

  203. Foxwood says:

    “I don’t believe that free market will create the balance we need.”

    Excuse my french but Communism certaily the hell won’t fix it. Capitalism has worked for years. Explain that.

  204. karmahd says:

    Foxwood you dare ignore my Rebel Alliance, “there will be nothing to stop us now” “a new hope”, both quotes from that clip, just replace the names and it all becomes clear, we are being taken over inch by inch, freedom by freedom, until poof the frog in the pot is boiled!!

  205. rosehips says:

    And we wonder why energy prices are high?
    re: lobbying, this from the NYT article:

    For the 10 energy interests analyzed, the oil and gas industry led the pack on spending. It shelled out $44.5 million in the first three months of this year, compared with $30.1 million spent in the same quarter in 2008.

    For all of last year, oil and gas spent $130 million, at the time a record for the industry. If the pace set by this year’s first quarter continues, it would result in a $178 million lobbying total for the year.

  206. VotingFemale says:

    Rose, you don’t need to apologize for an opinion you espouse… I don’t need to either agree or disagree with it.

    But when you throw out a statement like that… you need to expect questions like the two I am asking.

    Who gets to decide who gets to live and… who dies for their benefit?

    What would that decision be based on?

    I have a fundamental dislike of Political and Religious Authoritarianism. And the killing of the Iranian citizens by their government is the act of Political and Religious Authoritarianism.

    Show me the person who assumes an arbitrary right to decide who lives and dies based on arbitrary Political and Religious Authority…

    And I will show you a Sociopath Monster…

  207. Foxwood says:

    Karma said:
    “The process just seem so obvious as to the motive, “spread the wealth” make all equal by proxy not by desire or choice”

    Unless your in Government.

  208. karmahd says:

    Rose the 7 sisters have always ruled the world!!

  209. rosehips says:

    vf, I am not apologizing for an opinion. lol. I am trying to get you to understand that my words were chosen poorly. I don’t think people should die. I don’t think anyone should decide on our ultimate fate. I didn’t mean it that way.

  210. rosehips says:

    and vf, I did say “theoretically” did I not?

  211. karmahd says:

    Don’t know if the term is common knowledge

  212. rosehips says:

    karma, thanks for the link. When I hear of “seven sisters” I think of hiking in the Adirondacks. Hardcore hikers will climb the seven sisters all in one year. holy cow. that’s a lot of hiking.

  213. Foxwood says:

    Not ignoring you Karma, just catching up reading and slow at it as well.

  214. VotingFemale says:

    I will drop it… but you said what you said and while it was quantified, it was not qualified in any way.

    rosehips // June 27, 2009 at 1:33 pm

    vf, I am not apologizing for an opinion. lol. I am trying to get you to understand that my words were chosen poorly. I don’t think people should die. I don’t think anyone should decide on our ultimate fate. I didn’t mean it that way.

  215. Foxwood says:

    When I think of 7 sister, I think… hmmmmmmm.

  216. Foxwood says:

    Sorry, minds in the gutter again.

  217. rosehips says:

    vf, ultimately our Creator will decide who dies and who survives. That’s the best answer I can give.

    I am glad that you called me on my statement. I need to be more thoughtful with my choice of words. You will help me to hone my skills so that I can express myself better. Thank you. 😉

  218. Foxwood says:

    I see the Czars Karma. It’s unconstitutional. Republicans and Democrats have done it. FDR called them Dictators.

  219. Foxwood says:

    Rose, Your not the only one that can do the foot in mouth insert. 🙂

  220. Foxwood says:

    That was a hit on me Rose.

  221. karmahd says:

    OK I really do have to go, this has been fun, sorry I miss this during the week, but I have to support my Czars habits of spending and repression like any other drone in the collective…

  222. rosehips says:

    well they say mj memorabilia is suddenly in demand. no wonder. Time to crawl up in my attic and dig out my old MJ Rolling Stone editions. I have quite a few with his many different stages of cosmetic transformation. Michael Jackson was a wonder of medical science. How far we have come when a cute little black prodigy can be transformed into a white androgenous creature whose longing for love and endless wealth shows us that money corrupts and destroys. Love is what we need more than ever.
    Hugs to everyone!

  223. Foxwood says:

    One for Rose.
    Live for today.

  224. Foxwood says:

    I’ll check back later, I have to insolate my attic. Way to hot in the house. Ready to sweat my arse off.

  225. Foxwood says:

    Here’s one for Washington.

  226. Foxwood says:

    The lyrics fit the times.

    1967 – The Who – I Can See For Miles Lyrics

    I know you’ve deceived me, now here’s a surprise
    I know that you have ’cause there’s magic in my eyes

    I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
    Oh yeah

    If you think that I don’t know about the little tricks you’ve played
    And never see you when deliberately you put things in my way

    Well, here’s a poke at you
    You’re gonna choke on it too
    You’re gonna lose that smile
    Beacuse all the while

    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
    Oh yeah

    You took advantage of my trust in you when I was so far away
    I saw you holding lots of other guys and now you’ve got the nerve to say

    That you still want me
    Well, that’s as may be
    But you gotta stand trial
    Because all the while

    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
    Oh yeah

    I know you’ve deceived me, now here’s a surprise
    I know that you have ’cause there’s magic in my eyes

    I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
    Oh yeah

    The Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal are mine to see on clear days
    You thought that I would need a crystal ball to see right through the haze

    Well, here’s a poke at you
    You’re gonna choke on it too
    You’re gonna lose that smile
    Beacuse all the while

    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
    And miles and miles and miles and miles

    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles
    I can see for miles and miles

  227. Foxwood says:

    You have to have some really tight pants.

  228. ohiobelle says:

    Hello all.

    I am so p*ssed off about Cap & Trade I can’t see straight! I feel like we don’t even have a voice. I am starting to feel like our government is trying to destroy America as we know it and nobody can stop them. I was so very very proud of John Boehner for speaking out and taking his time to do so. I was very surprised that it passed. Obama will make sure it passes in the Senate and then there will be nothing left to do but pull out his 10 pens! SUCKS!

  229. arlenearmy says:

    Yeah VF..
    Foxnews helped Obama to wag the dog on us. Hubby started watching Golden Girls because he got tired of hearing about MJ.

    Glenn Beck was the only 1 on Foxnews who gave the least attention to that subject matter.

  230. ohiobelle says:

    I was surprised Hannity spent over half his show talking about MJ and only 15 minutes on tax and spend. I think there just comes a point where people are just amazed this is all happening.. I know I am there.

  231. Foxwood says:

    We all have to call and email our Senators now. It’s important. I keep nagging Mary, but I will call David as well.

    I’ve played this one before, but they are a patriotic group and I like the song.

  232. arlenearmy says:

    I hear what U saying. About that climate control bill that passed in House, we need to keep the pressure on the Senate. If we slack up, it becomes an easy win for Obama.

    But its time for Foxnews to get back to the real news. If that bill passes in Senate, we (the people) may not be able to afford the electricity to watch the news … let alone the juice to watch the memories of MJ’s fine dancing.

  233. LisaInTX says:


    Any person in Government service should:

    1. Put loyalty to the highest moral principals and to country above loyalty to Government persons, party, or department.

    2. Uphold the Constitution, laws, and legal regulations of the United States and of all governments therein and never be a party to their evasion.

    3. Give a full day’s labor for a full day’s pay; giving to the performance of his duties his earnest effort and best thought.

    4. Seek to find and employ more efficient and economical ways of getting tasks accomplished.

    5. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for remuneration or not; and never accept for himself or his family, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of his governmental duties.

    6. Make no private promises of any kind binding upon the duties of office, since a Government employee has no private word which can be binding on public duty.

    7. Engage in no business with the Government, either directly or indirectly which is inconsistent with the conscientious performance of his governmental duties.

    8. Never use any information coming to him confidentially in the performance of governmental duties as a means for making private profit.

    9. Expose corruption wherever discovered.

    10. Uphold these principles, ever conscious that public office is a public trust.

    [Source: U.S. House of Representatives Ethics Committee]

  234. LisaInTX says:

    I personally would say that most in congress and in the house are guilty of ALL these things with the exception of #9.
    This they get around totally by enacting authority to themselves to avoid prosecution, but it will NOT always be so. They will be replaced and JUSTICE shall be served upon each and everyone of them in kind! To each his own punishment for the crimes they have committed upon We The People they have lied and cheated.

  235. Foxwood says:

    Arlene, is your husband as conservative as you?

  236. arlenearmy says:

    #9. on exposing corruption wherever found. Conyers did not follow that rule. He got that young wife & I don’t think he wants her sleeping in the big house.

  237. arlenearmy says:

    Hubby’s hard core conservative (born & raised) & a die hard Limbaugh ditto.

  238. Foxwood says:

    Glad to hear it. Dittos!

  239. The Jury is still out: (Rose, my dad has not responded) to your question re: “do people contribute/affect the climate”. Karma with all due respect, you said:Foxwood and all others, “the earth is warming” that is pretty much an established fact, the causes are not! Greenhouse gas is an agent in that warming but not the sole reason, it also has to do with the 50000 year orbital cycle of our planet through our universe, as to what % or if we really have any “effective” tools in dealing with the problem are far from established. So short answer, the sea level IS rising. In laymans terms (me speaking) but According to what my father was explaining to me is that we are in a global cooling era. Something to do with the Antactic ice caps, icebergs etc. that appear/are melting is not do to global warming, but due to the fact of the ocean cycling and bringing warmer water to the ice caps and melting to some degree, which in turn is increasing the Sea Level. Also based on data that is being used/or rather NOT being used is There is not enough data to substantiate Global WARMING – What is more stubtantiated tho-ARE more facts to uphold GLOBAL COOLING, hence another IceAge. That is about all I can remember from our conversation. Karma I’m not saying I disagree with all you’ve said re: greenhouse emmissions either.

    Now, I’m one that believes the Lord is my personal savior; i.e., there is a time to live and a time to die, reap, etc. God determines the time of our death, Not Man.

  240. LisaInTX says:

    Jim Powell, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, is author of FDR’s Folly, How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression (Crown Forum, 2003).
    More by Jim Powell
    Democratic presidential candidates as well as some conservative intellectuals, are suggesting that Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal is a good model for government policy today.

    Mounting evidence, however, makes clear that poor people were principal victims of the New Deal. The evidence has been developed by dozens of economists — including two Nobel Prize winners — at Brown, Columbia, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, the University of California (Berkeley) and University of Chicago, among other universities.

    New Deal programs were financed by tripling federal taxes from $1.6 billion in 1933 to $5.3 billion in 1940. Excise taxes, personal income taxes, inheritance taxes, corporate income taxes, holding company taxes and so-called “excess profits” taxes all went up.

    The most important source of New Deal revenue were excise taxes levied on alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, matches, candy, chewing gum, margarine, fruit juice, soft drinks, cars, tires (including tires on wheelchairs), telephone calls, movie tickets, playing cards, electricity, radios — these and many other everyday things were subject to New Deal excise taxes, which meant that the New Deal was substantially financed by the middle class and poor people. Yes, to hear FDR’s “Fireside Chats,” one had to pay FDR excise taxes for a radio and electricity! A Treasury Department report acknowledged that excise taxes “often fell disproportionately on the less affluent.”

    Until 1937, New Deal revenue from excise taxes exceeded the combined revenue from both personal income taxes and corporate income taxes. It wasn’t until 1942, in the midst of World War II, that income taxes exceeded excise taxes for the first time under FDR. Consumers had less money to spend, and employers had less money for growth and jobs.

    New Deal taxes were major job destroyers during the 1930s, prolonging unemployment that averaged 17%. Higher business taxes meant that employers had less money for growth and jobs. Social Security excise taxes on payrolls made it more expensive for employers to hire people, which discouraged hiring.

    Other New Deal programs destroyed jobs, too. For example, the National Industrial Recovery Act (1933) cut back production and forced wages above market levels, making it more expensive for employers to hire people – blacks alone were estimated to have lost some 500,000 jobs because of the National Industrial Recovery Act. The Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933) cut back farm production and devastated black tenant farmers who needed work. The National Labor Relations Act (1935) gave unions monopoly bargaining power in workplaces and led to violent strikes and compulsory unionization of mass production industries. Unions secured above-market wages, triggering big layoffs and helping to usher in the depression of 1938.

    What about the good supposedly done by New Deal spending programs? These didn’t increase the number of jobs in the economy, because the money spent on New Deal projects came from taxpayers who consequently had less money to spend on food, coats, cars, books and other things that would have stimulated the economy. This is a classic case of the seen versus the unseen — we can see the jobs created by New Deal spending, but we cannot see jobs destroyed by New Deal taxing.
    Go here for more info.

  241. arlenearmy says:

    Every bedroom, den & living room & dining room has a TV connected to its separate satellite receiver box. We had some liberal friends who spent a week end here & they turned on MSNC in the living room. Hubby so die hard, that he’s decided to put parental block on MSNBC & CNN so that folks who come here won’t change the news channel. He said that only Foxnews is the only news channel to be watched in the house.

  242. Oh my gosh, Arlene! that is so funny! Wow, your husband is a Good Man!

  243. Foxwood says:

    LMAO Alene. Sound like me!

  244. One Step Closer to Obma and Co, getting their SLUSH FUND to begin Socialized Health Care.

    Cap & Tax is Only about his getting more of our Money.

  245. VotingFemale says:

    THAT!!!! Is Funny as Hell!

    Please give your hubby a hug for me!

    arlenearmy says

    Every bedroom, den & living room & dining room has a TV connected to its separate satellite receiver box. We had some liberal friends who spent a week end here & they turned on MSNC in the living room. Hubby so die hard, that he’s decided to put parental block on MSNBC & CNN so that folks who come here won’t change the news channel. He said that only Foxnews is the only news channel to be watched in the house.

  246. VotingFemale says:


    The Cap and Trade Bill has a lot more in it than tax increases on energy… way more… did you see the embedded vid in this blogpost?

  247. VotingFemale says:

    It is raining AGAIN! boo hooo HOOOOO!!!!!!

  248. karmahd says:

    Warrantonegirl you “might” have a point, what this article states is it could be either or??

  249. Hey VF, I don’t think I watched the vid yet, I have watched one around 30 minutes before, but I’m just saying If he gets this thing passed I believe he will use that money to start (if he can pass it) the NHS. They need so much $ to even start an NHS and I think he’s looking to use HR2454 $ to jump start it. It’s a hypothesis of mine. I will watch the vid, but gotta run errands now. I will be dutiful, (i.e., loving/fighting for the USA) as suggested and watch the vid when I return. kiss kiss.

  250. Foxwood says:

    Arlene, I have two receivers, but I have them ran throughout the house with A/B switches on all of the TVs so you can watch one or the other or DVD. TV in almost every room and audio in each room. If I have a day off and I want to listen to Rush, it plays in all rooms. I have the technology. I’ve been in electronics since I was a kid.

  251. karmahd says:

    I am starting to think we have been hoodwinked, looks like we need greenhouse gas LOL

    Climate change is controlled primarily by cyclical eccentricities in Earth’s rotation and orbit, as well as variations in the sun’s energy output.

    “Greenhouse gases” in Earth’s atmosphere also influence Earth’s temperature, but in a much smaller way. Human additions to total greenhouse gases play a still smaller role, contributing about 0.2% – 0.3% to Earth’s greenhouse effect.

  252. karmahd says:

    OK I will state ‘I don’t know if the Earth is warming”

    Some say we are “nearing the end of our minor interglacial period” , and may in fact be on the brink of another Ice Age. If this is true, the last thing we should be doing is limiting carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, just in case they may have a positive effect in sustaining present temperatures. The smart money, however, is betting that there is some momentum left in our present warming cycle. Environmental advocates agree: resulting in a shift of tactics from the “global cooling” scare of the 1970s to the “global warming” threat of the 1980s and 1990s.

  253. karmahd says:

    Foxwood I have to run but I would like to tell you about my Stereo stuff, and I know your not going to like this but Rose knows her shit when it comes to stereos as well LOL

  254. Foxwood says:

    That’s why I was saying we have to pollute to kick start the sun.

  255. Foxwood says:

    In truth, nobody really knows what’s happening.

  256. arlenearmy says:

    Ya’ll I hugged him as usual. Yep, he went to all 7 directv receivers .. blocking & locking. Hubby say hospitality has its limits.

    I recall Dick Morris on last nite explaining what happened on that vote. He said something about those who have safe seats voted. I need to go to his website to refresh my memory of his analysis.

    Also, I believe that majority of folks who called into that D.C. switch board were against this vote …just like folks were against amnesty & the bail out. They defied the will of the people. Remember the Obama ditto words uttered from the lips of Chuck Schumer who said: “yes we can”. They are doing this to us because they believe they can.

  257. Foxwood says:

    Karma, I’m trying to be really nice to Rose today. And maybe I can make it carry over some too. I just have to look at things through Rose colored glasses. 🙂

  258. Foxwood says:

    I’ll check out Dick Morris later, I’d like to see what he said.

  259. arlenearmy says:

    I want to get a mac. And when or if I do, I want to get the other pc hooked up in the den so I or we can see Rush on widescreen. A certain person in this house is gonna have to set aside a day to do the hook ups.

    Hubby keeps telling me that he knows how to do it, or that he’s gonna do it …. He said it again this morning … BUT Im still waiting cause it ain’t done yet.

  260. arlenearmy says:

    Its my day to do the cooking. Spaghetti & meatballs it is.

  261. ohiobelle says:

    Arlene wrote: Ohio
    I hear what U saying. About that climate control bill that passed in House, we need to keep the pressure on the Senate. If we slack up, it becomes an easy win for Obama.

    I know and I agree but it doesn’t make it any easier. If he gets Cap & Trade AND healthcare… I am going postal. lol

  262. ohiobelle says:

    I think we should change the title of this post.


  263. rosehips says:

    ok guys. just put down my book. switching gears and gonna get out on my bike and go to the store. maybe get out in the yard in a bit.

    arlene, your husband sounds like the posterboy for censorship. heehee
    If only Obama could put a lock on all the receivers in the country, he’d have y’all eatin’ outta his hands. lol

    and re: global warming. I agree no one knows exactly what is going to happen. I don’t think there is a scientist alive who can accurately predict that. And the terminology has changed from “global warming” to “climate change” because as wg says the greenhouse effect does create warming then cooling and increased extremes in heat and cold. and as we know hurricanes and tornados and other natural disasters seem to be getting more intense and frequent.

    As far as me knowing electronics. I really can’t cop to that karma. But I like to collect old tube amps and other stereo equipment and have geeks fix them up. I am not very high tech, but better than most my age, I guess.

    I think you folk with media in every room are a bit obsessive. I think you can be too tuned in. I don’t think it’s healthy. that’s just the opinion of a hippie girl.
    peace and love. 🙂

  264. rosehips says:

    belle, lol. I saw your post last night after happy hour. hee. looks like you want a boehner-cheney ticket? I think you better find a better candidate for vp…who is your sober choice? lol

  265. rosehips says:

    ok, better get rolling. bbl.

  266. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips, hahaha

    Beohner and Cheney! I want to see those two names on a ticket.

  267. Foxwood says:

    Rose said:
    “I don’t think it’s healthy. that’s just the opinion of a hippie girl. peace and love.”

    If you heard what I was playing in all rooms right now, I bet you’d like it. 🙂

  268. ohiobelle says:

    Rosehips, hahaha

    Boehner and Cheney! I want to see those two names on a ticket.

  269. ohiobelle says:

    You can tell the first time I realized I spelled Boehner wrong and I tried to catch it before I sent it. I guess that doesn’t work. lol

  270. Foxwood says:

    I’m working… or reword that, will be working on getting computer video, when I get to that point. Been busy trying to insulate, paint, side, reroof, redesign, this 100 year old house. I got the sound done. That will get me by for entertainment till I can get back to it.

  271. Foxwood says:

    I don’t have top of the line, new equipment, but like I said, it sounds good in all rooms.

  272. VotingFemale says:

    This is something everyone needs to see!

    ‘Proof’ of Kenyan birth twice scrubbed by eBay
    But seller of ‘Obama’s birth certificate’ dodges administrators to post 3rd time

    Posted: June 27-06-009
    3:19 pm Eastern

    By Drew Zahn
    © 2009 WorldNetDaily

    Editor’s note: Since publication of this story, the auction item has been removed for the third time. None of the item identification numbers in this article remain valid.

    An eBay seller who previously promised to deliver a certified copy of President Obama’s actual birth certificate – from a hospital in Mombasa, Kenya – has twice had his listing removed from the popular auction website.

    In a third listing, however, the seller calling himself “colmado_naranja” has explained why the birth certificate was twice yanked by eBay administration.

    “The first cancellation was done in what eBay describes as being in the interests of keeping my account safe,” the newest listing claims, referring to the now scrubbed item # 160344374585. “eBay was under the impression that a third party had accessed and compromised my account, that this third party put up the Barack Obama African birth certificate auction and that I had no knowledge of the said listing.”

    As WND reported, colmado_naranja’s original listing claimed, “President Barack Hussein Obama II was born in The Coast Provincial Hospital at Mombasa in Kenya at 7:24 p.m. on August 4, 1961.”

    The seller, who according to the eBay rankings has completed dozens of transactions on the behemoth auction site without difficulties, further said this birth certificate is the real deal, obtained while he was traveling in Kenya.

    “Kenyans were amused at how gullible Americans could be when it came to obvious things like the fact that Kenyans overtly admit to Barack Jr.’s Kenyan birth, yet the Americans continue to believe that they know better,” colmado_naranja wrote. “I delved further and found that a birth certificate was on file at The Coast Provincial General Hospital at Mombasa.”

    According to the third, and newest, listing, however, even after calling eBay customer service and restoring the original auction under a new item number, the birth certificate sale was scrubbed again, a second time, for another reason altogether.

    Colmado_naranja’s second listing of the birth certificate, item # 160344928067, had already generated significant attention this morning. WND readers emailed, stating the bids had topped $7,000, even as high as $10,000 for the alleged Kenyan document.

    Even those critical of the questions surrounding Obama’s birth and eligibility to serve as President noticed, as members of the message board Democratic Underground claimed to have reported the auction to eBay administration as a “forgery and offensive item.”

    At some time around 10:30 ET this morning, however, the second auction listing was scrubbed as well.

    In the third listing from colmado_naranja, the seller explains, “This time their reasoning for the cancellation was that birth certificates and other forms are government ID are prohibited on eBay.”

    Nonetheless, the auction lives on.

    Under its now third eBay number, 160345002984, the item up for sale is listed as a “story” and specifically states the document is a gift to the winner, not the object of bidding itself:

    “I’m now auctioning my story (true story) of how I obtained U.S. President Barack Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate,” the listing states. “The winner of this auction will not bear copyrights to my story. However, along with my story the winning bidder will also take home U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama’s Kenyan (African) birth certificate. Certified birth certificate. I am giving the birth certificate to the bidder that wins this auction, which is for my story.”

    Just to be certain, the listing restates, “You are not bidding on Barack Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate in this eBay auction.”

    Neither photos nor any verification of the seller’s claims are available at this point.

    In the original listing, the seller explained, “I am not posting any photos of the birth certificate here on eBay. I have not seen this birth certificate anywhere on the Internet, to post it here on eBay would lead to a flood of facsimiles on the Internet. This would inadvertently decrease the value of the certificate as well.”

  273. VotingFemale says:

    The third listing seems to have been scrubbed as well…

    This is a hoot if it is not real and a block buster if it is real…

    What if????

  274. Foxwood says:

    1966 zShadows of Knight

  275. LisaInTX says:

    That is TOO funny!!! First the “Reward” for the BC, now it’s up on Ebay!!! Hahahahaa….Lmao…

  276. LisaInTX says:

    What’s a deceitful President to do???????
    How is that whole transparency thingy working out for ya, eh Barack??? hahaha

    “When first we practice to deceive”….etc….you know the rest of the story”…heeeee

  277. LisaInTX says:

    Ahhh…poor little Marxist, mean ole Capitalist loving, Constitution Hugging, American patriots, spoiling all your fun!….;-}

  278. Foxwood says:

    Who needs Barack…
    and who needs the peace corp?

  279. Vf, just getting back to watch the video, is it the one that is part of your post? Or one of Backman in comments? I’ve watched Bachman’s already and will watch Boehner. Hopefully to redeem myself before I watch I do know that if this passes the senate not only will our energy bills be sky high, so will our groceries, shampoo, medicine, All Services, as well as crushing small business, etc etc etc. I really don’t think as bad as we all know it will be that we don’t know just how bad it will be. I still hold true that it will be a slush fund for Obama to socialize with as well as make tons of folks very wealthy while oppressing the rest of We The People.

  280. Foxwood says:

    Nothing like fresh cyans out of the garden. No, it’s not hot. These are tears of joy.

  281. arlenearmy says:

    Rose said:
    “arlene, your husband sounds like the posterboy for censorship. heehee
    If only Obama could put a lock on all the receivers in the country, he’d have y’all eatin’ outta his hands. lol”

    Arlene response:
    Hubby pays the bills in this house & the white house.

  282. Foxwood says:

    You know Arlene, as long as we pay the bills and it puts someone to work, that’s all that matters.

  283. Fox, I love cyan peppers!

    VF, yes just finished watching that, ye gaads that STINKS! (don’t the criminals up there always stick crap like that in?)

    We can hope, pray, and contact our reps so that it doesn’t get past the senate.

  284. Oh yea, hey I love the fact about someone in Kenya putting the DOB up on Ebay! woohoo!!!!

    jcscuba has the pics and everything from ebay on a post at stopsocialism.

    Now, How they heck are they going to keep DENYING and INSULTING We The Peoples Intelligence????!!!!!

    It is really annoying me.

    Annoy a Liberal, Use Facts and Logic

  285. Foxwood says:

    Where is jcscuba anyway? I seen him/her post only once.

    I got to put up my grandchilds swimming pool. BBL.

  286. SamHenry says:

    Evening all. I have spent the day with movers recasting my humble abode so that I am downstairs and two student boarders are upstairs. The computer had to be removed and so there has been down time. I hope that when the Senate prepares to vote on Cap on Crap that the American public will have emerged from its catatonic state over the fact that it passed the House. I think this one really got by a lot of people. I don’t think it will necessarily sail through the Senate.

  287. SamHenry says:

    Have to get some supper.

    Dog overboard

  288. rosehips says:

    sh, good to see you. glad you got the move done.

    I am sorry to have missed out on the ebay fun. that is too funny. I kinda doubt it’s authentic unless the guy has a reserve of $10,000. Otherwise why wouldn’t he turn it in to Farah?

    and Arlene, I hope you know I was kidding about your hubby, right?

    gotta go make dinner….

  289. SamHenry says:

    Hey, Rosie – you make good trouble and then you go make good dinner. Boy how to raise an appetite. I can’t believe the e-bay thing – wow. The story will grow legs and run. Myself I am all up to date on where MJ’s body is. That’s all on TV today after a previous day of tracking it.

    Dead of alive, no one cares where mine is. So sad, really. But then anonymity allows me to run around in an old Army T shirt and shorts – all ill fitting.

  290. SamHenry says:

    I will be in and out tonight.

  291. ohiobelle says:

    I got it!! I can tie Cap & Trade back to ACORN and The New Party that Obama is a member of..

  292. Foxwood says:

    Does anybody know how long it takes to put up a 30 minute chinese pool? 3 freakin hours!

  293. rosehips says:

    still working on dinner sh. geesh. spring rolls are time consuming. they best be good.

    looking for a sauce recipe.

    sorry bout the pool foxy. chinese goods=cheap

  294. ohiobelle says:

    Look at the names under Illinois then click on About the NP. This explains alot!!

  295. Foxwood says:

    Cheap but not so easy.

    What kind of sauce?

  296. Belle, how ludicrous!!!!!! Fair? democratic? the return of power to the people? These are states with members: Arkansas | Colorado | Illinois | Maryland | Massachusetts | Minnesota | | Montana |New York | Wisconsin

  297. ohiobelle says:

    Okay here is the way I see it.. The New Party functioned as the electoral arm of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

    In the bill they are giving states $50 billion for low-income housing and community development organizations. I believe those low-income housing developments and community organizations is ACORN.

    Anybody with me??

  298. ohiobelle says:

    hello warrantone,

    I’d have to contact them to get an updated list but I bet Nancy Pelosi is on the last. lol

  299. Belle asked: Anybody with me?? ME: Yes.

  300. Hey Belle, I bet your bet is correct! haah

  301. ohiobelle says:

    Great video Warrantone!!

  302. Foxwood says:

    What are we doing?

  303. Blogwood asked; What are we doing?

    We are watching Biblical Prophecy being fullfiled (in light of current events).

  304. ohiobelle says:

    We are talking about ACORN taking control of our 2012 Census because Barack Obama is a member of the New Party.

  305. ohiobelle says:

    We are talking about ACORN taking control of our 2010 Census because Barack Obama is a member of the New Party.

  306. Foxwood says:

    They are going to fine me $5000. I’m not taking the census.

  307. ohiobelle says:

    Oh yea and their is a SEEDS program in the Cap & Trade bill that will give states $50 billion dollars to give to ACORN…

  308. ohiobelle says:

    I’m typing too fast.. I meant there not their.. lol

  309. arlenearmy says:

    Ya’ll Im catching up on things on the blog. Turned on Foxnews & Geraldo is doing his usual. So I have to turn it off. Maybe tomorrow Foxnews will be more informative.

    I’m going to the WND & Ebay site to see what’s going on w/that birth certificate.

  310. ohiobelle says:

    SEED accounts could also be used to provide rebates to low-income individuals for the purchase of energy efficient homes and to fund grants to community development organizations for energy efficiency programs. The CBO estimates this will cost $ 50 billion through 2016. Are you wondering who are these community development organizations that will be getting $50 billion? Can you say ACORN???

    Hello Arlene, I would love to get his birth certificate but I don’t have the money right now to fly to Kenya.

  311. Don’t get me wrong folks, I’m not saying BHO is the Anti-Christ eventhough I sympathize with my good blogger friend Arlene on her feelings (who really knows) (does anybody really know what time it is?) Many of the political worldwide meetings and such that involve him, America, The Middle East, etc. are prophecie.

  312. ohiobelle says:

    Okay it’s getting late and time for me to log off.

    I am going to continue to connect the dots… I know there is a strong connection to ACORN and Cap & Trade.

  313. Foxwood says:

    $50 for ACORN? BULLCRAP!

  314. Gosh ya’ll it’s like how can we compete with the constant assaults against We The People. I am in total agreement we need/MUST continue beratting our reps to do what they must, however I feel that is we could get the Birth Cert/Passport/College Records against him and boot him out, ALL (most) would be solved.

    Does anybody agree?

  315. LisaInTX says:

    That was a very interesting link. That Nobama was on it is not surprising considering the “policies’ the “New Party” hold dear and promote!
    Sounds like another offshoot of ACORN for sure!!
    Good hunt Belle!!
    Wonder if Glenn Beck is aware of it???

  316. ACORN, poop! I don’t know what we can do except get the birth certificate, then hopefully everything since he’s been in office will/can be overturned.

  317. LisaInTX says:

    I hear ya! We are being attacked from every side and all at once…everyday it’s something new and more outrageous than the day before!!!

  318. LisaInTX says:

    I agree. But WHO will enforce it??? That is the problem IMO. NO ONE—no judge—can seem to stop this farce!!
    Being a dirty attorney has its benefits it seems. :-/

  319. LisaInTX says:

    I put up a pool ONCE!! That was enough for me NEVER to try that again. Now I just buy the hard round plastic ones and fill them up with water for the kids…heeee

  320. LisaInTX says:

    That was funny about your husband blocking CNN and MSNBC!! hahahaa…..
    That will teach those socialist that come to visit, not to over stay their welcome, huh? ;-}

  321. arlenearmy says:

    So much is going on & yes, the news cycle is moving so fast & furious that I can barely keep up. One would need a live feed to track this.

    In these current times, we are witnessing some impostures. I really feel embarrassed as an Natural Born American Citizen that Kenya thinks we are a joke. They know that we got an imposture in the WH.

  322. Hey Arlene, LisainTX been missing you lately, everyone!,

    I know America has gone from a world wide super power to a groveling, sniveling joke in less than 6 months.

    I can’t tell you how the pride of serving this country is just not there anymore for me. I would never think I would say this, but ever since I graduate Basic at Fort Jackson over 22 years ago when I saw a U.S. Flag fly I got weak in the knees, my heart skipped a beat.

    Now, I do not feel that way anymore and actually feel pretty threatened on a daily basis by this administration. Ticked off that my husband is leaving us and going to defend these rotten traitors and it won’t even be for the Commander in Chief. It will be from a creep.

  323. Hey VF, re-reading my comment if you want you can strike it. Is it just too mean? I gotta go leaving for beach in the AM (hope internet works!)

  324. rosehips says:

    hey folks… I was doing a little scratching around ebay. I got the seller’s name off WND and then checked out the guys other auctions. All his recent auctions he’s been a buyer. I checked out his most recent transactions. They were mostly currency from the Dominican Republic. But check out this auction he won on 5/27:

    Hit Man:

    A Technical Manual for
    Independent Contractors
    by Rex Feral ~ 1983

  325. rosehips says:

    I’m going to check out his other auctions. he has sold stuff but they were too long ago. You can’t see the older auctions.

    oh, and the photo he used in the auction was the same one vf loves so much…the photoshop with a cigarette hanging out of him mouth. ROTFLMAO!!!

  326. rosehips says:

    whoa, he also bought a book called:
    Run For theTrees/James R. Rand(1968)
    A sweeping novel of Africa in the Raw

    and there was one auction where he got feedback from someone but the item was listed “private” so you couldn’t see what he bought. But I went to the seller’s page and the seller is a Voo Doo seller! holy crap! He sells voodoo dolls!

  327. rosehips says:

    He also bought Cuban currency. The items you can view only go back 90 days so most of his auctions you can’t see the items.

    I think the guy is an assassin, or something.

  328. karmahd says:

    Rose, a pretend spook, the most dangerous kind!!

  329. LisaInTX says:


    Mark your calendars.

    As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman
    other than his wife naked. He must commit suicide if he does.
    So next Saturday at 2 PM Central Time, all American women are asked to walk
    out of their house completely naked to help weed out any neighborhood
    Circling your block for one hour is recommended for this anti-terrorist

    All patriotic men are to position themselves in lawn chairs in front of
    their house to prove they are not Muslims, and to demonstrate they think its
    okay to see nude women other than their wife, and to show support for all
    American women’s freedom of expression.

    Since Islam also does not approve of alcohol, a cold 6-pack at your side is
    further proof of your anti-Muslim sentiment.
    The American government appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and
    applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity.

    God bless America !

    It is your patriotic duty to pass this on.
    If you don’t send this to at least 5 people you’re a terrorist-sympathizing,
    lily-livered coward and you are in the position of posing a national
    security threat.

  330. LisaInTX says:

    In case someone takes my last post seriously—It was a JOKE sent to me in an email!! LOL….hahahaaa

  331. LisaInTX says:

    Rose and Karma. I head to bed and leave you two to root out the seller of Baracks REAL Kenyan birth certificate or else Belle and Rose may have to take that flight afterall….heeeee

  332. rosehips says:

    lol lisa, have a good night.

  333. m2 says:

    Morning guys…

    In the end, we’ll be the ones who warned everyone who didn’t want to listen. Obama is a Marxist, his goal is to handicap the nation, he cares nothing about people, allegience to the state, power to his elitist friends, and 85% of the revenue for Cap and Tax goes to Special Interests groups.

    So even if you think the Earth has gotten hotter (which since 2001 it has not), and even if you don’t know, climate change is natural and also highly sensitive to solar flares of the sun. You’re money will be in vain anyway. Fatten up the green lobbyists and GE who’s in for the cut. (A great friend of Obama.)

    Big corporate, big lobbyist, big farce, big Soros, and big stupidity. Yes, Democrat-Socialists are highly educated … in the field of trickery, and as warm and caring as a surgical steel knife.

  334. VotingFemale says:

    Good morning m2!

    Yeah… we have been warning since before the primaries were over that Obama was a Socialist with a socialist’s agenda.

    He won on the UnBush platform.

    Bush is Bush… there was good and there was not so good… and average president in my view.

    There is no analogy to Obama… he is one of a kind and hell bent on taking down the “America” he seems to hate… I said it before he was nominated… “America” to him and his wife was code for Whitey/Conservatism/Free Market Capitalism. And, he is in the process of using that as a tool to destroy the power and wealth of the United States to hand it all to “the victims.”

    But “the victim voters” will not get much if anything… it is mostly going to be handed to the Socialist Elite… at least until he is out of office and the DEM Congress and the White House is given back to Conservatives so the damage can be undone and put the country back on the correct track again.

    And this, I predict, will not happen overnight… and not without a Media assualt on Conservatives we have yet to fathom.

    In view of the words Obama finally… FINALLY spoke about the treatment of Iran Freedom Protesters by their government, I am awaiting the treatment July 4th protesters will receive from the Socialist Media.

    I await the unashamed Socialist Hypocrisy… I hope they prove me wrong.

  335. m2 says:

    I’m having comment issues…

  336. m2 says:

    “This bill is again over 1,000 pages and nobody has had time to read it all. Again, it stinks of favors, leverage and pull. 85% of the tax money that will be taken from you to make this happen will go directly to special interests. 85 cents on the dollar is going to go to business and organizations that will likely get perks from this bill. So if the money is all going to the special interest, who do you think this bill will benefit?

    85% goes to special interest

    15% goes to treasury

    100% taken from tax payers.”

  337. VotingFemale says:

    I will make a new blogpost…

    In the meantime you can open this page in two different tabs…

    Post a comment on one tab then switch to the other tab and refresh it. It is much faster…

  338. m2 says:

    Morning VF. I’m finding it exceptionally hard to believe that American citizens, Congress don’t rely on Common Sense, time and time again, with Obama. Idiots.

  339. m2 says:

    I think it was an issue with using 2 “tags”… I was trying to use blockquote and bold tag… I just gave up on blockquote.

  340. VotingFemale says:

    Politicians have been selling BS since politics came into being… probably when language developed.

    They all do it… but some are well intended and others are ill intended.

  341. rosehips says:

    morning m2, vf. how’s your trip going m2?

  342. m2 says:

    Girl their liberal hypocrisy is the only hypocrisy they’ve got. They have no moral standards at all… they are practically despots. So just to say they can hypocritical ‘liberals’ is at least a start for them.

  343. m2 says:


    it was scary. I felt the acid in my jaw… ew!

  344. VotingFemale says:

    easy way to see it set up right is to do it in the post editor visual mode then switch to HTML mode and look at the control codes

  345. m2 says:

    Other than that, it’s been a lot of driving, the 3-hours to Columbus, on Sat. 2-hours to Youngstown, then Sat night 2-hours to Cleveland.

  346. VotingFemale says:

    ahhh… I see you now… Good Morning Rose!

  347. samiam60 says:

    Good Morning VF, Rose, and M2. I have a pm for you M2 that might be important in your travels.

  348. rosehips says:

    msg poisoning? ouch? I didn’t know the Japanese were that fond of msg. yuck.

  349. m2 says:


    I also went to MoMo2 in Columbus. It used to be such quality Bubble tea. I took a detour there, and everything. But man has the tea gone down hill! It tasted like dish soap! I got jasmine green milk bubble tea.


  350. rosehips says:

    m2, I am so curious to try some of that bubble tea. I have never heard of it but from you. I wonder if it is going to get popular out here some day?

  351. m2 says:

    It’s one of those places where they cook in front of you. I guess they were using the soy sauce with MSG in it. My hibachi chicken was brown with MSG.

    LOL …

  352. VotingFemale says:

    Sorry to hear about your indigestion issue, m2.

    Japanese hate MSG as much as Americans… I highly doubt that was the problem but something set off your indigestion. Certain foods do that to me like bacon, bananas, sausage and some others.

  353. rosehips says:

    and good morning sami!

    hey I made some “immoral” mushroom spring rolls last night, sami. All the mushroom talk reminded me that I have half a gallon of dried morel mushrooms in my cupboard. I need to start clearing out my stocks in prep for my future move.

  354. m2 says:


    Some ppl don’t like the idea of the little dark colored tapioca balls, but trust- they are good.

  355. VotingFemale says:

    Good morning samiam! recovered from your Chinese kiddie pool build?

  356. m2 says:

    Hey guys, I’m going to call up my college bud and go get a bagel. Will be back on later today for sure. Check out the new blogpost and all…

    Catch ya later!

  357. VotingFemale says:

    gotta go prepare breakfast… see you all after breakfast!

  358. samiam60 says:

    VF said:
    Good morning samiam! recovered from your Chinese kiddie pool build?

    LOL, that was Foxwood’s pool. I missed being on yesterday but was on the road from 8 am till 10 pm with frequent stops. No fun getting old.

  359. rosehips says:

    about that cap and trade….

    it amazes me that people can vilify our legislators who are making difficult decisions that will impact their constituents financially. No one really wants to be forced to conserve or reduce harmful emissions. You can all dismiss the warnings about the impact we have on earth and ultimately human kind. Each time I think about the almost 7 billion people all consuming earth’s resources… cutting trees, driving vehicles, burning, burning, burning fuels….how can this not have an impact? How can reducing our energy use not have a positive impact?

    It doesn’t surprise me that there are those who will turn it around to find some dastardly plot to profit from the disaster. I can’t for the life of me understand how intelligent people can’t admit we are destroying the planet with our selfish lifestyles.

    and I have to say that I am a bit insulted by the accusation of the lack of moral standards of liberals. I think this trend crosses party lines and can be said about our nation as a whole.

  360. rosehips says:

    I think the 8 Republican reps who voted for cap and trade should be commended. I’m sure they knew what they would be faced with (although perhaps not to the extent that they have) if they voted for the bill. But I believe they voted with their consciences and for their constituents’ best interests. Of course political wheeling and dealing was most likely involved. it’s the sad reality of our flawed system.

  361. rosehips says:

    I guess I am talkin’ to myself. I have left my weekly assignment to the last day so I will need to devote some of my time to getting it all done today. I think I should get a start on it while there is a lull in the convo here.

  362. karmahd says:

    M2 What Be Bubble TEA?? I have never heard of that??

  363. karmahd says:

    Morning Rose are you black or white today, as in which opposite side you taking of the argument, RUT RO I have not had coffee, I better go now!!

  364. samiam60 says:

    Rose I read your comments and can only say that I don’t think it is that black and white imo. There is far more to this subject than any of our opinions.
    Hi Karma.

  365. karmahd says:

    Ok all alone again, poor me time to go get my Cuban coffee, adios amigos

  366. LisaInTX says:

    Good Morning all.
    Rose, I’d like to address that Crap and trade bill. It is not about a green planet, but about power and control OVER us. That is what you are not understanding.
    Those “Legislators” could care less about us and they are merely voting for more socialism and destruction of America as we know it.
    Read the constitution and please tell me where it states that government has been granted this type of control over We The People?
    Then go read up on the Policies of Hitler and the SS and find the truth.
    I’m heading out to do chores…bbl

  367. LisaInTX says:

    Heritage Foundations estimates that the cap-and-trade Carbon Tax will:

    “Reduce aggregate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by
    $9.6 trillion”

    “Destroy up to 2.5 million jobs in some years”

    “Raise electric rates 90%, gasoline prices by 74%, and
    natural gas prices by 55% after adjusting for inflation”

    “Raise a typical family’s average annual energy bill
    by $1,500.”

  368. samiam60 says:

    Well I simply must run for now. Need to help a friend with a Chicken Coup. Can’t believe I am going to help build this thing. This will be like the old show Home Improvement. Have a great day.

  369. rosehips says:

    see ya sami!

    lisa, I think the Heritage Foundation is greatly exaggerating, but I get your point.

    I was just thinking how I really want to resign myself to the fact that we can’t change or control people. Our society has created a monster, the Great American Monster. The Greatest monster of all time. I know we are the greatest in many things. We are innovative and smart. We are independent. or at least we used to be. I don’t think it’s the liberals or socialists or communists that created the problem. I think they want to fix it. It’s a futile goal, imo. I am all for letting fate take it’s course and not trying to fight it. I can live, and possibly die, with that.

    karma, black or white? I am feeling a bit grey this morning actually, lol.

  370. LisaInTX says:

    And what about all the crap they stuck in there that is NOT even Energy related????
    Please explain that tactic?? Tell me it wasn’t done for a reason or purpose? They knew they would NEVER get some of the crap passed any other way, so they , like the thieves in the night they are, put those in to get around having to vote on them .
    Those lying corrupt liberals did the exact same thing with ALL the other bills they have passed!!
    Tell me all those special interest groups that will be awarded OUR damned money are not dancing a jig in the street at the tax payers expense!
    This is wrong on so many levels it just infuriates me to absolutely NO END!!!
    Okay…must focus on chores now…and watch my blood pressure!!

  371. rosehips says:

    and good morning to you karma and lisa!

  372. LisaInTX says:

    lol….you ARE being controlled!! How can you not see that? We ALL are being control by the corruption and this bill, if it passes the senate, will grant them untold POWER and CONTROL, the likes our nation has NEVER seen before!

  373. rosehips says:

    lisa, sorry you have to leave so soon. C’mon. you know that is done with every bill. It is common no matter who writes the bill. It actually saves tax dollars. If every single issue had a separate bill, we’d be paying Congress overtime, or something.

    It’s all part of the political game they play. I’ll vote for this, if you include that. Is there not anything in the bill that is a plum for a Republican?

    anyway, get to work girl. how’s the move coming? I always admire your work ethic. You are definately someone I would want nearby if we ever come to see the “Postman” scenario.

  374. rosehips says:

    and everytime this page refreshes I see Mary Bono, who is a dead ringer for my younger sister Amy. funny.

  375. karmahd says:

    Last comment before I go, the Cost us and Trade bill, from first blush is nothing more than another tax to further assist the politicians in cementing their positions and establishing more control over the people. This bill like the stimulus bill which was passed without reading by 99% of the congress of which only 10% of the funds has been dispersed, is a way of opening up future pet spending projects and getting an open check for spending for the Democratic party to used to buy the next election. They are now organizing who they will pay off to win valuable seats with our tax money. The main goal of congress is to represent the PEOPLE, this is clearly not being done and they are spending so beyond reasonable means and hiding the true purpose of this spending in altruistic sounding bills to see the American public a line of bull shiznet.

    As I have come to find out, the best minds in the world do not know if reducing global emissions is really the true answer to our problems, so why is it really so important to pass this bill, when we have continue and rampant unemployment which is not being address, nor is the housing issue? Hell the answer to the housing and finance issue is the proposed bill to further control the financial markets and increase the cost of money by implementing additions regulations and bringing that control under the governments auspicis!!!

    We are witnessing a coup, a smooth talking take over of our freedoms, while the uninformed citizen sits by with his thumb up his ass wondering what hit him for those who know, and the cheerleaders on the side of ignorance???

    WAKE UP PEOPLE, we are being taken over by our own government!!!!!! THIS IS NOT FREEDOM…

  376. karmahd says:

    And good morning to all Lisa VF M2 Samiam and Rose. I am leaving now, feel free to comment…

  377. rosehips says:

    The Iranian government has seized and detained several hundred activists, journalists and students across the nation, in one of the most extensive crackdowns on key dissidents since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

    In other news:
    LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles police completed an “extensive interview” Saturday night with the doctor who was with Michael Jackson when the pop star went into cardiac arrest, and a source close to the investigation said detectives found “no red flag” during discussions about the death.

  378. rosehips says:

    hey karma, thanks for the WAKE-UP call. I needed that. lol (on my second cup.)

  379. karmahd says:

    coup d’etat I meant to say

  380. karmahd says:

    You are welcome Rose, this administration has a single minded goal of spreading its tentacles so deep into our pockets to control there futures is is outright thievery!!!!!

  381. rosehips says:

    Well, I ‘m sure my two senators, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are on the Obama bus so it probably won’t make a difference if I call them. But maybe I should ask them about the economic impacts of this bill and tell them I have doubts about whether it will do any good for the environment. I really have serious doubts whether reducing our footprint by 20% will make any difference whatsoever.

  382. karmahd says:

    now I am stuttering “is is” should be it is

  383. rosehips says:

    karma, forget about the typos. i rarely bother with corrections.

  384. karmahd says:

    Well at least Iran is back up as the main topic on CNN!!

  385. rosehips says:

    i hadn’t even noticed. I think we sometimes read like we type. if it makes more sense, we’ll see it instead of is, knew what i mean?

  386. rosehips says:

    I guess mj really draws in the numbers and they have to keep their viewers and advertisers happy. geeesh

  387. rosehips says:

    i guess i should turn on the tv. I haven’t watched much. I am sad for Michael but was never a huge fan but you can’t help but be intrigued by such an enigma. I don’t want to get sucked into all that. It could be easy to be absorbed by his death, as I assume millions are. I still haven’t dug out my Rolling Stone issues with mj on the covers. I think I’ll go do that now. This is absolutely the time to sell them. They will probably never be more valuable. bbl.

  388. LisaInTX says:

    And therein lies our discontent!! That they would dare pass things without reading them and to do so without any concept, nor care, of the far reaching effects of their dereliction of fiduciary duty!

  389. LisaInTX says:

    Well said my friend!!!

    I feel BETRAYED by our government and the lack of representation of being taxed beyond common sense. That “helpless feeling” is not something I tollerate willingly and NEVER have! I’m a fighter for my rights and for what I feel is good in this country and shall go down fighting with my last breath!
    Hint: What is happening in Iran, could be a sign of our own future under this administration. How is that for a wake up call???

  390. LisaInTX says:

    Huh? Needing more coffee??lol

    “I am leaving now, feel free to comment…”

  391. rosehips says:

    lisa, I understand that betrayal. I have felt it many times.

  392. rosehips says:

    well I found my MJ Rolling Stone covers from 1983, 84 and ’92, all in excellent shape. I gotta check out what they are going for. I also found one with David Letterman on cover from 1982. lol
    none of Farrah Fawcett and I have almost all the early 80’s issues. Maybe she wasn’t so iconic as I thought. (that was a discussion we were having on zygote’s recent ireport.)

  393. rosehips says:

    and I am sorry to be off topic. I know noone cares about my rolling stone collection. heeheee

  394. VotingFemale says:

    since when was it ever a good idea to take politics personally?

    This is not about Rosehips… this is about the future of the country. And as I see it… the Socialists have created a red herring in the form of Al “I invented the internet” Gore’s scam that a) the climate is warming and b) it is the fault of the USA thus the responsibility of the Socialists to tax the crap out of America to FIX a non existent problem… and will instead use the money to control the lives of all Americans at the MICRO level.

    rosehips says
    and I have to say that I am a bit insulted by the accusation of the lack of moral standards of liberals. I think this trend crosses party lines and can be said about our nation as a whole.

  395. VotingFemale says:

    And if TAX and Crap was such a good idea…

    Why did it fail twice in voting in a DEM super majority House? And why did 44 DEMs vote against it?

    It is BS of Biblical Proportions and liberal rank and file think anything said by a Socialist Potitician has got to be truthful… God, isn’t Faith and Hope something? Got Religion?

  396. rosehips says:

    oh I know that vf. I didn’t think that m2 was talking about me. I know she wasn’t. But I guess I take it personally when blanket statements are made about liberals. I guess I shouldn’t. But it doesn’t seem fair to generalize about liberals as it also is not fair to generalize about conservatives.
    I guess I have been indoctrinated for so long that conservatives have no morals that it is shocking to see the same tactic being used by the other side. hahaha

  397. VotingFemale says:

    The Majority of this country is not Liberal… it is Moderate…. and tolerance of extremism of either left or right that gets out of hand ENDS with the majority of voters reseting the problem with elections…

    Meanwhile the Socialists in power are running amok like looters in a jewelry store during a police strike.

  398. rosehips says:

    vf, faith and hope is sometimes all we have to cling to. I think cap and trade is a compromise. It is better than just regulating emissions across the board. It will reward companies that reduce and it will make those who don’t pay. I hate that it will allow polluters to continue to pollute as long as they pay for it and then alas, those greedy bastards pass the costs on to the consumer, as all good capitalists do.

    did you see that the oil and gas industry made record profits last year? I bet they’ll factor in added profits when they raise our rates.

    The gov’t really could control us way more than their proposals to regulate polluters and make them accountable. We all are ultimately accountable for our consumption. Americans will some day be held up as examples of excess. Is this the legacy we want for our beloved country?

  399. VotingFemale says:

    mmmm…. both sides use blanket statements… doesn’t mean too much… and everyone here knows that most people are moderates… the minority extremes on left and right combined do not equal the moderate majority in numbers.

    The moderate majority swing vote even though the are in a spread plus minus center of the road.

    I try to reach out to moderates all the time… so when I rant about socialists… they know they are not socialists (extremists) and dont take it personally.

    And while you throw out zingers like we all do… I know you to be a left of center moderate deep down… you just like to externally “define” your self as a pinko chick! hahahahahahaha

  400. LisaInTX says:


    Damn girl! Please take time to read and understand exactly what that monster bill is!! How many ways can it be explained the bill is NOT about saving the environment, it is about POWER and CONTROL over the everyday lives of Americans!!
    They will be telling you to raise your hand or call them to confirm WHEN you can go to the bathroom to take a BM!! That is how invasive and far reaching this CRAP is!

  401. LisaInTX says:

    Big Government is the problem not the answer! You seem to state they are going to be the saviors of our nation when in fact, with every new outrageous unread bill they pass, it becomes very clear, they are destroying everything that means anything in this country.

    Okay…getting really pissed off at the total duplicity of it all—heading to town for awhile—maybe go watch the new Transformers movie to escape from reality for 2 hrs….shaking my head at the insanity of it all.

  402. rosehips says:

    lol @ pinko chick. I can’t let go of my image of a Patty Hearst-like revolutionary with my beret and semi. lol. I always wanted to be an outlaw. hahahha

    lisa, lol. they may not be able to control when we crap, but they may tell us when we can flush! I would not be surprised. the day might come.

  403. rosehips says:

    lisa, did you not receive my memo?

    Flash…. I do NOT think Obama will save us. I don’t think anyone possibly can. It is my new mantra. Like my friend Roger used to say over and over to himself when he was working in salmon restoration: “Too little, too late”

    We should have started 30 years ago. I don’t think anyone can save us. Our fate is now in the hands of our gods. May the Creator have mercy on our souls.

  404. rosehips says:

    and lisa, sorry if I piss you off and contribute to your personal “global warming”. Don’t blow a gasket and get your blood pressure shooting up. Things all have a way of working out, no?

    Enjoy the movie. An air conditioned theater is always nice during a heat wave.

  405. VotingFemale says:

    Smart Power… every house having a government eye watching what is used and what time of the day it is used and for how long it is used with the provisions for the government to turn off things or ration wattage depending on the whim of the government is coming… and dont think for one second that it will not be used for political reward and punishment….

    and I expect there will be a host of programmers who can fiddle it… if it is ever installed in people’s house. That level of Government snooping and control just elevates the counter tactics of the population to thwart government controlling their lives at the micro level.

  406. rosehips says:

    I guess I’m all alone again.

    I should get started on my assignment. I will check back soon. Still planning a new post vf?

  407. LisaInTX says:

    Apathy is not the answer either, though with all that this admin is hitting us with everyday, I contend it’s very hard not to be.
    It is without a doubt, overwhelming, and the more so it gets, the madder I personally, am becoming.
    They are doing this for tactical reasons and following it by the text book of Marxism to overthrow everything that our forefathers signed into being under our constitution.
    They want INTERNATIONAL LAW to rule here and are hell bent for leather to get it done before the next elections!

  408. VotingFemale says:

    Rose, yes I am going to go make a new post…

    it is time for the blog’s first Sotomayor blogpost…

    The USSC will announce it’s Conn. Firefighter racism on whites decision… Sonya will figure into it regardless of the decision as she was the FED Appeals court judge that came down on the side of racism against whites.

  409. LisaInTX says:

    You say one thing , then another. So which is it? The government gonna save us or not?
    You agree about the crap and trade, yet now say its too late? I say it was never the main issue.

    IMO, Obama would say its never too late to control the masses. He Hopes” that you and others that feel as you or think as you, remain exactly like you are—indifferent to the ‘changes” he is making in America—it will make his transformation of our nation into the United Socialist States of America, all the easier.

  410. rosehips says:

    lisa, maybe y’all are having an influence on me. lol
    I say one thing for debate purposes and because I want to believe in what I say. I say another because it is how I really feel. Duplicity?
    I guess. I really confused and disillusioned and clinging to what I have always believed. It’s so hard to let go, ya know? sigh.

  411. rosehips says:

    maybe I”m bi-polar, eh?

  412. SamHenry says:

    VF Rose that Texas Horsewoman/kisser

    Rose – yes you are bi-polar and so am I. That is a given. That is why we are so perceptive, creative and full of ideas. Questions?

  413. SamHenry says:

    Lisa – horse huggers have a harder life that tree huggers: you can get kicked in the arse at any moment – it happened to me big time and I’m a big horse lover! Still am. When was the last time you read about a tree hugger who had a tree fall on them?

  414. Foxwood says:

    Morning all,

    “they may not be able to control when we crap, but they may tell us when we can flush!”

    They already do. You can’t get a decent crapper anymore, Federal regs tell crapper manufactures ho much water to flush.

  415. Foxwood says:

    BRB, I gotta let my Navagator run an our to stop global cooling.

  416. Foxwood says:

    hour, our, ow-RRRR…

  417. rosehips says:

    sh, only one question: Can you spare some of yer meds? lol

    we crazy, fo’ sho’

    sh said: Rose – yes you are bi-polar and so am I. That is a given. That is why we are so perceptive, creative and full of ideas. Questions?

  418. SamHenry says:

    Morning fox – I watched “Reliable Sources” on CNN this AM – and ALL journalists on board said too much wall to wall MJ coverage. I made a post about that at iReport and one comment was “heartless.” I wrote back – no practical. I want to know what is going on in the world that will affect me.

  419. SamHenry says:

    Meds on demand Rose that’s me. I’m an enabler! Seriously, I guess I have to take more of them because I had a dream last night that I uploaded a vid and did not know it was R rated. VF made a comment that went something like. “SH, well, er, mmmmmmm, mumble mumble – SH you really do need to let me know before you upload such a thing. That is blog policy.” I was so embarrassed and confessed I had not watched it before upload that the title was irresistible.

  420. rosehips says:

    that is too funny sh.

  421. rosehips says:

    wow, so you dream about blogging here?

  422. Foxwood says:

    Just so everyone knows, I don’t believe in man made Global Anything. We might pollute, but our carbon emissions are not warming all of the planets. I will not stop grilling out because AlGore says we’re killing the planet. I can guarantee AlGore, George Soros, BHO, and anyother hypocrite is not going to stop heating and warming their house, driving their SUVs, flying their private planes. It’s a money scam and they hope enough people buy into it to fund themselves.

  423. SamHenry says:

    Rose – I am so sleep deprived that I dream while I am on here! I just blog too much and post vids too much. I need more dreams of lunch with friends although with costs being what they are – that is also a dream.

  424. rosehips says:

    I think I need to go find a pic of my sister and put it side by side with Mary Bono. If indeed there is a strong resemblance as I think when I see mb’s pic, I will post the pics side by side on wordpress and you’ll have to tell me if you agree.

  425. Foxwood says:

    Know what you mean SamH, I’m getting tired of MJ and want some REAL news.

  426. SamHenry says:

    Rose – see – now you want to post a pick of your sister with her evil twin, Mary Bono. See how the media seeps into our lives. The media are our lives. I post bad vids in my dreams hoping VF will kick me off so that my blogging will be controlled. You and I have discussed our addictive blogging. At least we are not gambling.

  427. rosehips says:

    foxy, good morning. I agree it is hypocritical to waste energy while you try to limit its use. That is why I might have to reverse my position. Otherwise, when I get onto that big ol’ jet airliner in August when I go see my family, I should have a capital “H” embroidered on my tank top.

  428. SamHenry says:

    H – convenient it also stands for your own good name. Sorry, you will have to go to another novel for solace.

  429. rosehips says:

    lol sh. I have a “liberal” friend who to me is the spitting image of Ari Fleischer…I call Ari his evil twin. haahaha

    I really don’t think Bono is evil, do you? She does represent the evil, greedy capitalists of the Palm Springs area though. lol

  430. rosehips says:

    sh, why don’t you just post my ss # next? It will be tattooed on our forheads soon anyway. lol

  431. SamHenry says:

    Sorry – H. I think the vet implanted a chip in me the last time I was in.

  432. rosehips says:

    only kidding you, sh. you aren’t really giving away any big secrets…

  433. Foxwood says:

    “when I get onto that big ol’ jet airliner in August when I go see my family, I should have a capital “H” embroidered on my tank top.”

    Naaa! Just plant a tree. 🙂

  434. Foxwood says:

    I am grilling out today. My kids are over. Hence, the pool. Well really for the grandkids. But, I’ll be in and out today.

  435. rosehips says:

    foxy, good idea re: planting tree. offsets are great for relieving guilt. ;-0

    have fun today with the fam damly.

    Billy Mays, the pitchman who yells in those commercials, like for Oxyclean, is dead at 50. Another 50 year old celebrity…well, ok maybe celebrity is a stretch. But who of us hasn’t heard him shout at us about some amazing, un-frickin’ believable product? I don’t think i’ve every tried any of his products but I admit he almost had me one time, I forget when. lol

  436. Foxwood says:

    Not wanting to get confrontational, just an exercise. A what if.

    We don’t know the global/solar system science. What if, AlGore, George Soros, Barack, John Edwards, etc. All know this. Their only goal is to fleece the populace and then can control them on top of that.

    To me, that is more than a real possibility. Does anybody know what’s in the Crap and Trade bill? Has anyone read it? And I don’t mean speed read it.

  437. Foxwood says:

    Damn! I hated him, but not that much.


  438. Foxwood says:

    The guy was an entrepreneur, and you can’t fault him for that.

  439. SamHenry says:

    Rose – I’ve got it. We write a book together: The Compleate Bi-Polar Blogger.” It will have the same format of the ancient tome “The Compleate Angler.”

  440. SamHenry says:

    I just hope we don’t interrupt regular programming to announce yet another celebrity death – no matter the cause – no matter the import of the celebrity. Perhaps Joan Rivers who literally got plastic surgery – it’s a plastic head implante.

  441. rosehips says:

    sh, omg…when I saw joan rivers the other day I almost croaked. holy face implant batman! Was it a coincidence that they had the second most cosmetically transformed person (not counting reconstructive surgeries for deformities, accidents etc) on the planet as a guest commenting on mj’s death?

  442. VotingFemale says:

    Hi Fox and Samh! Hi again Rose and Lisa!

    The new blogpost is done… let’s move commenting over to it for faster reloads…

    Obama’s Secret Weapon against Gun Ownership; Sotomayor enters the arena

  443. Pingback: HR 2454 Barely Passed, 219 - 212 « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  444. Pingback: John Boehner: Champion for Americans, Reads Aloud the Shocking Additions to the Global Warming Tax Increase Bill « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  445. LisaInTX says:

    Someone posted earlier about the Global Poverty Act. Here is a video of Beck on this subject.

  446. LisaInTX says:

    This is the letter I received from my rep.

    Dear Friend:

    Thank you for contacting me regarding the American Clean Energy and Security Act. I welcome your thoughts and comments.

    In our effort to reduce emissions, I believe we must invest in alternative sources of energy. Wind, solar, nuclear, and biomass are clean, safe and effective sources of power. Their increased use would create thousands of jobs and allow us to produce energy for Americans, by Americans.

    Some Members of Congress have expressed their intent to mandate a cap-and-trade policy to be imposed on all Americans. I believe that cap-and-trade would increase energy prices. In 2008, Peter Orszag, who then served as the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, and who now serves as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, testified before the U.S. Senate’s Committee on Finance on the implications of a cap-and-trade regime. In his testimony, Director Orszag stated, “Under a cap-and-trade program, firms would not ultimately bear most of the costs of the allowances but instead would pass them along to their customers in the form of higher prices.”

    For this reason, I believe that a cap-and-trade approach to address climate change would be onerous and would adversely impact the economy. It could create economic hardship for farmers, ranchers, workers and small businesses, in addition to consumers. The last thing our nation needs during this time of economic hardship is higher energy prices and higher levels of unemployment due to a federal mandate passed down from Washington.

    As cap-and-trade legislation comes before the Senate, I will keep your comments in mind. I appreciate hearing from you, and I hope you will not hesitate to keep in touch on any issue that is important to you.

    Kay Bailey Hutchison
    United States Senator

    284 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    202-224-5922 (tel)
    202-224-0776 (fax)

  447. Pingback: Polar Bear Numbers Surge to 50-Year High, Obama’s Approval Rating Plunges to New Dismal Low « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  448. Pingback: Who Is This Republican Turncoat Dave Reichert, and Why Is Washington State Ready to String Him Up? « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  449. Pingback: Cap-and-Trade Energy Tax Bill… We’re in the Middle of Pretending to Save the Planet, Baby « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  450. Pingback: Applause: Contacting Senators about Cap-and-Trade Travesty Paying Off: Global Warming Hoax Tax Vote Put on Hold « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  451. Pingback: Section 304: Global Warming Bill Tyranny in Your Home « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  452. Pingback: Op-Ed Cartoons: Al Gore’s Global Warming Scam « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  453. samhenry says:

    Well I enjoyed my visit to the Frugal Cafe and I came away with a sentence close to the heart of any Western New Yorker:

    Founding Bloggers: Nothing Says Global Warming Like 59 Degrees On July 1st!

  454. Pingback: Cap and Trade Shocker: Will Americans Be Forced by Commerce Sec. Gary Locke & Democrats to Pay for China’s Global Warming Emissions? « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  455. Pingback: Sen. Jim Inhofe Asks the $64,000 Question: Why Are We Debating This Meaningless Climate Bill? (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  456. Pingback: Rasmussen Report: American Majority, 72%, Against Obama Controlling Their Light Bulbs « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  457. Pingback: NYT Publishes Desperate, Silly Nonsense about Global Warming Hoax: John Kerry Now Claims “Climate Change” Will Threaten National Security « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  458. Pingback: Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration: Death Blow to Global Warming Tax? (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  459. Pingback: Benjamin Thomas, American Extremist: MSM Waking Up to Cap and Trade? (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  460. Pingback: More Cockiness from WH: Energy Sec. Steven Chu Insults Americans, Compares to ‘Unruly Teenagers’ Needing Government As ‘Parents’ to Teach Them about Using Energy « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  461. Pingback: Debunking Global Warming: From Idaho to Chicago… Early Snow! Global Warming a Political Tool, Mocked by Mother Nature’s Record Global Cooling Trend (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

  462. Pingback: Debunking Global Warming: From Idaho to Chicago… Early Snow! Global Warming a Political Tool, Mocked by Mother Nature’s Record Global Cooling Trend (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

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